BrainBoom Word Riddles Quiz Answers Cheats All Levels
BrainBoom Answers riddles cheat to all levels are provided on this page, this game is developed by WORD PUZZLE and it is available on Google play store.
BrainBoom is the perfect word puzzle game to exercise your brain with hundreds of word riddles. Word Riddles will surely entertain you for hours and train your brain limit. Tons of Tricky Riddles and brain teasers to Solve. Use hints to solve the answer in a tricky situation. Here you will find all the answers to BrainBoom on this page. Bookmark this page so that you can get help from this single page.
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BrainBoom Answers All Levels:
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1: Photo-CAR |
2: What liquid can contain the soul?-INK |
3: Photo-ORANGE |
4: What’s higher than the king?-CROWN |
5: Photo-THAILAND |
6: What can go through glass without breaking it?-LIGHT |
7: Photo-LONDON |
8: Take off my skin.I won’t cry but you will.What am I?-ONION |
9: Photo-THOR |
10: If I drink, I die. If I eat, I am fine. What am I?-FIRE |
11: Photo-BOXING |
12: Many have heard me, but nobody has seen me, and I will not speak back until spoken to. What am I?-ECHO |
13: Photo-NET |
14: What month do soldiers hate?-MARCH |
15: Photo-BATH |
16: What can’t be used until it’s broken?-EGG |
17: Photo-BEER |
18: What fruit is never found singly?-PEAR |
19: Photo-JACK IN A BOX |
20: What do dogs and trees have in common?-BARK |
21: Photo-REDBULL |
22: What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?-CARROT |
23: Photo-EYESHADOW |
24: The alphabet goes from A to Z. What goes from Z to A?-ZEBRA |
25: Photo-BE QUIET |
26: What animal is best at hitting a baseball?-BAT |
27: Photo-NORWAY |
28: What is the saddest fruit?-BLUEBERRY |
29: Photo-POND |
30: What flowers have two lips?-TULIPS |
32: What comes down but never goes up?-RAIN |
33: Photo-PILLOW |
34: What can you catch but not throw?-COLD |
35: Photo-FADE AWAY |
36: What is used by man, tossed by trees, everywhere but unseen?-OXYGEN |
37: Photo-BANANA SPLIT |
38: What flies around all day but never goes anywhere?-FLAG |
39: Photo-BEETROOT |
40: What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?-SHORT |
41: Photo-WEEKEND |
42: What can you put in the bottom of a wooden barrel to make it lighter?-HOLE |
43: Photo-POKEMON |
44: It is a path of cow juice spread across the sky but cannot be seen by the naked eye.-MILKY WAY |
45: Photo-JACK FRUIT |
46: What do you call a witch at the beach?-SANDWICH |
47: Photo-FROZEN |
48: What goes in the water red, and comes out black?-IRON |
49: Photo-PINEAPPLE |
50: What starts with “T”, ends with “T”, and is full of “T”?-TEAPOT |
51: Photo-FRANCE |
52: What are you certain to find inside your pocket when you reach into it?-HAND |
53: Photo-TWO LEFT FEET |
54: I can wake you up in the morning but I require no electricity or winding. What am I?-ROOSTER |
55: Photo-CHEAT |
56: What can pierce one’s ears without a hole?-NOISE |
57: Photo-PORTUGAL |
58: If Trump and Daisy Duck had a son what would they name him?-DONALD DUCK |
59: Photo-OSCAR |
60: Do what he says and you’ll be fine, don’t and you lose the game.Who is he?-SIMON |
61: Photo-TOY STORY |
62: It is the electronic version of junk mail or a salty meat in a can.-SPAM |
63: Photo-OREO |
64: What word is that, which, deprived of its first letter, leaves you sick?-MUSIC |
65: Photo-STAR WARS |
66: The faster you run, the harder it is to catch me. What am I?-BREATH |
67: Photo-SAND |
68: The day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Saturday. What day is it today?-FRIDAY |
69: Photo-NEED FOR SPEED |
70: Which vehicle is spelled the same forwards and backwards?-RACECAR |
71: Photo-SPLIT LEVEL |
72: What book has the most stirring chapters?-COOK BOOK |
73: Photo-BUTTERFLY |
74: Who eats a lot of iron without getting sick?-RUST |
75: Photo-VISIT |
76: What’s an insect’s favourite sport?-CRICKET |
77: Photo-ONCE UPON A TIME |
78: I have married many women but has never been married. What am I?-PRIEST |
79: Photo-DISCOVERY |
80: What kind of ribbons do politicians use?-RED TAPE |
81: Photo-HOLE IN ONE |
82: What age most travelers have?-BAGGAGE |
83: Photo-PIRATE SHIP |
84: What odd number becomes even if you take away one letter?-SEVEN |
85: Photo-ON CLOUD NINE |
86: A clerk in the butcher shop is 5 feet, 10 inches tall. What does he weigh?-MEAT |
87: Photo-HOUSE WIFE |
88: What fruit is of great use in history?-DATE |
89: Photo-SPONGEBOB |
90: I have a hundred legs but cannot stand, a long neck but no head; I eat the maid’s life. What am I?-BROOM |
91: Photo-HALF HEARTED |
92: During what month do people sleep the least?-FEBRUARY |
93: Photo-UP FOR GRABS |
94: What has one eye but cannot see?-NEEDLE |
95: Photo-PART TIME WORK |
96: What kind of cup doesn’t hold water?-CUPCAKE |
97: Photo-BRAZIL |
98: What has a foot but no leg?-RULER |
99: Photo-PANDA |
100: Photo-NOTEBOOK |
101: A long snake that smokes. What am I?-TRAIN |
102: Photo-DECIDE |
103: It speaks without a tongue, and listens without ears.-PHONE |
104: Photo-AS BOLD AS BRASS |
105: I am everywhere but cannot be seen, captured or held, only heard. What am I?-VOICE |
106: Photo-HALLOWEEN |
107: What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?-ICE |
108: Photo-UP TO NO GOOD |
109: You use it between your head and your toes, the more it works the thinner it grows. What is it?-SOAP |
110: Photo-FREE FOR ALL |
111: When you are a child you are forced to take them. When you are an adult you want to take them.-NAPS |
112: Photo-ODDS AND ENDS |
113: What’s full of holes but still holds water?-SPONGE |
114: Photo-DUKE |
115: Which ‘BUS’ could cross the ocean?-COLUMBUS |
116: Photo-NO BIGGIE |
117: What one word has the most letters in it?-ALPHABET |
118: Photo-SKYWALKER |
119: What six letter word when you take away one letter leaves twelve?-DOZENS |
120: Photo-DOG IN A MANGER |
121: I go up and I go down, towards the sky and the ground. I’m present and past tense too, Let’s go for a ride, me and you. What am I?-SEESAW |
122: Photo-FINLAND |
123: What type of music do rabbits listen to?-HIP HOP |
125: What always goes to bed with its shoes on?-HORSE |
127: Without what would everyone lose their head?-NECK |
129: What fish only swims at night?-STARFISH |
130: Photo-NIGHTMARE |
131: Photo-FIREFOX |
132: What do you call a rabbit with fleas?-BUGS BUNNY |
133: Photo-POTATO |
134: What is it that no man wants, but no man wants to lose?-LAWSUIT |
135: Photo-SNAIL |
136: Where do fish keep their money?-RIVERBANK |
138: A fruit on a tree. A tree on a fruit.What is it?-PINEAPPLE |
139: Photo-IRON MAN |
140: What is the wealthiest nut?-CASHEW |
141: Photo-TRIPOD |
142: What is given but kept by the giver?-BIRTH |
143: Photo-HOT DOG |
144: I am an animal named after the animal that I eat, what am I?-ANTEATER |
145: Photo-COPYCAT |
146: What grows bigger the more you contract it?-DEBT |
147: Photo-THINKING |
148: What word is the same written forward, backward and upside down?-NOON |
149: Photo-ACE OF BASE |
150: Who works when he plays and plays when he works?-MUSICIAN |
151: Photo-SOIL |
152: What animal gives away money and says moo?-CASH COW |
153: Photo-FRUIT JUICE |
154: What is the strongest creature in the sea?-MUSSEL |
155: Photo-CORN FLAKES |
156: What is between heaven and earth?-AND |
157: Photo-MONTH |
158: Hink Pink Clue:nA cloudy 24 hours-GRAY DAY |
159: Photo-SCRABBLE |
160: If you eat me, my sender will eat you. What am I?-FISHHOOK |
161: Photo-TOO BIG TO IGNORE |
162: What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don’t want to use it?-ANCHOR |
163: Photo-SEE EYE TO EYE |
164: I can fall off a building and live but in water I will die. What am I?-PAPER |
165: Photo-SERBIA |
166: What’s black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you’re all through with it?-CHARCOAL |
167: Photo-NOVEL |
168: What do you call a grumpy cow?-MOODY |
169: Photo-GIVE NO QUARTER |
170: Which tree is the most difficult to get along with?-CRAB TREE |
171: Photo-FEEL FREE |
172: Though I dance at a ball, I am nothing at all.-SHADOW |
173: Photo-REDUCTION |
174: If I am holding a bee, what do I have in my eye?-BEAUTY |
175: Photo-FINDING NEMO |
176: I am a nut with a hole. What am I?-DONUT |
178: What has four fingers and one thumb, but is not alive?-GLOVE |
179: Photo-CARDBOARD |
180: You shoot me but I don’t die. You hang me but I don’t die. What am I?-PICTURE |
181: Photo-BELGIUM |
182: I am the most famous dinner. What am I?-LAST SUPPER |
183: Photo-SUMMARY |
185: It covers you, you lose it every day and you’d die without it.-SKIN |
186: Photo-DOWNPIPE |
187: Your mother’s brother’s only brother-in-law is asleep on your couch. Who is asleep on your couch?-YOUR FATHER |
188: Photo-TOTAL LOSS |
189: What is broken if you mention its name?-SILENCE |
190: Photo-LADYBUG |
191: What has six faces and twentyone eyes?-DICE |
192: Photo-FONT |
193: A turkey has a musical part to it, what is it?-DRUMSTICK |
195: I have two eyes in the front and a lot of eyes on my tail. What am I?-PEACOCK |
196: Photo-KUNGFU PANDA |
197: Photo-PIE IN THE SKY |
198: I may be made of metal, bone, or wood and have many teeth. My bite hurts no one and the ladies love me. What am I?-COMB |
200: A father’s child, a mother’s child, yet no one’s son.-DAUGHTER |
201: Photo-KNOCK ON WOOD |
202: What has a big mouth, yet never speaks?-JAR |
203: Photo-ANTI VIRUS |
204: What is made of wood but can’t be sawed?-SAWDUST |
205: Photo-GO UP IN SMOKE |
206: What is it that makes tears without sorrow and takes its journey to heaven?-SMOKE |
207: Photo-WAR AND PEACE |
208: Which one of Santa’s reindeer can be seen on Valentine’s Day?-CUPID |
210: If you stand with your back to the north and face south,what would be on your left hand?-FINGERS |
211: Photo-JACK SPARROW |
212: What building has the most stories?-LIBRARY |
213: Photo-TALL ORDER |
214: Tall when seated, short when standing.What is it?-DOG |
215: Photo-FALL FROM GRACE |
216: Although it sounds like I work on a transportation device, I actually work in a restaurant. What am I?-BUSBOY |
217: Photo-MOANA |
218: I crushed on Wendy Darling. What am I?-PETER PAN |
219: Photo-MAKE ENDS MEET |
220: What is a frog’s favorite game?-LEAPFROG |
221: Photo-BROWN NOSING |
222: What do you call a flawless bank robbery with no fingerprints left behind?-STAINLESS STEAL |
223: Photo-PHOTO BOMB |
224: What insect does a blacksmith manufacture?-FIREFLY |
225: Photo-EXCUSE |
226: What do you get if you cross stereo and fridge?-COOL MUSIC |
227: Photo-BELLY |
228: Which school subject was the witch’s favorite?-SPELLING |
230: What kind of room doesn’t have physical walls?-CHAT ROOM |
231: Photo-HIT THE SPOT |
232: What goes in the water black and comes out red?-LOBSTER |
233: Photo-BRAWL STARS |
234: What kind of dog doesn’t bite or bark?-HOT DOG |
235: Photo-FAIR AND SQUARE |
236: I am a king but also a common device of measure. What am I?-RULER |
237: Photo-FOREIGNER |
238: Barren location, infertile and dry; my name means “to leave”, it’s not heard to see why.-DESERT |
240: I stink in living but when dead smells good. What am I?-PIG |
241: Photo-MONOPOLY |
242: What snacks do you serve at a robot party?-ASSORTED NUTS |
243: Photo-CAREER |
244: How do we know the ocean is friendly?-IT WAVES |
246: Something that you have if you don’t share it, but if you do share it you won’t have it.-SECRET |
247: Photo-COFFEE BREAK |
248: Hink Pink Clue:nGreatest visitor-BEST GUEST |
249: Photo-MICRON |
250: When you take away the whole from me, there is always some left. What am I?-WHOLESOME |
251: Photo-TANGLED |
252: What band can’t play music?-RUBBER BAND |
253: Photo-HANDBALL |
254: What do you call a cow in a earthquake?-MILKSHAKE |
255: Photo-POPEYE |
256: I am the noise Santa’s reindeers make. What am I?-JINGLE |
257: Photo-FARMVILLE |
258: A move made popular by the King of Pop. What am I?-MOONWALK |
259: Photo-INSIDE OUT |
260: What fastens two people yet touches one?-WEDDING RING |
261: Photo-GERMANY |
262: What animal dwells in water and best known for its work ethic?-BEAVER |
263: Photo-WALKING DEAD |
264: I am known for my natural tuxedo and marching. What am I?-PENGUIN |
265: Photo-RULE OF THUMB |
266: I stink up your breath and fights evil vampires. What am I?-GARLIC |
267: Photo-PUMPKIN |
268: What do you get when you cross a fly, a car, and a dog?-A FLYING CARPET |
269: Photo-GLOVE |
270: Who always drives his customer away?-TAXI DRIVER |
271: Photo-HOP UP AND DOWN |
272: I have cities with no people, forests with no trees, and oceans with no water. What am I?-MAP |
273: Photo-FREEBIES |
274: What is a sleeping child?-KIDNAPPER |
275: Photo-BALANCED DIET |
276: My teeth help me suck. What am I?-VAMPIRE |
277: Photo-NO WOMAN NO CRY |
278: Every night and every morning I am told what to do and I do it, yet everyone is still mad at me? What am I?-ALARM CLOCK |
279: Photo-WHEN PIGS FLY |
280: What has three feet but no arms or legs?-YARD |
281: Photo-EQUAL RIGHTS |
282: In what room a ghost cannot enter?-LIVING ROOM |
283: Photo-OFFER |
284: The epic tale of two women battling over a sparkly pair of shoes.-WIZARD OF OZ |
285: Photo-SIMPSONS |
286: I always have to work with something in my eye. What am I?-NEEDLE |
287: Photo-KINGPIN |
288: Hink Pink Clue:n24 hours with toys-PLAY DAY |
290: What divides by uniting and by dividing?-SCISSORS |
291: Photo-NO IDEA |
292: Photo-SHELL |
293: Hink Pink Clue:nWeird ape-FUNKY MONKEY |
294: Photo-EASY PEASY |
295: What measures out time until in time all is smashed to it?-SAND |
296: Photo-CUBA |
297: Often found in doctor’s offices and pirate flags.-SKELETON |
298: Photo-HORN |
299: What is the best year for a kangaroo?-LEAP YEAR |
300: Photo-RAISING HELL |
301: What’s as small as a mouse but guards a house like a lion?-LOCK |
302: Photo-HUSBAND |
303: I give milk and have a horn but I’m not a cow. Who am I?-MILK TRUCK |
305: The older they are the less wrinkles they have.-TIRES |
307: What is a cheerleaders favorite drink?-ROOT BEER |
308: Photo-LOWER THE BOOM |
309: What is deaf, dumb and blind and always tells the truth ?-MIRROR |
311: I am a five letter word and very strong. I become single when you remove two letters from me. What am I?-STONE |
312: Photo-MISMATCH |
313: What stays hot even if put in a fridge?-PEPPER |
314: Photo-STAKES ARE HIGH |
315: When it was young, it had a tail. When it grew up, it had knees.-FROG |
316: Photo-CHINA |
317: Once they sailed the sea, now they surf the web.-PIRATES |
318: Photo-TOO INTENSE |
319: I am a vegetable that bugs stay away from. What am I?-SQUASH |
320: Photo-LUCKY BREAK |
321: The more you have of me, the less you see. Who am I?-DARKNESS |
323: He is known to commit a friendly home invasion one night a year.Who is he?-SANTA CLAUS |
324: Photo-I BELIEVE IN YOU |
325: Despite having long teeth, every bit of food it grabs gets taken from it.-FORK |
326: Photo-ADVICE |
327: A large oasis in the desert. Come with cash and leave with none. What am I?-LAS VEGAS |
328: Photo-YOU ARE FIRED |
329: Seven brothers, five work all day.The other two, just play or pray.-WEEK |
331: What’s even harder to catch if you run faster?-YOUR BREATH |
332: Photo-TRIANGLE |
333: It’s the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh. What Is It?-LETTUCE |
334: Photo-LEFT FOR DEAD |
335: Though blind as well, can lead the blind well.-CANE |
336: Photo-TEATIME |
337: I climb higher as I get hotter. I can never escape from my crystal cage. What am I?-MERCURY |
338: Photo-MULAN |
339: What is never used unless it’s in a tight place?-CORK |
340: Photo-GOLF |
341: What table can you eat?-VEGETABLE |
342: Photo-LILO AND STITCH |
343: What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper?-RUFF |
345: What country makes you shiver?-CHILE |
346: Photo-DUMBO |
347: What never asks questions but receives a lot of answers?-TELEPHONE |
348: Photo-FIRE ALARM |
349: What kind of shoes can you make out of banana peels?-SLIPPERS |
350: Photo-CINDERELLA |
351: White bird, featherless, flying out of paradise. Flying over sea and land.Dying in my hand.-SNOW |
352: Photo-LEMONADE |
353: Hink Pink Clue:nAn anxious snake-HYPER VIPER |
354: Photo-BOXING RING |
355: What word looks the same upside down and backwards?-SWIMS |
357: I am like thunder in your cranium. What am I?-HEADACHE |
359: When the creeper passes, all the grass kneels.-PLOW |
361: An open ended barrel, it is shaped like a hive. It is filled with the flesh, and the flesh is alive?-THIMBLE |
362: Photo-HAND ME DOWN |
363: I love spinach. What am I?-POPEYE |
364: Photo-ALADDIN |
365: Hink Pink Clue:nA run for the money-CASH DASH |
366: Photo-NO EXCUSE FOR IT |
367: This dish is usually consumed at breakfast time with milk.-CEREAL |
368: Photo-IPHONE |
369: I mirror your actions. What am I?-COPYCAT |
371: The signature stroll of ducks and penguins.-WADDLE |
372: Hink Pink Clue:nA quick explosion-FAST BLAST |
373: Photo-HEART ATTACK |
374: Where force can’t get through, I with a gentle movement do. What am I?-KEY |
375: Photo-BURGER KING |
376: What did zero say to eight?-NICE BELT |
377: Photo-FALLING IN LOVE |
378: Three little letters. A paradox to some. The worse that it is,the better it becomes.-PUN |
379: Photo-DAIRY QUEEN |
380: It is a gruesome form of betray.-BACKSTAB |
381: Photo-SQUARE ROOT |
382: I am very afraid of doing scary activities. What am I?-CHICKEN |
383: Photo-STARBUCKS |
384: You feel this sensation when you are dehydrated.-THIRSTY |
385: Photo-WIN WITH EASE |
386: What did the buffalo say to his son when he went on a business trip?-BISON |
387: Photo-TACO BELL |
388: I am the sweetest and most romantic fruit. What am I?-HONEYDEW |
389: Photo-CORN DOG |
390: I let water fall on you while everyone else stays dry. What am I?-SHOWER |
391: Photo-PIZZA HUT |
392: It goes in dry, it comes out wet, the longer it is in, the stronger it gets. What is it?-TEA BAG |
393: Photo-DIRTY WORD |
394: Sometimes it’s silver but also gold.Printed on paper it’s a treasure to hold.What is it?-CURRENCY |
395: Photo-THE LAST STRAW |
396: What type of dress can never be worn?-ADDRESS |
397: Photo-PANDA EXPRESS |
398: I am enjoyed by some, despised by others. Some take me for granted, some treasure me like a gift. I last forever, unless you break me first. What am I?-MARRIAGE |
399: Photo-BROCCOLI |
400: What is the first thing a gardener plants in the garden?-FOOT |
401: Photo-FIVE GUYS |
402: With head without hair. With mouth without tooth.-BOTTLE |
403: Photo-NOON TEA |
404: If you lose me you may cause people around me to lose me too. What am I?-TEMPER |
405: Photo-IHOP |
406: I am wet when drying. What am I?-TOWEL |
407: Photo-GREEN WITH ENVY |
408: Look into my face and I’m everybody. Scratch my back and I’m nobody.-MIRROR |
409: Hink Pink Clue:nCry or yell during a nightmare-DREAM SCREAM |
410: Photo-TRUNK |
411: With no hammer or any kind of tool I build my house so quickly. What am I?-SPIDER |
412: Photo-DONUT KING |
413: I encourage people to run home and steal. What am I?-BASEBALL |
414: Photo-PINK PANTHER |
415: What do you do with a dead chemist?-BARIUM |
416: Photo-HUNGARY |
417: Those with eyes bigger than their stomach will definitely leave the restaurant with one of them. It is named after a house pet as well.-DOGGY BAG |
419: Runs smoother than any rhyme, loves to fall but cannot climb.-RAIN |
420: Photo-OMAN |
421: I save lives on the ground and in the air. What am I?-SEAT BELT |
422: Photo-POTATOES |
423: I’m a vegetable that is a long, green stalk. I’m usually eaten at thanksgiving with cheese or peanut butter.-CELERY |
424: Photo-MADAGASCAR |
425: An action done on mosquito bites. What am I?-SCRATCH |
427: What can burn the eyes, sting the mouth, yet be eaten?-SALT |
428: Photo-JAPAN |
429: Dark, feathery, and popular in Baltimore and fantasy books.-RAVENS |
430: Photo-REPAIR |
431: What relation would your father’s sister’s sister in law be to you?-YOUR MOTHER |
432: Photo-ICELAND |
433: I have a head and a tail but my eyes can never see my tail. What am I?-COIN |
435: What cheese is made backwards?-EDAM |
436: Photo-HAITI |
437: I widen my jaws when you poke two fingers in me. I especially like to devour papers. What am I?-SCISSORS |
438: Photo-CAPSICUM |
439: Patch upon patch, without any stitches, if you tell me this riddle, I’ll give you my breeches.-CABBAGE |
441: What key is the hardest to turn?-DONKEY |
442: Photo-FRIED CHICKEN |
443: What doesn’t get any wetter, no matter how much rain falls on it?-WATER |
444: Photo-MASCARA |
445: Hot tempered and sometimes it blows its top, making a mess of everything.-VOLCANO |
446: Photo-FOR INSTANCE |
447: Hink Pink Clue:nKing’s guard that doesn’t weigh a lot-LIGHT KNIGHT |
448: Photo-WET TISSUE |
449: Autumn leaves and bad bowlers wreak havoc on this.-GUTTER |
451: To unravel me, you need a key. No key that was made by locksmith’s hand,but a key that only I will understand. What am I?-CIPHER |
452: Photo-ROSE WATER |
453: Slowly creeping, I am weeping, changing shades, and growing.-SPRING |
454: Photo-GET THE LEAD OUT |
455: What’s always down even if it’s up in the air?-DOWN |
456: Photo-NAILPOLISH |
457: It is an insect, and the first part of its name is the name of another insect. What is it?-BEETLE |
458: Photo-APPLE |
459: My first is to be seen every day in the firmament.My second conquers kings and queens.And my whole is what I would offer to a friend in distress.-SOLACE |
461: What did Sir Lancelot wear to bed?-KNIGHT GOWN |
462: Photo-PUMPKIN PIE |
463: I am a time for gathering crops. Remove the first three letters I become an object you can wear. What am I?-HARVEST |
464: Photo-LIPGLOSS |
465: Iron roof, glass walls, burns and burns and never falls.-LANTERN |
466: Photo-ARCTIC CIRCLE |
467: Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup, but even a river can’t fill it up. What is it?-STRAINER |
468: Photo-LIPBALM |
469: Hide me from your parents if you have done bad academically this year. What am I?-REPORT CARD |
470: Photo-EFFORT |
471: I am a shower that lights up the sky. What am I?-METEOR |
472: Photo-KNAPSACK |
473: What smells the most in the kitchen?-NOSE |
474: Photo-PARTY |
475: I live in a busy place in the city, I’ll let you stay with me for a while, If you don’t feed me, I can get you into trouble. What am I?-PARKING METER |
476: Photo-FACEWASH |
477: We are five little objects of an everyday sort,You will find us all in a tennis court.-VOWELS |
478: Photo-TIME IS MONEY |
479: I am enjoyed with a pot and some pointy sticks. What am I?-FONDUE |
480: Photo-FACEMASK |
481: I have a face but no eyes, hands but no arms. What am I?-CLOCK |
482: Photo-MORAL SUPPORT |
483: I am quick when I’m thin. I am slow when I’m fat. Wind is my worst nightmare. What am I?-CANDLE |
484: Photo-FACE CREAM |
485: I ate one and threw away two.-OYSTER |
486: Photo-SCATTER BRAIN |
487: No head has he but he wears a hat. No feet has he but he stands up straight.On him perhaps a fairy sat, weaving a spell one evening late!-TOADSTOOL |
488: Photo-EYELINER |
489: What grows in winter, dies in summer, and grows roots upward?-ICICLE |
490: Photo-NO U TURN |
491: It is not your enemy, yet we still beat it. What is it?-DRUM |
492: Photo-EYE SHADOW |
493: What has 3 feet but cannot walk?-YARDSTICK |
494: Photo-ANT MAN |
495: Hink Pink Clue:nA large branch-BIG TWIG |
496: Photo-SEAT |
497: What has two spines and a lot of ribs, and carries much but never moves?-TRAIN TRACKS |
499: I cannot be felt or moved, but as you come closer, I get more distant. What am I?-HORIZON |
500: Photo-ANTS IN MY PANTS |
501: Hold these between your knees if you want to set a Cuban beat.-BONGOS |
502: Photo-THANOS |
503: I make noise yet you don’t see me make it. I alarm for good yet sometimes for worse. I have a companion. What am I?-THUNDER |
504: Photo-NO ONE TO BLAME |
505: Born of sorrow, grows with age.You need a lot to be a sage. What is it?-WISDOM |
506: Photo-STAR LORD |
507: The time between daylight and darkness when blood drinkers like to come out. What am I?-TWILIGHT |
509: What do you call a zipper on a banana?-A FRUIT FLY |
510: Photo-SPIDER MAN |
511: What relies on columns but isn’t a house, and asks for help but can’t speak itself?-NEWSPAPER |
512: Photo-METAPHOR |
513: What has a bell but isn’t a church. Is full of air but is not a balloon?-TRUMPET |
514: Photo-ROCKET RACOON |
515: What kind of dog has no tail?-BULLDOG |
516: Photo-FACEBOOK |
517: What can hold all days, weeks, and months but still fit on a table?-CALENDAR |
518: Photo-HUMAN TORCH |
519: What do you call a greedy grumpy holiday hater?-SCROOGE |
521: A container holding water but not a cup. If you want to find me, look up. What am I?-COCONUT |
522: Photo-GHOST RIDER |
523: What goes up and down without moving?-STAIRCASE |
524: Photo-PRICE |
525: What can go up a chimney down, but can’t go down a chimney up?-UMBRELLA |
526: Photo-DEAD POOL |
527: What goes through towns and over hills but never moves?-ROAD |
528: Photo-FAIR AND SQUARE |
529: What kinds of men are always above board?-CHESSMEN |
531: Lighter than what I am made of, more of me is hidden than is seen. What am I?-ICEBERG |
532: Photo-PLATINUM |
533: Today he is there to trip you up and he will torture you tomorrow.-ALCOHOL |
534: Photo-BLACK WIDOW |
535: What’s always coming, but never arrives?-TOMORROW |
536: Photo-MATINEE |
537: What loses its head every morning only to get it back every night?-PILLOW |
538: Photo-BLACK PANTHER |
539: What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?-QUEUE |
540: Photo-CONNECT FOUR |
541: We chop its feet; we drink its blood.What is it?-SUGARCANE |
542: Photo-MISSING YOU |
543: Round like a dishpan and smaller than a bathtub. But the ocean can’t fill it.What is it?-SIEVE |
544: I am a busy worker who is a water mammal. What am I?-BEAVER |
545: Photo-TAYLOR SWIFT |
546: Hink Pink Clue:nA fearful evening-FRIGHT NIGHT |
547: Photo-SILVER SURFER |
548: What kind of street does a ghost like best?-DEAD END |
549: Photo-BEAR |
550: What has only two words, but thousands of letters?-POST OFFICE |
551: Photo-SKATE ON THIN ICE |
552: What do people want the least on their hands?-HANDCUFFS |
553: Photo-SEVEN |
554: I start with “e” end with “e”. I have whole countries inside me. What am I?-EUROPE |
555: Photo-DAYDREAM |
556: What kind of corn starts with the letter A?-ACORN |
557: Photo-OLIVES |
558: You can throw me away, but I will always be coming back. What am I?-BOOMERANG |
559: Photo-SOFA |
560: What does Santa Claus use when he goes skiing?-THE NORTH POLE |
561: Photo-GREENBEAN |
562: What is a Cheerleader’s favorite food?-CHEERIOS |
563: Photo-FOREIGN AID |
564: What is neither inside the house nor outside the house but a necessity for any home?-WINDOWS |
565: Photo-EGGPLANT |
566: What animal turns about 200 times around its axis after it dies?-A ROAST CHICKEN |
567: Photo-ROWLING |
568: What does a cat have that no other animal has?-KITTENS |
569: Photo-CUCUMBER |
570: I am the best thing that can happen after a stick hits a ball. What am I?-HOME RUN |
572: What has a mouth but can’t chew?-RIVER |
573: What do you get when you mix lemons with gun powder?-LEMONADES |
574: Photo-CABBAGE |
575: What gets broken without being hold?-PROMISE |
576: Photo-LONG JOHNS |
577: When its dirty, this should never be aired in public?-LAUNDRY |
578: Photo-FIRE FIGHTER |
579: What crime can you get arrested for if you attempt it, but not if you commit it?-SUICIDE |
580: Photo-DRIVER |
581: Take away my first letter, then take away my second letter. Then take away the rest of my letters, yet I remain the same. What am I?-POSTMAN |
582: Photo-FARMER |
583: What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree?-PINEAPPLE |
584: Photo-GOATEE |
585: How far can a raccoon run into the woods?-HALFWAY |
586: Photo-DENTIST |
587: Hink Pink Clue:nHead policeman-TOP COP |
588: Photo-STREET CORNER |
589: Everyone has it and no one can lose it, what is it?-SHADOW |
590: Photo-CARS |
591: What driver never gets arrested ?-SCREW DRIVER |
592: Photo-BANKER |
593: What goes through a door but never goes in or comes out ?-KEYHOLE |
594: Photo-GLASS CEILING |
595: I shoot but never kill.What am I ?-CAMERA |
596: Photo-MECHANIC |
597: What can be driven although it doesn’t have wheels, sliced but stays whole?-A GOLF BALL |
598: Photo-INFANT |
599: I am very easy to get into, but it is hard to get out of me.What am I ?-TROUBLE |
600: Photo-TEACHER |
601: Dogs have fleas. What do sheep have?-FLEECE |
602: Photo-ACE IN A HOLE |
603: I am a term used to confirm. But take away my front, my face, I become known as human avarice.-AGREED |
604: Photo-SCIENTIST |
605: What didn’t Adam and Eve have that everyone else has?-PARENTS |
606: Photo-LESS IS MORE |
607: What exists but no-body can enter and is unreachable in life?-HEAVEN |
608: Photo-POLICE |
609: What chins are never shaved?-SEA URCHINS |
610: Photo-SPRING |
611: What gets bigger the more you take away?-HOLE |
612: Photo-PLUMBER |
613: What has a tongue but can’t talk?-ENVELOPE |
614: Photo-UNENDING LOVE |
615: I am neither a guest nor a trespasser in this place. I belong that belongs to me. Where is it?-HOME |
616: Photo-ENGINEER |
617: What type of drum are you not able to play?-CONUNDRUM |
618: Photo-DESIGN |
619: What country would you send a man to for his appetite?-HUNGARY |
620: Photo-LAWYER |
621: What is never eaten before lunch?-DINNER |
622: Photo-FOR A CHANGE |
623: Hink Pink Clue:nObese feline-FAT CAT |
624: What part of the Turkey has the most feathers?-THE OUTSIDE |
626: What falls down but never breaks ?-WATERFALL |
627: The virgin gave birth to a child and threw away the blanket.-BANANA |
629: I’m lighter than air but a million men can’t lift me. What am I?-BUBBLE |
630: What falls, but never breaks? What Breaks, but never falls?-DAY AND NIGHT |
631: Photo-INTENT |
632: Who can shave 25 times a day and still have a beard?-BARBER |
633: Photo-THE LION KING |
634: They live only in stories, taller than three storeys.-GIANTS |
635: Who can smell without having a nose?-CHEESE |
636: Photo-SINGAPORE |
637: Which part of a road do Ghost’s love to travel the most?-THE DEAD END |
638: I can be sweet or sour. I do not rhyme with any other word. What am I?-ORANGE |
639: Photo-TALK TO THE HAND |
640: This orange vegetable is a favorite of Bugs Bunny.-CARROT |
641: I moan, I groan, I chase after you. I never seem to rest. Time’s up for you. What am I?-CHILDREN |
642: Photo-PRIDE |
643: What has toes but no feet or legs?-TOMATOES |
644: What’s got feathers but no wings?-YOUR PILLOW |
645: Photo-BALD EAGLE |
646: What do you get when a turkey lays an egg on top of a barn?-AN EGGROLL |
647: Photo-SQUARE MEAL |
648: Which one of Santa’s reindeer is the fastest?-DASHER |
649: What bird is always out of breath?-PUFFIN |
650: Photo-LOONEY TUNES |
651: Hink Pink Clue:nA fragile end of the finger-FRAIL NAIL |
652: What follows a dog wherever it goes?-TAIL |
654: People need me yet they give me away every day. What am I?-MONEY |
655: What do you call a 100-year-old ant?-AN ANTIQUE |
656: Photo-SEALING |
657: What do you call a sleeping bull?-BULLDOZER |
658: What do you call a snowman in the summer?-PUDDLE |
660: What instrument does a skeleton play?-TROMBONE |
661: There is someone, and there is always another, for without the other, there wouldn’t be one.-TWINS |
662: Photo-STOP |
663: What can you never have for breakfast?-LUNCH |
664: Where do all unwanted shoes go?-BOOT CAMP |
665: Photo-TOO BIG TO FAIL |
666: Dorothy had a severe disagreement with a woman of this magical persuasion.-WITCH |
667: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?-FROSTBITE |
668: Photo-SOFTWARE |
669: What has green hair, a round red head and a long thin white beard?-RADISH |
670: Hink Pink Clue:nA sun kissed male-TAN MAN |
671: Photo-PARTLY CLOUDY |
672: In all the world, none can compare, to this tiny weaver, his deadly cloth so silky and fair.-SPIDER |
673: What sweets do geologists like?-ROCK CANDY |
674: Photo-ONE NIGHT STAND |
675: What falls down but never breaks?-NIGHTFALL |
676: Photo-BUSY AS BEE |
677: What’s stronger than a boulder, but weaker than a flying insect?-GRAVITY |
678: What’s light during the day but heavy during the night?-EYELIDS |
680: What is often returned but never borrowed?-THANKS |
681: What type of paper can you neither read nor write on?-SANDPAPER |
682: Photo-HIJACKING |
683: Which one of Santa’s reindeer do you see at a competition?-DANCER |
684: Where do animals go to get their new tails when they’re broken?-RETAIL SHOP |
685: Photo-NO BRAINER |
686: What is a surgeons’ favorite game?-OPERATION |
687: What ends in a ‘w’ but has no end?-RAINBOW |
688: Photo-APRIL FOOL |
689: Bind it and it walks, loose it and it stops. What is it?-SANDAL |
691: What do race car drivers eat for breakfast?-FAST FOOD |
692: I eat paper, I spit it out, I need ink, but still spit it out. What am I?-PRINTER |
693: Photo-A BUNCH OF FIVES |
694: What stays the same size no matter how much they weight?-SCALES |
695: The French word for ‘fun size’ in women’s clothing.-PETITE |
697: What is the best and cheapest light?-DAYLIGHT |
698: You bury me when I’m alive, and dig me up when I die. What am I?-PLANT |
699: Photo-FRENCH KISS |
700: What always was, yet I can never be?-YESTERDAY |
701: From what heavy seven-letter word can you take away two letters and eight is left?-WEIGHTS |
702: Photo-ARCHERY |
703: What gets shorter when you close your arm?-SLEEVE |
704: How do you spell COW in thirteen letters?-SEE O DOUBLE YOU |
705: Photo-ZONE |
706: Hinky Pinky Clue:nA happy flying elf-MERRY FAIRY |
707: What goes up when the rain comes down?-UMBRELLA |
708: Photo-LIPSTICK |
709: What did the baseball glove say to the ball?-CATCH YOU LATER |
710: Photo-BOLT UPRIGHT |
711: Which on of Santa’s reindeer can you see in outer space?-COMET |
712: How a big, hibernating mammal would show affection?-BEAR HUG |
713: Photo-HINT |
714: I am a type of weapon for SCI-FI characters. What am I?-LASER |
715: There are two monkeys on a tree and one jumps off. Why does the other monkey jump too?-MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO |
716: Photo-FOURGON |
717: What do you get if you milk a cow after an earthquake?-MILK SHAKE |
718: What is lengthened by being cut at both ends?-DITCH |
719: Photo-STOOL |
720: What ship has no captain but two mates?-COURTSHIP |
721: Teenage girls are pros at creating me. Learn me in classes. What am I?-DRAMA |
722: Photo-FACELIFT |
723: I am black and white and full of fuzz. What am I?-POLICE CAR |
724: Photo-FORFEIT |
725: I am a kind of coat that can only be put on when wet. What am I?-PAINT |
726: It’s an invention that lets you look through walls. What’s its name?-WINDOW |
727: Photo-KFC |
728: You can have it, and be at it,but it never lasts forever.-PEACE |
729: Who is it that rows quickly with four oars but never comes out under his own roof?-TURTLE |
730: Photo-CHESS |
731: People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?-PLATE |
732: What do vegetarian zombies eat?-GRAINS |
733: Photo-SEVEN SAMURAI |
734: Kills the bad ones and the sad ones. Tightens to fit, so one size fits.-NOOSE |
735: Hinky Pinky Clue:nGoofy William-SILLY WILLY |
737: I can honk without using a horn. What am I?-GOOSE |
738: What does a newspaper reporter use to dry himself after his shower?-PAPER TOWELS |
739: Photo-PRICE |
740: The warmer I am, The fresher I am.-BREAD |
741: What is the only chain we can eat?-FOOD CHAIN |
742: Photo-EYE FOR AN EYE |
743: Many people own a copy of me. Without me the world would fall. What am I?-ATLAS |
744: They are two brothers. However much they run, they do not reach each other.-WHEELS |
746: What has no beginning, end or middle?-DOUGHNUT |
747: Photo-TEAM |
748: What is a hinky pinky for a bad breakfast?-AN AWFUL WAFFLE |
749: Bumpy form of transportation in desert cultures.-CAMEL |
750: Photo-INCOME TAX |
751: Photo-PINSTRIPE |
752: I am always in front of you, but you will never see me. What am I?-FUTURE |
753: Photo-MILE HIGH CLUB |
754: What runs around a house but doesn’t move?-FENCE |
755: Canine children. What am I?-PUPPY |
756: Photo-ROBIN HOOD |
757: What belongs to you but other use it more than you do?-YOUR NAME |
758: Break it and it gets better, immediately set and harder to break again. What is it?-RECORD |
759: Photo-RADIOHEAD |
760: The distance from the top of your head to the floor standing up straight.-HEIGHT |
761: What goes up the stairs black and white and comes back down the stairs red?-NEWSPAPER |
762: Photo-ELEVEN |
763: Which part of the day is the easiest to break?-BREAKFAST |
764: I run cold and hot, I look blue but am red. What am I?-BLOOD |
765: Photo-DEER HUNTER |
766: I can be cracked. I can be made. I can be told. I can be played. What am I?-JOKES |
767: What’s a hink pink for something you see that glows?-BRIGHT SIGHT |
769: The athletically challenged spend a good deal of time on this seat made of pine.-BENCH |
770: What’s red and smells like blue paint?-RED PAINT |
771: Photo-JUMP SHOT |
772: What key is playful?-MONKEY |
773: Photo-FISH OUT OF WATER |
774: Better touch me before you proceed to second. What am I?-FIRST BASE |
775: There is a creature of God whose body is hard; it does not wish to eat unless you strike its head.-CHISEL |
776: Photo-LORD OF THE RINGS |
777: A deep well full of knives-MOUTH |
778: Goes over all the hills and hollows.Bites hard, but never swallows.-FROST |
779: Photo-OFFSIDES |
780: I am a activity dogs are very good at when a ball is thrown. What am I?-FETCH |
781: Which song monkey sings on Christmas?-JUNGLE BELLS |
782: Photo-PLANET |
783: What do you call a cat that sucks on lemons?-SOURPUSS |
784: It’s bought by the yard and worn by the foot. What is it?-CARPET |
785: Photo-PIECE OF ACTION |
786: Which Disney film features the song ‘When You Wish Upon a Star’?-PINOCCHIO |
787: I like to twirl my body but keep my head up high. After I go in, everything becomes tight. What am I?-SCREW |
788: Photo-ICE CREAM |
789: We are all around, yet to us you are half blind. Sunlight makes us invisible, and difficult to find. What are we?-STARS |
790: How can “L” be greater in size than “XL”?-ROMAN NUMERALS |
791: Photo-START |
792: What kind of fish chases a mouse?-CATFISH |
793: Hink Pink Clue:nLengthy tune-LONG SONG |
794: Photo-DOWN TO EARTH |
795: The more you take the more you leave behind.-STEPS |
796: I run distances, often making many turns, yet I never move one foot. What am I?-WATCH |
797: Photo-ALL MIXED UP |
798: Digital white-out. What am I?-DELETE |
799: Photo-PINK DRINK |
800: What is always late and never present now?-LATER |
801: Photo-SWING |
802: What can you eat, play with, watch with and listen to music to?-APPLES |
803: I am edible, pink, and a great summer food. What am I?-PEACH |
804: Photo-SEVEN SEAS |
805: What 5 letter word and has thousands of letters in it?-BIBLE |
806: Teddy bears are never hungry because they are always what?-STUFFED |
807: Photo-CHURCHILL |
808: If two is a company and three is a crowd, what are four and five?-NINE |
809: The shorter I am, the bigger I am. What am I?-TEMPER |
811: I produce wool and spit a lot. What am I?-LLAMA |
812: Found at the back of the book. What am I?-APPENDIX |
813: Photo-HOME ALONE |
814: The strangest creature you’ll ever find has two eyes in front and many more behind. What is it?-PEACOCK |
815: What does a snowman like to eat for breakfast?-FROSTED FLAKES |
816: Photo-CAPACITY |
817: Who delivers Christmas presents to dogs?-SANTA PAWS |
818: I begin your sentences. What am I?-CAPITAL |
819: Ambitious people will climb the social version of this contraption.-LADDER |
820: Photo-BE SEEING YOU |
821: I increase head turning rate tremendously for girls at beaches. What am I?-BIKINI |
822: Score in end zones. What am I?-TOUCHDOWN |
823: Photo-CAUGHT IN THE ACT |
824: I am a type of animal that hang out in the mist. What am I?-GORILLA |
825: What has wheels and flies, but it is not an aircraft?-A GARBAGE TRUCK |
826: Photo-LAYUP |
827: Which is the organ of women we eat ?-LADY FINGER |
828: Hink Pink Clue:nAngry employer-CROSS BOSS |
829: Photo-BREAKFAST |
830: I am a sweet that looks like a shepherd’s staff. What am I?-CANDY CANE |
831: The eight of us go forth, not back. To protect our king from a foe’s attack. What are we?-PAWNS |
832: Photo-FEEL BLUE |
833: A man in a car saw a Golden Door, Silver Door and a Bronze Door. What door did he open first?-THE CAR DOOR |
834: I keep things green and keep kids happy during summer time. What am I?-SPRINKLER |
835: Photo-NO GOING BACK |
836: Four leaves I have. What am I?-SHAMROCK |
837: What’s the red stuff between elephant’s toes?-SLOW PYGMIES |
838: Photo-WATER |
839: What do you get when you cross a chicken and a pig?-EGGS AND BACON |
840: I am the minerals vital for your good health. What am I?-VITAMIN |
842: What ties one to another and is closest to the heart?-WEDDING RING |
843: I am used when you jump off a bridge for fun. What am I?-BUNGEE |
844: Photo-SUPERMAN |
845: What is a mouse’ favorite type of house?-COTTAGE CHEESE |
846: This is needed both for courage and hardcover books.-SPINE |
848: I look at you, you look at me, I raise my right, you raise your left. What is this object?-MIRROR |
849: I am a lunch money thief. What am I?-BULLY |
850: Photo-BY AND LARGE |
851: What day, within a week of today, does not end in “Y”?-TOMORROW |
852: When your undies attack you.-WEDGIE |
853: Photo-SMALL BALL |
854: I have numbers on my face but can’t find 13 any place. What am I?-CLOCK |
855: What fruit loves to go crazy and go wild?-BANANAS |
857: Which tire doesn’t move when a car turns right?-THE SPARE TIRE |
858: If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea what does it become?-WET |
859: Photo-STAY ON TRACK |
860: Which side of a cat has the most fur?-OUTSIDE |
861: What is long and filled with seamen?-SUBMARINE |
862: Photo-BASELINE |
863: What sphinxes employ, the players enjoy.-RIDDLE |
864: In a website browser address bar, what does “www” stand for?-WORLD WIDE WEB |
865: Photo-COUPLET |
866: I can be told and can make you crazy. Most people don’t like me and think I’m harmful. What am I?-LIE |
867: What is the largest living ant on earth?-ELEPHANT |
868: Photo-APARTMENT |
869: Which species of lions does not hunt?-DANDELION |
871: What is yellow, slippery when you fall on it, and gets red when embarrassed?-A BLUSHING BANANA |
872: Photo-WISE GUYS |
873: He has a genie to thank for the fact that he married a princess.Who is he?-ALADDIN |
874: What is an acceptable act of violence during Saint Patrick’s day?-PINCH |
875: Photo-NO LEFT TURN |
876: If 5 cats catch 5 mice in 5 minutes, how long will it take one cat to catch a mouse?-FIVE MINUTES |
877: Photo-BIRDMAN |
878: What do you get if you cross a pig with a karate fighter?-PORK CHOPS |
879: I carried by mad animals. What am I?-RABIES |
880: Photo-TO SEE RED |
881: I am a desire to munch. What am I?-HUNGER |
882: What can you fold but not crease?-POKER HAND |
883: Photo-PROOF |
884: Hink Pink Clue:nAn airplane at greater elevation than the others-HIGHER FLIER |
885: What suits do lawyers wear?-LAWSUITS |
887: What shoes should you wear when your basement is flooded?-PUMPS |
888: The offspring of a feline and a Xerox machine.-COPYCAT |
889: Photo-WHEAT |
890: What Christmas carol is probably loved by your parents?-SILENT NIGHT |
891: If someone calls you this, it might be time to consider hot wax.-HAIRY |
892: Photo-HIGH NOON |
893: Which is the oldest tree?-ELDER |
894: Where is the ocean deepest?-BOTTOM |
895: Photo-MIXED DOUBLES |
896: The coziest place for Dracula.-COFFIN |
897: You can only have it once you have given it.-RESPECT |
899: What do you get when you cross an automobile with a household animal?-CARPET |
900: Photo-RAMADAN |
901: What is Saturn’s favorite day of the week?-SATURDAY |
902: I have 4 legs but never run. What am I?-CHAIR |
903: Photo-KNIGHT |
904: Runs smoother than any rhyme, loves to fall but cannot climb!-WATER |
905: It has only two bones, but there are 1000s of ribs. What is that?-RAILWAY TRACK |
907: According to many students, dogs have an appetite for this paper item.-HOMEWORK |
908: Who always enjoys poor health?-DOCTOR |
909: Photo-INCH |
910: Who is the meanest goat in the west?-BILLY THE KID |
911: What animal keeps the best time?-WATCHDOG |
912: Photo-BITS AND PIECES |
913: Men seize it from its home, tear apart its flesh, drink the sweet blood, then cast its skin aside.-ORANGE |
914: What animal would you get crossed a duck, a beaver, and an otter?-PLATYPUS |
916: What is long, pink and wet and is rude to pull out in front of people?-TONGUE |
917: What rains at the north pole?-REINDEER |
919: I run up and down the stairs without moving. What am I?-RUG |
920: What superhero is terrible at their job because they always get lost and are late?-WANDER WOMAN |
921: Photo-LOFT |
922: Sometimes I am light, sometimes I am dark. What am I?-CHOCOLATE |
923: Rub me and a genie might appear. What am I?-LAMP |
924: Photo-FLIP FLOP |
925: I have a thousand wheels, but move I do not. Call me what I am, call me a lot.-PARKING LOT |
926: I cannot be bought, cannot be sold, even if I’m sometimes made of gold.What am I?-HEART |
927: Photo-KITTEN |
928: As your ideas grow, I shrink. What am I?-PENCIL |
929: What is a hink pink for a girl that’s a friend?-A GAL PAL |
930: The more you look at it, The less you see.-SUN |
931: What kind of nut has no shell?-DOUGHNUT |
932: Photo-HEAVY METAL |
933: What do geese, waterfowl and ducks have for breakfast?-QUACKER OATS |
934: It’s a game played by serious people that takes place on a global scale.-POLITICS |
935: Photo-HEART TO HEART |
936: Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What am I?-POISON |
937: What did the hamburger buy his sweetheart?-AN ONION RING |
938: Photo-BACK DOOR |
939: What do you get when you cross a vampire and teacher?-BLOOD TEST |
940: Has no feet, but travels far. Is literate, but not a scholar. Has no mouth, yet clearly speaks.-LETTER |
941: Photo-HERON |
942: What is big and yellow and comes in the morning to brighten mom’s day?-SCHOOL BUS |
943: Though it is not an ox, it has horns; Though it is not a donkey, it has packed-saddle; And wherever it goes it leaves silver behind.-SNAIL |
944: Photo-MAN OF THE MOMENT |
945: Sharp and long, flag of the world. What is it?-TOWER |
946: Fighting technique taken from rams.-HEAD BUTT |
947: Photo-SHOT |
948: Ripped from my mother’s womb. Beaten and burned, I become a bloodthirsty killer.What am I?-IRON ORE |
949: I am a three letter word. Add two more letters and you’ll have fewer. What word am I?-FEW |
950: Photo-ROLE REVERSAL |
951: I am nothing really at all, Yet I am easily found;Ignore me at your own peril, and you might end up crowned!-CAVITY |
952: Hink Pink Clue:nRip in a teddy-BEAR TEAR |
953: Photo-ICE CUBE |
954: A little house full of meat, no door to go in and eat.-NUT |
955: I am nothing but holes tied to holes, yet am strong as iron.-CHAIN |
956: Photo-QUICK SILVER |
957: Men cut this by attaching a razor to a broom handle or just have their wives do it.-BACK HAIR |
958: It is probably the most laidback member of the animal kingdom.-SLOTH |
959: Photo-LEFTOVERS |
960: I am free the first time and second time, but the third time is going to cost you money.What am I?-TEETH |
961: Sometimes black, sometimes white, I have veins but no blood.-MARBLE |
962: Photo-CHINATOWN |
963: Take me for a spin and I’ll make you cool,but use me when it’s cool and you’re a fool.What am I?-FAN |
964: Has feathers but can’t fly. Rests on legs but can’t walk.-MATTRESS |
965: Photo-CASHEW |
966: What must take a bow before it can speak?-VIOLIN |
967: It’s shorter than the rest, but when you’re happy, you raise it up like it’s the best.What is it?-THUMB |
969: What’s red and bad for your teeth?-BRICK |
970: All day long it’s in and out. I discharge loads from my shaft. Both men and women go down on me.What am I?-ELEVATOR |
971: Photo-BRAKE |
972: Two birds, trying to balance in one twig.-EARRINGS |
973: I am something that floats. But after a period of time I fall.-BALLOON |
974: Photo-YEAR |
975: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?-FOOTSTEPS |
976: What TV program should you watch in the bathtub?-SOAP OPERAS |
977: Photo-TUNA FISH |
978: Hink Pink Clue:n A terrible dad-BAD DAD |
979: You’ll have me at night and if you remove the first letter I denote the top, such as on a train.-SUPPER |
980: Photo-EASY ON THE EYES |
981: I wear a red coat and have a stone in my throat. What am I?-CHERRY |
982: What do you call a dog that sweats so much?-HOT DOG |
983: Photo-SCENT |
984: I have a mouth on my head and eat everything. What am I?-BACKPACK |
985: When they are caught, they are thrown away.When they escape, you itch all day.-FLEAS |
986: Photo-PING PONG |
987: When is 1500 plus 20 and 1600 minus 40 the same thing?-MILITARY TIME |
988: What can you throw but not catch?-PARTY |
990: Steals an event or even a mood. Reveals the truth or shatters it.-CAMERA |
991: I have a pet, his body is full of coins.-PIGGY BANK |
993: Poorly behaved children often find themselves sitting in these.-CORNERS |
994: How did the pancake hurt itself?-DOING BACKFLIPS |
995: Photo-INDIA |
996: Hink Pink Clue:nFlying fear-FLIGHT FRIGHT |
997: I fall with the waves, rise with the tide, and drift with the current alongside.What am I?-PLANKTON |
998: Photo-FROM TIME TO TIME |
999: Two bodies with ribs, exposed. What am I?-LADDER |
1000: Photo-DIAMOND RING |
1001: I go around all the places,cities, towns and villages, but never come inside.What am I?-STREET |
1002: Photo-YOU TURN ME ON |
1003: I only have one entrance, but you can come out with three exits. What am I?-BLOUSE |
1004: I am used to bat with, yet I never get a hit. I am near a ball, yet it is never thrown. What am I?-EYELASHES |
1005: Photo-BLOCK |
1006: I fly, yet I have no wings. I cry, yet I have no eyes.Darkness follows me,lower light I never see. What am I?-CLOUD |
1007: I am a place with substance and story, where many masquerade to there glory. What am I?-STAGE |
1008: Photo-AN INSIDE JOB |
1009: A house with two occupants, sometimes one, rarely three. Break the walls,eat the borders, then throw away me. What am I?-PEANUT |
1010: Shoot at me a thousand times and I may still survive,one scratch from you and me will find your prospects take a dive. What am I?-EIGHT BALL |
1011: Photo-LONG TIME NO SEE |
1012: The sharp slim blade, that cuts the wind. What is it?-GRASS |
1013: It has 8 arms and lots of ink but can’t write a word.What is it?-OCTOPUS |
1014: Photo-HEAD IN THE SAND |
1015: They’re up near the sky, on something very tall. Sometimes they die, only then do they fall.-LEAVES |
1016: If you were standing directly on Antarctica’s South Pole facing north, which direction would you travel if you took one step backward?-NORTH |
1017: Photo-CITIZEN KANE |
1018: What can get you there in eco style, pushed by your legs mile after mile?-BICYCLE |
1019: In the forest, this blends in just right, but every December it is covered with lights. What is it?-EVERGREEN |
1020: Photo-WEIGHS |
1021: A type of hammer that brings a room to order.-GAVEL |
1022: What can be swallowed, but can swallow you?-PRIDE |
1023: Photo-MIXED METAPHOR |
1024: My first half means container. Not a lot of people understand my language.What am I?-BINARY |
1025: People chop this off for a good cause.-HAIR |
1026: Photo-KARATE KID |
1027: An artform and its colourful result.-PAINTING |
1028: This type of tempting cuisine is independent of utensils and usually tastes better than it sounds.-FINGER FOOD |
1029: Photo-DOMINO |
1030: I provide cover for games of footsie and taxfree wages. What am I?-TABLE |
1031: I have no life, but I can die, what am I?-BATTERY |
1032: Photo-TENNIS BALLS |
1033: In my life I must bare, my bloodline I must share. What am I?-SIBLING |
1034: You might accuse someone living with a stolen identity of being this.-IMPOSTER |
1035: Photo-TENOR |
1036: I am but three holes. When you come out of me, you are still inside me. What am I?-SHIRT |
1037: This became a fashion statement in the garden of Eden.-FIG LEAF |
1038: Photo-SPIDERMAN |
1039: What bow can never be tied?-RAINBOW |
1040: Hink Pink Clue:nA boring Choo-choo-PLAIN TRAIN |
1041: Photo-SUMMER LOVE |
1042: Prior to smartphones, people used this to record their lives.-CAMCORDER |
1043: Photo-BAD LUCK |
1044: I come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. I stick to many surfaces but I am,in fact, not sticky at all. What am I?-MAGNET |
1045: The more holes you cover the lower it goes.-RECORDER |
1047: What’s the smallest room in the world?-MUSHROOM |
1048: What do you call a cow’s bedtime stories?-DAIRY TALES |
1049: Photo-WATSON |
1050: A certain wizard resided in a city made from this gemstone.-EMERALD |
1051: Photo-OPEN AND SHUT CASE |
1052: Could be described as the cranium’s version of snow.-DANDRUFF |
1053: My head bobs lazily in the sun. You think I’m cute. For my face is yellow my hair is white and my body is green.-DAISY |
1054: Photo-GARBAGE |
1055: I start new then become old. Start clean but be one dirty. I usually start big then become little. What am I?-SHOES |
1056: Used to keep prisoners silent and to make temporary repairs on cars.-DUCT TAPE |
1057: Photo-PARADOX |
1058: I’m red but I can be green at times and I am even yellow. What am I?-APPLE |
1059: The ball drops when the clock hits this.-MIDNIGHT |
1060: Photo-PASTA |
1061: My neighbor makes mistakes. I get rid of them. Who am I?-ERASER |
1062: You will always find me in the past. Who am I?-HISTORY |
1063: Photo-TWELVE ANGRY MEN |
1064: What do you call a sheep that practices karate?-LAMB CHOP |
1065: A darkcolored creature serenaded by Lennon and McCartney.-BLACKBIRD |
1066: Photo-HALFBACK |
1067: What is the freedom of birds and the pen of old men?-FEATHERS |
1068: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?-STAMP |
1069: Photo-COUNTING CROWS |
1070: The eight of us go forth not back to protect our king from a foes attack. What are we?-CHESS PAWNS |
1071: I have four legs but no tail. Usually I am heard only at night. What am I?-FROG |
1072: Photo-CHEAP SKATE |
1073: It’s held in the hand when going out.-DOORKNOB |
1074: You seek it out, when your hunger is ripe.It sits on four legs, and smokes a pipe.-STOVE |
1075: Photo-OVERNIGHT STAY |
1076: It can cause deflation of tires when dropped from the rear of spy cars.-SPIKES |
1077: Hink Pink Clue:nHappy father-GLAD DAD |
1078: Photo-EYE CANDY |
1079: I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I?-WIND |
1080: This dish is defined as small pasta envelopes containing ground meat,cheese, or vegetables.-RAVIOLI |
1081: Photo-THE DARK KNIGHT |
1082: Mountains will crumble and temples will fall,and no man can survive its endless call.What is it?-TIME |
1083: My treasures are golden and guarded by thousands amongst a maze no man can enter. What am I?-BEEHIVE |
1084: Photo-FORTUNE COOKIE |
1085: I am someone you don’t know. Who am I?-STRANGER |
1087: You can spin, wheel and twist, but this thing can turn without moving. What is it?-MILK |
1088: They put the heat in pop tarts.-TOASTER |
1089: Photo-COCO |
1090: You get one if you miss one at golf.-STROKE |
1091: I have a big mouth and I am also quite loud! I am not a gossip but I do get involved with everyone’s dirty business.-VACUUM CLEANER |
1092: Photo-CLIFF HANGER |
1093: It increases and decreases yet no one see it. It is not a fire and yet it can be quenched.-THIRST |
1094: When I get closer my tail grows longer, but when I go away my tail leads the way.-COMET |
1095: Photo-WRECK IT RALPH |
1096: Men in skirts blow into these.-BAGPIPES |
1097: What can fill a room but takes up no space?-LIGHT |
1098: Photo-THE JUNGLE BOOK |
1099: He died for people’s entertainment.-GLADIATOR |
1100: What word has four letters but if you take away the first letter it leaves one?-BONE |
1101: Photo-BARBIE |
1102: A section of the calendar dedicated to mother nature.-EARTH DAY |
1103: Hinky Pinky Clue:nWorthless coins-FUNNY MONEY |
1104: Photo-MARY POPPINS |
1105: What do you call a cat that lives in the desert?-SANDY CLAWS |
1106: I love to twist and dance. Though wingless, I fly high up into the sky. What am I?-KITE |
1107: Photo-FLIGHT |
1108: I am blinding at times yet help you see. I am necessary, but you’ll burn with too much of me. What am I?-SUNLIGHT |
1109: It flies when it’s on and floats coming off.-FEATHER |
1110: Photo-PAYPAL |
1111: Hink Pink Clue:nFast choice-QUICK PICK |
1112: A toasty and crunchy cereal would be pointless without this spice.-CINNAMON |
1113: Photo-FLAMING LIPS |
1114: I fly through the air on small feathered wings, seeking out life and destroying all things.-ARROW |
1115: It is yellow and you can serve it but not eat. What is it?-TENNIS BALL |
1116: Photo-POINT |
1117: It is everything to someone, and nothing to everyone else. What is it?-MIND |
1118: A tangly game and a destructive weather phenomenon.-TWISTER |
1119: Photo-CARDIGANS |
1120: What coin doubles in value when half is deducted?-HALF DOLLAR |
1121: I am a sound made by felines when petted. What am I?-PURR |
1122: Photo-KILLER WHALE |
1123: I look like a tiny trombone. What am I?-PAPERCLIP |
1124: It carries paper of the most important sort but also plastic,I’m glad to report.What is it?-WALLET |
1125: Photo-STAR TREK |
1126: I hide but my head is outside. What am I?-NAIL |
1127: What do you call a happy cowboy?-A JOLLY RANCHER |
1128: Photo-LETTERMAN |
1129: One of the few vegetables that is routinely consumed with marshmallows.-YAM |
1130: They are the group who manages the winged engines of war.-AIR FORCE |
1131: Photo-PROSE |
1132: Other terms for this handy device include doohickey, doodad, and whatchamacallit.-GADGET |
1133: Hink Pink Clue:nHome mate-HOUSE SPOUSE |
1134: Photo-CARROT |
1135: Cats and deflation tires make this noise. What am I?-HISS |
1136: I am a caribbean shape that makes ships disappear. What am I?-TRIANGLE |
1137: Photo-AMAZING GRACE |
1138: A house full, a yard full, a chimney full, no one can get a spoonful.-SMOKE |
1139: A great mysterious place that the bold have been known to journey into.-UNKNOWN |
1140: Photo-ONE TIME |
1141: I am expelled from you orally with a sound. What am I?-BURP |
1142: You may have to assure your date’s dad that you have these kind of intentions.-HONORABLE |
1143: All about the house, with his lady he dances,yet he always works, and never romances.-BROOM |
1144: Photo-TUTTI FRUTTI |
1145: What has many keys but can’t open any doors?-PIANO |
1146: Face with a tree, skin like the sea. A great beast I am. Yet vermin frightens me.-ELEPHANT |
1147: Photo-TIGER WOODS |
1148: I am an animal and a hair product. What am I?-MOOSE |
1149: Green arrows grow out of my sides. I go from yellow to white. My babies fly in the wind. What am I?-DANDELION |
1150: Photo-GO ON AHEAD |
1151: Locked up inside you and yet they can steal it from you.-HEART |
1152: What kind of apple has a short temper?-CRABAPPLE |
1153: Photo-WINTER |
1154: Keep doing me to avoid lens dryness. What am I?-BLINK |
1155: What can pass before the sun without making a shadow?-THE WIND |
1156: Photo-RESERVOIR DOGS |
1157: Photo-CLAMP |
1158: What do elves play Solitaire with?-CHRISTMAS CARDS |
1159: Photo-AIRLINE |
1160: I am something many people don’t enjoy having as a friend, including you.But I am called upon anything someone is injured.-PAIN |
1161: I grow for a surface, even if you cut me. I continue to grow even after death.-HUMAN HAIR |
1163: Hink Pink Clue:nFrog signal-TOAD CODE |
1164: Photo-STICK TO YOUR GUNS |
1165: I am the home for feathery animals. What am I?-NEST |
1166: What did the tree wear to the pool?-SWIM TRUNKS |
1167: Photo-THING |
1168: Sugar on a stick. The kids love licking them.-LOLLIPOP |
1169: Photo-FIRE ENGINE |
1170: I drive men mad for the love of me. Easily beaten, never free. What am I?-GOLD |
1171: I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody. What am I?-PENCIL LEAD |
1172: Photo-MASK |
1173: A seven-letter word, containing thousands of word. What is the word?-MAILBOX |
1174: I am a piece of paper that takes most people 3 or 4 years to get. What am I?-DIPLOMA |
1176: I help engines spin and pants stay up. What am I?-BELT |
1177: What do you call a girl who has three boy friends named William?-BILL COLLECTOR |
1178: Photo-POPPINS |
1179: What’s put on the table,cut,but never eaten?-A DECK OF CARDS |
1180: I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought follows close behind. What am I?-NOSE |
1181: Photo-SNOW LEOPARD |
1182: Only two backbones and thousands of ribs.-RAILROAD |
1183: I belong to you but others use me more often than you do. What am I?-NAME |
1184: Photo-BACK TO SQUARE ONE |
1185: What Botox will do to your expression.-PARALYSE |
1186: Holding two swords and eight spears.Dressed in a cowleather tunic. He peeks through a hole in the door.-CRAB |
1187: Photo-TONGUE IN CHEEK |
1188: Who can raise things without lifting them?-FARMERS |
1189: What question can you never answer yes?-ARE YOU ASLEEP |
1190: Photo-ARROW |
1191: Hink Pink Clue:nGadget idiot-TOOL FOOL |
1192: What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?-KANGAROO |
1193: Photo-HELL ON EARTH |
1194: What is a skeleton’s favorite snack?-SPARE RIBS |
1195: I am ten little beans your look at everyday. What am I?-TOES |
1196: Photo-TRAIN |
1197: Why don’t lobsters share?-THEY ARE SHELLFISH |
1198: Where does a vampire put his money ?-BLOOD BANK |
1199: Photo-THREE BLIND MICE |
1200: A popular afterlife location to send evil people. What am I?-HELL |
1201: A natural tattoo on babies.-BIRTHMARK |
1202: Photo-BRAVE |
1203: What do cats call mice on a skateboard?-MEALS ON WHEELS |
1204: I can never be stolen from you. I am owned by everyone. Some have more, some have less. What am I?-KNOWLEDGE |
1205: Photo-CAPTAIN |
1206: It produces a flower but it is not its fruit.It produces branches which are its fruit.-SWEET CORN |
1207: What do you call a dog that is left-handed?-A SOUTH PAW |
1208: Photo-GROUND |
1209: This is your stomach’s way of letting you know you’ve neglected it.-GRUMBLE |
1210: What has no arms, hands, or legs but moves the earth?-WORM |
1211: Photo-OVERALL |
1212: I am owned by the poor, the rich does not need me. If you eat me, you will die! What am I?-NOTHING |
1213: Downward grows the root. Outward grows the skin.Upward grows the shoot. What way blows the wind?-WAYWARD |
1214: Photo-TURKEY |
1215: What do you get when you cross a banana peel with a computer?-SLIPPED DISK |
1216: Photo-SCARFACE |
1217: Makeup for finger tips. What am I?-NAIL POLISH |
1218: Some people avoid me, some people count me, some people just consume me. What am I?-CALORIES |
1220: What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat and 2/4 goat?-CHICAGO |
1221: I twist and turn and leaves a loop. What am I?-SHOELACE |
1223: I have a thousand wheels, but move I do not. Call me what I am,call me a lot.-PARKING LOT |
1224: Lovely and round, I shine with pale light;Grown in the darkness;A lady’s delight. What am I?-PEARL |
1225: Photo-MONKEY |
1226: Hink Pink Clue:nFruit from the capital of Cuba-HAVANA BANANA |
1227: Where do cows go to dance?-MEATBALL |
1229: What has its heart in its head?-LETTUCE |
1230: Photo-BUCKET LIST |
1231: What comes before six?-MILKMAN |
1232: You turn me over after you have traveled far. What am I?-ODOMETER |
1233: Photo-QATAR |
1234: Something you do with guests at a fancy party hoping to get a legup in your career.-SCHMOOZE |
1235: I am the state when a person is holding a person inside. What am I?-PREGNANT |
1236: Photo-ROUND EDGES |
1237: I destroy your home from inside out. What am I?-TERMITE |
1238: It is an arctic double breasted formal wear.-SNOWSUIT |
1239: Photo-SHOP TIL YOU DROP |
1240: Brings the sky a lot closer.-TELESCOPE |
1241: Mr.White followed a parking sign but was given a ticket by the policeman.Can you guess what that sign reads?-FINE FOR PARKING |
1242: Photo-PRETTY PLEASE |
1243: Rotten trees and JackOLanterns have this characteristic in common.-HOLLOW |
1244: Hinky Pinky Clue:nFine sweets-DANDY CANDY |
1245: Photo-SPOT |
1246: What makes a loud noise when changing its jacket, becomes larger but weighs less?-POPCORN |
1247: What goes inside boots and outside shoes?-ANKLES |
1248: Photo-ROSEMARY |
1249: What has feet and legs, and nothing else?-STOCKINGS |
1250: I have an end but no beginning, a home but no family, a space without room. I never speak but there is no word I cannot make. What am I?-KEYBOARD |
1251: Photo-MISSING LINK |
1252: Large as a mountain, small as a pea,Endlessly swimming in a waterless sea.-ASTEROIDS |
1253: Photo-FORREST GUMP |
1254: What clothing is always sad?-BLUE JEANS |
1255: Gumby and yoga instructors have this in common.-FLEXIBLE |
1256: Photo-HANUKKAH |
1257: You must keep it after giving it.-YOUR WORD |
1258: Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet how you miss me, when I have flown. What am I?-TIME |
1259: Photo-SNOW BIKING |
1260: Perhaps the most important adjective for ballerinas and princesses.-GRACEFUL |
1261: What beam is lighter than all the other beams?-LIGHTBEAM |
1262: Photo-PROGRAM |
1263: I tremble at each breath of air, and yet can heaviest burdens bear.-WATER |
1264: Never ahead, ever behind, Yet flying swiftly past; For a child I last forever, For adults I’m gone too fast.-CHILDHOOD |
1265: Photo-SUNSET |
1266: What spends all the time on the floor but never gets dirty?-YOUR SHADOW |
1267: What could ruin and fix your life at the same time?-MONEY |
1268: Photo-PIECES OF A PUZZLE |
1269: What kind of goose fights with snakes?-MONGOOSE |
1270: What animal is bad to play cards with?-CHEETAH |
1271: Photo-FERDINAND |
1272: What element is derived from a Norse god?-THORIUM |
1273: What sport has four letters, is played all around the world, and begins with a T?-GOLF |
1274: Photo-GO DOWN IN FLAMES |
1275: What holds the sun up in the sky?-SUNBEAMS |
1276: Photo-EMERGENCY STOP |
1277: What does an evil chicken lay?-DEVILED EGGS |
1278: What is an astronaut’s favorite key on the keyboard?-THE SPACE BAR |
1279: Photo-COCONUTS |
1280: As I went over London Bridge I met my sister Jenny; I broke her neck and drank her blood and left her standing empty.-GIN |
1281: Hink Pink Clue:nGrizzly carnival-FAIR BEAR |
1282: Photo-CLEAR |
1283: What do you call a cow with a sense of humor?-LAUGHING STOCK |
1284: Sitting down you have it, Standing up you don’t.-LAP |
1286: What kind of soda must you not drink?-BAKING SODA |
1287: What do sea otters use for money?-SAND DOLLAR |
1289: No thicker than your finger when it folds.As thick as what it’s holding when it holds.-SACK |
1290: Which is the rope you never skip with?-EUROPE |
1291: Photo-THROW IN THE TOWEL |
1292: You need a key to receive an answer from me. The answer you’ll find is straight from your mind. What is it?-CODE |
1293: Hink Pink Clue:nRabbit that tells jokes-FUNNY BUNNY |
1294: Photo-HALFBACK |
1295: It is hate and has hate in it, but it isn’t hate.-HATRED |
1296: I have three eyes and only one leg. Obey me or you will be sorry. What am I?-TRAFFIC LIGHT |
1297: Photo-A SCREW LOOSE |
1298: Hink Pink Clue:nGood cost-NICE PRICE |
1299: I can be driven but have no wheels. I can be sliced but still remains whole. What am I?-GOLD BALL |
1300: Photo-EGG |
1301: What does an octopus wear when it gets cold?-A COAT OF ARMS |
1302: What is deep within you, never dies or gets worn out, and only needs some fire from time to time?-SOUL |
1303: Photo-LAST BUT NOT LEAST |
1304: I cause involuntary movements in your vehicle. What am I?-TOW TRUCK |
1305: Hink Pink Clue:nA tired flower-LAZY DAISY |
1306: Photo-WANGLE |
1307: What do you call a dumb bunny?-A HARE BRAIN |
1308: I am round. I have only one line. Circle is not my name indeed. What am I?-OVAL |
1310: A long snake. With a stinging bite, I stay coiled up. Unless I must fight.-WHIP |
1311: Hink Pink Clue:nInsect carpet-BUG RUG |
1312: Photo-HAMSTER WHEEL |
1313: Angels and pilots work with me. What am I?-WINGS |
1314: Hink Pink Clue:nHorse gaze-MARE STARE |
1315: Photo-ANTEATER |
1316: Where jewelry pierces your head.-LOBE |
1317: What do you call a deer with no eyes-NO IDEA |
1318: I am a tool for fairies. What am I?-MAGIC WAND |
1319: What did the nut say when it sneezed?-CASHEW |
1320: Photo-CONUNDRUM |
1321: What has feet and legs, but nothing else?-PANTYHOSE |
1322: Retired people want these to be large and birds want them to hatch.-NEST EGGS |
1323: I have two hands but cannot clap.-CLOCK |
1324: I am million people’s wakeup call. What am I?-COFFEE BEAN |
1325: Hink Pink Clue:nWhat is a frozen vehicle?-AN ICICLE TRICYCLE |
1326: Where do you take a sick boat?-TO THE DOCK |
1327: Thousands of these come together to make a digital image. What is it?-PIXEL |
1328: I help boats park. What am I?-ANCHOR |
1329: Hinky Pinky Clue:nA soft shaky stomach-JELLY BELLY |
1330: A prehistoric reptile that lives today and the inspiration for the name of a popular sports drink.-GATOR |
1331: When the son of the water returns to the parent, it dies. What is it?-ICE |
1332: I have 24 keys but cannot open any locks. Sometimes loud, sometimes soft.What am I?-MUSIC |
1333: What goes up when the water comes down?-AN UMBRELLA |
1334: With three eyes and a black as night, I frequently knock down ten men with a single strike! What am I?-BOWLING BALL |
1335: First, I threw away the outside and cooked the inside. Then I ate the outside and threw away the inside. What did I eat?-CORN ON THE COB |
1336: It happens when something has been cut with H2O.-DILUTED |
1337: I am the reaction after enjoying soda. What am I?-BELCH |
1338: Things here are usually tagged with red stickers. What am I?-CLEARANCE |
1339: A hill full, a hole full; yet you cannot catch a bowl full. What is it?-MIST |
1340: What can answer in any language? What can speak without a mouth? What can sing without an ear?-AN ECHO |
1341: Hink Pink Clue:nFry literature-COOK BOOK |
1342: What do you call a crate of ducks ?-A BOX OF QUAKERS |
1343: Green but not a lizard, white without being snow, and bearded without being a man.-LEEK |
1346: I am strong enough to smash ships, but I fear the Sun. What am I?-ICE |
1347: I am free the first time and second time, but the third time is going to cost you money. What am I?-TEETH |
1348: Meat that has been cured by being cut into long, thin strips and dried.-JERKY |
1349: I have wheels and flies, yet I am not an aircraft. What am I?-GARBAGE TRUCK |
1350: Pirates put their booty in it.-CHEST |
1351: What seven letter word becomes longer when the third letter is removed?-LOUNGER |
1352: I am not a toy, though many use me for pleasure. I have a butt, but I cannot poop. What am I?-CIGARETTE |
1353: I am a creature with a “tight” name.-SEAL |
1354: Kings and queens may cling to power, and the jesters may have their call. I am the most common but I can rule them all. What am I?-ACE |
1355: What word has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end?-INKSTAND |
1356: Guess the gibberish:jock lit prow knees-CHOCOLATE BROWNIES |
1358: Guess the gibberish:fur rose in yoke hurt-FROZEN YOGURT |
1359: Guess the gibberish:abe an an appeal-A BANANA PEEL |
1360: Guess the gibberish:ha minch ease-HAM AND CHEESE |
1361: Guess the gibberish:shack cough alt raids-JACK OF ALL TRADES |
1362: Guess the gibberish:boe day tote ships-POTATO CHIPS |
1363: Guess the gibberish:highs creek own-ICE CREAM CONE |
1364: I’m a pie, but I come with peperoni and cheese-PIZZA |
1365: White, dark, round, square, big or small, I am seen on Valentine’s Day, and loved by all. What am I?-CHOCOLATE |
1366: This for is a baked dish of fruit, or meat and vegetables, typically with a top and base of pastry.-PIE |
1367: Guess the gibberish:notch hose anch ease-NACHOS AND CHEESE |
1368: What dish consists of tortilla chips smothered in cheese?-NACHOS |
1369: I am sometimes referred to as chips. What am I?-FRENCH FRIES |
1370: I am pronounced as one letter, written with three. I come in blue, black, brown, or grey. Reverse me and I read the same either way. What am I?-EYE |
1371: How can you say rabbit without using the letter R?-BUNNY |
1372: Our legs up, four legs down, soft in the middle, hard all around.-BED |
1373: We are twins, We are close together, But we will not touch, But far apart, We become one. What are we?-EYES |
1374: Thousands lay up gold within this house, but no man made it. Spears past counting guard this house, but no man wards it.-BEEHIVE |
1375: What three letters change a girl into a woman?-AGE |
1376: A warrior amongst the flowers, He bears a thrusting sword. Able and ready to use, To guard his golden hoard.-BEE |
1377: Guess the gibberish:hap pulled use-APPLE JUICE |
1378: For this gourmet style of meal you’ll need a pot and some pointy sticks.-FONDUE |
1379: This is a baked snack that is traditionally twisted into a unique knot-like shape.-PRETZEL |
1380: Find me on body builders or in the drink aisle. What am I?-SIX PACK |
1381: A young child goes up to a wise man and shocks him by asking him “What one thing do i have that God does not?”-PARENTS |
1382: Both guys and women enhance their visual organs with this item.-EYELINER |
1383: They are many and one, they wave and they drum. Used to cover a state, they go with you everywhere.-HANDS |
1384: Fuels backyard get-togethers.-CHARCOAL |
1385: Almost everyone needs it, asks for it, gives it. But almost nobody takes it.-ADVICE |
1386: Possibly the word most commonly said before taking a sip.-CHEERS |
1387: Sends paper without using the post office.-FAX |
1388: When I point up, it’s bright. When I point down, it’s dark. What am I?-LIGHT SWITCH |
1389: I can fly but I have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?-CLOUD |
1390: I make billions of dollars selling Windows.Who am I?-MICROSOFT |
1391: Always wooden and covered in paint. It can make you laugh or hide, because something dark is inside. What is it?-PENCIL |
1392: You do this into someone’s ear when you want to be discreet.-WHISPER |
1393: I dance on one feet and knows only one shape. Someone with same name as me is very good with directions. What am I?-COMPASS |
1394: Thirty white horses on a red hill, first they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.-TEETH |
1395: What has a bottom right at the top?-LEG |
1396: A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 run away. How many are left?-NINE |
1397: This is a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin, smooth oily edible flesh, and a large pit in the center. It is most used in guacamole dip.-AVOCADO |
1398: I am pinched by grandmas. What am I?-CHEEKS |
1399: It nukes food at the touch of a button.-MICROWAVE |
1400: The sun bakes them,the hand breaks them,the foot treads them,the mouth tastes them.-GRAPES |
1401: I’m a ring of sliced onion dipped in batter and then deep fried.-ONION RINGS |
1402: My flavors ranges from strawberry to toe. What am I?-JAM |
1403: What is this Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla rolled around a filling, typically of beans or ground or shredded beef?-BURRITO |
1404: Kids love this bouncy, sugary, treat. It’s like colorful rubber that you can eat.-JELLO |
1405: I’m a type of pizza that is folded in half before cooking to contain a filling.-CALZONE |
1406: This is meat from the upper part of a pig’s leg salted and dried or smoked, often enjoyed in a sandwich.-HAM |
1407: I am a shiny metal sheet that covers BBQ food. What am I?-ALUMINUM |
1408: This is a dish containing beans, sometimes baked but,despite the name, usually stewed, in a sauce.-BAKED BEANS |
1409: It flavors your food and divides the year up. What is it?-SEASON |
1410: Edible items purchased in large quantities.-GROCERIES |
1411: I’m a flat circular spongy roll made from yeast dough and eaten toasted and buttered.-ENGLISH MUFFIN |
1412: If you’re on a diet, smelling a fresh pan of brownies could be described as this.-TORTURE |
1413: Famous for cheese, wine and saying “ooo la la”.-FRENCH |
1414: I’m a small sweet cake, typically round, flat, and crisp. I come in a variety of flavors from chocolate chip to oatmeal raisin-COOKIE |
1415: This crisp stick-shaped roll is often enjoyed with soup or marinara sauce.-BREAD STICK |
1416: These are crisp, green, and are found near deli sandwiches.-PICKLE |
1417: Taking this from a baby is said to be quite easy.-CANDY |
1418: I’m usually served alongside burgers. I’m crispy golden potato sticks.-FRIES |
1419: This dip for chips is a spanish style sauce, mainly consisting of peppers, diced tomatoes and spices for a spicy flavor.-SALSA |
1420: I come with a train, and go with a train, and the train doesn’t need me, but can’t go without me. What am I?-NOISE |
1421: I’m a long, green-skinned fruit with watery flesh, usually eaten raw in salads or pickled.-CUCUMBER |
1422: This food is usually grilled and put between two buns, with cheese, tomato and pickles.-BURGER |
1423: You’ll see savory dishes in Hong Kong sizzling in these.-WOK |
1424: Many people confuse me with a vegetable, but I’m actually a fruit.I’m red when I’m ripe, and I’m sliced and served on burgers.-TOMATO |
1425: This baked dish consists of an open-topped pastry case with a savory or sweet filling.-FLAN |
1426: I am a delicious way of representing data. What am I?-PIE CHART |
1427: This Chocolate baked good is a soft candy made from sugar,butter, and milk or cream.-FUDGE |
1428: If you are a man then your best friend will eat this for dinner.-DOG FOOD |
1429: What can be big, white, dirty and wicked?-LIE |
1430: You can find me inside your body but not below the waist or in your tummy. I am located in the upper part and I am a symbol of love.-HEART |
1431: Sweet, sour, tart, and sugary, you can see me in every store and in every pantry. What am I?-CANDY |
1432: You can see me up north bundled up, I live inside a white house, and my diet is mainly Paleo. Who am I?-ESKIMO |
1433: I am worn to mark a successful victory, I am also made of flowers and leaves formed into a circle, and I vary from big to tiny. What am I?-A WREATH |
1434: I am a dreamlike fairyland but I can be horrific to many when I cover the land with ice. What am I?-WINTER |
1435: Jeff is younger than Rodney but older than Debbie. Larry is older than Erica who is older than Jeff. Rodney is older than Larry. Who is the middle child?-ERICA |
1436: I can be hot, I can be cold, I can run and I can be still, I can be hard and I can be soft. What am I?-WATER |
1437: I am a ball that can be rolled, but never bounced or thrown. What am I?-EYEBALL |
1438: What did the Zodiac get when the doctor tested him?-CANCER |
1439: I can be any shape, I can a be surprise to your loved one, just fill me up and make sure to hold me real tight so I won’t fly away. What am I?-A BALLOON |
1440: Bury deep, Pile on stones, Yet I will. Dig up the bones.-MEMORIES |
1441: I am a very hot ball up in the sky. I twinkle and shine, look small and bright? What am I?-A STAR |
1442: People drink me every morning all over the world. I come from a bean and help people wake up. What am I?-COFFEE |
1443: One strand dangles. Two strands twist. Three or more can fashion this.-BRAIDS |
1444: What did addition say to the subtraction when they found each other on Facebook?-ADD ME |
1445: I might be tiny or big on a ceiling but I can shine and illuminate everyone’s home at night. What am I?-A LIGHT BULB |
1446: Full of dark, filled with everything Both on my skin they color with my pack, I am always Afraid of the cat. What am I?-ZEBRA |
1447: What is sometimes long and other times short, thick or thin, full or sparse, and you can color it anything you want?-HAIR |
1448: I bubble and laugh and spit water in your face. I am no lady, And I don’t wear lace.-FOUNTAIN |
1449: I wag and I wiggle, I yelp and I sniff and sometimes I am usually incredibly excited when you return home. What am I?-A DOG |
1450: Useful tools for who in darkness dwell. Within you, corrupting like a deadly spell.-POISON |
1451: When set loose, I fly away, never so cursed, as when I go astray-RAFT |
1452: Why are there no living cats on Mars?-CURIOSITY |
1453: What is the difference between a poorly dressed man on a bike and a well-dressed man on a unicycle?-ATTIRE |
1454: No matter how little or how much you use me you change me every month.-CALENDAR |
1455: What is the edge of earth and bread?-CRUST |
1456: I am flora not fauna. I am foliage not trees. I am shrubbery not grass. What am I?-BUSH |
1457: What can be heard in court or used to carry briefs?-CASE |
1458: Two bodies have I though both joined in one. The more I stand still the faster I run. What am I?-HOURGLASS |
1459: In a tunnel of darkness lies a beast or iron. It can only attack when pulled back. What is it?-BULLET |
1460: I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I?-JOKE |
1461: I am gentle enough to soothe your skin, light enough to fly in the sky, strong enough to crack rocks. What am I?-WATER |
1462: I’m not a bird, but I can fly through the sky. I’m not a river, but I’m full of water. What am I?-CLOUD |
1463: Although I may have eyes, I cannot see. I have a round brown face with lots of acne. What am I?-POTATO |
1464: I am a seed with three letters in my name. Take away the last two and I still sound the same. What am I?-PEA |
1465: I am lighter than air but a hundred people cannot lift me. Careful, I am fragile. What am I?-BUBBLE |
1466: Although glory but not at my best. Power will fall to me finally, when the man made me is dead. What am I?-PRINCE |
1467: I am the type of room you can not enter or leave. Raise from the ground below. I could be poisonous or a delicious treat. What am I?-MUSHROOM |
1468: The more you take of me, the more you leave behind. What am I?-FOOTSTEP |
1469: I go up and never come down no matter how hard you wish. As I get higher, more wrinkles crawl on to the face. What am I?-AGE |
1470: I have a neck and no head, two arms but no hands. I’m with you to school, I’m with you to work. What am I?-SHIRT |
1471: The lunch destination of choice for teenagers and hospital employees-CAFETERIA |
1472: I shrink smaller every time I take a bath. What am I?-SOAP |
1473: I am good at concealing what’s real and hide what’s true. Sometime, I bring out the courage in you! What am I?-MAKEUP |
1474: I am owned by every man, though my length differs. Their wives uses me after getting married. What am I?-LAST NAME |
1475: I’m white; perfect for cutting & grinding. For most animals I am a useful tool. What am I?-TEETH |
1476: I am always around you but often forgotten. I am pure and clean most time, but occasionally rotten. What am I?-AIR |
1477: I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I?-SILENCE |
1478: The more you take away from me, the bigger I shall get. What am I?-HOLE |
1479: I have a straight back and sharp teeth to cut objects. What am I?-SAW |
1480: Taken from a mine and then locked up in a wooden case. Never released but used by students everyday. What am I?-LEAD |
1481: I am a mother from a family of eight. Spins around all day despite my weight. Had a ninth sibling before founding out its fake. What am I?-EARTH |
1482: I turn everything around, but I cannot move. When you see me you see you! What am I?-MIRROR |
1483: Though I am dark, Adam married me. What am I?-EVE |
1484: Tear me off and scratch my head, what once red is now black. What am I?-MATCH |
1485: Whoever made me don’t want me; Whoever bought me don’t need me. Whoever use me don’t know me. What am I?-COFFIN |
1486: Born in the ocean and white as snow. When I fall back to water I disappear without a trace. What am I?-SALT |
1487: As a state in America. I am round on both sides and high in the middle. What am I?-OHIO |
1488: I can wave my hands at you, but I never say goodbye. You are always cool when with me, even more so when I am high! What am I?-ELECTRIC FAN |
1489: I walk on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon, and 3 legs at night. What am I?-HUMAN |
1490: I start with an E, end with an E, and have a letter in me. What am I?-ENVELOPE |
1491: If a man carries my burden, they will get crushed to death. Though not rich, I leave silver in my track. What am I?-SNAIL |
1492: I always run but never walk, often murmur but never talk, have a bed but never sleep, has a mouth but never eat. What am I?-RIVER |
1493: Lighter than feather and softer than silk, yet the strongest man in the world cannot hold me for more than a few minutes. What am I?-BREATH |
1494: I am the place to turn when nature calls. What am I?-BATHROOM |
1495: With a halo of water and a tongue of wood, stone as skin long I stood. What am I?-CASTLE |
1496: I have a ring but no fingers. I used to stay still all the time, but nowadays I follow you around. What am I?-TELEPHONE |
1497: I begin and have no end. Eventually I will be the ending of all that has begun. What am I?-DEATH |
1498: I can’t go left, I can’t go right. I am forever stuck in a building over three stories high. What am I?-ELEVATOR |
1499: A bird that is too large to fly.-BIG BIRD |
1500: Lather. Rinse. Repeat.-SHAMPOO |
1501: Cows do this to salt and humans do it to ice cream!-LICK |
1502: A blind superhero and Evel Knievel’s profession.-DAREDEVIL |
1503: I am a daily ritual involving using a metal tool on the body. What am I?-SHAVE |
1504: The preferred color of carpet in this town is red.-HOLLYWOOD |
1505: Looks like a hippo crossed with a unicorn.-RHINO |
1506: Two in a whole and four in a pair. Six in a trio you see. Eight’s a quartet but what you must get is the name that fits just one of me. What am I?-HALF |
1507: The profession of Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton.-GUITARIST |
1508: I take off my clothes when you put on your clothes. I put on my clothes when you take off your clothes. What am I?-CLOTHES HANGER |
1509: A crafty use of long pieces of wool to make a scarf.-KNIT |
1510: Defends your noggin from the hard pavement.-HELMET |
1511: The surname of Cinderella’s boyfriend.-CHARMING |
1512: The surname of the only famous British spy.-BOND |
1513: Describes a gorgeous woman and an excellent punch.-KNOCK OUT |
1514: This pastry is a fruit pie in which the principal filling ingredient is apples.-APPLE PIE |
1515: I fly away as soon as you set me loose. People around you may slowly move away once they sense my presence. What am I?-FART |
1516: Describes a mysterious region and a stylish pair of shorts.-BERMUDA |
1517: Describes an era of history during which light was hard to come by.-DARK AGES |
1518: The Titanic is still chilling here.-ATLANTIC |
1519: Physicists have built devices to move me very fast. My last seven letters can be commonly found in newspapers, magazines, and journals. What am I?-PARTICLES |
1520: Makes wooden boys noses grow.-FIB |
1521: Diamonds and stress have this to thank for their existence.-PRESSURE |
1522: We applaud if you perform well. What am I?-AUDIENCE |
1523: A doctor might remove one from the neck of a Dracula victim.-FANG |
1524: Disgusting creatures that would survive a nuclear strike.-ROACH |
1525: Maritime marauders.-PIRATE |
1526: There is a television show dedicated to busting these tales of yore.-MYTH |
1527: I can speak with my hard metal tongue. But I cannot breathe, for I have no lung. What am I?-BELL |
1528: I am gold and can be black and white, I’m a symbol for a nation, when freedom took flight. What am I?-EAGLE |
1529: A drinkable phase of matter.-LIQUID |
1530: These are great fun until you realize you don’t have all the pieces.-PUZZLE |
1531: My first two letters say my name. My last letter asks a question. What I embrace I destroy. What am I?-IVY |
1532: I am wood that is neither hard, straight, or crooked. What am I?-SAW DUST |
1533: Doing something of this nature is likely to land you in court.-ILLEGAL |
1534: Men in skirts blow into these.-BAG PIPES |
1535: I am the second L in LOL. What am I?-LOUD |
1536: To cross the water I’m the way. For water I’m above I touch it not, and truth to say, I neither swim nor move. What am I?-BRIDGE |
1537: A favored material among biker gangs and superheroes.-LEATHER |
1538: Doing this on your Visa could result in being in debt for a long time.-MAX OUT |
1539: Micro parasites expert at sucking the blood of mammals and birds.-FLEA |
1540: These are needed to finish a test-ANSWERS |
1541: I transfer oxygen from the atmosphere to your blood. What am I?-LUNGS |
1542: A first job for many kids, this could be described as “Media Distribution Management.”-PAPER ROUTE |
1543: I can be simple or I can be complex. I can be found in this riddle or in everyday life. I c an be shapes or even colors. What am I?-PATTERN |
1544: Doing this with your job can be risky but doing it with smoking is always a good idea.-QUIT |
1545: These are the bumpy parts of your digits.-KNUCKLE |
1546: A gentleman whose offspring have successfully produced offspring of their own.-GRANDPA |
1547: I mean goodbye for South Americans. What am I?-ADIOS |
1548: I am longer than a decade and shorter than a millennium. What am I?-CENTURY |
1549: Don’t do this in the shallow end.-DIVE |
1550: Not the skinniest of felines.-FATCAT |
1551: I tell people to be careful when handling boxes. What am I?-FRAGILE |
1552: These people cannot be choosers.-BEGGARS |
1553: I am a way to say goodbye to your sweetheart. What am I?-KISS |
1554: I am milky white and scares people. What am I?-GHOST |
1555: A gruesome betrayal.-BACK STAB |
1556: Dragons are known to do this to their gold.-HOARD |
1557: I am alive without breath and cold as death. I am never thirsty but always drinking. What am I?-FISH |
1558: Olympians use this to get high.-POLE |
1559: They come in a tin can and are known to cure halitosis.-ALTOIDS |
1560: A life or death skill for gunifghters.-QUICK DRAW |
1561: One might hang a locket from this.-NECKLACE |
1562: I am an activity involving pins flying in the air. What am I?-JOGGLING |
1563: There are four of us, but it seems like everyone loves spades the most. What am I?-ACES |
1564: A mechanism to discover who is following you.-REAR VIEW |
1565: They come in many varieties: Red, Black, Dead, and Caspian to name a few.-SEA |
1566: I store fire-breathing animals. What am I?-DUNGEON |
1567: A mighty weapon in the war against winged household pests.-FLYSWATTER |
1568: I am a beverage named after a stick. What am I?-CLUB SODA |
1569: They cut doors in half and wear wooden shoes.-DUTCH |
1570: 3 point goal. What am I?-FIELD GOAL |
1571: A natural tattoo on babies.-BIRTH MARK |
1572: One who has offended the government and has been detained by it.-PRISONER |
1573: Every team needs one of these before hitting the field. Get pumped!-PEP TALK |
1574: A person who chews the ends of their fingers.-NAIL BITER |
1575: I was not born, but I am here. I have no name, but I am given many. I was made by science and life. What am I?-CLONE |
1576: My first, though water, cures no thirst, my next alone has soul, and when he lives upon my first, he then is called my whole. What am I?-SEAMAN |
1577: Of these things – I have two. One for me – and one for you. And when you ask about the price, I simply smile and nod twice. What am I?-SHARING |
1578: I am a shimmering field that reaches far. Yet I have no tracks, and am crossed without paths. What am I?-OCEAN |
1579: A pet who lived in a town where an inordinate number of children fell down wells.-LASSIE |
1580: Peaches and a certain Couture have this in common.-JUICY |
1581: Fans of the Pied Piper’s smooth sound who are feared by elephants.-MICE |
1582: They produce pies and burgers and are great for tipping.-COWS |
1583: I am the word that is always spelled correctly by everyone. What am I?-CORRECTLY |
1584: I have strong affection for belly buttons. What am I?-LINT |
1585: People in love will often become this.-MARRIED |
1586: You write on me and secrets I can keep. In places never seen. I spin like a top. Though stiff as a board, I’m often described like a mop. What am I?-FLOPPY DISK |
1587: A pony trots his way through the world on these.-HOOF |
1588: People like this usually live in rural areas, unless they strike oil and move to Beverly Hills.-HILL BILLY |
1589: I am so delicious that I require a house to contain me. What am I?-PANCAKES |
1590: I am the kind of ant that’s good at math. What am I?-ACCOUNTANT |
1591: Without a bridle, or a saddle, across a thing I ride a-straddle. And those I ride, by help of me, though almost blind, are made to see. What am I?-GLASSES |
1592: The more you work, the more I’ll eat.You keep me full, I’ll keep you neat. What am I?-PENCIL SHARPENER |
1593: I am black within and red without, With four corners round about. What am I?-CHIMNEY |
1594: Found at the end of rainbows.-POTS |
1595: Thinkers hold this body part.-CHIN |
1596: While you were folding a letter you got me. Usually you will do whatever it takes to avoid me, but now you can’t help but find me. What am I?-PAPER CUT |
1597: Turns me on my backs, and open up my stomach. You will be the wisest of men though at start a lummox. What am I?-BOOK |
1598: A republican whose name is synonymous with “glove.”-MITT |
1599: I spend the day at the window, go to the table for meals, and hide at night. What am I?-FLY |
1600: A salutation from the islands.-ALOHA |
1601: Plant whose name sounds like a dish full of dairy spread.-BUTTERCUP |
1602: This falls from the mouths of babies and Homer Simpson when he sees doughnuts.-DROOL |
1603: Possibly the only plumber ever to rescue a princess.-MARIO |
1604: Though desert men once called me God, today men call me mad. For I wag my tail when I am angry. And growl when I am glad. What am I?-CAT |
1605: Fred and Wilma’s child, named after a stone.-PEBBLES |
1606: This patch of land stands alone.-ISLAND |
1607: If you’re looking for something sweet I know what to do. But if you don’t like heat I’m not for you. What am I?-KITCHEN |
1608: I’ll bring out your bulls, and slow your roll. I may even come out of your skull. What am I?-RED |
1609: I’m tall, I’m round and hollow, Seems to get chewed a bit, But you’ll rarely see me unless the other end is lit. What am I?-PIPE |
1610: This person has left the building.-ELVIS |
1611: A small paradise surrounded by dry heat. Some have Wonderwalls.-OASIS |
1612: I am made by nature, soft as silk; A puffy cloud, white as milk; Snow tops this tropical crop; The dirtiest part of a mop. What am I?-COTTON |
1613: Goliath, The Jolly Green and Andre are all examples of this.-GIANT |
1614: Six legs, two heads, two hands, one long nose. Yet I use only four legs Wherever I go. What am I?-HORSEMAN |
1615: This plant is responsible for spreading a lot of gossip.-GRAPEVINE |
1616: Racers are asked to start these at NASCAR events.-ENGINE |
1617: A standard dimension for sandwiches and rulers.-FOOTLONG |
1618: Rappers and Mr. T wear these in abundance.-GOLD CHAIN |
1619: Real estate for toys.-DOLLHOUSE |
1620: Those who stand vigil by the shore.-COAST GUARD |
1621: I am owned by Old McDonald. What am I?-FARM |
1622: Retired people want these to be large and birds want them to hatch.-NESTEGGS |
1623: I’ve been argued on my colour. Without me you’ll die. So many attempts on your life use me, so make sure you have many of my “White” friends.-RED BLOOD CELL |
1624: Hairdo for NASCAR fans.-MULLET |
1625: Timid or weak people are said to not have these.-BACKBONE |
1626: Royalty whose bugers are broiled and whose bed is large.-KING |
1627: I am seen in the water. If seen in the sky, I am in the rainbow, a jay’s feather, and lapis lazuli. What am I?-BLUE |
1628: Tiny creatures that have a special relationship with flowers.-BUMBLEBEE |
1629: I save lives on the ground an din the air. What am I?-SEATBELT |
1630: Salivating at the mention of a cheeseburger is this kind of response.-PAVLOVIAN |
1631: A wave of white powdery destruction that is a skier’s worst nightmare.-AVALANCHE |
1632: Brown I am and much admired; many horses have I tried; tire a horse and worry a man; tell me this riddle if you can. What am I?-SADDLE |
1633: Godzilla calls this place home-JAPAN |
1634: A weighty currency.-POUND |
1635: Transportation of choice for princesses to attend balls.-CARRIAGE |
1636: Precious stones in a pack of cards.-DIAMONDS |
1637: Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce and cheese in a sesame seed bun.-BIG MAC |
1638: Scottish knee-length formal wear for men.-KILT |
1639: He crushed on Wendy Darling.-PETERPAN |
1640: High fat reward for making it through another solar cycle.-CAKE |
1641: You can do this with your friends. You can do this with your nose. But don’t do it with your friend’s nose!-PICK |
1642: According to the music industry, you can count on a midnight train and the devil to turn up here.-GEORGIA |
1643: His big belly supposedly has the ability to dispense good fortune.-BUDDHA |
1644: Used to yell in a text.-CAPS |
1645: Aliens in Toy Story call this their leader.-CLAW |
1646: Serves as a go between in business.-MIDDLE MAN |
1647: I carry you down a gental stream. What am I?-ROWBOAT |
1648: Slang for the male half in a marriage.-HUBBY |
1649: Hoofed frolicking.-HORSEPLAY |
1650: Vikings use this for warmth.-PELT |
1651: If you blow past your destination, you’ll have to throw your car into this.-REVERSE |
1652: Slithery critters with a taste for dirt.-EARTHWORM |
1653: An accessory sported by many construction workers.-HARD HAT |
1654: Snowwhite was friendly with seven of them.-DWARF |
1655: An ancient suit that is not worn with a tie.-ARMOR |
1656: Some adults still use these to count.-FINGER |
1657: How a big, hibernating mammal would show affection.-BEARHUG |
1658: Watches students at the prom to make sure there’s no funny business.-CHAPERONE |
1659: Responsible for the toupee industry.-BALD SPOT |
1660: A defendant will go free if a reasonable amount of this exists.-DOUBT |
1661: This would be a good place to find Can-Can girls and drunk Cowboys.-SALOON |
1662: Humans have two that shrink in the light and expand in the dark.-PUPIL |
1663: Wearing one of these warm garments around might get you doused in red paint.-FUR COAT |
1664: Known for their natural tuxedos and marching.-PENGUINS |
1665: I can’t believe it’s not…-BUTTER |
1666: Someone who is enthusiastic about tending the garden is said to have this appendage.-GREEN THUMB |
1667: What Botox will do to your expression.-PARALYZE |
1668: A morbidly-named body of water.-DEAD SEA |
1669: By Thursday you’re over this.-HUMP |
1670: One of the few activities that involves bowling pins flying through the air.-JUGGLING |
1671: What dentists battle on a daily basis.-CAVITIES |
1672: The L in Lol-LAUGH |
1673: What scientists might call your pooch.-CANINE |
1674: Basically a cake made of cow.-MEATLOAF |
1675: Sometimes called chips and served with fish.-FRENCH FRY |
1676: Pan’s nemesis.-HOOK |
1677: Batman, Archie, Betty and Veronica all started as these.-COMIC BOOKS |
1678: If someone offers you one of these, they had a successful fishing trip or their band just broke up.-BASS |
1679: Rabbits do this to carrots and Jason Mraz does this to ears.-NIBBLE |
1680: What you make after you’ve weighed your options.-DECISION |
1681: Beautiful girls strut and sexy men ‘do their little turn’ on this.-CAT WALK |
1682: Sore losers are often called the sour variety of this fruit.-GRAPE |
1683: If you agree give me one of these!-AMEN |
1684: What you do to determine the length of something.-MEASURE |
1685: Being able to interpret the letters on this screen proves that you have this quality.-LITERATE |
1686: Sounds like he works on public transportation but he really works in a restaurant.-BUS BOY |
1687: When 12 of your peers can’t agree.-HUNG JURY |
1688: Everyone claims to know a way to stop these involuntary contractions . None of them work.-HICCUP |
1689: Between you and the net stands this vigilant protector of the scoreboard.-GOALIE |
1690: According to the ads, this is the favorite beverage of friendly polar bears.-COKE |
1691: Standard issue tool for Fairy Godmothers and wizards.-MAGICWAND |
1692: When a doctor hits you with a hammer he is testing this.-REFLEX |
1693: Both a currency and an antlered male.-BUCK |
1694: Before crust hardens.-DOUGH |
1695: When a professor’s brain goes missing.-ABSENT |
1696: Raise your right appendage high above your head. Turn your head to the right and you will smell this.-ARMPIT |
1697: Boxers do this for a living and kids do it in the backseat for free.-FIGHT |
1698: One of the best things you can hope for after whacking a ball with a stick.-HOMERUN |
1699: When everyone stares at clocks and then starts smooching.-NEW YEARS |
1700: Mary’s child slept in one of these.-MANGER |
1701: If you need a night out, call one of these over to take the little ones off your hands for a while.-BABYSITTER |
1702: Tax-rates occasionally take these nature strolls.-HIKE |
1703: When I type I tap these on the keys.-FINGER TIPS |
1704: Can be achieved in a car or as a position during conflict.-NEUTRAL |
1705: Temporary evidence of where you’ve been strolling.-FOOTPRINT |
1706: Can be done to buttons and shopping carts.-PUSH |
1707: If you spot one of these eastern warriors, they’re not doing their job right.-NINJA |
1708: When life gives you these, make a refreshing beverage.-LEMONS |
1709: Term for male grooming.-MANSCAPE |
1710: Can be used onstage or to express admiration.-PROPS |
1711: If you suffer from this, you might wear a wig.-BALDNESS |
1712: Thanks for such treasures as Mariachis, enchiladas and habanero!-MEXICO |
1713: Can describe a distress signal or flashy accessories.-FLARE |
1714: If you wake at dawn, you’ll probably find this covering the lawn.-DEW |
1715: Causes dancing in children when it fills up.-BLADDER |
1716: The celebrities of high school were part of this crowd.-POPULAR |
1717: If you’re worried that grandpa will bite, just remove these.-DENTURES |
1718: Certain worms and like these.-BOOKS |
1719: Children keep their assets in this.-PIGGY BANK |
1720: Cockroaches and illegal drug labs are afraid of this.-RAID |
1721: In the 1800’s these turned women into hourglasses.-CORSET |
1722: The enemy of the lactose intolerant.-DAIRY |
1723: Without coolant, you’ll have some trouble with this.-RADIATOR |
1724: Ingredients: apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, canteloupe. Instructions: toss.-FRUIT SALAD |
1725: Without this, eating food and Steven Spielberg’s career would be very different.-JAWS |
1726: Without this, H2o would just be 2o.-HYDROGEN |
1727: It was fully armed and operational when Lando attacked in Han’s spaceship.-DEATH STAR |
1728: You are owed one of these when someone wrongs you.-APOLOGY |
1729: It’s anything but amusing when this body part gets hit.-FUNNY BONE |
1730: You could do this to a motion, see it on a watch, or place this in a race.-SECOND |
1731: The line a runner strives to reach.-FINISH |
1732: It’s where the wind comes sweeping down the plain. Not to mention the waving wheat.-OKLAHOMA |
1733: The line in your hair.-PART |
1734: Ketchup’s slighly less popular brother.-MUSTARD |
1735: The main difference between us and zombies.-LIFE |
1736: Kids hunt for them and adults make sure they are not all in one basket.-EGGS |
1737: The most foreign visitors you could imagine.-ALIEN |
1738: The ninja turtles call this place home, as do mythical alligators.-SEWER |
1739: You throw away the outside and cook the inside. You then eat the outside and throw away the inside.-CORN |
1740: Known to accessorize with feathers, trumpets, and harps.-ANGEL |
1741: The offspring of a feline and a Xerox machine.-COPY CAT |
1742: You’re gonna need a bigger boat to go after one of these toothy hunters.-SHARKS |
1743: The original 49ers and opportunistic women share this nickname.-GOLD DIGGER |
1744: The point of a Dear John Letter.-BREAK UP |
1745: You’re having a bad day if 12 peers deem you to be this.-GUILTY |
1746: I direct you from outer space. What am I?-GPS |
1747: What tire doesn’t move when a car turns right?-SPARE TIRE |
1748: Do this to your gifts to make them festive-WRAP |
1749: I am green but not a tree. You can see me and sit on me and I grow around the world. What am I?-GRASS |
1750: It’s equally comfortable in an orchestra and a geometry textbook. What is it?-TRIANGLE |
1751: If I don’t keep time correctly it may mean death. I cause a beating that doesn’t hurt, but rather sustains life. What am I ?-PACEMAKER |
1752: I am a precious little thing, dancing and eating all the time. Watch me from a distance, so you can feel my warm and gentle love. But don’t come to close or my next meal you could be!-FIRE |
1753: Just head and foot yet never tires of dancing.-SPINNING TOP |
1754: The King of Pop’s stellar dance move-MOONWALK |
1755: Lovely and round, I shine with pale light, Grown in the darkness, a lady’s delight.-PEARL |
1756: I am bought by the yard but worn by the foot. What am I?-CARPET |
1757: What can I not be tomorrow?-YOUNGER |
1758: You can earn me, you can lose me, but you can’t use me, either high or low, I can tell your status quo, either good or bad, it might make you happy or sad. What am I?-CREDIT SCORE |
1759: A move made popular b the King of Pop. What am I?-MOON WALK |
1760: It has the biggest wall and is also used when drinking tea.-CHINA |
1761: I must be broken before you can use me. What am I?-EGG |
1762: Everyone has it. Those who have it least don’t know that they have it. Those who have it most wish they had less of it, But not too little or none at all.-AGE |
1763: I go around in circles, But always straight ahead Never complain, No matter where I am led.-WHEEL |
1764: Reaching stiffly for the sky, I bare my fingers when its cold. In warmth I wear an emerald glove and in between I dress in gold.-TREE |
1765: What do you have when you’re sitting down that you don’t have when you’re standing up?-LAP |
1766: This food is a Thanksgiving tradition.-TURKEY |
1767: The more you take, the more you leave behind.-FOOTSTEPS |
1768: The fans of the pied piper’s smooth sound who are feared by elephants-MICE |
1769: While I’m a challenge for one and a rebuke between two, Yet I still have a direction for every number. What am I?-CROSSWORDS |
1770: I am something that floats. But after a period of time I fall.-BALLOON |
1771: I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?-CANDLE |
1772: I am yours only once a year, you still cut me up with no fear. What am I?-BIRTHDAY CAKE |
1773: What goes in the water red, and comes out black?-IRON |
1774: Halo of water, tongue of wood. Skin of stone, long I’ve stood. My fingers short reach to the sky. Inside my heart men live and die.-CASTLE |
1775: You are having a bad day if 12 peers deem you to be this-GUILTY |
1776: My first is in ocean but never in sea. My second’s in wasp but never in bee. My third is in glider and also in flight. My whole is a creature that comes out at night.-OWL |
1777: I’m very tempting, so it’s said, I have a shiny coat of red, and my flesh is white beneath. I smell so sweet, taste good to eat, and help to guard your teeth.-APPLE |
1778: Tall I am young, Short I am old, While with life I glow, Wind is my foe. What am I?-CANDLE |
1779: Cold head and feet; Round as a ball; Always turning around itself.-EARTH |
1780: Skirts for men. What am I?-KILT |
1781: What holds names and memories which are not its own?-GRAVESTONE |
1782: I come in winter. I cannot see, hear, or feel. I can’t eat, but you can eat parts of me.-SNOWMAN |
1783: I have wings but cannot fly. I can do the twist but can’t move around. People enjoy relaxing in my company. What am I?-CEILING FAN |
1784: What do frogs order when they go to a restaurant?-FRENCH FLIES |
1785: What do you call a bear with no teeth?-GUMMY BEAR |
1786: Tomorrow’s yesterday. Yesterday’s tomorrow. What is it?-TODAY |
1787: Bumpy form of transportation in desert cultures.-CAMEL |
1788: Where do tadpoles change?-CROAKROOM |
1789: A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 die. How many are left alive?-NINE |
1790: The offspring of a feline and a Xerox machine-COPYCAT |
1791: How many months in the year have 28 days?-ALL OF THEM |
1792: I watch over you as you sleep without leaving a trace. It only takes one small step to land on my face. What am I?-MOON |
1793: It can be grown in your yard or bought at the store and is given for love when less is more?-FLOWER |
1794: What does someone else have to take before you can get?-PHOTOGRAPH |
1795: What’s a carpet’s favorite sport?-RUGBY |
1796: Though easy to spot, when allowed to plume, It is hard to see, when held in a room.-SMOKE |
1797: I am a word. I become longer when the third letter is removed. What am I?-LOUNGER |
1798: Deposit red liquid in me. What am I?-BLOOD BANK |
1799: I march before armies, a thousand salute me. My fall can bring victory, but no one would shoot me. The wind is my lover, one-legged am I. Name me and see me at home in the sky.-FLAG |
1800: I love to dance and twist and prance. I shake my tail, as away I sail. Wingless I fly into the sky.-KITE |
1801: What word, if spelled right is wrong and spelled wrong is right?-WRONG |
1802: I have 24 keys but cannot open any locks. Sometimes loud, sometimes soft. What am I?-MUSIC |
1803: One am I, among six others: Largest, smallest, cold, dark and two brothers-EUROPE |
1804: A warrior among the flowers, he bears a thrusting sword. He uses it whenever he must, to defend his golden hoard.-BEE |
1805: What cleans as it gets dirty only to get clean the more you use it?-SPONGE |
1806: Hard iron on horse. Cow’s hide on man.-SHOE |
1807: I hide all my feet, Inside of my mouth. My nose you must push, to keep my tongue out. What am I?-TAPE MEASURE |
1808: What does a werewolf and a 50 year old woman have in common?-NIPPLE HAIRS |
1809: What is a duck’s favorite snack?-QUACKERS |
1810: It happens when something has been cut with H2O.-DILUTED |
1811: I have a pet, his body is full of coins-PIGGY BANK |
1812: I’m a green veggie that looks like a tiny tree.-BROCCOLI |
1813: Made of ten but two we make, When assembled others quake, Five apart and we are weak, Five together havoc wreak. What are we?-FIST |
1814: What 4-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?-NOON |
1815: What are you certain to find inside your pocket when you reach into it?-HAND |
1816: I am wingless but airborne, and when I meet your gaze tears will fall from your eyes. What am I?-SEAL |
1817: A mysterious, fantastic creature, It has one defining feature, And for humans at their worst, In their eyes it’s just a horse-UNICORN |
1818: A man without bones whose flesh is cold. A man unthinking who is always shrinking. Who is he?-SNOWMAN |
1819: A flash of light on a grey day. If you’re made of metal, you best stay away. What am I?-LIGHTNING |
1820: What snacks do you serve at a robot party?-ASSORTED NUT |
1821: What has holes on each side, but can still can hold water?-SPONGE |
1822: What when read from right to left is a servant but when read from left to right is a ruler?-GOD |
1823: Old Mcdonald had this-FARM |
1824: I can’t be seen, found, heard or smelled. I lie behind stars and under hills, I fill empty holes, come first and follow after. What am I?-DARK |
1825: The person who makes it has no need for it. The person who purchases it does not use it. The person who does use it does not know he or she is. What is it?-COFFIN |
1826: What can be swallowed, but can swallow you?-PRIDE |
1827: Hold these between your knees if you want to set a Cuban beat.-BONGOS |
1828: I make up all literature, but I’m often sealed. What am I?-LETTERS |
1829: It will not die when hung, and will dry when wrung.-LAUNDRY |
1830: I am soft and transparent. I am so small that I can sit on your finger. I have no light but I help you to see the beautiful world. What am I?-CONTACT LENS |
1831: As a stone inside a tree, I’ll help your words outlive thee. But if you push me as I stand, the more I move the less I am. What am I?-PENCIL |
1832: It is where kings, queens, knights and bishops go to war together.-CHESS GAME |
1833: It’s only good if people laugh at it.-JOKE |
1834: To you, rude would I never be, Though I flag my tongue for all to see.-DOG |
1835: I know a word; six letters it contains. And yet if you take one away, twelve is what remains.-DOZENS |
1836: You eat something you neither plant nor plow. It is the son of water, but if water touches it, it dies.-SALT |
1837: hey are producers of pies and burgers and are great for tipping.-COWS |
1838: Drop me from the highest building I’ll be fine, drop me in water I’ll die. What am I?-PAPER |
1839: I have married many woman but has never been married. What am I?-PRIEST |
1840: The daughter of Maria is the mother of my daughter. Who am I to Maria?-DAUGHTER |
1841: I’m a vegetable that is a long, green stalk. I’m usually eaten at thanksgiving with cheese or peanut butter.-CELERY |
1842: Old people and owls are said to be this.-WISE |
1843: I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but cant go outside. What am I?-KEYBOARD |
1844: There is an ancient invention. Still used in some parts of the world today. That allows people to see through walls.-WINDOW |
1845: It is a path of cow juice spread across the sky but cannot be seen by the naked eye-MILKY WAY |
1846: What is the safest room to be in during a zombie apocalypse?-LIVING ROOM |
1847: He is known to commit a friendly home invasion one night a year, never taking but always leaving stuff behind-SANTCLAUS |
1848: What can be broken without being touched?-PROMISE |
1849: I can be written, I can be spoken, I can be exposed, I can be broken. What am I?-NEWS |
1850: A DJ does this to records. I do it to mosquito bites.-SCRATCH |
1851: A desert oasis where money magically disappears from your pocket!-LAS VEGAS |
1852: It’s usually found dried, but often kept slicker. Above another need, it’s said to be thicker. What is it?-BLOOD |
1853: In the morning I sing on feathered wing. I soar through the air without a care. What am I?-BIRD |
1854: The Black Pearl was this type of criminal seafaring vessel-PIRATE SHIP |
1855: A precious stone, as clear as diamond. Seek it out while the sun’s near the horizon. Though you can walk on water with its power, try to keep it, and it’ll vanish in an hour.-ICE |
1856: A nutcracker up in a tree-SQUIRREL |
1857: Lives without a body, hears without ears, speaks without a mouth, to which the air alone gives birth. What is it?-ECHO |
1858: I weaken all men for hours each day. I show you strange visions while you are away. I take you by night, by day take you back. None suffer to have me, but do from my lack.-SLEEP |
1859: I cover what is real and hide what is true, But sometimes I bring out the courage in you. What am I?-MAKEUP |
1860: I’m a fruit that grows on a tree. Some of my varieties include Red Delicious and Granny Smith.-APPLE |
1861: I am quick when I’m thin. I am slow when I’m fat. Wind is my worst nightmare. What am I?-CANDLE |
1862: What does a snowman eat for breakfast?-SNOWFLAKES |
1863: A type of hammer that brings a room to order.-GAVEL |
1864: Tear one off and scratch my head. What once was red is black instead. What am I?-MATCH |
1865: What type of house weighs the least?-LIGHTHOUSE |
1866: What is it that has a power socket on one end and a corkscrew on the other?-PIG |
1867: A twiggy home-NEST |
1868: What do you get when you cross an automobile with a household animal?-CARPET |
1869: Even the oldest ones can be described as current, but a little mainstream.-RIVER |
1870: The sun bakes them, The hand breaks them, The foot treads on them, And the mouth tastes them. What are they?-GRAPES |
1871: I have a long tail that I let fly. Every time I go through a gap, I leave a bit of my tail in the trap. What am I?-NEEDLE |
1872: I am everyone, yet no-one, I can be anywhere or nowhere, when the lights go out I disappear and when I face myself we multiply. What am I?-REFLECTION |
1873: Strip the skin under my skin, and my flesh you’ll reveal. It tastes sweet and tart, now throw out the peel. What is it?-ORANGE |
1874: It’s a symbol and a fruit, For man’s folly, evil’s root. But also for great inspiration, and famous application.-APPLE |
1875: What begins to die on a wedding day?-FLOWERS |
1876: A sport with love and service played by singles and pairs.-TENNIS |
1877: I count time, but have no end. Tick tick, but I am not a clock. What am I?-METRONOME |
1878: What has two butts and kills people?-ASSASSIN |
1879: It moves around in circles. We see it as we turn. It keeps us always warm. Always alive and always dying, Across the sky we see it flying, But touch it and we burn.-SUN |
1880: The athletically challenged spend a good deal of time on this seat made of pine.-BENCH |
1881: What do you receive when you ask a lemon for help?-LEMONAID |
1882: Angels and pilots earn these.-WINGS |
1883: Tool of thief, toy of queen. Always used to be unseen. Sign of joy, sign of sorrow. Giving all likeness borrowed. What am I?-MASK |
1884: George J. Jetson and Neil A. Armstrong drove this to work.-SPACESHIP |
1885: What is made of wood but can’t be sawed?-SAWDUST |
1886: At a bank without money I’d go on a spree. The more I like you, the more you hate me. What am I?-MOSQUITO |
1887: What time starts and stops with an “n”?-NOON |
1888: A toasty and crunchy cereal would be pointless without this spice.-CINNAMON |
1889: You walk into a room with a match, a kerosene lamp and a fireplace. Which do you light first?-MATCH |
1890: What time is spelled the same forwards and backwards?-NOON |
1891: I have a tongue, but cannot speak. I have a bed but cannot sleep. I have four legs but cannot walk. Yet I move as you do. What am I?-WAGON |
1892: I work when I play and play when I work.-MUSICIAN |
1893: Salty water everywhere but not sea in sight.-TEARS |
1894: It’s hard to see me when I’m working. It’s hard to see when I’m not working. Keep me wet or I’ll be uncomfortable. I spend a lot of time around balls. What am I?-CONTACT LENSES |
1895: What age most travelers have?-BAGGAGE |
1896: It’s been around for millions of years, but is never more than a month old. What is it?-MOON |
1897: What has a spot and is very bright, is sometimes, red, white, blue, yellow or green and is often blinding.-SPOTLIGHT |
1898: I am an instrument capable of making numerous sound but cannot be touched or seen. What am I?-VOICE |
1899: I don’t speak but there is no word I cannot make. What am I?-ALPHABET |
1900: I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?-FIRE |
1901: What has a hundred limbs, sometimes leaves, but cannot walk?-TREE |
1902: What leaps one time out of four?-YEAR |
1903: My sides are firmly laced about, Yet nothing is within; You’ll think my head is strange indeed, Being nothing else but skin.-DRUM |
1904: I have wings, I am able to fly, I’m not a bird yet I soar high in the sky. What am I?-AIRPLANE |
1905: People always ask for me even though they don’t like to face me. What am I?-TRUTH |
1906: First I am dried, then I am wet; The longer I swim, the more taste you get. What am I?-TEA |
1907: What goes with a car, comes with a car, is no use to a car, but the car can’t move without it?-NOISE |
1908: This large green melon has red pulp inside and watery juice. Best enjoyed cold on a hot summer day-WATERMELON |
1909: What surrounds the world, yet dwells within a thimble?-SPACE |
1910: I have a frame but no pictures. I have poles but not standing up. What am I?-GLASSES |
1911: Use me well and I am everybody, Scratch my back and I am nobody.-MIRROR |
1912: It has 8 arms and lots of ink but can’t write a word.-OCTOPUS |
1913: These are the bumpy parts of your digits-KNUCKLE |
1914: I love to dance and twist and prance, I shake my tail, as away I sail, wingless I fly into the sky. What am I?-KITE |
1915: What has 4 fingers and a thumb, but is not living?-GLOVE |
1916: It is worldwide, but once only a spider could weave one-WEB |
1917: I’m always hungry and must be fed, the finger I touch will soon turn red, What am I?-FIRE |
1918: Kids play it and Michelangelo sculpted with it.-MARBLE |
1919: This is variety of pasta formed in narrow tubes, often mixed with cheese powder-MACARONI |
1920: I have feathers that help me fly; with head and body but I’m not alive. Very skinny and a fixed length, how far I go depends on.-ARROW |
1921: What breaks without falling?-DAY |
1922: My first is high, My second damp, My whole a tie, A writer’s cramp-HYPHEN |
1923: A hole leading in, a hole leading out, we connect to a cavern that is slimy all throughout. What are we?-NOSE |
1924: In my life I must bare, my bloodline I must share. What am I?-SIBLING |
1925: I can fill any space, float, and disappear. Never touching the ground I help others get around. What am I?-GAS |
1926: The 8 of us go forth and back to protect our king from a foes attack. What am I?-PAWNS |
1927: I won’t break if you throw me off from the highest building but I will break if you place me in the ocean. What am I?-TISSUE |
1928: What is something you can hold without ever touching?-BREATH |
1929: To unravel me, you need a key. No key that was made by locksmith’s hand, but a key that only I will understand. What am I?-CIPHER |
1930: What never asks questions but is often answered?-DOORBELL |
1931: Some keep it in a dumpster while others keep it in their trunk.-JUNK |
1932: What instrument plays from the heart?-LUNGS |
1933: Who won the skeleton fitness contest?-NOBODY |
1934: I have branches, sometimes a few and other times hundreds or more, but I have no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I?-BANK |
1935: When I take five and add six, I get eleven, but when I take six and add seven, I get one. What am I?-CLOCK |
1936: What do you purposefully put lots of in and on your body, but run away from when you encounter it outside?-RAIN |
1937: What bird is always unhappy?-BLUEBIRD |
1938: In the fields a frightful thing. Watch it and you will find, it has a pitchfork in the front, and a broom back behind.-BULL |
1939: If you take off my skin, I will not cry, but you will. What am I?-ONION |
1940: If you happen to wear one of these warm garments around, you might get doused in red paint.-FUR COAT |
1941: What do you use to hoe a row, slay a foe, and wring with woe?-HANDS |
1942: I have an eye but cannot see, You’ll head inside when you see me.-STORM |
1943: What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?-KANGAROO |
1944: You can break me, and I still work. If you touch me, you’re mine. What am I?-HEART |
1945: What has to be broken before it can be used?-EGG |
1946: What time of day, when written in capital letters, is the same forwards, backwards, and upside down?-NOON |
1947: I’m a small sweet cake, typically round, flat, and crisp. I come in a variety of flavors from chocolate chip to oatmeal raisin.-COOKIE |
1948: Tickle with your fingers and a song it will sing. Be careful, though, you may break a string. What is it?-GUITAR |
1949: What has a tongue but cannot talk, gets around a lot but cannot walk?-SHOE |
1950: What can be underwater, under fire, on fire and taking water all at the same time?-SUBMARINE |
1951: Noah survived one and it was great-FLOOD |
1952: The thinkers usually hold this body part-CHIN |
1953: What word do all dictionaries spell wrong?-WRONG |
1954: What covers its face with its hands, speaks no language, yet most known what it’s saying?-CLOCK |
1955: What can be measured but not seen?-TIME |
1956: Come up and we go, Go down and we stay.-ANCHOR |
1957: Lighter than what I am made of. More of me is hidden than seen. What am I?-ICEBERG |
1958: Everyone is attracted to me and everybody falls for me. What am I?-GRAVITY |
1959: What can you fill a room with that takes up no space?-LIGHT |
1960: Sand + Net + Bikini = ?-VOLLEYBALL |
1961: This is in a realm of true and in a realm false, but you experience me as you turn and toss.-DREAM |
1962: Controlled by your hands and feet. It would be nothing without a street. What is it?-CAR |
1963: We are five little objects of an everyday sort, You will find us all in a tennis court.-VOWELS |
1964: There is someone, and there is always another, for without the other, there wouldn’t be one-TWINS |
1965: What is black and white and is red all over?-NEWSPAPER |
1966: You get one if you miss one at golf.-STROKE |
1967: It carries paper of the most important sort but also plastic, I’m glad to report. What is it?-WALLET |
Thank You for visiting this page, If you need more levels of answers of BrainBoom or any of the answers are wrong then please comment, Our team will update you as soon as possible.
Level 742 of the water sort riddle is incorrect, there is something wrong about it and it can not be solved, how to skip this level or how to sort it out?
Level 236 isn’t nest eggs. The riddle is E4R and the letters available is: 2 Rs, N, G, 2 Es, F, I, and O.
Please help me level 600
Its feather and bowl
Yah bahut question hai yah kisi se bhi solve nahin ho rahi ki to Google per bhi nahin a rahe ham kaise baat Karen inko Google per bhi to likho
Hi, just wondering if you can help? I am trying to work out why sometimes bonus words clear unused letters, and other bonus words no letters are cleared, even when it is a correct word. Cheers, Steph
hello nothing in there
Level 539 gives letters I D A F U R Nx3 O & T so it cant be SPELLING.
Do you answers for the challenges?
Brain Storm up to what level? Hung on level 1300. (LEEK).