Figgerits Rare Level 15 Answers
Figgerits special Level 15 answers with the Phrase, and cheat are provided on this page; this game is developed by Figgerits – Word Puzzle Game Hitapps and is available on the Google PlayStore & Apple AppStore. Figgerits is a challenging adult puzzle game that combines elements of logic, word puzzles, and cryptograms to stimulate your intellect and enhance your mental agility. Engage in IQ logic challenges, tackle brain-teasing puzzles, and conquer word games to emerge victorious. Employ clever clues to unravel hidden messages and decode intricate cryptograms. Figgerits presents a cerebral word connection puzzle experience. You’ll unveil a meaningful adage neatly inscribed within the solution’s blanks upon successfully solving each mental challenge.
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Her hair was tied back at the ___ of her neck: NAPE
Icons (anagram): SCION
The denser the medium is, the smaller the angle of ___ is: REFRACTION
Extract money from someone by fraud: MULCT
Gigantic, colossal: GARGANTUAN
Oh-so-dramatic: HAMMY
We gotta read all this stuff? Ugh, it’s too boring and __: PROSY
Lenses to enlarge an image of an object (plural): MAGNIFIERS
Title is larger and __ to get your attention (comparative): BOLDER
This person is involved in the trade of humans: SLAVER
___ or case law: PRECEDENTIAL
Shakespeare’s Ariel: SPRITE
What plant is a predator?: FLYTRAP
Mostly figurative language for expressing feelings: PSYCHOBABBLE
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