Math Puzzles Puzzle 52 Answer Android
Math puzzle game level 52 solution with detailed hints and explanation, Scroll below to find out.
Math puzzles increase your logical thinking. The objective of the game is to find patterns hidden in the puzzle in order to arrive at the solution. Challenge yourself with different levels of math puzzles and stretch the limits of your intelligence.
Math Puzzles Puzzle 52:
How many triangles in are there ⭐
Answer: 20
12 triangles are small triangles
6 triangles are medium triangles
2 big triangles
If there is any Doubt or you are unable to understand the solution, then please let me know in comments, I will surely help you.
But I count it 24. 12 small 6 mid and 6 large one of each corner
The 6 large was just one scale on top of mid
Why there are 6 large ? i think you are counting 2 triangles as 6(looking from different directions and counting same triangle as 3differrnt). there are two big triangles crossing each other.