Word Craze Level (351-375) Part 15
Word Craze Level 351-375 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.
Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.
Word Craze game Cheats Answers:
- Word Craze Answers All Levels [1-25+Main Page]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 26-50 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 51-75 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 76-100 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 101-125 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 126-150 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 151-175 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 176-200 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 201-20 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 226-250 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 251-275 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 276-300 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 301-325 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 326-350 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 351-375 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 375-400 All Answers]
Level 351: Deadly disease spread by mosquitoes in hot areas of the world | MALARIA |
Level 351: “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is part of The Chronicles | NARNIA |
Level 351: What ancient empire used this style of helmet? | ROMAN |
Level 351: Buy these to own a piece of a company; also called “stocks” | SHARES |
Level 351: Professional football team from Oakland | RAIDERS |
Level 351: ______ of consciousness, a writing method that captures thoughts | STREAM |
Level 351: Athlete that tumbles, rolls, somersaults, and more | GYMNAST |
Level 352: Getting one of these will advance your career | PROMOTION |
Level 352: Norse warriors feared for their unstoppable rage | BERSERKERS |
Level 352: What is this touching feeling? | HEARTWARMING |
Level 352: The family name of Luke, Anakin, and Leia in the Star Wars series | SKYWALKER |
Level 352: Word meaning to get the intended meaning | UNDERSTAND |
Level 352: 1982 sci-fi film where Harrison Ford hunts replicants | BLADERUNNER |
Level 352: “The _____ _____ Project”, 1999 “found-footage” horror film | BLAIRWITCH |
Level 352: What is this office supply? | PAPERWEIGHT |
Level 352: Before joining the Miami Heat, LeBron James played for the _______ | CLEVELAND |
Level 352: US animation studio that made “Shrek” and “How to Train Your Dragon” | DREAMWORKS |
Level 352: The art of handwriting decorative text | CALLIGRAPHY |
Level 352: This “knife” contains just about every tool imaginable | SWISSARMY |
Level 353: Afternoon performance of a play; don’t confuse with the sea cow | MATINEE |
Level 353: __ ___, no foul | NOHARM |
Level 353: To fixate on events of the past | DWELL |
Level 353: Peanut butter cups in an orange package | REESES |
Level 353: Comes in packages of 10 while the buns come in packages of 8 | HOTDOGS |
Level 353: A wheeled stretcher used to transport patients | GURNEY |
Level 354: A temporary obstacle set up to control the flow of traffic | ROADBLOCK |
Level 354: Together with protons, they make up the nuclei of atoms | NEUTRONS |
Level 354: What is this type of informal market? | GARAGESALE |
Level 354: Amusement where teams try to score hits using light emitting guns | LASERTAG |
Level 354: Don’t leave these untied or you might trip | SHOELACES |
Level 354: A round home for aquatic pets | FISHBOWL |
Level 354: What is this necessary part of a vehicle? | WINDSHIELD |
Level 354: An emblematic natural or man-made feature that is culturally or locally | LANDMARK |
Level 354: High-up backyard clubhouse for kids | TREEHOUSE |
Level 355: Expression of regret for causing someone else harm or discomfort | APOLOGY |
Level 355: ______ the Frog, famously green Muppet | KERMIT |
Level 355: What is this type of boat? | CANOE |
Level 355: Deadly viral disease spread by the bites of infected animals | RABIES |
Level 355: Popular brand of permanent markers made by Newell Brands | SHARPIE |
Level 355: A collection of things wrapped up together | BUNDLE |
Level 355: Kneading muscles to relieve tension | MASSAGE |
Level 356: Chewy sweet that you can inflate | BUBBLEGUM |
Level 356: Of or relating to the sky, space, or the heavens | CELESTIAL |
Level 356: Expression; student who tries to make their fellows laugh | CLASSCLOWN |
Level 356: Inking permanent pictures or words on the skin | TATTOOING |
Level 356: Classic 1,000+ page novel by Leo Tolstoy | WARANDPEACE |
Level 356: School event, usually with at least a few baking soda volcanos | SCIENCEFAIR |
Level 356: What is this audio device? | EARPHONES |
Level 356: All-present, all-seeing dictator of “1984”; he’s watching you | BIGBROTHER |
Level 356: Friday the _____, horror classic | THIRTEENTH |
Level 356: Expression; to study hard | HITTHEBOOKS |
Level 356: Something used to motivate or encourage a specific action | INCENTIVE |
Level 356: Inspirational phrase given by a cat poster | HANGINTHERE |
Level 356: Turn these on when driving at night | HEADLIGHTS |
Level 357: In the US, someone in their last year of high school; an elderly | SENIOR |
Level 357: Healthy green fruit with a giant seed; used to make guacamole | AVOCADO |
Level 357: What constellation is this? | VIRGO |
Level 357: Air taken into your lungs and then exhaled | BREATH |
Level 357: Baseball team that has won the most World Series Championships | YANKEES |
Level 357: Series of eight notes in music | OCTAVE |
Level 358: Most populous city in Turkey; once known as Constantinople | ISTANBUL |
Level 358: “Malcom in ___ _____” started in 2000 and starred Frankie Muniz | THEMIDDLE |
Level 358: Expression; one who tends to overreact emotionally | DRAMAQUEEN |
Level 358: Cosmetic product used to remove dead skin | EXFOLIANT |
Level 358: This soccer tournament is the most popular international sporting | WORLDCUP |
Level 358: US Heavyweight boxing champion famous for his fast knockouts | MIKETYSON |
Level 358: A parent’s sons and daughters | CHILDREN |
Level 358: What is this composition term? | FIRSTDRAFT |
Level 358: This country and India used to be the same country before 1947 | PAKISTAN |
Level 359: A mythical underwater city | ATLANTIS |
Level 359: What body part does this represent? | EYELID |
Level 359: A formal occasion celebrating a special event such as a wedding | CEREMONY |
Level 359: Boeing’s European rival in the commercial airliner market | AIRBUS |
Level 359: “Give me ______, or give me death!” – Patrick Henry | LIBERTY |
Level 359: The coldest of all oceans | ARCTIC |
Level 359: The top surface of a room | CEILING |
Level 360: Medical professional who gives emergency care and preps for transport | PARAMEDIC |
Level 360: A _______ ____ to swallow is a hard truth to accept | BITTERPILL |
Level 360: What is this elegant suit addition? | POCKETSQUARE |
Level 360: Bartending term meaning “served with ice” | ONTHEROCKS |
Level 360: Continuously moving stairways often found in malls | ESCALATORS |
Level 360: Being confined to one’s home; comes with an ankle accessory | HOUSEARREST |
Level 360: What is this establishment that is open late? | NIGHTCLUB |
Level 360: Life period when one has completed their working life | RETIREMENT |
Level 360: Laboratory equipment used to view very small objects and organisms | MICROSCOPE |
Level 360: Someone whose job is to help another with their tasks | ASSISTANT |
Level 360: What red fruit is this? | STRAWBERRY |
Level 360: If you are the ____ __ ______, then you should turn out the lights | LASTTOLEAVE |
Level 360: Tool used to move injured people | STRETCHER |
Level 361: A sharp response | RETORT |
Level 361: Ranged warheads capable of traveling great distances to their target | MISSILES |
Level 361: Holmes’s trusted friend and partner | WATSON |
Level 361: What is excessively proud animal? | PEACOCK |
Level 361: In class, raise your hand to answer this | QUESTION |
Level 361: To take someone away and hold them for ransom | KIDNAP |
Level 362: Used with a username to log in | PASSWORD |
Level 362: Reptile that is similar to a crocodile, but with a wider snout | ALLIGATOR |
Level 362: What musical unit does this represent? | EIGHTHNOTE |
Level 362: Use these blocks to cool down your drink | ICECUBES |
Level 362: Black tie, white tie, business casual, for example | DRESSCODE |
Level 362: Expression; “not in my __________”, meaning “not my area of expertise” | WHEELHOUSE |
Level 362: Unit of an army typically divided into several companies | REGIMENT |
Level 362: Restraints placed on criminal’s wrists | HANDCUFFS |
Level 362: The inner part of a building or room | INTERIOR |
Level 363: Styling method that hides baldness under carefully arranged hair | COMBOVER |
Level 363: A price put on someone’s head; dead or alive | BOUNTY |
Level 363: The second most popular sport in the world | CRICKET |
Level 363: Half organic, half machine | CYBORG |
Level 363: To pick and collect crops | HARVEST |
Level 363: Lisa ______, US actress who portrayed Phoebe on “Friends” | KUDROW |
Level 363: A formal agreement, usually written | CONTRACT |
Level 364: Garlic and coffee are common causes of this faux pas | BADBREATH |
Level 364: To jump on this is to join something only after it has become popular | BANDWAGON |
Level 364: A place to fuel up your vehicle | GASSTATION |
Level 364: Julius Caesar was famously warned to beware this day | IDESOFMARCH |
Level 364: What is this famous 80s romance movie? | DIRTYDANCING |
Level 364: Usually the smallest size of clothing available | EXTRASMALL |
Level 364: A cord that connects mother to baby | UMBILICAL |
Level 364: To “start ____ _______” is to start again from the beginning | FROMSCRATCH |
Level 364: To be gradually broken down by natural processes | DECOMPOSE |
Level 364: This theory describes the beginning of ___ _______ | THEUNIVERSE |
Level 364: You might do this in your head when you’re trying to sleep | COUNTSHEEP |
Level 365: People may dress up in these on Halloween | COSTUMES |
Level 365: Professionals who take audience members to their seats | USHERS |
Level 365: Something not done on purpose; when two vehicles collide | ACCIDENT |
Level 365: The kiwi bird is native to New _______ | ZEALAND |
Level 365: What is this gap in a fortification? | BREACH |
Level 365: Southern US state known as “The Heart of Dixie” | ALABAMA |
Level 366: A period of tension between the US and the Soviet Union | COLDWAR |
Level 366: In the US, dial ‘0’ to speak with this professional | OPERATOR |
Level 366: What sport involves hitting this? | BADMINTON |
Level 366: Meaning “word for word” | VERBATIM |
Level 366: The line where the earth’s surface and the sky meet | HORIZON |
Level 366: What monster is he about to turn into? | WEREWOLF |
Level 366: Knightly code of honor | CHIVALRY |
Level 366: Barbadian singer who sang hits like “Umbrella” and “Diamonds” | RIHANNA |
Level 366: “Jurassic Park” was directed by Steven _________ | SPIELBERG |
Level 367: Institution for higher learning; sometimes used interchangeably with | COLLEGE |
Level 367: Sing around it, cook marshmallows over it | CAMPFIRE |
Level 367: An avid reader; also, term for an insect that eats through tomes | BOOKWORM |
Level 367: Wayne _______ is nicknamed “The Great One” in the NHL | GRETZKY |
Level 367: Beauty treatment for one’s nails | MANICURE |
Level 367: What is this metal? | COPPER |
Level 368: A working class person who performs manual labor | BLUECOLLAR |
Level 368: Bugs Bunny’s catchphrase | WHATSUPDOC |
Level 368: Jamaican religious movement founded in the 1930s | RASTAFARI |
Level 368: On a balance sheet, assets = _________ + equity | LIABILITIES |
Level 368: Batman actor who starred in “Good Will Hunting” and “Gone Girl” | BENAFFLECK |
Level 368: Students often ____ _____ in class so they can review them later | TAKENOTES |
Level 368: __________ information can only be accessed with a security clearance | CLASSIFIED |
Level 368: What is this antique style of tape? | EIGHTTRACK |
Level 368: This legendary boxer said “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” | MUHAMMADALI |
Level 369: What a surgeon calls a cut | INCISION |
Level 369: “_______ for a Dream”, 2000 psychological drama that explores the | REQUIEM |
Level 369: What is this type of discussion? | DEBATE |
Level 369: Manufacturing and production facility | FACTORY |
Level 369: Put your letter inside to mail it | ENVELOPE |
Level 369: Think _____ the box to come up with a creative solution | OUTSIDE |
Level 370: To explain in detail | ELABORATE |
Level 370: Expression; request for support | CALLTOARMS |
Level 370: People who leave the armed forces without permission | DESERTERS |
Level 370: A word for one’s brothers and sisters | SIBLINGS |
Level 370: Branch of medicine concerned with oral health | DENTISTRY |
Level 370: What Clint Eastwood movie is this? | DIRTYHARRY |
Level 370: The impact of one hitting the Earth is thought to have killed the | ASTEROID |
Level 370: Jewish girl who famously wrote a diary documenting her life during | ANNEFRANK |
Level 370: A person who has just started their journey to learn a skill | BEGINNER |
Level 371: People who work for a company | EMPLOYEES |
Level 371: What language is spoken in this country? | RUSSIAN |
Level 371: Resolve a dispute with an estranged friend | RECONCILE |
Level 371: Groucho Marx has an iconic one of these | MUSTACHE |
Level 371: Payments to patent and copyright holders for use of their works | ROYALTIES |
Level 371: Women’s underwear and nightclothes | LINGERIE |
Level 371: Application used to access the internet; e.g. Chrome and Firefox | BROWSER |
Level 372: A professional who finds and impounds stray canines | DOGCATCHER |
Level 372: A __________ check is used to verify a person is who they claim | BACKGROUND |
Level 372: A shop specializing in literature | BOOKSTORE |
Level 372: February 14th is _________’s Day | VALENTINE |
Level 372: What is this method of transmission? | RADIOWAVE |
Level 372: ____-__-____ information is restricted to only those the information | NEEDTOKNOW |
Level 372: The fictional address of Sherlock’s home | BAKERSTREET |
Level 372: You need a permit to park in these spots; found closest to entrances | HANDICAPPED |
Level 372: What is this ice-cream-eating hazard? | BRAINFREEZE |
Level 373: Medical term for the womb | UTERUS |
Level 373: What word does this represent? | ENLIST |
Level 373: Children are taught to say “______” and “thank you” to be polite | PLEASE |
Level 373: One Direction, NSYNC, Boyz II Men, Backstreet Boys, for example | BOYBAND |
Level 373: A type of “course” where objects are put in your way | OBSTACLE |
Level 374: Talk show featuring Jamie Foxx sitting down with celebrities | OFFSCRIPT |
Level 374: Macaulay Culkin played John Candy’s son in this late 80s film | UNCLEBUCK |
Level 374: Who is this English poet? | SHAKESPEARE |
Level 374: Half of a globe | HEMISPHERE |
Level 374: A deep love and respect for something | ADORATION |
Level 374: _________ McPhee first appeared on “American Idol” and had a starring | KATHARINE |
Level 374: Phrase; a streak of light seen in the night sky | FALLINGSTAR |
Level 374: Intellectual property consisting of a company’s brand imagery; typically | TRADEMARK |
Level 374: Mexican dish; heated tortilla filled with cheese and other ingredients | QUESADILLA |
Level 375: Jeff _____, founder of Amazon and one of the richest people in the | BEZOS |
Level 375: Star______ is a hobby where one looks at and learns about objects | GAZING |
Level 375: What is missing in the second image? | BELLS |
Level 375: Remote data storage service offered by Apple | ICLOUD |
Level 375: A mule is a hybrid of this animal and a horse | DONKEY |
Level 375: Small object used to hold one’s tresses in place | HAIRPIN |
Level 375: ______ salmon is a popular bagel topping | SMOKED |
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