Word Craze Answers [Level 51-75 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (50-75) Part 3

Word Craze Level 51-75 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 51: A meter in a vehicle that shows how much gas is remainingFUELGAUGE
Level 51: A rush of snow or rocks sliding down a slopeJULIUSCAESAR
Level 51: Admission of one’s guiltLULLABY
Level 51: Condiment made with egg and oilONAPEDESTAL
Level 51: Animal with a distinguished pedigreePUREBRED
Level 51: Judy ____, starred in Wizard of OzBANKROLL
Level 51: Model enclosed in glass that can be shaken for a Wintertime sceneWARANDPEACE
Level 51: Musical style that uses vocals without any instrumentsTIMBURTON
Level 51: Railroad car typically at the end of the train that houses the crewPIEINTHESKY
Level 51: A hole in the door for mailLETTERBOX
Level 51: What is this instrument called?TIARA
Level 51: The most common type of degree earned through completing collegeBACHELORS
Level 51: Legendary music festival held in 1969, on a dairy farm in Bethel,WOODSTOCK
Level 51: Someone who completes their studies at schoolGRADUATE
Level 51: Something used as the norm or model for comparisonsSTANDARD
Level 52: Comes before junior high, my dear WatsonPAPERTOWEL
Level 52: Expression; a race that is too close to call, especially a horseSPHERE
Level 52: Male deer have themADDRESSBAR
Level 52: Separate from a spouseJOKER
Level 52: Leaving extra money on the table for a restaurant serverTIPPING
Level 52: Stuffs animals for displaySILENCE
Level 52: The Big ____; the Dude abidesNARWHAL
Level 52: This helps you pay for collegeRESERVATION
Level 52: What is this Japanese dish called?HOOVERDAM
Level 52: A road that leads nowhereDEADEND
Level 52: What is this motion sickness?CARSICK
Level 52: A whole number; a number that is not a fractionINTEGER
Level 52: This portable device is a relief for asthma patientsINHALER
Level 52: This animal, the ________ seal, is named for a long-nosed animalELEPHANT
Level 52: Type of guitar that doesn’t need an ampACOUSTIC
Level 52: Phone menu where saved names and numbers are storedCONTACTS
Level 53: _____ Tesla, rival of the aboveVALET
Level 53: Alan _______, portrayed Severus Snape in the Harry Potter seriesLEGEND
Level 53: What is this surgeon’s tool called?FORCEPS
Level 53: As American as ____ __WIZARD
Level 53: Hunter who fought Arnie and Aliens, in separate filmsGLASSJAW
Level 53: Thomas Alva ______, credited for inventing the lightbulbEDISON
Level 53: _____ Tesla, rival of the aboveNIKOLA
Level 53: Informal term for a psychiatristWHACKAMOLE
Level 53: Informal term for a psychiatristSHRINK
Level 53: Lemons, limes, and oranges, for exampleJASONBOURNE
Level 53: Thomas Alva ______, credited for inventing the lightbulbHAMMER
Level 53: Traffic anger, in other wordsSWEETDREAMS
Level 53: To mark text using a light, brightly-colored inkHIGHLIGHT
Level 53: What is this combined landmass calledBLOWAGASKET
Level 53: What is this combined landmass calledEURASIA
Level 53: What is this surgeon’s tool called?BIGBEN
Level 53: Traffic anger, in other wordsROADRAGE
Level 53: You might raise these facial features in surpriseREDLIGHT
Level 53: Game where people whisper a message to one another in a row to seeTELEPHONE
Level 53: Ferdinand Magellan and Marco Polo were both famous _________EXPLORERS
Level 54: A desert reptile that has a peculiar tailGASSTATION
Level 54: Also called mouth harpTEENAGER
Level 54: The fairy variant of this helped CinderellaGODMOTHER
Level 54: A desert reptile that has a peculiar tailRATTLESNAKE
Level 54: Black tie, white tie, business casual, for exampleRAINFOREST
Level 54: Also called mouth harpHARMONICA
Level 54: Do as I say, ___ __ _ __VINYL
Level 54: Hypothetical perfect societyROTTENEGG
Level 54: It’s said to be bad luck if this animal crosses your pathBLACKCAT
Level 54: Light spectrum used by night vision gogglesRIGHT
Level 54: Magic words, similar to hocus pocus or alakazam!OUTOFTHEBLUE
Level 54: Poultry trinity mashupTURDUCKEN
Level 54: Polka instrument; also called squeezeboxNAPOLEON
Level 54: Hypothetical perfect societyUTOPIA
Level 54: Poultry trinity mashupMISSINGYOU
Level 54: Rules 1 & 2: you do not talk about thisTAJMAHAL
Level 54: The best defense is a good _____JIMIHENDRIX
Level 54: The fairy variant of this helped CinderellaGODMOTHER
Level 54: Perfect time for telling stories to childrenBEDTIME
Level 54: Polka instrument; also called squeezeboxACCORDION
Level 54: Type of mammal named after the Latin for pouchTAROTCARDS
Level 54: What expression does this represent?PANCAKE
Level 54: What is this type of bike called?TANDEM
Level 54: The best defense is a good _____OFFENSE
Level 54: What is this type of bike called?ANNUAL
Level 54: What word does this represent?JOURNAL
Level 54: What biology term does this represent?GENEPOOL
Level 54: Honeycombs and snowflakes naturally take on this geometric shapeHEXAGON
Level 54: Unused, often amusing recordings left over after filmingOUTTAKES
Level 54: This 2018 DC movie stars Jason Momoa in a battle over the seasAQUAMAN
Level 55: Canadian national sportPHOTOSHOP
Level 55: First name of General Grant, of the US Civil WarULYSSES
Level 55: In US law, one is considered this until proven guiltyTOTEMPOLE
Level 55: Large spiders kept by some as pets for some reasonSTRAWBERRY
Level 55: A place that has witnessed many departures and arrivalsAIRPORT
Level 55: Mythical hybrid beast, combination of lion, goat, and snakeOBSESSION
Level 55: Name of the second Matrix filmJOURNAL
Level 55: Strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate in oneROSETTASTONE
Level 55: What are these called, collectively?TEENAGER
Level 55: Customer of a companyCLIENT
Level 55: Alan _______ portrayed Severus Snape in the “Harry Potter” seriesRICKMAN
Level 55: Underground room used to store wineCELLAR
Level 55: What permanent word does this represent?FOREVER
Level 56: Bart Simpson is in this in every episode introVINYL
Level 56: Chemical ingredient in nail polish removerUPHILLBATTLE
Level 56: Fictional animated band; recorded Feel Good, Inc.RAINFOREST
Level 56: Make like a treeCHAINSAW
Level 56: Influenced or changed by an outside forceAFFECTED
Level 56: To listen in on a conversation not meant for youHISTORY
Level 56: Undo button, but for pencil writingROTTENEGG
Level 56: What is the name of this shape?IRRATIONAL
Level 56: What is this popular grain?WHEAT
Level 56: What type of fruit are these?BERRIES
Level 56: To draw in breathINHALE
Level 56: Singer that says “Hello” while “Rolling in the Deep”ADELE
Level 56: The sea witch in “The Little Mermaid” who offered Ariel a tradeURSULA
Level 57: Bart Simpson would prefer that you don’t do this, manGOVERNOR
Level 57: He says I do at a weddingOBSESSION
Level 57: Miniature sea creatures that are a favorite food of whalesCRIMESCENE
Level 57: Pest animal known for playing deadSTRAWBERRY
Level 57: The eponymous Lord of the RingsRADIOHEAD
Level 57: The sound a clock makesTICKTOCK
Level 57: US city of brotherly loveNATUREWALK
Level 57: What is this massive landmark found in South Dakota called?BLADERUNNER
Level 57: What theory does this represent?ARMCHAIR
Level 57: Canadian actor known for portraying Austin Powers and voicing ShrekMIKEMYERS
Level 57: What sport is this?PINGPONG
Level 57: “Pirates of the ________” refers to both a Disneyland ride and theCARIBBEAN
Level 57: People affected by this condition have trouble sleepingINSOMNIA
Level 57: Someone who kills a prominent figure, typically for political purposesASSASSIN
Level 57: A headache you might get after a night of drinkingHANGOVER
Level 58: __ ___, no foulSHAMPOO
Level 58: A type of tea named after nobilityDEADRINGER
Level 58: Afternoon performance of a play; don’t confuse with sea cowFOSSIL
Level 58: Alternative to automatic, in carsFOODGROUPS
Level 58: Partially closing one’s eyes to see things more clearlySQUINTING
Level 58: Pet detective portrayed by Jim CarreyBELOWZERO
Level 58: Small pieces of paper to help memorizationJUICE
Level 58: The ___ ____; Christopher Nolan movieBILLGATES
Level 58: There are two on the US mapTELEPROMPTER
Level 58: An adjustment made to an official document; the US Constitution hasAMENDMENT
Level 58: What state is this balloon in?DEFLATED
Level 58: The ________, American rock band famous for their hit “Pretty FlyOFFSPRING
Level 58: Finding a four-leaf clover will bring you thisGOODLUCK
Level 58: To give someone support and confidence in doing somethingENCOURAGE
Level 58: A magic _____ ___ is a black sphere that will answer your questions,EIGHTBALL
Level 59: A brief appearance of a movie star in a filmPAPARAZZI
Level 59: Billionaire founder of Tesla and SpaceXRAIDERS
Level 59: China, Korea, and Japan are countries in this regionBLURAY
Level 59: Norse warriors feared for their unstoppable rageBERSERKERS
Level 59: ________ & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing gameDUNGEONS
Level 59: Odin, Thor, Loki, Tyr, Balder, and Freya are examples of theseTABLECLOTH
Level 59: Pabst ____ ______, American lagerJOLLYROGER
Level 59: What astrological sign is this?SUBTITLE
Level 59: Professional that rescues swimmers in dangerLIFEGUARD
Level 59: What is this 2014 thriller about a missing person?GONEGIRL
Level 59: French gothic cathedral named “Our Lady of Paris”NOTREDAME
Level 59: Container containing sticks of wood used to spark flamesMATCHBOX
Level 59: If you fry an egg without flipping it, it’s “_____ ____ up”SUNNYSIDE
Level 60: Expression; a misleading clueTAMAGOTCHI
Level 60: Giant pandas were this until 2016ENDANGERED
Level 60: Gives sodas their distinctive fizzy qualityHAMFISTED
Level 60: Magnanimous response to no offenseNONETAKEN
Level 60: Magnanimous response to no offenseTEAPARTY
Level 60: Walking on this is a balancing actTIGHTROPE
Level 60: If you believe in yourself, anything is ________POSSIBLE
Level 60: Patron saint of IrelandTIEBREAKER
Level 60: The entrance to heaven is often called thisPEARLYGATES
Level 60: Expression; a misleading clueREDHERRING
Level 60: Suited for both land and waterRELISH
Level 60: Gives sodas their distinctive fizzy qualityCARBONATION
Level 60: The entrance to heaven is often called thisCATERER
Level 60: The Good Witch of the SouthJIMIHENDRIX
Level 60: An informal, spur of the moment photoSNAPSHOT
Level 60: Suited for both land and waterAMPHIBIOUS
Level 60: The most Canadian of the Five Great Lakes of North AmericaLAKEONTARIO
Level 60: Walking on this is a balancing actGREYHOUND
Level 60: What a surgeon calls a cutJAGUAR
Level 60: What type of nut is this?PISTACHIO
Level 60: What type of nut is this?NECTAR
Level 60: Exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion of excitementHYSTERIA
Level 60: “_______ Gangster”, 2007 crime drama starring Denzel Washington asAMERICAN
Level 60: A building that contains several rentable living spacesAPARTMENT
Level 60: Alice sat at one of these with the Mad HatterTEAPARTY
Level 60: Exams that take place halfway through a college courseMIDTERMS
Level 60: A place for a canine to rest their headDOGHOUSE
Level 61: A child might throw one when angryCOMICBOOK
Level 61: Chicken, gold, and wisdom can be found in this formRESEARCH
Level 61: The last Mad Max filmFURYROAD
Level 61: A child might throw one when angryTANTRUM
Level 61: Chocolate ice cream flavor with nuts and marshmallowsWINTER
Level 61: Expression; caught in the actHASHTAG
Level 61: Expression; caught in the actREDHANDED
Level 61: Hypothetical technology for traveling to the past or futureTIMEMACHINE
Level 61: Using a passage from a book or speech to make an argumentQUOTING
Level 61: Leave out; remove from considerationGETTYSBURG
Level 61: One who has been hired to perform a jobEMPLOYEE
Level 61: Often paired with ladies when introducing a performanceOFFSIDES
Level 61: One of these is ten millimeters longMOHAWK
Level 61: One who has been hired to perform a jobEVACUATE
Level 61: Ring this to alert people inside a house to your presenceDOORBELL
Level 61: Speak in a low volume; obligatory in a libraryBEANSTALK
Level 61: Speak in a low volume; obligatory in a libraryWHISPER
Level 61: Leave out; remove from considerationEXCLUDE
Level 61: The last Mad Max filmLOWBALL
Level 61: Traditional ritual for greeting or sealing a dealBANANASLUG
Level 61: Traditional ritual for greeting or sealing a dealHANDSHAKE
Level 61: What is this interstellar vehicle?SPACESHIP
Level 61: The cure for a poisonANTIDOTE
Level 61: Yellow assistants with their own language from 2010’s “DespicableMINIONS
Level 61: _______ will get you nowhere; praising someone won’t win any favorsFLATTERY
Level 62: A sanitary cloth used when dining to wipe up messesPAPARAZZI
Level 62: Comes in packages of 10 while the buns come in packages of 8USAINBOLT
Level 62: Eight of these pull Santa’s sleighBIGCHEESE
Level 62: He shot first, no matter what George Lucas saysBIGMAC
Level 62: Little men with red hats that might live in your gardenVALUEMENU
Level 62: Two words to express gratitude and appreciationTHANKYOU
Level 62: Synthetic fiber, used in women’s stockingsEYELID
Level 62: What is this measuring instrument called?SHOELACES
Level 62: You can take these to control a horseERGONOMIC
Level 62: Holiday where all manner of monsters come out for candyHALLOWEEN
Level 62: Expression that conveys longingMISSINGYOU
Level 62: They roll them out for celebritiesREDCARPET
Level 62: What restless expression does this represent?CABINFEVER
Level 62: Means “good luck” backstageBREAKALEG
Level 62: Summertime drink often sold at small stands by childrenLEMONADE
Level 62: Bruce Lee’s signature weapon, made of two sticks connected by a chainNUNCHUKS
Level 63: A king who was cursed to have his touch turn things into goldSIDESHOW
Level 63: Classic third option for votersFORTYTHIEVES
Level 63: Italian grilled sandwich, often made in a pressMRROGERS
Level 63: One who fusses over unimportant detailsMADMAX
Level 63: Al ______, the lead in “Scarface”PACINO
Level 63: Robin Hood’s love interestKETCHUP
Level 63: What musical symbol does this represent?WASHINGTONDC
Level 63: Without preparation or rehearsalSILENCE
Level 63: Write, rite, right, and Wright are all examples of thisSWEETDREAMS
Level 63: What kind of furniture does this represent?CABINET
Level 63: You might gaze at yours for meditationREDBULL
Level 63: Swiss city, birthplace of some very important ConventionsGENEVA
Level 63: The chief servant of a large household, traditionally male; CarsonBUTLER
Level 63: Season when the leaves start fallingAUTUMN
Level 64: A musical ensemble with a conductor and many types of instrumentsROSETTASTONE
Level 64: Cutting these can leave you in tearsTELEPORT
Level 64: Expression; joyful, cheerful, chipperANTIQUES
Level 64: Head accessory used to privately listen to music playersYEARBOOK
Level 64: Eric _______, one of the greatest guitarists of all time, ironicallyCLAPTON
Level 64: King Arthur’s legendary swordMADLIBS
Level 64: Obsolete data storage; the save icon is modeled after thisRAIDERS
Level 64: Well known, but not in a good wayLAKEHURON
Level 64: What word does this represent?BACKRUB
Level 64: Drug that boosts muscle development; illegal in athletic competitionsSTEROID
Level 64: Having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importanceARROGANT
Level 64: What Indian landmark is this?TAJMAHAL
Level 64: To request a restaurant to hold a table for you in advanceRESERVE
Level 64: What holiday does this animal represent?EASTER
Level 64: A tortilla chip and cheese dishNACHOS
Level 64: Dogs are man’s best _______FRIEND
Level 64: An _______ buy is a purchase made based on a sudden urgeIMPULSE
Level 65: A cell’s core, where DNA is housedODOMETER
Level 65: A proof of purchase often used for returnsSOLIDSTATE
Level 65: Portable light source before flashlightsLANTERN
Level 65: An artist’s greatest workSLAUGHTER
Level 65: This might be filled with junkMAILBOX
Level 65: An artist’s greatest workMAGNUMOPUS
Level 65: Expression; an attack made on an unprepared opponentPHOTOSHOP
Level 65: Los Del Rio hit which caused a 90s dance crazeXYLOPHONE
Level 65: Los Del Rio hit which caused a 90s dance crazeMACARENA
Level 65: What Marvel superhero is this?IRONMAN
Level 65: Phrase; something that indicates things might turn around or improveODDJOB
Level 65: Portable light source before flashlightsTOPSECRET
Level 65: Small and common pet often found running on a wheelALPHABET
Level 65: Small and common pet often found running on a wheelHAMSTER
Level 65: A cell’s core, where DNA is housedNUCLEUS
Level 65: The FBI stands for the Federal ______ of InvestigationBUREAU
Level 65: The foot soldiers of an armyCOVERAGE
Level 65: Expression; an attack made on an unprepared opponentCHEAPSHOT
Level 65: This might be filled with junkIAMBIC
Level 65: Sailors who steal from other vessels; also, people who illegallyPIRATE
Level 65: “Trash” is the ______ of the following sentence: “Ann carried outOBJECT
Level 65: Larval form of a frogTADPOLE
Level 65: Spiritual leaders and teachers in JudaismRABBIS
Level 65: The male parent of a childFATHER
Level 66: A wheeled stretcher used to transport patientsJANEGOODALL
Level 66: Final chance to buy drinks at a barWEBBEDFEET
Level 66: In the ____; while something is happeningHERCULES
Level 66: Peanut butter cups in an orange packageOSTRICH
Level 66: Reporter for the Daily Planet, and Superman’s love interestIMALLEARS
Level 66: Some animals do this to save energy during the winterHIBERNATE
Level 66: To be or not to be, that is the questionHAMLET
Level 66: You enter via this, and exit via the exitLAUGHTER
Level 66: To surgically remove a limb or other body partAMPUTATE
Level 66: A place to buy souvenirs at a theme park or museumGIFTSHOP
Level 66: E.g. Thousand Island, Caesar, vinaigretteDRESSING
Level 66: “Birds of a _______ flock together”FEATHER
Level 67: ____ ____ and carry onSCHULZ
Level 67: Animals with 6 legs and 2 antennaeHAMMER
Level 67: Animals with 6 legs and 2 antennaeINSECTS
Level 67: ____ ____ and carry onKEEPCALM
Level 67: Decorative Christmas ring of leaves often found on a doorHAMFISTED
Level 67: Movie actor in Tropic Thunder, Zoolander, and moreMOHAWK
Level 67: Sea _____; a spiky sea critterURCHIN
Level 67: Decorative Christmas ring of leaves often found on a doorWREATH
Level 67: In US politics, a member of the upper chamber of CongressSENATOR
Level 67: Sea _____; a spiky sea critterTAMAGOTCHI
Level 67: Sherlock Holmes’s method for solving seemingly impossible mysteriesLOWBALL
Level 67: To perform very well; also spreadsheet softwareEXCEL
Level 67: Movie actor in Tropic Thunder, Zoolander, and moreBENSTILLER
Level 67: To perform very well; also spreadsheet softwareBRAINSTORM
Level 67: What literary form does this represent?NOBRAINER
Level 67: What style of restaurant is this?FASTFOOD
Level 67: Sherlock Holmes’s method for solving seemingly impossible mysteriesDEDUCTION
Level 67: What is this type of review?WRITEUP
Level 67: What style of restaurant is this?BANANASLUG
Level 67: What literary form does this represent?PROSE
Level 67: Wide-brimmed headgear that provides portable shadeSUNHAT
Level 67: Second lowest rating for a hotelTWOSTAR
Level 67: Weather commonly seen in places with colder wintersSNOWING
Level 67: Famous British car show; formerly presented by Jeremy ClarksonTOPGEAR
Level 68: A symbol of a snake eating its own tail, signifying infinityWINTER
Level 68: Cleaned between teeth with a stringGOGGLES
Level 68: Expression; slow, steady progressBABYSTEPS
Level 68: Expression; take a ___ ___, to defer accepting an offerCOMICBOOK
Level 68: Lookout post at the top of a mast on a shipQUEENBEE
Level 68: One half of login information alongside a passwordHASHTAG
Level 68: The number above the line in a fractionEVACUATE
Level 68: A witch may use one of these to flyBROOMSTICK
Level 68: Lead singer of Black SabbathOZZYOSBOURNE
Level 68: What is this illusionary act?MAGICTRICK
Level 68: An __________ speech is given by someone receiving an awardACCEPTANCE
Level 68: Freddy Krueger causes these at nightNIGHTMARES
Level 68: To speed up a recording, usually to skip the commercialsFASTFORWARD
Level 68: “The Mission: Impossible” and “Die Hard” are two series of ______ACTIONMOVIES
Level 68: A scientific procedure for testing or proving an ideaEXPERIMENT
Level 68: What kind of spiky rodent is this?PORCUPINE
Level 69: A fortified room in a home that provides protection from sudden dangerSLAUGHTER
Level 69: A grade schooler’s shoebox art displayGOVERNOR
Level 69: Al ______, the lead in ScarfaceJUMPINGJACKS
Level 69: Breath-freshening candies, The FreshmakerWALLET
Level 69: Equivalent to 3 teaspoons, or 1x2f16 of a cupYMCA
Level 69: To leave the work force and start to get pensionRETIRE
Level 69: Expression; what is deservedXYLOPHONE
Level 69: Let go; unleash; free from confinementSCHOOLBUS
Level 69: Master of ceremonies for a circus, introduces all the actsMACARONI
Level 69: Rubbing a fist on one’s headFORTYTHIEVES
Level 69: Thomas Alva ______, credited with inventing the lightbulbEDISON
Level 69: Chicken, gold, and wisdom can be found in this formNUGGET
Level 69: Cutting these vegetables can leave you in tearsONIONS
Level 69: An interior space where a car can be parkedGARAGE
Level 70: A giant ape who climbed the Empire State BuildingBLURAY
Level 70: Baseball team that has won the most World Series ChampionshipsMACINTOSH
Level 70: Expression; a period of time characterized by a lack of activityHYENA
Level 70: Leafy green meal with the same name as a famous Roman emperorCAESARSALAD
Level 70: Leafy green meal with the same name as a famous Roman emperorCAESARSALAD
Level 70: A secret _______ might send flowers on Valentine’s DayADMIRER
Level 70: Light that is beyond the visible spectrum, used for sterilizationODDJOB
Level 70: Served with ice; bartending termTHEDEEPEND
Level 70: Expression; a period of time characterized by a lack of activityDRYSPELL
Level 70: Shiny paste-on symbol of achievement for childrenANTIQUES
Level 70: Served with ice; bartending termONTHEROCKS
Level 70: Signature saying; Live long and prosper, for SpockMISSINGYOU
Level 70: Advance notification of dangerWARNING
Level 70: A giant ape who climbed the Empire State BuildingKINGKONG
Level 70: Socializing to make professional connectionsALPHABET
Level 70: Light that is beyond the visible spectrum, used for sterilizationULTRAVIOLET
Level 70: Texan, Cajun, and Creole, for EnglishCOVERAGE
Level 70: The science of soundODOMETER
Level 70: The science of soundACOUSTICS
Level 70: What expression does this represent?CABINFEVER
Level 70: Who is this chilly champion?WINTER
Level 70: Small colored glass bead used as a toy; type of stone often usedMARBLE
Level 70: Something that belongs to an individual and not the publicPRIVATE
Level 70: The power to direct a person’s actionsCONTROL
Level 70: Size between small and largeMEDIUM
Level 70: To pay someone to work for you; hireEMPLOY
Level 71: A coffee made with espresso and steamed milkDRIBBLING
Level 71: A college student’s chosen focus for studyBACKSPACE
Level 71: First aid item to cover a cutTOPSECRET
Level 71: Looking back; it’s 20x2f20LEOTARD
Level 71: Figure _____, an Olympic sport that’s like gymnastics on iceSKATING
Level 71: Summary of key points; beginnings of a sketchLLAMA
Level 71: The reptilian spokesperson for GeicoHALITOSIS
Level 71: Watercraft that lets users zip around the waterPESSIMIST
Level 71: What biology term does this represent?HAIRLINE
Level 71: Hermione ______, one of Harry Potter’s best friendsGRANGER
Level 71: Money paid back for a returned productREFUND
Level 71: What is this place for trash?LANDFILL
Level 71: Chinese director of stylish action movies like “Hard Boiled” andJOHNWOO
Level 71: Natural home or environment of an animalHABITAT
Level 72: A _______ of a thousand miles begins with a single step – Lao ZiJOURNEY
Level 72: A note that takes up an entire measure in 4x2f4 timeTHOUSAND
Level 72: A person who likes to walk trails through natureOPPOSABLE
Level 72: Expression; move without going anywhereASLAN
Level 72: Jack Russell, Boston, Bull, Scottish, are all types of thisSAIGON
Level 72: Legendary bird that is reborn from the ashesBUMPERCARS
Level 72: Midnight rider who warned that the British are coming!DURIAN
Level 72: Royal home fit for a king and queenPALACE
Level 72: Describes twins that look exactly the sameIDENTICAL
Level 72: Recurring headaches, usually on one side of the head and accompaniedMIGRAINES
Level 72: What brand of soft drink is this?DRPEPPER
Level 72: Professional who helps people deal with emotional problems by talkingTHERAPIST
Level 72: One of the houses in Hogwarts with a bird as its logoRAVENCLAW
Level 72: Fairy tale villain who huffs and puffsBIGBADWOLF
Level 72: Phrase; a group of expertsTHINKTANK
Level 72: This gets passed around on karaoke nightMICROPHONE
Level 72: Obsolete data storage; the “save” icon is modeled after thisFLOPPYDISK
Level 72: A great joke can leave you __ _______INSTITCHES
Level 73: A movie theater brand featuring a particularly large screenENDLESS
Level 73: An animal that subsists on both meat and plantsFACSIMILE
Level 73: Black Gold, a liquid found underground with a variety of usesCAPTAINHOOK
Level 73: His porridge, chair, and bed were just right for GoldilocksCOCKTAIL
Level 73: Shakespearean female lead, opposite to RomeoJULIET
Level 73: The sea witch in The Little Mermaid who offered Ariel a tradeORGANIST
Level 73: Unattractive or unappealingEEYORE
Level 73: What animal has this type of pattern?SCYTHE
Level 73: What kind of backpack is this?QUESADILLA
Level 73: The capital of Russia; where St. Basil’s Cathedral is locatedMOSCOW
Level 73: What kind of playground equipment is this?SEESAW
Level 73: A container for your screwdriver, hammer, pliers, etc.TOOLBOX
Level 73: Place to store clothes at homeCLOSET
Level 73: University in Massachusetts with the most US presidents as alumniHARVARD
Level 73: u201CIt’s always _______ before the dawn”, a reminder to stay positiveDARKEST
Level 74: A sandy bathroom for cats and other types of petsBOOMBOX
Level 74: A sustained period of little to no rain, causing water shortageORANGUTAN
Level 74: A theorem used to find the length of a side of a right triangleTABOO
Level 74: Internet connection that can be used in many public placesAARDVARK
Level 74: Regular guy, everyman, nobody specialAVERAGEJOE
Level 74: What is this type of food?SKEWERS
Level 74: Supersonic commercial airliner, now discontinuedBELLYDANCE
Level 74: Tip of a projectile weapon; brand of bottled waterREADYSETGO
Level 74: Used to reduce pain or put a patient to sleep for an operationANESTHETIC
Level 74: Bottle of liquid with magical effectsPOTION
Level 74: What word does this represent?NOMAD
Level 74: Professional who mends and makes clothesTAILOR
Level 74: Household objects used to sweep floorsBROOMS
Level 74: Of or from the USA’s southern neighborMEXICAN
Level 74: Expression; to have a short breakTAKEFIVE
Level 74: Professional who practices law; a lawyerATTORNEY
Level 74: 2006 crime film u201CThe ______” is Scorsese’s reimagining of the HongDEPARTED
Level 75: _______ Churchill, the UK’s prime minister during WWIIJETPACK
Level 75: ________ Island, a tale about pirates and buried goldIMITATION
Level 75: An interior space where a car can be parkedCELERY
Level 75: Bony chest protectorHEADACHE
Level 75: Expression; wealthyALECGUINNESS
Level 75: Flagship products of Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Leica, etc.CAMERA
Level 75: Month of Halloween, was once the 8th monthPIGLATIN
Level 75: What expression does this represent?DIMEADOZEN
Level 75: What kind of spiky rodent is this?PORCUPINE
Level 75: _____ 13, an ill-fated space expedition that, through heroic efforts,APOLLO
Level 75: Examples include Harry Potter, Merlin, and GandalfWIZARD
Level 75: What is this adventurous action?EMBARK
Level 75: Sudden and unexpectedABRUPT
Level 75: Similar to Friday the 13th, in Spain, Tuesday the 13th is said toBADLUCK
Level 75: Something incredible which cannot be easily explained, often seenMIRACLE

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