Words More Level 348 Answers
Words More Level 348 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!
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“➡A flat metal surface on which food is cooked: Griddle
➡A little bit, a small amount: Tad
➡A person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise: Athlete
➡A small, dirty living space: Sty
➡A sound made when hesitating or thinking: Umm
➡A wild party with excessive indulgences: Orgy
➡Barrier for stairs or balconies: Railing
➡Definite article: THE
➡Floor covering that ties the room together: Rug
➡Frozen water: Ice
➡Genre of entertainment featuring advanced technology and futuristic settings: Scifi
➡Head of state: Gov
➡Immediately or without delay: ONIT
➡Increase in momentum before taking off: Runup
➡Large cups for drinking hot liquids: Mugs
➡Large warships equipped with heavy guns: Battleships
➡Leans or slants to one side: Tilts
➡Legend tells of a creature made of clay brought to life by magic: Golem
➡Observe with one’s eyes: See
➡Place That People Keep Spare Key: Holder for cash and IDs: Wallet
➡Place That People Keep Spare Key: Honey holder: Pot
➡Place That People Keep Spare Key: One may hold socks: Drawer
➡Place That People Keep Spare Key: Porch sight: Mat
➡Place That People Keep Spare Key: Scissors beater: Rock
➡Place That People Keep Spare Key: Waterford offering: Vase
➡Plural of male human being: Men
➡Respond to a stimulus or situation: React
➡Senseless and foolish: Inane
➡Supervise and direct a team or project: Oversee
➡The final form of an insect after metamorphosis: Imagoes
➡To challenge or criticize someone’s argument or authority: Impugn
➡To make or become worse: Worsen
➡To take back or restore something: Reclaim
➡Underground infrastructure for waste and drainage: Sewer
➡Young human who loves to play and explore: Kid
➡Young owl: Owlet
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