Words More Level 829 Answers
Words More Level 829 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!
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“➡____ and ye shall find: Seek
➡Artisans’ places: Workshops
➡Bought: Purchased
➡Breadmaker’s raw material: Dough
➡Came to a close: Ended
➡Can’t wait to find out, in a way: Peeks
➡Classic barbecue fare: Ribs
➡Controversial performance booster: Steroid
➡Dispel, as doubts: Satisfy
➡Extended conversation: Discourse
➡Fellow employee: Colleague
➡Good to have around: Handy
➡Guitar effects: Reverbs
➡Having no name: Anonymous
➡International, global: Worldwide
➡Like some threats or promises: Empty
➡Not in its original form, as an article: Rewritten
➡Nothing more than; “…is second childishness and ____ oblivion”: Mere
➡Ones under a captain’s command: Sailors
➡Outer jigsaw puzzle piece: Edge
➡Place of study: College
➡Pollen-bearing organs: Stamens
➡Seriously indoctrinate: Brainwash
➡Small kind of Oreo: Mini
➡Something We Sit Down To Do: Do a sketch: Draw
➡Something We Sit Down To Do: Evening meal: Dinner
➡Something We Sit Down To Do: Go on horseback: Ride
➡Something We Sit Down To Do: Magnus Carlsen’s game: Chess
➡Something We Sit Down To Do: Not just skim: Read
➡Something We Sit Down To Do: Part of a morning routine: Breakfast
➡Something We Sit Down To Do: Produce music: Compose
➡Something We Sit Down To Do: Put pen to paper: Write
➡Syringe contents: Serum
➡Take to another place: Transport
➡The “L” of XXL: Large
➡The dark side: Evil
➡Watched ahead of time: Previewed
➡Without a goal, lacking focus: Aimless
➡Word after “common” or “sixth”: Sense
➡Word on a gift tag: From
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