Words More Level 853 Answers
Words More Level 853 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!
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“➡____ is so you!: That
➡Appear to be: Seem
➡Black Russian liquor: Vodka
➡Couples Most Often Fight About…: Cat or hamster: Pet
➡Couples Most Often Fight About…: Closeness: Intimacy
➡Couples Most Often Fight About…: Main theme of “Othello”: Jealousy
➡Couples Most Often Fight About…: Novel genre: Romance
➡Couples Most Often Fight About…: Personal business: Affairs
➡Couples Most Often Fight About…: Sign of fire: Smoke
➡Couples Most Often Fight About…: Time machine option: Future
➡Couples Most Often Fight About…: Youngster: Kid
➡Dribble on a bib: Drool
➡Every now and …: Then
➡Filled tortilla: Taco
➡Flock-watchers: Shepherds
➡Gets coordinated: Organizes
➡Harry Potter et al.: Wizards
➡Have a go at: Attempt
➡Helper, sidekick: Assistant
➡Introduction to a Bach fugue: Prelude
➡It’s handed down: Tradition
➡Lean to one side: Tilt
➡Male companion: Boyfriend
➡Mountain overlooking Tokyo: Fuji
➡Natural aptitude: Flair
➡One from column A, one from column B, etc.: Choices
➡Only a second ago: Justnow
➡Place to store antiques: Attic
➡Possible result of a defensive error in Messi’s sport: Owngoal
➡Prepare for a trip: Pack
➡Say, utter: Pronounce
➡Secretive big cat: Puma
➡Sit at a red light, say: Idle
➡So-called “Crossroads of America”: Indiana
➡Sometimes-inflatable vessel: Raft
➡Standard of excellence: Ideal
➡Untidy condition: Mess
➡Use one’s outside voice: Yell
➡What virgin drinks lack: Alcohol
➡Working upgrade: Promotion
➡World’s fastest hedgehog: Sonic
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