Words More Level 864 Answers
Words More Level 864 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!
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“➡_____ into tears (started crying): Burst
➡_______ to say, of course: Needless
➡___-sync (mouth the words): Lip
➡A big _____ of change (lots of money): Chunk
➡Accepts accountability for; dominates totally: Owns
➡All the ____ (very popular): Rage
➡Box-office disaster; a complete failure: Flop
➡Change jobs within a company: Transfer
➡Channel with many branches; pulsing vessel: Artery
➡Confused state of mind; sight blocker: Haze
➡Gives advance warning to; app notifications: Alerts
➡Grain-grinding facility; flour producer: Mill
➡Having the same effect; essentially equal: Equivalent
➡Human Brain: Church instrument: Organ
➡Human Brain: Exercise the mind: Think
➡Human Brain: Flash of inspiration: Idea
➡Human Brain: Have a feeling: Sense
➡Human Brain: Head bone: Skull
➡Human Brain: Heavy weather period: Storm
➡Human Brain: Impulse transmitter: Nerve
➡Human Brain: Thought of the past: Memory
➡Legal ruling or court verdict: Judgment
➡Lose control on the road; icy road worry: Skid
➡Mix of different coffees: Blend
➡Of comparatively great weight: Heavy
➡One who lives forever; never to be forgotten: Immortal
➡Provide essential information to: Brief
➡Publishes electronically; puts on a bulletin board: Posts
➡Question of identity; personal question: Who
➡Relating to an empire, like old Rome: Imperial
➡Some pen name; fake prefix: Pseud
➡Stirs things up: that’s fine in shows: Provokes
➡Substance produced by the liver: Bile
➡Suffers the consequences; yields as a return: Pays
➡The world is your oyster (Figure of speech): Metaphor
➡To grow in size or number: Increase
➡To no _____ (in vain): Avail
➡Utters in a specified way: Pronounces
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