96% Quiz Set 4 Answers

96 Set 4 Answers

96% set 4 Answers and cheats to all 4 questions are provided on this page, this game is developed by Mousetrap Games and it is available on Google play store. 96% Quiz is a Trivia game with collection of over 500 questions across many various categories. Besides the classic ones such as geography, biology, and history. Respondents often answer in less obvious ways than you may think. That is why 96% Quiz can be more difficult and engaging. Answer hundreds of original questions with various types of guesses. Here you will find all the answers to 96% Game on this page. Remember to visit PuzzleGameMaster.com, Or visit this page when you search the internet ‘Text or Die Answers’ to support us.

96% game Set 4:

  1. Name a thing used for painting: Brush, Paint, Canvas, Easel
  2. Name something with a speaker: TV, Radio, Laptop, Home cinema, Cellphone
  3. Name a jumping animal: Frog, Rabbit, Kangaroo, Flea, Hare, Gerbil
  4. What’s on the image? : Coffee, Heart, Spoon, Plate, Cup

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