Words More Level 70 Answers
Words More Level 70 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!
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“➡1970s hit by the Village People; the dance spells out the name: YMCA
➡Biblical vessel built by Noah: ARK
➡Europe’s “boot”: STENO
➡Fluorescent Bulb is more energy-efficient than incandescent one, but Bulb contain … can be harmful if Bulb breaks: Mercury
➡Highest point; apex: Acme
➡Last name of “Oops!… I Did It Again” singer: SPEARS
➡Lawyer’s assignment: Case
➡National Aeronautics and Space Administration: NASA
➡Not good: BAD
➡Researchers developed a kind of Bulb that uses bacteria found on octopus tentacles to generate light by expose that to …: Oxygen
➡Show-____: OFFS
➡The basic unit of a chemical element: ATOM
➡The color of Bulb emitted is measured on the Kelvin scale. Lower Kelvin numbers (2700-3000K) produce … yellowish light: Warm
➡The first Bulb was created by Edward H. Johnson, an associate of … Edison, in 1882: THOMAS
➡The first of Bulb was so expensive that Bulb was all … The cost of Bulb was equivalent to a week’s pay for the average person: Renting
➡The world’s longest-lasting of Bulb has been burning continuously since 1901 and is located in a … Station in Livermore, California: FIRE
➡They stick around too long: LINGERERS
➡Type of weapon that starred Mel Gibson and Danny Glover: LETHAL
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