Words More Level 923 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 923 Answers

Words More Level 923 Answers

Words More Level 923 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

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Words More Level 923 Answer

“➡A nation with great political and military power: Superpower

➡A single distinct event: Incident

➡Brought into the world: Born

➡Coagulated milk, used in making cheese: Curd

➡Conclude through reasoning: Infer

➡Cry from a sheep: Blat

➡Device used by Shakespeare: Pun

➡Dickens’s “___ Mutual Friend”: Our

➡Do away with; get rid of: Abolish

➡Do what glue does; stick together: Bond

➡Everlasting duration; time without an end: Eternity

➡Foot strike; stimulating effect: Kick

➡Gesture of agreement: Nod

➡Item on a seafood menu: Crab

➡Kindle download for reading: Ebook

➡Large jumping animal in Australia: Kangaroo

➡Mathematical gadget; accountant’s need: Calculator

➡Mountain climber’s return trip: Descent

➡One more, please: Another

➡One’s responsibility for a specific levy: Duty

➡Pessimistic prophecy; destine for failure: Doom

➡Prepare for parking or driving: Pave

➡Record an audiobook: Narrate

➡Runny nose problem: Snot

➡School year division: Term

➡Stem of the bamboo; walking aid: Cane

➡Tiny particle of atom that is negative: Electron

➡Travel in snow using some huskies: Ski

➡Unwanted inbox fill; annoying email: Spam

➡Windows to the soul, supposedly: Eyes

➡Writing Tool: Calligrapher’s tool: Pen

➡Writing Tool: Drawing stick: Crayon

➡Writing Tool: Felt-tip alternative: Ballpoint

➡Writing Tool: Memoranda keeper: Notebook

➡Writing Tool: Origami need: Paper

➡Writing Tool: Pencil user’s device: Sharpener

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