Brain Challenge: Think Outside Answers [All Levels]

Brain Challenge Answers Solutions (all levels)

Brain Challenge think outside answers and hints to all levels in this page, the game is developed by Azura Global.
Brain Challenge is a smart game offline with a series of tricky brain teasers. Challenge your brain with hundreds of funny puzzles. Fun puzzles in every field will help you become smart. Sometimes you can’t win a level with common sense, it will be very interesting tricky puzzles. Think outside of the box and use your big brain to conquer a new brain challenge game.

Brain Challenge think outside answers:

  • Brain Challenge level 1 Answer: wait until the match fall into the bottom hand and tap on the screen to catch it
  • Brain Challenge level 2 Answer: 5 cats, 1 is dog
  • Brain Challenge level 3 Answer: tap when the black line is inside the green area
  • Brain Challenge level 4 Answer: do not touch for 5 seconds
  • Brain Challenge level 5 Answer: the sun is the tallest.
  • Brain Challenge level 6 Answer: move apples to see the different one.
  • Brain Challenge level 7 Answer: Santa Claus
  • Brain Challenge level 8 Answer: choose matchstick in hand
  • Brain Challenge level 9 Answer: put banana peel inside the dustbin
  • Brain Challenge level 10 Answer: Tap on ‘turn off’
  • Brain Challenge level 11 Answer: drag the cloud on the sun
  • Brain Challenge level 12 Answer: tap on the question text, it is black.
  • Brain Challenge level 13 Answer: you can move the fake beard. he has 4 hairs.
  • Brain Challenge level 14 Answer: 5$ is cheapest
  • Brain Challenge level 15 Answer: Click TV off button in right bottom corner.
  • Brain Challenge level 16 Answer: throw the notification away. the ATM is not broken anymore
  • Brain Challenge level 17 Answer: just count from the smallest triangle to the biggest tringle.
  • Brain Challenge level 18 Answer: tap on the tree to shake it. and the apples will drop into the ground.
  • Brain Challenge level 19 Answer: try to take a may help you
  • Brain Challenge level 20 Answer: make him happy1 you can change what made him sad
  • Brain Challenge level 21 Answer: drag the road to the left side of the horse.
  • Brain Challenge level 22 Answer: cook for him. you can’t move the fire but the cooking pot
  • Brain Challenge level 23 Answer: that staff can’t have so many hands. there must be more than one staff
  • Brain Challenge level 24 Answer: make the fridge bigger. it’s too small to put the elephant in
  • Brain Challenge level 25 Answer: follow the sequence. for example, tap the button which contains ”red” not the red button
  • Brain Challenge level 26 Answer: slide from left to right to open the door.
  • Brain Challenge level 27 Answer: go from outside of the maze
  • Brain Challenge level 28 Answer: drag, drag, and drag…you will see the cat mother
  • Brain Challenge level 29 Answer: move frames to know what is the real one
  • Brain Challenge level 30 Answer: do not throw it away. hide it. put both V on each other.
  • Brain Challenge level 31 Answer: merge them and you will see the biggest.
  • Brain Challenge level 32 Answer: shake your phone. the bottle filled with cola is different.
  • Brain Challenge level 33 Answer: there are 2 pieces of the heart. merge them
  • Brain Challenge level 34 Answer: notice to count all bellow the question. the answer is 20.
  • Brain Challenge level 35 Answer: throw it out if you can’t light it up
  • Brain Challenge level 36 Answer: just ”burn” it. by dragging burn word from question
  • Brain Challenge level 37 Answer: a number shouldn’t there. throw it away
  • Brain Challenge level 38 Answer: they don’t appear in daytime.change to night time
  • Brain Challenge level 39 Answer: enter quickly.
  • Brain Challenge level 40 Answer: you can move the elephant. drag him
  • Brain Challenge level 41 Answer: you will be 3rd if you overtake 3rd friend, tap on ‘3rd’ in the question text.
  • Brain Challenge level 42 Answer: the house isn’t small like that. could you make it bigger, please
  • Brain Challenge level 43 Answer: is there any instruction?? find the instruction by  clicking on cooking recipe
  • Brain Challenge level 44 Answer: notice some glasses were blocked
  • Brain Challenge level 45 Answer: drop them to see which one bounce the highest.
  • Brain Challenge level 46 Answer: shake your phone, the worst will be broken
  • Brain Challenge level 47 Answer: the clock is broken, the answer is the time that the clock show now
  • Brain Challenge level 48 Answer: notice the turtle head. it turned 180 degrees 64+9=73
  • Brain Challenge level 49 Answer: the difference is the order inside the picture
  • Brain Challenge level 50 Answer: break the 900 record. you don’t need to tap more them 900 times
  • Brain Challenge level 51 Answer: just pick the numbers, you can also pick a number twice or more
  • Brain Challenge level 52 Answer: some bees are hidden. drag the buttons to see the answer is 7
  • Brain Challenge level 53 Answer: carrot is not fruit.
  • Brain Challenge level 54 Answer: including square and buttons.buttons are also blue
  • Brain Challenge level 55 Answer: tap on ”anywhere” to continue.
  • Brain Challenge level 56 Answer: try moving the square.
  • Brain Challenge level 57 Answer: notice to count all, left to right and front to back.answer is 10
  • Brain Challenge level 58 Answer: there’s no table!
  • Brain Challenge level 59 Answer: cover the pot and shake your phone
  • Brain Challenge level 60 Answer: move his mouth to his forehead!
  • Brain Challenge level 61 Answer: move the car to see.
  • Brain Challenge level 62 Answer: 100 is the square of 10
  • Brain Challenge level 63 Answer: notice the snail, flower and clock at the last math.answer is 31
  • Brain Challenge level 64 Answer: look carefully. can we eat clutch
  • Brain Challenge level 65 Answer: move” black” to a sheep and we have a black sheep
  • Brain Challenge level 66 Answer: January has 28 days, February has 28 days too.answer is 12
  • Brain Challenge level 67 Answer: look carefully at the question.
  • Brain Challenge level 68 Answer: drag ”the photo”.
  • Brain Challenge level 69 Answer: look carefully! a snail looks like it isn’t moving
  • Brain Challenge level 70 Answer: make an ice cream cone
  • Brain Challenge level 71 Answer: I said from” us”.
  • Brain Challenge level 72 Answer: turn off with the power button. behind  tv
  • Brain Challenge level 73 Answer: cow+boy=cowboy
  • Brain Challenge level 74 Answer: move the top and the bot-right.
  • Brain Challenge level 75 Answer: green=yellow+blue
  • Brain Challenge level 76 Answer: the sun will help you. move clouds to see the sun.
  • Brain Challenge level 77 Answer: zoom out to see the mother cat.
  • Brain Challenge level 78 Answer: there’s no trick. just read the question carefully.
  • Brain Challenge level 79 Answer: tap on triangles at the question.
  • Brain Challenge level 80 Answer: shake your phone or tap on their head.
  • Brain Challenge level 81 Answer: notice where the car is parking now.answer is 1
  • Brain Challenge level 82 Answer: it’s a thermometer! put your finger on the big red point.37.6
  • Brain Challenge level 83 Answer: make the ball bigger and tap it.
  • Brain Challenge level 84 Answer: elephant
  • Brain Challenge level 85 Answer: click on the middle of ”map” in the map
  • Brain Challenge level 86 Answer: 1111 is the answer.
  • Brain Challenge level 87 Answer: is white is the brightest color at the moment
  • Brain Challenge level 88 Answer: use mouse to move the cursor to next button and click left mouse.
  • Brain Challenge level 89 Answer: put ”everything” into the box.
  • Brain Challenge level 90 Answer: use the glass tank to store the red bucket.
  • Brain Challenge level 91 Answer: caress the sun.
  • Brain Challenge level 92 Answer: throw the skirt away or move it to the men icon on the right door
  • Brain Challenge level 93 Answer: move ”diamond” at the question text to find the real diamond.
  • Brain Challenge level 94 Answer: move all pieces of the rectangle and count triangles. answer is 5
  • Brain Challenge level 95 Answer: find more number 1, then make 111>100
  • Brain Challenge level 96 Answer: click on the ‘mistake’
  • Brain Challenge level 97 Answer: move the finish line to downwards.
  • Brain Challenge level 98 Answer: tap on the rabbit and horse to stop them using two fingers.
  • Brain Challenge level 99 Answer: rotate your phone 90 degrees.
  • Brain Challenge level 100 Answer: cover the rock with paper.
  • Brain Challenge level 101 Answer: will update soon, Comment if you need answers…
  • Brain Challenge level 102 Answer:
  • Brain Challenge level 103 Answer:
  • Brain Challenge level 104 Answer:
  • Brain Challenge level 105 Answer:

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