Word Craze Level (75-100) Part 4
Word Craze Level 76-100 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.
Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.
Word Craze game Cheats Answers:
- Word Craze Answers All Levels [1-25+Main Page]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 26-50 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 51-75 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 76-100 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 101-125 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 126-150 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 151-175 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 176-200 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 201-20 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 226-250 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 251-275 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 276-300 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 301-325 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 326-350 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 351-375 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 375-400 All Answers]
Level 76: 1993 film by Steven Spielberg that brought dinosaurs to life | FANTASIA |
Level 76: A person who is very enthusiastic about taking photos | MSPACMAN |
Level 76: A word meaning contemplating | COOLRANCH |
Level 76: Domesticated stone; extremely low-maintenance companion | LAVALAMP |
Level 76: Often yellow cars that’ll take you places for a fare | INFERNO |
Level 76: This actor stars in “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and “Men in Black” | WILLSMITH |
Level 76: What is this tool? | UMPIRE |
Level 76: Wonderland denizen who has a tendency to vanish, leaving only a smile | MICDROP |
Level 76: Glass-half-full type of person | OPTIMIST |
Level 76: What elastic office supply item is this? | RUBBERBAND |
Level 76: Being a necessary part of something | ESSENTIAL |
Level 76: What is this Jackie Chanx2fChris Tucker movie? | RUSHHOUR |
Level 76: Western Canadian city in the province of British Columbia | VANCOUVER |
Level 76: Garment worn on the beach or to swim in | BATHINGSUIT |
Level 76: “The __________ of Tom Sawyer”, a novel by Mark Twain | ADVENTURES |
Level 76: What is this item for outdoors use? | CLOTHESLINE |
Level 76: ______ Stallone, the actor who portrayed Rambo and Rocky | SYLVESTER |
Level 76: An _________ park is a place with attractions like roller coasters | AMUSEMENT |
Level 77: A hole in the door for mail | NEWENGLAND |
Level 77: Beachside money, actually a type of very flat sea urchin | LEPRECHAUN |
Level 77: Constellation that looks like a small pot | EASEL |
Level 77: Harry Potter’s red haired friend | ALLOWANCE |
Level 77: Movement from one place to another either temporarily or permanently | HARPOON |
Level 77: “The Star-Spangled Banner” is the national ______ of the USA. | ANTHEM |
Level 77: Numbers below zero | HANGINTHERE |
Level 77: The nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way | GETAWAYCAR |
Level 77: These might fall from your eyes | THIRTEENTH |
Level 77: A person who determines gambling odds and accepts bets | BOOKIE |
Level 77: Popular app that helps people rent out their rooms and properties | AIRBNB |
Level 77: A bunny’s favorite musical genre | HIPHOP |
Level 77: What is this word for joining the army? | ENLIST |
Level 77: Type of insect which includes weevils, scarabs, and ladybugs | BEETLE |
Level 78: 1960s phenomenon with hits such as Hey Jude and Yellow Submarine | EPIPEN |
Level 78: A stiletto or dirk is a type of this | ELDORADO |
Level 78: A type of large extinct cat known for its two long fangs | SABERTOOTH |
Level 78: A type of large extinct cat known for its two long fangs | SABERTOOTH |
Level 78: An organism that leeches off a host | ROBIN |
Level 78: Handheld protection from the rain | UMBRELLA |
Level 78: Synonymous with beginner or amateur | NOVICE |
Level 78: These black hunks of carbon will help get a BBQ going | PETERPIPER |
Level 78: 1960s phenomenon with hits such as Hey Jude and Yellow Submarine | THEBEATLES |
Level 78: What US city is this in? | DIEHARD |
Level 78: In English, a form of a noun that shows there are more than one | PLURAL |
Level 78: What word does this represent? | CLOTHESLINE |
Level 78: You sunk my ______, a strategic guessing game | GYMNAST |
Level 78: What is this part of a circle? | DIAMETER |
Level 78: 2013 Disney movie about Anna’s journey to connect with her sister | FROZEN |
Level 78: A ______ parent is a person who cares for a child who is not legally | FOSTER |
Level 78: What is being measured here? | DEPTH |
Level 78: Ocean east of Africa | INDIAN |
Level 78: ______ pigs are actually rodents and not pigs; often used in experiments | GUINEA |
Level 79: ______ Scissorhands, machine-turned-man played by Johnny Depp | CONFESSION |
Level 79: Affectionate slang term referring to Canadians | CABOOSE |
Level 79: From the country bordering the US on the South | MEXICAN |
Level 79: Another name for Mars | STOMATA |
Level 79: From the country bordering the US on the South | AVALANCHE |
Level 79: _______ One is the most famous auto race in the world | FORMULA |
Level 79: Robot with a human form; literally means man-like | BABYSITTER |
Level 79: To get off, e.g. from an airplane | DISEMBARK |
Level 79: Second to last member of ROYGBIV | FUELGAUGE |
Level 79: Small baked treat; like a muffin, but with icing | CUPCAKE |
Level 79: Small baked treat; like a muffin, but with icing | SNOWGLOBE |
Level 79: What is this Irish symbol called? | SHAMROCK |
Level 79: Affectionate slang term referring to Canadians | CANUCKS |
Level 79: To get off, e.g. from an airplane | DISEMBARK |
Level 79: What is this Irish symbol called? | ACAPPELLA |
Level 79: What type of skating is this? | FIGURE |
Level 79: When proposing, you might get down into this position | UKULELE |
Level 79: When you gaze long into the _____, it gazes back into you | MAYONNAISE |
Level 79: Zero on this temperature scale is known as absolute zero | KELVIN |
Level 79: Second to last member of ROYGBIV | INDIGO |
Level 79: Zero on this temperature scale is known as absolute zero | MARIACHI |
Level 79: Hold down this keyboard button to type capital letters | SHIFTKEY |
Level 79: “_______: Welcome to the Jungle” is a 2017 sequel to the Robin Williams-starring | JUMANJI |
Level 79: Truth is often stranger than this | FICTION |
Level 79: Mattress with larger dimensions than a Queen | KINGSIZE |
Level 79: A large purple vegetable; aubergine | EGGPLANT |
Level 79: Recreational structure that sprays water | FOUNTAIN |
Level 80: A kind of wheel that might be found at a fairground | NIKOLA |
Level 80: A particularly French kind of boredom and world-weariness | RICKMAN |
Level 80: Traditional Venetian canal transport | GONDOLA |
Level 80: Fish with uniquely pinkx2forange flesh, popular as food | NECKANDNECK |
Level 80: Going down this street might be nostalgic | TEMPURA |
Level 80: Jam-like spread made from orange peel; Paddington Bear’s favorite | TAXIDERMIST |
Level 80: Shops with freshly made bread | BAKERIES |
Level 80: Pumbaa’s best friend | LEBOWSKI |
Level 80: What Bond film is this referring to? | SKYFALL |
Level 80: The study of insects | DIVORCE |
Level 80: A kind of wheel that might be found at a fairground | FERRIS |
Level 80: They make up the nuclei of atoms, together with protons | ELEMENTARY |
Level 80: A particularly French kind of boredom and world-weariness | ENNUI |
Level 80: If you’re “on _____ ____”, it means you are extremely happy | CLOUDNINE |
Level 80: Traditional Venetian canal transport | ANTLERS |
Level 80: Fish with uniquely pinkx2forange flesh, popular as food | SALMON |
Level 80: What Bond film is this referring to? | SKYFALL |
Level 80: The sincerest form of flattery | IMITATION |
Level 80: What’s missing in the second image? | LAMPSHADE |
Level 80: The daughter of a king and a queen | PRINCESS |
Level 80: What is this spice? | CINNAMON |
Level 80: A 1997 comedy starring Jim Carrey as a lawyer cursed to tell the | LIARLIAR |
Level 80: ________ Zeta-Jones is a Welsh actress who starred in “Ocean’s Twelve | CATHERINE |
Level 80: The first working copy of an invention | PROTOTYPE |
Level 80: Besides cooking, this powder is also used in toothpaste and for cleaning | BAKINGSODA |
Level 80: One of these is ten millimeters long | CENTIMETER |
Level 81: Capital of Taiwan | TAIPEI |
Level 81: Grumpy avian stars of a popular mobile game | ROADRAGE |
Level 81: Lose Yourself rapper | SHRINK |
Level 81: Shakespeare’s Scottish play | EDISON |
Level 81: Sibling’s daughter | APPLEPIE |
Level 81: The Chrysler _________ is one of New York’s most recognizable landmarks | BUILDING |
Level 81: What word does this represent? | DIVEBOMB |
Level 81: Your spouse’s family | CITRUS |
Level 81: Storage compartment found on the passenger side of a car’s dashboard | GLOVEBOX |
Level 81: What is this creamy dip? | COOLWHIP |
Level 81: A rite of _______ is a ritual marking an important stage in one’s | PASSAGE |
Level 81: Zombies are these, but surprisingly spry | CORPSES |
Level 81: Main division of a book, typically with a number or title | CHAPTER |
Level 82: A general feeling of discomfort and illness | NOTASIDO |
Level 82: Al _______; notorious gangster | ACCORDION |
Level 82: Angelic riders in service to Odin, and harbingers of war | RATTLESNAKE |
Level 82: Legendary guitarist, ironically nicknamed Slowhand | ERICCLAPTON |
Level 82: Colorful inflatable sphere for sandy coast play | ABRACADABRA |
Level 82: Al _______; notorious gangster | CAPONE |
Level 82: Distinctively Jamaican music genre | FORCEPS |
Level 82: Drawn or animated art in a simple or exaggerated style | CARTOON |
Level 82: Helium, argon, xenon, and neon are all this type of element | FIGHTCLUB |
Level 82: Slightly annoyed, irritated | MIFFED |
Level 82: Helium, argon, xenon, and neon are all this type of element | NOBLEGAS |
Level 82: If you are rich, money is __ ____ | EYEBROWS |
Level 82: Legendary guitarist, ironically nicknamed Slowhand | INFRARED |
Level 82: Window covering that can be drawn and closed | CURTAIN |
Level 82: Worn by skiers and bank robbers | BALACLAVA |
Level 82: If you are rich, money is __ ____ | NOOBJECT |
Level 82: Sing around it, cook marshmallows over it | HARMONICA |
Level 82: Angelic riders in service to Odin, and harbingers of war | VALKYRIES |
Level 82: Slightly annoyed, irritated | TURDUCKEN |
Level 82: Track and field event involving throwing heavy iron balls | DRESSCODE |
Level 82: Artist that works with a brush and canvas | PAINTER |
Level 82: Track and field event involving throwing heavy iron balls | SHOTPUT |
Level 82: What word does this represent? | SANDBAG |
Level 82: A general feeling of discomfort and illness | MALAISE |
Level 82: Worn by skiers and bank robbers | GODMOTHER |
Level 82: Word for a large snake; a sea _______ is a mythical beast of the | SERPENT |
Level 82: What type of unhealthy snack is this? | JUNKFOOD |
Level 82: Produce grown using sustainable methods | ORGANIC |
Level 82: Thanksgiving is an American national _______ | HOLIDAY |
Level 82: What famous US book is this animal hunted in? | MOBYDICK |
Level 83: A somewhat vestigial organ; might be found at the back of a book | ULYSSES |
Level 83: Average length of a sitcom | ICEHOCKEY |
Level 83: Pale, immortal bloodsucker; sometimes sparkly | MARSUPIAL |
Level 83: Schooner, dinghy, and sloop, for example | COFFEERUN |
Level 83: Court verdict that says the defendant committed the crime | GUILTY |
Level 83: Swiss city, birthplace of some very important Conventions | INNOCENT |
Level 83: The entrance to Wonderland | TANDEM |
Level 83: X marks the spot | TREASUREMAP |
Level 83: Food that conforms to Jewish dietary regulations | KOSHER |
Level 83: ______ Hills, a city in Los Angeles where movie stars live | BEVERLY |
Level 83: What Southeast Asian country does this flag belong to? | THAILAND |
Level 83: Personal cleanliness | HYGIENE |
Level 83: Mythical creature that is half eagle and half lion | GRIFFIN |
Level 84: A month of fasting, for Muslims | PLANKTON |
Level 84: Another name for the Celsius scale | LEAVE |
Level 84: Hydrogen _____ might be a part of your first aid kit | NONAGON |
Level 84: Hydrogen _____ might be a part of your first aid kit | PEROXIDE |
Level 84: In NA, the main dish of the meal may be called this | ENTREE |
Level 84: Natural water feature between Ontario and New York state | HAVEACOW |
Level 84: Polar region without polar bears | SAURON |
Level 84: A month of fasting, for Muslims | RAMADAN |
Level 84: Put your letter inside to mail it | EAVESDROP |
Level 84: Somewhat macabre word guessing game | CUTLERY |
Level 84: A person who likes to walk trails through nature | HIKER |
Level 84: Polar region without polar bears | ANTARCTIC |
Level 84: Spatially, there are three of these | GROOM |
Level 84: The Latin name for your species | ERASER |
Level 84: What is this mythical creature called? | SATYR |
Level 84: They finish last, apparently | ACETONE |
Level 84: Two people secretly working together are in this | CAHOOTS |
Level 84: Tiny jumping parasite; can infest the fur of dogs and cats | NEAPOLITAN |
Level 84: Tiny jumping parasite; can infest the fur of dogs and cats | FLEA |
Level 84: “______ dipping” is the term for nude swimming | SKINNY |
Level 84: Somewhat macabre word guessing game | HANGMAN |
Level 84: Two people secretly working together are in this | RELOADED |
Level 84: What is this mythical creature called? | CHIMERA |
Level 84: They finish last, apparently | NICEGUYS |
Level 84: What region of the US is this? | MIDWEST |
Level 84: What type of long-distance friend is this? | TARANTULA |
Level 84: You can catch people speeding with this | RADARGUN |
Level 84: What kind of company does this represent? | AIRLINE |
Level 84: You can catch people speeding with this | GORILLAZ |
Level 84: What speedy African feline has this pattern? | CHEETAH |
Level 84: A measure of how tall something is | HEIGHT |
Level 84: Expression; “__ ____ as a cucumber” means able to stay calm under | ASCOOL |
Level 84: To ambitiously seek a goal | ASPIRE |
Level 84: Snakes use these sharp teeth to inject venom | FANGS |
Level 84: A standing grapple; not allowed to be held for too long in boxing | CLINCH |
Level 84: A perfume marketed at men; originated in a German city of the same | COLOGNE |
Level 84: Organizations of workers designed to protect and further their rights | UNIONS |
Level 85: 1972 crime drama made by Francis Coppola | MATINEE |
Level 85: Beauty treatment for one’s nails | NOHARM |
Level 85: Expression of regret for doing someone wrong | MTRUSHMORE |
Level 85: Expression; to study hard | EARLGREY |
Level 85: Instrumental in percussion; also a tasty chicken limb | EVOLUTION |
Level 85: “Madness? This is ______!”; the land of King Leonidas from the movie | SPARTA |
Level 85: Solid form of carbon dioxide | FLASHCARDS |
Level 85: Something you might treat yourself to once in awhile | MANUAL |
Level 85: Symbols that can be sent in text messages to convey emotion | ACEVENTURA |
Level 85: This season marks the end of hibernation | SPRING |
Level 85: What is this exercise equipment? | DUMBBELL |
Level 85: Horses have these on the ends of their feet | HOOVES |
Level 85: Dusty and abandoned spider home | COBWEB |
Level 85: What is this type of equipment? | SAFETY |
Level 85: A shower for your vehicle | CARWASH |
Level 86: A professional who argues cases in court | CAROLINAS |
Level 86: Air taken into your lungs and then exhaled | EASTASIA |
Level 86: Home furnishing that stores convenient handheld knowledge | ELONMUSK |
Level 86: Something you might say to someone blocking your view | DOWNINFRONT |
Level 86: Something you shouldn’t do to a wound, but can for french fries | NORSEGODS |
Level 86: The NHL team of this Michigan city is the Red Wings | DETROIT |
Level 86: The order in which a series of events happened | CAMEO |
Level 86: What American stand-up comedian is this? | CARROTTOP |
Level 86: A dizzy feeling; name of a Hitchcock movie | VERTIGO |
Level 86: What is this type of diagram? | BARGRAPH |
Level 86: The state of being grossly overweight | OBESITY |
Level 86: What region of the US is this? | MIDWEST |
Level 86: Ocean which can be seen off the west coast of the US | PACIFIC |
Level 87: A building that contains several rentable living spaces | CARBONATION |
Level 87: A place that has witnessed many departures and arrivals | SAGITTARIUS |
Level 87: A price put on someone’s head; dead or alive | REDHERRING |
Level 87: Leafy green vegetable often used in salads | SAINTPATRICK |
Level 87: A _____ peek is an advanced viewing of something before it goes public | SNEAK |
Level 87: This company action increases unemployment | NONETAKEN |
Level 87: US variant of a globally popular card game known as Twenty-One | BLACKJACK |
Level 87: What type of mythical creature is this? | ENDANGERED |
Level 87: What is the word for disarming this? | DEFUSE |
Level 87: As income increases, people buy more ______ goods as compared to | LUXURY |
Level 87: Salty luxury spread made from fish eggs | CAVIAR |
Level 87: The writer of a book or other written work is credited as this | AUTHOR |
Level 87: Military haircut, named for the sound of the electric clipper used | BUZZCUT |
Level 87: Ammunition for firearms | BULLETS |
Level 88: 1998 Pixar film about a rag tag group of insects | TIGHTROPE |
Level 88: 1998 Pixar film about a rag tag group of insects | ABUGSLIFE |
Level 88: An avid reader; not an actual insect | PISTACHIO |
Level 88: An official order; by royal ______ | LAKEONTARIO |
Level 88: Popular sandwich consisting of a ground meat patty between two buns | HAMBURGER |
Level 88: An avid reader; not an actual insect | BOOKWORM |
Level 88: Beethoven, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky are famous for this type of music | CLASSICAL |
Level 88: Catch phrase of the Three _________ | AMPHIBIOUS |
Level 88: What is this nighttime pest? | BEDBUG |
Level 88: Describes something hard, yet easily broken | TIMEMACHINE |
Level 88: Signaling device typically placed near the door to a building | DOORBELL |
Level 88: Iconic products of Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Leica, etc. | ROCKYROAD |
Level 88: Iconic products of Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Leica, etc. | CAMERA |
Level 88: Beethoven, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky are famous for this type of music | CLASSICAL |
Level 88: Popular sandwich consisting of a ground meat patty between two buns | INCISION |
Level 88: Describes something hard, yet easily broken | BRITTLE |
Level 88: Einstein derived that MC^2 equals this | ENERGY |
Level 88: Signaling device typically placed near the door to a building | NUGGET |
Level 88: Type of malicious software that may harm your computer | TANTRUM |
Level 88: What phrase does this represent? | GLINDA |
Level 88: An official order; by royal ______ | DECREE |
Level 88: Wires covered in plastic or rubber that carry signals | PEARLYGATES |
Level 88: It is illegal to drink this and drive | ALCOHOL |
Level 88: To ______ one’s reputation is to ruin their good name | TARNISH |
Level 88: Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton studied this branch of science | PHYSICS |
Level 88: Ideally, you should feel this after a massage | RELAXED |
Level 88: Tactile writing able to be “read” by blind people | BRAILLE |
Level 88: What type of vintage car is this? | HOTROD |
Level 88: First of a set; opposite of latter | FORMER |
Level 88: 1978 musical starring John Travolta as Danny Zuko | GREASE |
Level 89: After-dinner candy to freshen up | BREATHMINT |
Level 89: Apartment with just one room for living and sleeping in | NAPKIN |
Level 89: Fasteners used to keep garments from blowing away in the wind | CLOTHESPIN |
Level 89: Fasteners used to keep garments from blowing away in the wind | CENTIMETER |
Level 89: The type of calendar currently in use in the Western world | GREGORIAN |
Level 89: Greek king condemned to push a rock up a hill for all eternity | SISYPHUS |
Level 89: Greek king condemned to push a rock up a hill for all eternity | SISYPHUS |
Level 89: Jewish festival which lasts for 8 days and nights | REINDEER |
Level 89: What is missing from the second image? | BIRDS |
Level 89: What is this place you fill medicine prescriptions at? | P******Y |
Level 89: Red labeled soda that’s a favorite of Santa and polar bears alike | HOTDOGS |
Level 89: Apartment with just one room for living and sleeping in | STUDIO |
Level 89: Something that isn’t feasible in the real world is this | IMPOSSIBLE |
Level 89: Red labeled soda that’s a favorite of Santa and polar bears alike | COCACOLA |
Level 89: The type of calendar currently in use in the Western world | EMPLOYEE |
Level 89: Jewish festival which lasts for 8 days and nights | HANUKKAH |
Level 89: Shiny paste-on symbol of achievement for children | GOLDSTAR |
Level 89: What is missing from the second image? | FURYROAD |
Level 89: Something that isn’t feasible in the real world is this | IMPOSSIBLE |
Level 89: What peculiar phenomenon is this? | EXCLUDE |
Level 89: Giant ape who climbed the Empire State Building | KINGKONG |
Level 89: Bedtime song for children | LULLABY |
Level 89: Underwater plant used to wrap sushi rolls | SEAWEED |
Level 89: A crack or break, especially in bones | FRACTURE |
Level 89: In photography, the amount of light that reaches the film | EXPOSURE |
Level 90: A seer might use one of these to see your future | MAIDMARIAN |
Level 90: A series of pictures physically animated by quickly turning the pages | NITPICKER |
Level 90: Expensive part of a printer that seems to run out too quickly | GNOMES |
Level 90: Where military recruits go to train | BOOTCAMP |
Level 90: Expression; having one of this means one is pregnant | BUNINTHEOVEN |
Level 90: Expression; having one of this means one is pregnant | BUNINTHEOVEN |
Level 90: ______ blossoms, also known as sakura in Japan, are small, pink flowers | CHERRY |
Level 90: Expression; something that makes one realize they need to take action | CALIPER |
Level 90: Per legend, repeating her name to a mirror will have spooky results | HANSOLO |
Level 90: The entry point of a website | HOMEPAGE |
Level 90: A series of pictures physically animated by quickly turning the pages | FLIPBOOK |
Level 90: Prank that sends the victim searching for an imaginary creature | NYLON |
Level 90: The entry point of a website | PANINI |
Level 90: Small string instrument held in place under the chin | VIOLIN |
Level 90: The sequence of steps or moves used in a dance or other performance | ABSTAIN |
Level 90: What type of passage is this? | EIGHTHNOTE |
Level 90: Prank that sends the victim searching for an imaginary creature | SNIPEHUNT |
Level 90: Where military recruits go to train | REINS |
Level 90: What is this mythical creature? | GIANT |
Level 90: Child of your parent’s sibling | COUSIN |
Level 90: Occurring annually | YEARLY |
Level 90: What kind of flavoring is this? | SPICY |
Level 90: Travel ticket with no scheduled return trip | ONEWAY |
Level 90: ______ H.W. Bush was the 41st president of the US | GEORGE |
Level 91: A method used to make a decision, short one loses | DRAWSTRAWS |
Level 91: An audience will often burst into this after a great performance | APPLAUSE |
Level 91: A period of darkness caused by a power failure | FLOPPYDISK |
Level 91: A person who leads tours through museums or art galleries | DOCENT |
Level 91: An ancient tool used for calculations | EXCALIBUR |
Level 91: An ancient tool used for calculations | ABACUS |
Level 91: An audience will often burst into this after a great performance | WALKINGONAIR |
Level 91: Horse-riding gunslinger; a central figure in many Westerns | COWBOY |
Level 91: Blade affixed to the end of a firearm | ORCHESTRA |
Level 91: Decryption of this German communication device aided the Allies in | HOMOPHONE |
Level 91: Itchy childhood sickness | IMPROMPTU |
Level 91: A giant panda’s staple food | BAMBOO |
Level 91: Lightweight disk tossed between people or to dogs | EARBUDS |
Level 91: Where students congregate to eat | CAFETERIA |
Level 91: Decryption of this German communication device aided the Allies in | ENIGMA |
Level 91: Someone who leaves their trash on the street | ONIONS |
Level 91: A person who leads tours through museums or art galleries | DOCENT |
Level 91: What is this golfing term? | INFAMOUS |
Level 91: What type of event is this? | NUCLEUS |
Level 91: Where students congregate to eat | RECEIPT |
Level 91: Which Scandinavian country is this? | NORWAY |
Level 91: The study of records of humanity’s past | HISTORY |
Level 91: First name of the theoretical physicist Einstein | ALBERT |
Level 91: General feeling of tiredness and exhaustion | FATIGUE |
Level 92: A type of trip that you might need to submit expense reports for | BUSINESS |
Level 92: Death-defying leap with a cord around your legs | MAGNUMOPUS |
Level 92: Event where the latest in clothing styles are presented | LANTERN |
Level 92: Gun runners who sell weapons in bulk, often illicitly | RAYOFHOPE |
Level 92: A professional trained in reading and interpreting laws | LAWYER |
Level 92: Sports spectators sit in these | BLEACHERS |
Level 92: The ________, famously dirty joke that was the subject of a 2005 | INFANTRY |
Level 92: What is this celestial object? | CHEAPSHOT |
Level 92: _______ Churchill, the UK’s prime minister during WWII | WINSTON |
Level 92: In soccer, the only player who can use their hands | GOALIE |
Level 92: Speech intended to offend or belittle someone | INSULT |
Level 92: Liquid used in the shower to keep your hair clean and healthy | SHAMPOO |
Level 92: Wires covered in plastic or rubber that carry signals | CABLES |
Level 92: The tracks upon which trains run | RAILWAY |
Level 92: ______ Diaz, US actress who starred in “The Mask” and “Charlie’s | CAMERON |
Level 92: Hooked whaling implement | HARPOON |
Level 93: A device that keeps bird eggs in the right conditions to hatch | LASTCALL |
Level 93: A land beast of biblical proportions | KEEPCALM |
Level 93: A land beast of biblical proportions | BEHEMOTH |
Level 93: Alternative medicine procedure where one is poked with needles | URCHIN |
Level 93: What is this style of tournament? | ROUNDROBIN |
Level 93: Black cloaked personification of death | EXCEL |
Level 93: Brown confectionery made from heated sugar | CARAMEL |
Level 93: Brown confectionery made from heated sugar | WREATH |
Level 93: Rage _______ the Machine is a US metal band that sang “Sleep Now | AGAINST |
Level 93: Conventional rules for polite behavior | GURNEY |
Level 93: Device used to heat up meals | MICROWAVE |
Level 93: Insects that live underground for 17 years; has a distinctive sound | MAILBOX |
Level 93: Comfy fabric used to cover a sleeping person | BLANKET |
Level 93: Large ring that is spun around the hips for exercise | PROSE |
Level 93: Large ring that is spun around the hips for exercise | HULAHOOP |
Level 93: Conventional rules for polite behavior | ETIQUETTE |
Level 93: Purple, somewhat triangular, mascot for McDonalds | ENTRANCE |
Level 93: A device that keeps bird eggs in the right conditions to hatch | INCUBATOR |
Level 93: The _____ _____ Project, 1999 found-footage horror film | LOISLANE |
Level 93: To strike back in reaction to an attack; t*t for tat; to get revenge | MEANTIME |
Level 93: Decoration that sticks to fridges but not walls | MAGNET |
Level 93: What insect is this? | BENSTILLER |
Level 93: What is this style of tournament? | ROUNDROBIN |
Level 93: What is this word? | HAMLET |
Level 93: What is this word? | DEDUCE |
Level 93: Purple, somewhat triangular, mascot for McDonalds | GRIMACE |
Level 93: Words of praise or admiration | DEDUCTION |
Level 93: What is this measuring instrument called? | CALIPER |
Level 93: ____ entendres are phrases with a hidden second meaning | DOUBLE |
Level 93: Ancient Egyptians would _______ their pharaohs after they died | MUMMIFY |
Level 93: Iconic yellow avian from Sesame Street | BIGBIRD |
Level 94: ______ Monroe, US actress, singer, and model; Happy Birthday Mr. | USERNAME |
Level 94: A period where workers rush to meet deadlines | OUROBOROS |
Level 94: Essential part of a computer that executes instructions | BABYSTEPS |
Level 94: Holiday celebrated the day after Christmas in the UK and parts of | NUMERATOR |
Level 94: Actress and singer who was once the lead singer of Destiny’s Child | BEYONCE |
Level 94: People affected by this condition have trouble sleeping | FLOSSED |
Level 94: Phrase; water cooler conversation | CROWSNEST |
Level 94: The second-in-command on a vessel | SUNHAT |
Level 94: The sound a clock makes | FASTFOOD |
Level 94: “The Neighborhood of Make-_______” was a fictional kingdom on “Mr. | BELIEVE |
Level 94: What is this type of story? | RAINCHECK |
Level 94: What is this type of mirror? | REARVIEW |
Level 94: An event that is _______ will have food and drink provided | CATERED |
Level 94: Photosynthesis turns carbon _______ into oxygen | DIOXIDE |
Level 94: “The way to a man’s heart is through his _______” | STOMACH |
Level 94: The process of picking grapes and making wine | VINTAGE |
Level 94: The intermission in the middle of a sports game | HALFTIME |
Level 95: Elephants tusks are made of this material | PACINO |
Level 95: Lightweight silvery metal used in many items such as soda cans | TABLESPOON |
Level 95: Mechanical creations designed to fulfill complex directives | RINGMASTER |
Level 95: School of thought that argues for the pursuit of pleasure above all | MENTOS |
Level 95: Substances that can activate an immune response | RELEASE |
Level 95: What kind of birds are these? | PARAKEETS |
Level 95: The nut of oaks; a stereotypical food for squirrels | PANICROOM |
Level 95: The person who wrote a book or other written work is credited as | NOOGIE |
Level 95: What flying toy is this? | DIORAMA |
Level 95: These black hunks of carbon will help get a BBQ going | CHARCOAL |
Level 95: What is missing in the second image? | JUSTDESSERTS |
Level 95: An organism that leeches off a host | PARASITE |
Level 95: Cooking ______ include spatulas, kitchen tongs, cheese graters, etc. | UTENSILS |
Level 95: Someone who leaves their trash on the street | LITTERBUG |
Level 95: DST stands for ________ Saving Time | DAYLIGHT |
Level 95: “________ Rhapsody” is the most popular song from the band Queen | BOHEMIAN |
Level 96: Dusty and abandoned spider home | GOLDSTAR |
Level 96: Half organic, half machine | DRYSPELL |
Level 96: Invalid or faulty reasoning | YANKEES |
Level 96: It’s said to be bad luck if this animal crosses your path | KINGKONG |
Level 96: Little stars are known to do this to our wonderment | ONTHEROCKS |
Level 96: Tool for writing on blackboards or on the ground, often white | CHALK |
Level 96: Outlaws would use this to cover their face | BANDANA |
Level 96: This monument is found in this US state | ULTRAVIOLET |
Level 96: Knitwear worn around the neck to keep you warm in winter | SCARF |
Level 96: Waxy drawing implement for children | CRAYON |
Level 96: What red root vegetable is this? | RADISH |
Level 96: Black and while animal that fends off predators with a powerful smell | SKUNK |
Level 96: What is this moveable arrow? | CURSOR |
Level 96: A distinguished academic; one who dedicates their life to study | SCHOLAR |
Level 96: British sitcom starring an almost mute buffoon played by Rowan Atkinson | MRBEAN |
Level 97: Baby who has started to walk | HINDSIGHT |
Level 97: Execution device that removes one’s head from their shoulders | BANDAID |
Level 97: Execution device that removes one’s head from their shoulders | GUILLOTINE |
Level 97: Baby who has started to walk | TODDLER |
Level 97: Isaac _____, science fiction writer who made the 3 Laws of Robotics | JOURNEY |
Level 97: It’s not over until the ___ _____ sings | CABINFEVER |
Level 97: Purple birthstone for February | AMETHYST |
Level 97: As much as is required; sufficient | ENOUGH |
Level 97: Mechanical stairs that help people maneuver between mall floors | GENEPOOL |
Level 97: Medieval projectile weapon that fires bolts | CROSSBOW |
Level 97: Medieval projectile weapon that fires bolts | GECKO |
Level 97: Mechanical stairs that help people maneuver between mall floors | ESCALATOR |
Level 97: Often amusing failed attempts filming a scene | NETWORKING |
Level 97: Isaac _____, science fiction writer who made the 3 Laws of Robotics | ASIMOV |
Level 97: Purple birthstone for February | OUTLINE |
Level 97: Able to be eaten with no ill effects | EDIBLE |
Level 97: Returning a book late to the library might incur these | LATEFEES |
Level 97: Returning a book late to the library might incur these | LATEFEES |
Level 97: Often amusing failed attempts filming a scene | OUTTAKES |
Level 97: The ability to lead a group or organization | MAJOR |
Level 97: The boom that comes after lightning strikes | LATTE |
Level 97: What phrase does this represent? | TOUGHLOVE |
Level 97: Words to a song | LYRICS |
Level 97: First book of the Old Testament | GENESIS |
Level 97: It’s not over until the ___ _____ sings | FATLADY |
Level 97: What word does this represent? | ADVICE |
Level 97: When a company runs out of money, they may need to declare this | DIALECTS |
Level 97: The ability to lead a group or organization | LEADERSHIP |
Level 97: Words to a song | ACOUSTICS |
Level 97: Mix this sour liquid with oil to get a salad dressing | VINEGAR |
Level 97: Tony Hawk and Bucky Lasek are this type of athlete | SKATERS |
Level 97: Hotel worker who brings guests’ luggage to their rooms | BELLHOP |
Level 98: Iron Chef is this type of competition | TERRIER |
Level 98: Something put on a pet to keep away tiny pests | PALACE |
Level 98: South Korea’s national sport and martial art | IMAX |
Level 98: The ability to understand how others feel | GOINCIRCLES |
Level 98: Something you say when it’s time to leave | GOODBYE |
Level 98: To learn something by heart | PHOENIX |
Level 98: What sanctified liquid does this represent? | PAULREVERE |
Level 98: What theatrical term is this? | HIKER |
Level 98: When no more members of a species exist, it is said to be this | OMNIVORE |
Level 98: What are these tough nuts? | WALNUTS |
Level 98: Large Mexican tortilla wrap; Spanish for “little donkey” | BURRITO |
Level 98: James _____, US actor who played Tommy Wiseau in “The Disaster Artist” | FRANCO |
Level 98: Something damaged and in need of repair | BROKEN |
Level 98: Something you shouldn’t do to a wound, but can for french fries | ADDSALT |
Level 98: Type of malicious software that may harm your computer | MALWARE |
Level 98: A person who is not a member of the armed forces | CIVILIAN |
Level 99: A monarch does this to formally relinquish their authority | ABDICATE |
Level 99: Amusement where teams try to score hits using light emitting guns | DROUGHT |
Level 99: Footrace that is 26.2 miles long | MARATHON |
Level 99: Footrace that is 26.2 miles long | URSULA |
Level 99: Long-tailed crustacean which is a common sight at seafood restaurants | LOBSTER |
Level 99: Icy sculpture often adorned with a hat and carrot nose | OIL |
Level 99: What kind of performer is this? | BREAKDANCER |
Level 99: Culturally unacceptable practice, like gifting a clock in China | TABOO |
Level 99: Large species of shark popularized as a man-killer by the movie Jaws | BABYBEAR |
Level 99: Where logs are processed into usable shapes | LUMBERMILL |
Level 99: A monarch does this to formally relinquish their authority | ABDICATE |
Level 99: Long-tailed crustacean which is a common sight at seafood restaurants | LOBSTER |
Level 99: Under this trance-like state, a person is more open to suggestions; | WIFI |
Level 99: What kind of performer is this? | ZEBRA |
Level 99: Under this trance-like state, a person is more open to suggestions; | HYPNOSIS |
Level 99: What word does this represent? | EYESORE |
Level 99: When you close your eyes and ask for divine intervention | PRAY |
Level 99: Where logs are processed into usable shapes | KNAPSACK |
Level 99: This human organ has more connections than the Milky Way has stars | BRAIN |
Level 99: What structures are these animals going to build? | DAMS |
Level 99: What is this person missing? | SKIS |
Level 99: Chocolate-flavored coffee drink | MOCHA |
Level 99: Spongebob’s work place is the _____ Krab | KRUSTY |
Level 100: A digital version of a text which is read aloud for the listener | OCTOBER |
Level 100: A yearly celebration of an event such as a wedding or business opening | ANNIVERSARY |
Level 100: Annual festival for independent film makers held in Utah | WINSTON |
Level 100: Annual festival for independent film makers held in Utah | SUNDANCE |
Level 100: Another company targeting the same industry and audience as you is | AVERAGEJOE |
Level 100: Available in paper or plastic | ARROWHEAD |
Level 100: When there are too many callers, they might temporarily put you __ | ONHOLD |
Level 100: Your dentist may need to fix these if you don’t brush your teeth | CAVITIES |
Level 100: A yearly celebration of an event such as a wedding or business opening | ANNIVERSARY |
Level 100: Economic term for a scenario where one’s gain is equal to another’s | MADEOFMONEY |
Level 100: Expression; a way to start a conversation | ANESTHETIC |
Level 100: Expression; a weak point; derived from Greek mythology | ACHILLESHEEL |
Level 100: Expression; a weak point; derived from Greek mythology | RIBCAGE |
Level 100: Expression; doing something hastily | AMILEAMINUTE |
Level 100: Small, round and flat baked treat; may include other ingredients | COOKIE |
Level 100: Needed to get onto a plane | CONCORDE |
Level 100: Needed to get onto a plane | BOARDINGPASS |
Level 100: Your dentist may need to fix these if you don’t brush your teeth | TREASURE |
Level 100: An actor’s dialogue and directions are written in this | SCRIPT |
Level 100: Team sport played on ice; players try to hit a puck into the goal | HOCKEY |
Level 100: What type of nuts are these? | ALMONDS |
Level 100: Outdoor meals in a basket; watch out for antsuFF01 | PICNICS |
Level 100: The fabled reindeer with a special nose | RUDOLPH |
Level 100: What is this extinct animal? | MAMMOTH |
Level 100: Shelled sea creature sometimes found on the rim of a cocktail glass | SHRIMP |
Level 100: Cyclists move these with their feet to go forward | PEDALS |
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