Hidden Secrets free puzzle 6 Detailed Solution Android Game
Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 6, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.
This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.
Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en
Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/
Hidden Secrets puzzle 6:
Puzzle: (14.375 0.625 12.5 1.875 5 13.125 11.875)×??
Hint: Multiplication by a number that will generate integers, Using picture as a clue we find out that it is something about ‘Golden Ratio’, Value of golden ratio is: 1.61803, so multiply each number by this number, we get 23, 01, 20, 03, 08, 21, 19 (decoding these numbers like puzzle 1 will give us answer, use below table)
Answer: watch us
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Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.
How on earth did that picture clue you in, or anything in the sentence for that matter, that this required the golden ratio????? Like konrad I got 4.8, but of course the numbers generated were to high for the number to letter substitution cypher.
hera is a link for hint: https://fsmedia.imgix.net/59/f7/0d/68/2526/42c5/a01c/173de80630ce/golden-ratio.jpeg?auto=format%2Ccompress&w=700
the image if properly looked at can be Identified as the Fibonacci sequence or also known as the golden ratio in which is 1.61803398875
Works as well with 4.8
?? i didn’t understand