Brain Out Escape Room Level 18 (The guard is gone escape now!)

Brain Out Escape Room level 18

Brain out escape room level 18 no. 18 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out The guard is gone escape now!

Brain out escape room level 18

Tap on the crack 3 times, to reveal the mouse then the cat will go away leaving the key behind.

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Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.

Brain Out Escape Room Level 17 (Why the guard is still there)

Brain Out Escape Room level 17

Brain out escape room level 17 no. 17 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out Why the guard is still there

Brain out escape room level 17

Drag and remove the guard out of the screen by your finger.

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Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.

Brain Out Escape Room Level 16 (Gosh the key is lost again!)

Brain Out Escape Room level 16

Brain out escape room level 16 no. 16 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out Gosh the key is lost again!

Brain out escape room level 16

Tap on every dustbin 3 times to break them and one of them has the key.

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Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.

Brain Out Escape Room Level 15 (Open the door and you could escape)

Brain Out Escape Room level 15

Brain out escape room level 15 no. 15 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out Open the door and you could escape

Brain out escape room level 15

Try to move the bars, to escape.

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Thanks for visiting, brain out escape room level 15 has any mistake then please comment. We will correct them as soon as possible. Keep visiting For more games and walkthroughs.

Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.

Brain Out Escape Room Level 14 (You must defeat the guard!)

Brain Out Escape Room level 14

Brain out escape room level 14 no. 14 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out You must defeat the guard!

Brain out escape room level 14

use guard’s sword to defeat the guard. drag his sword and move it.

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Thanks for visiting, brain out escape room level 14 has any mistake then please comment. We will correct them as soon as possible. Keep visiting For more games and walkthroughs.

Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.

Brain Out Escape Room Level 13 (Hide your mobile phone don’t let the guards find it)

Brain Out Escape Room level 13

Brain out escape room level 13 no. 13 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out Hide your mobile phone don’t let the guards find it

Brain out escape room level 13

Use alarm clock’s upper part as a headset on guard’s ears, so that he can;r hear the volume of the phone.

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Thanks for visiting, brain out escape room level 13 has any mistake then please comment. We will correct them as soon as possible. Keep visiting For more games and walkthroughs.

Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.

Brain Out Escape Room Level 12 (The guard is there again let him leave)

Brain Out Escape Room level 12

Brain out escape room level 12 no. 12 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out The guard is there again let him leave

Brain out escape room level 12

Slide on the case door to open it and give all the food to the guard.

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Thanks for visiting, brain out escape room level 12 has any mistake then please comment. We will correct them as soon as possible. Keep visiting For more games and walkthroughs.

Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.

Brain Out Escape Room Level 11 (The key is gone)

Brain Out Escape Room level 11

Brain out escape room level 11 no. 11 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out The key is gone

Brain out escape room level 11

Try swiping on the guard to turn him back and you will find a key there.

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Thanks for visiting, brain out escape room level 11 has any mistake then please comment. We will correct them as soon as possible. Keep visiting For more games and walkthroughs.

Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.

Brain Out Escape Room Level 10 (Oh locked again)

Brain Out Escape Room level 10

Brain out escape room level 10 no. 10 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out Oh locked again

Brain out escape room level 10

Turn your device’s volume down to zero, and then start clicking the escape.

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Thanks for visiting, brain out escape room level 10 has any mistake then please comment. We will correct them as soon as possible. Keep visiting For more games and walkthroughs.

Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.

Brain Out Escape Room Level 9 (Find key)

Brain Out Escape Room level 9

Brain out escape room level 9 no. 9 answer and detailed image hint are provided here. Just scroll down to find it. “Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind.

Brain Out Find key

Brain out escape room level 9

Tap on the word ‘Key’ in the question text.

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Thanks for visiting, brain out escape room level 9 has any mistake then please comment. We will correct them as soon as possible. Keep visiting For more games and walkthroughs.

Brain out Review:  This game is available for android and apple (iOS) devices and now it translates to the world’s most popular languages. You may have to sometimes think like a kid and sometimes think like a scientist this will increase your IQ and make you think out of the box.