Here Level 40 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 40 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 40 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 40:

  1. First, select all the letters by clicking on the right button
  2. Middle square increments the letters of the highlighted squares by one.
  3. You must start from the last square first
  4. highlight all squares and make ‘e’ in the last square. then unhighlight the fourth square and make ‘r’ in the third square. And keep going.

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

Thanks for visiting, If you have any doubt in here level 40 or the solution provided is not sufficient then comment below, I will provide additional details and make sure you pass this level.

Here Level 39 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 39 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 39 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 39:

  • Slowly increase the brightness bar (I said very slowly)
  • You will see here word will be visible for a setting below half of the slider.
  • Click on it when you see it but do not leave slider finger use another finger to click on it.

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

Thanks for visiting, If you have any doubt in here level 39 or the solution provided is not sufficient then comment below, I will provide additional details and make sure you pass this level.

Here Level 38 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 38 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 38 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 38:

All 3 buttons do different things:

  • Left button: Shifts the letters to left
  • Right button: Shifts the letters to the right
  • Middle button: Removes the first and last letters.

All you have to do it use first and button to get unnecessary words. Shift the letters so that t is the first one and k is the last; then hit the middle button. do the same for ‘a’ and ‘z’ to get ‘here’

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

Thanks for visiting, If you have any doubt in here level 38 or the solution provided is not sufficient then comment below, I will provide additional details and make sure you pass this level.

Here Level 37 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 37 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 37 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 37:

  • Use your volume button to make “here” on the screen.
  • Just change your phone’s volume very slowly until it becomes “here”

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

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Here Level 36 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 36 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 36 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 36:

  • Use your finger as a torch and turn “h e r e” white by clicking on them.
  • moving fingers over the other letters will reset the progress.
  • letters order does not matter you have to search h-e-r-e

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

Thanks for visiting, If you have any doubt in here level 36 or the solution provided is not sufficient then comment below, I will provide additional details and make sure you pass this level.

Here Level 35 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 35 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 35 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 35:

  • If you look closely the level number is not correct (at the lower side of the screen)
  • So all you have to do is click on the no. “1” and edit it to your current level that is “35

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

Thanks for visiting, If you have any doubt in here level 35 or the solution provided is not sufficient then comment below, I will provide additional details and make sure you pass this level.

Here Level 34 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 34 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 34 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 34:

  • You have to take (shoot) screenshot of this screen to solve this level.
  • In most of the Chinese phones swiping down 3 fingers will take a screenshot
  • But for most of the Android phones: Press the Volume Down and Power button at the same time, hold them for a second.

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

Thanks for visiting, If you have any doubt in here level 34 or the solution provided is not sufficient then comment below, I will provide additional details and make sure you pass this level.

Here Level 33 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 33 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 33 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 33:

Make ‘here‘ red and keep all the ‘z’ black.

  1. Click on “z” 3 letters before “h”
  2. then 2 letters before “e”
  3. then 1 letter before the “r”
  4. finally, click on last “e”

Or read this image (click order is shown in this image):

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

Thanks for visiting, If you have any doubt in here level 33 or the solution provided is not sufficient then comment below, I will provide additional details and make sure you pass this level.

Here Level 32 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 32 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 32 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 32:

Follow these steps in this order to solve this level:

  1. Tap on the fourth square 10 times (It will read a-a-k-a)
  2. Tap the second square 7 times (it should read h-a-r-a)
  3. Now, Tap the third square 4 times to solve this level (it will read h-e-r-e)

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

Thanks for visiting, If you have any doubt in here level 32 or the solution provided is not sufficient then comment below, I will provide additional details and make sure you pass this level.

Here Level 31 Walkthrough (Detailed)

Here Game Level 31 Solution Answer & hints

Here level 31 solution is provided on this page, with detailed hints and steps. Just scroll down to find out.

About Here Game: There are 50 levels in this game. Each level is unique and has its own logic you have to think outside the box to know the solution behind it. Each and every single level is a new and creative way to fond the word ‘here’

All Here Levels Hints In One Page (Click Here)

Here Level 31:

  • Check notifications, You will see a notification from here game.
  • Click on that notification to pass this level. check below image for hints:

Here Game Techyonic All Level List:

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