Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 18 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 18 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 18, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 18:

Puzzle: cc5a19e15f4292048874a2d764f131a96af7e6670563fcc8525a27d1c2dd7277

SHA-256 ____L

Hint: Decrypt this SHA-256 Code using any online decrypter, I used hashtoolkit.com

Answer: itall or it all

Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.

Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 17 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 17 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 17, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 17:

Puzzle: Dancing man figures

HintDancing Men Alphabets

Just Compare you will get the answer.


Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.

Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 16 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 16 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 16, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 16:

Puzzle: eeeeeeeeeepaeaeeeaeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeccccisaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeejcceejaaeeeeeejiiiijiijiiiiiiiijeeejeeeeeeejeeeeeeeej

Hint: It is litterally Brainfuck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck. First we have to convert above text into Brainfuck language by substituting e→’+‘ p→’[‘ a→’>‘ i→’‘ s→’]‘ j→’.


Now, Copy this and interpret it in an online Brainfuck Interpreter: Brainfuck Interpreter Online

Answer: seem somehow

Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.

Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 15 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 15 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 15, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 15:

Puzzle: AZERTY (0,1)

1OO 015YZ (code)

Hint: You have to see an AZERTY keyboard layout first then you will get a hint.

Number of code corresponds to letter on it, But for Letter, you have to move 1 unit in Y direction (taking that letter as origin)

Answer: all paths

Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.

Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 14 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 14 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 14, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 14:

Puzzle: Mirrors 264 and 6



Mirrors 264 and 6 (64 and hex) Reverse this code you will get(this is base 64 string): MTYwMjI2YzY5NmU2NDYwMjM2ODZmNjk2MzY1Ng==

  • Convert this base 64 into ASCII you will get 160226c696e646023686f6963656 
  • Again Reverse this code you will get 6563696f686320646e696c622061 (this is hexadecimal without 0×)
  • Go to ASCII Converter And put 6563696f686320646e696c622061 in ‘HEX’ box and select remove 0x

we get eciohc dnilb a, We have to again mirror it to get answer.

Answer: a blind choice

Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.

Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 13 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 13 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 13, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 13:

Puzzle: MA 70 E 16 67 92 LDD 8

11? 22.89799682? Na!

Hint: The second line shows hint- Na (Sodium) has atomic number 11 and Atomic mass of 22.89799682 amu.

So we have to find elements in the first line with atomic numbers- MA 70(Yb) E 16(S) 67(Ho) 92(U) LDD 8(O)

It will Look Like: MAYbESHoULDDO

Answer: maybeshoulddo

Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.

Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 12 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 12 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 12, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 12:

Puzzle: LISTEN

Hint: Record this sound or you can download directly from this link, and use a spectrogram to decode the signal. I Used Audio Spectrogram Creator. Upload the .mp3 file it will give you results

You can directly See my results, in below image-

Here are my results. You can read those letters- CDUIABIFSEZTJE Rearranging then you will get Answer

Answer: can be justified

Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.

Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 11 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 11 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 11, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 11:

Puzzle: Sempiternus magnus iudex
redemptor optimus dominus
fabricator redemptor
optimus iudex conseruator
1 February 1462 Maria


Search google for ‘Sempitemus magnus’ You will find first link named ‘Trithemius Ave Maria – Decoder, Encoder, Decrypt, Encrypt – dCode

Put above code in input box on that site and click ‘Decrypt’

Code will decrypt as NEITHERTHIS


Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.

Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 10 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 10 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 10, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 10:

Puzzle: Lowercase With no Spaces


Hint: You can see this is in the same format like the last puzzle’s mega.nz URL. So we have to go to the mega.nz/#!JahTyRwL!Zk7SxNNwibtUru2gfd6Py4TwM4h5BxZpfQhqbvtzhuo You will find another file named 11111111111 Download this and again rename it like you did in the last puzzle to 11111111111.zip While extracting it will ask for a password. 

You have one hint for the password ‘Atlas Alice’ search it on google, You will find out by first link of google result on Wikipedia it says  LHC experiment and full is written over image is Large Hadron Collider, this is the password to that file, but remember Lowercase With no Spaces, so the correct password for the file is largehadroncollider. You will get a text file with correct code.


Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.

Hidden Secrets Free puzzle 9 Answer and Hint

Hidden Secrets free puzzle 9 Detailed Solution Android Game

Hidden Secret Puzzle/Enigma 9, full puzzle breakdown, hints, and solution to this puzzle game. Here I have solved this level carefully with all hints and screenshots. Scroll to find answer. Game is available for Android devices.

This puzzle game is really Hard!! This is a progressively hard Android puzzle game which requires progressive skills that need to learn along the way. In this game, you have some puzzle on screen and decoding it you have to type correct answer. This game is like Do Not Believe His Lies, If you are fan of secret message decoding and puzzles stuff, You must try this Puzzle game. You can take hints If you want but that will cost you money. You can buy full game if you want to support the developer.

Download From Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddensecrets.free&hl=en

Click here for All other Puzzles: http://puzzlegamemaster.com/hidden-secrets-free-all-answers-hints/

Hidden Secrets puzzle 9:

Puzzle: I am climbing a ladder, there is nothing else, just me and it, everywhere there is the infinite. But all this seems very disconcerting, because… I’m walking in circles…, ???ur.com/a/27Zgl

Hint: ???ur.com/a/27Zgl this is imgur URL format.

Just go to imgur.com/a/27Zgl You will find this image titled ‘dadi wis rampung’ means ‘so it’s done’ in Javanese, Download this image. It will look like this:

It is a barcode, so need to take help from any barcode reader, I used barcode reader demo Upload your saved imaged and you will get result like this: A mega.nz link as shown in picture below, Copy that link.


Go to that link: https://mega.nz/#!EWAXyahY!yiAK039hkfW_ZKqF96gtfH946tNfPZjmg-INSzxsy8g

Filename: youareoneofthem99, change this filename to youareoneofthem99.zip and open it in any zip extractor You can use ES File Explorer in mobile. But then it will ask for a password, Password to that file is hidden in That puzzle. Thanks to Reddit I am able to solve this puzzle you can also read that thread Here: Reddit

Enter password: penrose (An impossible figure in which a stairway in the shape of a square appears to circulate indefinitely while still possessing normal steps)- It relates to our original puzzle.

you will get a text file with the answer


Index Of All Levels

Although, I Have carefully solved this level with all efforts but if you have any doubts, You can comment on post, I will try to help at the earliest.