Word Craze Answers [Level 375-400 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (375-400) Part 16

Word Craze Level 375-400 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

Remember to visit PuzzleGameMaster.com, Or visit this page when you search the internet ‘Word Craze Answers’ to support us. 
Level 376: A bound notepad containing blank pages, typically used by artistsSKETCHBOOK
Level 376: Fruit that resembles a green, unripe tomato; also called the “MexicanTOMATILLO
Level 376: A British brand of four-wheel-drive carsLANDROVER
Level 376: Small cars intended to be crashed into one another for amusementBUMPERCARS
Level 376: What is this tool?BLOWTORCH
Level 376: 60s guitar legend with hits like “Purple Haze” and “Foxy Lady”JIMIHENDRIX
Level 376: Pet detective portrayed by Jim CarreyACEVENTURA
Level 376: Popular Netflix show highlighting the radioactive disaster in PripyatCHERNOBYL
Level 376: What is this method of determining age?CARBONDATE
Level 376: A piece of jewelry can also be called an “ornament” or an “_________”ADORNMENT
Level 376: Describes a quick and dirty, often temporary, solutionMAKESHIFT
Level 377: In sports, a pass leading directly to a goalASSIST
Level 377: What is this grouping called?FLOCK
Level 377: A villain’s evil _______ are their nefarious plansSCHEMES
Level 377: Roger _______, Swiss tennis player considered to be an all-time greatFEDERER
Level 377: A medium-sized boat for racing or recreationYACHT
Level 377: To study _______ is to study in a foreign countryABROAD
Level 378: Structure that uses flowing H20 to power its machineryWATERMILL
Level 378: Einstein once said “_________ is not the learning of facts, but theEDUCATION
Level 378: What is this way of going unnoticed?CAMOUFLAGE
Level 378: City known as “the capital of Brazilian soccer”SAOPAULO
Level 378: Last song on Garth Brook’s debut album, considered by many to beTHEDANCE
Level 378: English letters have two forms: _________ and lowercaseUPPERCASE
Level 378: What is this type of ring called?ENGAGEMENT
Level 378: Don’t shoot the _________ for being the bearer of bad newsMESSENGER
Level 378: An interior _________ designs the layout and aesthetics of interiorDECORATOR
Level 379: Unexpected and unusual, but in an endearing wayQUIRKY
Level 379: Obstacle that track runners must leap over as part of some racesHURDLE
Level 379: What are his little helpers called?ELVES
Level 379: George _______ fought Muhammad Ali in the legendary “Rumble in theFOREMAN
Level 379: African-American holiday that means “first-fruits”; celebrated fromKWANZAA
Level 379: A holy spot of worship, often marked with a dedicated buildingSHRINE
Level 379: Material made by weaving together fibers, used to make clothesFABRIC
Level 380: What type of event is this?BABYSHOWER
Level 380: Beach-dwelling invertebrate with one claw that is larger than theFIDDLERCRAB
Level 380: Popular US fast food joint named the same as a vintage toyJACKINTHEBOX
Level 380: Web-like woven charm, supposedly for trapping nightmaresDREAMCATCHER
Level 380: This kind of product is processed and wrapped before reaching consumersPREPACKAGED
Level 380: Elderly people may wear these to replace their lost chompersFALSETEETH
Level 380: Expression; a “___________ sword” is something that both helps andDOUBLEEDGED
Level 380: Discussion intended to reach a mutually beneficial agreementNEGOTIATION
Level 380: What is this flying insect?DRAGONFLY
Level 380: Fear of heightsACROPHOBIA
Level 380: Chewing gum from the 50s that came with a comic strip featuring theBAZOOKAJOE
Level 380: Regular guy, everyman, nobody specialAVERAGEJOE
Level 381: Young male who looks after a baseball team’s equipmentBATBOY
Level 381: Lower part of the ear; piercings are typically placed hereEARLOBE
Level 381: The Dragon Boat Festival is a _______ tradition where locals eatCHINESE
Level 381: What fabric was used to make these?DENIM
Level 381: John ______, British actor that rose to fame through his role asBOYEGA
Level 381: MIA stands for _______ In ActionMISSING
Level 382: Able to soak up lots of liquid, like a cloth or a spongeABSORBENT
Level 382: German brand of luxury goods like pens and watches based in HamburgMONTBLANC
Level 382: What insect is this?GRASSHOPPER
Level 382: Something put on a pet to keep away tiny pestsFLEACOLLAR
Level 382: Medical compound that reduces or eliminates the sensation of painANESTHETIC
Level 382: The part of the swimming pool that goes down the furthestTHEDEEPEND
Level 382: Expression; to betray someoneDOUBLECROSS
Level 382: Extremely tired; fatiguedEXHAUSTED
Level 382: Approximations or rough numerical judgementsESTIMATES
Level 383: The largest island in Italy; where Mount Etna is locatedSICILY
Level 383: Language commonly spoken in the Middle East and Northern AfricaARABIC
Level 383: Smaller, typically tree-dwelling primates with tailsMONKEYS
Level 383: What is the name of this exercise?SQUAT
Level 383: Short songs or tunes used in commercialsJINGLES
Level 383: Patrick ______, US actor and star of “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost”SWAYZE
Level 383: In the Bible, Moses split this body of waterREDSEA
Level 384: Microsoft Office application used to make presentationsPOWERPOINT
Level 384: A punctuation mark used when indicating possession in EnglishAPOSTROPHE
Level 384: What expression does this represent?DIMEADOZEN
Level 384: Popular televised singing competition in the USAMERICANIDOL
Level 384: A weapon in the boardgame “Clue” that might light the way to theCANDLESTICK
Level 384: What is this extreme sport?BASEJUMPING
Level 384: Customs or beliefs passed on from one generation to anotherTRADITIONS
Level 384: 1993 film by Steven Spielberg that brought dinosaurs to lifeJURASSICPARK
Level 384: The eponymous character of this tale grows up to be a beautiful swanUGLYDUCKLING
Level 385: Saint ________ was the inspiration for Santa ClausNICHOLAS
Level 385: Saltwater-dwelling serpentSEASNAKE
Level 385: What is this person painting on?CANVAS
Level 385: 2016 US film starring Amy Adams in a race to understand an alienARRIVAL
Level 385: Staple herb in Italian cuisineOREGANO
Level 385: A complete written thought including a subject and a verbSENTENCE
Level 386: The ability to perform a task successfullyCOMPETENCE
Level 386: The power to affect the behavior of a thing or a personINFLUENCE
Level 386: This rich person is a _________MILLIONAIRE
Level 386: Type of swing dance, popularized by African-Americans in the earlyJITTERBUG
Level 386: Pot used to brew leaves to make its namesake beverageTEAKETTLE
Level 386: What is this activity?HANGGLIDING
Level 386: Something that failed spectacularly or caused great damage couldDISASTROUS
Level 386: Type of animals who are active during the nightNOCTURNAL
Level 386: Diagram showing the connections between a group of blood relativesFAMILYTREE
Level 387: Star Wars equivalent of a gun; hokey religions and ancient weaponsBLASTER
Level 387: A disease that only occurs in a specific region is _____ to thatENDEMIC
Level 387: What is this object?BARREL
Level 387: Metal frame used to park a two-wheeled vehicle and lock it in placeBIKERACK
Level 387: A zebra has black and white _______STRIPES
Level 387: Long snouted mammal that consumes colonies of insectsANTEATER
Level 387: Sylvester ________, star of “Rambo” and “Rocky”STALLONE
Level 388: What is this action?FLUSH
Level 388: A meal that’s part lunch and part breakfastBRUNCH
Level 388: The _____ War took place in the 1950s between the North and SouthKOREAN
Level 388: Money or property given to another by will; inheritanceLEGACY
Level 388: The sequence of events in a storyPLOT
Level 388: A small, portable personal computerLAPTOP
Level 388: Chemical used to remove stains from clothesBLEACH
Level 388: To be present at an eventATTEND
Level 388: A group of ships or other vesselsFLEET
Level 388: What is this kind of bird?LARK
Level 388: In the US, this graduation cap part is moved from the right to theTASSEL
Level 388: Word; to fix something in place by partially burying itEMBED
Level 389: Unintended silence during a broadcastDEADAIR
Level 389: If you’re working for _______, you are being paid very littlePEANUTS
Level 389: What North American country does this flag belong to?MEXICO
Level 389: Pointed structure often found at the top of a church towerSTEEPLE
Level 389: “Astronomer” and “moon starer” are ________ because they use theANAGRAMS
Level 389: ________ your tongue out at someone can convey playfulness or disapprovalSTICKING
Level 390: Condiment made with egg and oilMAYONNAISE
Level 390: Death-defying leap with a cord around your legsBUNGEEJUMP
Level 390: What phrase does this represent?FRIENDCIRCLE
Level 390: Economic term for a scenario where one’s gain is equal to another’sZEROSUMGAME
Level 390: If a boat starts sinking, people might say this!ABANDONSHIP
Level 390: Expression; doing something hastilyAMILEAMINUTE
Level 390: US writer of “Fahrenheit 451” and “The Martian Chronicles”RAYBRADBURY
Level 390: Scientist who studies the stars; don’t confuse one with an astrologistASTRONOMER
Level 390: A dinner and a movie between two couplesDOUBLEDATE
Level 391: Spacefaring TV series featuring Spock and Captain KirkSTARTREK
Level 391: “Space ________”, one of the oldest video games,INVADERS
Level 391: To _____ __ on someone is to sneak toward themCREEPUP
Level 391: What does this item do to words?DEFINE
Level 391: King ________ is the primary antagonist in HamletCLAUDIUS
Level 391: Goods or cargo transported by seaSHIPMENT
Level 391: Someone that is friendly and easy to talk to might be described thisAFFABLE
Level 392: A ____-_______ friend will only stick by you when things are goingFAIRWEATHER
Level 392: A type of romantic dinnerCANDLELIGHT
Level 392: Traditionally, the highest value card in a deck of playing cardsACEOFSPADES
Level 392: Expression; having a lot of money or resourcesDEEPPOCKETS
Level 392: Animated movie that introduced the world to the tiny, yellow, unintelligibleDESPICABLEME
Level 392: When a military force accidentally attacks an allied forceFRIENDLYFIRE
Level 392: Expression; practical, realisticDOWNTOEARTH
Level 392: Shamu was one of theseKILLERWHALE
Level 392: Disposable tableware often seen at picnics and barbequesPAPERPLATE
Level 392: “_ ____ __ ____”, meaning something that is very easyAPIECEOFCAKE
Level 392: Creator of the James Bond franchiseIANFLEMING
Level 392: Suspenseful ending to a portion of a storyCLIFFHANGER
Level 393: This often forms on leaves and grass in freezing temperaturesHOARFROST
Level 393: You might say this when leaving someone’s companyFAREWELL
Level 393: Type of dance that was popularized in the film “Footloose”LINEDANCE
Level 393: US civil rights activist who refused to give up her seat on the busROSAPARKS
Level 393: A deck used for fortune tellingTAROTCARDS
Level 393: Used to clean spills; comes on a rollPAPERTOWEL
Level 394: _________ biscuits are supposed aid your stomach in its workDIGESTIVE
Level 394: Small pieces of paper to help memorizationFLASHCARDS
Level 394: 1969 Beatles album with an iconic, often imitated cover involvingABBEYROAD
Level 394: A member of a militia formed during the American Revolution, saidMINUTEMAN
Level 394: What is this type of car?FOURBYFOUR
Level 394: A person who is very enthusiastic about taking photos; not actuallySHUTTERBUG
Level 394: Magic words, similar to “hocus pocus” or “alakazam!”ABRACADABRA
Level 394: What is missing from the second picture?WATERMELON
Level 394: _________ exercises can help you calm yourself downBREATHING
Level 395: Punctuation used in place of a period to indicate that two sentencesSEMICOLON
Level 395: “The ____ _____u201C is the “Jurassic Park” sequel that brings T-rexLOSTWORLD
Level 395: No two of these icy crystals are exactly the sameSNOWFLAKES
Level 395: What is this aquatic vessel?STEAMBOAT
Level 395: Popular sandwich originating from PhiladelphiaCHEESESTEAK
Level 395: Testing mannequin used to measure human injury in simulated accidentsCRASHDUMMY
Level 395: A Big Mac’s top bun is dotted with theseSESAMESEEDS
Level 396: Underwater craft that navigates using sonarSUBMARINE
Level 396: Without preparation or rehearsalIMPROMPTU
Level 396: Comes before “junior high”, my dear WatsonELEMENTARY
Level 396: Don’t look it in the mouth!GIFTHORSE
Level 396: Giant pandas were this until 2016ENDANGERED
Level 396: A person who conveys beliefs and opinions that he or she doesn’tHYPOCRITE
Level 396: What makeup effect is this?EYESHADOW
Level 396: A CEO is the Chief _________ OfficerEXECUTIVE
Level 396: Going down this street might be nostalgicMEMORYLANE
Level 396: What type of passage is this?DRAWBRIDGE
Level 396: Clothing that is very, very snug is described this waySKINTIGHT
Level 396: Buying and selling commodities in different markets to take advantageARBITRAGE
Level 396: Printed way to read about worldly happeningsNEWSPAPER
Level 397: The state of having a childPREGNANCY
Level 397: You should do this if you are too ill to go to workCALLINSICK
Level 397: The Greeks’ “gift” to the city of TroyTROJANHORSE
Level 397: A movie or television series which takes its source material fromADAPTATION
Level 397: A place to purchase an automobileDEALERSHIP
Level 397: Scientific name for the outermost layer of skinEPIDERMIS
Level 398: After-dinner candy to freshen upBREATHMINT
Level 398: What is this animal?GROUNDHOG
Level 398: According to the Bible, they were the twelve followers of JesusDISCIPLES
Level 398: While driving, push this with your foot to slow downBRAKEPEDAL
Level 398: Coils of this sharp material can be placed atop a fence to discourageBARBEDWIRE
Level 398: A roadside shed for collecting payment for use of a highwayTOLLBOOTH
Level 398: “The ___ ____”; Christopher Nolan’s Batman sequelDARKKNIGHT
Level 398: Tick-borne illness with an unmistakable “bulls-eye” rashLYMEDISEASE
Level 398: To “sail the ______ ___” is to sail all around the worldSEVENSEAS
Level 399: Household items like a bed, tables, chairs, and sofasFURNITURE
Level 399: Sending you to his or her office in school means you are in troublePRINCIPAL
Level 399: Three words you can use to find yourself on a shopping mall mapYOUAREHERE
Level 399: English rock star who sang “Space Oddity” and starred in “Labyrinth”DAVIDBOWIE
Level 399: 2007 Pixar movie about a rat who aspires to be a chefRATATOUILLE
Level 399: Title given to the wife of the president of the United StatesFIRSTLADY
Level 399: The study of insectsENTOMOLOGY
Level 399: What is this type of contest?SPELLINGBEE
Level 400: What is this vehicle called?HOVERCRAFT
Level 400: What is this observation instrument?PERISCOPE
Level 400: Breaking from convention; not conforming to a normUNORTHODOX
Level 400: Christopher Columbus __________ AmericaDISCOVERED
Level 400: Punctuation mark; a combination of the question mark and the exclamationINTERROBANG
Level 400: Tentacled ocean critter with a mushroom cap; maybe they go well withJELLYFISH
Level 400: A “100% money-back ______” means if you’re not satisfied with a product,GUARANTEE
Level 400: Integers which are not divisible by twoODDNUMBERS
Level 400: Extend one of these as an offer of peaceOLIVEBRANCH
Level 400: Citizens of the easternmost country in Africa are called _________SOMALIANS
Level 400: What is this fantastical story?FAIRYTALE
Level 400: Italian pasta dish with a white creamy egg sauce and baconCARBONARA
Level 400: A famous Yellowstone geyser named for its predictabilityOLDFAITHFUL
Level 401: An extinct large “tiger” known for its two huge fangsSABERTOOTH
Level 401: Type of dietary fiber found in vegetables; component of plant cellCELLULOSE
Level 401: Expression; exactly what was neededHITSTHESPOT
Level 401: Vinegar is a natural _________, able to get rid of weedsHERBICIDE
Level 401: Handheld pest control deviceFLYSWATTER
Level 401: The ability to manage and inspire a group or organizationLEADERSHIP
Level 402: Drinks like Coke and Sprite are fizzy because they are thisCARBONATED
Level 402: A progress indicator for a studentREPORTCARD
Level 402: What type of athletes wear these shoes?ICESKATERS
Level 402: Socializing to make professional connectionsNETWORKING
Level 402: According to Smokey the Bear, only you can stop theseFORESTFIRES
Level 402: To retrace one’s steps; an effective method for finding lost itemsBACKTRACK
Level 402: Which famous athlete does this represent?TIGERWOODS
Level 402: Someone whose net worth has 3 commasBILLIONAIRE
Level 402: The full name for the disease known as “the flu”INFLUENZA
Level 403: A young girl who had a fabled encounter with three bearsGOLDILOCKS
Level 403: Quasimodo is the eponymous _________ of Notre DameHUNCHBACK
Level 403: Title of Zack Snyder’s 2013 Superman filmMANOFSTEEL
Level 403: Who is this English physicist and mathematician?ISAACNEWTON
Level 403: Equal, Sweet N’Low, and Splenda are types of _________ sweetenersARTIFICIAL
Level 403: A holiday honoring female parentsMOTHERSDAY
Level 403: Seafaring mode of transport used to move goods for internationalCARGOSHIP
Level 404: Aerobic exercise that has your hands touching over your headJUMPINGJACKS
Level 404: A legendary guitarist ironically nicknamed “Slowhand”ERICCLAPTON
Level 404: This black rock held the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphsROSETTASTONE
Level 404: What is this item that protects the wall?DOORSTOPPER
Level 404: Scientist that studies the origin and evolution of the universeCOSMOLOGIST
Level 404: Expensive part of a printer that seems to run out too quicklyINKCARTRIDGE
Level 404: Someone that cannot be harmed or defeated can be described as thisINVINCIBLE
Level 404: Monopoly and Scrabble are examples of theseBOARDGAMES
Level 404: You’ll need one to get a seat in a crowded restaurantRESERVATION
Level 404: What is this Steven Spielberg film series?INDIANAJONES
Level 404: Fruits and _______ keep us healthy and strongVEGETABLES

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Word Craze Answers [Level 351-375 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (351-375) Part 15

Word Craze Level 351-375 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

Remember to visit PuzzleGameMaster.com, Or visit this page when you search the internet ‘Word Craze Answers’ to support us. 
Level 351: Deadly disease spread by mosquitoes in hot areas of the worldMALARIA
Level 351: “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is part of The ChroniclesNARNIA
Level 351: What ancient empire used this style of helmet?ROMAN
Level 351: Buy these to own a piece of a company; also called “stocks”SHARES
Level 351: Professional football team from OaklandRAIDERS
Level 351: ______ of consciousness, a writing method that captures thoughtsSTREAM
Level 351: Athlete that tumbles, rolls, somersaults, and moreGYMNAST
Level 352: Getting one of these will advance your careerPROMOTION
Level 352: Norse warriors feared for their unstoppable rageBERSERKERS
Level 352: What is this touching feeling?HEARTWARMING
Level 352: The family name of Luke, Anakin, and Leia in the Star Wars seriesSKYWALKER
Level 352: Word meaning to get the intended meaningUNDERSTAND
Level 352: 1982 sci-fi film where Harrison Ford hunts replicantsBLADERUNNER
Level 352: “The _____ _____ Project”, 1999 “found-footage” horror filmBLAIRWITCH
Level 352: What is this office supply?PAPERWEIGHT
Level 352: Before joining the Miami Heat, LeBron James played for the _______CLEVELAND
Level 352: US animation studio that made “Shrek” and “How to Train Your Dragon”DREAMWORKS
Level 352: The art of handwriting decorative textCALLIGRAPHY
Level 352: This “knife” contains just about every tool imaginableSWISSARMY
Level 353: Afternoon performance of a play; don’t confuse with the sea cowMATINEE
Level 353: __ ___, no foulNOHARM
Level 353: To fixate on events of the pastDWELL
Level 353: Peanut butter cups in an orange packageREESES
Level 353: Comes in packages of 10 while the buns come in packages of 8HOTDOGS
Level 353: A wheeled stretcher used to transport patientsGURNEY
Level 354: A temporary obstacle set up to control the flow of trafficROADBLOCK
Level 354: Together with protons, they make up the nuclei of atomsNEUTRONS
Level 354: What is this type of informal market?GARAGESALE
Level 354: Amusement where teams try to score hits using light emitting gunsLASERTAG
Level 354: Don’t leave these untied or you might tripSHOELACES
Level 354: A round home for aquatic petsFISHBOWL
Level 354: What is this necessary part of a vehicle?WINDSHIELD
Level 354: An emblematic natural or man-made feature that is culturally or locallyLANDMARK
Level 354: High-up backyard clubhouse for kidsTREEHOUSE
Level 355: Expression of regret for causing someone else harm or discomfortAPOLOGY
Level 355: ______ the Frog, famously green MuppetKERMIT
Level 355: What is this type of boat?CANOE
Level 355: Deadly viral disease spread by the bites of infected animalsRABIES
Level 355: Popular brand of permanent markers made by Newell BrandsSHARPIE
Level 355: A collection of things wrapped up togetherBUNDLE
Level 355: Kneading muscles to relieve tensionMASSAGE
Level 356: Chewy sweet that you can inflateBUBBLEGUM
Level 356: Of or relating to the sky, space, or the heavensCELESTIAL
Level 356: Expression; student who tries to make their fellows laughCLASSCLOWN
Level 356: Inking permanent pictures or words on the skinTATTOOING
Level 356: Classic 1,000+ page novel by Leo TolstoyWARANDPEACE
Level 356: School event, usually with at least a few baking soda volcanosSCIENCEFAIR
Level 356: What is this audio device?EARPHONES
Level 356: All-present, all-seeing dictator of “1984”; he’s watching youBIGBROTHER
Level 356: Friday the _____, horror classicTHIRTEENTH
Level 356: Expression; to study hardHITTHEBOOKS
Level 356: Something used to motivate or encourage a specific actionINCENTIVE
Level 356: Inspirational phrase given by a cat posterHANGINTHERE
Level 356: Turn these on when driving at nightHEADLIGHTS
Level 357: In the US, someone in their last year of high school; an elderlySENIOR
Level 357: Healthy green fruit with a giant seed; used to make guacamoleAVOCADO
Level 357: What constellation is this?VIRGO
Level 357: Air taken into your lungs and then exhaledBREATH
Level 357: Baseball team that has won the most World Series ChampionshipsYANKEES
Level 357: Series of eight notes in musicOCTAVE
Level 358: Most populous city in Turkey; once known as ConstantinopleISTANBUL
Level 358: “Malcom in ___ _____” started in 2000 and starred Frankie MunizTHEMIDDLE
Level 358: Expression; one who tends to overreact emotionallyDRAMAQUEEN
Level 358: Cosmetic product used to remove dead skinEXFOLIANT
Level 358: This soccer tournament is the most popular international sportingWORLDCUP
Level 358: US Heavyweight boxing champion famous for his fast knockoutsMIKETYSON
Level 358: A parent’s sons and daughtersCHILDREN
Level 358: What is this composition term?FIRSTDRAFT
Level 358: This country and India used to be the same country before 1947PAKISTAN
Level 359: A mythical underwater cityATLANTIS
Level 359: What body part does this represent?EYELID
Level 359: A formal occasion celebrating a special event such as a weddingCEREMONY
Level 359: Boeing’s European rival in the commercial airliner marketAIRBUS
Level 359: “Give me ______, or give me death!” – Patrick HenryLIBERTY
Level 359: The coldest of all oceansARCTIC
Level 359: The top surface of a roomCEILING
Level 360: Medical professional who gives emergency care and preps for transportPARAMEDIC
Level 360: A _______ ____ to swallow is a hard truth to acceptBITTERPILL
Level 360: What is this elegant suit addition?POCKETSQUARE
Level 360: Bartending term meaning “served with ice”ONTHEROCKS
Level 360: Continuously moving stairways often found in mallsESCALATORS
Level 360: Being confined to one’s home; comes with an ankle accessoryHOUSEARREST
Level 360: What is this establishment that is open late?NIGHTCLUB
Level 360: Life period when one has completed their working lifeRETIREMENT
Level 360: Laboratory equipment used to view very small objects and organismsMICROSCOPE
Level 360: Someone whose job is to help another with their tasksASSISTANT
Level 360: What red fruit is this?STRAWBERRY
Level 360: If you are the ____ __ ______, then you should turn out the lightsLASTTOLEAVE
Level 360: Tool used to move injured peopleSTRETCHER
Level 361: A sharp responseRETORT
Level 361: Ranged warheads capable of traveling great distances to their targetMISSILES
Level 361: Holmes’s trusted friend and partnerWATSON
Level 361: What is excessively proud animal?PEACOCK
Level 361: In class, raise your hand to answer thisQUESTION
Level 361: To take someone away and hold them for ransomKIDNAP
Level 362: Used with a username to log inPASSWORD
Level 362: Reptile that is similar to a crocodile, but with a wider snoutALLIGATOR
Level 362: What musical unit does this represent?EIGHTHNOTE
Level 362: Use these blocks to cool down your drinkICECUBES
Level 362: Black tie, white tie, business casual, for exampleDRESSCODE
Level 362: Expression; “not in my __________”, meaning “not my area of expertise”WHEELHOUSE
Level 362: Unit of an army typically divided into several companiesREGIMENT
Level 362: Restraints placed on criminal’s wristsHANDCUFFS
Level 362: The inner part of a building or roomINTERIOR
Level 363: Styling method that hides baldness under carefully arranged hairCOMBOVER
Level 363: A price put on someone’s head; dead or aliveBOUNTY
Level 363: The second most popular sport in the worldCRICKET
Level 363: Half organic, half machineCYBORG
Level 363: To pick and collect cropsHARVEST
Level 363: Lisa ______, US actress who portrayed Phoebe on “Friends”KUDROW
Level 363: A formal agreement, usually writtenCONTRACT
Level 364: Garlic and coffee are common causes of this faux pasBADBREATH
Level 364: To jump on this is to join something only after it has become popularBANDWAGON
Level 364: A place to fuel up your vehicleGASSTATION
Level 364: Julius Caesar was famously warned to beware this dayIDESOFMARCH
Level 364: What is this famous 80s romance movie?DIRTYDANCING
Level 364: Usually the smallest size of clothing availableEXTRASMALL
Level 364: A cord that connects mother to babyUMBILICAL
Level 364: To “start ____ _______” is to start again from the beginningFROMSCRATCH
Level 364: To be gradually broken down by natural processesDECOMPOSE
Level 364: This theory describes the beginning of ___ _______THEUNIVERSE
Level 364: You might do this in your head when you’re trying to sleepCOUNTSHEEP
Level 365: People may dress up in these on HalloweenCOSTUMES
Level 365: Professionals who take audience members to their seatsUSHERS
Level 365: Something not done on purpose; when two vehicles collideACCIDENT
Level 365: The kiwi bird is native to New _______ZEALAND
Level 365: What is this gap in a fortification?BREACH
Level 365: Southern US state known as “The Heart of Dixie”ALABAMA
Level 366: A period of tension between the US and the Soviet UnionCOLDWAR
Level 366: In the US, dial ‘0’ to speak with this professionalOPERATOR
Level 366: What sport involves hitting this?BADMINTON
Level 366: Meaning “word for word”VERBATIM
Level 366: The line where the earth’s surface and the sky meetHORIZON
Level 366: What monster is he about to turn into?WEREWOLF
Level 366: Knightly code of honorCHIVALRY
Level 366: Barbadian singer who sang hits like “Umbrella” and “Diamonds”RIHANNA
Level 366: “Jurassic Park” was directed by Steven _________SPIELBERG
Level 367: Institution for higher learning; sometimes used interchangeably withCOLLEGE
Level 367: Sing around it, cook marshmallows over itCAMPFIRE
Level 367: An avid reader; also, term for an insect that eats through tomesBOOKWORM
Level 367: Wayne _______ is nicknamed “The Great One” in the NHLGRETZKY
Level 367: Beauty treatment for one’s nailsMANICURE
Level 367: What is this metal?COPPER
Level 368: A working class person who performs manual laborBLUECOLLAR
Level 368: Bugs Bunny’s catchphraseWHATSUPDOC
Level 368: Jamaican religious movement founded in the 1930sRASTAFARI
Level 368: On a balance sheet, assets = _________ + equityLIABILITIES
Level 368: Batman actor who starred in “Good Will Hunting” and “Gone Girl”BENAFFLECK
Level 368: Students often ____ _____ in class so they can review them laterTAKENOTES
Level 368: __________ information can only be accessed with a security clearanceCLASSIFIED
Level 368: What is this antique style of tape?EIGHTTRACK
Level 368: This legendary boxer said “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”MUHAMMADALI
Level 369: What a surgeon calls a cutINCISION
Level 369: “_______ for a Dream”, 2000 psychological drama that explores theREQUIEM
Level 369: What is this type of discussion?DEBATE
Level 369: Manufacturing and production facilityFACTORY
Level 369: Put your letter inside to mail itENVELOPE
Level 369: Think _____ the box to come up with a creative solutionOUTSIDE
Level 370: To explain in detailELABORATE
Level 370: Expression; request for supportCALLTOARMS
Level 370: People who leave the armed forces without permissionDESERTERS
Level 370: A word for one’s brothers and sistersSIBLINGS
Level 370: Branch of medicine concerned with oral healthDENTISTRY
Level 370: What Clint Eastwood movie is this?DIRTYHARRY
Level 370: The impact of one hitting the Earth is thought to have killed theASTEROID
Level 370: Jewish girl who famously wrote a diary documenting her life duringANNEFRANK
Level 370: A person who has just started their journey to learn a skillBEGINNER
Level 371: People who work for a companyEMPLOYEES
Level 371: What language is spoken in this country?RUSSIAN
Level 371: Resolve a dispute with an estranged friendRECONCILE
Level 371: Groucho Marx has an iconic one of theseMUSTACHE
Level 371: Payments to patent and copyright holders for use of their worksROYALTIES
Level 371: Women’s underwear and nightclothesLINGERIE
Level 371: Application used to access the internet; e.g. Chrome and FirefoxBROWSER
Level 372: A professional who finds and impounds stray caninesDOGCATCHER
Level 372: A __________ check is used to verify a person is who they claimBACKGROUND
Level 372: A shop specializing in literatureBOOKSTORE
Level 372: February 14th is _________’s DayVALENTINE
Level 372: What is this method of transmission?RADIOWAVE
Level 372: ____-__-____ information is restricted to only those the informationNEEDTOKNOW
Level 372: The fictional address of Sherlock’s homeBAKERSTREET
Level 372: You need a permit to park in these spots; found closest to entrancesHANDICAPPED
Level 372: What is this ice-cream-eating hazard?BRAINFREEZE
Level 373: Medical term for the wombUTERUS
Level 373: What word does this represent?ENLIST
Level 373: Children are taught to say “______” and “thank you” to be politePLEASE
Level 373: One Direction, NSYNC, Boyz II Men, Backstreet Boys, for exampleBOYBAND
Level 373: A type of “course” where objects are put in your wayOBSTACLE
Level 374: Talk show featuring Jamie Foxx sitting down with celebritiesOFFSCRIPT
Level 374: Macaulay Culkin played John Candy’s son in this late 80s filmUNCLEBUCK
Level 374: Who is this English poet?SHAKESPEARE
Level 374: Half of a globeHEMISPHERE
Level 374: A deep love and respect for somethingADORATION
Level 374: _________ McPhee first appeared on “American Idol” and had a starringKATHARINE
Level 374: Phrase; a streak of light seen in the night skyFALLINGSTAR
Level 374: Intellectual property consisting of a company’s brand imagery; typicallyTRADEMARK
Level 374: Mexican dish; heated tortilla filled with cheese and other ingredientsQUESADILLA
Level 375: Jeff _____, founder of Amazon and one of the richest people in theBEZOS
Level 375: Star______ is a hobby where one looks at and learns about objectsGAZING
Level 375: What is missing in the second image?BELLS
Level 375: Remote data storage service offered by AppleICLOUD
Level 375: A mule is a hybrid of this animal and a horseDONKEY
Level 375: Small object used to hold one’s tresses in placeHAIRPIN
Level 375: ______ salmon is a popular bagel toppingSMOKED

Thank You for visiting this page, If you need more levels answers of Word Craze or any of the answers are wrong then please comment, Our team will update as soon as possible.

Word Craze Answers [Level 326-350 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (326-350) Part 14

Word Craze Level 326-350 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

Remember to visit PuzzleGameMaster.com, Or visit this page when you search the internet ‘Word Craze Answers’ to support us. 
Level 326: Communication method that uses dots and dashes; SOSMORSECODE
Level 326: What is this information storage solution?DATACENTER
Level 326: Physicians get their doctorates from this kind of institutionMEDSCHOOL
Level 326: A person who takes part in a game showCONTESTANT
Level 326: Keyboard key used to delete errorsBACKSPACE
Level 326: Expression; things or people that cause a burden without offeringDEADWEIGHTS
Level 326: French pre-meal phraseBONAPPETIT
Level 326: The winning move in a game of chessCHECKMATE
Level 326: Expression; a race that is too close to call, especially a horseNECKANDNECK
Level 327: “________ Island”, a classic tale about pirates and buried goldTREASURE
Level 327: Official language of Mexico and ArgentinaSPANISH
Level 327: What kind of nut is this?CASHEW
Level 327: An animal that subsists on both meat and plantsOMNIVORE
Level 327: Baked and salted bread in the shape of a knotPRETZEL
Level 327: Someone in their first year as a professional athlete; a newcomerROOKIE
Level 327: The opposite of failureSUCCESS
Level 328: Religious term for the post-death place or state of beingAFTERLIFE
Level 328: Theme park that has been called the “Happiest Place on Earth”DISNEYLAND
Level 328: Legendary basketball star who had a heated rivalry with Magic JohnsonLARRYBIRD
Level 328: What is this astrological sign?CAPRICORN
Level 328: To leave out; to remove from considerationEXCLUDE
Level 328: There are four of these every yearSEASONS
Level 328: A professional who repairs and makes items with ironBLACKSMITH
Level 328: Classic card game that came with many versions of WindowsSOLITAIRE
Level 328: Of slightly less importance than primarySECONDARY
Level 328: What is this part of formal attire?DRESSSHOES
Level 329: The latest time or date by which something should be completedDEADLINE
Level 329: A person who lends money at very high interest rates, exploitingLOANSHARK
Level 329: Who are these ancient Norse people?VIKINGS
Level 329: Photos of the faces of criminals, taken upon arrestMUGSHOTS
Level 329: Professional space explorerASTRONAUT
Level 329: One way to quit cursing is to put money into one of these every timeSWEARJAR
Level 330: An economic system in which industry is under private ownership ratherCAPITALISM
Level 330: Board game where one builds a device to capture a rodentMOUSETRAP
Level 330: What is this sleepover activity?PILLOWFIGHT
Level 330: Someone who cannot read is thisILLITERATE
Level 330: 1939 movie depicting Dorothy’s journey home to KansasWIZARDOFOZ
Level 330: Periods when all lights are off due to power outagesBLACKOUTS
Level 330: Personification of nature and our planetMOTHEREARTH
Level 330: The sunken or beached remains of a destroyed maritime vesselSHIPWRECK
Level 330: To amplify beyond the truth; to overstateEXAGGERATE
Level 331: The compound found in coffee and tea that keeps you awakeCAFFEINE
Level 331: Having good mannersPOLITE
Level 331: Black _______, led by vocalist Ozzy Osbourne, is credited with creatingSABBATH
Level 331: Do this to render something harmlessDEFANG
Level 331: Protective fortress overlooking a cityCITADEL
Level 331: 1999 cartoon created by Matt Groening that depicts life in the yearFUTURAMA
Level 331: Country where Arnold Schwarzenegger was bornAUSTRIA
Level 332: TV series about a cancer-stricken chemistry teacher’s transformationBREAKINGBAD
Level 332: Like a telescope, but for both eyesBINOCULARS
Level 332: A large spherical chunk of iron fired from artilleryCANNONBALL
Level 332: A person walking on the street; has the right of way at marked crosswalksPEDESTRIAN
Level 332: What is this piece of office equipment?HOLEPUNCH
Level 332: _._. _______ is the British author of the Harry Potter seriesJKROWLING
Level 332: The sequence of steps or moves used in a dance or other performanceCHOREOGRAPHY
Level 332: An emergency vehicle that rushes patients to the hospitalAMBULANCE
Level 332: When proposing, you might get down into this positionONONEKNEE
Level 332: When you find an engrossing book, you might read it _____ __ _____COVERTOCOVER
Level 332: Common newspaper word puzzleCROSSWORDS
Level 332: Often paired with “ladies” when introducing a performanceGENTLEMEN
Level 333: Robot with a human form; literally means “man-like”ANDROID
Level 333: Name of the second Matrix filmRELOADED
Level 333: What is this fruit?LYCHEE
Level 333: Pale, immortal bloodsucker; sometimes sparklyVAMPIRE
Level 333: Final chance to buy drinks at a barLASTCALL
Level 333: A natural disaster consisting of a large funnel of rapidly rotatingTORNADO
Level 334: Pabst ____ ______, a popular American lagerBLUERIBBON
Level 334: Using celestial bodies, like stars, to divine how the future willASTROLOGY
Level 334: What is this social activity?SWINGDANCE
Level 334: Porsche, Ferrari, and Lamborghini are known for making this typeSPORTSCAR
Level 334: Master of ceremonies for a circus who introduces the acts with flairRINGMASTER
Level 334: The _________ Four includes superheroes The Thing and Invisible WomanFANTASTIC
Level 334: Air pollutants emitted from industrial buildings or vehiclesEMISSIONS
Level 334: What word this represent?KNUCKLEHEAD
Level 334: A book that you just can’t put downPAGETURNER
Level 335: Lacking consideration for othersSELFISH
Level 335: A common aquatic pet that supposedly has a short memoryGOLDFISH
Level 335: Word; “done on their ______”, meaning done in place of someone elseBEHALF
Level 335: Occurring within a country’s borders; not foreign or internationalDOMESTIC
Level 335: The time when the sun is in the direct center of the equator; occursEQUINOX
Level 335: Do this to your phone when it’s out of batteryCHARGE
Level 335: The ________ wheel is used to control a vehicleSTEERING
Level 336: Constellation that looks like a small potLITTLEDIPPER
Level 336: Will Smith as “Agent J” joined this secretive organization alongsideMENINBLACK
Level 336: One of the “fathers of western philosophy”, along with his teacherARISTOTLE
Level 336: What are these kids searching for?EASTEREGGS
Level 336: What is this 80s English rock band with the hit song “Creep”?RADIOHEAD
Level 336: The capital of TennesseeNASHVILLE
Level 336: Band started by Nirvana’s drummer in 1994; sang “Everlong”FOOFIGHTERS
Level 336: A particularly venomous spider noted for the hourglass pattern onBLACKWIDOW
Level 336: What is this Halloween tradition?TRICKORTREAT
Level 336: A person who adores browsing for things to buySHOPAHOLIC
Level 336: People who try to bring about cultural, economic, or environmentalACTIVISTS
Level 336: Magnetic art toy with two knobs, mostly for drawing stairsETCHASKETCH
Level 337: Wide-brimmed headgear that provides portable shadeSUNHAT
Level 337: Indonesian island famous for its coffee; a computer programming languageJAVA
Level 337: What is he taking?OATH
Level 337: The successor format to DVDsBLURAY
Level 337: When you gaze long into the _____, it gazes back into youABYSS
Level 337: Supposedly negative calorie veggieCELERY
Level 338: What is this star system where two stars orbit a common barycenter?BINARYSTAR
Level 338: Original name of desktops produced by AppleMACINTOSH
Level 338: Expression; very noticeableEYECATCHING
Level 338: Rules 1 & 2: you do not talk about thisFIGHTCLUB
Level 338: Italian for “very loudly”, written on sheet music as “ff”FORTISSIMO
Level 338: Large spiders kept by some as pets for some reasonTARANTULA
Level 338: In US politics, a policy or measure with support from both majorBIPARTISAN
Level 338: What is this buried container?TIMECAPSULE
Level 338: Someone participating in a contestCOMPETITOR
Level 339: Let go; unleash; free from confinementRELEASE
Level 339: Undo button, but for pencil writingERASER
Level 339: Spooky orange gourdPUMPKIN
Level 339: This comes before the fall, it is saidPRIDE
Level 339: ______ Prime, the leader of the Autobots in “Transformers”OPTIMUS
Level 339: Breath-freshening candies, “The Freshmaker”MENTOS
Level 339: He shot first, no matter what George Lucas saysHANSOLO
Level 340: A liquid food that you can spell words inALPHABETSOUP
Level 340: What is this alien activity?ABDUCTION
Level 340: Australian animals with a pouch and a long tailKANGAROOS
Level 340: The nightmarish Freddy Krueger took his victims from this roadELMSTREET
Level 340: The order in which a series of events happenedCHRONOLOGY
Level 340: What is this hazard?QUICKSAND
Level 340: The final part of a joke, where the twist is revealedPUNCHLINE
Level 340: A contingency in case things go awryBACKUPPLAN
Level 340: A common bedtime phraseSWEETDREAMS
Level 340: ________ times call for _________ measuresDESPERATE
Level 340: Machine used to rinse and clean used dinnerwareDISHWASHER
Level 340: Publications that feature panels and word balloonsCOMICBOOK
Level 341: ______ Bieber, the Canadian singer of “Sorry” and “Baby”JUSTIN
Level 341: An archive for one’s thoughts and memoriesJOURNAL
Level 341: A common condiment for french friesKETCHUP
Level 341: Wheeled device to help elders find their footingWALKER
Level 341: What is this free-standing machine?KIOSK
Level 341: Work experience in one to two pagesRESUME
Level 342: Ang Lee’s Oscar-winning film, “________Tiger, Hidden Dragon”CROUCHING
Level 342: Something pledged as the guarantee by a borrowerCOLLATERAL
Level 342: What is this variety of apple?GRANNYSMITH
Level 342: Drink mix mascot with a habit of destroying wallsKOOLAIDMAN
Level 342: Famous gladiator played by Kirt Douglas in the 1960 movie with theSPARTACUS
Level 342: This Canadian-American personality has hosted Jeopardy since 1984ALEXTREBEK
Level 342: Word; “in __________ with the law”, meaning “following the law”ACCORDANCE
Level 342: Process through which a business purchases goods and services fromPROCUREMENT
Level 342: “The _____ ____u201C, 2009 sports movie starring Sandra Bullock, whichBLINDSIDE
Level 343: The capital of this US state is DenverCOLORADO
Level 343: Famously gigantic breed of dog; Scooby Doo is oneGREATDANE
Level 343: Phrase; competitive struggleRATRACE
Level 343: Black handheld rectangular document holder for businessmen on theBRIEFCASE
Level 343: _____ Pfeiffer, US actress who portrayed Catwoman in “Batman Returns”MICHELLE
Level 343: The world’s largest island, located East of the Canadian archipelagoGREENLAND
Level 343: Busiest and most lively district of a cityDOWNTOWN
Level 344: The person facing charges in courtDEFENDANT
Level 344: An area for children to entertain themselves; might have swings,PLAYGROUND
Level 344: The highest unit of an apartmentPENTHOUSE
Level 344: What ceremony is this?GRADUATION
Level 344: First month of AutumnSEPTEMBER
Level 344: This group of travelers gets to board the plane before anyone elseFIRSTCLASS
Level 344: What is this camping accessory?SLEEPINGBAG
Level 344: 1960s rock legends with many hits, including “Hey Jude” and “YellowTHEBEATLES
Level 344: A soft children’s toy resembling an ursineTEDDYBEAR
Level 344: Film effect where time seemingly moves at a reduced rate for dramaticSLOWMOTION
Level 344: What round of the tournament is this?SEMIFINAL
Level 344: 1976 Martin Scorsese film starring Robert De Niro as a New York lonerTAXIDRIVER
Level 344: “The _______” was a US reality show about Black Sabbath’s frontmanOSBOURNES
Level 345: A digital version of a text which is read aloud for the listenerAUDIOBOOK
Level 345: A library book past its return date is thisOVERDUE
Level 345: Professional who is in charge of a movieDIRECTOR
Level 345: What bird does this represent?BLUEJAY
Level 345: Some prefer quality over _______QUANTITY
Level 345: Lizard that can change its color to match its surroundingsCHAMELEON
Level 346: Aim or purpose of an actionINTENTION
Level 346: Future forecast based on astrological signHOROSCOPE
Level 346: What is this silent method of communication?HANDSIGNALS
Level 346: Expression; a little known competitor who unexpectedly does wellDARKHORSE
Level 346: A short rest to light a cigaretteSMOKEBREAK
Level 346: What is this award?NOBELPRIZE
Level 346: Conan the __________, fictional hero portrayed by Arnold SchwarzeneggerBARBARIAN
Level 346: Expression; to suddenly explode in anger, as in an engineBLOWAGASKET
Level 346: Professionals that play musicMUSICIANS
Level 347: Jason ______, a fictional CIA assassin played by Matt DamonBOURNE
Level 347: The “______ of Secrets” is the second Harry Potter bookCHAMBER
Level 347: What is this tool used by a judge?GAVEL
Level 347: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, _______, GolfFOXTROT
Level 347: The NFL team for Philadelphia; iconic birds for the USEAGLES
Level 347: In medicine, the _______ effect can cause “fake” treatments to havePLACEBO
Level 347: The stage of prenatal development before the fetusEMBRYO
Level 348: What is the American Football position?QUARTERBACK
Level 348: A day for hoaxes and other practical jokesAPRILFOOLS
Level 348: 2015 Pixar film about emotionsINSIDEOUT
Level 348: Turn the screwdriver in this direction to tightenCLOCKWISE
Level 348: Expression; something that makes one realize they need to take actionWAKEUPCALL
Level 348: Fans of this English soccer club are called KopitesLIVERPOOL
Level 348: Sudden burst of energy after being exhaustedSECONDWIND
Level 348: What is this golfing term?HOLEINONE
Level 348: Plots have a ________, a middle, and an endBEGINNING
Level 348: Dairy, meat, fruits, vegetables, and grainsFOODGROUPS
Level 348: Desert reptile with a noisy tailRATTLESNAKE
Level 348: What is this poetic term for being in love?MOONSTRUCK
Level 349: Move upward; riseASCEND
Level 349: The Three _______ was a US slapstick comedy group consisting of Larry,STOOGES
Level 349: Cylindrical support structure; pillarCOLUMN
Level 349: “Your _______” is a form of address for royalty of the highest rankMAJESTY
Level 349: What is this slow animal?SLOTH
Level 349: Cook hired to provide food at an eventCATERER
Level 350: Catchphrase of the Three _________MUSKETEERS
Level 350: Women’s footwear propped up with a spike on the heelHIGHHEELS
Level 350: Branch of mathematics concerned with shapes and their propertiesGEOMETRY
Level 350: Expression; a way to start a conversationICEBREAKER
Level 350: Many public schools divide the academic year into fall and spring______SEMESTERS
Level 350: A green vegetable that resembles a small treeBROCCOLI
Level 350: Programming language used on the web; coffee might help you answerJAVASCRIPT
Level 350: Red oxygen carrier in your veins and arteriesBLOODCELL
Level 350: The doctor tests your _______ by tapping your knee with a hammerREFLEXES

Thank You for visiting this page, If you need more levels answers of Word Craze or any of the answers are wrong then please comment, Our team will update as soon as possible.

Word Craze Answers [Level 301-325 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (301-325) Part 13

Word Craze Level 301-325 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

Remember to visit PuzzleGameMaster.com, Or visit this page when you search the internet ‘Word Craze Answers’ to support us. 
Level 301: Handheld protection from the rainUMBRELLA
Level 301: Most celebrated physicist in history; E equals MC squaredEINSTEIN
Level 301: Numbers below zeroNEGATIVE
Level 301: Hexagonal honeymaker homeBEEHIVE
Level 301: A scheduled stop between flights, where you transfer to another planeLAYOVER
Level 302: Vegetable that resembles a stout cucumber; also called a “summerZUCCHINI
Level 302: What does this represent?CHECKBOOK
Level 302: Harry Potter’s red-haired friendRONWEASLEY
Level 302: Spatially, there are three of theseDIMENSIONS
Level 302: What is this playground equipment?JUNGLEGYM
Level 302: Fictional doctor who can speak to animalsDOLITTLE
Level 302: Blended beverage made from ice cream and a certain diary productMILKSHAKE
Level 302: The aviation branch of a nation’s militaryAIRFORCE
Level 302: Winter team sport where racers slide down courses for the best timesBOBSLEIGH
Level 303: Something that can be told to get a laughJOKE
Level 303: Beverage made from squeezing fruitsJUICE
Level 303: What’s this beautiful headwearTURBAN
Level 303: At least partly autonomous machine that performs complex tasksROBOT
Level 303: Jupiter has 79 of these, including Ganymede and EuropaMOONS
Level 303: The leader of this group of superheroes is Charles XavierXMEN
Level 303: Heavy object that keeps a ship in placeANCHOR
Level 304: Grumpy avian stars of a popular mobile gameANGRYBIRDS
Level 304: Job, profession, work; how one earns a livingOCCUPATION
Level 304: An inflatable safety vest that keeps one afloatLIFEJACKET
Level 304: Occurring immediately in sequence; facing outwards in opposite directionsBACKTOBACK
Level 304: X marks the spotTREASUREMAP
Level 304: What insect will come out of this?BUTTERFLY
Level 304: Injury caused by a blow to the headCONCUSSION
Level 304: Event where the latest in clothing styles are presentedFASHIONSHOW
Level 304: Famous sailor-uniform-wearing Disney bird with a unique voiceDONALDDUCK
Level 304: The process through which liquid turns to gasEVAPORATION
Level 304: Popular UK dish involving fries and the fillet of an aquatic animalFISHANDCHIPS
Level 304: A person with a Body Mass Index of 25% to 30% can be described asOVERWEIGHT
Level 305: Watercraft that lets users zip around the waterJETSKI
Level 305: What instrument is this?BAGPIPE
Level 305: This stone can be sharpened or used to make a spark for a fireFLINT
Level 305: A color that has the same name as a fruitORANGE
Level 305: Founder of America’s second largest motor company, _____ FordHENRY
Level 305: _____ Spears, American singer with major hits like “…Baby One MoreBRITNEY
Level 306: In baseball, a runner must touch ____ ____ to score a runHOMEPLATE
Level 306: Black-clad Sith lord with intimidating breathingDARTHVADER
Level 306: Michael Jordan is an all-time great of this sportBASKETBALL
Level 306: What is this dining area?FOODCOURT
Level 306: A seer might use one of these to see your futureCRYSTALBALL
Level 306: A way to decide the winner when the scores are the sameTIEBREAKER
Level 306: What pieces of armor are these?GAUNTLETS
Level 306: On a battlefield, this role was important for both morale and identifyingFLAGBEARER
Level 306: Available in paper or plasticGROCERYBAGS
Level 307: Professional networking siteLINKEDIN
Level 307: _______ the Dots is a game where players draw a picture by drawingCONNECT
Level 307: Robber; thief; outlawBANDIT
Level 307: Seventh planet from the SunURANUS
Level 307: What is this body of water found between Western Europe and EasternBLACKSEA
Level 307: Thin pastry dessert from Austria with a sweet fillingSTRUDEL
Level 307: A surface that doesn’t have any bumps or dingsSMOOTH
Level 308: Battlefield where queens, knights, and pawns alike do battleCHESSBOARD
Level 308: Many homes have two trash cans, one for trash, the other for ________RECYCLING
Level 308: What is this type of men’s underwear?BOXERSHORTS
Level 308: Emergency box that contains medical suppliesFIRSTAIDKIT
Level 308: Phrase; water cooler conversationSMALLTALK
Level 308: The initial lump sum of money made when something is bought on creditDOWNPAYMENT
Level 308: Term for an animal that feeds on carcassesSCAVENGER
Level 308: Hundred-year anniversaryCENTENNIAL
Level 308: A painful type of dive that causes a big splashBELLYFLOP
Level 308: Hypothetical technology for traveling to the past or futureTIMEMACHINE
Level 308: To “go behind _____ _____” is to infiltrate opposition-controlledENEMYLINES
Level 309: “Black _____” is a 2011 British TV series that explores the effectsMIRROR
Level 309: The wild card in a deck of playing cardsJOKER
Level 309: What sound does this animal make?QUACK
Level 309: Painter’s support, usually woodenEASEL
Level 309: A road for airplanes taking off and landingRUNWAY
Level 309: Wizards’ prison guarded by dementors, in the Harry Potter seriesAZKABAN
Level 310: Dry or frayed tips of hairsSPLITENDS
Level 310: Expression; “take a ___ ___”, meaning to defer accepting an offerRAINCHECK
Level 310: Average length of a sitcomHALFANHOUR
Level 310: It is his or her destiny to be greatCHOSENONE
Level 310: What game are they playing?HIDEANDSEEK
Level 310: They appear on your skin in response to excitement or very cold weatherGOOSEBUMPS
Level 310: Another name for MarsREDPLANET
Level 310: “21 ____ ______”, a popular 1980s cop show that got a film remakeJUMPSTREET
Level 310: Imaginary island where Peter Pan livesNEVERLAND
Level 311: A public sale where goods are sold to the highest bidderAUCTION
Level 311: Ball game where the referee often yells “love”TENNIS
Level 311: What is this type of balloon?HOTAIR
Level 311: Someone who holds a patentINVENTOR
Level 311: The shape of a baseball fieldDIAMOND
Level 311: Physical attack using your craniumHEADBUTT
Level 311: Games of ______ usually involve a lot of luck and little, if any,CHANCE
Level 312: 1981 American heavy metal band with hits like “Fade to Black” andMETALLICA
Level 312: A ____ ___ ____ is running out of a restaurant without paying theDINEANDDASH
Level 312: Tower containing a beacon light to guide ships at seaLIGHTHOUSE
Level 312: The capital of SwedenSTOCKHOLM
Level 312: This yellow Transformer got his own movie in 2018BUMBLEBEE
Level 312: A golden ticket gets you a tour of this man’s chocolate factoryWILLYWONKA
Level 312: Alternative medicine procedure where one is poked with needlesACUPUNCTURE
Level 312: What is this Italian food?STROMBOLI
Level 312: Weapon used by Jedi in Star WarsLIGHTSABER
Level 312: What is this money gifting sprite?TOOTHFAIRY
Level 312: Franklin D. _________, POTUS during WW2ROOSEVELT
Level 313: Revenue minus expensesPROFIT
Level 313: To bring bad luckJINX
Level 313: A king who was cursed to have his touch turn things into goldMIDAS
Level 313: First double-digit prime numberELEVEN
Level 313: What is this part of a tree?STUMP
Level 313: Temperature-raising symptom of the fluFEVER
Level 314: Children always lose these, but they quickly grow backBABYTEETH
Level 314: One who travels by soliciting rides from others going in the sameHITCHHIKER
Level 314: Common shape made by lying in fresh snow and moving ones arms andSNOWANGEL
Level 314: Expression; throwing out ideasBRAINSTORM
Level 314: A weather ritual that seeks to bring about precipitationRAINDANCE
Level 314: The most expensive property in MonopolyBOARDWALK
Level 314: What is this American retailer?FOOTLOCKER
Level 314: The backside of a basketball basketBACKBOARD
Level 314: Describes someone who gives more than they are asked; unselfishGENEROUS
Level 315: Climate that is hot and wet; muggyHUMID
Level 315: What’s this type of ancient drawing?CAVEART
Level 315: ______ Scissorhands, machine-turned-man played by Johnny DeppEDWARD
Level 315: A _____ card is a payment method that pays from the user’s checkingDEBIT
Level 315: “To be or not to be, that is the question”HAMLET
Level 315: An installment of a TV seriesEPISODE
Level 315: Silver woodwind instrument that is held horizontallyFLUTE
Level 316: Professional that helps open doors without keysLOCKSMITH
Level 316: A social gathering for people who share a workplaceOFFICEPARTY
Level 316: Proofreading tool that ensures that your words are correctSPELLCHECK
Level 316: Expression; without warningOUTOFTHEBLUE
Level 316: What technology does this represent?BLUETOOTH
Level 316: Department responsible for managing and measuring a company’s financialACCOUNTING
Level 316: The start of many jokes; who’s there?KNOCKKNOCK
Level 316: Furry-faced female carnival performerBEARDEDLADY
Level 316: A small flat device that provides extra data storageMEMORYCARD
Level 316: Being able to do this means you are ___________AMBIDEXTROUS
Level 316: “The ______ _____”, 1998 sci-fi comedy starring Jim Carrey as a manTRUMANSHOW
Level 316: Do this with your mouse to select a fileLEFTCLICK
Level 317: What is this wall-less structure?GAZEBO
Level 317: A place of knowledge, but please be quiet!LIBRARY
Level 317: Meal plans focused on losing weightDIETS
Level 317: Something used to lure in or distract from a different threatDECOY
Level 317: A basic ice cream flavor alongside chocolateVANILLA
Level 317: “I beg to _____” is a polite way of expressing disagreementDIFFER
Level 318: Ancient Roman Colosseum fighterGLADIATOR
Level 318: Best of the best; of the highest standard internationallyWORLDCLASS
Level 318: A Christmas tradition is for lovers to kiss under this plantMISTLETOE
Level 318: What is this Bruce Willis movie?ARMAGEDDON
Level 318: An educational schooltime excursion; may require a permission slipFIELDTRIP
Level 318: The ship captained by Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the CaribbeanBLACKPEARL
Level 318: One of the richest men alive; philanthropist and co-founder of MicrosoftBILLGATES
Level 318: What is this term of endearment?SWEETHEARTS
Level 318: Party for the whole neighborhood, typically held on a closed-offBLOCKPARTY
Level 319: Cosmetics applied to the face such as lipstick and eyeshadowMAKEUP
Level 319: Toyota’s most famous hybrid vehiclePRIUS
Level 319: The best policyHONESTY
Level 319: Italian grilled sandwich, often made in a pressPANINI
Level 319: Natalie _______ won an Oscar for “Black Swan” in 2011PORTMAN
Level 319: Famous museum, home to the Mona LisaLOUVRE
Level 319: Ralph ______, fashion designerLAUREN
Level 320: Swimming activity that uses a diving maskSNORKELING
Level 320: Found where a river goes over a dramatic dropWATERFALL
Level 320: To preserve food by drying it outDEHYDRATE
Level 320: Someone who talks a lotCHATTERBOX
Level 320: Who is this professional?HAIRDRESSER
Level 320: The headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardryDUMBLEDORE
Level 320: What American stand-up comedian is this?CARROTTOP
Level 320: A situation in which two opponents are equally matched and unableSTALEMATE
Level 320: Game in which participants must solve clues to unlock the door andESCAPEROOM
Level 320: Annual music and art festival held in April in Indio, CaliforniaCOACHELLA
Level 320: “CD” stands for thisCOMPACTDISC
Level 320: To work together on a issue or matterCOOPERATE
Level 320: American author and activist; first deaf-blind person to receiveHELENKELLER
Level 321: Venus ___ _____, a plant that eats insectsFLYTRAP
Level 321: A folder for sent e-mailsOUTBOX
Level 321: Electronic home appliance used to liquefy fruits and vegetablesBLENDER
Level 321: Who uses this for transportation?WITCH
Level 321: A word or phrase repeated in unison by a crowdCHANT
Level 321: A place of education and sometimes rockSCHOOL
Level 322: A “Good _________” helps a stranger in needSAMARITAN
Level 322: Television advertisement played during a showCOMMERCIAL
Level 322: What are these energy-harnessing plates?SOLARPANELS
Level 322: Hong Kong actor who famously did his own stunts; “Rumble in the Bronx”,JACKIECHAN
Level 322: Longest day of the week; hump dayWEDNESDAY
Level 322: Expression; wealthyMADEOFMONEY
Level 322: A ____-_____ experience might make your appreciation for life strongerNEARDEATH
Level 322: When a company runs out of money, they may need to declare thisBANKRUPTCY
Level 322: Animal that lives in water and on land, e.g. a frogAMPHIBIAN
Level 323: The commander of a vesselCAPTAIN
Level 323: The _______ rate is the value you can convert currencies atEXCHANGE
Level 323: What is this gymnastics pose?SPLITS
Level 323: Basketball shot where the ball is passed to a teammate in mid-airALLEYOOP
Level 323: Word for a TV station or sea passageCHANNEL
Level 323: US city known for its sports teams: Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics, BruinsBOSTON
Level 323: An unfortunate event that results in a positive outcome is a “________BLESSING
Level 324: This portable bed can be deflated for storageAIRMATTRESS
Level 324: What theory does this represent?EVOLUTION
Level 324: Substance added to a liquid, e.g. the water in an engine, to preventANTIFREEZE
Level 324: Where students study to become lawyersLAWSCHOOL
Level 324: What is this breed of dog?CHIHUAHUA
Level 324: Tasks or goals that must be achieved before othersPRIORITIES
Level 324: A strong desire to know or learn somethingCURIOSITY
Level 324: A student who is highly favored by the educatorTEACHERSPET
Level 324: Which form is missing?CATERPILLAR
Level 324: Piece of plastic that lets you borrow money to make purchasesCREDITCARD
Level 324: A nickname for New York CityTHEBIGAPPLE
Level 325: A long-necked African animalGIRAFFE
Level 325: The foot soldiers of an armyINFANTRY
Level 325: What is this accessory?CHOKER
Level 325: The planet that Superman originated fromKRYPTON
Level 325: This hoppy marsupial keeps its young closeKANGAROO
Level 325: XOXO means hugs and ______KISSES

Thank You for visiting this page, If you need more levels answers of Word Craze or any of the answers are wrong then please comment, Our team will update as soon as possible.

Word Craze Answers [Level 276-300 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (276-300) Part 12

Word Craze Level 276-300 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

Remember to visit PuzzleGameMaster.com, Or visit this page when you search the internet ‘Word Craze Answers’ to support us.
Level 288: 2-day athletic competition with 10 eventsDECATHLON
Level 288: Button on your keyboard with the most real estateSPACEBAR
Level 288: What is this sleepy motion?YAWNING
Level 288: A rush of snow or rocks sliding down a slopeAVALANCHE
Level 288: PBS has a Roadshow to find these old treasuresANTIQUES
Level 288: Eight of these pull Santa’s sleighREINDEER
Level 288: What writing implement is used to fill in this exam?PENCIL
Level 288: What are these baked goods?COOKIES
Level 288: A professional who can fix up a carMECHANIC
Level 289: A way to connect to the internet without a cable, offered in manyWIFI
Level 289: The actor who portrays James Bond in “Casino Royale” and “SkyfallDANIEL
Level 289: To deliberately not show up for classSKIP
Level 289: What is this sound phenomenon?ECHO
Level 289: Holiday season for studentsSUMMER
Level 289: Small job that one sometimes needs to runERRAND
Level 290: What is this mythical animal?SPHINX
Level 290: Blade affixed to the end of a firearmBAYONET
Level 290: A machine for destroying documentsSHREDDER
Level 290: Leader of the Soviet Union during WWIISTALIN
Level 290: Invalid or faulty reasoningFALLACY
Level 290: What common dental problem will result from this?CAVITY
Level 290: A person from Copenhagen is ______DANISH
Level 290: The sound a turkey makesGOBBLE
Level 290: The ability to wait without anger or frustrationPATIENCE
Level 291: Protruding region of a pig or dog’s faceSNOUT
Level 291: Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam are members of this fantasy raceHOBBIT
Level 291: A baby cowCALF
Level 291: What is this marine mammal?WALRUS
Level 291: An infant or newbornBABY
Level 291: Another word for 10 yearsDECADE
Level 291: There are typically 12 of these in a large pizzaSLICES
Level 292: “Selling like _______”; selling very quicklyHOTCAKES
Level 292: Ernest _________ is the author of “A Farewell to Arms”HEMINGWAY
Level 292: Tools and items needed to accomplish some goalEQUIPMENT
Level 292: What is this writing equipment?INKWELL
Level 292: A house that has more ghosts than usualHAUNTED
Level 292: The presence of harmful chemicals in the air and waterPOLLUTION
Level 292: A period of darkness caused by a power failureBLACKOUT
Level 292: What kind of gardening structure are they building?GREENHOUSE
Level 292: Ruler with total power and control over a countryDICTATOR
Level 292: “The _______”, an epic poem written by HomerODYSSEY
Level 293: A type of pig that lives freely in the wildBOAR
Level 293: A ticklish red Muppet from Sesame StreetELMO
Level 293: You might use a joke or a witty comment to _____ the iceBREAK
Level 293: A shop that sells fresh breadBAKERY
Level 293: What flying toy is this?KITE
Level 293: A tool with rungs that is used to reach high placesLADDER
Level 294: What is this uncontrolled and aggressive movement?RAMPAGE
Level 294: Canadian singer nicknamed the “Godfather of Grunge”; he sang “HarvestNEILYOUNG
Level 294: To return to a healthy state from injuryRECOVER
Level 294: Greek demigod who performed 12 labors; featured in a 1997 DisneyHERCULES
Level 294: To look after a child for its parentsBABYSIT
Level 294: An attractive older gentlemanSILVERFOX
Level 294: Someone who seeks to improve relations between their country andDIPLOMAT
Level 294: Apparatus used to breathe just under the surface of the waterSNORKEL
Level 294: To receive money or property from a loved one after their passingINHERIT
Level 295: Largest video-sharing site in the worldYOUTUBE
Level 295: What meteorological phenomenon is this?STORM
Level 295: If you are not in a relationship, then you are ______SINGLE
Level 295: The UK comprises 4 countries: Scotland, _____, Wales, and NorthernENGLAND
Level 295: Country with the largest landmassRUSSIA
Level 295: Card game where one can make hands such as a Full House or RoyalPOKER
Level 295: This geometric feature comes in right, acute, or obtuse varietiesANGLE
Level 296: Natural water feature between Ontario and New York stateNIAGARAFALLS
Level 296: Christmas sweet with red and white stripesCANDYCANE
Level 296: Patriot famed for his “Midnight Ride” where he supposedly shoutedPAULREVERE
Level 296: Who is this child wizard?HARRYPOTTER
Level 296: The most important meal of the dayBREAKFAST
Level 296: This company action increases unemploymentDOWNSIZING
Level 296: A working situation where one has no chance of moving upwardDEADENDJOB
Level 296: Patron saint of IrelandSAINTPATRICK
Level 296: Name used for a vehicle that criminals escape a crime scene inGETAWAYCAR
Level 296: A member of a squad that performs and shouts encouragement for aCHEERLEADER
Level 296: What kind of employment situation is this?FREELANCE
Level 297: A brief appearance of a movie star in a filmCAMEO
Level 297: “____!… I Did It Again” is the second album from Britney SpearsOOPS
Level 297: Pumbaa’s best friendTIMON
Level 297: What rootless aquatic plant is this?ALGAE
Level 297: Country found in North America; famous cities include Vancouver andCANADA
Level 297: Do you want _____ with that burger?FRIES
Level 298: Things you want to experience before dyingBUCKETLIST
Level 298: Home of GMT, the G stands for this locationGREENWICH
Level 298: The furthest from the window, in a row of airline passenger seatsAISLESEAT
Level 298: Newspaper cartoons served up in boxesCOMICSTRIP
Level 298: A term for this number of babiesQUADRUPLETS
Level 298: Yellow tropical fruit with spiky skinPINEAPPLE
Level 298: Should be purchased in case of an accidentINSURANCE
Level 298: The most Canadian of the Five Great Lakes of North AmericaLAKEONTARIO
Level 299: Fluffy, high-altitude sun blocker; a dark one heralds rainCLOUD
Level 299: Who is this person of no importance or authority?NOBODY
Level 299: Luxury car brand with a rearing black horse on its logoFERRARI
Level 299: Comes in “midterm” and “final” varietiesEXAMS
Level 299: Another way to address a police force memberOFFICER
Level 299: Yellow bathmate ducks are made of _____RUBBER
Level 299: Apple’s mobile device brand nameIPHONE
Level 300: Ocean creature with a long, sharp nose resembling a bladeSWORDFISH
Level 300: Modern successor to the abacusCALCULATOR
Level 300: Top Olympic runner who is as fast as his nameUSAINBOLT
Level 300: These Boys made hits like u201CI Want it That Way”BACKSTREET
Level 300: Barbara ________, US actress and singerSTREISAND
Level 300: Computer, telecommunication device, and camera all in oneSMARTPHONE
Level 300: Famous US fast food restaurant that sells the Big Mac; “Golden Arches”MCDONALDS
Level 300: Huge, ten-legged deep-sea creature; natural enemy of the sperm whaleGIANTSQUID
Level 300: What is this calculation method?LONGDIVISION
Level 300: Itchy childhood sicknessCHICKENPOX
Level 300: Signature saying; “Live long and prosper,” for SpockCATCHPHRASE

Thank You for visiting this page, If you need more levels answers of Word Craze or any of the answers are wrong then please comment, Our team will update as soon as possible.

Word Craze Answers [Level 251-275 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (250-275) Part 11

Word Craze Level 251-275 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

Remember to visit PuzzleGameMaster.com, Or visit this page when you search the internet ‘Word Craze Answers’ to support us. 
Level 251: The males of this aquatic species carry the childrenSEAHORSE
Level 251: A surface that doesn’t have any bumps or dingsSMOOTH
Level 251: What is this essential pet sanitary item?CATLITTER
Level 251: Ray ______, star of Everyone Loves Raymondu201C and voice of Manny inROMANO
Level 251: Son in a royal familyPRINCE
Level 251: This Southeast Asian country’s shores are home to the lionfishSINGAPORE
Level 251: What is this low point?BOTTOM
Level 251: Small seeds found on burger bunsSESAME
Level 251: Catchy music you can’t seem to forgetEARWORM
Level 251: Team winter sport where racers slide down courses for the best timesBOBSLEIGH
Level 251: Until 1912, China was ruled by these royal familiesDYNASTIES
Level 251: Medical term for the wombUTERUS
Level 251: To turn something upside downINVERT
Level 251: To plot a course to a destinationNAVIGATE
Level 251: Seventh planet from the SunURANUS
Level 251: Thin long pasta that might be eaten with meatballsSPAGHETTI
Level 251: Cartoon character that lives in a pineapple under the seaSPONGEBOB
Level 251: The part of the newspaper where the biggest headline goesFRONTPAGE
Level 251: Sport that is similar to basketball, but is played in a swimmingWATERPOLO
Level 251: What word would you end and sign this with?SINCERELY
Level 251: Couple who have just marriedNEWLYWEDS
Level 252: Scientist that studies the origin and evolution of the universeCOSMOLOGIST
Level 252: What is this wall-less structure?GAZEBO
Level 252: To bring bad luckJINX
Level 252: Standing or sitting position where the back is straightUPRIGHT
Level 252: A transparent tank where fish and other water pets are keptAQUARIUM
Level 252: What is this hazard?QUICKSAND
Level 252: Children are taught to say ______ and thank you to be politePLEASE
Level 252: A pink and white root vegetableTURNIP
Level 252: The mammary gland of cows where milk is storedUDDER
Level 252: Protects a dining surface from errant food stainsTABLECLOTH
Level 252: Vertebrate animals that have hair or fur and usually birth live youngMAMMAL
Level 252: Tired; exhaustedFATIGUED
Level 252: Money given for the return of a lost itemREWARD
Level 252: Anger and Happiness are types of theseEMOTIONS
Level 252: Lionel Messi plays for this Spanish teamBARCELONA
Level 252: What is this unsolicited correspondence?JUNKMAIL
Level 252: Type of movies that revolve around suspenseful situationsTHRILLER
Level 252: Medical term for the abnormal narrowing of a passage in the bodySTENOSIS
Level 252: A person who deals in commodities for profitMERCHANT
Level 252: Moving staircase for going between floorsESCALATOR
Level 252: SNL’s opening phrase is “Live from New York, it’s ________ Night!”SATURDAY
Level 252: Devices that measure how far cars have traveledODOMETERS
Level 252: A straight marker indicating the end of a raceFINISHLINE
Level 252: What is this handicap?CLUBFOOT
Level 252: An ultimate enemy of sleeping inALARMCLOCK
Level 253: What is this sport?ICEFISHING
Level 253: Marvel genius who built an iconic suit from a box of scrapsTONYSTARK
Level 253: Challenging exercises that are high intensity but low durationANAEROBIC
Level 253: Found where a river experiences a dramatic dropWATERFALL
Level 253: Type of aircraft that is invisible to radarsSTEALTH
Level 253: What is this clothing item?CORSET
Level 253: Profound emotions that come from a chest organHEARTFELT
Level 253: Tool used to unclog toiletsPLUNGER
Level 253: A person who adores browsing for things to buySHOPAHOLIC
Level 253: Percussive buildup to an announcement; “___ ___, please”DRUMROLL
Level 253: To appreciate and care for something or someone lovinglyCHERISH
Level 253: What does this line do to the angle?BISECT
Level 253: A roller ____ is a main attraction of an amusement parkCOASTER
Level 253: The five ranks of the _______ are duke, marquis, earl, viscount,PEERAGE
Level 253: Spend money frivolouslySPLURGE
Level 254: Image hosting site purchased by Yahoo in 2005FLICKR
Level 254: German dog with short legs and a long bodyDACHSHUND
Level 254: Egypt is famous for these mathematical shapesPYRAMIDS
Level 254: Who is this child wizard?HARRYPOTTER
Level 254: ______ Jackson was the 7th president of USANDREW
Level 254: The second-in-command on a vesselFIRSTMATE
Level 254: Celestial objects with long tails; Halley’s comes around once everyCOMETS
Level 254: Common upper body clothingSHIRTS
Level 254: Rage _______ the Machine is a US metal band that sang Sleep NowAGAINST
Level 254: Essential part of a computer that executes instructionsPROCESSOR
Level 254: The only type of the tuna labeled white meat in the US; also knownALBACORE
Level 254: Type of sandal with a Y-shaped strapFLIPFLOPS
Level 254: Strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate in oneNEAPOLITAN
Level 254: What is this familiar sitcom convention?RUNNINGJOKE
Level 254: Robin Hood’s love interestMAIDMARIAN
Level 254: Han Solo’s Wookie companionCHEWBACCA
Level 254: A meeting between two people who have never met, usually with romanticBLINDDATE
Level 254: _________ books have stiff bindingsHARDCOVER
Level 255: This proof is for what type of Geometry?EUCLIDEAN
Level 255: Word; taken against one’s willABDUCTED
Level 255: Label that shows the price of an itemPRICETAG
Level 255: ______J. Fox, former actor on Spin City; has a foundation dedicatedMICHAEL
Level 255: One thousand metersKILOMETER
Level 255: Paul ________, former member of The BeatlesMCCARTNEY
Level 255: A feeling that nothing can be doneHOPELESS
Level 255: What is this body part?ELBOW
Level 255: Monopoly piece that can protect your fingerTHIMBLE
Level 255: Classic game; carefully pluck items out of a red-nosed man’s bodyOPERATION
Level 255: Subatomic particle that doesn’t have a chargeNEUTRON
Level 255: Soldiers who shoot from long distancesSNIPERS
Level 255: A fad “challenge” that involved dumping freezing water on peopleICEBUCKET
Level 255: “_________ of Broken Dreams”, a 2004 song by Green DayBOULEVARD
Level 255: Leafy green meal with the same name as a famous Roman emperorCAESARSALAD
Level 255: “_____, ___, __!”, three words that might be used to start a raceREADYSETGO
Level 255: What is this uncredited author?GHOSTWRITER
Level 256: Spirits of the dead who may rattle chainsGHOSTS
Level 256: Connected to the InternetONLINE
Level 256: What is this research animal?LABRAT
Level 256: 2-day athletic competition with 10 eventsDECATHLON
Level 256: Change in the DNA sequence that can be passed onto offspringMUTATION
Level 256: Ferdinand Magellan and Marco Polo were both thisEXPLORERS
Level 256: Limited in scope or widthNARROW
Level 256: Romance language considered the Language of LoveFRENCH
Level 256: Private rocket development company owned by Elon MuskSPACEX
Level 256: Center for children whose parents are at workDAYCARE
Level 256: Close-fitting legwear; commonly worn by dancersTIGHTS
Level 256: A ______ vow is a very important promiseSOLEMN
Level 256: Utensil used to skin fruits and vegetablesPEELER
Level 256: When a volcano ejects molten material into the atmosphereERUPTION
Level 256: A colorful instrument played with malletsXYLOPHONE
Level 256: Someone who funds a startupINVESTOR
Level 256: What are these celebratory pieces of paper?CONFETTI
Level 256: To pass another competitor in a raceOVERTAKE
Level 256: Product in Apple’s laptop familyMACBOOK
Level 256: You go to a barber to get oneHAIRCUT
Level 256: What is this Mexican tradition?HATDANCE
Level 257: What is this dairy product?BLUECHEESE
Level 257: Ticket price for a flightAIRFARE
Level 257: An event that causes great damageDISASTROUS
Level 257: .MP4, .JPEG, and .DOC are different types of file _______FORMATS
Level 257: _______ Sanders was the founder of KFCCOLONEL
Level 257: People from the capital of FrancePARISIAN
Level 257: Little Red ____ Hood is the tale of little girl and a wolfRIDING
Level 257: Loudspeaker made for playing low frequency sounds; not dogsWOOFER
Level 257: Stroke in tennis where the palm faces the ballFOREHAND
Level 257: Ireland’s capital cityDUBLIN
Level 257: Person in charge of handling animals; classic Jeep modelWRANGLER
Level 257: Cold-blooded reptiles with feetLIZARDS
Level 257: Reliable information comes from a trusted ______SOURCE
Level 257: The Two _______ is the second book in the Lord of the Ring trilogyTOWERS
Level 257: To propel a projectile beyond its intended targetOVERSHOOT
Level 257: An adhesive so powerful it should have a capeSUPERGLUE
Level 257: Slim red explosive with a fuseDYNAMITE
Level 257: What are these spots?FRECKLES
Level 257: “No shoes, no service”, means you can’t go in with ____ ____BAREFEET
Level 258: What is this imitator?COPYCAT
Level 258: When the upper jaw goes over the lower jawOVERBITE
Level 258: Spongebob Squarepants’ pink starfish companionPATRICK
Level 258: The part of your pants used to store small objectsPOCKET
Level 258: What is this winged animal on the Mexican coat of arms?EAGLE
Level 258: Yellow vehicle that takes students to their teachersSCHOOLBUS
Level 258: Person who permanently leaves the workforce due to ageRETIREE
Level 258: Parasites that feed on bloodLEECHES
Level 258: US battery brand with a golden topDURACELL
Level 258: “_____house-Five”, an anti-war novel by Kurt VonnegutSLAUGHTER
Level 258: To punish someone on behalf of the person harmedAVENGE
Level 258: Words and wishes to the divinePRAYER
Level 258: Traditional Japanese formal dressKIMONO
Level 258: A feeling of unhappinessSADNESS
Level 258: Another term for a doctorPHYSICIAN
Level 258: What yellow pile might this be hard to find in?HAYSTACK
Level 258: Yankee Doodle called his feathered cap thisMACARONI
Level 258: A type of tea named after nobilityEARLGREY
Level 258: What is this shiny decoration?GLITTER
Level 258: A short, stout, and hairy race often found in stock fantasy settingsDWARVES
Level 258: South Korea’s national sport and martial artTAEKWONDO
Level 259: What is this romantic experience?FIRSTLOVE
Level 259: Gained a point, goal, or run in a competitive gameSCORED
Level 259: File setting that means it can only be viewed, not changed or deletedREADONLY
Level 259: 2015 sci-fi movie starring Matt Damon and his return homeMARTIAN
Level 259: Something against the law is thisILLEGAL
Level 259: _______ Rock, Elvis’ second film after Love Me TenderJAILHOUSE
Level 259: In basketball, multiple retrievals of the ball after missed shotsREBOUNDS
Level 259: Michael ______ is considered the greatest basketball player of all-timeJORDAN
Level 259: The and A are this in English grammarARTICLE
Level 259: Write, rite, right, and Wright are all examples of thisHOMOPHONE
Level 259: An iconic American T.V. show about six people living in New YorkFRIENDS
Level 259: Ancient two wheeled horse-drawn vehicle used in battles and racesCHARIOT
Level 259: What kind of person might use this to make you veeerry sleepy?HYPNOTIST
Level 259: Professor _________, the arch-nemesis of Sherlock HolmesMORIARTY
Level 259: Clam _______, a soup originating in the US which contains clams,CHOWDER
Level 259: Chemical typically used to disinfect thisCHLORINE
Level 259: Type of mammal named after the Latin for “pouch”MARSUPIAL
Level 260: A bound tome where photos, objects, and other memories are storedSCRAPBOOK
Level 260: Removing creases from fabric with heatIRONING
Level 260: Until 1912, China was ruled by theseDYNASTIES
Level 260: The phase when an aircraft goes into flightTAKEOFF
Level 260: The side making a claim has the Burden of ____PROOF
Level 260: US battery brand with a copper-colored topDURACELL
Level 260: Organized collection of electronically accessible informationDATABASE
Level 260: Surprisingly, this element only makes up 21% of the air, while theOXYGEN
Level 260: What is this non-professional?LAYMAN
Level 260: In Jeopardy, you need to ring this to get a chance to answer a questionBUZZER
Level 260: What is this term related to sight?OCULAR
Level 260: A ______ controller is used to control your TVREMOTE
Level 260: Language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to BritainENGLISH
Level 260: Freebie given to potential customersSAMPLE
Level 260: One can’t compare these to applesORANGES
Level 260: A small folded booklet used to present simple informationPAMPHLET
Level 260: What is this bird?FLAMINGO
Level 260: Annual multi-genre entertainment convention held in San DiegoCOMICCON
Level 260: Where is she conducting her business?SEASHORE
Level 260: “Sonic the _______”, 2020 film about a famous blue video game heroHEDGEHOG
Level 260: Another name for coriander; some say it tastes like soapCILANTRO
Level 260: An element of an artistic work that has been overused and lost itsCLICHE
Level 260: The most famous and widely used cryptocurrencyBITCOIN
Level 261: Underground cemeteryCATACOMBS
Level 261: White ceramic that originated in ChinaPORCELAIN
Level 261: Part of the refrigerator with the lowest temperaturesFREEZER
Level 261: Type of ram used to break through walls and gatesBATTERING
Level 261: A person who rides waves on a boardSURFER
Level 261: What is this plant-related term?GERMINATE
Level 261: A _______ card is a computer part that improves visual performanceGRAPHICS
Level 261: Feeling of pity for someone’s misfortuneSYMPATHY
Level 261: _____ horror is a genre of fiction popularized by H.P. LovecraftCOSMIC
Level 261: What position is this?FETAL
Level 261: Highest part of a mountain; gathering of government diplomatsSUMMIT
Level 261: Specialist of a field or subjectEXPERT
Level 261: A white sauce made with mayonnaise and chopped pickles; often eatenTARTAR
Level 261: The state of matter between solid and gasLIQUID
Level 262: Triangular pastry from India that is filled with spiced meat or vegetablesSAMOSA
Level 262: A ______ shower is an observable celestial event where lights streakMETEOR
Level 262: A set of icons in an app that can be clicked to activate functionsTOOLBAR
Level 262: Animal dung used for fertilizing the landMANURE
Level 262: Jack climbed one of these and encountered a giantBEANSTALK
Level 262: Fast, maneuverable warship that escorts larger shipsDESTROYER
Level 262: Deep narrow valley with steep sidesCANYON
Level 262: Moving like this reptileSLITHERING
Level 262: Person or company that buys and sells paintingsARTDEALER
Level 262: Scholars who study the structure and use of languageLINGUISTS
Level 262: What type of school organization is this?FRATERNITY
Level 262: An object placed in vehicles to keep toddlers in placeCHILDSEAT
Level 262: Type of insect with between 30 and 350 legsCENTIPEDE
Level 262: Professional who designs buildings and may supervise their constructionARCHITECT
Level 263: With no part left out; wholeENTIRE
Level 263: Part of a garden or park where tulips and daisies growFLOWERBED
Level 263: The ________ of Riddick are sci-fi movies starring Vin DieselCHRONICLES
Level 263: US toy maker with brands including Barbie dolls and Matchbox carsMATTEL
Level 263: 1970s hit by the Village People; the dance spells out the nameYMCA
Level 263: This person works on a boat or shipSAILOR
Level 263: A room built to allow in copious amounts of sunlightSOLARIUM
Level 263: Hair style formed from intertwined hairBRAIDS
Level 263: Abstaining from all kinds of food or drinkFASTING
Level 263: How many lives does this animal supposedly have?NINE
Level 263: Defects or blemishes that mar an object’s perfectionFLAWS
Level 263: Salty solution used for pickling foodBRINE
Level 263: Sea dweller often confused with its relative, the tortoiseTURTLE
Level 263: It’s hard to solve one side of a _____’s Cube, let alone all sixRUBIK
Level 263: Professional who reviews and assesses movies, restaurants, art, etc.CRITIC
Level 264: The _______ system of a car is used to spark fuelIGNITION
Level 264: Prince Harry is the Duke of ______SUSSEX
Level 264: Person who travels around, never settling in a single locationWANDERER
Level 264: To demand something forcefully, denying any refutationINSIST
Level 264: The head honcho of an organization; large solid dairy productBIGCHEESE
Level 264: What time is it?HAPPYHOUR
Level 264: To be forcefully removed from a locationEJECTED
Level 264: Time period that comes after the presentFUTURE
Level 264: What is this source of infant cuteness?BABYFAT
Level 264: Wonderland denizen who has a tendency to vanish, leaving only a smileCHESHIRECAT
Level 264: A pacifier might help ______ a babySOOTHE
Level 264: Writing material made from the tanned skins of sheep and goatsPARCHMENT
Level 264: Where you might see “www.” on an internet browserADDRESSBAR
Level 264: Sandy timekeeping deviceHOURGLASS
Level 264: Expression; slow, steady progressBABYSTEPS
Level 264: Slower and much bigger cousins of alligatorsCROCODILES
Level 264: Phrase; something that indicates things might turn around or improveRAYOFHOPE
Level 264: Handheld device used to capture videoCAMCORDER
Level 264: Another name for pyrite, due to its resemblance to a valuable yellowFOOLSGOLD
Level 264: His list featured in Spielberg’s famous black-and-white WW2 filmSCHINDLER
Level 264: Famous English researcher of chimpanzeesJANEGOODALL
Level 265: A short segment of something, especially a songSNIPPET
Level 265: What is this commercial action?IMPORT
Level 265: Vehicles rely on these massive machines under the hood to moveENGINE
Level 265: A _________ personality attracts others, similar to how its namesakeMAGNETIC
Level 265: Hairs that cats use to sense their surroundingsWHISKERS
Level 265: This eccentric musician sang “Poker Face” and “Bad Romance”LADYGAGA
Level 265: An amount that is more than necessaryEXCESS
Level 265: The feel and appearance of a surfaceTEXTURE
Level 265: Small circular object used to fasten clothesBUTTON
Level 265: Cleaned between teeth with a stringFLOSSED
Level 265: What is this athlete?SPRINTER
Level 265: A geometric shape with four sides of equal lengthSQUARE
Level 265: German city that hosts the famous annual Oktoberfest beer celebrationMUNICH
Level 265: Who is this Greek philosopher?SOCRATES
Level 265: To call the last called number againREDIAL
Level 265: The traditional sound of a doorbellDINGDONG
Level 266: ______ dragons are the heaviest lizards on EarthKOMODO
Level 266: ______ Nelson, country music legend who sang Georgia on my MindWILLIE
Level 266: Breakfast porridge made from grainsOATMEAL
Level 266: Long trips in sea or spaceVOYAGE
Level 266: The _____ Years’ War was a series of conflicts from 1337 – 1453 overHUNDRED
Level 266: What is this music term?HARMONY
Level 266: Application used to search the internet; e.g. Chrome and FirefoxBROWSER
Level 266: A person or animal you spend a lot of time withCOMPANION
Level 266: ____ ____ the King! is a proclaimation for the ascension of a newLONGLIVE
Level 266: Test of strength where two teams pull on opposing sides of a ropeTUGOFWAR
Level 266: The Matrix trilogy details humanity’s fight against theseMACHINES
Level 266: Not one or the otherNEITHER
Level 266: Old _______ had a farm, E I E I OMACDONALD
Level 266: What animal is this lost traveler?PENGUIN
Level 266: In NA, the main dish of the meal may be called thisENTREE
Level 266: Equipment used to protect one’s headHELMET
Level 266: What is this type of lawyer?DEFENSE
Level 266: This type of plane drops explosives onto enemy targetsBOMBER
Level 266: You enter via this, and exit via the exitENTRANCE
Level 267: Running at max speed over a short distanceSPRINT
Level 267: Place in a home used for planting produceGARDEN
Level 267: Public transport that runs on tracksTRAINS
Level 267: What doesn’t kill you makes you _______, supposedlySTRONGER
Level 267: Catchy tune that gets stuck in your headEARWORM
Level 267: What is this type of quick look over?EYEBALLING
Level 267: French emperor Napoleon’s last nameBONAPARTE
Level 267: Wizard of legend who is said to have served King ArthurMERLIN
Level 267: Name for a sweet purple flower and a purple colorLAVENDER
Level 267: Circus performers that wear white make up and a red noseCLOWNS
Level 267: To magically enhance somethingENCHANT
Level 267: Kansas girl whisked off to OzDOROTHY
Level 267: The Bible has two sections, the New and Old _______TESTAMENT
Level 267: An altered version of a musical pieceREMIX
Level 267: A ______ of stairs is a series of stairs between floorsFLIGHT
Level 267: A stiletto or dirk is a type of thisDAGGER
Level 267: Tool used to unclog toiletsPLUNGER
Level 267: Sugary fluid produced by flowers; favored meal for bees and butterfliesNECTAR

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Word Craze Answers [Level 226-250 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (225-250) Part 10

Word Craze Level 226-250 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 226: Type of sentence where the subject performs the main actionACTIVE
Level 226: Malcom in ___ _____ started in 2000 and starred Frankie MunizTHEMIDDLE
Level 226: Herbs that cats go crazy forCATNIP
Level 226: Word; meaning to astonish someoneAMAZE
Level 226: A legitimate act done for good reason is thisJUSTIFIED
Level 226: Gotta catch’em all; famous Nintendo franchisePOKEMON
Level 226: Medieval armored soldierKNIGHT
Level 226: Strips of fabric used to tie bows on presentsRIBBON
Level 226: Cosmetic product used to remove dead skinEXFOLIANT
Level 226: In Irish folklore, a leprechaun keeps their ___ __ ____ hidden atPOTOFGOLD
Level 226: To have reached your destinationARRIVED
Level 226: What is this atmosphere-related term?CLIMATE
Level 226: Finding a four-leaf clover will bring you thisGOODLUCK
Level 226: Lee Harvey ______ was the assassin who claimed John F. Kennedy’sOSWALD
Level 226: In the Olympics, 2nd place gets this medalSILVER
Level 226: “Mrs. ________”, 1993 comedy starring Robin Williams posing as aDOUBTFIRE
Level 226: This cartoon sailor gains strength by eating spinachPOPEYE
Level 226: Tests of this show who you really areCHARACTER
Level 226: A decision that doesn’t take any thinking at allNOBRAINER
Level 226: A man made of straw who protects cropsSCARECROW
Level 226: What aircraft is this landing pad designed for?HELICOPTER
Level 226: Expression; something unlikely to happenPIEINTHESKY
Level 227: A cloud or dust cluster in outer spaceNEBULA
Level 227: Marvel mutant with retractable clawsWOLVERINE
Level 227: What’s this type of ancient drawing?CAVEART
Level 227: Places where teachers teach their studentsCLASSROOMS
Level 227: Professional who keeps a home’s greenery in tip-top shapeGARDENER
Level 227: Very small islandsISLETS
Level 227: Shops with freshly made breadBAKERIES
Level 227: White creamy sauce best paired with fettuccineALFREDO
Level 227: Patterned coverings for the sides of a roomWALLPAPER
Level 227: Payments to patent and copyright holders for use of their worksROYALTIES
Level 227: US Heavyweight boxing champion famous for his fast knockoutsMIKETYSON
Level 227: An athlete that grapples with his opponent in a ringWRESTLER
Level 227: Ball game where the referee often yells loveTENNIS
Level 227: What is this act that sabotages someone’s efforts?UNDERMINES
Level 227: Bait, flies, and other gear can be found in hereTACKLEBOX
Level 227: Manmade material imitating tanned animal hidePLEATHER
Level 227: “________ of the fittest” describes the theory of natural selectionSURVIVAL
Level 227: An individual who gets donor tissue or organsRECIPIENT
Level 227: What is this dish?SLOPPYJOES
Level 228: People of the indigenous population of the ArcticESKIMO
Level 228: _______’s Box is generally taken to mean the source of troublesPANDORA
Level 228: Do this to render something harmlessDEFANG
Level 228: Women’s underwear and nightclothesLINGERIE
Level 228: Expression; it can spoil the bunchBADAPPLE
Level 228: This is madness! Madness? This is ______! from the movie 300SPARTA
Level 228: To disappear suddenly and completelyVANISH
Level 228: This season marks the end of hibernationSPRING
Level 228: ______ pigs are actually rodents and not pigs; often used in experimentsGUINEA
Level 228: A medicinal cream applied to the skinOINTMENT
Level 228: In film, this person combines hours of footage together to make aEDITOR
Level 228: What is the state of this video?PAUSED
Level 228: Without cords or cablesWIRELESS
Level 228: A married man in relation to his spouseHUSBAND
Level 228: A prestigious sporting event that has a logo with 5 ringsOLYMPICS
Level 228: What is this rare gemstone?SAPPHIRE
Level 228: Long French bread; often found sticking out of paper grocery bagsBAGUETTE
Level 228: Production facility for beerBREWERY
Level 228: This was responsible for the sinking of the TitanicICEBERG
Level 228: Traffic anger, in other wordsROADRAGE
Level 228: Something that is passed on genetically from parent to child is thisHEREDITY
Level 228: The height of an object in relation to sea or ground levelALTITUDE
Level 228: When people make the moral choice, they are said take the ____ ____HIGHROAD
Level 228: What football foul is this?OFFSIDES
Level 228: One who has been hired by a businessEMPLOYEE
Level 229: A short, folded information guide used in marketingPAMPHLET
Level 229: A fruit that is a close relative of the mandarin orangeTANGERINE
Level 229: A food item’s _______ facts tell you how many vitamins and mineralsNUTRITION
Level 229: Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton studied this branch of sciencePHYSICS
Level 229: Dark blue color that is the second-to-last color on a rainbowINDIGO
Level 229: Do this to tidy up a roomCLEANUP
Level 229: Japanese cooking method that uses a soy sauce glazeTERIYAKI
Level 229: The daughter of a king and a queenPRINCESS
Level 229: A male siblingBROTHER
Level 229: Premium chocolate brand from Belgium; named after the LadyGODIVA
Level 229: Crunchy green vegetable that is often pickled; technically a fruitCUCUMBER
Level 229: The angle of this line never changesSTRAIGHT
Level 229: A professional who can make rabbits appear from a hatMAGICIAN
Level 229: Slightly annoyed, irritatedMIFFED
Level 229: A deep dish used for cooking; also the word for food cooked in itCASSEROLE
Level 229: The dents on the cheeks of a smiling faceDIMPLES
Level 229: Popular cross-platform video game creation software first releasedUNITY
Level 229: What is this period of time?CENTURY
Level 229: A playful, somewhat childish word meaning “gross”ICKY
Level 229: To expel air as though inflating a balloonBLOW
Level 230: Ranged warheads capable of traveling great distances to their targetMISSILES
Level 230: Old spider silks; commonly found in atticsCOBWEBS
Level 230: String used to fasten footwearSHOELACE
Level 230: Mexican spring break destination; just over the US-Mexico borderTIJUANA
Level 230: The ______ of Secrets is the second Harry Potter bookCHAMBER
Level 230: What is this precious metal?GOLD
Level 230: In class, raise your hand to answer theseQUESTION
Level 230: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, _______, GolfFOXTROT
Level 230: Sight, taste, hearing, smell and _______ are the “five senses”TOUCH
Level 230: Biggest search engine on the internetGOOGLE
Level 230: Indoor work locationsOFFICE
Level 230: A tax imposed by one country on the goods and services imported fromTARIFF
Level 230: Before learning real words, a baby will _______ to communicateBABBLE
Level 230: The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarksBANTER
Level 230: A ______ test is used to determine if a solution is acidic or basicLITMUS
Level 231: Reality TV show where contestants are placed on an islandSURVIVOR
Level 231: You might say this when leaving someone’s companyFAREWELL
Level 231: Professional who mends and makes clothesTAILOR
Level 231: Tools used to sweep the floorBROOMS
Level 231: Fluid found in the mouth that starts the digestion processSALIVA
Level 231: Tool used with a hammer to make carvings from wood, stone, or metalCHISEL
Level 231: You don’t need to pay for thisFREEBIE
Level 231: Method of writing for blind peopleBRAILLE
Level 231: The act of declaring something falseDENIAL
Level 231: Card suit that resembles a digging toolSPADES
Level 231: The number of months in a yearTWELVE
Level 231: A deep fracture in a glacierCREVASSE
Level 231: Term for biographical films like “Man on the Moon”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”,BIOPIC
Level 231: Decorative cover for a vehicle’s wheelsHUBCAP
Level 231: Sycophantic underlings who always agree with their superiorYESMEN
Level 231: Musical instrument with black and white keysPIANO
Level 231: What type of person might be wearing these?LIAR
Level 232: Famous British spy who will always tell you his last name firstJAMESBOND
Level 232: The feeling you get after a massageRELAXED
Level 232: Encourage someone to accomplish a task or goalMOTIVATE
Level 232: What is this type of review?WRITEUP
Level 232: British singer of Rocket ManELTONJOHN
Level 232: Lightweight silvery metal used in many items such as soda cansALUMINUM
Level 232: Artists often use this in place of a resumePORTFOLIO
Level 232: Something that happens on its own, without outside interventionNATURAL
Level 232: To save the cargo and possibly the ship itself after a wreckSALVAGE
Level 232: What is this communication app?FACETIME
Level 232: Being away from human contactSECLUSION
Level 232: Scheduled payment to owners of a stockDIVIDEND
Level 232: A baby’s personal rideSTROLLER
Level 232: Texan, Cajun, and Creole, for EnglishDIALECTS
Level 232: Billionaire founder of Tesla and SpaceXELONMUSK
Level 232: Acorn-loving rodent with a bushy tailSQUIRREL
Level 232: Expression; to financially support an endeavorBANKROLL
Level 232: Government department responsible for a state’s financesTREASURY
Level 233: ______ engineering is used to modify DNAGENETIC
Level 233: Planet in our solar system with rings larger than Saturn’sJUPITER
Level 233: To admit to committing a crime or wrongdoingCONFESS
Level 233: Large ape-like creature resembling a yetiBIGFOOT
Level 233: Real estate professionals who create properties from empty landDEVELOPERS
Level 233: The most tense moment of a storyCLIMAX
Level 233: Branched horns primarily found on bucksANTLERS
Level 233: Pausing before doing something due to uncertaintyHESITATE
Level 233: White foam material used to protect items in packagesSTYROFOAM
Level 233: Describes things or people that are just a burdenDEADWEIGHTS
Level 233: Flute-like instrument for beginners; played verticallyRECORDER
Level 233: Some of the biggest names in this sport include Muhammad Ali andBOXING
Level 233: To decrease; one of the Rs of recyclingREDUCE
Level 233: Best friend of Scooby-DooSHAGGY
Level 233: ______ Klein, US fashion brandCALVIN
Level 234: There are winners, and there are ______LOSERS
Level 234: Game of ______ is used to describe a game that requires little skillCHANCE
Level 234: Tasks or goals that must be achieved before othersPRIORITIES
Level 234: What is this method of determining age?CARBONDATE
Level 234: Swimming activity that uses a diving maskSNORKELING
Level 234: Used with a username to log inPASSWORD
Level 234: By far the largest Chinese dialectMANDARIN
Level 234: One good turn _______ anotherDESERVES
Level 234: To have enough money to purchase somethingAFFORD
Level 234: A strong, out-of-control blazeWILDFIRE
Level 234: Not clearly or distinctly visibleBLURRY
Level 234: The walking dead, in other wordsZOMBIE
Level 234: What literary form does this represent?PROSE
Level 234: A warning sign posted outside a home might say “_____ of dog”BEWARE
Level 234: To turn a device off and onREBOOT
Level 234: Monkey with a long doglike snoutBABOON
Level 234: Students who have graduated from a particular schoolALUMNI
Level 236: What is this mythological figure?SANDMAN
Level 236: What is this money gifting sprite?TOOTHFAIRY
Level 236: These create craters on the moonASTEROIDS
Level 236: The judgment given by a jury in courtVERDICT
Level 236: A smaller version of a traditional sport featuring tees and clubsMINIGOLF
Level 236: Short facial hair often artificially extended for beautyEYELASHES
Level 236: The spectrum of being unable to seeBLINDNESS
Level 236: Ocean east of AfricaINDIAN
Level 236: Unit of an army typically divided into several companiesREGIMENT
Level 236: Don’t pretend to be someone else, just be _______YOURSELF
Level 236: Largest city in AustraliaSYDNEY
Level 236: Type of car that replace the engine with a motor and don’t requireELECTRIC
Level 236: Not interested in a conversation; not promised to be marriedUNENGAGED
Level 236: Occasionally; not oftenSOMETIMES
Level 236: Active ingredient in alcoholic drinks with the chemical formula C2H6OETHANOL
Level 236: Expression; “see ___ __ ___”, meaning to be in agreementEYETOEYE
Level 236: Inspiring great affection; incredibly cuteADORABLE
Level 236: Planet closest to the Sun; also a metal that is liquid at room temperatureMERCURY
Level 236: What chilly phenomenon does this represent?COLDSNAP
Level 237: What is this extinct animal?MAMMOTH
Level 237: Pets brought home from an animal shelterADOPTED
Level 237: A place that displays or sells artworksGALLERY
Level 237: Something that satisfies conditions for considerationELIGIBLE
Level 237: This Cleveland-based NBA team drafted LeBron James first overallCAVALIERS
Level 237: Flightless sea-bird skilled at swimming; lives in the southern hemispherePENGUIN
Level 237: The prince and princess always live happily _____ _____EVERAFTER
Level 237: What is this medical image?SONOGRAM
Level 237: Between midday and the eveningAFTERNOON
Level 237: Professionals employed to maintain safety, especially in the privateSECURITY
Level 237: This Southeast Asian country is home to the LionfishSINGAPORE
Level 237: The study of your family treeGENEALOGY
Level 237: An article from a publication that expresses the opinions of itsEDITORIAL
Level 237: A formal termination of a marriage after which the marriage is consideredANNULMENT
Level 237: French phrase meaning “that’s life”CESTLAVIE
Level 238: Small job that one sometimes needs to runERRAND
Level 238: An M-rated movie is for ______ audiences onlyMATURE
Level 238: Thin long pasta commonly eaten with meatballsSPAGHETTI
Level 238: A comprehensive medical check-upPHYSICAL
Level 238: A place to safely light an indoor flame for a cozy atmosphereFIREPLACE
Level 238: This must be fastened while drivingSEATBELT
Level 238: Specialist of a field or subjectEXPERT
Level 238: Professional who designs and creates machines and circuitsENGINEER
Level 238: What is this poker hand?FULLHOUSE
Level 238: Robin Hood lived in this forestSHERWOOD
Level 238: What is this calculation method?LONGDIVISION
Level 238: A person you can trust your secrets withCONFIDANT
Level 238: To scrub skin with a rough material, removing dead skinEXFOLIATE
Level 238: A signature from a famous personAUTOGRAPH
Level 238: A person who mixes and serves drinks professionallyBARTENDER
Level 238: An area covered with underground explosivesMINEFIELD
Level 238: You have to pay this in class if you want to do well on the testATTENTION
Level 238: To go off script; ad-libIMPROVISE
Level 239: A white sauce made from mayonnaise and chopped pickles; often eatenTARTAR
Level 239: Animated puppet whose nose grows when he liesPINOCCHIO
Level 239: The state of matter between a solid and a gasLIQUID
Level 239: _______ the teenage witch lives with her aunts and a talking catSABRINA
Level 239: 2015 Pixar film about emotionsINSIDEOUT
Level 239: He and his merry men robbed from the rich and gave to the poorROBINHOOD
Level 239: Glittery powder Tinker Bell uses to allow others to flyPIXIEDUST
Level 239: Word; done on their ______BEHALF
Level 239: People who ride waves on a boardSURFER
Level 239: Tropical orange fruit with many little black seedsPAPAYA
Level 239: Word; meaning “without purpose or use”POINTLESS
Level 239: To voluntarily step down from a positionRESIGN
Level 239: Name of this kind of text?EMOTICON
Level 239: This country’s flag is a red dot centered in a field of whiteJAPANESE
Level 239: A marker of significant progressMILESTONE
Level 239: It would be difficult to open a bottle of wine without oneCORKSCREW
Level 239: Type of children’s party that goes overnightSLEEPOVER
Level 239: This can open every lock of a buildingMASTERKEY
Level 239: ____ _____ like an arrow; fruit flies like a bananaTIMEFLIES
Level 240: Events from the past that one can recallMEMORIES
Level 240: 3D art structures found in plazas, usually metal or stoneSCULPTURE
Level 240: These two openings allow you to smellNOSTRILS
Level 240: The _______ system of a car is used to spark fuelIGNITION
Level 240: The real name of Gollum from Lord of the RingsSMEAGOL
Level 240: You need a permit to park in these spots; found closest to entrancesHANDICAPPED
Level 240: Jurassic Park was directed by Steven _________SPIELBERG
Level 240: The fabled reindeer with a special noseRUDOLPH
Level 240: A weeping tree found on riverbanksWILLOW
Level 240: Headwear used to correct visionGLASSES
Level 240: What German city is this?HAMBURG
Level 240: People who stealTHIEVES
Level 240: A government system ruled by a royal familyMONARCHY
Level 240: Famous actor or actressMOVIESTAR
Level 240: Who is this actor-turned-director?EASTWOOD
Level 240: 1997 action movie by John Woo featuring John Travolta and NicolasFACEOFF
Level 240: Dorothy meets the Wizard of Oz in the _______ CityEMERALD
Level 240: Organized collection of electronically accessible informationDATABASE
Level 240: Phrase; once in a ___ ___BLUEMOON
Level 240: Nemo from Pixar’s “Finding Nemo” is this type of sea animalCLOWNFISH
Level 240: This arch is found in this US stateMISSOURI
Level 240: A bound tome where photos, objects, and other memories are storedSCRAPBOOK
Level 240: A phone _______ is used to replenish your phone’s batteryCHARGER
Level 240: In US law, one is considered this until proven guiltyINNOCENT
Level 240: NASA, SCUBA, and LASER are examples of this type of abbreviationACRONYM
Level 241: What ain’t no country I ever heard of! They speak English in What?JACKSON
Level 241: Another word for business and corporationCOMPANY
Level 241: Sport played on the ice with rocks and broomsCURLING
Level 241: Hurt, Ring of Fire and I Walk the Line were sung by ______ CashJOHNNY
Level 241: Celebration in the sky with lights, smokes, and loud noisesFIREWORKS
Level 241: Fruits and vegetables are part of a _______ dietHEALTHY
Level 241: Biggest digits on your feetBIGTOE
Level 241: Musical plays accompanied by orchestrasOPERAS
Level 241: ______ are demonstrations that a mathematical statement is truePROOFS
Level 241: Cold turkey is one way to quit this kind of compulsive behaviorADDICTION
Level 241: Jack the ______ roamed the streets of London in 1888RIPPER
Level 241: What is this essential element?WATER
Level 241: World’s largest online retailer and cloud services providerAMAZON
Level 241: A name referring to the Indian film industryBOLLYWOOD
Level 241: In baseball, a home run when all three bases are occupiedGRANDSLAM
Level 241: What is this emergency vehicle?FIRETRUCK
Level 241: Type of book that details a specific person’s lifeBIOGRAPHY
Level 242: One of the geologic periods within the Mesozoic EraJURASSIC
Level 242: Things one want to experience before dyingBUCKETLIST
Level 242: Where tennis superstar Novak Djokovic was bornSERBIA
Level 242: Children are often _____ of the darkAFRAID
Level 242: A hierarchy of species consuming other species; predators are atFOODCHAIN
Level 242: Melted cheese in a pot used to dip breakFONDUE
Level 242: Surgically cut apart a deceased animal for studyDISSECT
Level 242: Scientific name for the outermost layer of skinEPIDERMIS
Level 242: What is this type of boat?CANOE
Level 242: Describes something people are required to do; opposite of optionalMANDATORY
Level 242: Tongue ________ are phrases with similar sounding wordsTWISTERS
Level 242: Handheld sweet in a wrapperCANDYBAR
Level 242: Providing food and drink for an eventCATERING
Level 242: What famous US book is this animal hunted in?MOBYDICK
Level 242: Activity where a group takes turns singing songsKARAOKE
Level 242: This timely morning riser gets the wormEARLYBIRD
Level 242: To ruin someone else’s photo by suddenly moving into the shotPHOTOBOMB
Level 242: A gradual increase in intensity; in music, used to indicate increasingCRESCENDO
Level 242: The tube connecting your mouth and your stomachESOPHAGUS
Level 242: What is this miniature home?BIRDHOUSE
Level 242: You will go like this if you try to look at your own noseCROSSEYED
Level 243: To make a garment with needles and yarnKNITTING
Level 243: A time ____ is used to communicate with the futureCAPSULE
Level 243: This rich person is a _________MILLIONAIRE
Level 243: Swim by rapidly opening and closing the shell valves; oysters, clams,SCALLOPS
Level 243: Fictional sport in the Harry Potter seriesQUIDDITCH
Level 243: Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of this bandNIRVANA
Level 243: Garlic and coffee are infamous sources of this stenchBADBREATH
Level 243: Imploring others to grant a favor; panhandlingBEGGING
Level 243: This Japanese company created Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, and much moreNINTENDO
Level 243: Cleaning one’s teeth with a stringFLOSSING
Level 243: What is this theatrical speech?MONOLOGUE
Level 243: Suitcases for travellingLUGGAGE
Level 243: What is this board game?BACKGAMMON
Level 243: The background objects of a theatrical productionSCENERY
Level 243: A team or person expected to lose; everyone roots for themUNDERDOG
Level 243: Fictional cartoon character; mystery-solving Great DaneSCOOBYDOO
Level 243: What is this mathematical term?EXPONENT
Level 243: To restrict a person’s location to a set locationCONFINE
Level 243: Bucktoothed rodent builder’s wooden constructionBEAVERDAM
Level 243: Popular French phrase offered to those departing on a journeyBONVOYAGE
Level 243: The first names of designers McQueen and WangALEXANDER
Level 243: Both a famous UK university town and a city in MassachusettsCAMBRIDGE
Level 243: Canada, France, and many other countries offer _________ health careUNIVERSAL
Level 244: Another way to say coriander; some say it tastes like soapCILANTRO
Level 244: Capital city of SpainMADRID
Level 244: What is this body of water found between Western Europe and EasternBLACKSEA
Level 244: Unexpected events, usually leading to damage or lossACCIDENTS
Level 244: Bridal wear that holds a stocking in placeGARTER
Level 244: Large orange fruits carved for HalloweenPUMPKINS
Level 244: Device for heating a roomRADIATOR
Level 244: Sport where athletes fire arrowsARCHERY
Level 244: What is this superhero’s costume?BATSUIT
Level 244: A surprisingly spacious women’s accessory carried on a strapHANDBAG
Level 244: Containers brand new footwear come inSHOEBOXES
Level 244: These teeth are often pulled outWISDOM
Level 244: Star Wars Day is on May ____FOURTH
Level 244: Comfy fabric used to cover a sleeping personBLANKET
Level 244: From whom one is descendedANCESTOR
Level 244: What is this slideshow app?KEYNOTE
Level 244: Coney Island is located in this New York City boroughBROOKLYN
Level 244: The length of a bird’s “arms” measured from tip to tipWINGSPAN
Level 244: What is this amenity found in coffee shops?FREEWIFI
Level 244: Baseball players who are positioned behind the home plateCATCHERS
Level 244: In mathematics, the ________ value ignores the negative sign: |-9|ABSOLUTE
Level 244: To drive a hard _______; to be very determined to get a favorableBARGAIN
Level 244: What is this captive state?ENCAGED
Level 244: How you might feel if you haven’t drank anything for a whileTHIRSTY
Level 245: What is this currency?DOLLAR
Level 245: River that flows through Washington D.C.POTOMAC
Level 245: Part of a chair where you can lay your upper limbsARMREST
Level 245: Extreme and irrational fear of somethingPHOBIA
Level 245: What is this feeling?OVERJOYED
Level 245: Clothing pattern consisting of many colored circlesPOLKADOT
Level 245: Word; terms that are in vogue at a specific point in timeBUZZWORD
Level 245: A person who rides a bikeCYCLIST
Level 245: A company’s earnings after deducting expensesNETPROFIT
Level 245: To make a ____ ____ short is to skip all the details and arrive directlyLONGSTORY
Level 245: Lack of understanding; uncertaintyCONFUSION
Level 245: Female dancer that dances on her tip toesBALLERINA
Level 245: The _________ equation has the general form of ax^2 + bx + c = 0QUADRATIC
Level 246: Needlework where different pieces of fabric are sewn together PatchworkPATCHWORK
Level 246: Decorational object, especially for Christmas treesORNAMENT
Level 246: The Queen of Heart’s favorite flowers in Alice in WonderlandREDROSES
Level 246: Fight between armed forcesBATTLE
Level 246: A place that caters to people on vacationRESORT
Level 246: Desert hazard that occurs when the wind blowsSANDSTORM
Level 246: Clear, protective finish applied to furnitureVARNISH
Level 246: What is this dangerous insect?FIREANT
Level 246: What feathery companion is absent here?PARROT
Level 246: A eureka moment might make a _________ appear over your head, figurativelyLIGHTBULB
Level 246: Nietzsche’s belief that life does not have intrinsic value or meaningNIHILISM
Level 246: Central American country with a famous canal connecting the AtlanticPANAMA
Level 246: Expression: something that doesn’t bother you is like water off thisDUCKSBACK
Level 246: ____ ______ die hard; it’s hard to change ones waysOLDHABITS
Level 246: Type of tree whose leaves never change colorEVERGREEN
Level 246: British director of “The Birds” and “Psycho”HITCHCOCK
Level 246: Area that an animal marks out for itselfTERRITORY
Level 246: People that have these kept in their closets are afraid others mightSKELETONS
Level 247: Emergency raft on shipsLIFEBOAT
Level 247: _____ __ ____ is a 2020 DC Movie starring Margot RobbieBIRDSOFPREY
Level 247: Word; waste of timePOINTLESS
Level 247: Organs that filter bloodKIDNEYS
Level 247: Liquid rinse for oral cleanlinessMOUTHWASH
Level 247: What is stoppage to fighting?CEASEFIRE
Level 247: Metal clasp on a beltBUCKLE
Level 247: Without exception; every timeALWAYS
Level 247: Notre-Dame is built with this architecture styleGOTHIC
Level 247: Couple which have just marriedNEWLYWEDS
Level 247: Economic term for the increase in cost of goods with timeINFLATION
Level 247: Slight adjustments and improvements to a pictureRETOUCH
Level 247: Legendary cartoon rabbit from “Looney Tunes”BUGSBUNNY
Level 247: What is this garden appliance?SPRINKLER
Level 247: This company created the Xbox gaming consoleMICROSOFT
Level 247: To stop resisting and admit defeatSURRENDER
Level 247: “A ______ Orange” is a 1962 novel by Anthony BurgessCLOCKWORK
Level 248: Word; meaning to get somethingACQUIRE
Level 248: Papier-mache objects filled with candyPINATA
Level 248: Carve a design into a hard surfaceENGRAVE
Level 248: Sharp pieces of ice that hang downICICLE
Level 248: Dried strips of cow meatBEEFJERKY
Level 248: Professionals who display clothing and walk down runwaysMODELS
Level 248: What is this animal?GROUNDHOG
Level 248: Someone with a history of telling the truthCREDIBLE
Level 248: Canadian musician who sang Genesis and OblivionGRIMES
Level 248: _______ Earth Metals are found in the second column on the periodicALKALINE
Level 248: What is this point on a compass?DUENORTH
Level 248: Firearm popularly used by cowboysREVOLVER
Level 248: What are these incremental improvements?UPGRADES
Level 248: Someone’s u201C_______ heelu201C is their weak pointACHILLES
Level 248: Ryan Reynolds spent 10 years to get this R-rated comic book movieDEADPOOL
Level 248: Leonardo da Vinci’s famous portrait with a mysterious smileMONALISA
Level 248: Obstruction that limits passage, particularly in pipes or arteriesBLOCKAGE
Level 248: Siren that warns about an uncontrolled flameFIREALARM
Level 248: What is this boxing punch?LEFTHOOK
Level 248: This body part is where one carries their burdensSHOULDERS
Level 249: A meal that’s part lunch and part breakfastBRUNCH
Level 249: Organic matter used as fuel to generate electricityBIOMASS
Level 249: Leonardo DiCaprio played the eccentric millionaire Jay _____ in theGATSBY
Level 249: Connected computersNETWORK
Level 249: ________ to a YouTube channel to be alerted to new updatesSUBSCRIBE
Level 249: What is this music notation?BASSCLEF
Level 249: To get out of a dangerous situationESCAPE
Level 249: Aspirin is an over the ______ medicineCOUNTER
Level 249: Type of skates with four wheelsROLLER
Level 249: Item bought while traveling to remember the tripSOUVENIR
Level 249: Something that can’t go wrongFOOLPROOF
Level 249: Disney’s mouse iconMICKEY
Level 249: Fundamental force that keeps us on the groundGRAVITY
Level 249: France’s National Day celebrates the storming of the _______BASTILLE
Level 249: A happy event that stays in your memoryMEMORABLE
Level 249: Something that is criticalIMPORTANT
Level 249: A wide, bristled object used similarly to a combHAIRBRUSH
Level 249: What is this vegetable?ARTICHOKE
Level 250: Small shop that sells luxury goods; means shop in FrenchBOUTIQUE
Level 250: Large roofless building for sports events and concertsSTADIUM
Level 250: An event that provides food and drinkCATERED
Level 250: What is this establishment that is open late?NIGHTCLUB
Level 250: Blended beverage made from ice cream and a certain diary productMILKSHAKE
Level 250: Professional who leads an orchestral performanceCONDUCTOR
Level 250: A well-known US stock exchangeNASDAQ
Level 250: Hedonism is a philosophy that pursues thisPLEASURE
Level 250: What is this Bruce Willis movie?ARMAGEDDON
Level 250: Professional that helps open doors without keysLOCKSMITH
Level 250: Social media site that lets users upload photos to displayINSTAGRAM
Level 250: Prince _______ is, despite his name, a vile character in Shrek 2CHARMING
Level 250: Official pardon for people convicted of political offensesAMNESTY
Level 250: Small stringed instrument from the lute family; comes from EuropeMANDOLIN
Level 250: The end part of a limb, as in a hand or footEXTREMITY
Level 250: Narration in a movie spoken by an unseen readerVOICEOVER
Level 250: What is this basic gymnastics skill?CARTWHEEL
Level 250: The state of being unable to see things clearly or at allBLINDNESS
Level 250: 10, 9, 8, 7….!COUNTDOWN
Level 250: Fairytale princes and princesses always live happily _____ _____EVERAFTER

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Word Craze Answers [Level 201-225 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (200-225) Part 9

Word Craze Level 201-225 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 201: An ancient Egyptian rulerPHARAOH
Level 201: An ancient Egyptian rulerPHARAOH
Level 201: Bugs Bunny’s arch enemy who tawks wike disELMERFUDD
Level 201: Bugs Bunny’s arch enemy who tawks wike disELMERFUDD
Level 201: Eight-legged ocean dwellerOCTOPUS
Level 201: Spartan King played by Gerard Butler in 300LEONIDAS
Level 201: Glass-half-full type of personOPTIMIST
Level 201: Glass-half-full type of personOPTIMIST
Level 201: One who bargains for a better price or dealHAGGLER
Level 201: Radioactive element used as fuel in nuclear power plantsURANIUM
Level 201: To block the passage of somethingOBSTRUCT
Level 201: Radioactive element used as fuel in nuclear power plantsURANIUM
Level 201: Rocky vs Apollo in Rocky II was the ______ of the centuryREMATCH
Level 201: Rocky vs Apollo in Rocky II was the ______ of the centuryREMATCH
Level 201: The full name for the disease known as the fluINFLUENZA
Level 201: Spartan King played by Gerard Butler in 300LEONIDAS
Level 201: What is this award?NOBELPRIZE
Level 201: Information that proves or disproves an accusation or other propositionEVIDENCE
Level 201: One who bargains for a better price or dealHAGGLER
Level 201: The full name for the disease known as the fluINFLUENZA
Level 201: Eight-legged ocean dwellerOCTOPUS
Level 201: What is this award?NOBELPRIZE
Level 201: To set off an explosionDETONATE
Level 201: A working canine breed, trained to herd woolly livestockSHEEPDOG
Level 201: Flat object for keeping your place in a written workBOOKMARK
Level 201: What popular flowers are these?ORCHIDS
Level 202: An area for children to entertain themselves; might have swings,PLAYGROUND
Level 202: This gets passed around on karaoke nightMICROPHONE
Level 202: Beach-dwelling invertebrate with one claw that is larger than theFIDDLERCRAB
Level 202: Fizzy soft drink with less sugar than the original versionDIETSODA
Level 202: Classic game; carefully pluck items out of a red-nosed man’s bodyOPERATION
Level 202: Computer, telecommunication device, and camera all in oneSMARTPHONE
Level 202: X-men villain with the power to control metalMAGNETO
Level 202: Don’t throw stones if you live in one of theseGLASSHOUSES
Level 202: Using your cellular data to provide internet for your friendsHOTSPOT
Level 202: Beach-dwelling invertebrate with one claw that is larger than theFIDDLERCRAB
Level 202: Expression: something that doesn’t bother you is like water off thisDUCKSBACK
Level 202: An area for children to entertain themselves; might have swings,PLAYGROUND
Level 202: Fizzy soft drink with less sugar than the original versionDIETSODA
Level 202: Leonardo da Vinci’s famous portrait with a mysterious smileMONALISA
Level 202: What is this seafood dish?CRABCAKE
Level 202: People who use dishonesty to get an advantage; they never prosperCHEATERS
Level 202: People who use dishonesty to get an advantage; they never prosperCHEATERS
Level 202: US five-cent coin that got its name from the metalNICKEL
Level 202: Popular dice game; roll five of a kind and shout the name of theYAHTZEE
Level 202: Computer, telecommunication device, and camera all in oneSMARTPHONE
Level 202: Square office partitionCUBICLE
Level 202: This gets passed around on karaoke nightMICROPHONE
Level 202: Square office partitionCUBICLE
Level 202: Traditionally the highest value card in a deck of playing cardsACEOFSPADES
Level 202: What is this winged animal on the Mexican coat of arms?EAGLE
Level 202: Traditionally the highest value card in a deck of playing cardsACEOFSPADES
Level 202: Using your cellular data to provide internet for your friendsHOTSPOT
Level 202: Don’t throw stones if you live in one of theseGLASSHOUSES
Level 202: What is this emergency vehicle?FIRETRUCK
Level 202: What is this seafood dish?CRABCAKE
Level 202: Meryl ______, legendary actor with countless starring roles, includingSTREEP
Level 202: Popular dice game; roll five of a kind and shout the name of theYAHTZEE
Level 202: X-men villain with the power to control metalMAGNETO
Level 202: The boundary describing an area, particularly a countryBORDER
Level 202: Long-necked livestock known for spitting when irritatedLLAMA
Level 202: What kind of patch is this?BRIAR
Level 202: “______ Hero” is a video game series that lets you be a rock starGUITAR
Level 203: A fad challenge that involved dumping freezing water on peopleICEBUCKET
Level 203: A small, portable personal computerLAPTOP
Level 203: Customizable alert sound for an incoming call on a mobile phoneRINGTONE
Level 203: Customizable alert sound for an incoming call on a mobile phoneRINGTONE
Level 203: One of the seven deadly sins; another word for greedAVARICE
Level 203: Luxury car brand with a rearing black horse on its logoFERRARI
Level 203: What is this numerical locator?ZIPCODE
Level 203: Material that blocks heat or electricityINSULATOR
Level 203: Material that blocks heat or electricityINSULATOR
Level 203: Police catch people speeding using this “firearm”RADARGUN
Level 203: A small, portable personal computerLAPTOP
Level 203: McDonald’s breakfast menu item with buns of English originMCMUFFIN
Level 203: Not containing milk or milk-based productsNONDAIRY
Level 203: Ocean creature with a long, sharp nose resembling a bladeSWORDFISH
Level 203: This sportswear giant has a logo featuring three stripesADIDAS
Level 203: Not containing milk or milk-based productsNONDAIRY
Level 203: One of the seven deadly sins; another word for greedNONDAIRY
Level 203: McDonald’s breakfast menu item with buns of English originMCMUFFIN
Level 203: Shared living space for students, usually on school groundsDORMITORY
Level 203: Some of the biggest names in this sport include Muhammad Ali andBOXING
Level 203: Supports that can hold a row of books upright between themBOOKENDS
Level 203: Shared living space for students, usually on school groundsDORMITORY
Level 203: Styling method that hides baldness under carefully arranged hairCOMBOVER
Level 203: Filmmaker famous for “The Nightmare before Christmas” and “Batman”TIMBURTON
Level 203: Supports that can hold a row of books upright between themBOOKENDS
Level 203: Styling method that hides baldness under carefully arranged hairCOMBOVER
Level 203: They can’t be choosersBEGGARS
Level 203: Luxury car brand with a rearing black horse on its logoFERRARI
Level 203: This sportswear giant has a logo featuring three stripesADIDAS
Level 203: Ocean creature with a long, sharp nose resembling a bladeSWORDFISH
Level 203: What is this feeling?OVERJOYED
Level 203: Red labeled soda that’s a favorite of Santa and polar bears alikeCOCACOLA
Level 203: They can’t be choosersBEGGARS
Level 203: What is this numerical locator?ZIPCODE
Level 203: What kind of insects are on display?BEETLES
Level 203: A sustained period of little to no rain, causing water shortageDROUGHT
Level 203: One who observes rather than participatesSPECTATOR
Level 203: A pencil _______ helps maintain a pointy writing endSHARPENER
Level 204: A formal agreement, usually writtenCONTRACT
Level 204: A substance for reducing friction between moving partsLUBRICANT
Level 204: A kinked figure-eight shape with only one continuous sideMOBIUSSTRIP
Level 204: Dried cranberriesCRAISINS
Level 204: A social gathering for people who share a workplaceOFFICEPARTY
Level 204: Japanese for goodbyeSAYONARA
Level 204: A substance for reducing friction between moving partsLUBRICANT
Level 204: A tastefully arranged and decorated bunch of flowersBOUQUET
Level 204: A social gathering for people who share a workplaceOFFICEPARTY
Level 204: A tastefully arranged and decorated bunch of flowersBOUQUET
Level 204: What public worker often has to worry about this scenario?MAILMAN
Level 204: Decorative garment worn under a shirt collar, mostly in businessNECKTIE
Level 204: Dried cranberriesCRAISINS
Level 204: Drink mix mascot with a habit of destroying wallsKOOLAIDMAN
Level 204: Drink mix mascot with a habit of destroying wallsKOOLAIDMAN
Level 204: The art of handwriting decorative textCALLIGRAPHY
Level 204: Japanese for goodbyeSAYONARA
Level 204: Magnetic art toy with two knobs, mostly for drawing stairsETCHASKETCH
Level 204: The current Queen of England is _________ IIELIZABETH
Level 204: A formal agreement, usually writtenCONTRACT
Level 204: Kept on a car, usually in the trunk, in case of a blowoutSPARETIRE
Level 204: Decorative garment worn under a shirt collar, mostly in businessNECKTIE
Level 204: Magnetic art toy with two knobs, mostly for drawing stairsETCHASKETCH
Level 204: The _____ ____ of China can supposedly be seen from spaceGREATWALL
Level 204: What is this accessory?CHOKER
Level 204: Kept on a car, usually in the trunk, in case of a blowoutSPARETIRE
Level 204: Person who travels around, never settling in a single locationWANDERER
Level 204: The art of handwriting decorative textCALLIGRAPHY
Level 204: A kinked figure-eight shape with only one continuous sideMOBIUSSTRIP
Level 204: What is this accessory?ARMBAND
Level 204: Blended fruit drinkSMOOTHIE
Level 204: 2016 musical starring Ryan Gosling and Emma StoneLALALAND
Level 204: Earth’s atmospheric shield that absorbs UV radiationOZONELAYER
Level 204: What phrase does this represent?FRIENDCIRCLE
Level 204: Half of a bicycleUNICYCLE
Level 204: What is this period of increased birth rate?BABYBOOM
Level 205: British slang for garbage or trashRUBBISH
Level 205: Place to store clothes at homeCLOSET
Level 205: This element combined with oxygen makes waterHYDROGEN
Level 205: Preface to a literary work; opposite of epiloguePROLOGUE
Level 205: 1998’s Fear and _______ in Las Vegas starred Johnny Depp as gonzoLOATHING
Level 205: A warrior who fought in the medieval religious campaignsCRUSADER
Level 205: A person who is skilled at blending cocktails and other drinksMIXOLOGIST
Level 205: According to gangsters, snitches get theseSTITCHES
Level 205: “_________: A True Underdog Story”, 2004 US comedy starring VinceDODGEBALL
Level 205: What branch of technology is this?AEROSPACE
Level 205: O, AB+, A-, everyone has oneBLOODTYPE
Level 205: The ____ ___ is a series of three comedy movies starring Leslie NielsenNAKEDGUN
Level 206: A culture’s stories and tales, often used to explain the human conditionMYTHOLOGY
Level 206: Chemical used to remove stains off clothesBLEACH
Level 206: What is this astrological sign?CAPRICORN
Level 206: Home to kilts and bagpipesSCOTLAND
Level 206: Professional who presents the latest newsREPORTER
Level 206: To control a machine; to perform surgeryOPERATE
Level 206: A syringe is used to ______ medicineINJECT
Level 206: Economic sector related to manufacturing physical goodsINDUSTRY
Level 206: Professional that makes new forms and looks for items, e.g. clothingDESIGNER
Level 206: What is this safety practice?FIREDRILL
Level 206: 3D art structure, usually of metal or stone, that might be foundSCULPTURE
Level 206: You’ll find this on a pirate flagCROSSBONES
Level 207: 1999 cartoon created by Matt Groening that depicts life in the yearFUTURAMA
Level 207: An object valued for its ageANTIQUE
Level 207: This knife contains just about every tool imaginableSWISSARMY
Level 207: A superhero’s trusty partnerSIDEKICK
Level 207: Notorious US gangster that was eventually taken down on tax evasionALCAPONE
Level 207: The compound found in coffee and tea that keeps you awakeCAFFEINE
Level 207: The NHL team of this Michigan city is the Red WingsDETROIT
Level 207: What is this parrot breed?COCKATOO
Level 207: A route that gets you to your destination quickerSHORTCUT
Level 207: Co-founder and guitarist of the Rolling Stones, Keith ________RICHARDS
Level 207: The Golden _______ Awards are the Oscars for bad moviesRASPBERRY
Level 207: Professional who determines a person’s cause of deathCORONER
Level 207: Someone who speaks too much and without consideration for othersLOUDMOUTH
Level 207: Somebody who is very excited and full of life might be describedANIMATED
Level 207: Taboo words that are commonly censored in public broadcastsPROFANITY
Level 208: The state of having a childPREGNANCY
Level 208: A person made to bear the blame for othersSCAPEGOAT
Level 208: Freddy Krueger causes these at nightNIGHTMARES
Level 208: What is this European era of artistic and intellectual development?ROMANTIC
Level 208: First animal, alphabeticallyAARDVARK
Level 208: Social insects that mostly consume wood; household pestsTERMITES
Level 208: Kenny G is famous for playing this instrumentSAXOPHONE
Level 208: What rapper does this refer to?SLIMSHADY
Level 208: ____ ____ a time is used to introduce many fairy talesONCEUPON
Level 208: A person riding in carPASSENGER
Level 208: What is this part of a circle?DIAMETER
Level 208: Existing forever, unable to dieIMMORTAL
Level 208: Culturally and historically significant piece of music, often withFOLKSONG
Level 208: Someone whose opinion is trusted is considered _________CREDIBLE
Level 208: Philosophical belief that life has no intrinsic value or meaningNIHILISM
Level 208: Having all necessary parts; not missing anythingCOMPLETE
Level 208: Table of ______, a list of a book’s chapters and their starting pagesCONTENTS
Level 209: Getting one of these will advance your careerPROMOTION
Level 209: Professional that helps students plan their classes and careersADVISOR
Level 209: The apex of a storylineCLIMAX
Level 209: Dogs are man’s best _______FRIEND
Level 209: An elegant dance with pointed shoesBALLET
Level 209: “Glass half empty” type of personPESSIMIST
Level 209: Placing objects on top of one another in an orderly pileSTACKING
Level 209: What are these muscles?BICEPS
Level 209: “____ ____ and carry on”KEEPCALM
Level 209: To ambitiously seek a goalASPIRE
Level 209: To be present at an eventATTEND
Level 209: Miniature sea creature; favorite food of baleen whalesPLANKTON
Level 209: Where both the Minotaur and David Bowie have beenLABYRINTH
Level 209: Safety feature installed on the sides of the road to protect againstGUARDRAIL
Level 209: Phrase; a suggestion to prepare for all possibilitiesJUSTINCASE
Level 210: The time after sunset for the present dayTONIGHT
Level 210: Natural way to get a tanSUNBATHING
Level 210: What sports trophy is this?STANLEYCUP
Level 210: Man-made objects that orbit around the EarthSATELLITE
Level 210: Area that animals of the same species mark for themselvesTERRITORY
Level 210: Expression; having one of this means one is pregnantBUNINTHEOVEN
Level 210: Shelves used to store novels and other literatureBOOKCASE
Level 210: Under _______ is a Queen song originally released in 1981PRESSURE
Level 210: A dizzy feeling; name of a Hitchcock movieVERTIGO
Level 210: Gives sodas their distinctive fizzy qualityCARBONATION
Level 210: There are four of these every yearSEASONS
Level 210: The second most popular sport in the worldCRICKET
Level 210: The cold miser who yelled Bah! Humbug! during ChristmasSCROOGE
Level 210: Ali Baba tangles with them after learning the magic words “Open Sesame”FORTYTHIEVES
Level 210: Northeastern US regionNEWENGLAND
Level 210: “The ________”, famously dirty joke that was the subject of a 2005ARISTOCRATS
Level 210: A thing out of place for the time period, e.g. a human in the timeANACHRONISM
Level 210: Collectable doll filled with pellets that became a fad in the lateBEANIEBABY
Level 210: Execution device that removes one’s head from their shouldersGUILLOTINE
Level 211: Reading materials often found in waiting roomsMAGAZINES
Level 211: Disorder associated with refusing to eat in order to lose weightANOREXIA
Level 211: What is this garden applicance?SPRINKLER
Level 211: The _____ ____ of China can supposedly be seen from spaceGREATWALL
Level 211: The number of players on a soccer field at the start of a matchTWENTYTWO
Level 211: A soft children’s toy resembling an ursineTEDDYBEAR
Level 211: Dying from hungerSTARVING
Level 211: Highly concentrated coffee for someone in a hurryESPRESSO
Level 211: Stereotypically Australian greetingGDAYMATE
Level 211: Magical boy from Never Never LandPETERPAN
Level 211: Being able to do this means you are ___________AMBIDEXTROUS
Level 211: Company that created the gaming console, XboxMICROSOFT
Level 211: A quantity that is endless and impossible to measure or calculateINFINITE
Level 211: What is this kind of text?EMOTICON
Level 211: This sport is America’s favorite pastimeBASEBALL
Level 211: Wall art placed without permissionGRAFFITI
Level 211: Board game about buying propertyMONOPOLY
Level 212: What is this place you fill medicine prescriptions at?P******Y
Level 212: Contains everything in existenceUNIVERSE
Level 212: Mixing of different elements to make a new wholeSYNTHESIS
Level 212: Bottle of liquid with magical effectsPOTION
Level 212: Another way to address a police force memberOFFICER
Level 212: Oil platforms are also called “________ drilling rigs”OFFSHORE
Level 212: A sleeping bag used by cowboysBEDROLL
Level 212: This happens when you don’t lift with your legsBACKPAIN
Level 212: Audible device to help musicians keep track of timing and rhythmMETRONOME
Level 212: Crunchy bread pieces often found in Caesar saladCROUTONS
Level 212: The highest unit of an apartmentPENTHOUSE
Level 212: Spherical, savory ingredient in a spaghetti dish or sub sandwichMEATBALL
Level 212: Common name for shelled mollusks that have eyes all around theirSCALLOPS
Level 212: Former British PM Margaret ________, “The Iron Lady”THATCHER
Level 212: What’s this handheld companion called?PUPPET
Level 213: Insects with lobster-like pincers and a sting at the end of theirSCORPIONS
Level 213: The part of a bed you sleep onMATTRESS
Level 213: ________ Geographic is a science, geography, and history magazineNATIONAL
Level 213: The capital of TennesseeNASHVILLE
Level 213: People who are candidates for a prize or a political officeNOMINEES
Level 213: A word that means the opposite of another wordANTONYM
Level 213: ________ & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing gameDUNGEONS
Level 213: 2015 Netflix TV show about a blind Marvel superheroDAREDEVIL
Level 213: A rapper move; voice amplifier releaseMICDROP
Level 213: OCD is _________-Compulsive DisorderOBSESSIVE
Level 213: Part of the face that bangs coverFOREHEAD
Level 213: Soda sugar substitute; high fructose ___ ____CORNSYRUP
Level 213: Titanic; enormousGIGANTIC
Level 214: Kangaroos are native to this countryAUSTRALIA
Level 214: Chewy sweet that you can inflateBUBBLEGUM
Level 214: Cartoon boy genius Jimmy _______ is named for this subatomic particleNEUTRON
Level 214: An eureka moment might make a _________ appear over your head. FigurativelyLIGHTBULB
Level 214: The __________ of Tom Sawyer, a novel by Mark TwainADVENTURES
Level 214: Old-fashioned riflemen; a group of three of them were the subjectMUSKETEER
Level 214: Mythical beast with the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpionMANTICORE
Level 214: Someone from the capital of FrancePARISIAN
Level 214: This 70s American rock band sang “Dream on”AEROSMITH
Level 214: Prince _______ is the villain of “Shrek 2”, despite his beguilingCHARMING
Level 214: New World animal with armor plates; can roll up into a ball whenARMADILLO
Level 215: A suspenseful ending to an episodeCLIFFHANGER
Level 215: Japanese warriors who lived by the Bushido codeSAMURAI
Level 215: Visual representation of something; pictures, photosIMAGES
Level 215: Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek was played by WilliamSHATNER
Level 215: Money or property given to another by will; inheritanceLEGACY
Level 215: The Academy Awards are better known by this nameOSCARS
Level 215: Container containing sticks of wood used to spark flamesMATCHBOX
Level 215: What is this steady income stream?CASHCOW
Level 215: The _____ War took place in the 1950s between the North and SouthKOREAN
Level 215: Portable fire starterLIGHTER
Level 215: This type of screwdriver has a cross headPHILLIPS
Level 215: This city in China was ruled by Britain from 1841 to 1997HONGKONG
Level 215: Word which signifies the eventuality of King Lear’s demise; no valueNOTHING
Level 215: There are only 3 countries in the world that do not use this measurementMETRICSYSTEM
Level 215: Make a ____ -____ short is to skip all the details and arrive directlyLONGSTORY
Level 215: Which fictional killer is known for this day?JASON
Level 215: Household items like a bed, tables, chairs, and sofasFURNITURE
Level 215: Sending you to his or her office in school means you are in troublePRINCIPAL
Level 215: Paper proof of graduationDIPLOMA
Level 215: Land you visit to find Mickey Mouse and many princessesDISNEY
Level 215: Rudolph used his ___ ____ to guide Santa’s sleighREDNOSE
Level 215: A _____ engine is used to explore content on the internetSEARCH
Level 216: What is this carnivorous fish?PIRANHA
Level 216: OCD stands for _______-Compulsive DisorderOBSESSIVE
Level 216: A tortilla chip and cheese dishNACHOS
Level 216: A person who betrayed their countryTRAITOR
Level 216: To drain the water out of somethingDEHYDRATE
Level 216: Which country’s alphabet are these letters from?GREECE
Level 216: Profession who leads an orchestral performanceCONDUCTOR
Level 216: Turn on these when driving at nightHEADLIGHTS
Level 216: Place where doctors and nurses workHOSPITAL
Level 216: What is this unfortunate battle result?DEFEAT
Level 216: A song sung under a lover’s windowSERENADE
Level 216: The third place finisher will receive this medalBRONZE
Level 216: In Arabian folklore, these mystical creatures live in a lamp andGENIES
Level 216: Ticket price for a flightAIRFARE
Level 216: Dante’s ____, first part of his Divine ComedyINFERNO
Level 216: Party prop filled with helium or airBALLOON
Level 216: Each element of the periodic table has a different ______ numberATOMIC
Level 216: A specialized chair found in most bathroomsTOILET
Level 216: ______ Questions is a game where players must guess an object withTWENTY
Level 217: Black substance used to pave roadsASPHALT
Level 217: Tropical, yellow fruit with a spiky skinPINEAPPLE
Level 217: Should be purchased in case of an accidentINSURANCE
Level 217: Sheet with patterns cut out for tracing and duplicationSTENCIL
Level 217: To turn in a coupon for the promised dealREDEEM
Level 217: Son of the Elven king Thranduil in the Lord of the Rings series;LEGOLAS
Level 217: People who hunt animals illegallyPOACHERS
Level 217: Small handheld gardening tool for moving dirtSTRESSED
Level 217: Ruler with total power and control over a countryDICTATOR
Level 217: The Hydrogen bomb is this type of destructive weaponNUCLEAR
Level 217: Fortified residence of royaltyCASTLES
Level 217: What is this hairstyle?FLATTOP
Level 217: What is this type of contest?SPELLINGBEE
Level 217: A person who is implicated in a crimeSUSPECT
Level 217: A proof of purchase often used for returnsRECEIPT
Level 217: Domesticated stone; extremely low-maintenance companionPETROCK
Level 218: Dome-shaped muscular partition which plays a major role in breathingDIAPHRAGM
Level 218: Who are these Biblical figures?ADAMANDEVE
Level 218: ____ ____ with Bill Maher is a weekly HBO talk showREALTIME
Level 218: Last name of the most famous British detectiveHOLMES
Level 218: To successfully reach a goalACHIEVE
Level 218: Darth Sidious is also known as _______ Palpatine in the Star WarsEMPEROR
Level 218: Alvin and the _________ is about three of these rodent siblingsCHIPMUNKS
Level 218: The state of being grossly overweightOBESITY
Level 218: To let someone know about somethingINFORM
Level 218: When a company is forced by law to sell their assets to pay for outstandingBANKRUPT
Level 218: What is this movable indicator?CURSOR
Level 218: Brown confectionery made from heated sugarCARAMEL
Level 218: Purple, somewhat triangular, mascot for McDonaldsGRIMACE
Level 218: What is this tailoring term?FACING
Level 218: ______ Monroe, US actress, singer, and model; “Happy Birthday Mr.MARILYN
Level 219: To write musicCOMPOSE
Level 219: Enclosed area for skating, hockey, or curlingICERINK
Level 219: A person who traffics commodities for profitMERCHANT
Level 219: Yao Ming used to play for the Houston _______ROCKETS
Level 219: IKEA is from this countrySWEDEN
Level 219: The tracks upon which the trains runRAILWAY
Level 219: We go __ _____. 1,2…ONTHREE
Level 219: A participant or team that finishes in second placeRUNNERUP
Level 219: When wearing a tuxedo, you wear this instead of a tieBOWTIE
Level 219: Objects that are made from clayCERAMIC
Level 219: Famous Spanish artist who painted Guernica and invented CubismPICASSO
Level 219: Police cyborg who fought the Terminator in the comicsROBOCOP
Level 219: The majority French-speaking province of CanadaQUEBEC
Level 219: What is this type of investment put in a trust?ESCROW
Level 219: ______ J. Fox, former actor on “Spin City”; has a foundation dedicatedMICHAEL
Level 219: What is this wheeled tool?PULLEY
Level 220: A person who brings a case against the defendant in courtPLAINTIFF
Level 220: The family name of Luke, Anakin, and Leia in the Star Wars seriesSKYWALKER
Level 220: Classic card game that came with many versions of WindowsSOLITAIRE
Level 220: Tennis major in LondonWIMBLEDON
Level 220: Biting remarks that use irony to mockSARCASTIC
Level 220: Darth Vader wanted to turn Luke Skywalker to the ____ ____DARKSIDE
Level 220: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Men in Black star this actorWILLSMITH
Level 220: Dome-shaped shelter made from ice blocksIGLOO
Level 220: Ocean off the east coast of USATLANTIC
Level 220: People who work for a companyEMPLOYEES
Level 220: A ______ parent is a person who cares for a child who is not legallyFOSTER
Level 220: Finders _______, losers weepersKEEPERS
Level 220: Putting your hands together to show your approval of a performanceCLAPPING
Level 220: The first to explore a land or invent a technologyPIONEER
Level 220: What is this term related to sight?OCULAR
Level 220: Walking on a tightrope requires a good sense of thisBALANCE
Level 221: Make this to build your houseDRYWALL
Level 221: An elaborate and formal meal for many peopleBANQUET
Level 221: To make a hole by diggingEXCAVATE
Level 221: Footwear for animals commonly ridden by cavalryHORSESHOES
Level 221: Hearing organs which vibrate in response to sound wavesEARDRUMS
Level 221: Term for the time 12:00 AMMIDNIGHT
Level 221: The process of coming to live permanently in a foreign countryIMMIGRATION
Level 221: ______ dipping is the term for nude swimmingSKINNY
Level 221: Peanut ______ is a condiment that goes well with jellyBUTTER
Level 221: Host of American game shows “Whose Line is it Anyway?” and “The PriceDREWCAREY
Level 221: A person who runs through a public place in the nudeSTREAKER
Level 221: What is this Japanese dish called?TEMPURA
Level 221: The US government has 3 ______: Executive, Legislative, and JudicialBRANCHES
Level 221: Machine for cutting grass to keep it tidyLAWNMOWER
Level 222: Shelved storage usually for dishesCUPBOARD
Level 222: Often seen denim pants loved by cowboysBLUEJEANS
Level 222: Arcade games are often controlled using thisJOYSTICK
Level 222: Who a teacher teachesSTUDENT
Level 222: Spiky plant commonly seen in the desertCACTUS
Level 222: The body’s regulator of blood sugar levelsINSULIN
Level 222: Jewish girl who famously wrote a diary during WW2ANNEFRANK
Level 222: The process through which liquid turns to gasEVAPORATION
Level 222: Where livestock grazePASTURE
Level 222: The law of ______ and demand describes how prices can changeSUPPLY
Level 222: Street performing for a crowd and, hopefully, some tipsBUSKING
Level 222: Activity done to improve your health and increase body strengthEXERCISE
Level 222: Pixar produced animated movie featuring Sheriff WoodyTOYSTORY
Level 222: Practice of pursuing and shooting wild animalsHUNTING
Level 222: Basketball legend Dominique Wilkins played for the ______ Hawks betweenATLANTA
Level 222: A blunder caused by inattention or poor judgementMISTAKE
Level 223: Both Lenin and Putin have this first nameVLADIMIR
Level 223: Broadway, Central Park, and the Empire State Building can all beMANHATTAN
Level 223: The current Queen of EnglandELIZABETH
Level 223: Dr. Seuss’ Grinch hates this holidayCHRISTMAS
Level 223: Studies show that consuming this sweet feels the same as being inCHOCOLATE
Level 223: Tiled room for freshening upBATHROOM
Level 223: What is this type of men’s underwear?BOXERSHORTS
Level 223: Best known for being the smallest dog breed in the worldCHIHUAHUA
Level 223: The Hogwarts’ house symbolized by a serpentSLYTHERIN
Level 223: ________ Affairs is a law enforcement division which investigatesINTERNAL
Level 223: Black woodwind instrument; Squidward plays oneCLARINET
Level 223: A region of space having a gravitational field so intense that evenBLACKHOLE
Level 223: ATM is an _________ Teller MachineAUTOMATED
Level 223: An exploitable ambiguity in a set of rulesLOOPHOLE
Level 223: What is this makeup technique?CONTOUR
Level 223: A man who has never been marriedBACHELOR
Level 223: White, yellow, and orange-striped triangular candy resembling kernelsCANDYCORN
Level 223: Batman’s feline frenemy and love interestCATWOMAN
Level 224: ________ Franklin, one of the founding father of America, who appearsBENJAMIN
Level 224: Resolve a dispute with an estranged friendRECONCILE
Level 224: A love ________ is a romantic relationship between three peopleTRIANGLE
Level 224: What country is this flag from?FRANCE
Level 224: _______ comedy is an act delivered by a comedian in front of an audienceSTANDUP
Level 224: Capital of RussiaMOSCOW
Level 224: Ocean which can be seen off the west coast of the USPACIFIC
Level 224: Immune response to substances like pollen, fur, or a particular foodALLERGY
Level 224: A wedding _______ helps guests pick out appropriate giftsREGISTRY
Level 224: Muscles between the knee and the footCALVES
Level 224: Under this trance-like state, a person is more open to suggestions;HYPNOSIS
Level 224: Supersonic commercial airliner, now discontinuedCONCORDE
Level 224: A somewhat vestigial organ; might be found at the back of a bookAPPENDIX
Level 224: Gambling game where players buy numbered tickets for a chance toLOTTERY
Level 224: Ireland’s capital cityDUBLIN
Level 224: Metal bar with a curved end used to pry things openCROWBAR
Level 224: Genre of fiction meant to make you laughCOMEDY
Level 224: What is this musical instrument?CORNET
Level 224: Dustin _______ had iconic roles in “Rain Man” and “The Graduate”HOFFMAN
Level 224: Well known, but not in a good wayINFAMOUS
Level 225: The largest social network in the worldFACEBOOK
Level 225: ________ exclusive means one event doesn’t influence anotherMUTUALLY
Level 225: Sound of something falling into waterSPLASH
Level 225: What is this term of endearment?SWEETHEARTS
Level 225: To bring the dead back to lifeRESURRECT
Level 225: To draw in breathINHALE
Level 225: Audience members who yell and make fun of a stand-up comedianHECKLERS
Level 225: Type of beard named after a farm animalGOATEE
Level 225: An _________ cord lets you use appliances further away from a powerEXTENSION
Level 225: What is this flying insect?DRAGONFLY
Level 225: It is illegal to drink this and driveALCOHOL
Level 225: Old ______ is about a yellow dog saving the life of the boy whoYELLER
Level 225: An exercise where you lie face up and lift a heavy barbell over yourBENCHPRESS
Level 225: This helps you pay for collegeSCHOLARSHIP
Level 225: What is this tool?BLOWTORCH
Level 225: “Wallace and Gromit” uses this type of animation styleCLAYMATION
Level 225: This place is very important to SupermanDAILYPLANET

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Word Craze Answers [Level 176-200 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (175-200) Part 8

Word Craze Level 176-200 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 176: ________ to Entry are factors that make it difficult to enter anBARRIERS
Level 176: Double __________ tournaments require two losses to be knocked outELIMINATION
Level 176: A vehicle’s turn signals are also called thisBLINKERS
Level 176: Legendary US baseball player; one of the first superstars in sportsBABERUTH
Level 176: A vehicle’s turn signals are also called thisBLINKERS
Level 176: A working class person who performs manual laborBLUECOLLAR
Level 176: Annual music and art festival held in April in Indio, CaliforniaCOACHELLA
Level 176: After a coupon does this, you can no longer use itEXPIRES
Level 176: Double __________ tournaments require two losses to be knocked outELIMINATION
Level 176: If a boat starts sinking, people might say this!ABANDONSHIP
Level 176: Expression; very noticeableEYECATCHING
Level 176: In US politics, a policy or measure with support from both majorBIPARTISAN
Level 176: A working class person who performs manual laborBLUECOLLAR
Level 176: If a boat starts sinking, people might say this!ABANDONSHIP
Level 176: Expression; very noticeableEYECATCHING
Level 176: In US politics, a policy or measure with support from both majorBIPARTISAN
Level 176: ________ to Entry are factors that make it difficult to enter anBARRIERS
Level 176: Legendary US baseball player; one of the first superstars in sportsBABERUTH
Level 176: When a decision cannot be reached in courtHUNGJURY
Level 176: Annual music and art festival held in April in Indio, CaliforniaCOACHELLA
Level 176: Small dishes served before the main courseAPPETIZER
Level 176: Small dishes served before the main courseAPPETIZER
Level 176: The backside of a basketball basketBACKBOARD
Level 176: The backside of a basketball basketBACKBOARD
Level 176: Very tall building of steel and glass, often seen in dense modernSKYSCRAPER
Level 176: Small circular object used to fasten clothesBUTTON
Level 176: What are these regular tenants of college dorms?FRUITFLIES
Level 176: What are these regular tenants of college dorms?FRUITFLIES
Level 176: Very tall building of steel and glass, often seen in dense modernSKYSCRAPER
Level 176: What is this safety practice?FIREDRILL
Level 176: Who is this figure from Greek mythology?ICARUS
Level 176: A type of lollipop that has gum insideBLOWPOP
Level 176: Eight-legged arthropod, typically living in webs that they createSPIDER
Level 176: What is this semi-formal attire?TUXEDO
Level 176: Free from disturbance; at peaceTRANQUIL
Level 176: First name of Harry Potter’s godfatherSIRIUS
Level 176: The “Last ______” is Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous mural paintingSUPPER
Level 176: What does this luggage tag denote?FRAGILE
Level 177: A witch may use one of these to flyBROOMSTICK
Level 177: Expression; a ___________ sword is something with both good and badDOUBLEEDGED
Level 177: Common shape made by lying in fresh snow and moving ones arms andSNOWANGEL
Level 177: Legendary basketball star who had a heated rivalry with Magic JohnsonLARRYBIRD
Level 177: Expression; a ___________ sword is something with both good and badDOUBLEEDGED
Level 177: Singers and performers aspire to go to this famous street in NewBROADWAY
Level 177: Iconic giant lizard who terrorizes Japan and fights other giant monstersGODZILLA
Level 177: Iconic giant lizard who terrorizes Japan and fights other giant monstersGODZILLA
Level 177: Jumping on this is to join something only after it has become popularBANDWAGON
Level 177: Opiate which is commonly prescribed to control painMORPHINE
Level 177: What is this Steven Spielberg movie film series?INDIANAJONES
Level 177: Legendary basketball star who had a heated rivalry with Magic JohnsonLARRYBIRD
Level 177: Someone whose net worth has 3 commasBILLIONAIRE
Level 177: Common shape made by lying in fresh snow and moving ones arms andSNOWANGEL
Level 177: Singers and performers aspire to go to this famous street in NewBROADWAY
Level 177: Someone whose net worth has 3 commasBILLIONAIRE
Level 177: Something one does to their house or Christmas tree during the holidaysDECORATE
Level 177: A witch may use one of these to flyBROOMSTICK
Level 177: Something one does to their house or Christmas tree during the holidaysDECORATE
Level 177: The capital of the NetherlandsAMSTERDAM
Level 177: Jumping on this is to join something only after it has become popularBANDWAGON
Level 177: What is this Steven Spielberg movie film series?INDIANAJONES
Level 177: Product price reductionDISCOUNT
Level 177: Hitting the center of the dartboard is called thisBULLSEYE
Level 177: What is this telecommunication device?PAYPHONE
Level 177: A conflict fought between combatants from the same countryCIVILWAR
Level 177: The food or drink of the gods, according to Greek mythologyAMBROSIA
Level 178: ______ Buendchen, Brazilian model and activistGISELE
Level 178: A __________ check is used to verify a person is who they claimBACKGROUND
Level 178: A __________ check is used to verify a person is who they claimBACKGROUND
Level 178: A timetable of when events start and finishSCHEDULE
Level 178: A timetable of when events start and finishSCHEDULE
Level 178: In English, a form of a noun that expresses more than onePLURAL
Level 178: A word, borrowed from French, for someone you’re engaged to marryFIANCE
Level 178: This continent is home to the Sahara DesertAFRICA
Level 178: In English, a form of a noun that expresses more than onePLURAL
Level 178: What is this industrial machine?FORKLIFT
Level 178: What is this medieval weapon?CATAPULT
Level 178: A word, borrowed from French, for someone you’re engaged to marryFIANCE
Level 178: Staple newspaper word puzzleCROSSWORDS
Level 178: ______ Buendchen, Brazilian model and activistGISELE
Level 178: This continent is home to the Sahara DesertAFRICA
Level 178: To cause something to be slowly destroyed and broken down by naturalDECOMPOSE
Level 178: To cause something to be slowly destroyed and broken down by naturalDECOMPOSE
Level 178: Staple newspaper word puzzleCROSSWORDS
Level 178: What is this animal part?TENTACLE
Level 178: What is this industrial machine?FORKLIFT
Level 178: A restaurant’s listing of dishes specifically for childrenKIDSMENU
Level 178: Wanting to return to where you grew upHOMESICK
Level 178: Condition that affects the body’s ability to use insulinDIABETES
Level 178: Large snake species found in South America that gives its prey aANACONDA
Level 178: Comic strip by Jim Davis about a pudgy orange catGARFIELD
Level 178: A loan taken out to purchase a homeMORTGAGE
Level 179: __________: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, 2004 comedy starring WillANCHORMAN
Level 179: __________: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, 2004 comedy starring WillANCHORMAN
Level 179: A 90’s TV featuring heroic lifeguards running in slow motionBAYWATCH
Level 179: Store which offers loans using personal property as the guaranteePAWNSHOP
Level 179: A high _____ _____ means low interest rates on your loansCREDITSCORE
Level 179: Who is this English physicist and mathematicianISAACNEWTON
Level 179: A 90’s TV featuring heroic lifeguards running in slow motionBAYWATCH
Level 179: A term to describe a visually-appealing person or object; an opticalEYECANDY
Level 179: A transparent tank where fish and other water pets are keptAQUARIUM
Level 179: Medieval projectile weapon that fires boltsCROSSBOW
Level 179: Actor who starred in Good Will Hunting and Gone GirlBENAFFLECK
Level 179: A window installed in a roofSKYLIGHT
Level 179: Actor who starred in Good Will Hunting and Gone GirlBENAFFLECK
Level 179: This expression of disapproval is most beneficial in a constructiveCRITICISM
Level 179: Annual multi-genre entertainment convention held in San DiegoCOMICCON
Level 179: A term to describe a visually-appealing person or object; an opticalEYECANDY
Level 179: An area you must check while driving, especially when changing lanesBLINDSPOT
Level 179: Annual multi-genre entertainment convention held in San DiegoCOMICCON
Level 179: Outdoor market that sells second-hand goodsFLEAMARKET
Level 179: A high _____ _____ means low interest rates on your loansCREDITSCORE
Level 179: Store which offers loans using personal property as the guaranteePAWNSHOP
Level 179: A window installed in a roofSKYLIGHT
Level 179: This expression of disapproval is most beneficial in a constructiveCRITICISM
Level 179: University in Massachusetts with the most US presidents as alumniHARVARD
Level 179: University in Massachusetts with the most US presidents as alumniHARVARD
Level 179: What youth organization are they in?BOYSCOUTS
Level 179: Who is this English physicist and mathematicianISAACNEWTON
Level 179: Footrace that is 26.2 miles longMARATHON
Level 179: A monarch does this to formally relinquish their authorityABDICATE
Level 179: Annual festival for independent film makers held in UtahSUNDANCE
Level 179: “The pen is _______ than the sword”MIGHTIER
Level 180: 1939 movie depicting Dorothy’s journey home to KansasWIZARDOFOZ
Level 180: Potential buyers can see the property during this periodOPENHOUSE
Level 180: Being on ___ _____ involves having both arms and legs on the groundALLFOURS
Level 180: Keyboard button for TYPING LIKE THISCAPSLOCK
Level 180: Celebration in the sky with lights, smokes, and loud noisesFIREWORKS
Level 180: Being on ___ _____ involves having both arms and legs on the groundALLFOURS
Level 180: Continuously moving stairways often found in mallsESCALATORS
Level 180: Gift shops are packed with tourists buying these memorabiliaSOUVENIRS
Level 180: Which famous athlete does this represent?TIGERWOODS
Level 180: Continuously moving stairways often found in mallsESCALATORS
Level 180: Keyboard button for TYPING LIKE THISCAPSLOCK
Level 180: Occurring immediately in sequence; facing outwards in opposite directionsBACKTOBACK
Level 180: People who compete in sportsATHLETES
Level 180: Occurring immediately in sequence; facing outwards in opposite directionsBACKTOBACK
Level 180: People who compete in sportsATHLETES
Level 180: 1939 movie depicting Dorothy’s journey home to KansasWIZARDOFOZ
Level 180: C.I.A. stands for the _______ Intelligence AgencyCENTRAL
Level 180: Potential buyers can see the property during this periodOPENHOUSE
Level 180: Gift shops are packed with tourists buying these memorabiliaSOUVENIRS
Level 180: Space, the final ________. These are the voyages of the starshipFRONTIER
Level 180: Spectators at a public eventAUDIENCE
Level 180: Star-shaped symbol; used to point to annotations and footnotesASTERISK
Level 180: Space, the final ________. These are the voyages of the starshipFRONTIER
Level 180: Star-shaped symbol; used to point to annotations and footnotesASTERISK
Level 180: Geometric shape with a square base and triangle sidesPYRAMID
Level 180: What is this act of exposing something that is false or untrue?DEBUNK
Level 180: What is this act of exposing something that is false or untrue?DEBUNK
Level 180: Which famous athlete does this represent?TIGERWOODS
Level 180: What action is this?POURING
Level 180: What kind of band is this?ELASTIC
Level 181: _______ comedy is an act delivered by a comedian in front of an audienceSTANDUP
Level 181: This human organ has more connections than the Milky Way has starsBRAIN
Level 181: A turtle who prefers land over waterTORTOISE
Level 181: u201CIt’s always the _______ before the dawn, a reminder to stay positiveDARKEST
Level 181: Cadillac’s SUV brandESCALADE
Level 181: Popular app that lets people rent out their rooms and propertiesAIRBNB
Level 181: Collection of weapons and military equipment; soccer club in LondonARSENAL
Level 181: Innate behavior passed on through a speciesINSTINCT
Level 181: Indoor work locationsOFFICE
Level 181: Negatively charged particleELECTRON
Level 181: A turtle who prefers land over waterTORTOISE
Level 181: Innate behavior passed on through a speciesINSTINCT
Level 181: Collection of weapons and military equipment; soccer club in LondonARSENAL
Level 181: Popular app that lets people rent out their rooms and propertiesAIRBNB
Level 181: This human organ has more connections than the Milky Way has starsBRAIN
Level 181: What is this item?TEASPOON
Level 181: Cadillac’s SUV brandESCALADE
Level 181: u201CIt’s always the _______ before the dawn, a reminder to stay positiveDARKEST
Level 181: You can’t make one of these without breaking a few eggsOMELETTE
Level 181: What is this item?TEASPOON
Level 181: Sports spectators sit in theseBLEACHERS
Level 181: Phrase; be aware of, rememberBEARINMIND
Level 181: A device that keeps bird eggs in the right conditions to hatchINCUBATOR
Level 181: Holiday celebrated the day after Christmas in the UK and parts ofBOXINGDAY
Level 181: What is this aquatic bird feature?WEBBEDFEET
Level 182: 2013 Disney movie about Anna’s journey to connect with her sisterFROZEN
Level 182: Concentration of water vapour present in airHUMIDITY
Level 182: Cold turkey is one way to quit this compulsive behaviorADDICTION
Level 182: What is this American retailer?FOOTLOCKER
Level 182: Concentration of water vapour present in airHUMIDITY
Level 182: Energy obtained by harnessing the energy of the sun’s raysSOLARPOWER
Level 182: Cold turkey is one way to quit this compulsive behaviorADDICTION
Level 182: Energy obtained by harnessing the energy of the sun’s raysSOLARPOWER
Level 182: Fairy tale villain who huffs and puffsBIGBADWOLF
Level 182: Scientist who deals with everything on the periodic tableCHEMIST
Level 182: To transform from a liquid to a gasEVAPORATE
Level 182: Fairy tale villain who huffs and puffsBIGBADWOLF
Level 182: One’s disposition toward somethingATTITUDE
Level 182: Scientist who deals with everything on the periodic tableCHEMIST
Level 182: The capital of GreeceATHENS
Level 182: 2013 Disney movie about Anna’s journey to connect with her sisterFROZEN
Level 182: Skateboard with two wheels and a handlebarSCOOTER
Level 182: One’s disposition toward somethingATTITUDE
Level 182: Sci-fi vehicle used to abandon shipESCAPEPOD
Level 182: The capital of GreeceATHENS
Level 182: Tower containing a beacon light to guide ships at seaLIGHTHOUSE
Level 182: What are these natural phenomena?RAINBOWS
Level 182: Tower containing a beacon light to guide ships at seaLIGHTHOUSE
Level 182: What are these natural phenomena?RAINBOWS
Level 182: Skateboard with two wheels and a handlebarSCOOTER
Level 182: What is this American retailer?FOOTLOCKER
Level 182: The national bird of the United StatesBALDEAGLE
Level 182: A reduction of an employee’s rank or job titleDEMOTION
Level 182: Type of working schedule that gives some control over work hoursFLEXTIME
Level 182: Armor made up of many interlocking metal ringsCHAINMAIL
Level 182: What is this deep sea animal called?ANGLERFISH
Level 182: Symbol of a martial arts masterBLACKBELT
Level 183: A name referring to the Indian film industryBOLLYWOOD
Level 183: Actress and singer who was once the lead singer of Destiny’s ChildBEYONCE
Level 183: Art of pretending to be someone elseACTING
Level 183: Brussels is the capital of this countryBELGIUM
Level 183: Brussels is the capital of this countryBELGIUM
Level 183: Folding clothes will create these linesCREASE
Level 183: Voters choose between these election hopefulsCANDIDATES
Level 183: Art of pretending to be someone elseACTING
Level 183: Kendrick Lamar, The Game, Ice Cube, and Dr. Dre came straight outtaCOMPTON
Level 183: Monkey with a long doglike snoutBABOON
Level 183: US city nicknamed the Windy CityCHICAGO
Level 183: Actress and singer who was once the lead singer of Destiny’s ChildBEYONCE
Level 183: Students who have graduated from a particular schoolALUMNI
Level 183: Construction vehicle that pushes dirt or rubble out of the wayBULLDOZER
Level 183: Kendrick Lamar, The Game, Ice Cube, and Dr. Dre came straight outtaCOMPTON
Level 183: US city nicknamed the Windy CityCHICAGO
Level 183: What is this necessary part of a vehicle?WINDSHIELD
Level 183: What is this necessary part of a vehicle?WINDSHIELD
Level 183: The study of celestial objects and space phenomenaASTRONOMY
Level 183: A female garment with a hemline at least four inches above the kneeMINISKIRT
Level 183: A large advertisement seen in public spacesBILLBOARD
Level 183: What peculiar phenomenon is this?CROPCIRCLE
Level 183: In “The Big Bang Theory”, this character is married to Howard WolowitzBERNADETTE
Level 183: Outdoor market that sells second-hand goodsFLEAMARKET
Level 184: _______ Hopkins won an Oscar for Silence Of The LambANTHONY
Level 184: What is this part of formal attire?DRESSSHOES
Level 184: _______ Hopkins won an Oscar for Silence Of The LambANTHONY
Level 184: An unfortunate event that results in positive outcome is a ________BLESSING
Level 184: Describes something people are required to do; opposite of optionalMANDATORY
Level 184: Having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importanceARROGANT
Level 184: February gets an extra day when this occursLEAPYEAR
Level 184: To deliberately make someone angryPROVOKE
Level 184: An official ban on trade with a particular countryEMBARGO
Level 184: February gets an extra day when this occursLEAPYEAR
Level 184: Game in which participants must solve clues to unlock the door andESCAPEROOM
Level 184: Having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importanceARROGANT
Level 184: Newspaper cartoons served up in boxesCOMICSTRIP
Level 184: An unfortunate event that results in positive outcome is a ________BLESSING
Level 184: In baseball, a home run when all three bases are occupiedGRANDSLAM
Level 184: Newspaper cartoons served up in boxesCOMICSTRIP
Level 184: You should do this if you are too ill to go to workCALLINSICK
Level 184: Game in which participants must solve clues to unlock the door andESCAPEROOM
Level 184: To deliberately make someone angryPROVOKE
Level 184: What is this part of formal attire?DRESSSHOES
Level 184: You should do this if you are too ill to go to workCALLINSICK
Level 184: What kind of store is this?RETAIL
Level 184: Reached a destinationARRIVED
Level 184: What is being measured?LENGTH
Level 184: Folding clothes will create these linesCREASES
Level 185: Department responsible for managing and measuring a company’s financialACCOUNTING
Level 185: Department responsible for managing and measuring a company’s financialACCOUNTING
Level 185: First showing of a movie or performancePREMIERE
Level 185: First showing of a movie or performancePREMIERE
Level 185: Gymnast who walks on a tightrope or swings on a trapezeACROBAT
Level 185: Huge amphitheater built in Rome in the first century A.D.COLOSSEUM
Level 185: To travel between home and workCOMMUTE
Level 185: Desirable features of an apartment that make it more appealing toAMENITIES
Level 185: Huge amphitheater built in Rome in the first century A.D.COLOSSEUM
Level 185: Make him __ _____ he can’t refuseANOFFER
Level 185: Planet closest to the Sun; also a metal that is liquid at room temperatureMERCURY
Level 185: Theme park that has been called the Happiest Place on EarthDISNEYLAND
Level 185: Small cars intended to be crashed into one another for amusementBUMPERCARS
Level 185: What is this buried container?TIMECAPSULE
Level 185: Someone whose job is to help another with their tasksASSISTANT
Level 185: Who is this English poet?SHAKESPEARE
Level 185: Common gymnastics pose where the person balances their body upside-downHANDSTAND
Level 185: Gymnast who walks on a tightrope or swings on a trapezeACROBAT
Level 185: Theme park that has been called the Happiest Place on EarthDISNEYLAND
Level 185: Small cars intended to be crashed into one another for amusementBUMPERCARS
Level 185: To travel between home and workCOMMUTE
Level 185: To try to achieve somethingATTEMPT
Level 185: Someone whose job is to help another with their tasksASSISTANT
Level 185: What is this buried container?TIMECAPSULE
Level 185: Popular talk show which Jon Stewart hosted for 16 yearsDAILYSHOW
Level 185: What is this camping accessory?SLEEPINGBAG
Level 185: What is this camping accessory?SLEEPINGBAG
Level 185: Who is this English poet?SHAKESPEARE
Level 185: AC stands for “Air ___________”CONDITIONER
Level 185: What is this alternative name for sulfur?BRIMSTONE
Level 185: “A blessing in ________” is a seemingly bad situation that leadsDISGUISE
Level 186: An __________ speech is given by someone receiving an awardACCEPTANCE
Level 186: Existing as an idea but not having a concrete existenceABSTRACT
Level 186: Being a necessary part of somethingESSENTIAL
Level 186: Products in Apple’s laptop familyMACBOOK
Level 186: An __________ speech is given by someone receiving an awardACCEPTANCE
Level 186: Existing as an idea but not having a concrete existenceABSTRACT
Level 186: Job, profession, work; how one earns a livingOCCUPATION
Level 186: Led ________ recorded Stairway to Heaven, Black Dog, and ImmigrantZEPPELIN
Level 186: Having a high ____ _____ will lower interest rates on your loansCREDITSCORE
Level 186: Job, profession, work; how one earns a livingOCCUPATION
Level 186: Led ________ recorded Stairway to Heaven, Black Dog, and ImmigrantZEPPELIN
Level 186: Products in Apple’s laptop familyMACBOOK
Level 186: Who is this person of no importance or authorityNOBODY
Level 186: The pyramids were constructed in _______ EgyptANCIENT
Level 186: To block the passage of somethingOBSTRUCT
Level 186: What is this illegal act?JAYWALKING
Level 186: Being a necessary part of somethingESSENTIAL
Level 186: Can be measured in F, C, and KTEMPERATURE
Level 186: Type of book that details a specific person’s lifeBIOGRAPHY
Level 186: What is this illegal act?JAYWALKING
Level 186: The pyramids were constructed in _______ EgyptANCIENT
Level 186: Who is this person of no importance or authorityNOBODY
Level 186: What is this unofficial statement?OFFTHERECORD
Level 186: A yearly celebration of an event such as a wedding or business openingANNIVERSARY
Level 186: “Keeping up with the ________”, a reality show that follows the lifeKARDASHIANS
Level 186: Last resort for a fighter pilot to escape the cockpitEJECTORSEAT
Level 187: ______ Hoffman won two Oscars for Rain Man and Kramer vs. KramerDUSTIN
Level 187: ______ Hoffman won two Oscars for Rain Man and Kramer vs. KramerDUSTIN
Level 187: A scheduled stop between flights, where you transfer to another planeLAYOVER
Level 187: A scheduled stop between flights, where you transfer to another planeLAYOVER
Level 187: A word or phrase repeated in unison by a crowdLAYOVER
Level 187: Central: C.I.A. stands for the _______ Intelligence AgencyCENTRAL
Level 187: Style of Japanese cartoonANIME
Level 187: Central: C.I.A. stands for the _______ Intelligence AgencyCENTRAL
Level 187: Determine the value or amount of; to gauge or assessEVALUATE
Level 187: To meet someone face to face with hostile or argumentative intentCONFRONT
Level 187: Device that keeps planes on a steady course without any human controlAUTOPILOT
Level 187: Information that proves or disproves an accusation or other propositionEVIDENCE
Level 187: Determine the value or amount of; to gauge or assessEVALUATE
Level 187: Style of Japanese cartoonANIME
Level 187: To have enough money to purchase somethingAFFORD
Level 187: What is this an electrical device?EARPHONES
Level 187: Washing by immersing in waterBATHING
Level 187: Washing by immersing in waterBATHING
Level 187: What is this an electrical device?EARPHONES
Level 187: What is this method of transmission?RADIOWAVE
Level 187: A word or phrase repeated in unison by a crowdCHANT
Level 187: What is this method of transmission?RADIOWAVE
Level 187: What is this biological concept?LIFECYCLE
Level 187: Field of mathematics discovered by Leibniz and Newton; it can beCALCULUS
Level 187: An intense feeling of pleasure or happinessEUPHORIA
Level 187: A unit in the airforce consisting of multiple aircraftSQUADRON
Level 188: A hierarchy of species consuming other species; predators are atFOODCHAIN
Level 188: Expression; something that is very easyAPIECEOFCAKE
Level 188: All-present, all-seeing dictator of 1984; he’s watching youBIGBROTHER
Level 188: All-present, all-seeing dictator of 1984; he’s watching youBIGBROTHER
Level 188: Deliberate act to damage or disrupt a planSABOTAGE
Level 188: Someone unwilling to change is said to be as ________ as a muleSTUBBORN
Level 188: Do this with your mouse to select a fileLEFTCLICK
Level 188: What is this important kind of building?HEADQUARTERS
Level 188: An arachnid with a poisonous stinger on the end of a long tailSCORPION
Level 188: Expression; something that is very easyAPIECEOFCAKE
Level 188: Lead singer of Black SabbathOZZYOSBOURNE
Level 188: Hong Kong-American actor who popularized martial arts in the 70’sBRUCELEE
Level 188: Hong Kong-American actor who popularized martial arts in the 70’sBRUCELEE
Level 188: Lead singer of Black SabbathOZZYOSBOURNE
Level 188: Points that can be traded in for flight ticketsAIRMILES
Level 188: Points that can be traded in for flight ticketsAIRMILES
Level 188: Small homes, typically found in the countrysideCOTTAGES
Level 188: Someone unwilling to change is said to be as ________ as a muleSTUBBORN
Level 188: This eccentric musician sang Poker Face and Bad RomanceLADYGAGA
Level 188: Do this with your mouse to select a fileLEFTCLICK
Level 188: This eccentric musician sang Poker Face and Bad RomanceLADYGAGA
Level 188: Deliberate act to damage or disrupt a planSABOTAGE
Level 188: What is this important kind of building?HEADQUARTERS
Level 188: Owner who rents out their apartment or houseLANDLORD
Level 188: Something that will happen very soon can be described as thisIMMINENT
Level 188: What logging action does this represent?DEFOREST
Level 188: Successfully deal with obstaclesOVERCOME
Level 188: Strips of cloth that are wrapped around injuriesBANDAGES
Level 188: Lesser in quality; the opposite of superiorINFERIOR
Level 188: Opposite of a strengthWEAKNESS
Level 188: What food item does this represent?CHILIDOG
Level 188: One engaged in campaigns and protestsACTIVIST
Level 189: A CEO is the Chief _________ OfficerEXECUTIVE
Level 189: A pamphlet or book that lists all of a company’s productsCATALOG
Level 189: What is this state of being in love?MOONSTRUCK
Level 189: Both a famous UK university town and a city in MassachusettsCAMBRIDGE
Level 189: Injury caused by a blow to the headCONCUSSION
Level 189: Expression; __ ____ as a cucumber means to stay clam under pressureASCOOL
Level 189: Hero of a story in The Arabian Nights who has a genie friendALADDIN
Level 189: Play this “instrument” to pretend to be a rock starAIRGUITAR
Level 189: In billiards, when the cue ball is aimed to first bounce off a sideBANKSHOT
Level 189: To go behind _____ _____ is to infiltrate opposition-controller territoryENEMYLINES
Level 189: Injury caused by a blow to the headCONCUSSION
Level 189: What is this complimentary term?HANDINHAND
Level 189: A pamphlet or book that lists all of a company’s productsCATALOG
Level 189: Not clearly or distinctly visibleBLURRY
Level 189: Many fairy tales begin with the words “____ ____ a time…”ONCEUPON
Level 189: The Neighborhood of Make-_______ was a fictional kingdom on Mr.BELIEVE
Level 189: The Neighborhood of Make-_______ was a fictional kingdom on Mr.BELIEVE
Level 189: The traditional sound of a doorbellDINGDONG
Level 189: In billiards, when the cue ball is aimed to first bounce off a sideBANKSHOT
Level 189: The walking dead, in other wordsBANKSHOT
Level 189: A CEO is the Chief _________ OfficerEXECUTIVE
Level 189: To go behind _____ _____ is to infiltrate opposition-controller territoryENEMYLINES
Level 189: The traditional sound of a doorbellDINGDONG
Level 189: What is this complimentary term?HANDINHAND
Level 189: Expression; __ ____ as a cucumber means to stay clam under pressureASCOOL
Level 189: What is this state of being in love?MOONSTRUCK
Level 189: What is this plant-related term?GERMINATE
Level 189: Social pest insects that mostly consume woodTERMITES
Level 190: _______ tellers claim they can foresee your futureFORTUNE
Level 190: Travelling show of performers and animals; see them in the Big TopCIRCUS
Level 190: A pit from which stone is dug and found in abundanceQUARRY
Level 190: What you are, probablyHUMAN
Level 190: _______ tellers claim they can foresee your futureFORTUNE
Level 190: A three dimensional shape and icon of ancient EgyptPYRAMID
Level 190: Chocolate-flavored coffee drinkMOCHA
Level 190: Chocolate-flavored coffee drinkMOCHA
Level 190: In soccer, the only player who can use their handsGOALIE
Level 190: What is this piece of office equipment?HOLEPUNCH
Level 190: Italian luxury brand name dropped in a 2006 movie starring MerylPRADA
Level 190: Italian luxury brand name dropped in a 2006 movie starring MerylPRADA
Level 190: A pit from which stone is dug and found in abundanceQUARRY
Level 190: Travelling show of performers and animals; see them in the Big TopCIRCUS
Level 190: A three dimensional shape and icon of ancient EgyptPYRAMID
Level 190: What is this piece of office equipment?HOLEPUNCH
Level 190: In soccer, the only player who can use their handsGOALIE
Level 190: What you are, probablyHUMAN
Level 190: Economic sector that produces goods and servicesINDUSTRY
Level 190: A device that records the number of steps you have takenPEDOMETER
Level 191: A person who is not a member of the police or the armed forcesCIVILIAN
Level 191: The initial lump sum of money made when something is bought on creditDOWNPAYMENT
Level 191: An outdoor meal in a basket; watch out for ants!PICNICS
Level 191: A person who is not a member of the police or the armed forcesCIVILIAN
Level 191: Basketball shot where the ball is passed to a teammate in mid-airALLEYOOP
Level 191: Creator of the James Bond 007 franchiseIANFLEMING
Level 191: When a military force accidentally attacks an allied forceFRIENDLYFIRE
Level 191: Famous French phrase offered to those departing on a journeyBONVOYAGE
Level 191: Popular rice dish from Louisiana cooked with meat and vegetablesJAMBALAYA
Level 191: Creator of the James Bond 007 franchiseIANFLEMING
Level 191: Monopoly and Scrabble are examples of theseBOARDGAMES
Level 191: On a battlefield, this role was important for both morale and identifyingFLAGBEARER
Level 191: What is this touching feeling?HEARTWARMING
Level 191: Famous French phrase offered to those departing on a journeyBONVOYAGE
Level 191: One who is sleep-________ needs go to bed!DEPRIVED
Level 191: One who is sleep-________ needs go to bed!DEPRIVED
Level 191: Popular rice dish from Louisiana cooked with meat and vegetablesJAMBALAYA
Level 191: Monopoly and Scrabble are examples of theseBOARDGAMES
Level 191: Scheduled, organized work conversationMEETING
Level 191: Basketball shot where the ball is passed to a teammate in mid-airALLEYOOP
Level 191: The initial lump sum of money made when something is bought on creditDOWNPAYMENT
Level 191: On a battlefield, this role was important for both morale and identifyingFLAGBEARER
Level 191: What are these incremental improvements?UPGRADES
Level 191: An outdoor meal in a basket; watch out for ants!PICNICS
Level 191: European country home to kilts and bagpipesSCOTLAND
Level 191: What is this touching feeling?HEARTWARMING
Level 191: Scheduled, organized work conversationMEETING
Level 191: When a military force accidentally attacks an allied forceFRIENDLYFIRE
Level 191: Eating disorder associated with refusing to eat in order to loseANOREXIA
Level 192: A container for taking your sandwiches to work or schoolLUNCHBOX
Level 192: A patch on your head where there was once hairBALDSPOT
Level 192: A patch on your head where there was once hairBALDSPOT
Level 192: A person’s individual view or thoughts on somethingOPINION
Level 192: Originating from the UKBRITISH
Level 192: Atypical method that breaks from conventionUNORTHODOX
Level 192: What is this insect?INCHWORM
Level 192: A PhD or an MD is this kind of college degreeDOCTORATE
Level 192: Atypical method that breaks from conventionUNORTHODOX
Level 192: Mechanism that operates without manual inputAUTOMATIC
Level 192: One thousand metersKILOMETER
Level 192: What is this dining area?FOODCOURT
Level 192: Originating from the UKBRITISH
Level 192: Type of bed suspended between two treesHAMMOCK
Level 192: A container for taking your sandwiches to work or schoolLUNCHBOX
Level 192: This timely morning riser gets the wormEARLYBIRD
Level 192: Mechanism that operates without manual inputAUTOMATIC
Level 192: Type of bed suspended between two treesHAMMOCK
Level 192: Waving this is a sign of surrenderWHITEFLAG
Level 192: What is this dining area?FOODCOURT
Level 192: What is this insect?EARWIG
Level 192: The incandescent light bulb was Edison’s _______INVENTION
Level 192: What is this type of story?TALLTALE
Level 192: An injury where a joint is pushed out of positionDISLOCATE
Level 192: Widely known for negative reasons; infamousNOTORIOUS
Level 192: A kitchen utensil used to separate liquids from solidsSTRAINER
Level 192: What is this isolating term?ALIENATE
Level 192: Without delay; immediatelyINSTANTLY
Level 192: Painful inflammation and stiffness of jointsARTHRITIS
Level 192: Assurances that one will do something; sometimes brokenPROMISES
Level 192: What do you call these sandy places?DESERTS
Level 192: Department of a business that deals with product promotion and pricingMARKETING
Level 192: Steven Spielberg’s 1977 sci-fi film, “Close Encounters of the _____THIRDKIND
Level 193: A container for your screwdriver, hammer, pliers, etcTOOLBOX
Level 193: Date to celebrate female parentMOTHERSDAY
Level 193: A cube of toasted bread offered with soup or on saladsCROUTON
Level 193: Expression; meaning unchangableSETINSTONE
Level 193: A diet which limits the amount of grains consumedLOWCARB
Level 193: Classical stringed instrument held under the chin and played withVIOLINS
Level 193: To shake or move a tiny amount repeatedly and at speedVIBRATE
Level 193: A container for your screwdriver, hammer, pliers, etcTOOLBOX
Level 193: Clever grey mammal with a ringed tail and a facial pattern that resemblesRACCOON
Level 193: What is this meat product?SAUSAGE
Level 193: Date to celebrate female parentMOTHERSDAY
Level 193: Male friend of the groom who is in charge of the bachelor partyBESTMAN
Level 193: Clever grey mammal with a ringed tail and a facial pattern that resemblesRACCOON
Level 193: Expression; meaning unchangableSETINSTONE
Level 193: Classical stringed instrument held under the chin and played withVIOLINS
Level 193: Male friend of the groom who is in charge of the bachelor partyBESTMAN
Level 193: A diet which limits the amount of grains consumedLOWCARB
Level 193: Envious of someone else’s success or happinessJEALOUS
Level 193: Popular UK dish involving fries and the fillet of an aquatic animalFISHANDCHIPS
Level 193: The _______ rate is the value you can convert currencies atEXCHANGE
Level 193: The _______ rate is the value you can convert currencies atEXCHANGE
Level 193: A cube of toasted bread offered with soup or on saladsCROUTON
Level 193: To ruin someone else’s photo by suddenly moving into the shotPHOTOBOMB
Level 193: To shake or move a tiny amount repeatedly and at speedVIBRATE
Level 193: What is this computer part?CDDRIVE
Level 193: Sir Patrick _______ has played iconic characters like Professor XSTEWART
Level 193: Vegetable that resembles a stout cucumber; also called a summerZUCCHINI
Level 193: Vegetable that resembles a stout cucumber; also called a summerZUCCHINI
Level 193: Popular UK dish involving fries and the fillet of an aquatic animalFISHANDCHIPS
Level 193: What is this computer part?CDDRIVE
Level 193: Very valuable, silver-grey metal; often used for making jewelryPLATINUM
Level 193: Actively seeking to harm someone who has wronged youVENGEFUL
Level 194: A bound notepad popular with artists containing blank pagesSKETCHBOOK
Level 194: Flat, roundish fish with a needle-like tailSTINGRAY
Level 194: A warning sign posted outside a home might say _____ of dogBEWARE
Level 194: An option for couples who can’t have childrenADOPTION
Level 194: In a hereditary monarchy, the throne passes down the _________BLOODLINE
Level 194: Common celebratory gesture; don’t leave me hanging!HIGHFIVE
Level 194: People in positions of influence or who have a talent for guidingLEADERS
Level 194: Flat, roundish fish with a needle-like tailSTINGRAY
Level 194: The mean of a set of numbersAVERAGE
Level 194: Underground transportation system; also a type of sandwichSUBWAY
Level 194: In a hereditary monarchy, the throne passes down the _________BLOODLINE
Level 194: What is this person at a wedding ceremony?RINGBEARER
Level 194: Marshal _______ is the real name of rapper EminemMATHERS
Level 194: Watery disaster caused by an underwater earthquakeTSUNAMI
Level 194: Common celebratory gesture; don’t leave me hanging!HIGHFIVE
Level 194: People in positions of influence or who have a talent for guidingLEADERS
Level 194: Someone who draws, or scribbles mindlesslyDOODLER
Level 194: Someone who draws, or scribbles mindlesslyDOODLER
Level 194: Waterfall which can be seen from both Canada and USNIAGARA
Level 194: The mean of a set of numbersAVERAGE
Level 194: Wintertime weapon that can be scooped off the groundSNOWBALL
Level 194: Marshal _______ is the real name of rapper EminemMATHERS
Level 194: Watery disaster caused by an underwater earthquakeTSUNAMI
Level 194: An option for couples who can’t have childrenADOPTION
Level 194: What is this motion sickness?CARSICK
Level 194: A metal container with a combination lock that students use to storeLOCKER
Level 194: What is this period of time?CENTURY
Level 194: A bound notepad popular with artists containing blank pagesSKETCHBOOK
Level 194: What is this person at a wedding ceremony?RINGBEARER
Level 194: What is this motion sickness?CARSICK
Level 194: Wintertime weapon that can be scooped off the groundSNOWBALL
Level 194: What doesn’t kill you makes you _______, supposedlySTRONGER
Level 194: Name for a sweet purple flower; also, the name for the color of itsLAVENDER
Level 195: ____!…I Did It Again is the second album from Britney SpearsOOPS
Level 195: A French greeting that translates to good dayBONJOUR
Level 195: A French greeting that translates to good dayBONJOUR
Level 195: A response to a questionANSWER
Level 195: Distance traveled; essential factor when buying a used carMILEAGE
Level 195: Disorderly customers will be ________ off the premisesESCORTED
Level 195: Disorderly customers will be ________ off the premisesESCORTED
Level 195: Distance traveled; essential factor when buying a used carMILEAGE
Level 195: Shaken percussion instrument popular in Latin musicMARACAS
Level 195: ____!…I Did It Again is the second album from Britney SpearsOOPS
Level 195: Shaken percussion instrument popular in Latin musicMARACAS
Level 195: Speech intended to offend or belittle someoneINSULT
Level 195: Speech intended to offend or belittle someoneINSULT
Level 195: To turn a device off and onREBOOT
Level 195: A response to a questionANSWER
Level 195: Type of long stringy pasta that looks like ribbonsLINGUINI
Level 195: Type of long stringy pasta that looks like ribbonsLINGUINI
Level 195: What is this unsolicited correspondence?JUNKMAIL
Level 195: This person did this to add letters to the stoneENGRAVE
Level 195: Spectators at a public eventAUDIENCE
Level 195: Concentration of water vapor present in airHUMIDITY
Level 196: A bad joke might be met with this soundGROAN
Level 196: The grade of readiness of fruit for eatingRIPENESS
Level 196: Kevin _______ is the director and star of Dancing With The WolvesCOSTNER
Level 196: To change and often shorten a document, manuscript or piece of videoEDIT
Level 196: Meet someone face to face with hostile or argumentative intentCONFRONT
Level 196: To move with hasteHURRY
Level 196: Movie with a story that precedes an existing movie’s storyPREQUEL
Level 196: Movie with a story that precedes an existing movie’s storyPREQUEL
Level 196: Meet someone face to face with hostile or argumentative intentCONFRONT
Level 196: Shakespearean female lead, opposite to RomeoJULIET
Level 196: When the upper jaw goes over the lower jawOVERBITE
Level 196: The grade of readiness of fruit for eatingRIPENESS
Level 196: To emanate or reflect light; skin that exhibits good health willGLOW
Level 196: This stone can be sharpened or used to make a spark for a fireFLINT
Level 196: A bad joke might be met with this soundGROAN
Level 196: To change and often shorten a document, manuscript or piece of videoEDIT
Level 196: Shakespearean female lead, opposite to RomeoJULIET
Level 196: To emanate or reflect light; skin that exhibits good health willGLOW
Level 196: This stone can be sharpened or used to make a spark for a fireFLINT
Level 196: To move with hasteHURRY
Level 196: Kevin _______ is the director and star of Dancing With The WolvesCOSTNER
Level 196: What is this rare gemstone?SAPPHIRE
Level 196: What is this geometric solid?CYLINDER
Level 196: What is this point at which liquid is turned solid?FREEZING
Level 196: Feeling of pity for someone’s misfortuneSYMPATHY
Level 196: Party game where players act out words for others to guessCHARADES
Level 196: What combat action does this represent?DIVEBOMB
Level 196: The first vaccine was developed against this disease using the milderSMALLPOX
Level 197: A situation in which two opponents are equally matched and unableSTALEMATE
Level 197: Circular metal percussion instruments often found at the top of aCYMBALS
Level 197: A working canine breed, trained to herd woolly livestockSHEEPDOG
Level 197: Put at the end of a list, it means and other similar thingsETCETERA
Level 197: Circular metal percussion instruments often found at the top of aCYMBALS
Level 197: What is this type of impromptu party?TAILGATE
Level 197: Flat object for keeping your place in a written workBOOKMARK
Level 197: Hexagonal honeymaker homeBEEHIVE
Level 197: “The Spanish ______” was a large contingent of ships that attackedARMADA
Level 197: One whose job is to protect a particular personBODYGUARD
Level 197: One whose job is to protect a particular personBODYGUARD
Level 197: Put at the end of a list, it means and other similar thingsETCETERA
Level 197: The start of many jokes; who’s there?KNOCKKNOCK
Level 197: What is this Christmas-y ingredient?GINGERBREAD
Level 197: A person’s individual view or thoughts on somethingOPINION
Level 197: To set off an explosionDETONATE
Level 197: Wizards’ prison guarded by dementors, in the Harry Potter seriesAZKABAN
Level 197: What is this Christmas-y ingredient?GINGERBREAD
Level 197: The start of many jokes; who’s there?KNOCKKNOCK
Level 197: What is this type of impromptu party?TAILGATE
Level 197: A situation in which two opponents are equally matched and unableSTALEMATE
Level 197: Wizards’ prison guarded by dementors, in the Harry Potter seriesAZKABAN
Level 197: Hexagonal honeymaker homeBEEHIVE
Level 197: What is she doing?SWEEPING
Level 197: You will go like this if you try to look at your own noseCROSSEYED
Level 197: Washing yourself by immersing in waterBATHING
Level 197: Hero of a story in “The Arabian Nights” who has a genie friendALADDIN
Level 197: Apple’s proprietary media playerITUNES
Level 198: A common maxim of physicians is First, __ __ ____.DONOHARM
Level 198: What is this visual phenomenon?AFTERIMAGE
Level 198: A contingency device which triggers automatically to avoid a completeFAILSAFE
Level 198: A contingency device which triggers automatically to avoid a completeFAILSAFE
Level 198: A famous Yellowstone geyser named for its predictabilityOLDFAITHFUL
Level 198: Black-clad Sith lord with intimidating breathingDARTHVADER
Level 198: A gradual increase in intensity; in music, used to indicate increasingCRESCENDO
Level 198: Superman’s mild-mannered alter egoCLARKKENT
Level 198: A famous Yellowstone geyser named for its predictabilityOLDFAITHFUL
Level 198: Black-clad Sith lord with intimidating breathingDARTHVADER
Level 198: Describes a person who often trips and drops thingsCLUMSY
Level 198: One who travels by soliciting rides from others going in the sameHITCHHIKER
Level 198: The shape of the moon in its first and last quarterCRESCENT
Level 198: A common maxim of physicians is First, __ __ ____.DONOHARM
Level 198: Superman’s mild-mannered alter egoCLARKKENT
Level 198: One who travels by soliciting rides from others going in the sameHITCHHIKER
Level 198: The shape of the moon in its first and last quarterCRESCENT
Level 198: Andy ______, British tennis starMURRAY
Level 198: To speed up a recording, usually to skip the commercialsFASTFORWARD
Level 198: To speed up a recording, usually to skip the commercialsFASTFORWARD
Level 198: What is this visual phenomenon?AFTERIMAGE
Level 198: What is this expression of exasperation?FACEPALM
Level 198: Worm-like parasites that feed on bloodLEECHES
Level 198: “I Have a Dream” was a landmark speech by Martin ____ King Jr.LUTHER
Level 198: “Total ______” is a 2002 US sci-fi film starring Arnold SchwarzeneggerRECALL
Level 199: A false name or alias of an authorPSEUDONYM
Level 199: While driving, push this with your foot to slow downBRAKEPEDAL
Level 199: Blue-green stone; also a color named for that stoneTURQUOISE
Level 199: Cartoon mystery-solving Great DaneSCOOBYDOO
Level 199: Coils of this sharp material can be placed atop a fence to discourageBARBEDWIRE
Level 199: Coils of this sharp material can be placed atop a fence to discourageBARBEDWIRE
Level 199: Diagram showing the connections between a group of blood relativesFAMILYTREE
Level 199: Blue-green stone; also a color named for that stoneTURQUOISE
Level 199: Fictional sport in the Harry Potter seriesQUIDDITCH
Level 199: A false name or alias of an authorPSEUDONYM
Level 199: The Greeks’ gift to the city of TroyTROJANHORSE
Level 199: The tube connecting your mouth and your stomachESOPHAGUS
Level 199: What is this extreme sport?BASEJUMPING
Level 199: Diagram showing the connections between a group of blood relativesFAMILYTREE
Level 199: What is this extreme sport?BASEJUMPING
Level 199: The Greeks’ gift to the city of TroyTROJANHORSE
Level 199: What is this handicap?CLUBFOOT
Level 199: Cartoon mystery-solving Great DaneSCOOBYDOO
Level 199: While driving, push this with your foot to slow downBRAKEPEDAL
Level 199: Ron ______ is an US filmmaker responsible for movies like “A BeautifulHOWARD
Level 199: US retail store with a bullseye logoTARGET
Level 199: The feel and appearance of a surfaceTEXTURE
Level 199: What is this city in Ohio?COLUMBUS
Level 199: Breakfast porridge made from grainsOATMEAL
Level 199: What’s this deep-sea animal called?BLOBFISH
Level 200: A ____-_______ friend will only stick by you when things are goingFAIRWEATHER
Level 200: A whale or other cetacean’s equivalent to a nostrilBLOWHOLE
Level 200: A ____-_______ friend will only stick by you when things are goingFAIRWEATHER
Level 200: A distinctive bump on the throat; men’s tend to be more prominentADAMSAPPLE
Level 200: A scientific procedure for testing or proving an ideaEXPERIMENT
Level 200: What is this security device?SKELETONKEY
Level 200: A whale or other cetacean’s equivalent to a nostrilBLOWHOLE
Level 200: The _______ Triangle is an area known for mysterious disappearancesBERMUDA
Level 200: A scientific procedure for testing or proving an ideaEXPERIMENT
Level 200: Bucktoothed rodent builder’s wooden constructionBEAVERDAM
Level 200: Small metal clip for keeping hair in placeBOBBYPIN
Level 200: Sap from a red-leafed tree; goes great with pancakesMAPLESYRUP
Level 200: Something or someone that a person or thing is named afterNAMESAKE
Level 200: Something or someone that a person or thing is named afterNAMESAKE
Level 200: Sap from a red-leafed tree; goes great with pancakesMAPLESYRUP
Level 200: The _______ Triangle is an area known for mysterious disappearancesBERMUDA
Level 200: Professional who handles payments and receipts in a grocery storeCASHIER
Level 200: This is placed on top of a tee and hit with a driverGOLFBALL
Level 200: What is this espionage term?DOUBLEAGENT
Level 200: This is placed on top of a tee and hit with a driverGOLFBALL
Level 200: This legendary boxer said, float like a butterfly, sting like aMUHAMMADALI
Level 200: This legendary boxer said, float like a butterfly, sting like aMUHAMMADALI
Level 200: What is this espionage term?DOUBLEAGENT
Level 200: A distinctive bump on the throat; men’s tend to be more prominentADAMSAPPLE
Level 200: What is this security device?SKELETONKEY
Level 200: “_____ is golden”; sometimes it’s wise to say nothingSILENCE
Level 200: What is missing from this picture?KNIGHTS
Level 200: To try to achieve somethingATTEMPT
Level 200: Military raid or attackASSAULT
Level 200: What is this expressionless form of speech?DEADPAN
Level 200: Computer equipment used to get letters onto the screenKEYBOARD
Level 200: Hairy tropical fruit used for both its milk and oilCOCONUT
Level 200: “Make him __ _____ he can’t refuse”ANOFFER
Level 200: The union between two people until “death do us part”MARRIAGE
Level 200: A way to use currency to choose between two optionsCOINFLIP
Level 200: Remarkable or important; worth paying attention toNOTABLE
Level 200: The largest bird on Earth; one of their eggs makes 24 omelettesOSTRICH

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Word Craze Answers [Level 151-175 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (150-175) Part 7

Word Craze Level 151-175 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 151: Bald headed scavenging birdVULTURE
Level 151: Batman’s feline frienemy and love interestCATWOMAN
Level 151: Batman’s feline frienemy and love interestCATWOMAN
Level 151: Military haircut, named for the sound of the electric clipper usedBUZZCUT
Level 151: Bow-and-arrow-wielding member of the AvengersHAWKEYE
Level 151: What holiday does animal represent?EASTER
Level 151: French phrase meaning that’s lifeCESTLAVIE
Level 151: Plant-based butter substituteMARGARINE
Level 151: German highway system with no legal speed limitAUTOBAHN
Level 151: German highway system with no legal speed limitAUTOBAHN
Level 151: Requesting an answerASKING
Level 151: Military haircut, named for the sound of the electric clipper usedBUZZCUT
Level 151: Plant-based butter substituteMARGARINE
Level 151: This professional selects and arranges the exhibits of a galleryCURATOR
Level 151: What is this creamy dip?COOLWHIP
Level 151: Jack Russell, Boston, Bull, Scottish, are all types of thisTERRIER
Level 151: Tough material made from treated animal skinsLEATHER
Level 151: What holiday does animal represent?EASTER
Level 151: This professional selects and arranges the exhibits of a galleryCURATOR
Level 151: What is this creamy dip?COOLWHIP
Level 151: Shakespeare’s “Scottish play”MACBETH
Level 151: Track and field event involving throwing heavy iron ballsSHOTPUT
Level 151: ___ ___ Chili Peppers, American rock band with hit song “Scar Tissueu201DREDHOT
Level 151: Somewhat macabre word guessing gameHANGMAN
Level 152: A friction injury from rubbing against a rough carpetRUGBURN
Level 152: Large crimson canine star of children’s booksCLIFFORD
Level 152: Ancient Egyptian paper made from reedsPAPYRUS
Level 152: Bugs Bunny’s catchphraseWHATSUPDOC
Level 152: Hundred-year anniversaryCENTENNIAL
Level 152: Charlie _______, silent movie star and comedian with iconic toothbrushCHAPLIN
Level 152: What is this nighttime pest?BEDBUG
Level 152: Equine-based unit of engine performanceHORSEPOWER
Level 152: What type of non-intersecting lines are these?PARALLEL
Level 152: Hundred-year anniversaryCENTENNIAL
Level 152: Large, finned river-dweller with feline whiskersCATFISH
Level 152: Italian for very loudly, written on sheet music as ffFORTISSIMO
Level 152: They appear on your skin in response to excitement or very cold weatherGOOSEBUMPS
Level 152: A friction injury from rubbing against a rough carpetRUGBURN
Level 152: Large crimson canine star of children’s booksCLIFFORD
Level 152: Equine-based unit of engine performanceHORSEPOWER
Level 152: Large, finned river-dweller with feline whiskersCATFISH
Level 152: What carnival feature is this?SIDESHOW
Level 152: Modern successor to the abacusCALCULATOR
Level 152: Of or relating to catsFELINE
Level 152: Of or relating to catsFELINE
Level 152: These pink birds get their color from the shrimp they eatFLAMINGO
Level 152: Charlie _______, silent movie star and comedian with iconic toothbrushCHAPLIN
Level 152: Stereotypically Australian greetingGDAYMATE
Level 152: The act of moving animals in a groupHERDING
Level 152: The act of moving animals in a groupHERDING
Level 152: Words to a songLYRICS
Level 152: Italian for very loudly, written on sheet music as ffFORTISSIMO
Level 152: These pink birds get their color from the shrimp they eatFLAMINGO
Level 152: Bugs Bunny’s catchphraseWHATSUPDOC
Level 152: They appear on your skin in response to excitement or very cold weatherGOOSEBUMPS
Level 152: Modern successor to the abacusCALCULATOR
Level 152: To scrub skin with a rough material, removing dead skinEXFOLIATE
Level 152: Surprise attack by concealed attackersAMBUSH
Level 152: What is this nighttime pest?BEDBUG
Level 152: A sanitary cloth used when dining to wipe up messesNAPKIN
Level 152: An apple a day keeps this professional awayDOCTOR
Level 152: Herb that cats go crazy forCATNIP
Level 152: What insect royalty is this?QUEENBEE
Level 153: A Big Mac’s top bun is dotted with theseSESAMESEEDS
Level 153: What type of unhealthy snack is this?JUNKFOOD
Level 153: Board game about buying propertyMONOPOLY
Level 153: Gordon Ramsay yells at cooks as they compete in this reality TV showHELLSKITCHEN
Level 153: Inanimate fashion models, often placed in clothing store windowsMANNEQUIN
Level 153: Inanimate fashion models, often placed in clothing store windowsMANNEQUIN
Level 153: Minty lozenge for clearing a scratchy throatCOUGHDROP
Level 153: A Big Mac’s top bun is dotted with theseSESAMESEEDS
Level 153: Metal device with a sharp edge for punching shapes out of flattenedCOOKIECUTTER
Level 153: The entry point of a websiteHOMEPAGE
Level 153: Minty lozenge for clearing a scratchy throatCOUGHDROP
Level 153: New World animal with armor plates; can roll up into a ball whenARMADILLO
Level 153: This animal lived during the _______ eraMESOZOIC
Level 153: The study of celestial objects and space phenomenaASTRONOMY
Level 153: A series of pictures physically animated by quickly turning the pagesFLIPBOOK
Level 153: Metal device with a sharp edge for punching shapes out of flattenedCOOKIECUTTER
Level 153: The study of mushrooms and other fungiMYCOLOGY
Level 153: Gordon Ramsay yells at cooks as they compete in this reality TV showHELLSKITCHEN
Level 153: This animal lived during the _______ eraMESOZOIC
Level 153: The study of mushrooms and other fungiMYCOLOGY
Level 153: Tick-borne illness, presenting with an unmistakable bull’s-eyeLYMEDISEASE
Level 153: Toxic ocean flower; a clownfish’s best friendSEAANEMONE
Level 153: What is this large fruit?CANTALOUPE
Level 153: Meat from the chest of an animal, usually a cowBRISKET
Level 153: Toxic ocean flower; a clownfish’s best friendSEAANEMONE
Level 153: What is this large fruit?CANTALOUPE
Level 153: Tick-borne illness, presenting with an unmistakable bull’s-eyeLYMEDISEASE
Level 153: What type of unhealthy snack is this?JUNKFOOD
Level 153: What is this type of comfortable seat?ARMCHAIR
Level 153: A doctor that performs operationsSURGEON
Level 153: An audience will often burst into this after a great performanceAPPLAUSE
Level 154: _______ Lincoln served as the 16th president of the USABRAHAM
Level 154: What kind of old firearm ignition mechanism is this?FLINTLOCK
Level 154: _______ Lincoln served as the 16th president of the USABRAHAM
Level 154: A female garment with a hemline at least four inches above the kneeMINISKIRT
Level 154: America’s favorite pastimeBASEBALL
Level 154: This geometric feature comes in right, acute, or obtuse varietiesANGLE
Level 154: Ammunition for firearmsBULLETS
Level 154: The vocal imitation of percussion soundsBEATBOX
Level 154: Groucho Marx has an iconic one of theseMUSTACHE
Level 154: The type of calendar used in most parts of the world; also, a typeGREGORIAN
Level 154: Ammunition for firearmsBULLETS
Level 154: The vocal imitation of percussion soundsBEATBOX
Level 154: This geometric feature comes in right, acute, or obtuse varietiesANGLE
Level 154: What is this object?BARREL
Level 154: America’s favorite pastimeBASEBALL
Level 154: What is this object?PIGGYBANK
Level 154: Groucho Marx has an iconic one of theseMUSTACHE
Level 154: What is this type of sandwich?FRENCHDIP
Level 154: What kind of old firearm ignition mechanism is this?FLINTLOCK
Level 154: You go to a barber to get oneHAIRCUT
Level 154: One who fusses over unimportant detailsNITPICKER
Level 154: Area cordoned off with yellow tape by policeCRIMESCENE
Level 154: Also called “mouth harp”HARMONICA
Level 154: The classic pirate’s flag is called thisJOLLYROGER
Level 154: Expression; something that can pass for an exact copyDEADRINGER
Level 154: Magnanimous response to “no offense”NONETAKEN
Level 155: A large advertisement seen in public spacesBILLBOARD
Level 155: Expression; student who tries to make their fellows laughCLASSCLOWN
Level 155: Expression; student who tries to make their fellows laughCLASSCLOWN
Level 155: Home of GMT, the G stands for this locationGREENWICH
Level 155: The original user editable online encyclopedia; might not be 100%WIKIPEDIA
Level 155: Home of GMT, the G stands for this locationGREENWICH
Level 155: John McClane’s iconic one-liner in Die HardYIPPEEKIYAY
Level 155: Someone who has seen something firsthandEYEWITNESS
Level 155: The process through which a representative is voted inELECTION
Level 155: To get off, e.g. from an airplaneDISEMBARK
Level 155: John McClane’s iconic one-liner in Die HardYIPPEEKIYAY
Level 155: The original user editable online encyclopedia; might not be 100%WIKIPEDIA
Level 155: The process through which a representative is voted inELECTION
Level 155: Someone who has seen something firsthandEYEWITNESS
Level 155: What is this familiar sitcom convention?RUNNINGJOKE
Level 155: Prank that sends the victim searching for an imaginary creatureSNIPEHUNT
Level 155: Popular sandwich consisting of a ground meat patty between two bunsHAMBURGER
Level 155: What word does this represent?ENLIST
Level 155: Lacking all reason and sense; in math, a number that cannot be expressedIRRATIONAL
Level 155: You might find Beethoven, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky in this sectionCLASSICAL
Level 156: A sequence of drawings representing shots planned for a movieSTORYBOARD
Level 156: Penetrated by a sharp objectSTABBED
Level 156: A shower for your vehicleCARWASH
Level 156: TV series about a cancer-stricken chemistry teacher’s journey toBREAKINGBAD
Level 156: A style of sunglasses made famous by Top GunAVIATOR
Level 156: To propel a projectile beyond its intended targetOVERSHOOT
Level 156: Famous time-travelling car in film, but commercially unsuccessfulDELOREAN
Level 156: Famous time-travelling car in film, but commercially unsuccessfulDELOREAN
Level 156: Important document allowing you to take work overseasWORKVISA
Level 156: Loyalty points that can be traded in for flight ticketsAIRMILES
Level 156: Penetrated by a sharp objectSTABBED
Level 156: Type of lawsuit which represents a group with the same grievanceCLASSACTION
Level 156: A style of sunglasses made famous by Top GunAVIATOR
Level 156: Table of ______, a list of a book’s chapters and their starting pagesCONTENTS
Level 156: Important document allowing you to take work overseasWORKVISA
Level 156: The latest time or date by which something should be completedDEADLINE
Level 156: A shower for your vehicleCARWASH
Level 156: Heavy rectangular knives used by butchersCLEAVER
Level 156: To propel a projectile beyond its intended targetOVERSHOOT
Level 156: The latest time or date by which something should be completedDEADLINE
Level 156: TV series about a cancer-stricken chemistry teacher’s journey toBREAKINGBAD
Level 156: Type of lawsuit which represents a group with the same grievanceCLASSACTION
Level 156: You might have downloaded Word Crossy from here if you’re playingGOOGLEPLAY
Level 156: What is this uncredited author?GHOSTWRITER
Level 156: A sequence of drawings representing shots planned for a movieSTORYBOARD
Level 156: Flavored triangular corn chips that typically come in a big red bagDORITOS
Level 156: You might have downloaded Word Crossy from here if you’re playingGOOGLEPLAY
Level 156: SpongeBob SquarePant’s pink starfish companionPATRICK
Level 156: Cold-blooded reptiles with feetLIZARDS
Level 156: Deep narrow valley with steep sidesCANYON
Level 156: Surgeon’s outfit, often blueSCRUBS
Level 156: What is this headwear required for kitchen workers?HAIRNET
Level 156: What is this kitsch object called?LAVALAMP
Level 157: A loyalty to a particular party or organization, etc.ALLEGIANCE
Level 157: What is this sleepover activity?PILLOWFIGHT
Level 157: Absent-minded scribbles and drawingsDOODLES
Level 157: A sausage placed in a bun, or boiled sausages for that explicit purposeHOTDOGS
Level 157: Absent-minded scribbles and drawingsDOODLES
Level 157: These hairs on your face help prevent debris and dust from blockingEYELASHES
Level 157: Best of the best, of the highest standard internationallyWORLDCLASS
Level 157: The state of being extremely poorPOVERTY
Level 157: Connecting fabric together using needle and threadSEWING
Level 157: Existing forever, unable to dieIMMORTAL
Level 157: Largest e-commerce company in China; named after a tale from 1001ALIBABA
Level 157: Soldiers that fight on horsebackCAVALRY
Level 157: Photos of criminals’ faces taken upon arrestMUGSHOTS
Level 157: The deepest trench in the oceanMARIANA
Level 157: Largest e-commerce company in China; named after a tale from 1001ALIBABA
Level 157: Professional who handles payments and receipts in a grocery storeCASHIER
Level 157: Soldiers that fight on horsebackCAVALRY
Level 157: Star of “Two and a Half Men”, _______ SheenCHARLIE
Level 157: What is this US college?DARTMOUTH
Level 157: A sausage placed in a bun, or boiled sausages for that explicit purposeHOTDOGS
Level 157: South East Asian country famous for its jungle temples; its flagCAMBODIA
Level 157: Photos of criminals’ faces taken upon arrestMUGSHOTS
Level 157: The deepest trench in the oceanMARIANA
Level 157: The state of being extremely poorPOVERTY
Level 157: What is this prelude to a book?FOREWORD
Level 157: Spa treatment for the front of your headFACIAL
Level 157: These hairs on your face help prevent debris and dust from blockingEYELASHES
Level 157: Best of the best, of the highest standard internationallyWORLDCLASS
Level 157: What is this prelude to a book?FOREWORD
Level 157: South East Asian country famous for its jungle temples; its flagCAMBODIA
Level 157: What is this sleepover activity?PILLOWFIGHT
Level 157: A loyalty to a particular party or organization, etc.ALLEGIANCE
Level 157: What is this US college?DARTMOUTH
Level 157: Mythical horse with a helical horn on its headUNICORN
Level 157: News _______ might be described as “around the clock”COVERAGE
Level 157: The outcome of an action or competitionRESULT
Level 158: A first year student in college or high schoolFRESHMAN
Level 158: An indoor game where small missiles are thrown at a target of concentricDARTS
Level 158: A type of metal pot used to boil waterKETTLE
Level 158: The sequence of events in a storyPLOT
Level 158: An indoor game where small missiles are thrown at a target of concentricDARTS
Level 158: Someone prone to losing their temperHOTHEAD
Level 158: A type of metal pot used to boil waterKETTLE
Level 158: Chinese island with Portuguese roots, famous for its casinosMACAU
Level 158: Fungus with a domed cap on top of a stalkMUSHROOM
Level 158: What is this spice?CINNAMON
Level 158: What post-apocalyptic movie is this?MADMAX
Level 158: A first year student in college or high schoolFRESHMAN
Level 158: Intentionally taking a long time to do somethingDAWDLING
Level 158: Fungus with a domed cap on top of a stalkMUSHROOM
Level 158: Nobody moves like this main character on The Fresh Prince of Bel-AirCARLTON
Level 158: Popular form of gambling where participants win if their numbersLOTTERY
Level 158: Popular form of gambling where participants win if their numbersLOTTERY
Level 158: Display screen of a computerMONITOR
Level 158: Professionals who make and serve coffeeBARISTAS
Level 158: Professionals who make and serve coffeeBARISTAS
Level 158: Someone prone to losing their temperHOTHEAD
Level 158: The capital of TibetLHASA
Level 158: The capital of TibetLHASA
Level 158: Chinese island with Portuguese roots, famous for its casinosMACAU
Level 158: The sequence of events in a storyPLOT
Level 158: What is a person who plays this game called?BOWLER
Level 158: What is this originally Japanese cooking competition?IRONCHEF
Level 158: What is this originally Japanese cooking competition?IRONCHEF
Level 158: Intentionally taking a long time to do somethingDAWDLING
Level 158: What is this spice?CINNAMON
Level 158: Injury caused by excessive daylightSUNBURN
Level 158: “Harry Potter and the ______ of Fire”, the 4th novel in the sagaGOBLET
Level 158: US state of volcanic islandsHAWAII
Level 158: Container made by weaving together reeds, or strawBASKET
Level 158: These keep your hands warm in winterGLOVES
Level 158: What indicative verb does this represent?DENOTE
Level 159: A building used for worshipTEMPLE
Level 159: Sudden and unexpectedABRUPT
Level 159: An annually published book containing many kinds of world recordsGUINNESS
Level 159: The largest South American countryBRAZIL
Level 159: An annually published book containing many kinds of world recordsGUINNESS
Level 159: An extremely sad event or type of theatrical playTRAGEDY
Level 159: Headpiece for a king or queenCROWN
Level 159: Headpiece for a king or queenCROWN
Level 159: It’s important to arrive __ ____ for meetings to not keep peopleONTIME
Level 159: Some of the most complex joints in your body; these connect yourKNEES
Level 159: Sounds arranged to be pleasing to the earMUSIC
Level 159: A building used for worshipTEMPLE
Level 159: Sudden and unexpectedABRUPT
Level 159: An extremely sad event or type of theatrical playTRAGEDY
Level 159: The largest South American countryBRAZIL
Level 159: Some of the most complex joints in your body; these connect yourKNEES
Level 159: What is this difficult to judge situation?GREYAREA
Level 159: What type of massage is this?BACKRUB
Level 159: Sharp, pointed tools used in sewing and knittingNEEDLES
Level 159: Black and white Oriental symbol of balanceYINYANG
Level 159: Professional who can unclog toilets and drains and fix pipesPLUMBER
Level 159: On a ______ phone, numbers are placed in a circular dialing mechanismROTARY
Level 159: “_____ and Demons”, 2009 Tom Hanks movie based on the Dan Brown novelANGELS
Level 160: A logical failure which renders an argument invalidFALLACY
Level 160: There are typically 12 of these in a large pizzaSLICES
Level 160: Defects or blemishes that mar an object’s perfectionFLAWS
Level 160: Hairy tropical fruit used for both its milk and oilCOCONUT
Level 160: Professional who deals in cut flowers and bouquetsFLORIST
Level 160: Indonesian island famous for its coffee; a computer programming languageJAVA
Level 160: Indonesian island famous for its coffee; a computer programming languageJAVA
Level 160: Coin-operated public music playerJUKEBOX
Level 160: Italian supercar brand, maker of the VeyronBUGATTI
Level 160: What is this large room?BALLROOM
Level 160: Party game where players dance under a progressively lower barLIMBO
Level 160: Synonymous with beginner or amateurNOVICE
Level 160: Party game where players dance under a progressively lower barLIMBO
Level 160: Professional who deals in cut flowers and bouquetsFLORIST
Level 160: A logical failure which renders an argument invalidFALLACY
Level 160: Synonymous with beginner or amateurNOVICE
Level 160: Defects or blemishes that mar an object’s perfectionFLAWS
Level 160: There are typically 12 of these in a large pizzaSLICE
Level 160: Time period between the past and the futurePRESENT
Level 160: Italian supercar brand, maker of the VeyronBUGATTI
Level 160: What is this large room?BALLROOM
Level 160: Jell-o is a type of _______ dessertGELATIN
Level 160: Removing creases from fabric with heatIRONING
Level 160: One plays the piano using these digitsFINGERS
Level 160: Mythical ape-like creature named for the large tracks it leaves behindBIGFOOT
Level 160: An extremely sad event; type of theatrical play favored by ShakespeareTRAGEDY
Level 160: Nobody moves like this main character on “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”CARLTON
Level 160: Large fish-eating bird with a mouth pouchPELICAN
Level 161: A road that leads nowhereDEADEND
Level 161: What is this style of childish art?HANDPRINT
Level 161: African language spoken in countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, andSWAHILI
Level 161: A road that leads nowhereDEADEND
Level 161: Dark colored liquid used for cleaning woundsIODINE
Level 161: Popular Asian cooking method where ingredients are combined in aHOTPOT
Level 161: Largest city in the U.S. state of Kansas; mentioned in the WhiteWICHITA
Level 161: To fall at a rapid speedPLUMMET
Level 161: One way to quit cursing is putting money into one of these everySWEARJAR
Level 161: Professionals who make and sell breadBAKERS
Level 161: The body part between the elbow and the handFOREARM
Level 161: Popular Asian cooking method where ingredients are combined in aHOTPOT
Level 161: Production facility for beerBREWERY
Level 161: The practice of dressing up as a character in a book, movie, TV show,COSPLAY
Level 161: African language spoken in countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, andSWAHILI
Level 161: The _______, an epic poem written by HomerODYSSEY
Level 161: Largest city in the U.S. state of Kansas; mentioned in the WhiteWICHITA
Level 161: The body part between the elbow and the handFOREARM
Level 161: This bird is the main course for ThanksgivingTURKEY
Level 161: The practice of dressing up as a character in a book, movie, TV show,COSPLAY
Level 161: The _______, an epic poem written by HomerODYSSEY
Level 161: To fall at a rapid speedPLUMMET
Level 161: Dark colored liquid used for cleaning woundsIODINE
Level 161: What is missing from this picture?KNIGHTS
Level 161: One way to quit cursing is putting money into one of these everySWEARJAR
Level 161: US writer _____ Miller wrote “The Crucible” and “Death of a Salesman”ARTHUR
Level 161: What is this style of childish art?HANDPRINT
Level 161: What US sports car company has this animal as its symbol?MUSTANG
Level 161: What is this stinging insect?FIREANT
Level 161: Modest; not arrogantHUMBLE
Level 162: A language spoken by Dutch descendants in South AfricaAFRIKAANS
Level 162: Laundry option for non-machine-washable clothesDRYCLEAN
Level 162: Airplane passenger chairs furthest from the windowAISLESEAT
Level 162: Expression; one who tends to overreact emotionallyDRAMAQUEEN
Level 162: A language spoken by Dutch descendants in South AfricaAFRIKAANS
Level 162: Covers used to block sunlight from entering a roomCURTAINS
Level 162: Airplane passenger chairs furthest from the windowAISLESEAT
Level 162: Expression; one who tends to overreact emotionallyDRAMAQUEEN
Level 162: Famous French expression to show shock or surpriseOOHLALA
Level 162: Insulated portable container to keep food and drinks coldCOOLER
Level 162: Female crime fighter following in the footsteps of the caped crusaderBATGIRL
Level 162: The Spanish language has two genders, masculine and _________FEMININE
Level 162: Laundry option for non-machine-washable clothesDRYCLEAN
Level 162: Something incredible which cannot be easily explained; seen as divineMIRACLE
Level 162: Famous French expression to show shock or surpriseOOHLALA
Level 162: Sailors who steal from other vessels; also, people who illegallyPIRATE
Level 162: Covers used to block sunlight from entering a roomCURTAINS
Level 162: Dress code for dinner parties and other special occasionsFORMAL
Level 162: Something incredible which cannot be easily explained; seen as divineMIRACLE
Level 162: Sailors who steal from other vessels; also, people who illegallyPIRATE
Level 162: The Spanish language has two genders, masculine and _________FEMININE
Level 162: Female crime fighter following in the footsteps of the caped crusaderBATGIRL
Level 162: What is this animal?BLUEWHALE
Level 162: _____ Pattinson, English actor who played Edward Cullen in the TwilightROBERT
Level 162: To astonish or surprise someoneAMAZE
Level 162: _____ E. Cheese, kids’ party venue with animatronic mascotsCHUCK
Level 162: Something spoken about in hushed tonesSECRET
Level 162: Hairstyle of Mr. TMOHAWK
Level 162: A leather case for bills, photos, cards, and moreWALLET
Level 162: Alternative to automatic, in carsMANUAL
Level 163: 1976 Martin Scorsese film starring Robert De Niro as a New YorkTAXIDRIVER
Level 163: Addictive chemical found in tobacco leavesNICOTINE
Level 163: Addictive chemical found in tobacco leavesNICOTINE
Level 163: What is this playground equipment?JUNGLEGYM
Level 163: An adhesive so powerful it should have a capeSUPERGLUE
Level 163: An exercise machine that allows its user to run long distances inTREADMILL
Level 163: An adhesive so powerful it should have a capeSUPERGLUE
Level 163: An exercise machine that allows its user to run long distances inTREADMILL
Level 163: Degenerative mental disease that plagues the elderlyDEMENTIA
Level 163: Leaving extra money on the table for a restaurant serverTIPPING
Level 163: What can this insect make you feel?ITCHY
Level 163: Degenerative mental disease that plagues the elderlyDEMENTIA
Level 163: Leaving extra money on the table for a restaurant serverTIPPING
Level 163: Outdoor grill used for cooking meat and vegetablesBARBECUE
Level 163: What kind of employment situation is this?FREELANCE
Level 163: The Cold War structure that divided the German capital into easternBERLINWALL
Level 163: The Cold War structure that divided the German capital into easternBERLINWALL
Level 163: 1976 Martin Scorsese film starring Robert De Niro as a New YorkTAXIDRIVER
Level 163: The Milky Way is this type of celestial bodyGALAXY
Level 163: What is this playground equipment?JUNGLEGYM
Level 163: Outdoor grill used for cooking meat and vegetablesBARBECUE
Level 163: What kind of employment situation is this?FREELANCE
Level 163: Land surrounded by water on all sidesISLAND
Level 163: Something that can be chosen for a particular situationOPTION
Level 163: Car used to carry a coffin to a funeralHEARSE
Level 163: A movie that uses a similar plot to the original, but is enhancedREMAKE
Level 163: Underground passageway through a mountainTUNNEL
Level 164: A feeling one gets when there’s nothing interesting to doBOREDOM
Level 164: A machine for keeping grass shortLAWNMOWER
Level 164: A machine for keeping grass shortLAWNMOWER
Level 164: The process though which conclusions can be drawn from dataANALYSIS
Level 164: Insect species which includes both goliath and ladybugsBEETLE
Level 164: What is this vehicle called?HOVERCRAFT
Level 164: Insect species which includes both goliath and ladybugsBEETLE
Level 164: Popular Chinese video sharing appTIKTOK
Level 164: The process though which conclusions can be drawn from dataANALYSIS
Level 164: Underwater craft that navigates using sonarSUBMARINE
Level 164: A feeling one gets when there’s nothing interesting to doBOREDOM
Level 164: Unable to be harmedINVINCIBLE
Level 164: Unable to be harmedINVINCIBLE
Level 164: Underwater craft that navigates using sonarSUBMARINE
Level 164: Popular Chinese video sharing appTIKTOK
Level 164: What is this vehicle called?HOVERCRAFT
Level 164: To be joined togetherUNITED
Level 164: A GPS needs you to input one of these to know where to guide youADDRESS
Level 164: Writing your name on a document to show you acknowledge its contentsSIGNING
Level 164: The official offices of an ambassadorEMBASSY
Level 164: The cold-hearted miser who says “bah, humbug!” to ChristmasSCROOGE
Level 164: When an object is partially or completely covered by anotherOVERLAP
Level 164: What color do these colors combine to form?PURPLE
Level 165: Common gymnastics pose where the person balances themselves upside-downHANDSTAND
Level 165: The fictional address of Sherlock’s homeBAKERSTREET
Level 165: Desirable features of an apartment that make it more appealing toAMENITIES
Level 165: Fictional Doctor who can talk to animalsDOOLITTLE
Level 165: The Mission: Impossible and Die Hard series are examples of theseACTIONMOVIES
Level 165: God of the seasPOSEIDON
Level 165: God of the seasPOSEIDON
Level 165: Having all necessary parts; not missing anythingCOMPLETE
Level 165: What is this head accessory?HAIRBAND
Level 165: Popular talk show which Jon Stewart hosted for 16 yearsDAILYSHOW
Level 165: What is this kind of children’s gathering?PAJAMAPARTY
Level 165: Popular televised singing competition in the USAMERICANIDOL
Level 165: Type of document can only be accessed with a security clearanceCLASSIFIED
Level 165: Common gymnastics pose where the person balances themselves upside-downHANDSTAND
Level 165: The fictional address of Sherlock’s homeBAKERSTREET
Level 165: Popular televised singing competition in the USAMERICANIDOL
Level 165: The Mission: Impossible and Die Hard series are examples of theseACTIONMOVIES
Level 165: Type of document can only be accessed with a security clearanceCLASSIFIED
Level 165: What is this famous 80s romance movie?DIRTYDANCING
Level 165: What is this famous 80s romance movie?DIRTYDANCING
Level 165: Fictional Doctor who can talk to animalsDOOLITTLE
Level 165: What is this kind of children’s gathering?PAJAMAPARTY
Level 166: ________ Cumberbatch starred in Sherlock and Dr. StrangeBENEDICT
Level 166: Mcdonald’s offering that comes with a toyHAPPYMEAL
Level 166: An _______ buy is a purchase made based on a sudden urgeIMPULSE
Level 166: Being struck by Cupid’s _____ means you have fallen in loveARROW
Level 166: Being struck by Cupid’s _____ means you have fallen in loveARROW
Level 166: Lead singer of Guns n’ RosesAXLROSE
Level 166: Biggest search engine on the internetGOOGLE
Level 166: Don’t look it in the mouth!GIFTHORSE
Level 166: An _______ buy is a purchase made based on a sudden urgeIMPULSE
Level 166: Closely compacted together; high concentrationDENSE
Level 166: Popular 90s American sitcom about six people living in New York CityFRIENDS
Level 166: Don’t look it in the mouth!GIFTHORSE
Level 166: Lead singer of Guns n’ RosesAXLROSE
Level 166: Toyota’s most famous hybrid vehiclePRIUS
Level 166: ________ Cumberbatch starred in Sherlock and Dr. StrangeBENEDICT
Level 166: Mcdonald’s offering that comes with a toyHAPPYMEAL
Level 166: Closely compacted together; high concentrationDENSE
Level 166: The person facing charges in courtDEFENDANT
Level 166: The phase when an aircraft goes into flightTAKEOFF
Level 166: The person facing charges in courtDEFENDANT
Level 166: Toyota’s most famous hybrid vehiclePRIUS
Level 166: What is this way to select a candidate?NOMINATE
Level 166: Part of the refrigerator with the lowest temperaturesFREEZER
Level 166: A set of icons in an app that can be clicked to activate functionsTOOLBAR
Level 166: Abstaining from all or most kinds of food or drinkFASTING
Level 167: 2019 Marvel movie that concluded the Thanos sagaENDGAME
Level 167: A dinner and a movie between two couplesDOUBLEDATE
Level 167: Neil _________ predates Michael Jackson as the pioneer of the moonwalkARMSTRONG
Level 167: Expression; having a lot of money or resourcesDEEPPOCKETS
Level 167: Stretched vehicle allowing for a lounge-style experience on wheelsLIMOUSINE
Level 167: Male horse kept for breeding; a studSTALLION
Level 167: Scientist who studies the stars; don’t confuse one with an AstrologistASTRONOMER
Level 167: Male horse kept for breeding; a studSTALLION
Level 167: Neil _________ predates Michael Jackson as the pioneer of the moonwalkARMSTRONG
Level 167: A dinner and a movie between two couplesDOUBLEDATE
Level 167: Party for the whole neighborhood, typically held on a closed-offBLOCKPARTY
Level 167: Person or company that buys and sells paintingsARTDEALER
Level 167: Title given to the wife of the president of USFIRSTLADY
Level 167: Expression; having a lot of money or resourcesDEEPPOCKETS
Level 167: Scientist who studies the stars; don’t confuse one with an AstrologistASTRONOMER
Level 167: 2019 Marvel movie that concluded the Thanos sagaENDGAME
Level 167: Stretched vehicle allowing for a lounge-style experience on wheelsLIMOUSINE
Level 167: This was responsible for the sinking of the TitanicICEBERG
Level 167: What is this delicious baked good?CHERRYPIE
Level 167: Title given to the wife of the president of USFIRSTLADY
Level 167: Person or company that buys and sells paintingsARTDEALER
Level 167: Traditional grain-based foods served in a bowl of milkCEREALS
Level 167: A feeling of unhappinessSADNESS
Level 167: Party for the whole neighborhood, typically held on a closed-offBLOCKPARTY
Level 167: Voters choose between these election hopefulsCANDIDATES
Level 167: Traditional grain-based foods served in a bowl of milkCEREALS
Level 167: What is this delicious baked good?CHERRYPIE
Level 167: 2015 sci-fi movie starring Matt Damon and his return homeMARTIAN
Level 167: In English, “the” and “a” are examples of thisARTICLE
Level 167: The ______ system transmits signals throughout the bodyNERVOUS
Level 167: You are not getting presents from Santa if you are on the ______NAUGHTY
Level 168: Band started by Nirvana’s drummer in 1994; sang EverlongFOOFIGHTERS
Level 168: Popular sandwich originating from PhiladelphiaCHEESESTEAK
Level 168: Cars expel gasses from the _______ pipeEXHAUST
Level 168: Movies which continue the story of the previous movieSEQUELS
Level 168: During an emergency at sea, the captain might order ___ _____ onALLHANDS
Level 168: To amplify beyond the truth; to overstateEXAGGERATE
Level 168: Cars expel gasses from the _______ pipeEXHAUST
Level 168: Field of biology that studies the structure of the bodyANATOMY
Level 168: George _______ starred in Ocean’s Eleven and SyrianaCLOONEY
Level 168: What is this furniture?CHAIR
Level 168: What is this item that protects the wall?DOORSTOPPER
Level 168: It is said to be ___ ____ for a black cat to cross your pathBADLUCK
Level 168: It is said to be ___ ____ for a black cat to cross your pathBADLUCK
Level 168: Like a telescope, but for both eyesBINOCULARS
Level 168: Like a telescope, but for both eyesBINOCULARS
Level 168: Meat-eating animalsCARNIVORE
Level 168: What is this information storage solution?DATACENTER
Level 168: Band started by Nirvana’s drummer in 1994; sang EverlongFOOFIGHTERS
Level 168: Covering for a sword or other bladed weaponSHEATH
Level 168: Movies which continue the story of the previous movieSEQUELS
Level 168: Popular sandwich originating from PhiladelphiaCHEESESTEAK
Level 168: Technical name for the belly or stomach areaABDOMEN
Level 168: Field of biology that studies the structure of the bodyANATOMY
Level 168: Scholars who study the structure and use of languageLINGUISTS
Level 168: Scholars who study the structure and use of languageLINGUISTS
Level 168: Technical name for the belly or stomach areaABDOMEN
Level 168: This Canadian-American personality has hosted Jeopardy since 1984ALEXTREBEK
Level 168: What is this speaking skill?BILINGUAL
Level 168: This Canadian-American personality has hosted Jeopardy since 1984ALEXTREBEK
Level 168: To amplify beyond the truth; to overstateEXAGGERATE
Level 168: During an emergency at sea, the captain might order ___ _____ onALLHANDS
Level 168: What is this information storage solution?DATACENTER
Level 168: Meat-eating animalsCARNIVORE
Level 168: What is this item that protects the wall?DOORSTOPPER
Level 168: George _______ starred in Ocean’s Eleven and SyrianaCLOONEY
Level 168: Sea _____, a spiky sea critterURCHIN
Level 168: What is this speaking skill?BILINGUAL
Level 168: What type of coffee is this?DECAF
Level 168: Lacking a pattern; impossible to predictRANDOM
Level 168: Number system composed of 1s and 0sBINARY
Level 168: Pyrotechnics used to signal for helpFLARES
Level 168: In the movie “The Lion King”, he is the father of SimbaMUFASA
Level 169: A personal website where one leaves their writings and photos; AnnBLOG
Level 169: Month where every store plays songs about sleighs and red nosesDECEMBER
Level 169: An element of an artistic work that has been overused and lost itsCLICHE
Level 169: Nickname for Boston given for its local dishBEANTOWN
Level 169: An type of medication that relies on believing it is realPLACEBO
Level 169: The Big ______ is a constellation in the shape of a bowl with a handleDIPPER
Level 169: A personal website where one leaves their writings and photos; AnnBLOG
Level 169: Martin Luther King, Jr. famously said I have a _____DREAM
Level 169: Extracting valuable minerals from undergroundMINING
Level 169: Month where every store plays songs about sleighs and red nosesDECEMBER
Level 169: An element of an artistic work that has been overused and lost itsCLICHE
Level 169: Nickname for Boston given for its local dishBEANTOWN
Level 169: Sum of money charged for attending a schoolTUITION
Level 169: What is this epidemic disease?BIRDFLU
Level 169: Sum of money charged for attending a schoolTUITION
Level 169: The Big ______ is a constellation in the shape of a bowl with a handleDIPPER
Level 169: Daughters of one’s brother or sisterNIECES
Level 169: To approximate or roughly calculateESTIMATE
Level 169: To approximate or roughly calculateESTIMATE
Level 169: What is this epidemic disease?BIRDFLU
Level 169: An type of medication that relies on believing it is realPLACEBO
Level 169: Who is this actor-turned-director?EASTWOOD
Level 169: To expel air from the lungsEXHALE
Level 169: Spicy green paste typically served with sushiWASABI
Level 169: Precedes “Red Riding Hood”; small in sizeLITTLE
Level 169: ______ Brothers, US entertainment conglomerateWARNER
Level 170: 21 ____ ______, a popular 1980’s cop show that was remade with JonahJUMPSTREET
Level 170: What is this vehicle?SPACESHIP
Level 170: Capital of CubaHAVANA
Level 170: Former US Vice President who starred in An Inconvenient TruthALGORE
Level 170: 21 ____ ______, a popular 1980’s cop show that was remade with JonahJUMPSTREET
Level 170: Former US Vice President who starred in An Inconvenient TruthALGORE
Level 170: Headmaster of a fictional wizarding schoolDUMBLEDORE
Level 170: This mountain range has many of Earth’s highest peaks, includingHIMALAYA
Level 170: Home country of the famous Reggae musician, Bob MarleyJAMAICA
Level 170: Series of black lines that can be scanned to get product informationBARCODE
Level 170: Series of black lines that can be scanned to get product informationBARCODE
Level 170: The _____ ______, novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald set in the RoaringGREATGATSBY
Level 170: Headmaster of a fictional wizarding schoolDUMBLEDORE
Level 170: The _____ ______, novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald set in the RoaringGREATGATSBY
Level 170: Home country of the famous Reggae musician, Bob MarleyJAMAICA
Level 170: This mountain range has many of Earth’s highest peaks, includingHIMALAYA
Level 170: This type of school does not allow boys to attendALLGIRL
Level 170: What is this vehicle?SPACESHIP
Level 170: You might do this in your head when you’re trying to sleepCOUNTSHEEP
Level 170: Capital of CubaHAVANA
Level 170: You might do this in your head when you’re trying to sleepCOUNTSHEEP
Level 170: What type of pizza is this?DEEPDISH
Level 170: Bow-and-arrow-wielding member of the AvengersHAWKEYE
Level 170: Tough material made from treated animal skinsLEATHER
Level 170: Bald headed scavenging birdVULTURE
Level 170: What is this competitive cooking show originally from Japan?IRONCHEF
Level 170: What is this difficult to judge situation?GREYAREA
Level 170: Ancient Egyptian paper made from reedsPAPYRUS
Level 171: ______ beloved, we are gathered here today…DEARLY
Level 171: Lacking both shoes and socksBAREFOOT
Level 171: 1995 buddy cop film starring Will Smith and Martin LawrenceBADBOYS
Level 171: Slower and much bigger cousins of alligatorsCROCODILES
Level 171: A professional who repairs and makes items with ironBLACKSMITH
Level 171: What is this profession?AUCTIONEER
Level 171: An object placed in vehicles to keep toddlers in placeCHILDSEAT
Level 171: An object placed in vehicles to keep toddlers in placeCHILDSEAT
Level 171: In this US state, the sun doesn’t set from late May to late JulyALASKA
Level 171: Type of fish that needs special preparation to prevent poisoningPUFFER
Level 171: Type of insect with between 30 and 350 legsCENTIPEDE
Level 171: Lacking both shoes and socksBAREFOOT
Level 171: Trial run of a play, concert or other workREHEARSAL
Level 171: A professional who repairs and makes items with ironBLACKSMITH
Level 171: One-way road leaving a main highwayOFFRAMP
Level 171: One-way road leaving a main highwayOFFRAMP
Level 171: Slower and much bigger cousins of alligatorsCROCODILES
Level 171: 1995 buddy cop film starring Will Smith and Martin LawrenceBADBOYS
Level 171: Largest subspecies of tiger by population; also called the IndianBENGAL
Level 171: This is the capital of ThailandBANGKOK
Level 171: Trial run of a play, concert or other workREHEARSAL
Level 171: Working past normal working hoursOVERTIME
Level 171: Type of insect with between 30 and 350 legsCENTIPEDE
Level 171: In this US state, the sun doesn’t set from late May to late JulyALASKA
Level 171: What is this profession?AUCTIONEER
Level 171: This is the capital of ThailandBANGKOK
Level 171: Working past normal working hoursOVERTIME
Level 171: What is this moon shape?CRESCENT
Level 171: Cartoon cat Garfield famously hates this weekdayMONDAY
Level 172: A criminal might cut a deal to get _______ from prosecutionIMMUNITY
Level 172: The aviation branch of a nation’s militaryAIRFORCE
Level 172: A day for hoaxes and other practical jokesAPRILFOOLS
Level 172: Sensationalized news titles designed to lure in curious readersCLICKBAIT
Level 172: A person who conveys beliefs and opinions that he or she doesn’tHYPOCRITE
Level 172: To express regret and say sorryAPOLOGIZE
Level 172: A person who conveys beliefs and opinions that he or she doesn’tHYPOCRITE
Level 172: Journey back to health from injury or illnessRECOVERY
Level 172: An address delivered to an audienceSPEECH
Level 172: Sensationalized news titles designed to lure in curious readersCLICKBAIT
Level 172: This character is married to Howard Wolowitz in The Big Bang TheoryBERNADETTE
Level 172: The aviation branch of a nation’s militaryAIRFORCE
Level 172: What is this mathematical operation?SQUAREROOT
Level 172: A criminal might cut a deal to get _______ from prosecutionIMMUNITY
Level 172: This character is married to Howard Wolowitz in The Big Bang TheoryBERNADETTE
Level 172: This portable bed can be deflated for storageAIRMATTRESS
Level 172: What is this biweekly US magazine?ROLLINGSTONE
Level 172: Journey back to health from injury or illnessRECOVERY
Level 172: Lachrymose stuffed donkey from “Winnie the Pooh”EEYORE
Level 172: To express regret and say sorryAPOLOGIZE
Level 172: This portable bed can be deflated for storageAIRMATTRESS
Level 172: What is this biweekly US magazine?ROLLINGSTONE
Level 172: A day for hoaxes and other practical jokesAPRILFOOLS
Level 172: What is this mathematical operation?SQUAREROOT
Level 172: Martin Luther King Jr. famously said “I have a _____”DREAM
Level 172: Hypothetical perfect societyUTOPIA
Level 172: Sounds arranged to be pleasing to the earMUSIC
Level 172: Commonwealth country neighboring Rwanda and KenyaUGANDA
Level 172: What type of long-distance friend is this?PENPAL
Level 173: A _____ card is a payment method that pays from the user’s checkingDEBIT
Level 173: Branch of philosophy that seeks to resolve questions of moralityETHICS
Level 173: Another word for a movie theatreCINEMA
Level 173: A object to prevent drink spillage while in a vehicleCUPHOLDER
Level 173: A popped ______ is a fashion trend closely associated with polo shirtsCOLLAR
Level 173: Legendary German composer who famously continued composing afterBEETHOVEN
Level 173: An early _______ always tries to get their hands on the latest technologyADOPTER
Level 173: A object to prevent drink spillage while in a vehicleCUPHOLDER
Level 173: 2D representation of a sphereCIRCLE
Level 173: Another word for a movie theatreCINEMA
Level 173: What is this a small sour fruit?CRABAPPLE
Level 173: Branch of philosophy that seeks to resolve questions of moralityETHICS
Level 173: In tennis, a tie that can only be broken by a player scoring twiceDEUCE
Level 173: A popped ______ is a fashion trend closely associated with polo shirtsCOLLAR
Level 173: Experts make these based on current dataFORECASTS
Level 173: An early _______ always tries to get their hands on the latest technologyADOPTER
Level 173: In tennis, a tie that can only be broken by a player scoring twiceDEUCE
Level 173: Experts make these based on current dataFORECASTS
Level 173: Legendary German composer who famously continued composing afterBEETHOVEN
Level 173: US state where Las Vegas is locatedNEVADA
Level 173: Pretend to sing live by matching mouth movement to a recordingLIPSYNC
Level 173: Professional who designs buildings and may supervise their constructionARCHITECT
Level 173: A _____ card is a payment method that pays from the user’s checkingDEBIT
Level 173: Professional who designs buildings and may supervise their constructionARCHITECT
Level 173: Pretend to sing live by matching mouth movement to a recordingLIPSYNC
Level 173: What is this a small sour fruit?CRABAPPLE
Level 173: Injury that causes the skin to turn blue or purpleBRUISE
Level 173: Car gear used to go backwardREVERSE
Level 173: John Fitzgerald _______, the 35th US presidentKENNEDY
Level 174: A contingency in case things go awryBACKUPPLAN
Level 174: Minimal men’s swimwearSPEEDO
Level 174: An official ban on trade with a particular countryEMBARGO
Level 174: Game where players try to hit pucks into goals on a low-frictionAIRHOCKEY
Level 174: Equal, Sweet N’Low, and Splenda are types of _________ sweetenersARTIFICIAL
Level 174: The enemy of the protagonist in a movie or bookANTAGONIST
Level 174: Game where players try to hit pucks into goals on a low-frictionAIRHOCKEY
Level 174: Integers which are not divisible by twoODDNUMBERS
Level 174: Integers which are not divisible by twoODDNUMBERS
Level 174: The sons of your siblingsNEPHEWS
Level 174: What is this situation that causes delay in a process or system?BOTTLENECK
Level 174: Equal, Sweet N’Low, and Splenda are types of _________ sweetenersARTIFICIAL
Level 174: Minimal men’s swimwearSPEEDO
Level 174: A contingency in case things go awryBACKUPPLAN
Level 174: The enemy of the protagonist in a movie or bookANTAGONIST
Level 174: To retrace one’s steps; an effective method for finding lost itemsBACKTRACK
Level 174: Kubrick’s horror movie about a haunted house, “The _______”SHINING
Level 174: To retrace one’s steps; an effective method for finding lost itemsBACKTRACK
Level 174: What is this situation that causes delay in a process or system?BOTTLENECK
Level 174: A mother’s ________ instincts kick in when her children need careMATERNAL
Level 174: “The _______ Eight” is Quentin Tarantino’s eighth film, releasedHATEFUL
Level 174: Person who vigorously supports their countryPATRIOT
Level 174: Kiev is the capital of this countryUKRAINE
Level 174: Religious denominations that adhere more strictly to traditionalORTHODOX
Level 175: _________ of Broken Dreams, a 2004 song by Green DayBOULEVARD
Level 175: A GPS needs you to input one of these to help navigateADDRESS
Level 175: Someone’s ________ Heel is their weak pointACHILLES
Level 175: End-of-term ceremony marking the completion of studiesGRADUATION
Level 175: Might be seen on a person’s head during the Wild WestCOWBOYHAT
Level 175: Might be seen on a person’s head during the Wild WestCOWBOYHAT
Level 175: The second largest country in South AmericaARGENTINA
Level 175: A GPS needs you to input one of these to help navigateADDRESS
Level 175: Ryan Reynolds spent 10 years to get this R-rated comic book movieDEADPOOL
Level 175: End-of-term ceremony marking the completion of studiesGRADUATION
Level 175: Someone’s ________ Heel is their weak pointACHILLES
Level 175: Story time monster used to scare children into good behaviorBOGEYMAN
Level 175: What is this city?LOSANGELES
Level 175: The second largest country in South AmericaARGENTINA
Level 175: Story time monster used to scare children into good behaviorBOGEYMAN
Level 175: What is this city?LOSANGELES
Level 175: Word; a term that is in fashion at a certain timeBUZZWORD
Level 175: ________ glands produce the spit in your mouthSALIVARY
Level 175: A painful poke from a flying yellow buzzerBEESTING
Level 175: A public display in a galleryEXHIBIT
Level 175: _____ jacks are an exercise where one hops up and down, making aJUMPING
Level 175: Signal chemicals in your body like dopamine, adrenaline, or estrogenHORMONES

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