Level 151: Bald headed scavenging bird | VULTURE |
Level 151: Batman’s feline frienemy and love interest | CATWOMAN |
Level 151: Batman’s feline frienemy and love interest | CATWOMAN |
Level 151: Military haircut, named for the sound of the electric clipper used | BUZZCUT |
Level 151: Bow-and-arrow-wielding member of the Avengers | HAWKEYE |
Level 151: What holiday does animal represent? | EASTER |
Level 151: French phrase meaning that’s life | CESTLAVIE |
Level 151: Plant-based butter substitute | MARGARINE |
Level 151: German highway system with no legal speed limit | AUTOBAHN |
Level 151: German highway system with no legal speed limit | AUTOBAHN |
Level 151: Requesting an answer | ASKING |
Level 151: Military haircut, named for the sound of the electric clipper used | BUZZCUT |
Level 151: Plant-based butter substitute | MARGARINE |
Level 151: This professional selects and arranges the exhibits of a gallery | CURATOR |
Level 151: What is this creamy dip? | COOLWHIP |
Level 151: Jack Russell, Boston, Bull, Scottish, are all types of this | TERRIER |
Level 151: Tough material made from treated animal skins | LEATHER |
Level 151: What holiday does animal represent? | EASTER |
Level 151: This professional selects and arranges the exhibits of a gallery | CURATOR |
Level 151: What is this creamy dip? | COOLWHIP |
Level 151: Shakespeare’s “Scottish play” | MACBETH |
Level 151: Track and field event involving throwing heavy iron balls | SHOTPUT |
Level 151: ___ ___ Chili Peppers, American rock band with hit song “Scar Tissueu201D | REDHOT |
Level 151: Somewhat macabre word guessing game | HANGMAN |
Level 152: A friction injury from rubbing against a rough carpet | RUGBURN |
Level 152: Large crimson canine star of children’s books | CLIFFORD |
Level 152: Ancient Egyptian paper made from reeds | PAPYRUS |
Level 152: Bugs Bunny’s catchphrase | WHATSUPDOC |
Level 152: Hundred-year anniversary | CENTENNIAL |
Level 152: Charlie _______, silent movie star and comedian with iconic toothbrush | CHAPLIN |
Level 152: What is this nighttime pest? | BEDBUG |
Level 152: Equine-based unit of engine performance | HORSEPOWER |
Level 152: What type of non-intersecting lines are these? | PARALLEL |
Level 152: Hundred-year anniversary | CENTENNIAL |
Level 152: Large, finned river-dweller with feline whiskers | CATFISH |
Level 152: Italian for very loudly, written on sheet music as ff | FORTISSIMO |
Level 152: They appear on your skin in response to excitement or very cold weather | GOOSEBUMPS |
Level 152: A friction injury from rubbing against a rough carpet | RUGBURN |
Level 152: Large crimson canine star of children’s books | CLIFFORD |
Level 152: Equine-based unit of engine performance | HORSEPOWER |
Level 152: Large, finned river-dweller with feline whiskers | CATFISH |
Level 152: What carnival feature is this? | SIDESHOW |
Level 152: Modern successor to the abacus | CALCULATOR |
Level 152: Of or relating to cats | FELINE |
Level 152: Of or relating to cats | FELINE |
Level 152: These pink birds get their color from the shrimp they eat | FLAMINGO |
Level 152: Charlie _______, silent movie star and comedian with iconic toothbrush | CHAPLIN |
Level 152: Stereotypically Australian greeting | GDAYMATE |
Level 152: The act of moving animals in a group | HERDING |
Level 152: The act of moving animals in a group | HERDING |
Level 152: Words to a song | LYRICS |
Level 152: Italian for very loudly, written on sheet music as ff | FORTISSIMO |
Level 152: These pink birds get their color from the shrimp they eat | FLAMINGO |
Level 152: Bugs Bunny’s catchphrase | WHATSUPDOC |
Level 152: They appear on your skin in response to excitement or very cold weather | GOOSEBUMPS |
Level 152: Modern successor to the abacus | CALCULATOR |
Level 152: To scrub skin with a rough material, removing dead skin | EXFOLIATE |
Level 152: Surprise attack by concealed attackers | AMBUSH |
Level 152: What is this nighttime pest? | BEDBUG |
Level 152: A sanitary cloth used when dining to wipe up messes | NAPKIN |
Level 152: An apple a day keeps this professional away | DOCTOR |
Level 152: Herb that cats go crazy for | CATNIP |
Level 152: What insect royalty is this? | QUEENBEE |
Level 153: A Big Mac’s top bun is dotted with these | SESAMESEEDS |
Level 153: What type of unhealthy snack is this? | JUNKFOOD |
Level 153: Board game about buying property | MONOPOLY |
Level 153: Gordon Ramsay yells at cooks as they compete in this reality TV show | HELLSKITCHEN |
Level 153: Inanimate fashion models, often placed in clothing store windows | MANNEQUIN |
Level 153: Inanimate fashion models, often placed in clothing store windows | MANNEQUIN |
Level 153: Minty lozenge for clearing a scratchy throat | COUGHDROP |
Level 153: A Big Mac’s top bun is dotted with these | SESAMESEEDS |
Level 153: Metal device with a sharp edge for punching shapes out of flattened | COOKIECUTTER |
Level 153: The entry point of a website | HOMEPAGE |
Level 153: Minty lozenge for clearing a scratchy throat | COUGHDROP |
Level 153: New World animal with armor plates; can roll up into a ball when | ARMADILLO |
Level 153: This animal lived during the _______ era | MESOZOIC |
Level 153: The study of celestial objects and space phenomena | ASTRONOMY |
Level 153: A series of pictures physically animated by quickly turning the pages | FLIPBOOK |
Level 153: Metal device with a sharp edge for punching shapes out of flattened | COOKIECUTTER |
Level 153: The study of mushrooms and other fungi | MYCOLOGY |
Level 153: Gordon Ramsay yells at cooks as they compete in this reality TV show | HELLSKITCHEN |
Level 153: This animal lived during the _______ era | MESOZOIC |
Level 153: The study of mushrooms and other fungi | MYCOLOGY |
Level 153: Tick-borne illness, presenting with an unmistakable bull’s-eye | LYMEDISEASE |
Level 153: Toxic ocean flower; a clownfish’s best friend | SEAANEMONE |
Level 153: What is this large fruit? | CANTALOUPE |
Level 153: Meat from the chest of an animal, usually a cow | BRISKET |
Level 153: Toxic ocean flower; a clownfish’s best friend | SEAANEMONE |
Level 153: What is this large fruit? | CANTALOUPE |
Level 153: Tick-borne illness, presenting with an unmistakable bull’s-eye | LYMEDISEASE |
Level 153: What type of unhealthy snack is this? | JUNKFOOD |
Level 153: What is this type of comfortable seat? | ARMCHAIR |
Level 153: A doctor that performs operations | SURGEON |
Level 153: An audience will often burst into this after a great performance | APPLAUSE |
Level 154: _______ Lincoln served as the 16th president of the US | ABRAHAM |
Level 154: What kind of old firearm ignition mechanism is this? | FLINTLOCK |
Level 154: _______ Lincoln served as the 16th president of the US | ABRAHAM |
Level 154: A female garment with a hemline at least four inches above the knee | MINISKIRT |
Level 154: America’s favorite pastime | BASEBALL |
Level 154: This geometric feature comes in right, acute, or obtuse varieties | ANGLE |
Level 154: Ammunition for firearms | BULLETS |
Level 154: The vocal imitation of percussion sounds | BEATBOX |
Level 154: Groucho Marx has an iconic one of these | MUSTACHE |
Level 154: The type of calendar used in most parts of the world; also, a type | GREGORIAN |
Level 154: Ammunition for firearms | BULLETS |
Level 154: The vocal imitation of percussion sounds | BEATBOX |
Level 154: This geometric feature comes in right, acute, or obtuse varieties | ANGLE |
Level 154: What is this object? | BARREL |
Level 154: America’s favorite pastime | BASEBALL |
Level 154: What is this object? | PIGGYBANK |
Level 154: Groucho Marx has an iconic one of these | MUSTACHE |
Level 154: What is this type of sandwich? | FRENCHDIP |
Level 154: What kind of old firearm ignition mechanism is this? | FLINTLOCK |
Level 154: You go to a barber to get one | HAIRCUT |
Level 154: One who fusses over unimportant details | NITPICKER |
Level 154: Area cordoned off with yellow tape by police | CRIMESCENE |
Level 154: Also called “mouth harp” | HARMONICA |
Level 154: The classic pirate’s flag is called this | JOLLYROGER |
Level 154: Expression; something that can pass for an exact copy | DEADRINGER |
Level 154: Magnanimous response to “no offense” | NONETAKEN |
Level 155: A large advertisement seen in public spaces | BILLBOARD |
Level 155: Expression; student who tries to make their fellows laugh | CLASSCLOWN |
Level 155: Expression; student who tries to make their fellows laugh | CLASSCLOWN |
Level 155: Home of GMT, the G stands for this location | GREENWICH |
Level 155: The original user editable online encyclopedia; might not be 100% | WIKIPEDIA |
Level 155: Home of GMT, the G stands for this location | GREENWICH |
Level 155: John McClane’s iconic one-liner in Die Hard | YIPPEEKIYAY |
Level 155: Someone who has seen something firsthand | EYEWITNESS |
Level 155: The process through which a representative is voted in | ELECTION |
Level 155: To get off, e.g. from an airplane | DISEMBARK |
Level 155: John McClane’s iconic one-liner in Die Hard | YIPPEEKIYAY |
Level 155: The original user editable online encyclopedia; might not be 100% | WIKIPEDIA |
Level 155: The process through which a representative is voted in | ELECTION |
Level 155: Someone who has seen something firsthand | EYEWITNESS |
Level 155: What is this familiar sitcom convention? | RUNNINGJOKE |
Level 155: Prank that sends the victim searching for an imaginary creature | SNIPEHUNT |
Level 155: Popular sandwich consisting of a ground meat patty between two buns | HAMBURGER |
Level 155: What word does this represent? | ENLIST |
Level 155: Lacking all reason and sense; in math, a number that cannot be expressed | IRRATIONAL |
Level 155: You might find Beethoven, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky in this section | CLASSICAL |
Level 156: A sequence of drawings representing shots planned for a movie | STORYBOARD |
Level 156: Penetrated by a sharp object | STABBED |
Level 156: A shower for your vehicle | CARWASH |
Level 156: TV series about a cancer-stricken chemistry teacher’s journey to | BREAKINGBAD |
Level 156: A style of sunglasses made famous by Top Gun | AVIATOR |
Level 156: To propel a projectile beyond its intended target | OVERSHOOT |
Level 156: Famous time-travelling car in film, but commercially unsuccessful | DELOREAN |
Level 156: Famous time-travelling car in film, but commercially unsuccessful | DELOREAN |
Level 156: Important document allowing you to take work overseas | WORKVISA |
Level 156: Loyalty points that can be traded in for flight tickets | AIRMILES |
Level 156: Penetrated by a sharp object | STABBED |
Level 156: Type of lawsuit which represents a group with the same grievance | CLASSACTION |
Level 156: A style of sunglasses made famous by Top Gun | AVIATOR |
Level 156: Table of ______, a list of a book’s chapters and their starting pages | CONTENTS |
Level 156: Important document allowing you to take work overseas | WORKVISA |
Level 156: The latest time or date by which something should be completed | DEADLINE |
Level 156: A shower for your vehicle | CARWASH |
Level 156: Heavy rectangular knives used by butchers | CLEAVER |
Level 156: To propel a projectile beyond its intended target | OVERSHOOT |
Level 156: The latest time or date by which something should be completed | DEADLINE |
Level 156: TV series about a cancer-stricken chemistry teacher’s journey to | BREAKINGBAD |
Level 156: Type of lawsuit which represents a group with the same grievance | CLASSACTION |
Level 156: You might have downloaded Word Crossy from here if you’re playing | GOOGLEPLAY |
Level 156: What is this uncredited author? | GHOSTWRITER |
Level 156: A sequence of drawings representing shots planned for a movie | STORYBOARD |
Level 156: Flavored triangular corn chips that typically come in a big red bag | DORITOS |
Level 156: You might have downloaded Word Crossy from here if you’re playing | GOOGLEPLAY |
Level 156: SpongeBob SquarePant’s pink starfish companion | PATRICK |
Level 156: Cold-blooded reptiles with feet | LIZARDS |
Level 156: Deep narrow valley with steep sides | CANYON |
Level 156: Surgeon’s outfit, often blue | SCRUBS |
Level 156: What is this headwear required for kitchen workers? | HAIRNET |
Level 156: What is this kitsch object called? | LAVALAMP |
Level 157: A loyalty to a particular party or organization, etc. | ALLEGIANCE |
Level 157: What is this sleepover activity? | PILLOWFIGHT |
Level 157: Absent-minded scribbles and drawings | DOODLES |
Level 157: A sausage placed in a bun, or boiled sausages for that explicit purpose | HOTDOGS |
Level 157: Absent-minded scribbles and drawings | DOODLES |
Level 157: These hairs on your face help prevent debris and dust from blocking | EYELASHES |
Level 157: Best of the best, of the highest standard internationally | WORLDCLASS |
Level 157: The state of being extremely poor | POVERTY |
Level 157: Connecting fabric together using needle and thread | SEWING |
Level 157: Existing forever, unable to die | IMMORTAL |
Level 157: Largest e-commerce company in China; named after a tale from 1001 | ALIBABA |
Level 157: Soldiers that fight on horseback | CAVALRY |
Level 157: Photos of criminals’ faces taken upon arrest | MUGSHOTS |
Level 157: The deepest trench in the ocean | MARIANA |
Level 157: Largest e-commerce company in China; named after a tale from 1001 | ALIBABA |
Level 157: Professional who handles payments and receipts in a grocery store | CASHIER |
Level 157: Soldiers that fight on horseback | CAVALRY |
Level 157: Star of “Two and a Half Men”, _______ Sheen | CHARLIE |
Level 157: What is this US college? | DARTMOUTH |
Level 157: A sausage placed in a bun, or boiled sausages for that explicit purpose | HOTDOGS |
Level 157: South East Asian country famous for its jungle temples; its flag | CAMBODIA |
Level 157: Photos of criminals’ faces taken upon arrest | MUGSHOTS |
Level 157: The deepest trench in the ocean | MARIANA |
Level 157: The state of being extremely poor | POVERTY |
Level 157: What is this prelude to a book? | FOREWORD |
Level 157: Spa treatment for the front of your head | FACIAL |
Level 157: These hairs on your face help prevent debris and dust from blocking | EYELASHES |
Level 157: Best of the best, of the highest standard internationally | WORLDCLASS |
Level 157: What is this prelude to a book? | FOREWORD |
Level 157: South East Asian country famous for its jungle temples; its flag | CAMBODIA |
Level 157: What is this sleepover activity? | PILLOWFIGHT |
Level 157: A loyalty to a particular party or organization, etc. | ALLEGIANCE |
Level 157: What is this US college? | DARTMOUTH |
Level 157: Mythical horse with a helical horn on its head | UNICORN |
Level 157: News _______ might be described as “around the clock” | COVERAGE |
Level 157: The outcome of an action or competition | RESULT |
Level 158: A first year student in college or high school | FRESHMAN |
Level 158: An indoor game where small missiles are thrown at a target of concentric | DARTS |
Level 158: A type of metal pot used to boil water | KETTLE |
Level 158: The sequence of events in a story | PLOT |
Level 158: An indoor game where small missiles are thrown at a target of concentric | DARTS |
Level 158: Someone prone to losing their temper | HOTHEAD |
Level 158: A type of metal pot used to boil water | KETTLE |
Level 158: Chinese island with Portuguese roots, famous for its casinos | MACAU |
Level 158: Fungus with a domed cap on top of a stalk | MUSHROOM |
Level 158: What is this spice? | CINNAMON |
Level 158: What post-apocalyptic movie is this? | MADMAX |
Level 158: A first year student in college or high school | FRESHMAN |
Level 158: Intentionally taking a long time to do something | DAWDLING |
Level 158: Fungus with a domed cap on top of a stalk | MUSHROOM |
Level 158: Nobody moves like this main character on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | CARLTON |
Level 158: Popular form of gambling where participants win if their numbers | LOTTERY |
Level 158: Popular form of gambling where participants win if their numbers | LOTTERY |
Level 158: Display screen of a computer | MONITOR |
Level 158: Professionals who make and serve coffee | BARISTAS |
Level 158: Professionals who make and serve coffee | BARISTAS |
Level 158: Someone prone to losing their temper | HOTHEAD |
Level 158: The capital of Tibet | LHASA |
Level 158: The capital of Tibet | LHASA |
Level 158: Chinese island with Portuguese roots, famous for its casinos | MACAU |
Level 158: The sequence of events in a story | PLOT |
Level 158: What is a person who plays this game called? | BOWLER |
Level 158: What is this originally Japanese cooking competition? | IRONCHEF |
Level 158: What is this originally Japanese cooking competition? | IRONCHEF |
Level 158: Intentionally taking a long time to do something | DAWDLING |
Level 158: What is this spice? | CINNAMON |
Level 158: Injury caused by excessive daylight | SUNBURN |
Level 158: “Harry Potter and the ______ of Fire”, the 4th novel in the saga | GOBLET |
Level 158: US state of volcanic islands | HAWAII |
Level 158: Container made by weaving together reeds, or straw | BASKET |
Level 158: These keep your hands warm in winter | GLOVES |
Level 158: What indicative verb does this represent? | DENOTE |
Level 159: A building used for worship | TEMPLE |
Level 159: Sudden and unexpected | ABRUPT |
Level 159: An annually published book containing many kinds of world records | GUINNESS |
Level 159: The largest South American country | BRAZIL |
Level 159: An annually published book containing many kinds of world records | GUINNESS |
Level 159: An extremely sad event or type of theatrical play | TRAGEDY |
Level 159: Headpiece for a king or queen | CROWN |
Level 159: Headpiece for a king or queen | CROWN |
Level 159: It’s important to arrive __ ____ for meetings to not keep people | ONTIME |
Level 159: Some of the most complex joints in your body; these connect your | KNEES |
Level 159: Sounds arranged to be pleasing to the ear | MUSIC |
Level 159: A building used for worship | TEMPLE |
Level 159: Sudden and unexpected | ABRUPT |
Level 159: An extremely sad event or type of theatrical play | TRAGEDY |
Level 159: The largest South American country | BRAZIL |
Level 159: Some of the most complex joints in your body; these connect your | KNEES |
Level 159: What is this difficult to judge situation? | GREYAREA |
Level 159: What type of massage is this? | BACKRUB |
Level 159: Sharp, pointed tools used in sewing and knitting | NEEDLES |
Level 159: Black and white Oriental symbol of balance | YINYANG |
Level 159: Professional who can unclog toilets and drains and fix pipes | PLUMBER |
Level 159: On a ______ phone, numbers are placed in a circular dialing mechanism | ROTARY |
Level 159: “_____ and Demons”, 2009 Tom Hanks movie based on the Dan Brown novel | ANGELS |
Level 160: A logical failure which renders an argument invalid | FALLACY |
Level 160: There are typically 12 of these in a large pizza | SLICES |
Level 160: Defects or blemishes that mar an object’s perfection | FLAWS |
Level 160: Hairy tropical fruit used for both its milk and oil | COCONUT |
Level 160: Professional who deals in cut flowers and bouquets | FLORIST |
Level 160: Indonesian island famous for its coffee; a computer programming language | JAVA |
Level 160: Indonesian island famous for its coffee; a computer programming language | JAVA |
Level 160: Coin-operated public music player | JUKEBOX |
Level 160: Italian supercar brand, maker of the Veyron | BUGATTI |
Level 160: What is this large room? | BALLROOM |
Level 160: Party game where players dance under a progressively lower bar | LIMBO |
Level 160: Synonymous with beginner or amateur | NOVICE |
Level 160: Party game where players dance under a progressively lower bar | LIMBO |
Level 160: Professional who deals in cut flowers and bouquets | FLORIST |
Level 160: A logical failure which renders an argument invalid | FALLACY |
Level 160: Synonymous with beginner or amateur | NOVICE |
Level 160: Defects or blemishes that mar an object’s perfection | FLAWS |
Level 160: There are typically 12 of these in a large pizza | SLICE |
Level 160: Time period between the past and the future | PRESENT |
Level 160: Italian supercar brand, maker of the Veyron | BUGATTI |
Level 160: What is this large room? | BALLROOM |
Level 160: Jell-o is a type of _______ dessert | GELATIN |
Level 160: Removing creases from fabric with heat | IRONING |
Level 160: One plays the piano using these digits | FINGERS |
Level 160: Mythical ape-like creature named for the large tracks it leaves behind | BIGFOOT |
Level 160: An extremely sad event; type of theatrical play favored by Shakespeare | TRAGEDY |
Level 160: Nobody moves like this main character on “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” | CARLTON |
Level 160: Large fish-eating bird with a mouth pouch | PELICAN |
Level 161: A road that leads nowhere | DEADEND |
Level 161: What is this style of childish art? | HANDPRINT |
Level 161: African language spoken in countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, and | SWAHILI |
Level 161: A road that leads nowhere | DEADEND |
Level 161: Dark colored liquid used for cleaning wounds | IODINE |
Level 161: Popular Asian cooking method where ingredients are combined in a | HOTPOT |
Level 161: Largest city in the U.S. state of Kansas; mentioned in the White | WICHITA |
Level 161: To fall at a rapid speed | PLUMMET |
Level 161: One way to quit cursing is putting money into one of these every | SWEARJAR |
Level 161: Professionals who make and sell bread | BAKERS |
Level 161: The body part between the elbow and the hand | FOREARM |
Level 161: Popular Asian cooking method where ingredients are combined in a | HOTPOT |
Level 161: Production facility for beer | BREWERY |
Level 161: The practice of dressing up as a character in a book, movie, TV show, | COSPLAY |
Level 161: African language spoken in countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, and | SWAHILI |
Level 161: The _______, an epic poem written by Homer | ODYSSEY |
Level 161: Largest city in the U.S. state of Kansas; mentioned in the White | WICHITA |
Level 161: The body part between the elbow and the hand | FOREARM |
Level 161: This bird is the main course for Thanksgiving | TURKEY |
Level 161: The practice of dressing up as a character in a book, movie, TV show, | COSPLAY |
Level 161: The _______, an epic poem written by Homer | ODYSSEY |
Level 161: To fall at a rapid speed | PLUMMET |
Level 161: Dark colored liquid used for cleaning wounds | IODINE |
Level 161: What is missing from this picture? | KNIGHTS |
Level 161: One way to quit cursing is putting money into one of these every | SWEARJAR |
Level 161: US writer _____ Miller wrote “The Crucible” and “Death of a Salesman” | ARTHUR |
Level 161: What is this style of childish art? | HANDPRINT |
Level 161: What US sports car company has this animal as its symbol? | MUSTANG |
Level 161: What is this stinging insect? | FIREANT |
Level 161: Modest; not arrogant | HUMBLE |
Level 162: A language spoken by Dutch descendants in South Africa | AFRIKAANS |
Level 162: Laundry option for non-machine-washable clothes | DRYCLEAN |
Level 162: Airplane passenger chairs furthest from the window | AISLESEAT |
Level 162: Expression; one who tends to overreact emotionally | DRAMAQUEEN |
Level 162: A language spoken by Dutch descendants in South Africa | AFRIKAANS |
Level 162: Covers used to block sunlight from entering a room | CURTAINS |
Level 162: Airplane passenger chairs furthest from the window | AISLESEAT |
Level 162: Expression; one who tends to overreact emotionally | DRAMAQUEEN |
Level 162: Famous French expression to show shock or surprise | OOHLALA |
Level 162: Insulated portable container to keep food and drinks cold | COOLER |
Level 162: Female crime fighter following in the footsteps of the caped crusader | BATGIRL |
Level 162: The Spanish language has two genders, masculine and _________ | FEMININE |
Level 162: Laundry option for non-machine-washable clothes | DRYCLEAN |
Level 162: Something incredible which cannot be easily explained; seen as divine | MIRACLE |
Level 162: Famous French expression to show shock or surprise | OOHLALA |
Level 162: Sailors who steal from other vessels; also, people who illegally | PIRATE |
Level 162: Covers used to block sunlight from entering a room | CURTAINS |
Level 162: Dress code for dinner parties and other special occasions | FORMAL |
Level 162: Something incredible which cannot be easily explained; seen as divine | MIRACLE |
Level 162: Sailors who steal from other vessels; also, people who illegally | PIRATE |
Level 162: The Spanish language has two genders, masculine and _________ | FEMININE |
Level 162: Female crime fighter following in the footsteps of the caped crusader | BATGIRL |
Level 162: What is this animal? | BLUEWHALE |
Level 162: _____ Pattinson, English actor who played Edward Cullen in the Twilight | ROBERT |
Level 162: To astonish or surprise someone | AMAZE |
Level 162: _____ E. Cheese, kids’ party venue with animatronic mascots | CHUCK |
Level 162: Something spoken about in hushed tones | SECRET |
Level 162: Hairstyle of Mr. T | MOHAWK |
Level 162: A leather case for bills, photos, cards, and more | WALLET |
Level 162: Alternative to automatic, in cars | MANUAL |
Level 163: 1976 Martin Scorsese film starring Robert De Niro as a New York | TAXIDRIVER |
Level 163: Addictive chemical found in tobacco leaves | NICOTINE |
Level 163: Addictive chemical found in tobacco leaves | NICOTINE |
Level 163: What is this playground equipment? | JUNGLEGYM |
Level 163: An adhesive so powerful it should have a cape | SUPERGLUE |
Level 163: An exercise machine that allows its user to run long distances in | TREADMILL |
Level 163: An adhesive so powerful it should have a cape | SUPERGLUE |
Level 163: An exercise machine that allows its user to run long distances in | TREADMILL |
Level 163: Degenerative mental disease that plagues the elderly | DEMENTIA |
Level 163: Leaving extra money on the table for a restaurant server | TIPPING |
Level 163: What can this insect make you feel? | ITCHY |
Level 163: Degenerative mental disease that plagues the elderly | DEMENTIA |
Level 163: Leaving extra money on the table for a restaurant server | TIPPING |
Level 163: Outdoor grill used for cooking meat and vegetables | BARBECUE |
Level 163: What kind of employment situation is this? | FREELANCE |
Level 163: The Cold War structure that divided the German capital into eastern | BERLINWALL |
Level 163: The Cold War structure that divided the German capital into eastern | BERLINWALL |
Level 163: 1976 Martin Scorsese film starring Robert De Niro as a New York | TAXIDRIVER |
Level 163: The Milky Way is this type of celestial body | GALAXY |
Level 163: What is this playground equipment? | JUNGLEGYM |
Level 163: Outdoor grill used for cooking meat and vegetables | BARBECUE |
Level 163: What kind of employment situation is this? | FREELANCE |
Level 163: Land surrounded by water on all sides | ISLAND |
Level 163: Something that can be chosen for a particular situation | OPTION |
Level 163: Car used to carry a coffin to a funeral | HEARSE |
Level 163: A movie that uses a similar plot to the original, but is enhanced | REMAKE |
Level 163: Underground passageway through a mountain | TUNNEL |
Level 164: A feeling one gets when there’s nothing interesting to do | BOREDOM |
Level 164: A machine for keeping grass short | LAWNMOWER |
Level 164: A machine for keeping grass short | LAWNMOWER |
Level 164: The process though which conclusions can be drawn from data | ANALYSIS |
Level 164: Insect species which includes both goliath and ladybugs | BEETLE |
Level 164: What is this vehicle called? | HOVERCRAFT |
Level 164: Insect species which includes both goliath and ladybugs | BEETLE |
Level 164: Popular Chinese video sharing app | TIKTOK |
Level 164: The process though which conclusions can be drawn from data | ANALYSIS |
Level 164: Underwater craft that navigates using sonar | SUBMARINE |
Level 164: A feeling one gets when there’s nothing interesting to do | BOREDOM |
Level 164: Unable to be harmed | INVINCIBLE |
Level 164: Unable to be harmed | INVINCIBLE |
Level 164: Underwater craft that navigates using sonar | SUBMARINE |
Level 164: Popular Chinese video sharing app | TIKTOK |
Level 164: What is this vehicle called? | HOVERCRAFT |
Level 164: To be joined together | UNITED |
Level 164: A GPS needs you to input one of these to know where to guide you | ADDRESS |
Level 164: Writing your name on a document to show you acknowledge its contents | SIGNING |
Level 164: The official offices of an ambassador | EMBASSY |
Level 164: The cold-hearted miser who says “bah, humbug!” to Christmas | SCROOGE |
Level 164: When an object is partially or completely covered by another | OVERLAP |
Level 164: What color do these colors combine to form? | PURPLE |
Level 165: Common gymnastics pose where the person balances themselves upside-down | HANDSTAND |
Level 165: The fictional address of Sherlock’s home | BAKERSTREET |
Level 165: Desirable features of an apartment that make it more appealing to | AMENITIES |
Level 165: Fictional Doctor who can talk to animals | DOOLITTLE |
Level 165: The Mission: Impossible and Die Hard series are examples of these | ACTIONMOVIES |
Level 165: God of the seas | POSEIDON |
Level 165: God of the seas | POSEIDON |
Level 165: Having all necessary parts; not missing anything | COMPLETE |
Level 165: What is this head accessory? | HAIRBAND |
Level 165: Popular talk show which Jon Stewart hosted for 16 years | DAILYSHOW |
Level 165: What is this kind of children’s gathering? | PAJAMAPARTY |
Level 165: Popular televised singing competition in the US | AMERICANIDOL |
Level 165: Type of document can only be accessed with a security clearance | CLASSIFIED |
Level 165: Common gymnastics pose where the person balances themselves upside-down | HANDSTAND |
Level 165: The fictional address of Sherlock’s home | BAKERSTREET |
Level 165: Popular televised singing competition in the US | AMERICANIDOL |
Level 165: The Mission: Impossible and Die Hard series are examples of these | ACTIONMOVIES |
Level 165: Type of document can only be accessed with a security clearance | CLASSIFIED |
Level 165: What is this famous 80s romance movie? | DIRTYDANCING |
Level 165: What is this famous 80s romance movie? | DIRTYDANCING |
Level 165: Fictional Doctor who can talk to animals | DOOLITTLE |
Level 165: What is this kind of children’s gathering? | PAJAMAPARTY |
Level 166: ________ Cumberbatch starred in Sherlock and Dr. Strange | BENEDICT |
Level 166: Mcdonald’s offering that comes with a toy | HAPPYMEAL |
Level 166: An _______ buy is a purchase made based on a sudden urge | IMPULSE |
Level 166: Being struck by Cupid’s _____ means you have fallen in love | ARROW |
Level 166: Being struck by Cupid’s _____ means you have fallen in love | ARROW |
Level 166: Lead singer of Guns n’ Roses | AXLROSE |
Level 166: Biggest search engine on the internet | GOOGLE |
Level 166: Don’t look it in the mouth! | GIFTHORSE |
Level 166: An _______ buy is a purchase made based on a sudden urge | IMPULSE |
Level 166: Closely compacted together; high concentration | DENSE |
Level 166: Popular 90s American sitcom about six people living in New York City | FRIENDS |
Level 166: Don’t look it in the mouth! | GIFTHORSE |
Level 166: Lead singer of Guns n’ Roses | AXLROSE |
Level 166: Toyota’s most famous hybrid vehicle | PRIUS |
Level 166: ________ Cumberbatch starred in Sherlock and Dr. Strange | BENEDICT |
Level 166: Mcdonald’s offering that comes with a toy | HAPPYMEAL |
Level 166: Closely compacted together; high concentration | DENSE |
Level 166: The person facing charges in court | DEFENDANT |
Level 166: The phase when an aircraft goes into flight | TAKEOFF |
Level 166: The person facing charges in court | DEFENDANT |
Level 166: Toyota’s most famous hybrid vehicle | PRIUS |
Level 166: What is this way to select a candidate? | NOMINATE |
Level 166: Part of the refrigerator with the lowest temperatures | FREEZER |
Level 166: A set of icons in an app that can be clicked to activate functions | TOOLBAR |
Level 166: Abstaining from all or most kinds of food or drink | FASTING |
Level 167: 2019 Marvel movie that concluded the Thanos saga | ENDGAME |
Level 167: A dinner and a movie between two couples | DOUBLEDATE |
Level 167: Neil _________ predates Michael Jackson as the pioneer of the moonwalk | ARMSTRONG |
Level 167: Expression; having a lot of money or resources | DEEPPOCKETS |
Level 167: Stretched vehicle allowing for a lounge-style experience on wheels | LIMOUSINE |
Level 167: Male horse kept for breeding; a stud | STALLION |
Level 167: Scientist who studies the stars; don’t confuse one with an Astrologist | ASTRONOMER |
Level 167: Male horse kept for breeding; a stud | STALLION |
Level 167: Neil _________ predates Michael Jackson as the pioneer of the moonwalk | ARMSTRONG |
Level 167: A dinner and a movie between two couples | DOUBLEDATE |
Level 167: Party for the whole neighborhood, typically held on a closed-off | BLOCKPARTY |
Level 167: Person or company that buys and sells paintings | ARTDEALER |
Level 167: Title given to the wife of the president of US | FIRSTLADY |
Level 167: Expression; having a lot of money or resources | DEEPPOCKETS |
Level 167: Scientist who studies the stars; don’t confuse one with an Astrologist | ASTRONOMER |
Level 167: 2019 Marvel movie that concluded the Thanos saga | ENDGAME |
Level 167: Stretched vehicle allowing for a lounge-style experience on wheels | LIMOUSINE |
Level 167: This was responsible for the sinking of the Titanic | ICEBERG |
Level 167: What is this delicious baked good? | CHERRYPIE |
Level 167: Title given to the wife of the president of US | FIRSTLADY |
Level 167: Person or company that buys and sells paintings | ARTDEALER |
Level 167: Traditional grain-based foods served in a bowl of milk | CEREALS |
Level 167: A feeling of unhappiness | SADNESS |
Level 167: Party for the whole neighborhood, typically held on a closed-off | BLOCKPARTY |
Level 167: Voters choose between these election hopefuls | CANDIDATES |
Level 167: Traditional grain-based foods served in a bowl of milk | CEREALS |
Level 167: What is this delicious baked good? | CHERRYPIE |
Level 167: 2015 sci-fi movie starring Matt Damon and his return home | MARTIAN |
Level 167: In English, “the” and “a” are examples of this | ARTICLE |
Level 167: The ______ system transmits signals throughout the body | NERVOUS |
Level 167: You are not getting presents from Santa if you are on the ______ | NAUGHTY |
Level 168: Band started by Nirvana’s drummer in 1994; sang Everlong | FOOFIGHTERS |
Level 168: Popular sandwich originating from Philadelphia | CHEESESTEAK |
Level 168: Cars expel gasses from the _______ pipe | EXHAUST |
Level 168: Movies which continue the story of the previous movie | SEQUELS |
Level 168: During an emergency at sea, the captain might order ___ _____ on | ALLHANDS |
Level 168: To amplify beyond the truth; to overstate | EXAGGERATE |
Level 168: Cars expel gasses from the _______ pipe | EXHAUST |
Level 168: Field of biology that studies the structure of the body | ANATOMY |
Level 168: George _______ starred in Ocean’s Eleven and Syriana | CLOONEY |
Level 168: What is this furniture? | CHAIR |
Level 168: What is this item that protects the wall? | DOORSTOPPER |
Level 168: It is said to be ___ ____ for a black cat to cross your path | BADLUCK |
Level 168: It is said to be ___ ____ for a black cat to cross your path | BADLUCK |
Level 168: Like a telescope, but for both eyes | BINOCULARS |
Level 168: Like a telescope, but for both eyes | BINOCULARS |
Level 168: Meat-eating animals | CARNIVORE |
Level 168: What is this information storage solution? | DATACENTER |
Level 168: Band started by Nirvana’s drummer in 1994; sang Everlong | FOOFIGHTERS |
Level 168: Covering for a sword or other bladed weapon | SHEATH |
Level 168: Movies which continue the story of the previous movie | SEQUELS |
Level 168: Popular sandwich originating from Philadelphia | CHEESESTEAK |
Level 168: Technical name for the belly or stomach area | ABDOMEN |
Level 168: Field of biology that studies the structure of the body | ANATOMY |
Level 168: Scholars who study the structure and use of language | LINGUISTS |
Level 168: Scholars who study the structure and use of language | LINGUISTS |
Level 168: Technical name for the belly or stomach area | ABDOMEN |
Level 168: This Canadian-American personality has hosted Jeopardy since 1984 | ALEXTREBEK |
Level 168: What is this speaking skill? | BILINGUAL |
Level 168: This Canadian-American personality has hosted Jeopardy since 1984 | ALEXTREBEK |
Level 168: To amplify beyond the truth; to overstate | EXAGGERATE |
Level 168: During an emergency at sea, the captain might order ___ _____ on | ALLHANDS |
Level 168: What is this information storage solution? | DATACENTER |
Level 168: Meat-eating animals | CARNIVORE |
Level 168: What is this item that protects the wall? | DOORSTOPPER |
Level 168: George _______ starred in Ocean’s Eleven and Syriana | CLOONEY |
Level 168: Sea _____, a spiky sea critter | URCHIN |
Level 168: What is this speaking skill? | BILINGUAL |
Level 168: What type of coffee is this? | DECAF |
Level 168: Lacking a pattern; impossible to predict | RANDOM |
Level 168: Number system composed of 1s and 0s | BINARY |
Level 168: Pyrotechnics used to signal for help | FLARES |
Level 168: In the movie “The Lion King”, he is the father of Simba | MUFASA |
Level 169: A personal website where one leaves their writings and photos; Ann | BLOG |
Level 169: Month where every store plays songs about sleighs and red noses | DECEMBER |
Level 169: An element of an artistic work that has been overused and lost its | CLICHE |
Level 169: Nickname for Boston given for its local dish | BEANTOWN |
Level 169: An type of medication that relies on believing it is real | PLACEBO |
Level 169: The Big ______ is a constellation in the shape of a bowl with a handle | DIPPER |
Level 169: A personal website where one leaves their writings and photos; Ann | BLOG |
Level 169: Martin Luther King, Jr. famously said I have a _____ | DREAM |
Level 169: Extracting valuable minerals from underground | MINING |
Level 169: Month where every store plays songs about sleighs and red noses | DECEMBER |
Level 169: An element of an artistic work that has been overused and lost its | CLICHE |
Level 169: Nickname for Boston given for its local dish | BEANTOWN |
Level 169: Sum of money charged for attending a school | TUITION |
Level 169: What is this epidemic disease? | BIRDFLU |
Level 169: Sum of money charged for attending a school | TUITION |
Level 169: The Big ______ is a constellation in the shape of a bowl with a handle | DIPPER |
Level 169: Daughters of one’s brother or sister | NIECES |
Level 169: To approximate or roughly calculate | ESTIMATE |
Level 169: To approximate or roughly calculate | ESTIMATE |
Level 169: What is this epidemic disease? | BIRDFLU |
Level 169: An type of medication that relies on believing it is real | PLACEBO |
Level 169: Who is this actor-turned-director? | EASTWOOD |
Level 169: To expel air from the lungs | EXHALE |
Level 169: Spicy green paste typically served with sushi | WASABI |
Level 169: Precedes “Red Riding Hood”; small in size | LITTLE |
Level 169: ______ Brothers, US entertainment conglomerate | WARNER |
Level 170: 21 ____ ______, a popular 1980’s cop show that was remade with Jonah | JUMPSTREET |
Level 170: What is this vehicle? | SPACESHIP |
Level 170: Capital of Cuba | HAVANA |
Level 170: Former US Vice President who starred in An Inconvenient Truth | ALGORE |
Level 170: 21 ____ ______, a popular 1980’s cop show that was remade with Jonah | JUMPSTREET |
Level 170: Former US Vice President who starred in An Inconvenient Truth | ALGORE |
Level 170: Headmaster of a fictional wizarding school | DUMBLEDORE |
Level 170: This mountain range has many of Earth’s highest peaks, including | HIMALAYA |
Level 170: Home country of the famous Reggae musician, Bob Marley | JAMAICA |
Level 170: Series of black lines that can be scanned to get product information | BARCODE |
Level 170: Series of black lines that can be scanned to get product information | BARCODE |
Level 170: The _____ ______, novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald set in the Roaring | GREATGATSBY |
Level 170: Headmaster of a fictional wizarding school | DUMBLEDORE |
Level 170: The _____ ______, novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald set in the Roaring | GREATGATSBY |
Level 170: Home country of the famous Reggae musician, Bob Marley | JAMAICA |
Level 170: This mountain range has many of Earth’s highest peaks, including | HIMALAYA |
Level 170: This type of school does not allow boys to attend | ALLGIRL |
Level 170: What is this vehicle? | SPACESHIP |
Level 170: You might do this in your head when you’re trying to sleep | COUNTSHEEP |
Level 170: Capital of Cuba | HAVANA |
Level 170: You might do this in your head when you’re trying to sleep | COUNTSHEEP |
Level 170: What type of pizza is this? | DEEPDISH |
Level 170: Bow-and-arrow-wielding member of the Avengers | HAWKEYE |
Level 170: Tough material made from treated animal skins | LEATHER |
Level 170: Bald headed scavenging bird | VULTURE |
Level 170: What is this competitive cooking show originally from Japan? | IRONCHEF |
Level 170: What is this difficult to judge situation? | GREYAREA |
Level 170: Ancient Egyptian paper made from reeds | PAPYRUS |
Level 171: ______ beloved, we are gathered here today… | DEARLY |
Level 171: Lacking both shoes and socks | BAREFOOT |
Level 171: 1995 buddy cop film starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence | BADBOYS |
Level 171: Slower and much bigger cousins of alligators | CROCODILES |
Level 171: A professional who repairs and makes items with iron | BLACKSMITH |
Level 171: What is this profession? | AUCTIONEER |
Level 171: An object placed in vehicles to keep toddlers in place | CHILDSEAT |
Level 171: An object placed in vehicles to keep toddlers in place | CHILDSEAT |
Level 171: In this US state, the sun doesn’t set from late May to late July | ALASKA |
Level 171: Type of fish that needs special preparation to prevent poisoning | PUFFER |
Level 171: Type of insect with between 30 and 350 legs | CENTIPEDE |
Level 171: Lacking both shoes and socks | BAREFOOT |
Level 171: Trial run of a play, concert or other work | REHEARSAL |
Level 171: A professional who repairs and makes items with iron | BLACKSMITH |
Level 171: One-way road leaving a main highway | OFFRAMP |
Level 171: One-way road leaving a main highway | OFFRAMP |
Level 171: Slower and much bigger cousins of alligators | CROCODILES |
Level 171: 1995 buddy cop film starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence | BADBOYS |
Level 171: Largest subspecies of tiger by population; also called the Indian | BENGAL |
Level 171: This is the capital of Thailand | BANGKOK |
Level 171: Trial run of a play, concert or other work | REHEARSAL |
Level 171: Working past normal working hours | OVERTIME |
Level 171: Type of insect with between 30 and 350 legs | CENTIPEDE |
Level 171: In this US state, the sun doesn’t set from late May to late July | ALASKA |
Level 171: What is this profession? | AUCTIONEER |
Level 171: This is the capital of Thailand | BANGKOK |
Level 171: Working past normal working hours | OVERTIME |
Level 171: What is this moon shape? | CRESCENT |
Level 171: Cartoon cat Garfield famously hates this weekday | MONDAY |
Level 172: A criminal might cut a deal to get _______ from prosecution | IMMUNITY |
Level 172: The aviation branch of a nation’s military | AIRFORCE |
Level 172: A day for hoaxes and other practical jokes | APRILFOOLS |
Level 172: Sensationalized news titles designed to lure in curious readers | CLICKBAIT |
Level 172: A person who conveys beliefs and opinions that he or she doesn’t | HYPOCRITE |
Level 172: To express regret and say sorry | APOLOGIZE |
Level 172: A person who conveys beliefs and opinions that he or she doesn’t | HYPOCRITE |
Level 172: Journey back to health from injury or illness | RECOVERY |
Level 172: An address delivered to an audience | SPEECH |
Level 172: Sensationalized news titles designed to lure in curious readers | CLICKBAIT |
Level 172: This character is married to Howard Wolowitz in The Big Bang Theory | BERNADETTE |
Level 172: The aviation branch of a nation’s military | AIRFORCE |
Level 172: What is this mathematical operation? | SQUAREROOT |
Level 172: A criminal might cut a deal to get _______ from prosecution | IMMUNITY |
Level 172: This character is married to Howard Wolowitz in The Big Bang Theory | BERNADETTE |
Level 172: This portable bed can be deflated for storage | AIRMATTRESS |
Level 172: What is this biweekly US magazine? | ROLLINGSTONE |
Level 172: Journey back to health from injury or illness | RECOVERY |
Level 172: Lachrymose stuffed donkey from “Winnie the Pooh” | EEYORE |
Level 172: To express regret and say sorry | APOLOGIZE |
Level 172: This portable bed can be deflated for storage | AIRMATTRESS |
Level 172: What is this biweekly US magazine? | ROLLINGSTONE |
Level 172: A day for hoaxes and other practical jokes | APRILFOOLS |
Level 172: What is this mathematical operation? | SQUAREROOT |
Level 172: Martin Luther King Jr. famously said “I have a _____” | DREAM |
Level 172: Hypothetical perfect society | UTOPIA |
Level 172: Sounds arranged to be pleasing to the ear | MUSIC |
Level 172: Commonwealth country neighboring Rwanda and Kenya | UGANDA |
Level 172: What type of long-distance friend is this? | PENPAL |
Level 173: A _____ card is a payment method that pays from the user’s checking | DEBIT |
Level 173: Branch of philosophy that seeks to resolve questions of morality | ETHICS |
Level 173: Another word for a movie theatre | CINEMA |
Level 173: A object to prevent drink spillage while in a vehicle | CUPHOLDER |
Level 173: A popped ______ is a fashion trend closely associated with polo shirts | COLLAR |
Level 173: Legendary German composer who famously continued composing after | BEETHOVEN |
Level 173: An early _______ always tries to get their hands on the latest technology | ADOPTER |
Level 173: A object to prevent drink spillage while in a vehicle | CUPHOLDER |
Level 173: 2D representation of a sphere | CIRCLE |
Level 173: Another word for a movie theatre | CINEMA |
Level 173: What is this a small sour fruit? | CRABAPPLE |
Level 173: Branch of philosophy that seeks to resolve questions of morality | ETHICS |
Level 173: In tennis, a tie that can only be broken by a player scoring twice | DEUCE |
Level 173: A popped ______ is a fashion trend closely associated with polo shirts | COLLAR |
Level 173: Experts make these based on current data | FORECASTS |
Level 173: An early _______ always tries to get their hands on the latest technology | ADOPTER |
Level 173: In tennis, a tie that can only be broken by a player scoring twice | DEUCE |
Level 173: Experts make these based on current data | FORECASTS |
Level 173: Legendary German composer who famously continued composing after | BEETHOVEN |
Level 173: US state where Las Vegas is located | NEVADA |
Level 173: Pretend to sing live by matching mouth movement to a recording | LIPSYNC |
Level 173: Professional who designs buildings and may supervise their construction | ARCHITECT |
Level 173: A _____ card is a payment method that pays from the user’s checking | DEBIT |
Level 173: Professional who designs buildings and may supervise their construction | ARCHITECT |
Level 173: Pretend to sing live by matching mouth movement to a recording | LIPSYNC |
Level 173: What is this a small sour fruit? | CRABAPPLE |
Level 173: Injury that causes the skin to turn blue or purple | BRUISE |
Level 173: Car gear used to go backward | REVERSE |
Level 173: John Fitzgerald _______, the 35th US president | KENNEDY |
Level 174: A contingency in case things go awry | BACKUPPLAN |
Level 174: Minimal men’s swimwear | SPEEDO |
Level 174: An official ban on trade with a particular country | EMBARGO |
Level 174: Game where players try to hit pucks into goals on a low-friction | AIRHOCKEY |
Level 174: Equal, Sweet N’Low, and Splenda are types of _________ sweeteners | ARTIFICIAL |
Level 174: The enemy of the protagonist in a movie or book | ANTAGONIST |
Level 174: Game where players try to hit pucks into goals on a low-friction | AIRHOCKEY |
Level 174: Integers which are not divisible by two | ODDNUMBERS |
Level 174: Integers which are not divisible by two | ODDNUMBERS |
Level 174: The sons of your siblings | NEPHEWS |
Level 174: What is this situation that causes delay in a process or system? | BOTTLENECK |
Level 174: Equal, Sweet N’Low, and Splenda are types of _________ sweeteners | ARTIFICIAL |
Level 174: Minimal men’s swimwear | SPEEDO |
Level 174: A contingency in case things go awry | BACKUPPLAN |
Level 174: The enemy of the protagonist in a movie or book | ANTAGONIST |
Level 174: To retrace one’s steps; an effective method for finding lost items | BACKTRACK |
Level 174: Kubrick’s horror movie about a haunted house, “The _______” | SHINING |
Level 174: To retrace one’s steps; an effective method for finding lost items | BACKTRACK |
Level 174: What is this situation that causes delay in a process or system? | BOTTLENECK |
Level 174: A mother’s ________ instincts kick in when her children need care | MATERNAL |
Level 174: “The _______ Eight” is Quentin Tarantino’s eighth film, released | HATEFUL |
Level 174: Person who vigorously supports their country | PATRIOT |
Level 174: Kiev is the capital of this country | UKRAINE |
Level 174: Religious denominations that adhere more strictly to traditional | ORTHODOX |
Level 175: _________ of Broken Dreams, a 2004 song by Green Day | BOULEVARD |
Level 175: A GPS needs you to input one of these to help navigate | ADDRESS |
Level 175: Someone’s ________ Heel is their weak point | ACHILLES |
Level 175: End-of-term ceremony marking the completion of studies | GRADUATION |
Level 175: Might be seen on a person’s head during the Wild West | COWBOYHAT |
Level 175: Might be seen on a person’s head during the Wild West | COWBOYHAT |
Level 175: The second largest country in South America | ARGENTINA |
Level 175: A GPS needs you to input one of these to help navigate | ADDRESS |
Level 175: Ryan Reynolds spent 10 years to get this R-rated comic book movie | DEADPOOL |
Level 175: End-of-term ceremony marking the completion of studies | GRADUATION |
Level 175: Someone’s ________ Heel is their weak point | ACHILLES |
Level 175: Story time monster used to scare children into good behavior | BOGEYMAN |
Level 175: What is this city? | LOSANGELES |
Level 175: The second largest country in South America | ARGENTINA |
Level 175: Story time monster used to scare children into good behavior | BOGEYMAN |
Level 175: What is this city? | LOSANGELES |
Level 175: Word; a term that is in fashion at a certain time | BUZZWORD |
Level 175: ________ glands produce the spit in your mouth | SALIVARY |
Level 175: A painful poke from a flying yellow buzzer | BEESTING |
Level 175: A public display in a gallery | EXHIBIT |
Level 175: _____ jacks are an exercise where one hops up and down, making a | JUMPING |
Level 175: Signal chemicals in your body like dopamine, adrenaline, or estrogen | HORMONES |