Word Craze Level (125-150) Part 6
Word Craze Level 126-150 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.
Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.
Word Craze game Cheats Answers:
- Word Craze Answers All Levels [1-25+Main Page]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 26-50 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 51-75 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 76-100 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 101-125 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 126-150 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 151-175 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 176-200 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 201-20 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 226-250 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 251-275 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 276-300 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 301-325 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 326-350 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 351-375 All Answers]
- Word Craze Answers [Level 375-400 All Answers]
Level 126: A _______ ____ to swallow is a hard truth to accept | BITTERPILL |
Level 126: This 70s American rock band sang Dream on | AEROSMITH |
Level 126: A person who has just started their journey to learn a skill | BEGINNER |
Level 126: Insects have two of these on their head to help sense their environment | ANTENNA |
Level 126: A smaller version of a traditional sport featuring tees and clubs | MINIGOLF |
Level 126: Scientist who studies human behavior and supply and demand | ECONOMIST |
Level 126: A weapon in the boardgame Clue that might light the way to the | CANDLESTICK |
Level 126: Venus ___ _____, a plant which eats insects | FLYTRAP |
Level 126: Insects have two of these on their head to help sense their environment | ANTENNA |
Level 126: Tasty and meaty remedy for a cold | CHICKENSOUP |
Level 126: Ten to the power of three | THOUSAND |
Level 126: Phrase; a streak of light seen in the night sky | FALLINGSTAR |
Level 126: Scientist who studies human behavior and supply and demand | ECONOMIST |
Level 126: Tasty and meaty remedy for a cold | CHICKENSOUP |
Level 126: Manhattan, Mojito, and Gin and Tonic, for example | COCKTAIL |
Level 126: This 70s American rock band sang Dream on | AEROSMITH |
Level 126: A smaller version of a traditional sport featuring tees and clubs | MINIGOLF |
Level 126: Venus ___ _____, a plant which eats insects | FLYTRAP |
Level 126: Oscar the Grouch’s house | TRASHCAN |
Level 126: “Do as I say, ___ __ _ __” | NOTASIDO |
Level 126: Light spectrum used by night vision goggles | INFRARED |
Level 126: Tension, sinus, cluster are types of this | HEADACHE |
Level 126: What is this farming implement? | PITCHFORK |
Level 126: You might raise these facial features in surprise | EYEBROWS |
Level 127: _____ Fish, a fish which acts as a universal translator in Hitchhiker’s | BABEL |
Level 127: Play this instrument to pretend to be a rock star in your living | AIRGUITAR |
Level 127: ______ the Frog, famous green Muppet | KERMIT |
Level 127: _____ Fish, a fish which acts as a universal translator in Hitchhiker’s | BABEL |
Level 127: 1997 action movie by John Woo featuring John Travolta and Nicolas | FACEOFF |
Level 127: 2009 sci-fi film directed by James Cameron featuring blue-hued aliens | AVATAR |
Level 127: A type of market famous in Middle Eastern countries | BAZAAR |
Level 127: 2009 sci-fi film directed by James Cameron featuring blue-hued aliens | AVATAR |
Level 127: A person who is very experienced in a field, particularly the military | VETERAN |
Level 127: “As American as ____ __” | APPLEPIE |
Level 127: A type of market famous in Middle Eastern countries | BAZAAR |
Level 127: Metal bar with a curved end used to pry things open | CROWBAR |
Level 127: Ancient two wheeled horse-drawn vehicle used in battles and races | CHARIOT |
Level 127: What is this station found in chemistry labs? | EYEWASH |
Level 127: Clam _______, a soup originating in the US which contains clams, | CHOWDER |
Level 127: The impact of one of these hitting the Earth may have killed the | ASTEROID |
Level 127: Expression; a slice of this might be good for cocky people | HUMBLEPIE |
Level 127: Hunter who fought Arnie and Aliens, in separate films | PREDATOR |
Level 127: The part of the hiring process where the employer and applicant learn | INTERVIEW |
Level 127: ______ the Frog, famous green Muppet | KERMIT |
Level 127: In Jeopardy, contestants ring these to answer questions | BUZZER |
Level 127: Metal bar with a curved end used to pry things open | CROWBAR |
Level 127: Written feedback to a social media post | COMMENT |
Level 127: A person who is very experienced in a field, particularly the military | VETERAN |
Level 127: Play this instrument to pretend to be a rock star in your living | AIRGUITAR |
Level 127: In Jeopardy, contestants ring these to answer questions | BUZZER |
Level 127: The impact of one of these hitting the Earth may have killed the | ASTEROID |
Level 127: What is this swimming stroke? | FREESTYLE |
Level 127: The part of the hiring process where the employer and applicant learn | INTERVIEW |
Level 127: Expression; a slice of this might be good for cocky people | HUMBLEPIE |
Level 127: What is this station found in chemistry labs? | EYEWASH |
Level 127: 1997 action movie by John Woo featuring John Travolta and Nicolas | FACEOFF |
Level 127: Written feedback to a social media post | COMMENT |
Level 127: Chocolate ice cream flavor with nuts and marshmallows | ROCKYROAD |
Level 127: Bart Simpson is in this in every episode intro | DETENTION |
Level 127: To listen in on a conversation not meant for you | EAVESDROP |
Level 127: There are two on the US map | CAROLINAS |
Level 128: A word for one’s brothers and sisters | SIBLINGS |
Level 128: The Wandering _________ has the longest wingspan of all birds; 3 | ALBATROSS |
Level 128: Battlefield where kings, knights, and pawns alike do battle | CHESSBOARD |
Level 128: NASA, SCUBA, and LASER are examples of this type of abbreviation | ACRONYM |
Level 128: Machine used to rinse and clean used dinnerware | DISHWASHER |
Level 128: What is this head accessory? | HAIRBAND |
Level 128: NASA, SCUBA, and LASER are examples of this type of abbreviation | ACRONYM |
Level 128: The ship captained by Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean | BLACKPEARL |
Level 128: Traditional Mexican headwear of great size | SOMBRERO |
Level 128: The Wandering _________ has the longest wingspan of all birds; 3 | ALBATROSS |
Level 128: What is this fairground treat? [cake stuffed in a funnel] | FUNNELCAKE |
Level 128: What is this fairground treat? [cake stuffed in a funnel] | FUNNELCAKE |
Level 128: Battlefield where kings, knights, and pawns alike do battle | CHESSBOARD |
Level 128: What is this head accessory? | HAIRBAND |
Level 128: Pretend to sing live by matching mouth movement to a recording | LIPSYNC |
Level 128: Someone who works in the same place as you | COWORKER |
Level 128: “Beauty is in the eye of the _________” means beauty is subjective | BEHOLDER |
Level 128: What is this meteorological term? | CLIMATE |
Level 128: Grain-based food, typically eaten at breakfast, with milk | CEREALS |
Level 128: Word meaning to draw in | ATTRACT |
Level 128: Shaken percussion instrument popular in Latin music | MARACAS |
Level 128: Watery disaster caused by an underwater earthquake | TSUNAMI |
Level 128: A person who is key to an organization | KINGPIN |
Level 129: A movie or television series which takes its source material from | ADAPTATION |
Level 129: A place to safely light an indoor flame for a cozy atmosphere | FIREPLACE |
Level 129: It’s a waste of breath to continue beating a ____ _____ | DEADHORSE |
Level 129: Chewing gum from the 50s that came with a comic strip featuring the | BAZOOKAJOE |
Level 129: The round floating leaves of a water lily | LILYPADS |
Level 129: A place to safely light an indoor flame for a cozy atmosphere | FIREPLACE |
Level 129: Deadly viral disease spread by the bites of infected animals | RABIES |
Level 129: Flavored triangular corn chips that typically comes in a big red | DORITOS |
Level 129: Little stars are known to do this to our wonderment | TWINKLE |
Level 129: It’s a waste of breath to continue beating a ____ _____ | DEADHORSE |
Level 129: The round floating leaves of a water lily | LILYPADS |
Level 129: What type of pizza is this? | DEEPDISH |
Level 129: These attachments help straighten your teeth | BRACES |
Level 129: These attachments help straighten your teeth | BRACES |
Level 129: Flavored triangular corn chips that typically comes in a big red | DORITOS |
Level 129: “It’s not over until the ___ ____ sings” | FATLADY |
Level 129: What type of pizza is this? | DEEPDISH |
Level 129: The boom that comes after lightning strikes | THUNDER |
Level 129: What is this group of mature individuals? | ADULTS |
Level 129: Wheats and other cereals which are used as food | GRAINS |
Level 129: In movies, difficult or dangerous acts which often require a double | STUNTS |
Level 130: A boxy contraption that takes passengers between floors; going up! | ELEVATOR |
Level 130: The Major League Baseball team from Los Angeles | DODGERS |
Level 130: A dog lying on its back might want one of these | BELLYRUB |
Level 130: A watery disaster | FLOOD |
Level 130: A dog lying on its back might want one of these | BELLYRUB |
Level 130: A ritual used to expel evil spirits | EXORCISM |
Level 130: A vampire uses these to suck blood | FANGS |
Level 130: What is this hazardous precipitation? | ACIDRAIN |
Level 130: A high-quality product and a cost to get such a product are called | PREMIUM |
Level 130: A ritual used to expel evil spirits | EXORCISM |
Level 130: A watery disaster | FLOOD |
Level 130: The Major League Baseball team from Los Angeles | DODGERS |
Level 130: What is this football term? | KICKOFF |
Level 130: A boxy contraption that takes passengers between floors; going up! | ELEVATOR |
Level 130: The weight of gemstones is measured in these | CARATS |
Level 130: A vampire uses these to suck blood | FANGS |
Level 130: What is this football term? | KICKOFF |
Level 130: Charm that is typically worn around the neck to confer good luck | AMULET |
Level 130: The weight of gemstones is measured in these | CARATS |
Level 130: What is this hazardous precipitation? | ACIDRAIN |
Level 130: Charlie Brown’s pet beagle | SNOOPY |
Level 130: This weekday is typically the last working day for the week | FRIDAY |
Level 130: What is this close relative of onions and garlic? | CHIVES |
Level 130: Glassware used to hold liquids in laboratories | BEAKER |
Level 130: “Iron Chef” is this type of competition | COOKING |
Level 130: When no more members of a species exist, it is said to be this | EXTINCT |
Level 131: A ____ ___ ____ is running out of a restaurant without paying the | DINEANDDASH |
Level 131: A place to purchase an automobile | DEALERSHIP |
Level 131: A ____ ____ clover is a sign of good luck | FOURLEAF |
Level 131: Testing mannequin used to measure human injury in simulated accidents | CRASHDUMMY |
Level 131: A bowling shot that goes a bit too far left or right | GUTTERBALL |
Level 131: A place to purchase an automobile | DEALERSHIP |
Level 131: Restraints placed on criminal’s wrists | HANDCUFFS |
Level 131: A bowling shot that goes a bit too far left or right | GUTTERBALL |
Level 131: Restraints placed on criminal’s wrists | HANDCUFFS |
Level 131: Underpants worn by babies | DIAPERS |
Level 131: Someone who cannot read is this | ILLITERATE |
Level 131: When you find an engrossing book, you might read it _____ __ _____ | COVERTOCOVER |
Level 131: A ____ ____ clover is a sign of good luck | FOURLEAF |
Level 131: Testing mannequin used to measure human injury in simulated accidents | CRASHDUMMY |
Level 131: Someone who cannot read is this | ILLITERATE |
Level 131: What is this insect? | INCHWORM |
Level 131: A ____ ___ ____ is running out of a restaurant without paying the | DINEANDDASH |
Level 131: Communal gathering where everyone brings a dish | POTLUCK |
Level 131: When you find an engrossing book, you might read it _____ __ _____ | COVERTOCOVER |
Level 131: What is this non-professional? | LAYMAN |
Level 131: Walking through nature trails and footpaths | HIKING |
Level 131: Natural science studying life and living organisms | BIOLOGY |
Level 131: Sport where players fling a heavy ball to knock over pins | BOWLING |
Level 131: World famous US pizza chain with a red and blue logo | DOMINOS |
Level 132: A type of muscular canine with a wrinkly face | BULLDOG |
Level 132: You have to buy a new one of these every year | CALENDAR |
Level 132: Before learning real words, a baby will _______ to communicate | BABBLE |
Level 132: To receive money or property after the death of a family member | INHERIT |
Level 132: Found _______, a genre of film, usually horror, that pretends to | FOOTAGE |
Level 132: Minor tasks you may have to run throughout the day | ERRANDS |
Level 132: Found _______, a genre of film, usually horror, that pretends to | FOOTAGE |
Level 132: Minor tasks you may have to run throughout the day | ERRANDS |
Level 132: Making sure your instrument will produce notes of the correct pitch | TUNING |
Level 132: Online dating site founded in 2000 by Dr. Neil Warren; supposedly | EHARMONY |
Level 132: Something that is seen routinely, NOT something that happens daily | EVERYDAY |
Level 132: The chief servant of a large household, traditionally male; Carson | BUTLER |
Level 132: The chief servant of a large household, traditionally male; Carson | BUTLER |
Level 132: What is this 2014 thriller? | GONEGIRL |
Level 132: Something that is seen routinely, NOT something that happens daily | EVERYDAY |
Level 132: To receive money or property after the death of a family member | INHERIT |
Level 132: A type of muscular canine with a wrinkly face | BULLDOG |
Level 132: Light touch that provokes laughter | TICKLE |
Level 132: What is this 2014 thriller? | GONEGIRL |
Level 132: Online dating site founded in 2000 by Dr. Neil Warren; supposedly | EHARMONY |
Level 132: You have to buy a new one of these every year | CALENDAR |
Level 132: Language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain | ENGLISH |
Level 132: “____ Woman”, 1990 US romantic comedy starring Richard Gere and Julia | PRETTY |
Level 132: Arcade game where the player strikes targets with a round metal object | PINBALL |
Level 132: Quickly drinking a glass of water or being frightened are supposed | HICCUPS |
Level 133: A formal termination of a marriage after which the marriage is considered | ANNULMENT |
Level 133: A short, usually personal, story about the topic at hand | ANECDOTE |
Level 133: A short, usually personal, story about the topic at hand | ANECDOTE |
Level 133: An article from a publication that expresses the opinions of its | EDITORIAL |
Level 133: Microsoft Office application used to make presentations | POWERPOINT |
Level 133: Construction material used for its fire resistance, but is now known | ASBESTOS |
Level 133: What type of athletes wear these shoes? | ICESKATERS |
Level 133: Home furnishing that stores convenient handheld knowledge | BOOKSHELF |
Level 133: Microsoft Office application used to make presentations | POWERPOINT |
Level 133: Military treatise penned by Sun Tzu with applications to many parts | ARTOFWAR |
Level 133: Military treatise penned by Sun Tzu with applications to many parts | ARTOFWAR |
Level 133: The current holder of an office or position; usually has an advantage | INCUMBENT |
Level 133: Number system composed of 1s and 0s | BINARY |
Level 133: Slick backwards walking dancing move popularized by Michael Jackson | MOONWALK |
Level 133: The female equivalent to Duke | DUCHESS |
Level 133: Slick backwards walking dancing move popularized by Michael Jackson | MOONWALK |
Level 133: The commander of a vessel | CAPTAIN |
Level 133: The UK celebrates Guy Fawkes day on the fifth day of this month | NOVEMBER |
Level 133: The commander of a vessel | CAPTAIN |
Level 133: The current holder of an office or position; usually has an advantage | INCUMBENT |
Level 133: The female equivalent to Duke | DUCHESS |
Level 133: To work together on a issue or matter | COOPERATE |
Level 133: To work together on a issue or matter | COOPERATE |
Level 133: Construction material used for its fire resistance, but is now known | ASBESTOS |
Level 133: What type of athletes wear these shoes? | ICESKATERS |
Level 133: Lookout post at the top of a mast on a ship | CROWSNEST |
Level 133: What aerial activity is this? | SKYDIVING |
Level 133: Extended period of leisure time away from work | VACATION |
Level 134: A professional who finds and impounds stray canines | DOGCATCHER |
Level 134: A professional who finds and impounds stray canines | DOGCATCHER |
Level 134: A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word | ANAGRAM |
Level 134: Activities done to improve your health and increase body strength | EXERCISE |
Level 134: An airport’s control tower is responsible for managing ___ _______ | AIRTRAFFIC |
Level 134: An airport’s control tower is responsible for managing ___ _______ | AIRTRAFFIC |
Level 134: An exercise where you lie face up and lift a heavy barbell over your | BENCHPRESS |
Level 134: Expression; a slice of this might be good for cocky people | HUMBLEPIE |
Level 134: Handheld devices used to capture videos | CAMCORDER |
Level 134: Han Solo’s Wookie companion | CHEWBACCA |
Level 134: A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word | ANAGRAM |
Level 134: Handheld devices used to capture videos | CAMCORDER |
Level 134: Inspiring great affection; incredibly cute | ADORABLE |
Level 134: Large rock; name of a city in Colorado | BOULDER |
Level 134: Movement from one place to another either temporarily or permanently | MIGRATION |
Level 134: Wizarding school that Harry Potter attends | HOGWARTS |
Level 134: Activities done to improve your health and increase body strength | EXERCISE |
Level 134: Term for the time 12:00 AM | MIDNIGHT |
Level 134: What is this composition term? | FIRSTDRAFT |
Level 134: What is this composition term? | FIRSTDRAFT |
Level 134: What is this device? | COMPUTER |
Level 134: Large rock; name of a city in Colorado | BOULDER |
Level 134: The nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way | ANDROMEDA |
Level 134: Wizarding school that Harry Potter attends | HOGWARTS |
Level 134: Instrumental in percussion; also a tasty chicken limb | DRUMSTICK |
Level 134: 1972 crime drama made by Francis Coppola | GODFATHER |
Level 134: The fairy variant of this helped Cinderella | GODMOTHER |
Level 134: Dense bodies of ice that are constantly moving very slowly | GLACIERS |
Level 134: Containers for waste from cigarette smoking | ASHTRAYS |
Level 135: A green vegetable that resembles a small tree | BROCCOLI |
Level 135: What is this candy? | GUMBALL |
Level 135: A measure of how tall something is | HEIGHT |
Level 135: A meeting between two people who have never met, usually with romantic | BLINDDATE |
Level 135: A professional who provides recruiting services | HEADHUNTER |
Level 135: A professional who provides recruiting services | HEADHUNTER |
Level 135: A signature from a famous person | AUTOGRAPH |
Level 135: Substance added to a liquid, i.e the water in an engine, to lower | ANTIFREEZE |
Level 135: The science of sound | ACOUSTICS |
Level 135: Branch of mathematics concerned with shapes and their properties | GEOMETRY |
Level 135: Branch of mathematics concerned with shapes and their properties | GEOMETRY |
Level 135: Something pledged as the guarantee by a borrower | COLLATERAL |
Level 135: Something pledged as the guarantee by a borrower | COLLATERAL |
Level 135: Substance added to a liquid, i.e the water in an engine, to lower | ANTIFREEZE |
Level 135: A green vegetable that resembles a small tree | BROCCOLI |
Level 135: A note that takes up an entire measure in 4x2f4 time | WHOLENOTE |
Level 135: What is this candy? | GUMBALL |
Level 135: A measure of how tall something is | HEIGHT |
Level 135: What is this style of natural horse riding? | BAREBACK |
Level 135: A meter in a vehicle that shows how much gas is remaining | FUELGAUGE |
Level 135: US variant of a globally popular card game known as Twenty-One | BLACKJACK |
Level 136: _________ books have stiff bindings | HARDCOVER |
Level 136: A punctuation mark used when indicating possession in English | APOSTROPHE |
Level 136: A punctuation mark used when indicating possession in English | APOSTROPHE |
Level 136: Also called roly-polies, these armored insects can roll themselves | PILLBUGS |
Level 136: An athlete that does not have a team | FREEAGENT |
Level 136: An athlete that does not have a team | FREEAGENT |
Level 136: A watery disaster | FLOOD |
Level 136: Expression; something unbelievable | HOGWASH |
Level 136: Julius Caesar was famously warned to beware this day | IDESOFMARCH |
Level 136: Someone who can speak multiple languages | POLYGLOT |
Level 136: Julius Caesar was famously warned to beware this day | IDESOFMARCH |
Level 136: Keeping up with the ________, a reality show that follows the life | KARDASHIANS |
Level 136: Someone who can speak multiple languages | POLYGLOT |
Level 136: The ultimate winner of a tournament | CHAMPION |
Level 136: A common refreshment at Christmas parties; sometimes has alcohol | EGGNOG |
Level 136: Something that has been made useless by a new design or technology | OBSOLETE |
Level 136: The doctor tests your _______ by tapping your knee with a hammer | REFLEXES |
Level 136: Something that is unlikely to happen is a ____ ____ | LONGSHOT |
Level 136: Expression; something unbelievable | HOGWASH |
Level 136: The doctor tests your _______ by tapping your knee with a hammer | REFLEXES |
Level 136: Something that is unlikely to happen is a ____ ____ | LONGSHOT |
Level 136: The ultimate winner of a tournament | CHAMPION |
Level 136: “__ ____, no gain!”; expression meaning one must work hard for success | NOPAIN |
Level 136: Wallace and Gromit uses this type of animation style | CLAYMATION |
Level 136: What is this popular internet browser? | FIREFOX |
Level 136: Also called roly-polies, these armored insects can roll themselves | PILLBUGS |
Level 136: What is this popular internet browser? | FIREFOX |
Level 136: What is this type of sandwich? | FRENCHDIP |
Level 136: Something that has been made useless by a new design or technology | OBSOLETE |
Level 136: When people make the moral choice, they are said take the ____ ____ | HIGHROAD |
Level 136: A procession of people usually in celebration of an event | PARADE |
Level 136: An illusion that might be seen in the desert | MIRAGE |
Level 136: A triangular piece of pizza | SLICE |
Level 136: What is this cutting tool? | SHEARS |
Level 136: Preserved impression of prehistoric animals; dinosaur remains | FOSSIL |
Level 136: Features, such as a logo or slogan, that a company uses to distinguish | BRAND |
Level 136: This opening could be described as this | NARROW |
Level 137: A collection of things wrapped up together | BUNDLE |
Level 137: This generation emerged following World War II | BABYBOOMER |
Level 137: A collection of things wrapped up together | BUNDLE |
Level 137: A strong desire to know or learn something | CURIOSITY |
Level 137: A woman with dark brown hair | BRUNETTE |
Level 137: Boeing’s European rival in the commercial airliner market | AIRBUS |
Level 137: Boeing’s European rival in the commercial airliner market | AIRBUS |
Level 137: The sweet course eaten at the end of the meal | DESSERT |
Level 137: In the movie The Lion King, he is the father of Simba | MUFASA |
Level 137: The next step after you download an app | INSTALL |
Level 137: Lacking a pattern; impossible to predict | RANDOM |
Level 137: Phrase; a suggestion to prepare for all possibilities | JUSTINCASE |
Level 137: Season when the leaves start falling | AUTUMN |
Level 137: Season when the leaves start falling | AUTUMN |
Level 137: A woman with dark brown hair | BRUNETTE |
Level 137: The height of an object in relation to sea or ground level | ALTITUDE |
Level 137: What is this act of exposing something to be false or untrue? | DEBUNK |
Level 137: The sweet course eaten at the end of the meal | DESSERT |
Level 137: This Cleveland-based NBA team drafted Lebron James first overall | CAVALIERS |
Level 137: This generation emerged following World War II | BABYBOOMER |
Level 137: A strong desire to know or learn something | CURIOSITY |
Level 137: Unpaid trainee who works for the experience | INTERN |
Level 137: What is this hairstyle? | FLATTOP |
Level 137: Official document that protects the rights of an inventor | PATENT |
Level 137: Giving a stress ball a good ______ might help you relax | SQUEEZE |
Level 137: You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide these | NUMBERS |
Level 138: _____ Escobar was a notorious Colombian drug lord | PABLO |
Level 138: A marksman with bow and arrow | ARCHER |
Level 138: A marksman with bow and arrow | ARCHER |
Level 138: Can this Friends character BE more sarcastic? | CHANDLER |
Level 138: A person who mixes and serves drinks professionally | BARTENDER |
Level 138: _____ Escobar was a notorious Colombian drug lord | PABLO |
Level 138: Can this Friends character BE more sarcastic? | CHANDLER |
Level 138: A solar ______ is when the sun is blocked by the moon | ECLIPSE |
Level 138: Comes in midterm and final varieties | EXAMS |
Level 138: Meal plans focused on losing weight | DIETS |
Level 138: Meal plans focused on losing weight | DIETS |
Level 138: One plays the piano using these digits | FINGERS |
Level 138: Who is this Egyptian deity? | HORUS |
Level 138: Comes in midterm and final varieties | EXAMS |
Level 138: Who is this Egyptian deity? | HORUS |
Level 138: ________ Jones, whip-toting treasure hunter created by George Lucas | INDIANA |
Level 138: This professional cuts and sells meat | BUTCHER |
Level 138: An object you don’t want to look at might be described as this | EYESORE |
Level 138: Scuba diver apparel | WETSUIT |
Level 138: To give something back | RETURN |
Level 138: _____ and Clyde were an infamous criminal couple active in the US | BONNIE |
Level 138: Golf club used on the green | PUTTER |
Level 139: A baby cow | CALF |
Level 139: A baby cow | CALF |
Level 139: A joint commonly sprained in sports, especially basketball | ANKLE |
Level 139: What sound does this animal make? | QUACK |
Level 139: A tax imposed by one country on the goods and services imported from | TARIFF |
Level 139: Something that is said to make you laugh | JOKE |
Level 139: A type of pig that lives freely in the wild | BOAR |
Level 139: Singer that says Hello while Rolling in the Deep | ADELE |
Level 139: Fluffy, high-altitude sun blocker; a dark one heralds rain | CLOUD |
Level 139: This type of plane drops explosives onto enemy targets | BOMBER |
Level 139: Fluffy, high-altitude sun blocker; a dark one heralds rain | CLOUD |
Level 139: Honeycombs and snowflakes naturally take on this geometric form | HEXAGON |
Level 139: A type of pig that lives freely in the wild | BOAR |
Level 139: It has a handlebar, two wheels, and a frame | BICYCLE |
Level 139: Knitwear worn around the neck to keep you warm in winter | SCARF |
Level 139: ______ Eilish, teenage pop star with the hit single “Bad Guy” | BILLIE |
Level 139: Perfect time for telling stories to children | BEDTIME |
Level 139: What speedy African feline has this pattern? | CHEETAH |
Level 139: It has a handlebar, two wheels, and a frame | BICYCLE |
Level 139: Singer that says Hello while Rolling in the Deep | ADELE |
Level 139: Honeycombs and snowflakes naturally take on this geometric form | HEXAGON |
Level 139: Something that is said to make you laugh | JOKE |
Level 139: The coldest of all oceans | ARCTIC |
Level 139: Fermented milk treat, often sweetened with chunks of fruit mixed | YOGURT |
Level 139: The coldest of all oceans | ARCTIC |
Level 139: This type of plane drops explosives onto enemy targets | BOMBER |
Level 139: Tiled room for freshening up | BATHROOM |
Level 139: Knitwear worn around the neck to keep you warm in winter | SCARF |
Level 139: What sound does this animal make? | QUACK |
Level 139: Perfect time for telling stories to children | BEDTIME |
Level 139: What speedy African feline has this pattern? | CHEETAH |
Level 139: A slight shake when you are cold, frightened, or excited | SHIVER |
Level 139: Word for a TV station or sea passage | CHANNEL |
Level 139: Word for a TV station or sea passage | CHANNEL |
Level 139: Oversized music player that can be carried on a shoulder | BOOMBOX |
Level 139: Type of mammal whose teeth never stop growing | RODENT |
Level 139: The 1991 superhero in “The Rocketeer” wore this fantastical flight | JETPACK |
Level 140: A common OTC pain reducing and anti-inflammatory medicine | ASPIRIN |
Level 140: An area covered with underground explosives | MINEFIELD |
Level 140: Man-made waterway; there’s one in Panama and in Suez | CANAL |
Level 140: An area you must check while driving, especially when changing lanes | BLINDSPOT |
Level 140: Like a monologue but between two people | DIALOGUE |
Level 140: A common OTC pain reducing and anti-inflammatory medicine | ASPIRIN |
Level 140: Egyptian god of the dead | ANUBIS |
Level 140: “Blade ______”, 1982 Sci-Fi film starring Harrison Ford | RUNNER |
Level 140: Egyptian god of the dead | ANUBIS |
Level 140: Like a monologue but between two people | DIALOGUE |
Level 140: Man-made waterway; there’s one in Panama and in Suez | CANAL |
Level 140: No, this bovine doesn’t actually have delicious spicy wings | BUFFALO |
Level 140: No, this bovine doesn’t actually have delicious spicy wings | BUFFALO |
Level 140: To be dismissed or let go of from a company | FIRED |
Level 140: One might find a message inside this glass container on the beach | BOTTLE |
Level 140: The final part of a movie, usually | CREDITS |
Level 140: The most famous and widely used cryptocurrency | BITCOIN |
Level 140: The return on a bet | PAYOFF |
Level 140: One might find a message inside this glass container on the beach | BOTTLE |
Level 140: The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks | BANTER |
Level 140: The return on a bet | PAYOFF |
Level 140: This 2018 DC movie staring Jason Momoa features a battle to rule | AQUAMAN |
Level 140: The larval form of a fly; consumes trash and other decaying matter | MAGGOT |
Level 140: The most famous and widely used cryptocurrency | BITCOIN |
Level 140: To be dismissed or let go of from a company | FIRED |
Level 140: To go off script; ad-lib | IMPROVISE |
Level 140: This 2018 DC movie staring Jason Momoa features a battle to rule | AQUAMAN |
Level 140: Winter Olympic event in which the competitors combine cross-country | BIATHLON |
Level 140: Winter Olympic event in which the competitors combine cross-country | BIATHLON |
Level 140: You have to pay this in class if you want to do well on the test | ATTENTION |
Level 140: Wolves, foxes, and coyotes all belong to this animal family | CANINE |
Level 140: Color of the Beatles’ submarine | YELLOW |
Level 140: Gold ______, someone in a relationship just for money | DIGGER |
Level 140: ______ Carey, iconic singer with a five-octave vocal range | MARIAH |
Level 140: What is this type of building? | STABLE |
Level 140: Separate from a spouse | DIVORCE |
Level 141: A person who determines gambling odds | BOOKIE |
Level 141: More difficult than beginner and intermediate levels | ADVANCED |
Level 141: Do you want _____ with that burger? | FRIES |
Level 141: One of the fathers of western philosophy, along with his teacher | ARISTOTLE |
Level 141: Fashion accessory worn around the wrist | BRACELET |
Level 141: What is this kickable toy? | HACKYSACK |
Level 141: It would be difficult to open a bottle of wine without one | CORKSCREW |
Level 141: The protector of Gotham City | BATMAN |
Level 141: A child might throw one when angry | TANTRUM |
Level 141: A person who determines gambling odds | BOOKIE |
Level 141: More difficult than beginner and intermediate levels | ADVANCED |
Level 141: One of the fathers of western philosophy, along with his teacher | ARISTOTLE |
Level 141: Do you want _____ with that burger? | FRIES |
Level 141: The protector of Gotham City | BATMAN |
Level 141: Fashion accessory worn around the wrist | BRACELET |
Level 141: What is this kickable toy? | HACKYSACK |
Level 141: Speak in a low volume; obligatory in a library | WHISPER |
Level 141: Contemplating; pondering; musing | THINKING |
Level 142: _____ 13, an ill-fated space expedition that, through heroic efforts, | APOLLO |
Level 142: A whole number; a number that is not a fraction | INTEGER |
Level 142: A movie starring Tom Hanks, an Island, and a volleyball named Wilson | CASTAWAY |
Level 142: This U.S. national legislative body is composed of the Senate and | CONGRESS |
Level 142: A whole number; a number that is not a fraction | INTEGER |
Level 142: What insect will come out of this? | BUTTERFLY |
Level 142: Federal ______ of Investigation | BUREAU |
Level 142: Federal ______ of Investigation | BUREAU |
Level 142: One Direction, NSYNC, Boyz II Men, Backstreet Boys, for example | BOYBAND |
Level 142: Summary of key points; beginnings of a sketch | OUTLINE |
Level 142: What is this antique style of tape? | EIGHTTRACK |
Level 142: _____ 13, an ill-fated space expedition that, through heroic efforts, | APOLLO |
Level 142: Physicians get their doctorates from this kind of institution | MEDSCHOOL |
Level 142: Soccer, to Europeans | FOOTBALL |
Level 142: This group of travelers gets to board the plane before anyone else | FIRSTCLASS |
Level 142: The capital of Hungary | BUDAPEST |
Level 142: The capital of Hungary | BUDAPEST |
Level 142: Legendary bird that dies in a conflagration, then rises again from | PHOENIX |
Level 142: Soccer, to Europeans | FOOTBALL |
Level 142: The capital of the Netherlands | AMSTERDAM |
Level 142: One Direction, NSYNC, Boyz II Men, Backstreet Boys, for example | BOYBAND |
Level 142: This group of travelers gets to board the plane before anyone else | FIRSTCLASS |
Level 142: This portable device is a relief for asthma patients | INHALER |
Level 142: This portable device is a relief for asthma patients | INHALER |
Level 142: Physicians get their doctorates from this kind of institution | MEDSCHOOL |
Level 142: This U.S. national legislative body is composed of the Senate and | CONGRESS |
Level 142: A movie starring Tom Hanks, an Island, and a volleyball named Wilson | CASTAWAY |
Level 142: What insect will come out of this? | BUTTERFLY |
Level 142: What is this long period without rain? | DRYSPELL |
Level 142: What is this antique style of tape? | EIGHTTRACK |
Level 142: Small and common pet often found running on a wheel | HAMSTER |
Level 142: 6-legged animals with exoskeletons and antennae | INSECTS |
Level 142: The month of Halloween; long ago, it was the 8th month | OCTOBER |
Level 143: An exchange of conflicting views; can get heated | ARGUMENT |
Level 143: Terry carried out the trash. Trash is the ______ of the sentence | OBJECT |
Level 143: An infant or newborn | BABY |
Level 143: This craftsman makes and fixes shoes | COBBLER |
Level 143: Terry carried out the trash. Trash is the ______ of the sentence | OBJECT |
Level 143: What type of punchy athlete is this? | BOXER |
Level 143: The leader of this group of superheros is Charles Xavier | XMEN |
Level 143: The leader of this group of superheros is Charles Xavier | XMEN |
Level 143: Bony chest protector | RIBCAGE |
Level 143: The opposite of a bullish market | BEARISH |
Level 143: The opposite of a bullish market | BEARISH |
Level 143: An exchange of conflicting views; can get heated | ARGUMENT |
Level 143: The process of visibly growing older | AGING |
Level 143: An infant or newborn | BABY |
Level 143: This craftsman makes and fixes shoes | COBBLER |
Level 143: What insects does this animal eat? | ANTS |
Level 143: What insects does this animal eat? | ANTS |
Level 143: The process of visibly growing older | AGING |
Level 143: What is this hazardous precipitation? | ACIDRAIN |
Level 143: What type of punchy athlete is this? | BOXER |
Level 143: What is this device? | ADAPTER |
Level 143: A cell’s core, where DNA is housed | NUCLEUS |
Level 144: A bunny’s favorite type of music | HIPHOP |
Level 144: A bunny’s favorite type of music | HIPHOP |
Level 144: A person who pretends to be someone else in a malicious way | IMPOSTER |
Level 144: Center for children whose parents are at work | DAYCARE |
Level 144: The vampire from Transylvania | DRACULA |
Level 144: The first word of LOL | LAUGH |
Level 144: The Star-Spangled Banner is the national ______ of America. | ANTHEM |
Level 144: Performers who are trained in arts like ballet or salsa | DANCERS |
Level 144: The Star-Spangled Banner is the national ______ of America. | ANTHEM |
Level 144: A person who pretends to be someone else in a malicious way | IMPOSTER |
Level 144: The vampire from Transylvania | DRACULA |
Level 144: This type of school does not allow boys to attend | ALLGIRL |
Level 144: What is this Japanese word? | BUSHIDO |
Level 144: What is this Japanese word? | BUSHIDO |
Level 144: The ability to understand how others feel | EMPATHY |
Level 144: Money that one receives or earns; opposite of an expense | INCOME |
Level 144: Unit used to measure angles | DEGREE |
Level 144: Another word for prisoner | INMATE |
Level 144: Andy Serkis played this obsessive creature in the Lord of the Rings | GOLLUM |
Level 144: Electric yellow rodent mascot of Poku00E9mon, a popular game and cartoon | PIKACHU |
Level 144: An outlaw in a Western might use this to cover their face | BANDANA |
Level 144: A professional who prepares and serves coffee | BARISTA |
Level 145: A person with a Body Mass Index of 25% to 30% can be described as | OVERWEIGHT |
Level 145: Half of a globe | HEMISPHERE |
Level 145: According to Smokey the Bear, only you can stop these | FORESTFIRES |
Level 145: An exploitable ambiguity in a set of rules | LOOPHOLE |
Level 145: Collectable dolls that became a fad in the late 90s | BEANIEBABY |
Level 145: Between midday and the evening | AFTERNOON |
Level 145: French pre-meal phrase | BONAPPETIT |
Level 145: A person with a Body Mass Index of 25% to 30% can be described as | OVERWEIGHT |
Level 145: Ben ______, US actor in “Dodgeball” and “Tropic Thunder” | STILLER |
Level 145: Children’s show with a sky-colored canine star | BLUESCLUES |
Level 145: Collectable dolls that became a fad in the late 90s | BEANIEBABY |
Level 145: Crunchy bread pieces often found in Caesar salad | CROUTONS |
Level 145: What is this writing equipment? | INKWELL |
Level 145: French pre-meal phrase | BONAPPETIT |
Level 145: Half of a globe | HEMISPHERE |
Level 145: Handheld firework on a stick; Fourth of July favorite | SPARKLER |
Level 145: Children’s show with a sky-colored canine star | BLUESCLUES |
Level 145: Handheld firework on a stick; Fourth of July favorite | SPARKLER |
Level 145: Host of American game shows Whose Line is it Anyway? and The Price | DREWCAREY |
Level 145: The famous _________ sequence goes: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21… | FIBONACCI |
Level 145: The famous _________ sequence goes: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21… | FIBONACCI |
Level 145: A severe emotional outburst; also, a nuclear disaster | MELTDOWN |
Level 145: What is this symbol? | PEACESIGN |
Level 145: What is this symbol? | PEACESIGN |
Level 145: According to Smokey the Bear, only you can stop these | FORESTFIRES |
Level 145: What is this writing equipment? | INKWELL |
Level 145: Smallest country in the world; where the Pope resides | VATICAN |
Level 146: Blind genius R&B pianist; portrayed by Jamie Foxx in the biopic | RAYCHARLES |
Level 146: Occurring twice in a seven-day period or once every fourteen days | BIWEEKLY |
Level 146: Capital city of Brazil | BRASILIA |
Level 146: Capital city of Brazil | BRASILIA |
Level 146: Elderly people may wear these to replace their lost chompers | FALSETEETH |
Level 146: Expression; request for support | CALLTOARMS |
Level 146: Elderly people may wear these to replace their lost chompers | FALSETEETH |
Level 146: Expression; request for support | CALLTOARMS |
Level 146: He and his merry men robbed from the rich and gave to the poor | ROBINHOOD |
Level 146: Huge, ten-legged deep-sea creature; natural enemy of the sperm whale | GIANTSQUID |
Level 146: Huge, ten-legged deep-sea creature; natural enemy of the sperm whale | GIANTSQUID |
Level 146: Blind genius R&B pianist; portrayed by Jamie Foxx in the biopic | RAYCHARLES |
Level 146: Occurring twice in a seven-day period or once every fourteen days | BIWEEKLY |
Level 146: Doritos flavor found in a blue bag | COOLRANCH |
Level 146: Movement with a ball on a basketball court | DRIBBLING |
Level 146: What type of cup of this? | WINEGLASS |
Level 146: They never go unpunished | GOODDEEDS |
Level 147: A liquid food that you can spell words in | ALPHABETSOUP |
Level 147: This branch of science involves using the periodic table | CHEMISTRY |
Level 147: A way to quit a habit | COLDTURKEY |
Level 147: This famous retired skateboarder has 18 video games based on him | TONYHAWK |
Level 147: An economic system in which industry is under private ownership rather | CAPITALISM |
Level 147: An economic system in which industry is under private ownership rather | CAPITALISM |
Level 147: Animated movie that introduced the world to the tiny, yellow Minions | DESPICABLEME |
Level 147: Faint spots that can appear on fair skin | FRECKLES |
Level 147: Faint spots that can appear on fair skin | FRECKLES |
Level 147: Last resort for a fighter pilot to escape the cockpit | EJECTORSEAT |
Level 147: Punctuation mark; a combination of the question mark and the exclamation | INTERROBANG |
Level 147: A liquid food that you can spell words in | ALPHABETSOUP |
Level 147: Things that go __ ___ ___ and out the other go unheard | INONEEAR |
Level 147: Things that go __ ___ ___ and out the other go unheard | INONEEAR |
Level 147: This branch of science involves using the periodic table | CHEMISTRY |
Level 147: Animated movie that introduced the world to the tiny, yellow Minions | DESPICABLEME |
Level 147: This can open every lock of a building | MASTERKEY |
Level 147: Punctuation mark; a combination of the question mark and the exclamation | INTERROBANG |
Level 147: This famous retired skateboarder has 18 video games based on him | TONYHAWK |
Level 147: A way to quit a habit | COLDTURKEY |
Level 147: Type of children’s party that goes overnight | SLEEPOVER |
Level 147: Pocket money regularly given by parents to their kids | ALLOWANCE |
Level 147: Wall art placed without permission | GRAFFITI |
Level 147: What is this geometric solid? | CYLINDER |
Level 147: What is this deep-fried side dish? | HUSHPUPPY |
Level 147: How was this food cooked? | DEEPFRIED |
Level 148: ____ _____ like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana | TIMEFLIES |
Level 148: CD stands for this | COMPACTDISC |
Level 148: A golden ticket gets you a tour of this man’s chocolate factory | WILLYWONKA |
Level 148: Superman’s nickname and title of Zack Snyder’s 2013 Superman film | MANOFSTEEL |
Level 148: Black woodwind instrument; Squidward plays one | CLARINET |
Level 148: What is this type of car? | FOURBYFOUR |
Level 148: CD stands for this | COMPACTDISC |
Level 148: Savory, spherical food item added to spaghetti or a sub sandwich | MEATBALL |
Level 148: Savory, spherical food item added to spaghetti or a sub sandwich | MEATBALL |
Level 148: What is this sensation? | NUMB |
Level 148: Smallest size of clothing available, usually | EXTRASMALL |
Level 148: Smallest size of clothing available, usually | EXTRASMALL |
Level 148: Superman’s nickname and title of Zack Snyder’s 2013 Superman film | MANOFSTEEL |
Level 148: What is this presentation device? | LASERPOINTER |
Level 148: What is this presentation device? | LASERPOINTER |
Level 148: A golden ticket gets you a tour of this man’s chocolate factory | WILLYWONKA |
Level 148: The first word of “LOL” | LAUGH |
Level 148: What is this type of car? | FOURBYFOUR |
Level 148: Crown for beauty pageant winners and prom queens | TIARA |
Level 148: A joint commonly sprained in sports, especially basketball | ANKLE |
Level 148: Let’s cast a magic spell! _____ Pocus! | HOCUS |
Level 148: People with high self ______ think very highly of themselves | ESTEEM |
Level 148: What is the name of this shape? | NONAGON |
Level 148: Little men with red hats that might live in your garden | GNOMES |
Level 148: What animal is this? | DOLPHIN |
Level 149: A type of graph that shows a circle divided into sections | PIECHART |
Level 149: Furry-faced female carnival performer | BEARDEDLADY |
Level 149: Black handheld rectangular document holder for businessmen on the | BRIEFCASE |
Level 149: Larval form of a frog | TADPOLE |
Level 149: Culturally and historically significant piece of music, often with | FOLKSONG |
Level 149: Famously gigantic breed of dog; Scooby Doo is one of these | GREATDANE |
Level 149: Extinct avian; perhaps the most famous extinct species | DODOBIRD |
Level 149: Abstract expressionist Jackson ______, known for his “drip painting | POLLOCK |
Level 149: Famously gigantic breed of dog; Scooby Doo is one of these | GREATDANE |
Level 149: What is this ice-cream-eating hazard? | BRAINFREEZE |
Level 149: Black handheld rectangular document holder for businessmen on the | BRIEFCASE |
Level 149: Furry-faced female carnival performer | BEARDEDLADY |
Level 149: Extinct avian; perhaps the most famous extinct species | DODOBIRD |
Level 149: Larval form of a frog | TADPOLE |
Level 149: A type of graph that shows a circle divided into sections | PIECHART |
Level 149: What is this ice-cream-eating hazard? | BRAINFREEZE |
Level 149: Someone who has had a limb removed | AMPUTEE |
Level 149: Audrey ______, US actress in the leading role of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” | HEPBURN |
Level 149: 2015 Best Picture winner starring Michael Keaton | BIRDMAN |
Level 149: Device used to eavesdrop on someone’s phone call | WIRETAP |
Level 149: What is this kind of meat? | COLDCUT |
Level 150: A famous French confectionery | BONBONS |
Level 150: A man who has never been married | BACHELOR |
Level 150: A marker of significant progress | MILESTONE |
Level 150: Web-like woven charm, supposedly for trapping nightmares | DREAMCATCHER |
Level 150: Expression; get off your ____ _____ | HIGHHORSE |
Level 150: Gandhi’s first name | MOHANDAS |
Level 150: The world’s largest island, located East of the Canadian archipelago | GREENLAND |
Level 150: What are these depressions on the Moon’s surface? | CRATERS |
Level 150: Lacking the ability to distinguish certain colors | COLORBLIND |
Level 150: Lacking the ability to distinguish certain colors | COLORBLIND |
Level 150: Expression; get off your ____ _____ | HIGHHORSE |
Level 150: Large absorbent cloth you might bring for a day of seaside fun | BEACHTOWEL |
Level 150: A famous French confectionery | BONBONS |
Level 150: Long French bread; often found sticking out of paper grocery bags | BAGUETTE |
Level 150: Mythical beast with the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion | MANTICORE |
Level 150: Type of male underwear that resembles shorts | BOXERS |
Level 150: Gandhi’s first name | MOHANDAS |
Level 150: The world’s largest island, located East of the Canadian archipelago | GREENLAND |
Level 150: Large absorbent cloth you might bring for a day of seaside fun | BEACHTOWEL |
Level 150: Web-like woven charm, supposedly for trapping nightmares | DREAMCATCHER |
Level 150: What is this expression of exasperation? | FACEPALM |
Level 150: Leonard in “Memento” suffers from this condition, leading to memory | AMNESIA |
Level 150: Judy ____, American actress who starred in “The Wizard of Oz” | GARLAND |
Level 150: Skyscraper thriller; Bruce Willis stars | DIEHARD |
Level 150: What type of driver is he? | GETAWAY |
Level 150: Humans have five main ones: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell | SENSES |
Level 150: Chemical ingredient in nail polish remover | ACETONE |
Level 150: To willingly receive something; not to reject | ACCEPT |
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