Word Craze Answers [Level 126-150 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (125-150) Part 6

Word Craze Level 126-150 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 126: A _______ ____ to swallow is a hard truth to acceptBITTERPILL
Level 126: This 70s American rock band sang Dream onAEROSMITH
Level 126: A person who has just started their journey to learn a skillBEGINNER
Level 126: Insects have two of these on their head to help sense their environmentANTENNA
Level 126: A smaller version of a traditional sport featuring tees and clubsMINIGOLF
Level 126: Scientist who studies human behavior and supply and demandECONOMIST
Level 126: A weapon in the boardgame Clue that might light the way to theCANDLESTICK
Level 126: Venus ___ _____, a plant which eats insectsFLYTRAP
Level 126: Insects have two of these on their head to help sense their environmentANTENNA
Level 126: Tasty and meaty remedy for a coldCHICKENSOUP
Level 126: Ten to the power of threeTHOUSAND
Level 126: Phrase; a streak of light seen in the night skyFALLINGSTAR
Level 126: Scientist who studies human behavior and supply and demandECONOMIST
Level 126: Tasty and meaty remedy for a coldCHICKENSOUP
Level 126: Manhattan, Mojito, and Gin and Tonic, for exampleCOCKTAIL
Level 126: This 70s American rock band sang Dream onAEROSMITH
Level 126: A smaller version of a traditional sport featuring tees and clubsMINIGOLF
Level 126: Venus ___ _____, a plant which eats insectsFLYTRAP
Level 126: Oscar the Grouch’s houseTRASHCAN
Level 126: “Do as I say, ___ __ _ __”NOTASIDO
Level 126: Light spectrum used by night vision gogglesINFRARED
Level 126: Tension, sinus, cluster are types of thisHEADACHE
Level 126: What is this farming implement?PITCHFORK
Level 126: You might raise these facial features in surpriseEYEBROWS
Level 127: _____ Fish, a fish which acts as a universal translator in Hitchhiker’sBABEL
Level 127: Play this instrument to pretend to be a rock star in your livingAIRGUITAR
Level 127: ______ the Frog, famous green MuppetKERMIT
Level 127: _____ Fish, a fish which acts as a universal translator in Hitchhiker’sBABEL
Level 127: 1997 action movie by John Woo featuring John Travolta and NicolasFACEOFF
Level 127: 2009 sci-fi film directed by James Cameron featuring blue-hued aliensAVATAR
Level 127: A type of market famous in Middle Eastern countriesBAZAAR
Level 127: 2009 sci-fi film directed by James Cameron featuring blue-hued aliensAVATAR
Level 127: A person who is very experienced in a field, particularly the militaryVETERAN
Level 127: “As American as ____ __”APPLEPIE
Level 127: A type of market famous in Middle Eastern countriesBAZAAR
Level 127: Metal bar with a curved end used to pry things openCROWBAR
Level 127: Ancient two wheeled horse-drawn vehicle used in battles and racesCHARIOT
Level 127: What is this station found in chemistry labs?EYEWASH
Level 127: Clam _______, a soup originating in the US which contains clams,CHOWDER
Level 127: The impact of one of these hitting the Earth may have killed theASTEROID
Level 127: Expression; a slice of this might be good for cocky peopleHUMBLEPIE
Level 127: Hunter who fought Arnie and Aliens, in separate filmsPREDATOR
Level 127: The part of the hiring process where the employer and applicant learnINTERVIEW
Level 127: ______ the Frog, famous green MuppetKERMIT
Level 127: In Jeopardy, contestants ring these to answer questionsBUZZER
Level 127: Metal bar with a curved end used to pry things openCROWBAR
Level 127: Written feedback to a social media postCOMMENT
Level 127: A person who is very experienced in a field, particularly the militaryVETERAN
Level 127: Play this instrument to pretend to be a rock star in your livingAIRGUITAR
Level 127: In Jeopardy, contestants ring these to answer questionsBUZZER
Level 127: The impact of one of these hitting the Earth may have killed theASTEROID
Level 127: What is this swimming stroke?FREESTYLE
Level 127: The part of the hiring process where the employer and applicant learnINTERVIEW
Level 127: Expression; a slice of this might be good for cocky peopleHUMBLEPIE
Level 127: What is this station found in chemistry labs?EYEWASH
Level 127: 1997 action movie by John Woo featuring John Travolta and NicolasFACEOFF
Level 127: Written feedback to a social media postCOMMENT
Level 127: Chocolate ice cream flavor with nuts and marshmallowsROCKYROAD
Level 127: Bart Simpson is in this in every episode introDETENTION
Level 127: To listen in on a conversation not meant for youEAVESDROP
Level 127: There are two on the US mapCAROLINAS
Level 128: A word for one’s brothers and sistersSIBLINGS
Level 128: The Wandering _________ has the longest wingspan of all birds; 3ALBATROSS
Level 128: Battlefield where kings, knights, and pawns alike do battleCHESSBOARD
Level 128: NASA, SCUBA, and LASER are examples of this type of abbreviationACRONYM
Level 128: Machine used to rinse and clean used dinnerwareDISHWASHER
Level 128: What is this head accessory?HAIRBAND
Level 128: NASA, SCUBA, and LASER are examples of this type of abbreviationACRONYM
Level 128: The ship captained by Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the CaribbeanBLACKPEARL
Level 128: Traditional Mexican headwear of great sizeSOMBRERO
Level 128: The Wandering _________ has the longest wingspan of all birds; 3ALBATROSS
Level 128: What is this fairground treat? [cake stuffed in a funnel]FUNNELCAKE
Level 128: What is this fairground treat? [cake stuffed in a funnel]FUNNELCAKE
Level 128: Battlefield where kings, knights, and pawns alike do battleCHESSBOARD
Level 128: What is this head accessory?HAIRBAND
Level 128: Pretend to sing live by matching mouth movement to a recordingLIPSYNC
Level 128: Someone who works in the same place as youCOWORKER
Level 128: “Beauty is in the eye of the _________” means beauty is subjectiveBEHOLDER
Level 128: What is this meteorological term?CLIMATE
Level 128: Grain-based food, typically eaten at breakfast, with milkCEREALS
Level 128: Word meaning to draw inATTRACT
Level 128: Shaken percussion instrument popular in Latin musicMARACAS
Level 128: Watery disaster caused by an underwater earthquakeTSUNAMI
Level 128: A person who is key to an organizationKINGPIN
Level 129: A movie or television series which takes its source material fromADAPTATION
Level 129: A place to safely light an indoor flame for a cozy atmosphereFIREPLACE
Level 129: It’s a waste of breath to continue beating a ____ _____DEADHORSE
Level 129: Chewing gum from the 50s that came with a comic strip featuring theBAZOOKAJOE
Level 129: The round floating leaves of a water lilyLILYPADS
Level 129: A place to safely light an indoor flame for a cozy atmosphereFIREPLACE
Level 129: Deadly viral disease spread by the bites of infected animalsRABIES
Level 129: Flavored triangular corn chips that typically comes in a big redDORITOS
Level 129: Little stars are known to do this to our wondermentTWINKLE
Level 129: It’s a waste of breath to continue beating a ____ _____DEADHORSE
Level 129: The round floating leaves of a water lilyLILYPADS
Level 129: What type of pizza is this?DEEPDISH
Level 129: These attachments help straighten your teethBRACES
Level 129: These attachments help straighten your teethBRACES
Level 129: Flavored triangular corn chips that typically comes in a big redDORITOS
Level 129: “It’s not over until the ___ ____ sings”FATLADY
Level 129: What type of pizza is this?DEEPDISH
Level 129: The boom that comes after lightning strikesTHUNDER
Level 129: What is this group of mature individuals?ADULTS
Level 129: Wheats and other cereals which are used as foodGRAINS
Level 129: In movies, difficult or dangerous acts which often require a doubleSTUNTS
Level 130: A boxy contraption that takes passengers between floors; going up!ELEVATOR
Level 130: The Major League Baseball team from Los AngelesDODGERS
Level 130: A dog lying on its back might want one of theseBELLYRUB
Level 130: A watery disasterFLOOD
Level 130: A dog lying on its back might want one of theseBELLYRUB
Level 130: A ritual used to expel evil spiritsEXORCISM
Level 130: A vampire uses these to suck bloodFANGS
Level 130: What is this hazardous precipitation?ACIDRAIN
Level 130: A high-quality product and a cost to get such a product are calledPREMIUM
Level 130: A ritual used to expel evil spiritsEXORCISM
Level 130: A watery disasterFLOOD
Level 130: The Major League Baseball team from Los AngelesDODGERS
Level 130: What is this football term?KICKOFF
Level 130: A boxy contraption that takes passengers between floors; going up!ELEVATOR
Level 130: The weight of gemstones is measured in theseCARATS
Level 130: A vampire uses these to suck bloodFANGS
Level 130: What is this football term?KICKOFF
Level 130: Charm that is typically worn around the neck to confer good luckAMULET
Level 130: The weight of gemstones is measured in theseCARATS
Level 130: What is this hazardous precipitation?ACIDRAIN
Level 130: Charlie Brown’s pet beagleSNOOPY
Level 130: This weekday is typically the last working day for the weekFRIDAY
Level 130: What is this close relative of onions and garlic?CHIVES
Level 130: Glassware used to hold liquids in laboratoriesBEAKER
Level 130: “Iron Chef” is this type of competitionCOOKING
Level 130: When no more members of a species exist, it is said to be thisEXTINCT
Level 131: A ____ ___ ____ is running out of a restaurant without paying theDINEANDDASH
Level 131: A place to purchase an automobileDEALERSHIP
Level 131: A ____ ____ clover is a sign of good luckFOURLEAF
Level 131: Testing mannequin used to measure human injury in simulated accidentsCRASHDUMMY
Level 131: A bowling shot that goes a bit too far left or rightGUTTERBALL
Level 131: A place to purchase an automobileDEALERSHIP
Level 131: Restraints placed on criminal’s wristsHANDCUFFS
Level 131: A bowling shot that goes a bit too far left or rightGUTTERBALL
Level 131: Restraints placed on criminal’s wristsHANDCUFFS
Level 131: Underpants worn by babiesDIAPERS
Level 131: Someone who cannot read is thisILLITERATE
Level 131: When you find an engrossing book, you might read it _____ __ _____COVERTOCOVER
Level 131: A ____ ____ clover is a sign of good luckFOURLEAF
Level 131: Testing mannequin used to measure human injury in simulated accidentsCRASHDUMMY
Level 131: Someone who cannot read is thisILLITERATE
Level 131: What is this insect?INCHWORM
Level 131: A ____ ___ ____ is running out of a restaurant without paying theDINEANDDASH
Level 131: Communal gathering where everyone brings a dishPOTLUCK
Level 131: When you find an engrossing book, you might read it _____ __ _____COVERTOCOVER
Level 131: What is this non-professional?LAYMAN
Level 131: Walking through nature trails and footpathsHIKING
Level 131: Natural science studying life and living organismsBIOLOGY
Level 131: Sport where players fling a heavy ball to knock over pinsBOWLING
Level 131: World famous US pizza chain with a red and blue logoDOMINOS
Level 132: A type of muscular canine with a wrinkly faceBULLDOG
Level 132: You have to buy a new one of these every yearCALENDAR
Level 132: Before learning real words, a baby will _______ to communicateBABBLE
Level 132: To receive money or property after the death of a family memberINHERIT
Level 132: Found _______, a genre of film, usually horror, that pretends toFOOTAGE
Level 132: Minor tasks you may have to run throughout the dayERRANDS
Level 132: Found _______, a genre of film, usually horror, that pretends toFOOTAGE
Level 132: Minor tasks you may have to run throughout the dayERRANDS
Level 132: Making sure your instrument will produce notes of the correct pitchTUNING
Level 132: Online dating site founded in 2000 by Dr. Neil Warren; supposedlyEHARMONY
Level 132: Something that is seen routinely, NOT something that happens dailyEVERYDAY
Level 132: The chief servant of a large household, traditionally male; CarsonBUTLER
Level 132: The chief servant of a large household, traditionally male; CarsonBUTLER
Level 132: What is this 2014 thriller?GONEGIRL
Level 132: Something that is seen routinely, NOT something that happens dailyEVERYDAY
Level 132: To receive money or property after the death of a family memberINHERIT
Level 132: A type of muscular canine with a wrinkly faceBULLDOG
Level 132: Light touch that provokes laughterTICKLE
Level 132: What is this 2014 thriller?GONEGIRL
Level 132: Online dating site founded in 2000 by Dr. Neil Warren; supposedlyEHARMONY
Level 132: You have to buy a new one of these every yearCALENDAR
Level 132: Language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to BritainENGLISH
Level 132: “____ Woman”, 1990 US romantic comedy starring Richard Gere and JuliaPRETTY
Level 132: Arcade game where the player strikes targets with a round metal objectPINBALL
Level 132: Quickly drinking a glass of water or being frightened are supposedHICCUPS
Level 133: A formal termination of a marriage after which the marriage is consideredANNULMENT
Level 133: A short, usually personal, story about the topic at handANECDOTE
Level 133: A short, usually personal, story about the topic at handANECDOTE
Level 133: An article from a publication that expresses the opinions of itsEDITORIAL
Level 133: Microsoft Office application used to make presentationsPOWERPOINT
Level 133: Construction material used for its fire resistance, but is now knownASBESTOS
Level 133: What type of athletes wear these shoes?ICESKATERS
Level 133: Home furnishing that stores convenient handheld knowledgeBOOKSHELF
Level 133: Microsoft Office application used to make presentationsPOWERPOINT
Level 133: Military treatise penned by Sun Tzu with applications to many partsARTOFWAR
Level 133: Military treatise penned by Sun Tzu with applications to many partsARTOFWAR
Level 133: The current holder of an office or position; usually has an advantageINCUMBENT
Level 133: Number system composed of 1s and 0sBINARY
Level 133: Slick backwards walking dancing move popularized by Michael JacksonMOONWALK
Level 133: The female equivalent to DukeDUCHESS
Level 133: Slick backwards walking dancing move popularized by Michael JacksonMOONWALK
Level 133: The commander of a vesselCAPTAIN
Level 133: The UK celebrates Guy Fawkes day on the fifth day of this monthNOVEMBER
Level 133: The commander of a vesselCAPTAIN
Level 133: The current holder of an office or position; usually has an advantageINCUMBENT
Level 133: The female equivalent to DukeDUCHESS
Level 133: To work together on a issue or matterCOOPERATE
Level 133: To work together on a issue or matterCOOPERATE
Level 133: Construction material used for its fire resistance, but is now knownASBESTOS
Level 133: What type of athletes wear these shoes?ICESKATERS
Level 133: Lookout post at the top of a mast on a shipCROWSNEST
Level 133: What aerial activity is this?SKYDIVING
Level 133: Extended period of leisure time away from workVACATION
Level 134: A professional who finds and impounds stray caninesDOGCATCHER
Level 134: A professional who finds and impounds stray caninesDOGCATCHER
Level 134: A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another wordANAGRAM
Level 134: Activities done to improve your health and increase body strengthEXERCISE
Level 134: An airport’s control tower is responsible for managing ___ _______AIRTRAFFIC
Level 134: An airport’s control tower is responsible for managing ___ _______AIRTRAFFIC
Level 134: An exercise where you lie face up and lift a heavy barbell over yourBENCHPRESS
Level 134: Expression; a slice of this might be good for cocky peopleHUMBLEPIE
Level 134: Handheld devices used to capture videosCAMCORDER
Level 134: Han Solo’s Wookie companionCHEWBACCA
Level 134: A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another wordANAGRAM
Level 134: Handheld devices used to capture videosCAMCORDER
Level 134: Inspiring great affection; incredibly cuteADORABLE
Level 134: Large rock; name of a city in ColoradoBOULDER
Level 134: Movement from one place to another either temporarily or permanentlyMIGRATION
Level 134: Wizarding school that Harry Potter attendsHOGWARTS
Level 134: Activities done to improve your health and increase body strengthEXERCISE
Level 134: Term for the time 12:00 AMMIDNIGHT
Level 134: What is this composition term?FIRSTDRAFT
Level 134: What is this composition term?FIRSTDRAFT
Level 134: What is this device?COMPUTER
Level 134: Large rock; name of a city in ColoradoBOULDER
Level 134: The nearest major galaxy to the Milky WayANDROMEDA
Level 134: Wizarding school that Harry Potter attendsHOGWARTS
Level 134: Instrumental in percussion; also a tasty chicken limbDRUMSTICK
Level 134: 1972 crime drama made by Francis CoppolaGODFATHER
Level 134: The fairy variant of this helped CinderellaGODMOTHER
Level 134: Dense bodies of ice that are constantly moving very slowlyGLACIERS
Level 134: Containers for waste from cigarette smokingASHTRAYS
Level 135: A green vegetable that resembles a small treeBROCCOLI
Level 135: What is this candy?GUMBALL
Level 135: A measure of how tall something isHEIGHT
Level 135: A meeting between two people who have never met, usually with romanticBLINDDATE
Level 135: A professional who provides recruiting servicesHEADHUNTER
Level 135: A professional who provides recruiting servicesHEADHUNTER
Level 135: A signature from a famous personAUTOGRAPH
Level 135: Substance added to a liquid, i.e the water in an engine, to lowerANTIFREEZE
Level 135: The science of soundACOUSTICS
Level 135: Branch of mathematics concerned with shapes and their propertiesGEOMETRY
Level 135: Branch of mathematics concerned with shapes and their propertiesGEOMETRY
Level 135: Something pledged as the guarantee by a borrowerCOLLATERAL
Level 135: Something pledged as the guarantee by a borrowerCOLLATERAL
Level 135: Substance added to a liquid, i.e the water in an engine, to lowerANTIFREEZE
Level 135: A green vegetable that resembles a small treeBROCCOLI
Level 135: A note that takes up an entire measure in 4x2f4 timeWHOLENOTE
Level 135: What is this candy?GUMBALL
Level 135: A measure of how tall something isHEIGHT
Level 135: What is this style of natural horse riding?BAREBACK
Level 135: A meter in a vehicle that shows how much gas is remainingFUELGAUGE
Level 135: US variant of a globally popular card game known as Twenty-OneBLACKJACK
Level 136: _________ books have stiff bindingsHARDCOVER
Level 136: A punctuation mark used when indicating possession in EnglishAPOSTROPHE
Level 136: A punctuation mark used when indicating possession in EnglishAPOSTROPHE
Level 136: Also called roly-polies, these armored insects can roll themselvesPILLBUGS
Level 136: An athlete that does not have a teamFREEAGENT
Level 136: An athlete that does not have a teamFREEAGENT
Level 136: A watery disasterFLOOD
Level 136: Expression; something unbelievableHOGWASH
Level 136: Julius Caesar was famously warned to beware this dayIDESOFMARCH
Level 136: Someone who can speak multiple languagesPOLYGLOT
Level 136: Julius Caesar was famously warned to beware this dayIDESOFMARCH
Level 136: Keeping up with the ________, a reality show that follows the lifeKARDASHIANS
Level 136: Someone who can speak multiple languagesPOLYGLOT
Level 136: The ultimate winner of a tournamentCHAMPION
Level 136: A common refreshment at Christmas parties; sometimes has alcoholEGGNOG
Level 136: Something that has been made useless by a new design or technologyOBSOLETE
Level 136: The doctor tests your _______ by tapping your knee with a hammerREFLEXES
Level 136: Something that is unlikely to happen is a ____ ____LONGSHOT
Level 136: Expression; something unbelievableHOGWASH
Level 136: The doctor tests your _______ by tapping your knee with a hammerREFLEXES
Level 136: Something that is unlikely to happen is a ____ ____LONGSHOT
Level 136: The ultimate winner of a tournamentCHAMPION
Level 136: “__ ____, no gain!”; expression meaning one must work hard for successNOPAIN
Level 136: Wallace and Gromit uses this type of animation styleCLAYMATION
Level 136: What is this popular internet browser?FIREFOX
Level 136: Also called roly-polies, these armored insects can roll themselvesPILLBUGS
Level 136: What is this popular internet browser?FIREFOX
Level 136: What is this type of sandwich?FRENCHDIP
Level 136: Something that has been made useless by a new design or technologyOBSOLETE
Level 136: When people make the moral choice, they are said take the ____ ____HIGHROAD
Level 136: A procession of people usually in celebration of an eventPARADE
Level 136: An illusion that might be seen in the desertMIRAGE
Level 136: A triangular piece of pizzaSLICE
Level 136: What is this cutting tool?SHEARS
Level 136: Preserved impression of prehistoric animals; dinosaur remainsFOSSIL
Level 136: Features, such as a logo or slogan, that a company uses to distinguishBRAND
Level 136: This opening could be described as thisNARROW
Level 137: A collection of things wrapped up togetherBUNDLE
Level 137: This generation emerged following World War IIBABYBOOMER
Level 137: A collection of things wrapped up togetherBUNDLE
Level 137: A strong desire to know or learn somethingCURIOSITY
Level 137: A woman with dark brown hairBRUNETTE
Level 137: Boeing’s European rival in the commercial airliner marketAIRBUS
Level 137: Boeing’s European rival in the commercial airliner marketAIRBUS
Level 137: The sweet course eaten at the end of the mealDESSERT
Level 137: In the movie The Lion King, he is the father of SimbaMUFASA
Level 137: The next step after you download an appINSTALL
Level 137: Lacking a pattern; impossible to predictRANDOM
Level 137: Phrase; a suggestion to prepare for all possibilitiesJUSTINCASE
Level 137: Season when the leaves start fallingAUTUMN
Level 137: Season when the leaves start fallingAUTUMN
Level 137: A woman with dark brown hairBRUNETTE
Level 137: The height of an object in relation to sea or ground levelALTITUDE
Level 137: What is this act of exposing something to be false or untrue?DEBUNK
Level 137: The sweet course eaten at the end of the mealDESSERT
Level 137: This Cleveland-based NBA team drafted Lebron James first overallCAVALIERS
Level 137: This generation emerged following World War IIBABYBOOMER
Level 137: A strong desire to know or learn somethingCURIOSITY
Level 137: Unpaid trainee who works for the experienceINTERN
Level 137: What is this hairstyle?FLATTOP
Level 137: Official document that protects the rights of an inventorPATENT
Level 137: Giving a stress ball a good ______ might help you relaxSQUEEZE
Level 137: You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide theseNUMBERS
Level 138: _____ Escobar was a notorious Colombian drug lordPABLO
Level 138: A marksman with bow and arrowARCHER
Level 138: A marksman with bow and arrowARCHER
Level 138: Can this Friends character BE more sarcastic?CHANDLER
Level 138: A person who mixes and serves drinks professionallyBARTENDER
Level 138: _____ Escobar was a notorious Colombian drug lordPABLO
Level 138: Can this Friends character BE more sarcastic?CHANDLER
Level 138: A solar ______ is when the sun is blocked by the moonECLIPSE
Level 138: Comes in midterm and final varietiesEXAMS
Level 138: Meal plans focused on losing weightDIETS
Level 138: Meal plans focused on losing weightDIETS
Level 138: One plays the piano using these digitsFINGERS
Level 138: Who is this Egyptian deity?HORUS
Level 138: Comes in midterm and final varietiesEXAMS
Level 138: Who is this Egyptian deity?HORUS
Level 138: ________ Jones, whip-toting treasure hunter created by George LucasINDIANA
Level 138: This professional cuts and sells meatBUTCHER
Level 138: An object you don’t want to look at might be described as thisEYESORE
Level 138: Scuba diver apparelWETSUIT
Level 138: To give something backRETURN
Level 138: _____ and Clyde were an infamous criminal couple active in the USBONNIE
Level 138: Golf club used on the greenPUTTER
Level 139: A baby cowCALF
Level 139: A baby cowCALF
Level 139: A joint commonly sprained in sports, especially basketballANKLE
Level 139: What sound does this animal make?QUACK
Level 139: A tax imposed by one country on the goods and services imported fromTARIFF
Level 139: Something that is said to make you laughJOKE
Level 139: A type of pig that lives freely in the wildBOAR
Level 139: Singer that says Hello while Rolling in the DeepADELE
Level 139: Fluffy, high-altitude sun blocker; a dark one heralds rainCLOUD
Level 139: This type of plane drops explosives onto enemy targetsBOMBER
Level 139: Fluffy, high-altitude sun blocker; a dark one heralds rainCLOUD
Level 139: Honeycombs and snowflakes naturally take on this geometric formHEXAGON
Level 139: A type of pig that lives freely in the wildBOAR
Level 139: It has a handlebar, two wheels, and a frameBICYCLE
Level 139: Knitwear worn around the neck to keep you warm in winterSCARF
Level 139: ______ Eilish, teenage pop star with the hit single “Bad Guy”BILLIE
Level 139: Perfect time for telling stories to childrenBEDTIME
Level 139: What speedy African feline has this pattern?CHEETAH
Level 139: It has a handlebar, two wheels, and a frameBICYCLE
Level 139: Singer that says Hello while Rolling in the DeepADELE
Level 139: Honeycombs and snowflakes naturally take on this geometric formHEXAGON
Level 139: Something that is said to make you laughJOKE
Level 139: The coldest of all oceansARCTIC
Level 139: Fermented milk treat, often sweetened with chunks of fruit mixedYOGURT
Level 139: The coldest of all oceansARCTIC
Level 139: This type of plane drops explosives onto enemy targetsBOMBER
Level 139: Tiled room for freshening upBATHROOM
Level 139: Knitwear worn around the neck to keep you warm in winterSCARF
Level 139: What sound does this animal make?QUACK
Level 139: Perfect time for telling stories to childrenBEDTIME
Level 139: What speedy African feline has this pattern?CHEETAH
Level 139: A slight shake when you are cold, frightened, or excitedSHIVER
Level 139: Word for a TV station or sea passageCHANNEL
Level 139: Word for a TV station or sea passageCHANNEL
Level 139: Oversized music player that can be carried on a shoulderBOOMBOX
Level 139: Type of mammal whose teeth never stop growingRODENT
Level 139: The 1991 superhero in “The Rocketeer” wore this fantastical flightJETPACK
Level 140: A common OTC pain reducing and anti-inflammatory medicineASPIRIN
Level 140: An area covered with underground explosivesMINEFIELD
Level 140: Man-made waterway; there’s one in Panama and in SuezCANAL
Level 140: An area you must check while driving, especially when changing lanesBLINDSPOT
Level 140: Like a monologue but between two peopleDIALOGUE
Level 140: A common OTC pain reducing and anti-inflammatory medicineASPIRIN
Level 140: Egyptian god of the deadANUBIS
Level 140: “Blade ______”, 1982 Sci-Fi film starring Harrison FordRUNNER
Level 140: Egyptian god of the deadANUBIS
Level 140: Like a monologue but between two peopleDIALOGUE
Level 140: Man-made waterway; there’s one in Panama and in SuezCANAL
Level 140: No, this bovine doesn’t actually have delicious spicy wingsBUFFALO
Level 140: No, this bovine doesn’t actually have delicious spicy wingsBUFFALO
Level 140: To be dismissed or let go of from a companyFIRED
Level 140: One might find a message inside this glass container on the beachBOTTLE
Level 140: The final part of a movie, usuallyCREDITS
Level 140: The most famous and widely used cryptocurrencyBITCOIN
Level 140: The return on a betPAYOFF
Level 140: One might find a message inside this glass container on the beachBOTTLE
Level 140: The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarksBANTER
Level 140: The return on a betPAYOFF
Level 140: This 2018 DC movie staring Jason Momoa features a battle to ruleAQUAMAN
Level 140: The larval form of a fly; consumes trash and other decaying matterMAGGOT
Level 140: The most famous and widely used cryptocurrencyBITCOIN
Level 140: To be dismissed or let go of from a companyFIRED
Level 140: To go off script; ad-libIMPROVISE
Level 140: This 2018 DC movie staring Jason Momoa features a battle to ruleAQUAMAN
Level 140: Winter Olympic event in which the competitors combine cross-countryBIATHLON
Level 140: Winter Olympic event in which the competitors combine cross-countryBIATHLON
Level 140: You have to pay this in class if you want to do well on the testATTENTION
Level 140: Wolves, foxes, and coyotes all belong to this animal familyCANINE
Level 140: Color of the Beatles’ submarineYELLOW
Level 140: Gold ______, someone in a relationship just for moneyDIGGER
Level 140: ______ Carey, iconic singer with a five-octave vocal rangeMARIAH
Level 140: What is this type of building?STABLE
Level 140: Separate from a spouseDIVORCE
Level 141: A person who determines gambling oddsBOOKIE
Level 141: More difficult than beginner and intermediate levelsADVANCED
Level 141: Do you want _____ with that burger?FRIES
Level 141: One of the fathers of western philosophy, along with his teacherARISTOTLE
Level 141: Fashion accessory worn around the wristBRACELET
Level 141: What is this kickable toy?HACKYSACK
Level 141: It would be difficult to open a bottle of wine without oneCORKSCREW
Level 141: The protector of Gotham CityBATMAN
Level 141: A child might throw one when angryTANTRUM
Level 141: A person who determines gambling oddsBOOKIE
Level 141: More difficult than beginner and intermediate levelsADVANCED
Level 141: One of the fathers of western philosophy, along with his teacherARISTOTLE
Level 141: Do you want _____ with that burger?FRIES
Level 141: The protector of Gotham CityBATMAN
Level 141: Fashion accessory worn around the wristBRACELET
Level 141: What is this kickable toy?HACKYSACK
Level 141: Speak in a low volume; obligatory in a libraryWHISPER
Level 141: Contemplating; pondering; musingTHINKING
Level 142: _____ 13, an ill-fated space expedition that, through heroic efforts,APOLLO
Level 142: A whole number; a number that is not a fractionINTEGER
Level 142: A movie starring Tom Hanks, an Island, and a volleyball named WilsonCASTAWAY
Level 142: This U.S. national legislative body is composed of the Senate andCONGRESS
Level 142: A whole number; a number that is not a fractionINTEGER
Level 142: What insect will come out of this?BUTTERFLY
Level 142: Federal ______ of InvestigationBUREAU
Level 142: Federal ______ of InvestigationBUREAU
Level 142: One Direction, NSYNC, Boyz II Men, Backstreet Boys, for exampleBOYBAND
Level 142: Summary of key points; beginnings of a sketchOUTLINE
Level 142: What is this antique style of tape?EIGHTTRACK
Level 142: _____ 13, an ill-fated space expedition that, through heroic efforts,APOLLO
Level 142: Physicians get their doctorates from this kind of institutionMEDSCHOOL
Level 142: Soccer, to EuropeansFOOTBALL
Level 142: This group of travelers gets to board the plane before anyone elseFIRSTCLASS
Level 142: The capital of HungaryBUDAPEST
Level 142: The capital of HungaryBUDAPEST
Level 142: Legendary bird that dies in a conflagration, then rises again fromPHOENIX
Level 142: Soccer, to EuropeansFOOTBALL
Level 142: The capital of the NetherlandsAMSTERDAM
Level 142: One Direction, NSYNC, Boyz II Men, Backstreet Boys, for exampleBOYBAND
Level 142: This group of travelers gets to board the plane before anyone elseFIRSTCLASS
Level 142: This portable device is a relief for asthma patientsINHALER
Level 142: This portable device is a relief for asthma patientsINHALER
Level 142: Physicians get their doctorates from this kind of institutionMEDSCHOOL
Level 142: This U.S. national legislative body is composed of the Senate andCONGRESS
Level 142: A movie starring Tom Hanks, an Island, and a volleyball named WilsonCASTAWAY
Level 142: What insect will come out of this?BUTTERFLY
Level 142: What is this long period without rain?DRYSPELL
Level 142: What is this antique style of tape?EIGHTTRACK
Level 142: Small and common pet often found running on a wheelHAMSTER
Level 142: 6-legged animals with exoskeletons and antennaeINSECTS
Level 142: The month of Halloween; long ago, it was the 8th monthOCTOBER
Level 143: An exchange of conflicting views; can get heatedARGUMENT
Level 143: Terry carried out the trash. Trash is the ______ of the sentenceOBJECT
Level 143: An infant or newbornBABY
Level 143: This craftsman makes and fixes shoesCOBBLER
Level 143: Terry carried out the trash. Trash is the ______ of the sentenceOBJECT
Level 143: What type of punchy athlete is this?BOXER
Level 143: The leader of this group of superheros is Charles XavierXMEN
Level 143: The leader of this group of superheros is Charles XavierXMEN
Level 143: Bony chest protectorRIBCAGE
Level 143: The opposite of a bullish marketBEARISH
Level 143: The opposite of a bullish marketBEARISH
Level 143: An exchange of conflicting views; can get heatedARGUMENT
Level 143: The process of visibly growing olderAGING
Level 143: An infant or newbornBABY
Level 143: This craftsman makes and fixes shoesCOBBLER
Level 143: What insects does this animal eat?ANTS
Level 143: What insects does this animal eat?ANTS
Level 143: The process of visibly growing olderAGING
Level 143: What is this hazardous precipitation?ACIDRAIN
Level 143: What type of punchy athlete is this?BOXER
Level 143: What is this device?ADAPTER
Level 143: A cell’s core, where DNA is housedNUCLEUS
Level 144: A bunny’s favorite type of musicHIPHOP
Level 144: A bunny’s favorite type of musicHIPHOP
Level 144: A person who pretends to be someone else in a malicious wayIMPOSTER
Level 144: Center for children whose parents are at workDAYCARE
Level 144: The vampire from TransylvaniaDRACULA
Level 144: The first word of LOLLAUGH
Level 144: The Star-Spangled Banner is the national ______ of America.ANTHEM
Level 144: Performers who are trained in arts like ballet or salsaDANCERS
Level 144: The Star-Spangled Banner is the national ______ of America.ANTHEM
Level 144: A person who pretends to be someone else in a malicious wayIMPOSTER
Level 144: The vampire from TransylvaniaDRACULA
Level 144: This type of school does not allow boys to attendALLGIRL
Level 144: What is this Japanese word?BUSHIDO
Level 144: What is this Japanese word?BUSHIDO
Level 144: The ability to understand how others feelEMPATHY
Level 144: Money that one receives or earns; opposite of an expenseINCOME
Level 144: Unit used to measure anglesDEGREE
Level 144: Another word for prisonerINMATE
Level 144: Andy Serkis played this obsessive creature in the Lord of the RingsGOLLUM
Level 144: Electric yellow rodent mascot of Poku00E9mon, a popular game and cartoonPIKACHU
Level 144: An outlaw in a Western might use this to cover their faceBANDANA
Level 144: A professional who prepares and serves coffeeBARISTA
Level 145: A person with a Body Mass Index of 25% to 30% can be described asOVERWEIGHT
Level 145: Half of a globeHEMISPHERE
Level 145: According to Smokey the Bear, only you can stop theseFORESTFIRES
Level 145: An exploitable ambiguity in a set of rulesLOOPHOLE
Level 145: Collectable dolls that became a fad in the late 90sBEANIEBABY
Level 145: Between midday and the eveningAFTERNOON
Level 145: French pre-meal phraseBONAPPETIT
Level 145: A person with a Body Mass Index of 25% to 30% can be described asOVERWEIGHT
Level 145: Ben ______, US actor in “Dodgeball” and “Tropic Thunder”STILLER
Level 145: Children’s show with a sky-colored canine starBLUESCLUES
Level 145: Collectable dolls that became a fad in the late 90sBEANIEBABY
Level 145: Crunchy bread pieces often found in Caesar saladCROUTONS
Level 145: What is this writing equipment?INKWELL
Level 145: French pre-meal phraseBONAPPETIT
Level 145: Half of a globeHEMISPHERE
Level 145: Handheld firework on a stick; Fourth of July favoriteSPARKLER
Level 145: Children’s show with a sky-colored canine starBLUESCLUES
Level 145: Handheld firework on a stick; Fourth of July favoriteSPARKLER
Level 145: Host of American game shows Whose Line is it Anyway? and The PriceDREWCAREY
Level 145: The famous _________ sequence goes: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…FIBONACCI
Level 145: The famous _________ sequence goes: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…FIBONACCI
Level 145: A severe emotional outburst; also, a nuclear disasterMELTDOWN
Level 145: What is this symbol?PEACESIGN
Level 145: What is this symbol?PEACESIGN
Level 145: According to Smokey the Bear, only you can stop theseFORESTFIRES
Level 145: What is this writing equipment?INKWELL
Level 145: Smallest country in the world; where the Pope residesVATICAN
Level 146: Blind genius R&B pianist; portrayed by Jamie Foxx in the biopicRAYCHARLES
Level 146: Occurring twice in a seven-day period or once every fourteen daysBIWEEKLY
Level 146: Capital city of BrazilBRASILIA
Level 146: Capital city of BrazilBRASILIA
Level 146: Elderly people may wear these to replace their lost chompersFALSETEETH
Level 146: Expression; request for supportCALLTOARMS
Level 146: Elderly people may wear these to replace their lost chompersFALSETEETH
Level 146: Expression; request for supportCALLTOARMS
Level 146: He and his merry men robbed from the rich and gave to the poorROBINHOOD
Level 146: Huge, ten-legged deep-sea creature; natural enemy of the sperm whaleGIANTSQUID
Level 146: Huge, ten-legged deep-sea creature; natural enemy of the sperm whaleGIANTSQUID
Level 146: Blind genius R&B pianist; portrayed by Jamie Foxx in the biopicRAYCHARLES
Level 146: Occurring twice in a seven-day period or once every fourteen daysBIWEEKLY
Level 146: Doritos flavor found in a blue bagCOOLRANCH
Level 146: Movement with a ball on a basketball courtDRIBBLING
Level 146: What type of cup of this?WINEGLASS
Level 146: They never go unpunishedGOODDEEDS
Level 147: A liquid food that you can spell words inALPHABETSOUP
Level 147: This branch of science involves using the periodic tableCHEMISTRY
Level 147: A way to quit a habitCOLDTURKEY
Level 147: This famous retired skateboarder has 18 video games based on himTONYHAWK
Level 147: An economic system in which industry is under private ownership ratherCAPITALISM
Level 147: An economic system in which industry is under private ownership ratherCAPITALISM
Level 147: Animated movie that introduced the world to the tiny, yellow MinionsDESPICABLEME
Level 147: Faint spots that can appear on fair skinFRECKLES
Level 147: Faint spots that can appear on fair skinFRECKLES
Level 147: Last resort for a fighter pilot to escape the cockpitEJECTORSEAT
Level 147: Punctuation mark; a combination of the question mark and the exclamationINTERROBANG
Level 147: A liquid food that you can spell words inALPHABETSOUP
Level 147: Things that go __ ___ ___ and out the other go unheardINONEEAR
Level 147: Things that go __ ___ ___ and out the other go unheardINONEEAR
Level 147: This branch of science involves using the periodic tableCHEMISTRY
Level 147: Animated movie that introduced the world to the tiny, yellow MinionsDESPICABLEME
Level 147: This can open every lock of a buildingMASTERKEY
Level 147: Punctuation mark; a combination of the question mark and the exclamationINTERROBANG
Level 147: This famous retired skateboarder has 18 video games based on himTONYHAWK
Level 147: A way to quit a habitCOLDTURKEY
Level 147: Type of children’s party that goes overnightSLEEPOVER
Level 147: Pocket money regularly given by parents to their kidsALLOWANCE
Level 147: Wall art placed without permissionGRAFFITI
Level 147: What is this geometric solid?CYLINDER
Level 147: What is this deep-fried side dish?HUSHPUPPY
Level 147: How was this food cooked?DEEPFRIED
Level 148: ____ _____ like an arrow; fruit flies like a bananaTIMEFLIES
Level 148: CD stands for thisCOMPACTDISC
Level 148: A golden ticket gets you a tour of this man’s chocolate factoryWILLYWONKA
Level 148: Superman’s nickname and title of Zack Snyder’s 2013 Superman filmMANOFSTEEL
Level 148: Black woodwind instrument; Squidward plays oneCLARINET
Level 148: What is this type of car?FOURBYFOUR
Level 148: CD stands for thisCOMPACTDISC
Level 148: Savory, spherical food item added to spaghetti or a sub sandwichMEATBALL
Level 148: Savory, spherical food item added to spaghetti or a sub sandwichMEATBALL
Level 148: What is this sensation?NUMB
Level 148: Smallest size of clothing available, usuallyEXTRASMALL
Level 148: Smallest size of clothing available, usuallyEXTRASMALL
Level 148: Superman’s nickname and title of Zack Snyder’s 2013 Superman filmMANOFSTEEL
Level 148: What is this presentation device?LASERPOINTER
Level 148: What is this presentation device?LASERPOINTER
Level 148: A golden ticket gets you a tour of this man’s chocolate factoryWILLYWONKA
Level 148: The first word of “LOL”LAUGH
Level 148: What is this type of car?FOURBYFOUR
Level 148: Crown for beauty pageant winners and prom queensTIARA
Level 148: A joint commonly sprained in sports, especially basketballANKLE
Level 148: Let’s cast a magic spell! _____ Pocus!HOCUS
Level 148: People with high self ______ think very highly of themselvesESTEEM
Level 148: What is the name of this shape?NONAGON
Level 148: Little men with red hats that might live in your gardenGNOMES
Level 148: What animal is this?DOLPHIN
Level 149: A type of graph that shows a circle divided into sectionsPIECHART
Level 149: Furry-faced female carnival performerBEARDEDLADY
Level 149: Black handheld rectangular document holder for businessmen on theBRIEFCASE
Level 149: Larval form of a frogTADPOLE
Level 149: Culturally and historically significant piece of music, often withFOLKSONG
Level 149: Famously gigantic breed of dog; Scooby Doo is one of theseGREATDANE
Level 149: Extinct avian; perhaps the most famous extinct speciesDODOBIRD
Level 149: Abstract expressionist Jackson ______, known for his “drip paintingPOLLOCK
Level 149: Famously gigantic breed of dog; Scooby Doo is one of theseGREATDANE
Level 149: What is this ice-cream-eating hazard?BRAINFREEZE
Level 149: Black handheld rectangular document holder for businessmen on theBRIEFCASE
Level 149: Furry-faced female carnival performerBEARDEDLADY
Level 149: Extinct avian; perhaps the most famous extinct speciesDODOBIRD
Level 149: Larval form of a frogTADPOLE
Level 149: A type of graph that shows a circle divided into sectionsPIECHART
Level 149: What is this ice-cream-eating hazard?BRAINFREEZE
Level 149: Someone who has had a limb removedAMPUTEE
Level 149: Audrey ______, US actress in the leading role of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”HEPBURN
Level 149: 2015 Best Picture winner starring Michael KeatonBIRDMAN
Level 149: Device used to eavesdrop on someone’s phone callWIRETAP
Level 149: What is this kind of meat?COLDCUT
Level 150: A famous French confectioneryBONBONS
Level 150: A man who has never been marriedBACHELOR
Level 150: A marker of significant progressMILESTONE
Level 150: Web-like woven charm, supposedly for trapping nightmaresDREAMCATCHER
Level 150: Expression; get off your ____ _____HIGHHORSE
Level 150: Gandhi’s first nameMOHANDAS
Level 150: The world’s largest island, located East of the Canadian archipelagoGREENLAND
Level 150: What are these depressions on the Moon’s surface?CRATERS
Level 150: Lacking the ability to distinguish certain colorsCOLORBLIND
Level 150: Lacking the ability to distinguish certain colorsCOLORBLIND
Level 150: Expression; get off your ____ _____HIGHHORSE
Level 150: Large absorbent cloth you might bring for a day of seaside funBEACHTOWEL
Level 150: A famous French confectioneryBONBONS
Level 150: Long French bread; often found sticking out of paper grocery bagsBAGUETTE
Level 150: Mythical beast with the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpionMANTICORE
Level 150: Type of male underwear that resembles shortsBOXERS
Level 150: Gandhi’s first nameMOHANDAS
Level 150: The world’s largest island, located East of the Canadian archipelagoGREENLAND
Level 150: Large absorbent cloth you might bring for a day of seaside funBEACHTOWEL
Level 150: Web-like woven charm, supposedly for trapping nightmaresDREAMCATCHER
Level 150: What is this expression of exasperation?FACEPALM
Level 150: Leonard in “Memento” suffers from this condition, leading to memoryAMNESIA
Level 150: Judy ____, American actress who starred in “The Wizard of Oz”GARLAND
Level 150: Skyscraper thriller; Bruce Willis starsDIEHARD
Level 150: What type of driver is he?GETAWAY
Level 150: Humans have five main ones: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smellSENSES
Level 150: Chemical ingredient in nail polish removerACETONE
Level 150: To willingly receive something; not to rejectACCEPT

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Word Craze Answers [Level 101-125 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (100-125) Part 5

Word Craze Level 101-125 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 101: Can be measured in F, C, and KJURASSICPARK
Level 101: Name for beautification productsCOSMETICS
Level 101: Psychologists may ask you to tell them what you can see from theseDIMEADOZEN
Level 101: The English alphabet has 21 of theseTHINKING
Level 101: Muscles between the knee and the footCALVES
Level 101: What type of laboratory equipment is this?PETROCK
Level 101: What type of weapon is this?SHUTTERBUG
Level 101: When a disease spreads out of controlPORCUPINE
Level 101: Marshall _______ is the real name of rapper EminemMATHERS
Level 101: An elegant dance with pointed shoesBALLET
Level 101: Someone who draws or scribbles aimlesslyDOODLER
Level 101: What is this piercing action?IMPALE
Level 101: Darkened or colored car windows are referred to as ______TINTED
Level 101: Desert found in Africa; it is the third largest behind AntarcticaSAHARA
Level 102: A feeling of wanting to return to where you grew upMIGRATION
Level 102: A great joke can leave you __ _______SCREWDRIVER
Level 102: A restaurant’s listing of dishes aimed at childrenRONWEASLEY
Level 102: A working situation where one has no chance of moving upwardLITTLEDIPPER
Level 102: 1995 buddy cop film starring Will Smith and Martin LawrenceBADBOYS
Level 102: Expression; meaning someone is realisticDOWNTOEARTH
Level 102: Starting ____ _______ is to restart from the beginningCHESHIRECAT
Level 102: The pen is _______ than the swordLETTERBOX
Level 102: What kind of gardening structure are they building?NEGATIVE
Level 102: Collection of weapons and military equipment; soccer club in LondonARSENAL
Level 102: The missing machine is a meat ______GRINDER
Level 102: Fortified residence of royaltyCASTLES
Level 102: A person who is implicated in a crimeSUSPECT
Level 102: What kind of hairstyle of this?BRAIDS
Level 102: Kendrick Lamar, The Game, Ice Cube, and Dr. Dre came straight outtaCOMPTON
Level 102: Object made of fired clayCERAMIC
Level 103: A Christmas tradition is for lovers to kiss under this plantTEARDROPS
Level 103: Comic strip by Jim Davis about an pudgy orange catGARFIELD
Level 103: Condition that affects the body’s ability to use insulinSABERTOOTH
Level 103: Obsolete technical drawings used by architects; named for their azureBLUEPRINT
Level 103: Condition that affects the body’s ability to use insulinDIABETES
Level 103: Equipment used to protect one’s headCHARCOAL
Level 103: Beauty and skincare productsCOSMETICS
Level 103: Large snake species found in South America; gives prey a deadly squeezePARASITE
Level 103: Large snake species found in South America; gives prey a deadly squeezeANACONDA
Level 103: M.C. ____ ; famous for this art styleSANFRANCISCO
Level 103: Programming language used on the webJAVASCRIPT
Level 103: Obsolete technical drawings used by architects; named for their azureDAGGER
Level 103: M.C. ____ ; famous for this art styleESCHER
Level 103: Programming language used on the webUMBRELLA
Level 103: Comic strip by Jim Davis about an pudgy orange catGARFIELD
Level 103: Weapon used by Jedi in Star WarsANDROMEDA
Level 103: What is this good time for people who want a beer?HAPPYHOUR
Level 103: What phrase does this represent?INSIDEJOB
Level 103: Browser app used to prevent pop-ups from appearingADBLOCKER
Level 103: Movie scene depicting events that occurred previously in the storyFLASHBACK
Level 103: The process through which a representative is voted inELECTION
Level 103: Fungus with a domed cap on top of a stalkMUSHROOM
Level 104: A loan taken out to purchase a homeBATTLESHIP
Level 104: A way to use currency to decide yes or noCUPCAKE
Level 104: White, yellow, and orange-striped triangular candy; resemble kernelsCANDYCORN
Level 104: During rush hour, commuters will often get stuck in thisDISEMBARK
Level 104: Where the pilot controls an aircraftCOCKPIT
Level 104: Holy ______; a fishy expression of surpriseABYSS
Level 104: Owner of a _____ _____, 1983 hit by British rock band YesLONELYHEART
Level 104: A way to use currency to decide yes or noCOINFLIP
Level 104: Lizard that can change its color to match its surroundingsONONEKNEE
Level 104: What is this industrial machine?FORKLIFT
Level 104: During rush hour, commuters will often get stuck in thisTRAFFIC
Level 104: Owner of a _____ _____, 1983 hit by British rock band YesINDIGO
Level 104: Sudden burst of energy after being exhaustedEDWARD
Level 104: This place is very important to SupermanREDPLANET
Level 104: Holy ______; a fishy expression of surpriseMACKEREL
Level 104: The vampire from TransylvaniaDRACULA
Level 104: What is missing from the second picture?SHAMROCK
Level 104: Where both the Minotaur and David Bowie have beenCANUCKS
Level 104: Where both the Minotaur and David Bowie have beenLABYRINTH
Level 104: Where the pilot controls an aircraftANDROID
Level 104: This place is very important to SupermanDAILYPLANET
Level 104: White, yellow, and orange-striped triangular candy; resemble kernelsMEXICAN
Level 104: Yellow cream filled snack that supposedly stays fresh foreverTWINKIE
Level 104: A famous French confectioneryBONBONS
Level 104: Radioactive element used as fuel in nuclear power plantsURANIUM
Level 104: Home country of the famous Reggae musician, Bob MarleyJAMAICA
Level 104: What is this casual style of dress?INFORMAL
Level 104: To write musicCOMPOSE
Level 104: A male siblingBROTHER
Level 104: A live performance by a musicianCONCERT
Level 104: Large, finned river-dweller with feline whiskersCATFISH
Level 105: A natural disaster consisting of a large funnel of rapidly rotatingENTOMOLOGY
Level 105: Animals do this to save energy during the winterNEUTRONS
Level 105: Elongated mouth part that butterflies use to drink nectarMARMALADE
Level 105: Pedals used in a car to slow down or stopSALMON
Level 105: Safety feature installed in public spaces to protect against fallsFERRIS
Level 105: Short writing or poem that may appear on a gravestoneMEMORYLANE
Level 105: Something that is passed on genetically from parent to child is thisENNUI
Level 105: What is this animal?TIMON
Level 105: What is this medieval weapon?KELVIN
Level 105: Device used to heat up mealsMICROWAVE
Level 105: One of the co-creators of “Dungeons & Dragons”GARYGYGAX
Level 105: Exclusive rights to reproduction given to a creator, symbolized byCOPYRIGHT
Level 105: The trident-bearing Greek god of the seasPOSEIDON
Level 105: What is this body part?ELBOW
Level 106: A reduction of an employee’s rank or job titleNIECE
Level 106: A student who is highly favored by the educatorANGRYBIRDS
Level 106: A type of club used by law enforcementTAIPEI
Level 106: Can’t make one of these without breaking a few eggsOMELETTE
Level 106: Dr. Seuss’s Grinch hates this holidayCHRISTMAS
Level 106: Everyone wants a clean one of theseGONDOLA
Level 106: Negatively charged particleSKYFALL
Level 106: Type of working schedule that gives some control over work hoursFLEXTIME
Level 106: What phrase does this represent?DOUBLECROSS
Level 106: Studies show that consuming this sweet feels the same as being inCHOCOLATE
Level 106: “Don’t Talk to _______” is a 1982 song by Rick SpringfieldSTRANGERS
Level 106: What is this way to quit a habit?COLDTURKEY
Level 106: Famous British spy who will always tell you his last name firstJAMESBOND
Level 106: British singer of “Rocket Man”ELTONJOHN
Level 106: Artists often submit this along with their resumePORTFOLIO
Level 106: Study of the Earth’s physical features and its atmosphereGEOGRAPHY
Level 107: A baby’s personal rideNOOBJECT
Level 107: A conflict fought between combatants from the same countryCAPONE
Level 107: Construction vehicle that pushes dirt or rubble out of the wayBULLDOZER
Level 107: A baby’s personal rideSTROLLER
Level 107: A short, stout, and hairy race in fantasy settingsBALACLAVA
Level 107: A warrior whose only allegiance is moneyMIFFED
Level 107: What candy this represent?LEMONDROP
Level 107: Abrasive sheets used to smooth out woodSHOTPUT
Level 107: Saying something is a bunch of this meat means it’s nonsenseBALONEY
Level 107: The ________ of Riddick, a sci-fi series starring Vin DieselCHRONICLES
Level 107: Armor made up of many interlocking metal ringsREGGAE
Level 107: A warrior whose only allegiance is moneyMERCENARY
Level 107: Abrasive sheets used to smooth out woodSANDPAPER
Level 107: Construction vehicle that pushes dirt or rubble out of the wayNOBLEGAS
Level 107: Healthy green fruit with a giant seed; used to make guacamoleAVOCADO
Level 107: A short, stout, and hairy race in fantasy settingsDWARVES
Level 107: Name for Pyrite due to its resemblance to a valuable yellow substanceINLAWS
Level 107: Using this for payment will draw money directly from your checkingDEBITCARD
Level 107: Saying something is a bunch of this meat means it’s nonsenseCAMPFIRE
Level 107: What aerial sport does this represent?SKYDIVING
Level 107: A conflict fought between combatants from the same countryCIVILWAR
Level 107: The Hunchback of Notre DameVALKYRIES
Level 107: The Hunchback of Notre DameQUASIMODO
Level 107: Professional on a boat or ship responsible for knowing the craft’sNAVIGATOR
Level 107: The food or drink of the gods according to Greek mythologyAMBROSIA
Level 107: What aerial sport does this represent?MALAISE
Level 107: Armor made up of many interlocking metal ringsCHAINMAIL
Level 107: What candy this represent?ERICCLAPTON
Level 107: Lines going north and south across the globeLONGITUDE
Level 107: Real estate professionals who create properties from empty landDEVELOPERS
Level 107: A stroll through the outdoors with educational signs along the wayNATUREWALK
Level 107: Something you might say to someone blocking your viewDOWNINFRONT
Level 108: A professional who ejects unruly customers, esp. from a bar or clubTREASUREMAP
Level 108: A professional who prepares and serves coffeePEROXIDE
Level 108: A round home for aquatic petsGENEVA
Level 108: A spirit in Irish mythology known for its piercing wailsAPPENDIX
Level 108: Johnny _____, US legend famous for spreading a particular fruitSAILBOAT
Level 108: Popeye’s source of strengthSPINACH
Level 108: To burn a wound as a way to stop the bleedingCAUTERIZE
Level 108: Opiate which is commonly prescribed to control painENTREE
Level 108: A professional who prepares and serves coffeeBARISTA
Level 108: Original Science Guy, now Science Communicator; wears an iconicVAMPIRE
Level 108: Opiate which is commonly prescribed to control painMORPHINE
Level 108: Percussive intro to an announcement; ___ ___, pleaseDRUMROLL
Level 108: Percussive intro to an announcement; ___ ___, pleaseDRUMROLL
Level 108: The final part of a movie, usuallyHALFANHOUR
Level 108: The final part of a movie, usuallyCREDITS
Level 108: To burn a wound as a way to stop the bleedingRAMADAN
Level 108: Original Science Guy, now Science Communicator; wears an iconicBILLNYE
Level 108: What phrase does this represent?BEHINDBARS
Level 108: Johnny _____, US legend famous for spreading a particular fruitAPPLESEED
Level 108: What word does this represent?ENCOMPASS
Level 108: What is this competition style?ONEONONE
Level 108: A type of muscular canine with a wrinkly faceBULLDOG
Level 108: Your cat may hack up one of theseHAIRBALL
Level 108: A patch on your head where there was once hairBALDSPOT
Level 108: These hairs on your face help prevent debris and dust from blockingEYELASHES
Level 108: One whose job is to protect a particular personBODYGUARD
Level 108: In a hereditary monarchy, the throne passes down the _________BLOODLINE
Level 108: What is this exercise equipment?DUMBBELL
Level 108: A timetable of when events start and finishSCHEDULE
Level 108: Wintertime “weapon” that can be scooped off the groundSNOWBALL
Level 109: _____ Spears, US singer with major hits like …Baby One More TimeCAHOOTS
Level 109: 1986 movie starring Christopher Lambert where there can only beGODFATHER
Level 109: Surprise attack by concealed attackersAMBUSH
Level 109: _____ Spears, US singer with major hits like …Baby One More TimeBRITNEY
Level 109: A person walking on the street; has the right of way at marked crosswalksNICEGUYS
Level 109: A revolt on a shipPENPAL
Level 109: Underground fortification that defends against bombs and other attacksBUNKER
Level 109: A sheet of paper used to cast a voteDIMENSIONS
Level 109: What is this profession?AUCTIONEER
Level 109: A revolt on a shipMUTINY
Level 109: Browser app used to prevent pop-ups from appearingANTARCTIC
Level 109: Fallacy where a person’s character is attacked instead of their argumentSAPIENS
Level 109: Phrase; type of headquartersHOMEBASE
Level 109: 1986 movie starring Christopher Lambert where there can only beHIGHLANDER
Level 109: Future forecast based on astrological signHANGMAN
Level 109: Hitting the center of the dartboard is called thisENVELOPE
Level 109: Places where teachers teach their studentsCLASSROOMS
Level 109: Product price reductionDISCOUNT
Level 109: Hitting the center of the dartboard is called thisBULLSEYE
Level 109: Phrase; type of headquartersRADARGUN
Level 109: Product price reductionMANICURE
Level 109: A sheet of paper used to cast a voteBALLOT
Level 109: Surprise attack by concealed attackersAMBUSH
Level 109: A person who is skilled at blending cocktails and other drinksMIXOLOGIST
Level 109: Fallacy where a person’s character is attacked instead of their argumentADHOMINEM
Level 109: The nightmarish Freddy Krueger took his victims from this roadMIDWEST
Level 109: Underground fortification that defends against bombs and other attacksSATYR
Level 109: 2013 sci-fi movie by Guillermo del Toro where giant robots fightPACIFICRIM
Level 109: What are these regular tenants of college dorms?FRUITFLIES
Level 109: “Every Breath You Take” was the biggest song from ___ ____THEPOLICE
Level 110: A live performance by a musicianBREATH
Level 110: A perfume marketed at men; originated in a German city of the sameDRUMSTICK
Level 110: Heavy rectangular knives used by butchersLAWYER
Level 110: Imprisoned princess who lets down her hairAPOLOGY
Level 110: Expression; meaning unchangeableSETINSTONE
Level 110: Natural or artificial substances that improve plant growthFERTILIZER
Level 110: Test of strength where two teams pull on opposing sides of a ropeDRYICE
Level 110: Tiny blood cells that clump together to form blood clotsPLATELETS
Level 110: What is this musical instrument?DUMBBELL
Level 110: The elected leader of a republicPRESIDENT
Level 110: What phrase does this represent?CIRCLEOFLIFE
Level 110: A period where workers rush to meet deadlinesCRUNCHTIME
Level 110: What is this situation that causes delay in a process or system?BOTTLENECK
Level 110: Branch of biology dealing with the nervous systemNEUROLOGY
Level 110: Black cloaked personification of deathGRIMREAPER
Level 110: Atoms were once considered elementary _________PARTICLES
Level 110: What is this mathematical operation?SQUAREROOT
Level 110: An opponent or enemyADVERSARY
Level 111: A high-quality product and a cost to get such a product are calledCHRONOLOGY
Level 111: Author of children’s books such as Green Eggs and Ham and HopDRSEUSS
Level 111: Electric pokemon known the world over; a detective in the 2019 movieBOOKSHELF
Level 111: Metaphorically, behaviors that indicate a future problemREDFLAG
Level 111: Safety device in cars that inflate in the event of a crashCARROTTOP
Level 111: To insert periods, commas, and other marks into textPUNCTUATE
Level 111: The sound a turkey makesADDSALT
Level 111: What phrase does this represent?COOLBEANS
Level 111: What word does this represent?EMBED
Level 111: When someone falls off a ship, the crew might yell “man _______!”OVERBOARD
Level 111: Something completely unexpected; a type of tricky baseball pitchCURVEBALL
Level 111: What US city is this located in?LOSANGELES
Level 111: Arabic dancing style featuring complex torso movements and exoticBELLYDANCE
Level 111: Dense jungles characterized by higher than usual precipitationRAINFOREST
Level 112: A garden of fruit-producing trees and plantsCABLES
Level 112: A machine used to soak and clean clothesMUSKETEERS
Level 112: A machine used to soak and clean clothesWASHER
Level 112: Card suit that resembles a digging toolABUGSLIFE
Level 112: Climate that is hot and wet; muggyBRITTLE
Level 112: Communal gathering where everyone brings a dishPOTLUCK
Level 112: Closely compacted together; high concentrationDENSE
Level 112: Communal gathering where everyone brings a dishPOTLUCK
Level 112: Rubber boots worn over other shoes to keep them from getting dirtyGALOSHES
Level 112: Kneading muscles to relieve tensionCENTAUR
Level 112: Tool used with a hammer to make carvings from wood, stone, or metalCHISEL
Level 112: Losing this means that you’re not hungry anymoreDOWNSIZING
Level 112: To interrupt someone while they are talkingCUTOFF
Level 112: Popular brand of permanent markers made by Newell BrandsBLACKJACK
Level 112: What animal is this?DOLPHIN
Level 112: A garden of fruit-producing trees and plantsORCHARD
Level 112: One might find a message inside this glass container on the beachBOTTLE
Level 112: Rubber boots worn over other shoes to keep them from getting dirtyHAMBURGER
Level 112: Losing this means that you’re not hungry anymoreAPPETITE
Level 112: The study of religionCLASSICAL
Level 112: To interrupt someone while they are talkingMALWARE
Level 112: Tool used with a hammer to make carvings from wood, stone, or metalDOORBELL
Level 112: Card suit that resembles a digging toolSPADES
Level 112: Manor for French nobilityCHATEAU
Level 112: Underpants worn by babiesLETTUCE
Level 112: What animal is this?DOLPHIN
Level 112: What instrument is this?BOOKWORM
Level 112: You definitely want to avoid this part of a beeSTINGER
Level 112: The study of religionTHEOLOGY
Level 112: You definitely want to avoid this part of a beeDECREE
Level 112: Word formed by rearranging the letters of a different wordANAGRAM
Level 112: A jungle predator and brand of carJAGUAR
Level 112: A tool used when hanging a paintingHAMMER
Level 112: “The _____ is in the pudding”, meaning that best way to know somethingPROOF
Level 112: Being struck by Cupid’s _____ means you have fallen in loveARROW
Level 112: What is this literary form?POETRY
Level 112: A marksman with bow and arrowARCHER
Level 112: Camels can have one or more of these on their backHUMPS
Level 112: Road Runner’s enemy, Wile E. ____COYOTE
Level 113: ______ Flowers, the girl who Scott Pilgrim defeats 7 ex’s to courtCLOTHESPIN
Level 113: Covering for a sword or other bladed weaponSHEATH
Level 113: Disney deer who endured great tragedy before reaching his happy endingSTUDIO
Level 113: Harry ______, a legendary escape artist and illusionistGREGORIAN
Level 113: Jupiter has 79 of these including Io and EuropaHANUKKAH
Level 113: Weekend hire to give parents some free timeBABYSITTER
Level 113: Something against the law is thisIMPOSSIBLE
Level 113: What word does this represent?GENIUS
Level 113: Yellow cream filled snacks that supposedly stay fresh foreverBREATHMINT
Level 113: Colorful inflatable sphere for sandy coast playBEACHBALL
Level 113: Admission of one’s guiltCONFESSION
Level 113: What is this person at a wedding ceremony?RINGBEARER
Level 113: Jam-like spread made from orange peel; Paddington Bear’s favoriteMARMALADE
Level 113: He picked a peck of pickled peppersPETERPIPER
Level 114: British sitcom starring an almost mute buffoon played by Rowan AtkinsonWAKEUPCALL
Level 114: Fuel used to drive a carINKCARTRIDGE
Level 114: Mathematical operation that takes a number away from another numberCRYSTALBALL
Level 114: Post-story text or scenes that explain what happens after the conclusionBLOODYMARY
Level 114: Symbol of a martial arts masterBLACKBELT
Level 114: Who are these Biblical figures?ADAMANDEVE
Level 114: The most expensive property in MonopolyCROPCIRCLE
Level 114: US stock market index that tracks 30 companiesBIRDS
Level 114: What food item does this represent?FLIPBOOK
Level 114: Comic actor who starred in “Tropic Thunder”, “Zoolander”, and moreBENSTILLER
Level 114: Tip of a projectile weapon; brand of bottled waterARROWHEAD
Level 114: What character is missing from the second picture?SANTACLAUS
Level 114: What is this board game?BACKGAMMON
Level 114: Equivalent to 3 teaspoons, or 1x2f16 of a cupTABLESPOON
Level 114: A sandy bathroom for cats and other types of petsLITTERBOX
Level 114: “You sunk my ______”, a strategic guessing gameBATTLESHIP
Level 114: Looking back; it’s 20x2f20HINDSIGHT
Level 115: A particularly poisonous spider noted for the hourglass on its abdomenBAYONET
Level 115: A secretive operative tasked with killing a targetSNIPEHUNT
Level 115: A thing out of place for the time period; ex: a computer with dinosaursDRAWBRIDGE
Level 115: Headache that may happen after a long night of drinkingHANGOVER
Level 115: Criminal who illegally sets firesCHICKENPOX
Level 115: Another name for the Celsius scaleCENTIGRADE
Level 115: Expression; a little known competitor who unexpectedly does wellBLACKOUT
Level 115: To transform from a liquid to a gasEVAPORATE
Level 115: A particularly poisonous spider noted for the hourglass on its abdomenBLACKWIDOW
Level 115: Headache that may happen after a long night of drinkingDOCENT
Level 115: Place that processes hides into leatherBOOTCAMP
Level 115: Where soliders bunk upBARRACKS
Level 115: Criminal who illegally sets firesARSONIST
Level 115: Sci-fi vehicle used to abandon shipDRAWSTRAWS
Level 115: Something not done on purpose; when two vehicles collideHOMEPAGE
Level 115: What is this US college?DARTMOUTH
Level 115: To transform from a liquid to a gasAPPLAUSE
Level 115: US writer of Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian ChroniclesCHOREOGRAPHY
Level 115: A thing out of place for the time period; ex: a computer with dinosaursANACHRONISM
Level 115: What technology does this represent?BLUETOOTH
Level 115: Per legend, repeating her name to a mirror will have spooky resultsBLOODYMARY
Level 115: Place that processes hides into leatherTANNERY
Level 115: What word this represent?FRISBEE
Level 115: Sci-fi vehicle used to abandon shipESCAPEPOD
Level 115: Where soliders bunk upENIGMA
Level 115: The number above the line in a fractionNUMERATOR
Level 115: Meat can be soaked in this before cooking to impart flavor to itMARINADE
Level 115: Airport building where passengers check inTERMINAL
Level 116: ______ Prime, the leader of the Autobots in TransformersINCUBATOR
Level 116: A digital letter with an attachment sometimesBABYSHOWER
Level 116: Pyrotechnics used to signal for helpFLARES
Level 116: After a coupon does this, you can no longer use itBUNGEEJUMP
Level 116: After a coupon does this, you can no longer use itEXPIRES
Level 116: Basin or pool filled with colorful spheres, usually for childrenBLEACHERS
Level 116: The friendliest cartoon ghostCASPER
Level 116: Electronic home appliance used to liquefy fruits and vegetablesARISTOCRATS
Level 116: Lightweight disk tossed between people or to dogsFRISBEE
Level 116: Basin or pool filled with colorful spheres, usually for childrenBALLPIT
Level 116: Gambling game where players buy numbered tickets for a chance toCAFETERIA
Level 116: In the US, this graduation cap part is moved from the right to theHOLEINONE
Level 116: Pyrotechnics used to signal for helpBUSINESS
Level 116: In “Cinderella”, the fairy godmother transformed a pumpkin in thisCARRIAGE
Level 116: Something used to lure in or distract from a different threatLITTERBUG
Level 116: The friendliest cartoon ghostFASHIONSHOW
Level 116: A digital letter with an attachment sometimesEMAIL
Level 116: What bird does this represent?BLUEJAY
Level 116: Gambling game where players buy numbered tickets for a chance toLOTTERY
Level 116: What word does this represent?HALFWAY
Level 116: Ash replaces one of his hands with this weapon in “Evil Dead”CHAINSAW
Level 116: Craft of making items out of clayPOTTERY
Level 116: Clothes to cover up the body after taking a showerBATHROBE
Level 116: If you’re ________ with someone, you’ve known them long enough toFAMILIAR
Level 116: A professional who ejects unruly customers, esp. from a bar or clubBOUNCER
Level 116: Screen text for the hearing impairedSUBTITLE
Level 116: Mechanism that operates without manual inputAUTOMATIC
Level 116: Object that allows one to peer into spaceTELESCOPE
Level 116: Carrying or passing the ball into the end zone in American Football;TOUCHDOWN
Level 116: Mythical city of gold, supposedly in South AmericaELDORADO
Level 117: A biographical film such as Man on the Moon for Andy KaufmanGRIMACE
Level 117: A person who borrows money out at very high interest ratesBLAIRWITCH
Level 117: Fear of heightsACROPHOBIA
Level 117: No two of these icy crystals are exactly the sameETIQUETTE
Level 117: Beachside money; actually a type of very flat sea urchinSANDDOLLAR
Level 117: People may dress up in these on HalloweenGRIMREAPER
Level 117: The national bird of the United StatesBALDEAGLE
Level 117: Place where rubbish is buriedLANDFILL
Level 117: What logging action does this represent?DEFOREST
Level 117: Place where rubbish is buriedLANDFILL
Level 117: The key part of a jokeACUPUNCTURE
Level 117: A biographical film such as Man on the Moon for Andy KaufmanBIOPIC
Level 117: The national bird of the United StatesMICROWAVE
Level 117: A person who borrows money out at very high interest ratesLOANSHARK
Level 117: Professional who handles minor routine tasks for an executive; assistantSECRETARY
Level 117: What logging action does this represent?CICADA
Level 117: The key part of a jokePUNCHLINE
Level 117: What phrase does this represent?HOMEFREE
Level 117: To read over a text and fix grammar, spelling, and writing mistakesPROOFREAD
Level 117: Gun runners who sell weapons in bulk, often illicitlyARMSDEALER
Level 117: Helps authors issue their booksPUBLISHER
Level 118: A type of lollipop that has gum insideROUNDROBIN
Level 118: An object’s ability to float or rise when submergedBUOYANCY
Level 118: Decorative cover for a vehicle’s wheelsGRASSHOPPER
Level 118: Mythical winged horseCRUNCHTIME
Level 118: People who agrees with everything without criticism, especially fromPROCESSOR
Level 118: Words of praise or admirationCOMPLIMENT
Level 118: Someone who holds a patentCOMPLIMENT
Level 118: What 1958 pop band does this represent?MARILYN
Level 118: When a decision cannot be reached in courtHUNGJURY
Level 118: Burial ground full of tombstonesGRAVEYARD
Level 118: Colorful and rocky ocean structures created by small animalsCORALREEF
Level 118: A method used to make a decision, short one losesDRAWSTRAWS
Level 118: 1986 movie starring Christopher Lambert where “there can be onlyHIGHLANDER
Level 118: Thinnest; most slenderSKINNIEST
Level 118: Large species of shark popularized as a man-killer by the movie “Jaws”GREATWHITE
Level 119: A ______ Test is used to determine if a solution is acidic or basicIVORY
Level 119: A person who doesn’t have any siblings is thisSMALLTALK
Level 119: Protective gear worn over the face to prevent breathing in poisonsGASMASK
Level 119: A professional who examines teethANTIGEN
Level 119: Style of penmanship where letters are connected; also called ScriptCURSIVE
Level 119: A student who doesn’t show up to class is marked as thisABSENT
Level 119: A ______ Test is used to determine if a solution is acidic or basicLITMUS
Level 119: Birds of a _______, flock togetherBOXINGDAY
Level 119: One’s power to resist trauma, injury, or fatigueENDURANCE
Level 119: In the US, dial ‘0’ to speak with this professionalINSOMNIA
Level 119: Type of sandal with a Y-shaped strapFLIPFLOPS
Level 119: Protective gear worn over the face to prevent breathing in poisonsFIRSTMATE
Level 119: What food item does this represent?CHILIDOG
Level 119: A student who doesn’t show up to class is marked as thisABSENT
Level 119: Style of penmanship where letters are connected; also called ScriptTICKTOCK
Level 119: A professional who examines teethDENTIST
Level 119: Type of sandal with a Y-shaped strapALUMINUM
Level 119: What does this represent?TALLTALE
Level 119: A person who doesn’t have any siblings is thisONLYCHILD
Level 119: What food item does this represent?COCOA
Level 119: ______ Jolie, US actress and humanitarian who starred in “Mr. & Mrs.ANGELINA
Level 119: Emergency kit for injuriesFIRSTAID
Level 119: One who does not believe in nor reject the existence of supernaturalAGNOSTIC
Level 119: Car part that keeps engine lubricant clear of contaminantsOILFILTER
Level 120: A person who goes into spaceACORN
Level 120: A short rest to light a cigaretteKITE
Level 120: Buying and selling commodities in different markets to take advantageCOBWEB
Level 120: Conan the __________, fictional hero portrayed by Arnold SchwarzeneggerAUTHOR
Level 120: Emergency box that contains medical suppliesFALLACY
Level 120: He says “I do” at a weddingGROOM
Level 120: One of the co-creators of Dungeons and DragonsCYBORG
Level 120: What list symbol does this represent?BELLS
Level 120: What meaty sauce goes well with this?GRAVY
Level 120: A spirit in Irish mythology known for its piercing wailsBANSHEE
Level 120: Metaphorically, behaviors that indicate a future problemREDFLAG
Level 120: Disney deer who endured great tragedy before reaching his happy endingBAMBI
Level 120: Classic third option for votersABSTAIN
Level 120: Technical name for the belly or stomach areaABDOMEN
Level 120: The Big ______ is a constellation in the shape of a bowl with a handleDIPPER
Level 120: Branch of philosophy that seeks to resolve questions of moralityETHICS
Level 120: Severe allergy sufferers should keep one aroundEPIPEN
Level 120: ______ Hoffman won two Oscars for “Rain Man” and “Kramer vs. Kramer”DUSTIN
Level 120: Dome-shaped shelter made from snow or ice blocksIGLOO
Level 121: Life period when one has completed their working lifeBANDANA
Level 121: Physical attack using your craniumHEADBUTT
Level 121: Strong feeling of hatred or dislikeTWINKLE
Level 121: Symbolized by a ‘C’ in a circleTODDLER
Level 121: Steep downward plungeNOSEDIVE
Level 121: The highest possible rank for a sumo wrestlerFATLADY
Level 121: Things that are on a ____ __ ____ basis are restricted informationBLACKCAT
Level 121: What kind of company does this represent?MISSOURI
Level 121: What word does this represent?FOREVER
Level 121: A facial accessory for piratesEYEPATCH
Level 121: Microscopic rods and spheres that can cause illnessBACTERIA
Level 121: The background objects of a theatrical productionSCENERY
Level 121: To restrict a person’s location to a set locationCONFINE
Level 121: Clear, protective finish applied to furnitureVARNISH
Level 122: Chemical used to disinfect swimming poolsESCALATOR
Level 122: Coin-operated public music playerLEADERSHIP
Level 122: Party game where players act out words for others to guessCHARADES
Level 122: Coin-operated public music playerJUKEBOX
Level 122: Device used to slow one’s descent; a lifesaver when going skydiving!CROSSBOW
Level 122: Famous coffee brand with a mermaid mascotTHUNDER
Level 122: Famous coffee brand with a mermaid mascotSTARBUCKS
Level 122: Idiomatically, this is the best medicine, but I’d get a second opinion!LAUGHTER
Level 122: Members of the militaryAMETHYST
Level 122: Piece of plastic that lets you borrow money to make a purchaseCREDITCARD
Level 122: Party game where players act out words for others to guessCHARADES
Level 122: Powder supplement used by gym-goers to improve performanceCREATINE
Level 122: Piece of plastic that lets you borrow money to make a purchaseTOUGHLOVE
Level 122: Portable machine that could play audio discsCOOKING
Level 122: Usually short movie scene that details past eventsFLASHBACK
Level 122: Portable machine that could play audio discsCDPLAYER
Level 122: Powder supplement used by gym-goers to improve performanceCREATINE
Level 122: To improve or repair a painting with slight alterationsRETOUCH
Level 122: Device used to slow one’s descent; a lifesaver when going skydiving!PARACHUTE
Level 122: Usually short movie scene that details past eventsLYRICS
Level 122: What word does this represent?CORNERSTONE
Level 122: Members of the militarySOLDIERS
Level 122: Will Smith as Agent J joined this secretive organization alongsideBANKRUPTCY
Level 122: These iconic trees can be found in tropical climatesPALMTREE
Level 122: Another word for drink; a liquid refreshmentBEVERAGE
Level 122: The R in R&DRESEARCH
Level 122: Organs that filter bloodKIDNEYS
Level 122: A popular myth is that eating carrots can improve thisEYESIGHT
Level 122: If you put things on the front lawn with price tags attached, youYARDSALE
Level 122: Famous city in Nevada filled with casinos and other attractionsLASVEGAS
Level 123: 1981 US metal band with hits like Fade to Black and Nothing ElseHOLYWATER
Level 123: A cord that connects mother to babyABDICATE
Level 123: Communication method that uses dots and dashes; SOSFLEACOLLAR
Level 123: Meaning word for wordMEMORIZE
Level 123: Aspirin is an over the ______ medicineCOUNTER
Level 123: Portable fire starterTAEKWONDO
Level 123: Printed way to read about worldly happeningsNEWSPAPER
Level 123: What superhero is this?CURTAINCALL
Level 123: What word does this represent?BRAINWASH
Level 123: Fundamental force that keeps us on the groundGRAVITY
Level 123: A book’s story is usually separated into _______CHAPTERS
Level 123: Don’t drive a car through this; means stopREDLIGHT
Level 123: What are these collections?ARCHIVES
Level 123: This cartoon animal is smarter than the average member of his speciesYOGIBEAR
Level 124: A device that records the number of steps you have takenSNOWMAN
Level 124: A type of course where objects are put in your wayAUDIOBOOK
Level 124: The ______’s Tale, 2017 dystopian drama based on the novel by MargaretHANDMAID
Level 124: Folklore figure who features prominently in out-of-focus pictures;ICEBREAKER
Level 124: Greek mathematician often considered the Founder of GeometryGREATWHITE
Level 124: Art of pretending to be someone elseACTING
Level 124: Home for tunnel-building insect petsLASERTAG
Level 124: Horses have four of these special feetHOOVES
Level 124: Horses have four of these special feetSUNDANCE
Level 124: Technology that connected the worldINTERNET
Level 124: In mythology, this lunar phase causes a werewolf’s transformationBREAKDANCER
Level 124: Knightly codeHYPNOSIS
Level 124: What chilly phenomenon does this represent?COLDSNAP
Level 124: Folklore figure who features prominently in out-of-focus pictures;SASQUACH
Level 124: Paper proof of graduationMARATHON
Level 124: What material is this bag made of?PLASTIC
Level 124: Paper proof of graduationDIPLOMA
Level 124: Professor _________, the arch-nemesis of Sherlock HolmesGROCERYBAGS
Level 124: A device that records the number of steps you have takenPEDOMETER
Level 124: Technology that connected the worldCOMPETITOR
Level 124: Greek mathematician often considered the Founder of GeometryEUCLID
Level 124: The ______’s Tale, 2017 dystopian drama based on the novel by MargaretLUMBERMILL
Level 124: ______ Mandela, revolutionary and former president of South AfricaNELSON
Level 124: The ship commanded by Captain Nemo in 20,000 Leagues Under the SeaNAUTILUS
Level 124: What kind of bird is this?PARAKEETS
Level 124: Knightly codeCHIVALRY
Level 124: What chilly phenomenon does this represent?ZEROSUMGAME
Level 124: In mythology, this lunar phase causes a werewolf’s transformationFULLMOON
Level 124: What kind of bird is this?LOBSTER
Level 124: The ship commanded by Captain Nemo in 20,000 Leagues Under the SeaNAUTILUS
Level 124: What word does this represent?NAUTILUS
Level 124: Male performers in a film or playACTORS
Level 124: The protector of Gotham CityBATMAN
Level 124: The largest mammals on planet EarthWHALES
Level 124: A type of metal pot used to boil waterKETTLE
Level 124: Baby’s way of conveying hunger, boredom, tiredness, pain, etc.CRYING
Level 124: Largest city in AustraliaSYDNEY
Level 124: What is this candy?GUMBALL
Level 124: US comedy magic team working since the late 70s, Penn &______TELLER
Level 124: The oldest university in the UK, established in 1096OXFORD
Level 125: A large spherical chunk of iron fired from artilleryCANNONBALL
Level 125: A tangy condiment for meats commonly seen in Southern USBBQSAUCE
Level 125: A member of a squad that performs and shouts encouragement for aCHEERLEADER
Level 125: An elegant writing implement with a nibFOUNTAINPEN
Level 125: A tangy condiment for meats commonly seen in Southern USBBQSAUCE
Level 125: A young girl who had a fabled encounter with three bearsGOLDILOCKS
Level 125: Age group after child but before adultTEENAGER
Level 125: An elegant writing implement with a nibFOUNTAINPEN
Level 125: An emblematic natural or man-made feature that is culturally or locallyLANDMARK
Level 125: What you step down on to move a car forwardGASPEDAL
Level 125: Phrase; used before presenting a summary or key pointsINANUTSHELL
Level 125: Phrase; used before presenting a summary or key pointsINANUTSHELL
Level 125: Rudolph used his ___ ____ to guide Santa’s sleighREDNOSE
Level 125: The winning move in a game of chessCHECKMATE
Level 125: To leave an area faced with impending dangerEVACUATE
Level 125: Rudolph used his ___ ____ to guide Santa’s sleighREDNOSE
Level 125: What you step down on to move a car forwardGASPEDAL
Level 125: Contains A through ZALPHABET
Level 125: What is this experienced individual?OLDTIMER
Level 125: Sci-fi instant transportation methodTELEPORT
Level 125: Annual school memento, often signedYEARBOOK

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Word Craze Answers [Level 76-100 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (75-100) Part 4

Word Craze Level 76-100 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 76: 1993 film by Steven Spielberg that brought dinosaurs to lifeFANTASIA
Level 76: A person who is very enthusiastic about taking photosMSPACMAN
Level 76: A word meaning contemplatingCOOLRANCH
Level 76: Domesticated stone; extremely low-maintenance companionLAVALAMP
Level 76: Often yellow cars that’ll take you places for a fareINFERNO
Level 76: This actor stars in “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and “Men in Black”WILLSMITH
Level 76: What is this tool?UMPIRE
Level 76: Wonderland denizen who has a tendency to vanish, leaving only a smileMICDROP
Level 76: Glass-half-full type of personOPTIMIST
Level 76: What elastic office supply item is this?RUBBERBAND
Level 76: Being a necessary part of somethingESSENTIAL
Level 76: What is this Jackie Chanx2fChris Tucker movie?RUSHHOUR
Level 76: Western Canadian city in the province of British ColumbiaVANCOUVER
Level 76: Garment worn on the beach or to swim inBATHINGSUIT
Level 76: “The __________ of Tom Sawyer”, a novel by Mark TwainADVENTURES
Level 76: What is this item for outdoors use?CLOTHESLINE
Level 76: ______ Stallone, the actor who portrayed Rambo and RockySYLVESTER
Level 76: An _________ park is a place with attractions like roller coastersAMUSEMENT
Level 77: A hole in the door for mailNEWENGLAND
Level 77: Beachside money, actually a type of very flat sea urchinLEPRECHAUN
Level 77: Constellation that looks like a small potEASEL
Level 77: Harry Potter’s red haired friendALLOWANCE
Level 77: Movement from one place to another either temporarily or permanentlyHARPOON
Level 77: “The Star-Spangled Banner” is the national ______ of the USA.ANTHEM
Level 77: Numbers below zeroHANGINTHERE
Level 77: The nearest major galaxy to the Milky WayGETAWAYCAR
Level 77: These might fall from your eyesTHIRTEENTH
Level 77: A person who determines gambling odds and accepts betsBOOKIE
Level 77: Popular app that helps people rent out their rooms and propertiesAIRBNB
Level 77: A bunny’s favorite musical genreHIPHOP
Level 77: What is this word for joining the army?ENLIST
Level 77: Type of insect which includes weevils, scarabs, and ladybugsBEETLE
Level 78: 1960s phenomenon with hits such as Hey Jude and Yellow SubmarineEPIPEN
Level 78: A stiletto or dirk is a type of thisELDORADO
Level 78: A type of large extinct cat known for its two long fangsSABERTOOTH
Level 78: A type of large extinct cat known for its two long fangsSABERTOOTH
Level 78: An organism that leeches off a hostROBIN
Level 78: Handheld protection from the rainUMBRELLA
Level 78: Synonymous with beginner or amateurNOVICE
Level 78: These black hunks of carbon will help get a BBQ goingPETERPIPER
Level 78: 1960s phenomenon with hits such as Hey Jude and Yellow SubmarineTHEBEATLES
Level 78: What US city is this in?DIEHARD
Level 78: In English, a form of a noun that shows there are more than onePLURAL
Level 78: What word does this represent?CLOTHESLINE
Level 78: You sunk my ______, a strategic guessing gameGYMNAST
Level 78: What is this part of a circle?DIAMETER
Level 78: 2013 Disney movie about Anna’s journey to connect with her sisterFROZEN
Level 78: A ______ parent is a person who cares for a child who is not legallyFOSTER
Level 78: What is being measured here?DEPTH
Level 78: Ocean east of AfricaINDIAN
Level 78: ______ pigs are actually rodents and not pigs; often used in experimentsGUINEA
Level 79: ______ Scissorhands, machine-turned-man played by Johnny DeppCONFESSION
Level 79: Affectionate slang term referring to CanadiansCABOOSE
Level 79: From the country bordering the US on the SouthMEXICAN
Level 79: Another name for MarsSTOMATA
Level 79: From the country bordering the US on the SouthAVALANCHE
Level 79: _______ One is the most famous auto race in the worldFORMULA
Level 79: Robot with a human form; literally means man-likeBABYSITTER
Level 79: To get off, e.g. from an airplaneDISEMBARK
Level 79: Second to last member of ROYGBIVFUELGAUGE
Level 79: Small baked treat; like a muffin, but with icingCUPCAKE
Level 79: Small baked treat; like a muffin, but with icingSNOWGLOBE
Level 79: What is this Irish symbol called?SHAMROCK
Level 79: Affectionate slang term referring to CanadiansCANUCKS
Level 79: To get off, e.g. from an airplaneDISEMBARK
Level 79: What is this Irish symbol called?ACAPPELLA
Level 79: What type of skating is this?FIGURE
Level 79: When proposing, you might get down into this positionUKULELE
Level 79: When you gaze long into the _____, it gazes back into youMAYONNAISE
Level 79: Zero on this temperature scale is known as absolute zeroKELVIN
Level 79: Second to last member of ROYGBIVINDIGO
Level 79: Zero on this temperature scale is known as absolute zeroMARIACHI
Level 79: Hold down this keyboard button to type capital lettersSHIFTKEY
Level 79: “_______: Welcome to the Jungle” is a 2017 sequel to the Robin Williams-starringJUMANJI
Level 79: Truth is often stranger than thisFICTION
Level 79: Mattress with larger dimensions than a QueenKINGSIZE
Level 79: A large purple vegetable; aubergineEGGPLANT
Level 79: Recreational structure that sprays waterFOUNTAIN
Level 80: A kind of wheel that might be found at a fairgroundNIKOLA
Level 80: A particularly French kind of boredom and world-wearinessRICKMAN
Level 80: Traditional Venetian canal transportGONDOLA
Level 80: Fish with uniquely pinkx2forange flesh, popular as foodNECKANDNECK
Level 80: Going down this street might be nostalgicTEMPURA
Level 80: Jam-like spread made from orange peel; Paddington Bear’s favoriteTAXIDERMIST
Level 80: Shops with freshly made breadBAKERIES
Level 80: Pumbaa’s best friendLEBOWSKI
Level 80: What Bond film is this referring to?SKYFALL
Level 80: The study of insectsDIVORCE
Level 80: A kind of wheel that might be found at a fairgroundFERRIS
Level 80: They make up the nuclei of atoms, together with protonsELEMENTARY
Level 80: A particularly French kind of boredom and world-wearinessENNUI
Level 80: If you’re “on _____ ____”, it means you are extremely happyCLOUDNINE
Level 80: Traditional Venetian canal transportANTLERS
Level 80: Fish with uniquely pinkx2forange flesh, popular as foodSALMON
Level 80: What Bond film is this referring to?SKYFALL
Level 80: The sincerest form of flatteryIMITATION
Level 80: What’s missing in the second image?LAMPSHADE
Level 80: The daughter of a king and a queenPRINCESS
Level 80: What is this spice?CINNAMON
Level 80: A 1997 comedy starring Jim Carrey as a lawyer cursed to tell theLIARLIAR
Level 80: ________ Zeta-Jones is a Welsh actress who starred in “Ocean’s TwelveCATHERINE
Level 80: The first working copy of an inventionPROTOTYPE
Level 80: Besides cooking, this powder is also used in toothpaste and for cleaningBAKINGSODA
Level 80: One of these is ten millimeters longCENTIMETER
Level 81: Capital of TaiwanTAIPEI
Level 81: Grumpy avian stars of a popular mobile gameROADRAGE
Level 81: Lose Yourself rapperSHRINK
Level 81: Shakespeare’s Scottish playEDISON
Level 81: Sibling’s daughterAPPLEPIE
Level 81: The Chrysler _________ is one of New York’s most recognizable landmarksBUILDING
Level 81: What word does this represent?DIVEBOMB
Level 81: Your spouse’s familyCITRUS
Level 81: Storage compartment found on the passenger side of a car’s dashboardGLOVEBOX
Level 81: What is this creamy dip?COOLWHIP
Level 81: A rite of _______ is a ritual marking an important stage in one’sPASSAGE
Level 81: Zombies are these, but surprisingly spryCORPSES
Level 81: Main division of a book, typically with a number or titleCHAPTER
Level 82: A general feeling of discomfort and illnessNOTASIDO
Level 82: Al _______; notorious gangsterACCORDION
Level 82: Angelic riders in service to Odin, and harbingers of warRATTLESNAKE
Level 82: Legendary guitarist, ironically nicknamed SlowhandERICCLAPTON
Level 82: Colorful inflatable sphere for sandy coast playABRACADABRA
Level 82: Al _______; notorious gangsterCAPONE
Level 82: Distinctively Jamaican music genreFORCEPS
Level 82: Drawn or animated art in a simple or exaggerated styleCARTOON
Level 82: Helium, argon, xenon, and neon are all this type of elementFIGHTCLUB
Level 82: Slightly annoyed, irritatedMIFFED
Level 82: Helium, argon, xenon, and neon are all this type of elementNOBLEGAS
Level 82: If you are rich, money is __ ____EYEBROWS
Level 82: Legendary guitarist, ironically nicknamed SlowhandINFRARED
Level 82: Window covering that can be drawn and closedCURTAIN
Level 82: Worn by skiers and bank robbersBALACLAVA
Level 82: If you are rich, money is __ ____NOOBJECT
Level 82: Sing around it, cook marshmallows over itHARMONICA
Level 82: Angelic riders in service to Odin, and harbingers of warVALKYRIES
Level 82: Slightly annoyed, irritatedTURDUCKEN
Level 82: Track and field event involving throwing heavy iron ballsDRESSCODE
Level 82: Artist that works with a brush and canvasPAINTER
Level 82: Track and field event involving throwing heavy iron ballsSHOTPUT
Level 82: What word does this represent?SANDBAG
Level 82: A general feeling of discomfort and illnessMALAISE
Level 82: Worn by skiers and bank robbersGODMOTHER
Level 82: Word for a large snake; a sea _______ is a mythical beast of theSERPENT
Level 82: What type of unhealthy snack is this?JUNKFOOD
Level 82: Produce grown using sustainable methodsORGANIC
Level 82: Thanksgiving is an American national _______HOLIDAY
Level 82: What famous US book is this animal hunted in?MOBYDICK
Level 83: A somewhat vestigial organ; might be found at the back of a bookULYSSES
Level 83: Average length of a sitcomICEHOCKEY
Level 83: Pale, immortal bloodsucker; sometimes sparklyMARSUPIAL
Level 83: Schooner, dinghy, and sloop, for exampleCOFFEERUN
Level 83: Court verdict that says the defendant committed the crimeGUILTY
Level 83: Swiss city, birthplace of some very important ConventionsINNOCENT
Level 83: The entrance to WonderlandTANDEM
Level 83: X marks the spotTREASUREMAP
Level 83: Food that conforms to Jewish dietary regulationsKOSHER
Level 83: ______ Hills, a city in Los Angeles where movie stars liveBEVERLY
Level 83: What Southeast Asian country does this flag belong to?THAILAND
Level 83: Personal cleanlinessHYGIENE
Level 83: Mythical creature that is half eagle and half lionGRIFFIN
Level 84: A month of fasting, for MuslimsPLANKTON
Level 84: Another name for the Celsius scaleLEAVE
Level 84: Hydrogen _____ might be a part of your first aid kitNONAGON
Level 84: Hydrogen _____ might be a part of your first aid kitPEROXIDE
Level 84: In NA, the main dish of the meal may be called thisENTREE
Level 84: Natural water feature between Ontario and New York stateHAVEACOW
Level 84: Polar region without polar bearsSAURON
Level 84: A month of fasting, for MuslimsRAMADAN
Level 84: Put your letter inside to mail itEAVESDROP
Level 84: Somewhat macabre word guessing gameCUTLERY
Level 84: A person who likes to walk trails through natureHIKER
Level 84: Polar region without polar bearsANTARCTIC
Level 84: Spatially, there are three of theseGROOM
Level 84: The Latin name for your speciesERASER
Level 84: What is this mythical creature called?SATYR
Level 84: They finish last, apparentlyACETONE
Level 84: Two people secretly working together are in thisCAHOOTS
Level 84: Tiny jumping parasite; can infest the fur of dogs and catsNEAPOLITAN
Level 84: Tiny jumping parasite; can infest the fur of dogs and catsFLEA
Level 84: “______ dipping” is the term for nude swimmingSKINNY
Level 84: Somewhat macabre word guessing gameHANGMAN
Level 84: Two people secretly working together are in thisRELOADED
Level 84: What is this mythical creature called?CHIMERA
Level 84: They finish last, apparentlyNICEGUYS
Level 84: What region of the US is this?MIDWEST
Level 84: What type of long-distance friend is this?TARANTULA
Level 84: You can catch people speeding with thisRADARGUN
Level 84: What kind of company does this represent?AIRLINE
Level 84: You can catch people speeding with thisGORILLAZ
Level 84: What speedy African feline has this pattern?CHEETAH
Level 84: A measure of how tall something isHEIGHT
Level 84: Expression; “__ ____ as a cucumber” means able to stay calm underASCOOL
Level 84: To ambitiously seek a goalASPIRE
Level 84: Snakes use these sharp teeth to inject venomFANGS
Level 84: A standing grapple; not allowed to be held for too long in boxingCLINCH
Level 84: A perfume marketed at men; originated in a German city of the sameCOLOGNE
Level 84: Organizations of workers designed to protect and further their rightsUNIONS
Level 85: 1972 crime drama made by Francis CoppolaMATINEE
Level 85: Beauty treatment for one’s nailsNOHARM
Level 85: Expression of regret for doing someone wrongMTRUSHMORE
Level 85: Expression; to study hardEARLGREY
Level 85: Instrumental in percussion; also a tasty chicken limbEVOLUTION
Level 85: “Madness? This is ______!”; the land of King Leonidas from the movieSPARTA
Level 85: Solid form of carbon dioxideFLASHCARDS
Level 85: Something you might treat yourself to once in awhileMANUAL
Level 85: Symbols that can be sent in text messages to convey emotionACEVENTURA
Level 85: This season marks the end of hibernationSPRING
Level 85: What is this exercise equipment?DUMBBELL
Level 85: Horses have these on the ends of their feetHOOVES
Level 85: Dusty and abandoned spider homeCOBWEB
Level 85: What is this type of equipment?SAFETY
Level 85: A shower for your vehicleCARWASH
Level 86: A professional who argues cases in courtCAROLINAS
Level 86: Air taken into your lungs and then exhaledEASTASIA
Level 86: Home furnishing that stores convenient handheld knowledgeELONMUSK
Level 86: Something you might say to someone blocking your viewDOWNINFRONT
Level 86: Something you shouldn’t do to a wound, but can for french friesNORSEGODS
Level 86: The NHL team of this Michigan city is the Red WingsDETROIT
Level 86: The order in which a series of events happenedCAMEO
Level 86: What American stand-up comedian is this?CARROTTOP
Level 86: A dizzy feeling; name of a Hitchcock movieVERTIGO
Level 86: What is this type of diagram?BARGRAPH
Level 86: The state of being grossly overweightOBESITY
Level 86: What region of the US is this?MIDWEST
Level 86: Ocean which can be seen off the west coast of the USPACIFIC
Level 87: A building that contains several rentable living spacesCARBONATION
Level 87: A place that has witnessed many departures and arrivalsSAGITTARIUS
Level 87: A price put on someone’s head; dead or aliveREDHERRING
Level 87: Leafy green vegetable often used in saladsSAINTPATRICK
Level 87: A _____ peek is an advanced viewing of something before it goes publicSNEAK
Level 87: This company action increases unemploymentNONETAKEN
Level 87: US variant of a globally popular card game known as Twenty-OneBLACKJACK
Level 87: What type of mythical creature is this?ENDANGERED
Level 87: What is the word for disarming this?DEFUSE
Level 87: As income increases, people buy more ______ goods as compared toLUXURY
Level 87: Salty luxury spread made from fish eggsCAVIAR
Level 87: The writer of a book or other written work is credited as thisAUTHOR
Level 87: Military haircut, named for the sound of the electric clipper usedBUZZCUT
Level 87: Ammunition for firearmsBULLETS
Level 88: 1998 Pixar film about a rag tag group of insectsTIGHTROPE
Level 88: 1998 Pixar film about a rag tag group of insectsABUGSLIFE
Level 88: An avid reader; not an actual insectPISTACHIO
Level 88: An official order; by royal ______LAKEONTARIO
Level 88: Popular sandwich consisting of a ground meat patty between two bunsHAMBURGER
Level 88: An avid reader; not an actual insectBOOKWORM
Level 88: Beethoven, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky are famous for this type of musicCLASSICAL
Level 88: Catch phrase of the Three _________AMPHIBIOUS
Level 88: What is this nighttime pest?BEDBUG
Level 88: Describes something hard, yet easily brokenTIMEMACHINE
Level 88: Signaling device typically placed near the door to a buildingDOORBELL
Level 88: Iconic products of Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Leica, etc.ROCKYROAD
Level 88: Iconic products of Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Leica, etc.CAMERA
Level 88: Beethoven, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky are famous for this type of musicCLASSICAL
Level 88: Popular sandwich consisting of a ground meat patty between two bunsINCISION
Level 88: Describes something hard, yet easily brokenBRITTLE
Level 88: Einstein derived that MC^2 equals thisENERGY
Level 88: Signaling device typically placed near the door to a buildingNUGGET
Level 88: Type of malicious software that may harm your computerTANTRUM
Level 88: What phrase does this represent?GLINDA
Level 88: An official order; by royal ______DECREE
Level 88: Wires covered in plastic or rubber that carry signalsPEARLYGATES
Level 88: It is illegal to drink this and driveALCOHOL
Level 88: To ______ one’s reputation is to ruin their good nameTARNISH
Level 88: Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton studied this branch of sciencePHYSICS
Level 88: Ideally, you should feel this after a massageRELAXED
Level 88: Tactile writing able to be “read” by blind peopleBRAILLE
Level 88: What type of vintage car is this?HOTROD
Level 88: First of a set; opposite of latterFORMER
Level 88: 1978 musical starring John Travolta as Danny ZukoGREASE
Level 89: After-dinner candy to freshen upBREATHMINT
Level 89: Apartment with just one room for living and sleeping inNAPKIN
Level 89: Fasteners used to keep garments from blowing away in the windCLOTHESPIN
Level 89: Fasteners used to keep garments from blowing away in the windCENTIMETER
Level 89: The type of calendar currently in use in the Western worldGREGORIAN
Level 89: Greek king condemned to push a rock up a hill for all eternitySISYPHUS
Level 89: Greek king condemned to push a rock up a hill for all eternitySISYPHUS
Level 89: Jewish festival which lasts for 8 days and nightsREINDEER
Level 89: What is missing from the second image?BIRDS
Level 89: What is this place you fill medicine prescriptions at?P******Y
Level 89: Red labeled soda that’s a favorite of Santa and polar bears alikeHOTDOGS
Level 89: Apartment with just one room for living and sleeping inSTUDIO
Level 89: Something that isn’t feasible in the real world is thisIMPOSSIBLE
Level 89: Red labeled soda that’s a favorite of Santa and polar bears alikeCOCACOLA
Level 89: The type of calendar currently in use in the Western worldEMPLOYEE
Level 89: Jewish festival which lasts for 8 days and nightsHANUKKAH
Level 89: Shiny paste-on symbol of achievement for childrenGOLDSTAR
Level 89: What is missing from the second image?FURYROAD
Level 89: Something that isn’t feasible in the real world is thisIMPOSSIBLE
Level 89: What peculiar phenomenon is this?EXCLUDE
Level 89: Giant ape who climbed the Empire State BuildingKINGKONG
Level 89: Bedtime song for childrenLULLABY
Level 89: Underwater plant used to wrap sushi rollsSEAWEED
Level 89: A crack or break, especially in bonesFRACTURE
Level 89: In photography, the amount of light that reaches the filmEXPOSURE
Level 90: A seer might use one of these to see your futureMAIDMARIAN
Level 90: A series of pictures physically animated by quickly turning the pagesNITPICKER
Level 90: Expensive part of a printer that seems to run out too quicklyGNOMES
Level 90: Where military recruits go to trainBOOTCAMP
Level 90: Expression; having one of this means one is pregnantBUNINTHEOVEN
Level 90: Expression; having one of this means one is pregnantBUNINTHEOVEN
Level 90: ______ blossoms, also known as sakura in Japan, are small, pink flowersCHERRY
Level 90: Expression; something that makes one realize they need to take actionCALIPER
Level 90: Per legend, repeating her name to a mirror will have spooky resultsHANSOLO
Level 90: The entry point of a websiteHOMEPAGE
Level 90: A series of pictures physically animated by quickly turning the pagesFLIPBOOK
Level 90: Prank that sends the victim searching for an imaginary creatureNYLON
Level 90: The entry point of a websitePANINI
Level 90: Small string instrument held in place under the chinVIOLIN
Level 90: The sequence of steps or moves used in a dance or other performanceABSTAIN
Level 90: What type of passage is this?EIGHTHNOTE
Level 90: Prank that sends the victim searching for an imaginary creatureSNIPEHUNT
Level 90: Where military recruits go to trainREINS
Level 90: What is this mythical creature?GIANT
Level 90: Child of your parent’s siblingCOUSIN
Level 90: Occurring annuallyYEARLY
Level 90: What kind of flavoring is this?SPICY
Level 90: Travel ticket with no scheduled return tripONEWAY
Level 90: ______ H.W. Bush was the 41st president of the USGEORGE
Level 91: A method used to make a decision, short one losesDRAWSTRAWS
Level 91: An audience will often burst into this after a great performanceAPPLAUSE
Level 91: A period of darkness caused by a power failureFLOPPYDISK
Level 91: A person who leads tours through museums or art galleriesDOCENT
Level 91: An ancient tool used for calculationsEXCALIBUR
Level 91: An ancient tool used for calculationsABACUS
Level 91: An audience will often burst into this after a great performanceWALKINGONAIR
Level 91: Horse-riding gunslinger; a central figure in many WesternsCOWBOY
Level 91: Blade affixed to the end of a firearmORCHESTRA
Level 91: Decryption of this German communication device aided the Allies inHOMOPHONE
Level 91: Itchy childhood sicknessIMPROMPTU
Level 91: A giant panda’s staple foodBAMBOO
Level 91: Lightweight disk tossed between people or to dogsEARBUDS
Level 91: Where students congregate to eatCAFETERIA
Level 91: Decryption of this German communication device aided the Allies inENIGMA
Level 91: Someone who leaves their trash on the streetONIONS
Level 91: A person who leads tours through museums or art galleriesDOCENT
Level 91: What is this golfing term?INFAMOUS
Level 91: What type of event is this?NUCLEUS
Level 91: Where students congregate to eatRECEIPT
Level 91: Which Scandinavian country is this?NORWAY
Level 91: The study of records of humanity’s pastHISTORY
Level 91: First name of the theoretical physicist EinsteinALBERT
Level 91: General feeling of tiredness and exhaustionFATIGUE
Level 92: A type of trip that you might need to submit expense reports forBUSINESS
Level 92: Death-defying leap with a cord around your legsMAGNUMOPUS
Level 92: Event where the latest in clothing styles are presentedLANTERN
Level 92: Gun runners who sell weapons in bulk, often illicitlyRAYOFHOPE
Level 92: A professional trained in reading and interpreting lawsLAWYER
Level 92: Sports spectators sit in theseBLEACHERS
Level 92: The ________, famously dirty joke that was the subject of a 2005INFANTRY
Level 92: What is this celestial object?CHEAPSHOT
Level 92: _______ Churchill, the UK’s prime minister during WWIIWINSTON
Level 92: In soccer, the only player who can use their handsGOALIE
Level 92: Speech intended to offend or belittle someoneINSULT
Level 92: Liquid used in the shower to keep your hair clean and healthySHAMPOO
Level 92: Wires covered in plastic or rubber that carry signalsCABLES
Level 92: The tracks upon which trains runRAILWAY
Level 92: ______ Diaz, US actress who starred in “The Mask” and “Charlie’sCAMERON
Level 92: Hooked whaling implementHARPOON
Level 93: A device that keeps bird eggs in the right conditions to hatchLASTCALL
Level 93: A land beast of biblical proportionsKEEPCALM
Level 93: A land beast of biblical proportionsBEHEMOTH
Level 93: Alternative medicine procedure where one is poked with needlesURCHIN
Level 93: What is this style of tournament?ROUNDROBIN
Level 93: Black cloaked personification of deathEXCEL
Level 93: Brown confectionery made from heated sugarCARAMEL
Level 93: Brown confectionery made from heated sugarWREATH
Level 93: Rage _______ the Machine is a US metal band that sang “Sleep NowAGAINST
Level 93: Conventional rules for polite behaviorGURNEY
Level 93: Device used to heat up mealsMICROWAVE
Level 93: Insects that live underground for 17 years; has a distinctive soundMAILBOX
Level 93: Comfy fabric used to cover a sleeping personBLANKET
Level 93: Large ring that is spun around the hips for exercisePROSE
Level 93: Large ring that is spun around the hips for exerciseHULAHOOP
Level 93: Conventional rules for polite behaviorETIQUETTE
Level 93: Purple, somewhat triangular, mascot for McDonaldsENTRANCE
Level 93: A device that keeps bird eggs in the right conditions to hatchINCUBATOR
Level 93: The _____ _____ Project, 1999 found-footage horror filmLOISLANE
Level 93: To strike back in reaction to an attack; t*t for tat; to get revengeMEANTIME
Level 93: Decoration that sticks to fridges but not wallsMAGNET
Level 93: What insect is this?BENSTILLER
Level 93: What is this style of tournament?ROUNDROBIN
Level 93: What is this word?HAMLET
Level 93: What is this word?DEDUCE
Level 93: Purple, somewhat triangular, mascot for McDonaldsGRIMACE
Level 93: Words of praise or admirationDEDUCTION
Level 93: What is this measuring instrument called?CALIPER
Level 93: ____ entendres are phrases with a hidden second meaningDOUBLE
Level 93: Ancient Egyptians would _______ their pharaohs after they diedMUMMIFY
Level 93: Iconic yellow avian from Sesame StreetBIGBIRD
Level 94: ______ Monroe, US actress, singer, and model; Happy Birthday Mr.USERNAME
Level 94: A period where workers rush to meet deadlinesOUROBOROS
Level 94: Essential part of a computer that executes instructionsBABYSTEPS
Level 94: Holiday celebrated the day after Christmas in the UK and parts ofNUMERATOR
Level 94: Actress and singer who was once the lead singer of Destiny’s ChildBEYONCE
Level 94: People affected by this condition have trouble sleepingFLOSSED
Level 94: Phrase; water cooler conversationCROWSNEST
Level 94: The second-in-command on a vesselSUNHAT
Level 94: The sound a clock makesFASTFOOD
Level 94: “The Neighborhood of Make-_______” was a fictional kingdom on “Mr.BELIEVE
Level 94: What is this type of story?RAINCHECK
Level 94: What is this type of mirror?REARVIEW
Level 94: An event that is _______ will have food and drink providedCATERED
Level 94: Photosynthesis turns carbon _______ into oxygenDIOXIDE
Level 94: “The way to a man’s heart is through his _______”STOMACH
Level 94: The process of picking grapes and making wineVINTAGE
Level 94: The intermission in the middle of a sports gameHALFTIME
Level 95: Elephants tusks are made of this materialPACINO
Level 95: Lightweight silvery metal used in many items such as soda cansTABLESPOON
Level 95: Mechanical creations designed to fulfill complex directivesRINGMASTER
Level 95: School of thought that argues for the pursuit of pleasure above allMENTOS
Level 95: Substances that can activate an immune responseRELEASE
Level 95: What kind of birds are these?PARAKEETS
Level 95: The nut of oaks; a stereotypical food for squirrelsPANICROOM
Level 95: The person who wrote a book or other written work is credited asNOOGIE
Level 95: What flying toy is this?DIORAMA
Level 95: These black hunks of carbon will help get a BBQ goingCHARCOAL
Level 95: What is missing in the second image?JUSTDESSERTS
Level 95: An organism that leeches off a hostPARASITE
Level 95: Cooking ______ include spatulas, kitchen tongs, cheese graters, etc.UTENSILS
Level 95: Someone who leaves their trash on the streetLITTERBUG
Level 95: DST stands for ________ Saving TimeDAYLIGHT
Level 95: “________ Rhapsody” is the most popular song from the band QueenBOHEMIAN
Level 96: Dusty and abandoned spider homeGOLDSTAR
Level 96: Half organic, half machineDRYSPELL
Level 96: Invalid or faulty reasoningYANKEES
Level 96: It’s said to be bad luck if this animal crosses your pathKINGKONG
Level 96: Little stars are known to do this to our wondermentONTHEROCKS
Level 96: Tool for writing on blackboards or on the ground, often whiteCHALK
Level 96: Outlaws would use this to cover their faceBANDANA
Level 96: This monument is found in this US stateULTRAVIOLET
Level 96: Knitwear worn around the neck to keep you warm in winterSCARF
Level 96: Waxy drawing implement for childrenCRAYON
Level 96: What red root vegetable is this?RADISH
Level 96: Black and while animal that fends off predators with a powerful smellSKUNK
Level 96: What is this moveable arrow?CURSOR
Level 96: A distinguished academic; one who dedicates their life to studySCHOLAR
Level 96: British sitcom starring an almost mute buffoon played by Rowan AtkinsonMRBEAN
Level 97: Baby who has started to walkHINDSIGHT
Level 97: Execution device that removes one’s head from their shouldersBANDAID
Level 97: Execution device that removes one’s head from their shouldersGUILLOTINE
Level 97: Baby who has started to walkTODDLER
Level 97: Isaac _____, science fiction writer who made the 3 Laws of RoboticsJOURNEY
Level 97: It’s not over until the ___ _____ singsCABINFEVER
Level 97: Purple birthstone for FebruaryAMETHYST
Level 97: As much as is required; sufficientENOUGH
Level 97: Mechanical stairs that help people maneuver between mall floorsGENEPOOL
Level 97: Medieval projectile weapon that fires boltsCROSSBOW
Level 97: Medieval projectile weapon that fires boltsGECKO
Level 97: Mechanical stairs that help people maneuver between mall floorsESCALATOR
Level 97: Often amusing failed attempts filming a sceneNETWORKING
Level 97: Isaac _____, science fiction writer who made the 3 Laws of RoboticsASIMOV
Level 97: Purple birthstone for FebruaryOUTLINE
Level 97: Able to be eaten with no ill effectsEDIBLE
Level 97: Returning a book late to the library might incur theseLATEFEES
Level 97: Returning a book late to the library might incur theseLATEFEES
Level 97: Often amusing failed attempts filming a sceneOUTTAKES
Level 97: The ability to lead a group or organizationMAJOR
Level 97: The boom that comes after lightning strikesLATTE
Level 97: What phrase does this represent?TOUGHLOVE
Level 97: Words to a songLYRICS
Level 97: First book of the Old TestamentGENESIS
Level 97: It’s not over until the ___ _____ singsFATLADY
Level 97: What word does this represent?ADVICE
Level 97: When a company runs out of money, they may need to declare thisDIALECTS
Level 97: The ability to lead a group or organizationLEADERSHIP
Level 97: Words to a songACOUSTICS
Level 97: Mix this sour liquid with oil to get a salad dressingVINEGAR
Level 97: Tony Hawk and Bucky Lasek are this type of athleteSKATERS
Level 97: Hotel worker who brings guests’ luggage to their roomsBELLHOP
Level 98: Iron Chef is this type of competitionTERRIER
Level 98: Something put on a pet to keep away tiny pestsPALACE
Level 98: South Korea’s national sport and martial artIMAX
Level 98: The ability to understand how others feelGOINCIRCLES
Level 98: Something you say when it’s time to leaveGOODBYE
Level 98: To learn something by heartPHOENIX
Level 98: What sanctified liquid does this represent?PAULREVERE
Level 98: What theatrical term is this?HIKER
Level 98: When no more members of a species exist, it is said to be thisOMNIVORE
Level 98: What are these tough nuts?WALNUTS
Level 98: Large Mexican tortilla wrap; Spanish for “little donkey”BURRITO
Level 98: James _____, US actor who played Tommy Wiseau in “The Disaster Artist”FRANCO
Level 98: Something damaged and in need of repairBROKEN
Level 98: Something you shouldn’t do to a wound, but can for french friesADDSALT
Level 98: Type of malicious software that may harm your computerMALWARE
Level 98: A person who is not a member of the armed forcesCIVILIAN
Level 99: A monarch does this to formally relinquish their authorityABDICATE
Level 99: Amusement where teams try to score hits using light emitting gunsDROUGHT
Level 99: Footrace that is 26.2 miles longMARATHON
Level 99: Footrace that is 26.2 miles longURSULA
Level 99: Long-tailed crustacean which is a common sight at seafood restaurantsLOBSTER
Level 99: Icy sculpture often adorned with a hat and carrot noseOIL
Level 99: What kind of performer is this?BREAKDANCER
Level 99: Culturally unacceptable practice, like gifting a clock in ChinaTABOO
Level 99: Large species of shark popularized as a man-killer by the movie JawsBABYBEAR
Level 99: Where logs are processed into usable shapesLUMBERMILL
Level 99: A monarch does this to formally relinquish their authorityABDICATE
Level 99: Long-tailed crustacean which is a common sight at seafood restaurantsLOBSTER
Level 99: Under this trance-like state, a person is more open to suggestions;WIFI
Level 99: What kind of performer is this?ZEBRA
Level 99: Under this trance-like state, a person is more open to suggestions;HYPNOSIS
Level 99: What word does this represent?EYESORE
Level 99: When you close your eyes and ask for divine interventionPRAY
Level 99: Where logs are processed into usable shapesKNAPSACK
Level 99: This human organ has more connections than the Milky Way has starsBRAIN
Level 99: What structures are these animals going to build?DAMS
Level 99: What is this person missing?SKIS
Level 99: Chocolate-flavored coffee drinkMOCHA
Level 99: Spongebob’s work place is the _____ KrabKRUSTY
Level 100: A digital version of a text which is read aloud for the listenerOCTOBER
Level 100: A yearly celebration of an event such as a wedding or business openingANNIVERSARY
Level 100: Annual festival for independent film makers held in UtahWINSTON
Level 100: Annual festival for independent film makers held in UtahSUNDANCE
Level 100: Another company targeting the same industry and audience as you isAVERAGEJOE
Level 100: Available in paper or plasticARROWHEAD
Level 100: When there are too many callers, they might temporarily put you __ONHOLD
Level 100: Your dentist may need to fix these if you don’t brush your teethCAVITIES
Level 100: A yearly celebration of an event such as a wedding or business openingANNIVERSARY
Level 100: Economic term for a scenario where one’s gain is equal to another’sMADEOFMONEY
Level 100: Expression; a way to start a conversationANESTHETIC
Level 100: Expression; a weak point; derived from Greek mythologyACHILLESHEEL
Level 100: Expression; a weak point; derived from Greek mythologyRIBCAGE
Level 100: Expression; doing something hastilyAMILEAMINUTE
Level 100: Small, round and flat baked treat; may include other ingredientsCOOKIE
Level 100: Needed to get onto a planeCONCORDE
Level 100: Needed to get onto a planeBOARDINGPASS
Level 100: Your dentist may need to fix these if you don’t brush your teethTREASURE
Level 100: An actor’s dialogue and directions are written in thisSCRIPT
Level 100: Team sport played on ice; players try to hit a puck into the goalHOCKEY
Level 100: What type of nuts are these?ALMONDS
Level 100: Outdoor meals in a basket; watch out for antsuFF01PICNICS
Level 100: The fabled reindeer with a special noseRUDOLPH
Level 100: What is this extinct animal?MAMMOTH
Level 100: Shelled sea creature sometimes found on the rim of a cocktail glassSHRIMP
Level 100: Cyclists move these with their feet to go forwardPEDALS

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Word Craze Answers [Level 51-75 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (50-75) Part 3

Word Craze Level 51-75 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 51: A meter in a vehicle that shows how much gas is remainingFUELGAUGE
Level 51: A rush of snow or rocks sliding down a slopeJULIUSCAESAR
Level 51: Admission of one’s guiltLULLABY
Level 51: Condiment made with egg and oilONAPEDESTAL
Level 51: Animal with a distinguished pedigreePUREBRED
Level 51: Judy ____, starred in Wizard of OzBANKROLL
Level 51: Model enclosed in glass that can be shaken for a Wintertime sceneWARANDPEACE
Level 51: Musical style that uses vocals without any instrumentsTIMBURTON
Level 51: Railroad car typically at the end of the train that houses the crewPIEINTHESKY
Level 51: A hole in the door for mailLETTERBOX
Level 51: What is this instrument called?TIARA
Level 51: The most common type of degree earned through completing collegeBACHELORS
Level 51: Legendary music festival held in 1969, on a dairy farm in Bethel,WOODSTOCK
Level 51: Someone who completes their studies at schoolGRADUATE
Level 51: Something used as the norm or model for comparisonsSTANDARD
Level 52: Comes before junior high, my dear WatsonPAPERTOWEL
Level 52: Expression; a race that is too close to call, especially a horseSPHERE
Level 52: Male deer have themADDRESSBAR
Level 52: Separate from a spouseJOKER
Level 52: Leaving extra money on the table for a restaurant serverTIPPING
Level 52: Stuffs animals for displaySILENCE
Level 52: The Big ____; the Dude abidesNARWHAL
Level 52: This helps you pay for collegeRESERVATION
Level 52: What is this Japanese dish called?HOOVERDAM
Level 52: A road that leads nowhereDEADEND
Level 52: What is this motion sickness?CARSICK
Level 52: A whole number; a number that is not a fractionINTEGER
Level 52: This portable device is a relief for asthma patientsINHALER
Level 52: This animal, the ________ seal, is named for a long-nosed animalELEPHANT
Level 52: Type of guitar that doesn’t need an ampACOUSTIC
Level 52: Phone menu where saved names and numbers are storedCONTACTS
Level 53: _____ Tesla, rival of the aboveVALET
Level 53: Alan _______, portrayed Severus Snape in the Harry Potter seriesLEGEND
Level 53: What is this surgeon’s tool called?FORCEPS
Level 53: As American as ____ __WIZARD
Level 53: Hunter who fought Arnie and Aliens, in separate filmsGLASSJAW
Level 53: Thomas Alva ______, credited for inventing the lightbulbEDISON
Level 53: _____ Tesla, rival of the aboveNIKOLA
Level 53: Informal term for a psychiatristWHACKAMOLE
Level 53: Informal term for a psychiatristSHRINK
Level 53: Lemons, limes, and oranges, for exampleJASONBOURNE
Level 53: Thomas Alva ______, credited for inventing the lightbulbHAMMER
Level 53: Traffic anger, in other wordsSWEETDREAMS
Level 53: To mark text using a light, brightly-colored inkHIGHLIGHT
Level 53: What is this combined landmass calledBLOWAGASKET
Level 53: What is this combined landmass calledEURASIA
Level 53: What is this surgeon’s tool called?BIGBEN
Level 53: Traffic anger, in other wordsROADRAGE
Level 53: You might raise these facial features in surpriseREDLIGHT
Level 53: Game where people whisper a message to one another in a row to seeTELEPHONE
Level 53: Ferdinand Magellan and Marco Polo were both famous _________EXPLORERS
Level 54: A desert reptile that has a peculiar tailGASSTATION
Level 54: Also called mouth harpTEENAGER
Level 54: The fairy variant of this helped CinderellaGODMOTHER
Level 54: A desert reptile that has a peculiar tailRATTLESNAKE
Level 54: Black tie, white tie, business casual, for exampleRAINFOREST
Level 54: Also called mouth harpHARMONICA
Level 54: Do as I say, ___ __ _ __VINYL
Level 54: Hypothetical perfect societyROTTENEGG
Level 54: It’s said to be bad luck if this animal crosses your pathBLACKCAT
Level 54: Light spectrum used by night vision gogglesRIGHT
Level 54: Magic words, similar to hocus pocus or alakazam!OUTOFTHEBLUE
Level 54: Poultry trinity mashupTURDUCKEN
Level 54: Polka instrument; also called squeezeboxNAPOLEON
Level 54: Hypothetical perfect societyUTOPIA
Level 54: Poultry trinity mashupMISSINGYOU
Level 54: Rules 1 & 2: you do not talk about thisTAJMAHAL
Level 54: The best defense is a good _____JIMIHENDRIX
Level 54: The fairy variant of this helped CinderellaGODMOTHER
Level 54: Perfect time for telling stories to childrenBEDTIME
Level 54: Polka instrument; also called squeezeboxACCORDION
Level 54: Type of mammal named after the Latin for pouchTAROTCARDS
Level 54: What expression does this represent?PANCAKE
Level 54: What is this type of bike called?TANDEM
Level 54: The best defense is a good _____OFFENSE
Level 54: What is this type of bike called?ANNUAL
Level 54: What word does this represent?JOURNAL
Level 54: What biology term does this represent?GENEPOOL
Level 54: Honeycombs and snowflakes naturally take on this geometric shapeHEXAGON
Level 54: Unused, often amusing recordings left over after filmingOUTTAKES
Level 54: This 2018 DC movie stars Jason Momoa in a battle over the seasAQUAMAN
Level 55: Canadian national sportPHOTOSHOP
Level 55: First name of General Grant, of the US Civil WarULYSSES
Level 55: In US law, one is considered this until proven guiltyTOTEMPOLE
Level 55: Large spiders kept by some as pets for some reasonSTRAWBERRY
Level 55: A place that has witnessed many departures and arrivalsAIRPORT
Level 55: Mythical hybrid beast, combination of lion, goat, and snakeOBSESSION
Level 55: Name of the second Matrix filmJOURNAL
Level 55: Strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate in oneROSETTASTONE
Level 55: What are these called, collectively?TEENAGER
Level 55: Customer of a companyCLIENT
Level 55: Alan _______ portrayed Severus Snape in the “Harry Potter” seriesRICKMAN
Level 55: Underground room used to store wineCELLAR
Level 55: What permanent word does this represent?FOREVER
Level 56: Bart Simpson is in this in every episode introVINYL
Level 56: Chemical ingredient in nail polish removerUPHILLBATTLE
Level 56: Fictional animated band; recorded Feel Good, Inc.RAINFOREST
Level 56: Make like a treeCHAINSAW
Level 56: Influenced or changed by an outside forceAFFECTED
Level 56: To listen in on a conversation not meant for youHISTORY
Level 56: Undo button, but for pencil writingROTTENEGG
Level 56: What is the name of this shape?IRRATIONAL
Level 56: What is this popular grain?WHEAT
Level 56: What type of fruit are these?BERRIES
Level 56: To draw in breathINHALE
Level 56: Singer that says “Hello” while “Rolling in the Deep”ADELE
Level 56: The sea witch in “The Little Mermaid” who offered Ariel a tradeURSULA
Level 57: Bart Simpson would prefer that you don’t do this, manGOVERNOR
Level 57: He says I do at a weddingOBSESSION
Level 57: Miniature sea creatures that are a favorite food of whalesCRIMESCENE
Level 57: Pest animal known for playing deadSTRAWBERRY
Level 57: The eponymous Lord of the RingsRADIOHEAD
Level 57: The sound a clock makesTICKTOCK
Level 57: US city of brotherly loveNATUREWALK
Level 57: What is this massive landmark found in South Dakota called?BLADERUNNER
Level 57: What theory does this represent?ARMCHAIR
Level 57: Canadian actor known for portraying Austin Powers and voicing ShrekMIKEMYERS
Level 57: What sport is this?PINGPONG
Level 57: “Pirates of the ________” refers to both a Disneyland ride and theCARIBBEAN
Level 57: People affected by this condition have trouble sleepingINSOMNIA
Level 57: Someone who kills a prominent figure, typically for political purposesASSASSIN
Level 57: A headache you might get after a night of drinkingHANGOVER
Level 58: __ ___, no foulSHAMPOO
Level 58: A type of tea named after nobilityDEADRINGER
Level 58: Afternoon performance of a play; don’t confuse with sea cowFOSSIL
Level 58: Alternative to automatic, in carsFOODGROUPS
Level 58: Partially closing one’s eyes to see things more clearlySQUINTING
Level 58: Pet detective portrayed by Jim CarreyBELOWZERO
Level 58: Small pieces of paper to help memorizationJUICE
Level 58: The ___ ____; Christopher Nolan movieBILLGATES
Level 58: There are two on the US mapTELEPROMPTER
Level 58: An adjustment made to an official document; the US Constitution hasAMENDMENT
Level 58: What state is this balloon in?DEFLATED
Level 58: The ________, American rock band famous for their hit “Pretty FlyOFFSPRING
Level 58: Finding a four-leaf clover will bring you thisGOODLUCK
Level 58: To give someone support and confidence in doing somethingENCOURAGE
Level 58: A magic _____ ___ is a black sphere that will answer your questions,EIGHTBALL
Level 59: A brief appearance of a movie star in a filmPAPARAZZI
Level 59: Billionaire founder of Tesla and SpaceXRAIDERS
Level 59: China, Korea, and Japan are countries in this regionBLURAY
Level 59: Norse warriors feared for their unstoppable rageBERSERKERS
Level 59: ________ & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing gameDUNGEONS
Level 59: Odin, Thor, Loki, Tyr, Balder, and Freya are examples of theseTABLECLOTH
Level 59: Pabst ____ ______, American lagerJOLLYROGER
Level 59: What astrological sign is this?SUBTITLE
Level 59: Professional that rescues swimmers in dangerLIFEGUARD
Level 59: What is this 2014 thriller about a missing person?GONEGIRL
Level 59: French gothic cathedral named “Our Lady of Paris”NOTREDAME
Level 59: Container containing sticks of wood used to spark flamesMATCHBOX
Level 59: If you fry an egg without flipping it, it’s “_____ ____ up”SUNNYSIDE
Level 60: Expression; a misleading clueTAMAGOTCHI
Level 60: Giant pandas were this until 2016ENDANGERED
Level 60: Gives sodas their distinctive fizzy qualityHAMFISTED
Level 60: Magnanimous response to no offenseNONETAKEN
Level 60: Magnanimous response to no offenseTEAPARTY
Level 60: Walking on this is a balancing actTIGHTROPE
Level 60: If you believe in yourself, anything is ________POSSIBLE
Level 60: Patron saint of IrelandTIEBREAKER
Level 60: The entrance to heaven is often called thisPEARLYGATES
Level 60: Expression; a misleading clueREDHERRING
Level 60: Suited for both land and waterRELISH
Level 60: Gives sodas their distinctive fizzy qualityCARBONATION
Level 60: The entrance to heaven is often called thisCATERER
Level 60: The Good Witch of the SouthJIMIHENDRIX
Level 60: An informal, spur of the moment photoSNAPSHOT
Level 60: Suited for both land and waterAMPHIBIOUS
Level 60: The most Canadian of the Five Great Lakes of North AmericaLAKEONTARIO
Level 60: Walking on this is a balancing actGREYHOUND
Level 60: What a surgeon calls a cutJAGUAR
Level 60: What type of nut is this?PISTACHIO
Level 60: What type of nut is this?NECTAR
Level 60: Exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion of excitementHYSTERIA
Level 60: “_______ Gangster”, 2007 crime drama starring Denzel Washington asAMERICAN
Level 60: A building that contains several rentable living spacesAPARTMENT
Level 60: Alice sat at one of these with the Mad HatterTEAPARTY
Level 60: Exams that take place halfway through a college courseMIDTERMS
Level 60: A place for a canine to rest their headDOGHOUSE
Level 61: A child might throw one when angryCOMICBOOK
Level 61: Chicken, gold, and wisdom can be found in this formRESEARCH
Level 61: The last Mad Max filmFURYROAD
Level 61: A child might throw one when angryTANTRUM
Level 61: Chocolate ice cream flavor with nuts and marshmallowsWINTER
Level 61: Expression; caught in the actHASHTAG
Level 61: Expression; caught in the actREDHANDED
Level 61: Hypothetical technology for traveling to the past or futureTIMEMACHINE
Level 61: Using a passage from a book or speech to make an argumentQUOTING
Level 61: Leave out; remove from considerationGETTYSBURG
Level 61: One who has been hired to perform a jobEMPLOYEE
Level 61: Often paired with ladies when introducing a performanceOFFSIDES
Level 61: One of these is ten millimeters longMOHAWK
Level 61: One who has been hired to perform a jobEVACUATE
Level 61: Ring this to alert people inside a house to your presenceDOORBELL
Level 61: Speak in a low volume; obligatory in a libraryBEANSTALK
Level 61: Speak in a low volume; obligatory in a libraryWHISPER
Level 61: Leave out; remove from considerationEXCLUDE
Level 61: The last Mad Max filmLOWBALL
Level 61: Traditional ritual for greeting or sealing a dealBANANASLUG
Level 61: Traditional ritual for greeting or sealing a dealHANDSHAKE
Level 61: What is this interstellar vehicle?SPACESHIP
Level 61: The cure for a poisonANTIDOTE
Level 61: Yellow assistants with their own language from 2010’s “DespicableMINIONS
Level 61: _______ will get you nowhere; praising someone won’t win any favorsFLATTERY
Level 62: A sanitary cloth used when dining to wipe up messesPAPARAZZI
Level 62: Comes in packages of 10 while the buns come in packages of 8USAINBOLT
Level 62: Eight of these pull Santa’s sleighBIGCHEESE
Level 62: He shot first, no matter what George Lucas saysBIGMAC
Level 62: Little men with red hats that might live in your gardenVALUEMENU
Level 62: Two words to express gratitude and appreciationTHANKYOU
Level 62: Synthetic fiber, used in women’s stockingsEYELID
Level 62: What is this measuring instrument called?SHOELACES
Level 62: You can take these to control a horseERGONOMIC
Level 62: Holiday where all manner of monsters come out for candyHALLOWEEN
Level 62: Expression that conveys longingMISSINGYOU
Level 62: They roll them out for celebritiesREDCARPET
Level 62: What restless expression does this represent?CABINFEVER
Level 62: Means “good luck” backstageBREAKALEG
Level 62: Summertime drink often sold at small stands by childrenLEMONADE
Level 62: Bruce Lee’s signature weapon, made of two sticks connected by a chainNUNCHUKS
Level 63: A king who was cursed to have his touch turn things into goldSIDESHOW
Level 63: Classic third option for votersFORTYTHIEVES
Level 63: Italian grilled sandwich, often made in a pressMRROGERS
Level 63: One who fusses over unimportant detailsMADMAX
Level 63: Al ______, the lead in “Scarface”PACINO
Level 63: Robin Hood’s love interestKETCHUP
Level 63: What musical symbol does this represent?WASHINGTONDC
Level 63: Without preparation or rehearsalSILENCE
Level 63: Write, rite, right, and Wright are all examples of thisSWEETDREAMS
Level 63: What kind of furniture does this represent?CABINET
Level 63: You might gaze at yours for meditationREDBULL
Level 63: Swiss city, birthplace of some very important ConventionsGENEVA
Level 63: The chief servant of a large household, traditionally male; CarsonBUTLER
Level 63: Season when the leaves start fallingAUTUMN
Level 64: A musical ensemble with a conductor and many types of instrumentsROSETTASTONE
Level 64: Cutting these can leave you in tearsTELEPORT
Level 64: Expression; joyful, cheerful, chipperANTIQUES
Level 64: Head accessory used to privately listen to music playersYEARBOOK
Level 64: Eric _______, one of the greatest guitarists of all time, ironicallyCLAPTON
Level 64: King Arthur’s legendary swordMADLIBS
Level 64: Obsolete data storage; the save icon is modeled after thisRAIDERS
Level 64: Well known, but not in a good wayLAKEHURON
Level 64: What word does this represent?BACKRUB
Level 64: Drug that boosts muscle development; illegal in athletic competitionsSTEROID
Level 64: Having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importanceARROGANT
Level 64: What Indian landmark is this?TAJMAHAL
Level 64: To request a restaurant to hold a table for you in advanceRESERVE
Level 64: What holiday does this animal represent?EASTER
Level 64: A tortilla chip and cheese dishNACHOS
Level 64: Dogs are man’s best _______FRIEND
Level 64: An _______ buy is a purchase made based on a sudden urgeIMPULSE
Level 65: A cell’s core, where DNA is housedODOMETER
Level 65: A proof of purchase often used for returnsSOLIDSTATE
Level 65: Portable light source before flashlightsLANTERN
Level 65: An artist’s greatest workSLAUGHTER
Level 65: This might be filled with junkMAILBOX
Level 65: An artist’s greatest workMAGNUMOPUS
Level 65: Expression; an attack made on an unprepared opponentPHOTOSHOP
Level 65: Los Del Rio hit which caused a 90s dance crazeXYLOPHONE
Level 65: Los Del Rio hit which caused a 90s dance crazeMACARENA
Level 65: What Marvel superhero is this?IRONMAN
Level 65: Phrase; something that indicates things might turn around or improveODDJOB
Level 65: Portable light source before flashlightsTOPSECRET
Level 65: Small and common pet often found running on a wheelALPHABET
Level 65: Small and common pet often found running on a wheelHAMSTER
Level 65: A cell’s core, where DNA is housedNUCLEUS
Level 65: The FBI stands for the Federal ______ of InvestigationBUREAU
Level 65: The foot soldiers of an armyCOVERAGE
Level 65: Expression; an attack made on an unprepared opponentCHEAPSHOT
Level 65: This might be filled with junkIAMBIC
Level 65: Sailors who steal from other vessels; also, people who illegallyPIRATE
Level 65: “Trash” is the ______ of the following sentence: “Ann carried outOBJECT
Level 65: Larval form of a frogTADPOLE
Level 65: Spiritual leaders and teachers in JudaismRABBIS
Level 65: The male parent of a childFATHER
Level 66: A wheeled stretcher used to transport patientsJANEGOODALL
Level 66: Final chance to buy drinks at a barWEBBEDFEET
Level 66: In the ____; while something is happeningHERCULES
Level 66: Peanut butter cups in an orange packageOSTRICH
Level 66: Reporter for the Daily Planet, and Superman’s love interestIMALLEARS
Level 66: Some animals do this to save energy during the winterHIBERNATE
Level 66: To be or not to be, that is the questionHAMLET
Level 66: You enter via this, and exit via the exitLAUGHTER
Level 66: To surgically remove a limb or other body partAMPUTATE
Level 66: A place to buy souvenirs at a theme park or museumGIFTSHOP
Level 66: E.g. Thousand Island, Caesar, vinaigretteDRESSING
Level 66: “Birds of a _______ flock together”FEATHER
Level 67: ____ ____ and carry onSCHULZ
Level 67: Animals with 6 legs and 2 antennaeHAMMER
Level 67: Animals with 6 legs and 2 antennaeINSECTS
Level 67: ____ ____ and carry onKEEPCALM
Level 67: Decorative Christmas ring of leaves often found on a doorHAMFISTED
Level 67: Movie actor in Tropic Thunder, Zoolander, and moreMOHAWK
Level 67: Sea _____; a spiky sea critterURCHIN
Level 67: Decorative Christmas ring of leaves often found on a doorWREATH
Level 67: In US politics, a member of the upper chamber of CongressSENATOR
Level 67: Sea _____; a spiky sea critterTAMAGOTCHI
Level 67: Sherlock Holmes’s method for solving seemingly impossible mysteriesLOWBALL
Level 67: To perform very well; also spreadsheet softwareEXCEL
Level 67: Movie actor in Tropic Thunder, Zoolander, and moreBENSTILLER
Level 67: To perform very well; also spreadsheet softwareBRAINSTORM
Level 67: What literary form does this represent?NOBRAINER
Level 67: What style of restaurant is this?FASTFOOD
Level 67: Sherlock Holmes’s method for solving seemingly impossible mysteriesDEDUCTION
Level 67: What is this type of review?WRITEUP
Level 67: What style of restaurant is this?BANANASLUG
Level 67: What literary form does this represent?PROSE
Level 67: Wide-brimmed headgear that provides portable shadeSUNHAT
Level 67: Second lowest rating for a hotelTWOSTAR
Level 67: Weather commonly seen in places with colder wintersSNOWING
Level 67: Famous British car show; formerly presented by Jeremy ClarksonTOPGEAR
Level 68: A symbol of a snake eating its own tail, signifying infinityWINTER
Level 68: Cleaned between teeth with a stringGOGGLES
Level 68: Expression; slow, steady progressBABYSTEPS
Level 68: Expression; take a ___ ___, to defer accepting an offerCOMICBOOK
Level 68: Lookout post at the top of a mast on a shipQUEENBEE
Level 68: One half of login information alongside a passwordHASHTAG
Level 68: The number above the line in a fractionEVACUATE
Level 68: A witch may use one of these to flyBROOMSTICK
Level 68: Lead singer of Black SabbathOZZYOSBOURNE
Level 68: What is this illusionary act?MAGICTRICK
Level 68: An __________ speech is given by someone receiving an awardACCEPTANCE
Level 68: Freddy Krueger causes these at nightNIGHTMARES
Level 68: To speed up a recording, usually to skip the commercialsFASTFORWARD
Level 68: “The Mission: Impossible” and “Die Hard” are two series of ______ACTIONMOVIES
Level 68: A scientific procedure for testing or proving an ideaEXPERIMENT
Level 68: What kind of spiky rodent is this?PORCUPINE
Level 69: A fortified room in a home that provides protection from sudden dangerSLAUGHTER
Level 69: A grade schooler’s shoebox art displayGOVERNOR
Level 69: Al ______, the lead in ScarfaceJUMPINGJACKS
Level 69: Breath-freshening candies, The FreshmakerWALLET
Level 69: Equivalent to 3 teaspoons, or 1x2f16 of a cupYMCA
Level 69: To leave the work force and start to get pensionRETIRE
Level 69: Expression; what is deservedXYLOPHONE
Level 69: Let go; unleash; free from confinementSCHOOLBUS
Level 69: Master of ceremonies for a circus, introduces all the actsMACARONI
Level 69: Rubbing a fist on one’s headFORTYTHIEVES
Level 69: Thomas Alva ______, credited with inventing the lightbulbEDISON
Level 69: Chicken, gold, and wisdom can be found in this formNUGGET
Level 69: Cutting these vegetables can leave you in tearsONIONS
Level 69: An interior space where a car can be parkedGARAGE
Level 70: A giant ape who climbed the Empire State BuildingBLURAY
Level 70: Baseball team that has won the most World Series ChampionshipsMACINTOSH
Level 70: Expression; a period of time characterized by a lack of activityHYENA
Level 70: Leafy green meal with the same name as a famous Roman emperorCAESARSALAD
Level 70: Leafy green meal with the same name as a famous Roman emperorCAESARSALAD
Level 70: A secret _______ might send flowers on Valentine’s DayADMIRER
Level 70: Light that is beyond the visible spectrum, used for sterilizationODDJOB
Level 70: Served with ice; bartending termTHEDEEPEND
Level 70: Expression; a period of time characterized by a lack of activityDRYSPELL
Level 70: Shiny paste-on symbol of achievement for childrenANTIQUES
Level 70: Served with ice; bartending termONTHEROCKS
Level 70: Signature saying; Live long and prosper, for SpockMISSINGYOU
Level 70: Advance notification of dangerWARNING
Level 70: A giant ape who climbed the Empire State BuildingKINGKONG
Level 70: Socializing to make professional connectionsALPHABET
Level 70: Light that is beyond the visible spectrum, used for sterilizationULTRAVIOLET
Level 70: Texan, Cajun, and Creole, for EnglishCOVERAGE
Level 70: The science of soundODOMETER
Level 70: The science of soundACOUSTICS
Level 70: What expression does this represent?CABINFEVER
Level 70: Who is this chilly champion?WINTER
Level 70: Small colored glass bead used as a toy; type of stone often usedMARBLE
Level 70: Something that belongs to an individual and not the publicPRIVATE
Level 70: The power to direct a person’s actionsCONTROL
Level 70: Size between small and largeMEDIUM
Level 70: To pay someone to work for you; hireEMPLOY
Level 71: A coffee made with espresso and steamed milkDRIBBLING
Level 71: A college student’s chosen focus for studyBACKSPACE
Level 71: First aid item to cover a cutTOPSECRET
Level 71: Looking back; it’s 20x2f20LEOTARD
Level 71: Figure _____, an Olympic sport that’s like gymnastics on iceSKATING
Level 71: Summary of key points; beginnings of a sketchLLAMA
Level 71: The reptilian spokesperson for GeicoHALITOSIS
Level 71: Watercraft that lets users zip around the waterPESSIMIST
Level 71: What biology term does this represent?HAIRLINE
Level 71: Hermione ______, one of Harry Potter’s best friendsGRANGER
Level 71: Money paid back for a returned productREFUND
Level 71: What is this place for trash?LANDFILL
Level 71: Chinese director of stylish action movies like “Hard Boiled” andJOHNWOO
Level 71: Natural home or environment of an animalHABITAT
Level 72: A _______ of a thousand miles begins with a single step – Lao ZiJOURNEY
Level 72: A note that takes up an entire measure in 4x2f4 timeTHOUSAND
Level 72: A person who likes to walk trails through natureOPPOSABLE
Level 72: Expression; move without going anywhereASLAN
Level 72: Jack Russell, Boston, Bull, Scottish, are all types of thisSAIGON
Level 72: Legendary bird that is reborn from the ashesBUMPERCARS
Level 72: Midnight rider who warned that the British are coming!DURIAN
Level 72: Royal home fit for a king and queenPALACE
Level 72: Describes twins that look exactly the sameIDENTICAL
Level 72: Recurring headaches, usually on one side of the head and accompaniedMIGRAINES
Level 72: What brand of soft drink is this?DRPEPPER
Level 72: Professional who helps people deal with emotional problems by talkingTHERAPIST
Level 72: One of the houses in Hogwarts with a bird as its logoRAVENCLAW
Level 72: Fairy tale villain who huffs and puffsBIGBADWOLF
Level 72: Phrase; a group of expertsTHINKTANK
Level 72: This gets passed around on karaoke nightMICROPHONE
Level 72: Obsolete data storage; the “save” icon is modeled after thisFLOPPYDISK
Level 72: A great joke can leave you __ _______INSTITCHES
Level 73: A movie theater brand featuring a particularly large screenENDLESS
Level 73: An animal that subsists on both meat and plantsFACSIMILE
Level 73: Black Gold, a liquid found underground with a variety of usesCAPTAINHOOK
Level 73: His porridge, chair, and bed were just right for GoldilocksCOCKTAIL
Level 73: Shakespearean female lead, opposite to RomeoJULIET
Level 73: The sea witch in The Little Mermaid who offered Ariel a tradeORGANIST
Level 73: Unattractive or unappealingEEYORE
Level 73: What animal has this type of pattern?SCYTHE
Level 73: What kind of backpack is this?QUESADILLA
Level 73: The capital of Russia; where St. Basil’s Cathedral is locatedMOSCOW
Level 73: What kind of playground equipment is this?SEESAW
Level 73: A container for your screwdriver, hammer, pliers, etc.TOOLBOX
Level 73: Place to store clothes at homeCLOSET
Level 73: University in Massachusetts with the most US presidents as alumniHARVARD
Level 73: u201CIt’s always _______ before the dawn”, a reminder to stay positiveDARKEST
Level 74: A sandy bathroom for cats and other types of petsBOOMBOX
Level 74: A sustained period of little to no rain, causing water shortageORANGUTAN
Level 74: A theorem used to find the length of a side of a right triangleTABOO
Level 74: Internet connection that can be used in many public placesAARDVARK
Level 74: Regular guy, everyman, nobody specialAVERAGEJOE
Level 74: What is this type of food?SKEWERS
Level 74: Supersonic commercial airliner, now discontinuedBELLYDANCE
Level 74: Tip of a projectile weapon; brand of bottled waterREADYSETGO
Level 74: Used to reduce pain or put a patient to sleep for an operationANESTHETIC
Level 74: Bottle of liquid with magical effectsPOTION
Level 74: What word does this represent?NOMAD
Level 74: Professional who mends and makes clothesTAILOR
Level 74: Household objects used to sweep floorsBROOMS
Level 74: Of or from the USA’s southern neighborMEXICAN
Level 74: Expression; to have a short breakTAKEFIVE
Level 74: Professional who practices law; a lawyerATTORNEY
Level 74: 2006 crime film u201CThe ______” is Scorsese’s reimagining of the HongDEPARTED
Level 75: _______ Churchill, the UK’s prime minister during WWIIJETPACK
Level 75: ________ Island, a tale about pirates and buried goldIMITATION
Level 75: An interior space where a car can be parkedCELERY
Level 75: Bony chest protectorHEADACHE
Level 75: Expression; wealthyALECGUINNESS
Level 75: Flagship products of Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Leica, etc.CAMERA
Level 75: Month of Halloween, was once the 8th monthPIGLATIN
Level 75: What expression does this represent?DIMEADOZEN
Level 75: What kind of spiky rodent is this?PORCUPINE
Level 75: _____ 13, an ill-fated space expedition that, through heroic efforts,APOLLO
Level 75: Examples include Harry Potter, Merlin, and GandalfWIZARD
Level 75: What is this adventurous action?EMBARK
Level 75: Sudden and unexpectedABRUPT
Level 75: Similar to Friday the 13th, in Spain, Tuesday the 13th is said toBADLUCK
Level 75: Something incredible which cannot be easily explained, often seenMIRACLE

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Word Craze Answers [Level 26-50 All Answers]

Word Craze Level (25-50) Part 2

Word Craze Level 26-50 Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

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Level 26: A basic ice cream flavor alongside chocolateTARZAN
Level 26: A book that you just can’t put downCANVAS
Level 26: A manufacturer’s guarantee to service a product under certain termsJACKIECHAN
Level 26: A small flat device that provides extra data storageLIARLIAR
Level 26: A surprisingly spacious women’s accessory carried on a strapHANDBAG
Level 26: Expression; We got off on the ____ ____WRONGFOOT
Level 26: Famous investigator ________ HolmesIGNORE
Level 26: Hong Kong actor who famously did his own stunts; Rumble in the BronxLIONKING
Level 26: How you might feel if you haven’t drank anything for a whileTHIRSTY
Level 26: Japanese art of folding paperORIGAMI
Level 26: Pay no attention toYOGIBEAR
Level 26: Surgeon’s outfit, often blueANTIDOTE
Level 26: The 2007 Pixar movie of a rat who aspires to be a chefPAGETURNER
Level 26: This hoppy marsupial keeps its young closeWINEGLASS
Level 26: Vision-correcting eyewearKANGAROO
Level 26: To be dismissed or let go from a companyFIRED
Level 26: What common airport item is this?MEMORYCARD
Level 26: To reduce in sizeSHRINK
Level 26: To clean an area with a broom or brushSWEEP
Level 26: What is this currency?DOLLAR
Level 26: Moisturizing product for your skinLOTION
Level 27: 2016 musical starring Ryan Gosling and Emma StoneMIRAGE
Level 27: A basic ice cream flavor alongside chocolateALCHEMISTS
Level 27: A book that you just can’t put downJACKIECHAN
Level 27: A cow dispenses milk from hereJUSTIFIED
Level 27: A small flat device that provides extra data storageHITSTHESPOT
Level 27: A tool with rungs that is used to reach high placesLADDER
Level 27: Being confined to one’s home, comes with an ankle accessoryHOUSEARREST
Level 27: Blended fruit drinkALARMCLOCK
Level 27: 2016 musical starring Ryan Gosling and Emma StoneLALALAND
Level 27: A female siblingSISTER
Level 27: Expression; exactly what was neededOINTMENT
Level 27: Expression; freezing temperaturesBELOWZERO
Level 27: Expression; We got off on the ____ ____VANILLA
Level 27: Hong Kong actor who famously did his own stunts; Rumble in the BronxRAGNAROK
Level 27: Subtitle of 3rd Thor movie; apocalyptic event predicted in vikingRAGNAROK
Level 27: Blended fruit drinkSMOOTHIE
Level 27: Japanese art of folding paperPAGETURNER
Level 27: Party prop filled with helium or airNODICE
Level 27: Party prop filled with helium or airBALLOON
Level 27: Pay no attention toBALLOON
Level 27: Sought the secrets of turning lead into goldPIGEON
Level 27: Expression; freezing temperaturesBELOWZERO
Level 27: Subtitle of 3rd Thor movie; apocalyptic event predicted in vikingMEMORYCARD
Level 27: Surgeon’s outfit, often blueBELOWZERO
Level 27: What is the name of this profession?GEISHA
Level 27: The most important meal of the dayLADDER
Level 27: A cow dispenses milk from hereUDDER
Level 27: This hoppy marsupial keeps its young closeUDDER
Level 27: Disposable underpants for a toddlerDIAPER
Level 27: Witchy laughCACKLE
Level 27: Short and stout, with a handle and a spoutTEAPOT
Level 27: In tennis, a tie that can only be broken by a player scoring twiceDEUCE
Level 28: A holiday where all manner of monsters come out for candyLASVEGAS
Level 28: A machine for destroying documentsMOTHEREARTH
Level 28: A way to decide the winner when the scores are the sameDEEPFRIED
Level 28: A weather ritual that seeks to bring about precipitationYOUAREHERE
Level 28: Dorothy meets the Wizard of Oz in the _______ CityWRENCH
Level 28: Expression; it can spoil the bunchDOWNLOAD
Level 28: Tests of this show who you really areCHARACTER
Level 28: Expression; to suddenly explode in anger, as in an engineBEARINMIND
Level 28: French snail dishDAVIDBOWIE
Level 28: The English singer of Space Oddity and actor in LabyrinthDAVIDBOWIE
Level 28: Bugs Bunny’s arch enemy; he tawks wike disELMERFUDD
Level 28: Dorothy meets the Wizard of Oz in the _______ CityEMERALD
Level 28: Half of a bicycleSHREDDER
Level 28: How was this food cooked?EMERALD
Level 28: Expression; it can spoil the bunchBADAPPLE
Level 28: Personification of nature and our planetESCARGOT
Level 28: Phrase; be aware of, rememberBLOWAGASKET
Level 28: Putting things in the front yard with a price tagKATANA
Level 28: Putting things in the front yard with a price tagYARDSALE
Level 28: Scuba diver apparelTAJMAHAL
Level 28: A holiday where all manner of monsters come out for candyHALLOWEEN
Level 28: Steve Urkel’s catchphraseHALLOWEEN
Level 28: Tests of this show who you really areTEAPOT
Level 28: Scuba diver apparelWETSUIT
Level 28: The English singer of Space Oddity and actor in LabyrinthWALKMAN
Level 28: These are tough nuts to crackWETSUIT
Level 28: Three words you can use to find yourself on a shopping mall mapBUFFET
Level 28: What is this deep-fried side dish?FEBREZE
Level 28: What is this deep-fried side dish?HUSHPUPPY
Level 28: Imprisoned princess who “lets down her hair”RAPUNZEL
Level 28: What is this massive landmark found in South Dakota called?MTRUSHMORE
Level 28: Superman’s mild-mannered alter egoCLARKKENT
Level 28: Expression; in the middle of doing something badREDHANDED
Level 28: Blue-green stone; also a color named for that stoneTURQUOISE
Level 28: The enemy of the protagonist in a movie or bookANTAGONIST
Level 28: Very tall building of steel and glass, often seen in dense modernSKYSCRAPER
Level 29: A decision that doesn’t take any thinking at allHAYMAKER
Level 29: A flat tailed rodent who can fell treesTERABYTE
Level 29: A nickname for New York CityPIEINTHESKY
Level 29: A place of knowledge, but please be quiet!OLYMPICS
Level 29: Expression; something unlikely to happenPIEINTHESKY
Level 29: A place to fuel up your vehicleBACTERIA
Level 29: A popular myth is that eating carrots can improve thisHOURGLASS
Level 29: Main artery carrying blood away from the heartAORTA
Level 29: A word meaning a place of great happinessSPORTS
Level 29: Expression; something unlikely to happenRUNWAY
Level 29: What is this aquatic bird feature?WEBBEDFEET
Level 29: High-up backyard clubhouse for kids; no girls allowed!TREEHOUSE
Level 29: Main artery carrying blood away from the heartTACKLEBOX
Level 29: There are eight of them in the Solar SystemPLANETS
Level 29: A word meaning a place of great happinessPARADISE
Level 29: Michael Jackson’s zombie adventure, the best selling album of allTHRILLER
Level 29: Mrs. __________, 1993 comedy starring Robin Williams posing as aHOTROD
Level 29: Sandy timekeeping deviceGASSTATION
Level 29: The side that opposed the Empire in Star WarsEYESIGHT
Level 29: Michael Jackson’s zombie adventure, the best selling album of allTHRILLER
Level 29: US author and activist; first deaf-blind person to receive a BA degreeWAITER
Level 29: What a good listener might saySECRET
Level 29: What a good listener might sayIMALLEARS
Level 29: What is this aquatic bird feature?BEEFJERKY
Level 29: US author and activist; first deaf-blind person to receive a BA degreeHELENKELLER
Level 29: What type of bed is this?HELENKELLER
Level 29: What type of car is this?LIBRARY
Level 29: A person who rides a bikeCYCLIST
Level 29: Safety device in a car that inflates in the event of a crashAIRBAG
Level 29: What disease might he get?SCURVY
Level 29: Industrial equipment used to heat and melt metal oreFURNACE
Level 30: Aircraft are kept in theseHYPHEN
Level 30: A method of using chemicals to preserve a bodyCANDLELIGHT
Level 30: An actor that is in consistently similar roles is thisFLYSWATTER
Level 30: An informal, spur of the moment photoTARZAN
Level 30: Capital of Florida, Woody Harrelson’s character in ZombielandTALLAHASSEE
Level 30: Ancient American civilization known for performing human sacrificesLIONKING
Level 30: An installment of a TV seriesSNAPSHOT
Level 30: Aircraft are kept in theseHANGARS
Level 30: Ash replaces one of his hands with this weapon in Evil DeadHANGARS
Level 30: Besides cooking, this powder is also used in toothpaste and for cleaningHAZARDPAY
Level 30: “_____ __ ____”, 2020 DC movie starring Margot RobbieBIRDSOFPREY
Level 30: Capital of Florida, Woody Harrelson’s character in ZombielandTALLAHASSEE
Level 30: Chronicles of all human happeningsICHABODCRANE
Level 30: The lanky schoolmaster who was chased by the Headless HorsemanICHABODCRANE
Level 30: A method of using chemicals to preserve a bodyEMBALMING
Level 30: Expression; a difficult taskEMBALMING
Level 30: Lacking all reason and sense; in math, a number that cannot be expressedARMCHAIR
Level 30: The lanky schoolmaster who was chased by the Headless HorsemanBELLYFLOP
Level 30: The opposite of temporaryANTIDOTE
Level 30: This 80s English rock band sang CreepBAKINGSODA
Level 30: An actor that is in consistently similar roles is thisTYPECAST
Level 30: What is this type of clothing?TURTLENECK
Level 30: What is this type of comfortable seat?TYPECAST
Level 30: The opposite of temporaryPERMANENT
Level 30: Which Scandinavian country is this?WHEELHOUSE
Level 30: A type of club used by law enforcementNIGHTSTICK
Level 30: Eating utensil used primarily in Asian countriesCHOPSTICKS
Level 30: What theatrical term is this?CURTAINCALL
Level 30: Professional who stuffs animals for displayTAXIDERMIST
Level 30: Energy obtained by harnessing the Sun’s raysSOLARPOWER
Level 31: A person who enjoys games of chancePIRANHA
Level 31: A time of great cold and great mammothsTHRILLER
Level 31: Computer equipment used to get letters onto the screenTABLECLOTH
Level 31: Expression; late-night air journeyUPACREEK
Level 31: O, AB+, A-, everyone has oneTRASHCAN
Level 31: Precursor to modern chemistry; practitioners famously tried to convertALCHEMY
Level 31: One who observes rather than participatesHOOVERDAM
Level 31: Surgically remove a limb or other body partUGLYDUCKLING
Level 31: What elastic office supply item is this?BREAKALEG
Level 31: There are 1,440 of these units of time in a dayMINUTES
Level 31: What is this Jackie Chanx2fChris Tucker movie?HANDTOHAND
Level 31: Front part of a car that absorbs impact in a collisionBUMPER
Level 31: Someone that blame is foisted upon; a scapegoatFALLGUY
Level 31: To turn off a computer completelySHUTDOWN
Level 31: Guy ______ is the British director of “Snatchu201C and Madonna’s ex-husbandRITCHIE
Level 31: What is this popular internet browser?FIREFOX
Level 32: A method of using chemicals to preserve a bodyTIMBURTON
Level 32: A time for a worker to rest, usuallyFOODGROUPS
Level 32: An actor that is in consistently similar roles is thisTALLAHASSEE
Level 32: An informal, spur of the moment photoONAPEDESTAL
Level 32: Annual school memento, often signedSNAPSHOT
Level 32: Besides cooking, this powder is also used in toothpaste and for cleaningWARANDPEACE
Level 32: Capital of Florida, Woody Harrelson’s character in ZombielandHOTCAKES
Level 32: Classic 1,000+ page novel by Leo TolstoyLARVA
Level 32: A fellow studentCLASSMATE
Level 32: Crown for beauty pageant winners and prom queensTHEBIGAPPLE
Level 32: Expression; something held in excessively high esteem is put hereEYEPATCH
Level 32: Filmmaker famous for The Nightmare before Christmas and BatmanADDRESSBAR
Level 32: Selling like _______; meaning something that is selling very quicklyJOKER
Level 32: The 3D equivalent of a circleEMERALD
Level 32: The opposite of temporaryNORWAY
Level 32: The wild card in a deck of playing cardsREDBULL
Level 32: Throwing one of these into a plan might mess things upRESERVATION
Level 32: A person traveling in a vehiclePASSENGER
Level 32: What type of whale is this?SMUDGE
Level 32: Which Scandinavian country is this?SPHERE
Level 32: You’ll need one to get a seat in a crowded restaurantSHOELACES
Level 32: _________ rams are heavy tools used to break down walls and doorsBATTERING
Level 32: What genre of film comedy does this scene represent?ROMANTIC
Level 32: Aquatic animal in the shape of a twinkling night sky objectSTARFISH
Level 32: Canada’s national sportICEHOCKEY
Level 32: Glass dome enclosing a wintertime scene; shake it to simulate precipitationSNOWGLOBE
Level 32: Using irony in a mocking or dismissive waySARCASTIC
Level 33: A house that has more ghosts than usualKILLERWHALE
Level 33: A machine for destroying documentsSCIENCEFAIR
Level 33: Another name for a polygraph, supposedly detects falsehoodsDOUBTFIRE
Level 33: Area cordoned off with yellow tape by policeBADAPPLE
Level 33: Examples include Harry Potter, Merlin, and GandalfREBELS
Level 33: Extra wages for working under dangerous conditionsCHARACTER
Level 33: Extra wages for working under dangerous conditionsHAZARDPAY
Level 33: Famous English researcher of chimpanzeesYOUAREHERE
Level 33: McDonald’s classic with secret sauceWASHINGTONDC
Level 33: Objects with designs focused on human comfort and efficiency areERGONOMIC
Level 33: Special fast food catalog offering economical mealsOSTRICH
Level 33: The largest flightless bird; one of their eggs makes 24 omelettesOSTRICH
Level 33: Tool consisting of a hinged pair of metal blades, often used to cutSCISSORS
Level 33: The head honcho of an organization; large solid dairy productWIZARD
Level 33: The largest flightless bird; one of their eggs makes 24 omelettesDAVIDBOWIE
Level 33: These Boys made hits like u201CI Want it That WayHOURGLASS
Level 33: Top Olympic runner who is as fast as his nameUSAINBOLT
Level 33: Type of hard drive with no moving partsBRAMSTOKER
Level 33: What post-apocalyptic movie is this?MADMAX
Level 33: What carnival feature is this?MACARONI
Level 33: What vegetable is this?GREENPEA
Level 33: Type of hard drive with no moving partsSOLIDSTATE
Level 33: What insect royalty is this?MOTHEREARTH
Level 33: Another name for a polygraph, supposedly detects falsehoodsLIEDETECTOR
Level 33: What post-apocalyptic movie is this?WATERBED
Level 33: What insect royalty is this?QUEENBEE
Level 33: Which US district is this landmark located in?QUEENBEE
Level 33: African proverb meaning a child learns from many: “It takes a ______VILLAGE
Level 33: Yankee Doodle called his feathered cap thisHOTROD
Level 33: _______ Kubrick directed “The Shining”, “A Clockwork Orange”, andSTANLEY
Level 33: Organ that holds urineBLADDER
Level 33: Cats are known for their grace and ______AGILITY
Level 34: A deck used for fortune tellingTERABYTE
Level 34: A man made of straw who protects cropsSCARECROW
Level 34: An emperor that was told to beware the Ides of MarchJULIUSCAESAR
Level 34: Bedtime song for childrenLALALAND
Level 34: Classic 1,000+ page novel by Leo TolstoyJULIUSCAESAR
Level 34: Crown for beauty pageant winners and prom queensWARANDPEACE
Level 34: Expression; Financially support an endeavorSMOOTHIE
Level 34: Expression; something held in excessively high esteem is put hereNARWHAL
Level 34: What is this structure located between Nevada and Arizona?HOOVERDAM
Level 34: Comfy indoor footwearSLIPPERS
Level 34: Expression; something unlikely to happenTIARA
Level 34: Filmmaker famous for The Nightmare before Christmas and BatmanPAPERTOWEL
Level 34: If you are the ____ __ ______, then you should turn out the lightsHOUSEARREST
Level 34: The 3D equivalent of a circleJOKER
Level 34: The wild card in a deck of playing cardsBANKROLL
Level 34: Used to clean spills and comes on a rollTACKLEBOX
Level 34: What is this structure located between Nevada and Arizona?ADDRESSBAR
Level 34: What type of whale is this?RESERVATION
Level 34: What condiment should these be dipped into?SOYSAUCE
Level 34: Where you might see www. on an internet browserBEEFJERKY
Level 34: You’ll need one to get a seat in a crowded restaurantSPHERE
Level 34: Idiomatically speaking, it’s a waste of time to keep beating a ____DEADHORSE
Level 34: A person who plays an instrumentMUSICIAN
Level 34: Family of sea birds with some of the largest wingspans in the world;ALBATROSS
Level 35: _____ is golden; sometimes it’s wise to say nothingTAJMAHAL
Level 35: 2016 action film staring Matt Damon as the title characterHYPHEN
Level 35: A boxer that is weak to chin shots has one of theseBREAKFAST
Level 35: A common bedtime phraseBALLOON
Level 35: A name for the 15-ton bell in a famous London clock towerLEGEND
Level 35: A story passed down through the agesHAMMER
Level 35: A boxer that is weak to chin shots has one of theseGLASSJAW
Level 35: A tool used when hanging a paintingALCHEMISTS
Level 35: At upscale locations, person who parks your carEMAILADDRESS
Level 35: “A _______ of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao ZiJOURNEY
Level 35: Carnival game where mallets are used for amusing pest controlREDCARPET
Level 35: Carnival game where mallets are used for amusing pest controlWHACKAMOLE
Level 35: Don’t drive a car through this; means stopFLATTERY
Level 35: At upscale locations, person who parks your carVALET
Level 35: Examples include Harry Potter, Merlin, and GandalfVALET
Level 35: Expression; to suddenly explode in anger, as in an engineBACTERIA
Level 35: Expression; without warningKETCHUP
Level 35: Flat breakfast treat, often served with maple syrupBEANSTALK
Level 35: The side of the road you drive on in the USOUTOFTHEBLUE
Level 35: 2016 action film staring Matt Damon as the title characterJASONBOURNE
Level 35: What Indian landmark is this?BANKROLL
Level 35: What type of weapon is this?BOOMERANG
Level 35: Flat breakfast treat, often served with maple syrupPANCAKE
Level 35: Who is this supposedly short French emperor?PANCAKE
Level 35: Word meaning once a yearBLOWAGASKET
Level 35: Blow these out to make a birthday wishCANDLES
Level 35: A routine medical examinationCHECKUP
Level 35: A room in a home where food is preparedKITCHEN
Level 35: You might buy one while on holiday, to remember the tripSOUVENIR
Level 36: 60s guitar legend that had hits like Purple HazeROTTENEGG
Level 36: A deck used for fortune tellingROSETTASTONE
Level 36: A man made of straw who protects cropsSCARECROW
Level 36: A place to fuel up your vehicleSTRAWBERRY
Level 36: Age group after child but before adultSHERLOCK
Level 36: An archive for one’s thoughts and memoriesBREAKALEG
Level 36: Another name for music records, what they’re made ofPIRANHA
Level 36: Expression that conveys longingTEENAGER
Level 36: Forests characterized by higher than usual precipitationENAMEL
Level 36: Last one there is a _____ ___!WARRANTY
Level 36: Single-minded fixation on somethingOBSESSION
Level 36: “The _____ ______u201D, novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald set in the RoaringGREATGATSBY
Level 36: Native American painted animal tower made of woodJOURNAL
Level 36: Single-minded fixation on somethingPHOTOSHOP
Level 36: This black rock held the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphsGASSTATION
Level 36: What editing software is this?VINYL
Level 36: What red fruit is this?STRAWBERRY
Level 36: A loyalty to a particular party or organization, etc.ALLEGIANCE
Level 36: A sequence of drawings representing shots planned for a movieSTORYBOARD
Level 36: The process of coming to live permanently in a foreign countryIMMIGRATION
Level 36: Type of lawsuit which represents a group with the same grievanceCLASSACTION
Level 36: Expression derived from a Greek myth; a weak pointACHILLESHEEL
Level 36: Phrase; in summaryINANUTSHELL
Level 36: What kind of edible house is this?GINGERBREAD
Level 37: Age group after child but before adultROTTENEGG
Level 37: An archive for one’s thoughts and memoriesRADIOHEAD
Level 37: An installment of a TV seriesTRASHCAN
Level 37: Another name for music records, what they’re made ofSTRAWBERRY
Level 37: Ash replaces one of his hands with this weapon in Evil DeadVANILLA
Level 37: Chronicles of all human happeningsWARRANTY
Level 37: Lacking all reason and sense; in math, a number that cannot be expressedIRRATIONAL
Level 37: Expression; a difficult taskUPHILLBATTLE
Level 37: Forests characterized by higher than usual precipitationUPHILLBATTLE
Level 37: Lacking all reason and sense; in math, a number that cannot be expressedCHAINSAW
Level 37: Last one there is a _____ ___!OBSESSION
Level 37: What is this symbol?PEACESIGN
Level 37: Single-minded fixation on somethingJOURNAL
Level 37: This 80s English rock band sang CreepRATATOUILLE
Level 37: What is this type of comfortable seat?PAGETURNER
Level 37: What red fruit is this?HISTORY
Level 37: Children’s game where the parent hides their face behind their handsPEEKABOO
Level 37: Social and expressive person; opposite of introvertEXTROVERT
Level 37: Long platform used to ride wavesSURFBOARD
Level 37: Projectile weapon that consists of a Y-shaped frame and a rubberSLINGSHOT
Level 37: Egypt is famous for these mathematical shapesPYRAMIDS
Level 38: 1982 sci-fi film where Harrison Ford hunts replicantsKANGAROO
Level 38: A stroll through the outdoors with educational signs along the wayNATUREWALK
Level 38: Area cordoned off with yellow tape by policeFOODGROUPS
Level 38: Arnold Schwarzenegger was one for CaliforniaPAPARAZZI
Level 38: Tabloid photographers fixated on shooting the starsPAPARAZZI
Level 38: Beverage made from squeezing fruitsMEMORYCARD
Level 38: Cue card machine, helps an orator if they forget their wordsTELEPROMPTER
Level 38: Keeps your hair healthy and cleanSHAMPOO
Level 38: Cue card machine, helps an orator if they forget their wordsTELEPROMPTER
Level 38: Dairy, meat, fruits, vegetables, and grainsTELEPROMPTER
Level 38: Expression; freezing temperaturesBLURAY
Level 38: An airport’s control tower is responsible for managing ___ _______AIRTRAFFIC
Level 38: Expression; something that can pass for an exact copyIGNORE
Level 38: Keeps your hair healthy and cleanJACKIECHAN
Level 38: The classic pirate’s flag is called thisJOLLYROGER
Level 38: Expression; something that can pass for an exact copyDEADRINGER
Level 38: One of the richest men alive; philanthropist and co-founder of MicrosoftDEADRINGER
Level 38: Preserved impression of prehistoric animals; dinosaur remainsRAIDERS
Level 38: Professional football team from OaklandBILLGATES
Level 38: Protects a dining surface from errant food stainsSUBTITLE
Level 38: Screen text for the hearing impairedSCRUBS
Level 38: Steve Urkel’s catchphraseRATATOUILLE
Level 38: Steve Urkel’s catchphraseDIDIDOTHAT
Level 38: A professional who provides recruiting servicesHEADHUNTER
Level 38: Tabloid photographers fixated on shooting the starsSHERLOCK
Level 38: The classic pirate’s flag is called thisJOLLYROGER
Level 38: The successor format to DVDsNATUREWALK
Level 38: What red root vegetable is this?WRONGFOOT
Level 38: What is this delicious baked good?CHERRYPIE
Level 38: ESL stands for “English as a Second ________”LANGUAGE
Level 38: This path connects a garage to the streetDRIVEWAY
Level 38: Experts make these based on current dataFORECASTS
Level 38: “____ ____ the King!” is a proclamation for the ascension of a newLONGLIVE
Level 39: 60s guitar legend that had hits like Purple HazeHITSTHESPOT
Level 39: A favored meal for bees and butterfliesNECTAR
Level 39: A jungle predator and brand of carMEMORYCARD
Level 39: A way to decide the winner when the scores are the sameBAGGAGE
Level 39: Alice sat at one of these with the Mad HatterLALALAND
Level 39: Canine racing breed, and a kind of busUDDER
Level 39: Canine racing breed, and a kind of busGREYHOUND
Level 39: Cook hired to provide food at an eventLADDER
Level 39: Digital pet popular in the 1990sHAMFISTED
Level 39: Expression; ClumsyCATERER
Level 39: Expression; throwing out ideasBRAINSTORM
Level 39: A favored meal for bees and butterfliesNECTAR
Level 39: Green hotdog toppingRELISH
Level 39: Hairstyle of Mr. TTAMAGOTCHI
Level 39: Jack climbed one of these and encountered a giantVANILLA
Level 39: Lincoln gave his Four score and seven years ago speech hereBELOWZERO
Level 39: What football foul is this?OFFSIDES
Level 39: 60s guitar legend that had hits like Purple HazeJIMIHENDRIX
Level 39: Mascot of UC Santa Cruz, this gastropod resembles a fruitJIMIHENDRIX
Level 39: Offer to buy something at an unrealistically low priceBANANASLUG
Level 39: French city, famous for the mustardDIJON
Level 39: Lincoln gave his Four score and seven years ago speech hereGETTYSBURG
Level 39: Publications that feature panels and word balloonsGETTYSBURG
Level 39: Symbol used to mark out trending topics; e.g. on TwitterWINTER
Level 39: The R in R&DPAGETURNER
Level 39: To leave an area faced with impending dangerHASHTAG
Level 39: What football foul is this?SMOOTHIE
Level 39: Who is this chilly champion?BEANSTALK
Level 39: You can take these to control a horseREINS
Level 39: The process of growing olderAGING
Level 39: Bar game where small missiles are thrown at a target of concentricDARTS
Level 39: Snow White hid in a cottage with seven of theseDWARFS
Level 40: Beverage made from squeezing fruitsJUICE
Level 40: Don’t leave these untied or you might tripBIGMAC
Level 40: McDonald’s classic with secret sauceWRONGFOOT
Level 40: Objects with designs focused on human comfort and efficiency areIGNORE
Level 40: Special fast food catalog offering economical mealsBIGCHEESE
Level 40: Tabloid photographers fixated on shooting the starsMADMAX
Level 40: The head honcho of an organization; large solid dairy productORIGAMI
Level 40: Top Olympic runner who is as fast as his nameRAGNAROK
Level 40: A flat tailed rodent who can fell treesBEAVER
Level 40: What body part does this represent?ERGONOMIC
Level 40: What carnival feature is this?JACKIECHAN
Level 40: Special fast food catalog offering economical mealsVALUEMENU
Level 40: What post-apocalyptic movie is this?VALUEMENU
Level 40: Which US district is this landmark located in?BALLOON
Level 40: A place that caters to people on vacationRESORT
Level 40: Type of skates with four wheelsROLLER
Level 40: Occurring without human interventionNATURAL
Level 40: What German city is this?HAMBURG
Level 40: Standing or sitting position where the back is straightUPRIGHT
Level 40: A place that displays or sells artworksGALLERY
Level 40: What are these game pieces?DOMINOES
Level 41: _____ is golden; sometimes it’s wise to say nothingBADAPPLE
Level 41: A common bedtime phraseRAIDERS
Level 41: A common condiment for french friesBREAKFAST
Level 41: A kindly TV host who asked Won’t you be my neighbor?ESCARGOT
Level 41: Ali Baba tangles with them after learning the magic words Open SesameINSTALL
Level 41: An energy drink that gives you wingsTOPSECRET
Level 41: What is this spy-related termTOPSECRET
Level 41: Annual school memento, often signedRAINDANCE
Level 41: Improvisational game where you fill in the blanks to a storyBLOWAGASKET
Level 41: One of the 5 Great Lakes, found in MichiganLAKEHURON
Level 41: A child who has started walkingTODDLER
Level 41: One of the 5 Great Lakes, found in MichiganTIEBREAKER
Level 41: PBS has a Roadshow to find these sometimes hidden treasuresYEARBOOK
Level 41: Professional football team from OaklandSCRUBS
Level 41: Sci-fi instant transportation methodHALLOWEEN
Level 41: What editing software is this?PHOTOSHOP
Level 41: _____ is golden; sometimes it’s wise to say nothingSILENCE
Level 41: The next step after you download an appINSTALL
Level 41: Improvisational game where you fill in the blanks to a storyMADLIBS
Level 41: This black rock held the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphsKANGAROO
Level 41: A kindly TV host who asked Won’t you be my neighbor?MRROGERS
Level 41: Place to buy and sell productsMARKET
Level 41: Type of hard drive with no moving partsMRROGERS
Level 41: What editing software is this?EMERALD
Level 41: What is this spy-related termSHREDDER
Level 41: What professional walks on this type of runway?MODEL
Level 41: Machine used to make duplicates of paper filesCOPIER
Level 41: American coin worth 25 centsQUARTER
Level 41: A baby ______ is a pre-birth celebrationSHOWER
Level 42: _____house-Five, an anti-war novel by Kurt VonnegutMOTHEREARTH
Level 42: ___ pentameter, Shakespeare’s sonnets are written in this meterBEARINMIND
Level 42: A colorful instrument played with malletsXYLOPHONE
Level 42: Around the clock news ________DEEPFRIED
Level 42: Bond villain with a lethal hatDIDIDOTHAT
Level 42: Contains A through ZCHARACTER
Level 42: Dashboard instrument that displays the distance traveledUNICYCLE
Level 42: Demigod who performed 12 labors; featured in a 1997 Disney movieWEBBEDFEET
Level 42: Famous English researcher of chimpanzeesXYLOPHONE
Level 42: Idiomatically, this is the best medicine, but I’d get a second opinion!IMALLEARS
Level 42: What kind of American folk dance is this?HOEDOWN
Level 42: The largest flightless bird; one of their eggs makes 24 omelettesJANEGOODALL
Level 42: The part of the swimming pool that goes down the furthestWETSUIT
Level 42: What a good listener might sayODDJOB
Level 42: What is this aquatic bird feature?ALPHABET
Level 42: Energy drink advertised as giving you wingsREDBULL
Level 42: You don’t want this boundary to recede!DAVIDBOWIE
Level 42: Lacking both shoes and socksBAREFOOT
Level 42: Working past normal working hoursOVERTIME
Level 42: A person who enjoys games of chanceGAMBLER
Level 42: A time for a worker to rest, usuallyWEEKEND
Level 42: 90s TV show featuring heroic lifeguards running in slow motionBAYWATCH
Level 42: What sauce is this?MUSTARD
Level 43: A decision that doesn’t take any thinking at allHAMMER
Level 43: A tool used when hanging a paintingMOHAWK
Level 43: Charles M. ______, creator of Charlie BrownEVACUATE
Level 43: Digital pet popular in the 1990sLIBRARY
Level 43: Expression; ClumsyBEAVER
Level 43: Expression; throwing out ideasTHEBIGAPPLE
Level 43: Expression; ClumsyHAMFISTED
Level 43: Hairstyle of Mr. TWALNUTS
Level 43: Mascot of UC Santa Cruz, this gastropod resembles a fruitEYESIGHT
Level 43: A common dinner decision is between soup and this green, leafy dishSALAD
Level 43: Offer to buy something at an unrealistically low priceGASSTATION
Level 43: Protective eye equipmentSCHOOLBUS
Level 43: Digital pet popular in the 1990sTAMAGOTCHI
Level 43: Publications that feature panels and word balloonsCOMICBOOK
Level 43: Symbol used to mark out trending topics; e.g. on TwitterYOUAREHERE
Level 43: Offer to buy something at an unrealistically low priceLOWBALL
Level 43: The Grand Canyon is in this US stateLOWBALL
Level 43: To leave an area faced with impending dangerEVACUATE
Level 43: Mascot of UC Santa Cruz, this gastropod resembles a fruitBANANASLUG
Level 43: What insect royalty is this?BANANASLUG
Level 43: Who is this chilly champion?PARADISE
Level 43: What stretching exercise is this room used for?YOGA
Level 43: Yankee Doodle called his feathered cap thisWINTER
Level 43: Symbol used to mark out trending topics; e.g. on TwitterHASHTAG
Level 43: Yellow vehicle that takes students to their teachersHASHTAG
Level 43: Capital city of Germany, where currywurst is said to have been inventedBERLIN
Level 43: TV comedy genre, usually with 30-minute episodesSITCOM
Level 43: The reptilian spokesperson for GeicoGECKO
Level 43: To fix something that is brokenREPAIR
Level 44: _____house-Five, an anti-war novel by Kurt VonnegutYMCA
Level 44: 1970s hit by the Village People, the dance spells out the namePIEINTHESKY
Level 44: A colorful instrument played with malletsWALLET
Level 44: A leather case for bills, photos, cards, and moreDOUBTFIRE
Level 44: A leather case for bills, photos, cards, and moreWALLET
Level 44: Aerobic exercise that has your hands touching over your headAORTA
Level 44: Ali Baba tangles with them after learning the magic words Open SesameFORTYTHIEVES
Level 44: PBS has a Roadshow to find these sometimes hidden treasuresANTIQUES
Level 44: Arnold Schwarzenegger was one for CaliforniaHELENKELLER
Level 44: Around the clock news ________TOPSECRET
Level 44: Arnold Schwarzenegger was one for CaliforniaGOVERNOR
Level 44: Bob Ross famously said, “We don’t make mistakes, we make happy littleACCIDENTS
Level 44: Bond villain with a lethal hatXYLOPHONE
Level 44: Contains A through ZGOVERNOR
Level 44: Dashboard instrument that displays the distance traveledHYENA
Level 44: Expression that conveys longingWATERBED
Level 44: Spotted African predator known for its distinctive laughHYENA
Level 44: Half of a bicycleHOTROD
Level 44: Handheld pest control deviceWEBBEDFEET
Level 44: Original name of desktops produced by AppleTHRILLER
Level 44: PBS has a Roadshow to find these sometimes hidden treasuresHOURGLASS
Level 44: Half of a bicycleUNICYCLE
Level 44: Often seen denim pants loved by cowboysBLUEJEANS
Level 44: Spotted African predator known for its distinctive laughHYENA
Level 44: The part of the swimming pool that goes down the furthestHAIRLINE
Level 44: Ali Baba tangles with them after learning the magic words Open SesameFORTYTHIEVES
Level 44: The successor format to DVDsREBELS
Level 44: What is this spy-related termJUMPINGJACKS
Level 44: You don’t want this boundary to recede!MACINTOSH
Level 44: _______ X is the leader of the X-menPROFESSOR
Level 44: What is this unbearable event?FINALSTRAW
Level 44: This generation emerged following World War IIBABYBOOMER
Level 44: Natural way to get a tanSUNBATHING
Level 44: Traditional ritual for greeting, or for sealing a dealHANDSHAKE
Level 45: Bad breath conditionCHAINSAW
Level 45: Glass half empty type of personTALLAHASSEE
Level 45: Keyboard key used to delete errorsHANGARS
Level 45: Long-necked livestock known for spitting when irritatedEMBALMING
Level 45: Movement with a ball on a basketball courtBAKINGSODA
Level 45: What is this sweet coating found on a cake?ICING
Level 45: One-piece gymnastics wearSNAPSHOT
Level 45: Our thumbs are kind of special for this reasonEPISODE
Level 45: Ten to the power of threeAZTECS
Level 45: Coins and bills used to purchases goods and servicesMONEY
Level 45: What kind of smelly fruit is this?TYPECAST
Level 45: A movie theater brand featuring a particularly large screenIMAX
Level 45: A gem that comes from oysters, mussels, and clamsPEARL
Level 45: Secretly get married without parental approvalELOPE
Level 45: Flashy gambling establishmentCASINO
Level 46: A short or partial view; a peekHISTORY
Level 46: Amusement where participants drive electronic cars into one anotherRADIOHEAD
Level 46: Famous museum, home to the Mona LisaIRRATIONAL
Level 46: Former name of Ho Chi Minh CityNORWAY
Level 46: Lion from the Narnia seriesARMCHAIR
Level 46: Personal journal for one’s thoughts; entries may start with “dearDIARY
Level 46: Manhattan, Mojito, Gin and Tonic, for exampleICHABODCRANE
Level 46: Peter Pan’s handicapped enemyUPHILLBATTLE
Level 46: What do you call someone that plays this?GAMBLER
Level 46: Real ______ is property consisting of land and a buildingESTATE
Level 46: What is this farm tool called?PERMANENT
Level 46: Where the pilot controls an aircraft fromCOCKPIT
Level 46: Wintertime sculpture with a carrot for a noseSNOWMAN
Level 46: This animal is known for playing deadPOSSUM
Level 47: An exact duplicate, especially of a documentSPECTATOR
Level 47: Lachrymose stuffed donkey from Winnie the PoohEMBALMING
Level 47: Mexican dish; heated tortilla filled with cheese and other ingredientsKEYBOARD
Level 47: Never ceasing, infiniteENDLESS
Level 47: Oversized music player, often carried on the shoulderBOOMBOX
Level 47: Soda sugar substitute; high fructose ___ ____AMPUTATE
Level 47: Spooky gourdREDEYEFLIGHT
Level 47: Who is this Greek philosopher?RUSHHOUR
Level 47: US children’s show with a sky-colored canine star who leaves behindBLUESCLUES
Level 47: Words that might be used to start a raceRUBBERBAND
Level 47: What are these pieces of sporting equipment?GOLFCLUBS
Level 47: Lacking the ability to distinguish certain colorsCOLORBLIND
Level 47: Large absorbent cloth you might bring for a day of seaside funBEACHTOWEL
Level 47: Equine-based unit of engine performanceHORSEPOWER
Level 48: A species of large ginger apeSPHERE
Level 48: Arabic dancing style featuring complex torso movements and exoticYEARBOOK
Level 48: Orcine-pay ode-cay anguage-layPIGLATIN
Level 48: Culturally unacceptable practice, like gifting a clock in ChinaHOTCAKES
Level 48: What is this kitsch object called?LAVALAMP
Level 48: First animal, alphabeticallySNAPSHOT
Level 48: Orcine-pay ode-cay anguage-layTIARA
Level 48: A species of large ginger apeORANGUTAN
Level 48: Portrayed Obi-wan Kenobi in the original filmJOKER
Level 48: Premium chocolate brand from Belgium; named after the LadyPERMANENT
Level 48: Premium chocolate brand from Belgium; named after the LadyGODIVA
Level 48: Portrayed Obi-wan Kenobi in the original filmALECGUINNESS
Level 48: Supposedly negative calorie veggieWARANDPEACE
Level 48: Tension, sinus, cluster are types of thisTYPECAST
Level 48: This is an ________ seal; named after a long-nosed animalELEPHANT
Level 48: What is this furniture for sleeping?WATERBED
Level 48: The 1991 superhero in The Rocketeer wore this flight equipmentWEEKEND
Level 48: First animal, alphabeticallyAARDVARK
Level 48: The sincerest form of flatteryTIMBURTON
Level 48: This is an ________ seal; named after a long-nosed animalWRENCH
Level 48: Many pictures put together to give the illusion of movementANIMATION
Level 48: What is this kitsch object called?ONAPEDESTAL
Level 48: What is this man’s occupation?UMPIRE
Level 48: What is this man’s occupation?BAKINGSODA
Level 48: Yellow video game icon’s wifeMSPACMAN
Level 48: Yellow video game icon’s wifeTALLAHASSEE
Level 48: “_________ is bliss”; one can’t be troubled by what one doesn’t knowIGNORANCE
Level 48: Sock hung to receive Christmas presentsSTOCKING
Level 48: To put someone in jailIMPRISON
Level 48: Relieving stress; chilling outRELAXING
Level 48: Mountain that can eruptVOLCANO
Level 48: Yellow liquid found in the center of the object laid by a henEGGYOLK
Level 49: A rapper move; voice amplifier releaseBIGMAC
Level 49: Dante’s ____, first part of his Divine ComedyVALUEMENU
Level 49: Doritos flavor found in a blue bagCOOLRANCH
Level 49: Early Disney film; Mickey Mouse’s magic mishapBIGCHEESE
Level 49: Green-clad sprite who has a pot of goldLEPRECHAUN
Level 49: A rapper move; voice amplifier releaseMICDROP
Level 49: Friday the _____, horror classicNARWHAL
Level 49: One half of login information alongside a passwordUSERNAME
Level 49: Doritos flavor found in a blue bagCOOLRANCH
Level 49: Green-clad sprite who has a pot of goldJANEGOODALL
Level 49: Dante’s ____, first part of his Divine ComedyINFERNO
Level 49: Hooked whaling implementWIZARD
Level 49: Early Disney film; Mickey Mouse’s magic mishapFANTASIA
Level 49: Inspirational phrase given by a cat posterHAUNTED
Level 49: Name used for a vehicle that criminals escape a crime scene inHAZARDPAY
Level 49: Reporter for the Daily Planet and Superman’s love interestLOISLANE
Level 49: Skyscraper thriller; Bruce Willis starsDIEHARD
Level 49: Northeastern US regionSHREDDER
Level 49: Painter’s support, usually woodenNORWAY
Level 49: Pocket money regularly given by parents to their kidsALLOWANCE
Level 49: Pocket money regularly given by parents to their kidsRESERVATION
Level 49: Northeastern US regionNEWENGLAND
Level 49: Skyscraper thriller; Bruce Willis starsOSTRICH
Level 49: They never go unpunishedLIEDETECTOR
Level 49: They never go unpunishedGOODDEEDS
Level 49: What rapper does this refer to?CRIMESCENE
Level 49: What rapper does this refer to?SLIMSHADY
Level 49: What are these supportive tools?CRUTCHES
Level 49: A criminal who intentionally starts a fireARSONIST
Level 50: Athlete that tumbles, rolls, somersaults, and moreGYMNAST
Level 50: French city, famous for the mustardBACKSTREET
Level 50: Moralistic tales; Aesop’s are quite famousFABLES
Level 50: He picked a peck of pickled peppers.MACARONI
Level 50: Weekend hire to give parents some time awayBABYSITTER
Level 50: Moralistic tales; Aesop’s are quite famousSOLIDSTATE
Level 50: Tiny pores on leaves and stems that allow plants to breatheSTOMATA
Level 50: Mythical city of gold, supposedly in South AmericaSCARECROW
Level 50: Refreezable object used to keep food cold or reduce swelling fromICEPACK
Level 50: Severe allergy sufferers should keep one aroundMADMAX
Level 50: What kind of music do these men play?MARIACHI
Level 50: This is Batman’s favorite birdROBIN
Level 50: This is Batman’s favorite birdROBIN
Level 50: Tiny pores on leaves and stems that allow plants to breatheQUEENBEE
Level 50: Weekend hire to give parents some time awaySIDESHOW
Level 50: What minor injury does this represent?PAPERCUT
Level 50: What kind of music do these men play?WASHINGTONDC
Level 50: Symbol used to mark trending topics, typically on TwitterHASHTAG
Level 50: One-piece gymnastics wearLEOTARD
Level 50: A short or partial view; a peekGLIMPSE
Level 50: Someone who is sleep-________ had better go to bedDEPRIVED

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Word Craze Answers All Levels [400+ in One Page]

Word Craze All Answers Level (1-400)

Word Craze app Answers and cheats to all levels are provided on this page, this game is a popular game developed by Betta Games and it is available on Google play store.

Word Craze, experience all the customs from different countries, come and check out the interesting things she encounters on this journey! Find answers by looking at pictures, challenge your mind in a whole new way. Here you will find all the answers of Word Craze on this one page, I have started to provided answers on one page so that you can save your time clicking the links of separate level each time. Bookmark this page so that you can get help from this single page.

Word Craze game Cheats Answers:

Note: This game consists of 400+ Levels in which they have 7000+ Questions, So it is not feasible to provide all of the answers in single page due to increased page load time, So I have divided levels into 25 level or approx 500 questions in one page, Still you will get the links to remaining levels on this page. Thanks for your support.

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Level 1: Blow these out to make a birthday wishCANDLES
Level 1: Musical instrument with black and white keysPIANO
Level 1: The color of envyGREEN
Level 1: What is this haircare object?GREEN
Level 2: Coins and bills used to purchases goods and servicesHIPPO
Level 2: Common dinner decision is between soup and this leafy dishSALAD
Level 2: Dear _____, this is a personal journal for my thoughtsDIARY
Level 2: Expression; see ___ __ ___; to be in agreementMONEY
Level 2: What animal is this?HIPPO
Level 3: A parent’s fatherGRANDPA
Level 3: Holiday season for studentsSUMMER
Level 3: This celestial body guides your wayNORTHSTAR
Level 3: US coin worth 25 centsGRANDPA
Level 3: What is being served on this platter?QUARTER
Level 3: You might take this to help get over an illnessSUMMER
Level 4: A place to buy souvenirs at a theme park or museumCUEBALL
Level 4: Let’s cast a magic spell! _____ Pocus!GIFTSHOP
Level 4: The number of states in the United StatesFIFTY
Level 4: The white ball in a game of poolCOOKBOOK
Level 4: What is this manual of recipes?HOCUS
Level 4: What vegetable is this?GREENPEA
Level 5: E.g. Thousand Island, Caesar, vinaigretteOTTER
Level 5: Expression; have a short breakSITCOM
Level 5: The _____, green Christmas grumpTAKEFIVE
Level 5: TV comedy genre, usually with 30-minute episodesCACKLE
Level 5: What animal is this?OTTER
Level 5: Witchy laughGRINCH
Level 6: An actor’s dialogue and directions are written in thisEINSTEIN
Level 6: Comfy clothes to wear in bedMAJESTY
Level 6: Hello and goodbye, in HawaiiALOHA
Level 6: Most celebrated physicist in history; E equals MC squaredBLUEMOON
Level 6: Phrase; once in a ___ ___BLUEMOON
Level 6: Road Runner’s enemy, Wile E. ____COYOTE
Level 6: What kind of American folk dance is this?COYOTE
Level 6: Your _______, a form of address for royalty of the highest rankCOYOTE
Level 7: A lane that only can be used when not driving aloneCARPOOL
Level 7: A solar ______ is when the sun is blocked by the moonECLIPSE
Level 7: An apple a day keeps this professional awayCHATTERBOX
Level 7: Plant-eating animalsCRAYON
Level 7: Queen’s _____, black-hatted British soldiers who supposedly do notECLIPSE
Level 7: Ring this to alert people inside a house to your presenceSHIELD
Level 7: Something very hard to find in a haystackDOORBELL
Level 7: The shape of a baseball fieldHERBIVORES
Level 7: What city in Italy is this leaning tower in?PISA
Level 7: Collection of songs released by a musicianALBUM
Level 7: This word means someone who talks a lotDOORBELL
Level 7: Warrior’s handheld defensive gearDIAMOND
Level 7: Waxy drawing implement for childrenCRAYON
Level 7: What city in Italy is this leaning tower in?NEEDLE
Level 7: Which planet is this?NEEDLE
Level 7: What is the state of this video?PAUSED
Level 7: Often yellow cars that’ll take you places for a fareTAXI
Level 7: To emanate or reflect light; skin that exhibits good health willGLOW
Level 7: Your spouse’s familyINLAWS
Level 8: A flat tailed rodent who can fell treesCASINO
Level 8: A game where players send hefty balls careening into pinsSHIELD
Level 8: A long-necked African animalBEAVER
Level 8: A name for the 15-ton bell in a famous London clock towerBIGBEN
Level 8: A place where one can bet to win big or lose it allDIAMOND
Level 8: Ned __________, the Simpsons’ good natured and religious neighborFLANDERS
Level 8: A public sale where goods are sold to the highest bidderGIRAFFE
Level 8: A coffee made with espresso and steamed milkLATTE
Level 8: An investigator who solves crimesCASINO
Level 8: Ancient Roman Colosseum fighterBOWLING
Level 8: A name for the 15-ton bell in a famous London clock towerBIGBEN
Level 8: Everyone gets one per year, usually with gifts and a songCHATTERBOX
Level 8: An investigator who solves crimesDETECTIVE
Level 8: Flashy gambling establishmentDETECTIVE
Level 8: Native American painted animal tower made of woodCRAYON
Level 8: What type of sporting equipment is used to hit this?BASEBALLBAT
Level 8: Everyone gets one per year, usually with gifts and a songBIRTHDAY
Level 8: Ned __________, the Simpsons’ good natured and religious neighborBIRTHDAY
Level 8: A game where players send hefty balls careening into pinsBOWLING
Level 8: What kind of furniture does this represent?GIRAFFE
Level 8: Native American painted animal tower made of woodTOTEMPOLE
Level 8: What type of sporting equipment is used to hit this?AUCTION
Level 8: What type of punchy athlete is this?BOXER
Level 8: Two-piece swimwear for womenBIKINI
Level 8: Aladdin’s blue companion; you’ve never had a friend like himGENIE
Level 9: A bad deal; grossly overpriced productDETECTIVE
Level 9: A floor of a building that is undergroundCABINET
Level 9: A juicy summer treat with a hard, green rindWATERMELON
Level 9: A lane that only can be used when 2 or more people are in the vehicleCRAYON
Level 9: Flying blood sucking insectMOSQUITO
Level 9: A solar ______ is when the sun is blocked by the moonGUARD
Level 9: A story passed down through the agesBASEBALLBAT
Level 9: Who is this supposedly short French emperor?NAPOLEON
Level 9: Flying blood sucking insectCASINO
Level 9: Gives parents the first look at their babyBIRTHDAY
Level 9: What is this post-wedding holiday?HONEYMOON
Level 9: A floor of a building that is undergroundBASEMENT
Level 9: People might think you’re crazy if you lose theseGLADIATOR
Level 9: Prehistoric Terrible LizardsDINOSAURS
Level 9: A story passed down through the agesLEGEND
Level 9: Queen’s _____, black-hatted British soldiers who supposedly do notECLIPSE
Level 9: Something very hard to find in a haystackLEGEND
Level 9: Prehistoric Terrible LizardsDINOSAURS
Level 9: The capital of CaliforniaBASEMENT
Level 9: The shape of a baseball fieldNEEDLE
Level 9: The capital of CaliforniaSACRAMENTO
Level 9: Waxy drawing implement for childrenSACRAMENTO
Level 9: What city in Italy is this leaning tower in?MARS
Level 9: A juicy summer treat with a hard, green rindWATERMELON
Level 9: What aquatic mammal is this?DOLPHIN
Level 9: What is this post-wedding holiday?WATERMELON
Level 9: People might think you’re crazy if you lose theseMARBLES
Level 9: Which planet is this?MARBLES
Level 9: Gives parents the first look at their babyULTRASOUND
Level 9: Who is this supposedly short French emperor?ULTRASOUND
Level 9: Fictional vine-swinging wildman raised by apesTARZAN
Level 9: _______ tellers claim they can foresee your futureFORTUNE
Level 9: British term for garbage or trashRUBBISH
Level 10: ________ Jones, whip-toting treasure hunter created by George LucasTINCANS
Level 10: A mythical underwater cityLEGEND
Level 10: A way to order fast food from the carDINOSAURS
Level 10: An educational schooltime excursion; may require a permission slipMOSQUITO
Level 10: Attach two to a string to make low-tech walkie-talkiesCARPOOL
Level 10: Portable music player for compact discsCDPLAYER
Level 10: ________ Jones, whip-toting treasure hunter created by George LucasINDIANA
Level 10: Expression; These are the devil’s workshopGUARD
Level 10: Ralph ______, fashion designerULTRASOUND
Level 10: The highest mountain in the worldNEEDLE
Level 10: Like a monologue but between two peopleDIALOGUE
Level 10: Your cat may hack up one of theseEVEREST
Level 10: It helps prevent drink spillage in the carCUPHOLDER
Level 10: What is this illegal way of crossing the street?JAYWALKING
Level 10: Type of movie that revolves around suspenseful situationsTHRILLER
Level 10: Brass _______ are weapons worn on the fingersKNUCKLES
Level 11: _______ Ramsay, famously angry chefIDLEHANDS
Level 11: A game where players send hefty balls careening into pinsANNUAL
Level 11: Cooking ______; spatula, kitchen tongs, cheese grater, etc.PISA
Level 11: David felled with this giant with a single stoneATLANTIS
Level 11: Finger accessory that supposedly shows your emotional stateMOODRING
Level 11: Doing good deeds might earn you these sugary pointsBROWNIE
Level 11: Finger accessory that supposedly shows your emotional stateMARS
Level 11: What stomach-calming medicine is this?ANTACID
Level 11: Green hotdog toppingCANADA
Level 11: Having excellent vision or observational skillsDRIVETHRU
Level 11: This professional that cuts and sells meatBUTCHER
Level 11: David felled with this giant with a single stoneGOLIATH
Level 11: Heavy object that keeps a ship in placeANCHOR
Level 11: Magicians use ________ of hand to hide their tricksGOLIATH
Level 11: Person who is taught by a teacherSTUDENT
Level 11: Having excellent vision or observational skillsEAGLEEYED
Level 11: Name for a grouping of geeseTINCANS
Level 11: Plant-eating animalsCAVIAR
Level 11: Salty luxury spread made from fish eggsRELISH
Level 11: The world’s second largest country by area, eh?ANCHOR
Level 11: Name for a grouping of geeseGAGGLE
Level 11: This professional that cuts and sells meatBOWLING
Level 11: This word means someone who talks a lotHONEYMOON
Level 11: _______ Ramsay, famously angry chefGORDON
Level 11: What is this manual of recipes?COOKBOOK
Level 11: What red root vegetable is this?RADISH
Level 11: Magicians use ________ of hand to hide their tricksSLEIGHT
Level 11: What stomach-calming medicine is this?SLEIGHT
Level 11: Plant-eating animalsHERBIVORES
Level 11: What wrinkly fruit is this?HERBIVORES
Level 11: Cooking ______; spatula, kitchen tongs, cheese grater, etc.UTENSILS
Level 11: Word meaning once a yearSACRAMENTO
Level 11: This word means someone who talks a lotCHATTERBOX
Level 11: Type of bed suspended between two treesHAMMOCK
Level 11: World famous US pizza chain with a red and blue logoCHATTERBOX
Level 11: Sound a train makes in cartoonsCHOOCHOO
Level 11: The _______ were an English rock sensation formed in 1960BEATLES
Level 12: A color that has the same name as a fruitMALARIA
Level 12: A common refreshment at Christmas parties; sometimes has alcoholBOWLING
Level 12: A common refreshment at Christmas parties; sometimes has alcoholEGGNOG
Level 12: An illusion that might be seen in the desertANCHOR
Level 12: A word meaning a place of great happinessEGGNOG
Level 12: Animated animal who could never get a taste of the advertised cerealRESEARCH
Level 12: An ultimate enemy of sleeping inHOTCAKES
Level 12: Selling like _______; meaning something that is selling very quicklyHOTCAKES
Level 12: Bandage-wrapped horror iconEVEREST
Level 12: Deadly disease spread by mosquitoes in hot areas of the worldDOMINOS
Level 12: World famous US pizza chain with a red and blue logoDOMINOS
Level 12: Don’t drive a car through this; means stopPARADISE
Level 12: E.g. a nervous breakdownRELISH
Level 12: Patterned coverings for the sides of a roomHAIRBALL
Level 12: Red-and-white-striped Christmas treatWALNUTS
Level 12: These are tough nuts to crackWALNUTS
Level 12: E.g. a nervous breakdownMELTDOWN
Level 12: Selling like _______; meaning something that is selling very quicklyUTENSILS
Level 12: Slim, red explosive with a fuseCANDYCANE
Level 12: Spooky, hair-raisingEAGLEEYED
Level 12: Spooky, hair-raisingEERIE
Level 12: Temperature-raising symptom of the fluEERIE
Level 12: An illusion that might be seen in the desertMIRAGE
Level 12: The R in R&DMIRAGE
Level 12: The side of the road you drive on in the USGORDON
Level 12: What animal has this type of pattern?ZEBRA
Level 12: Bandage-wrapped horror iconMUMMY
Level 12: These are tough nuts to crackMOODRING
Level 12: The world’s second largest country by area, eh?LAUREN
Level 12: Patterned coverings for the sides of a roomWALLPAPER
Level 12: This cartoon animal is smarter than the average member of his speciesWALLPAPER
Level 12: The side of the road you drive on in the USRIGHT
Level 12: World famous US pizza chain with a red and blue logoRIGHT
Level 12: Synthetic fiber used in women’s stockingsNYLON
Level 12: Opposite of rareCOMMON
Level 12: Queen’s _____, black-hatted British soldiers who supposedly do notGUARD
Level 12: Humped animals ridden in the desertCAMELS
Level 13: A holiday where all manner of monsters come out for candyCANVAS
Level 13: A place for a canine to rest their headANTACID
Level 13: A progress indicator for a studentCHATTERBOX
Level 13: A school class’ ultimate testCAVIAR
Level 13: A school class’ ultimate testFINALEXAM
Level 13: An emergency vehicle that rushes patients to the hospitalGAGGLE
Level 13: A tool with rungs that is used to reach high placesDINOSAURS
Level 13: Carnival game where mallets are used for amusing pest controlHALLOWEEN
Level 13: Demigod who performed 12 labors; featured in a 1997 Disney movieBUTCHER
Level 13: Demigod who performed 12 labors; featured in a 1997 Disney movieHERCULES
Level 13: Furry floor coveringCARPET
Level 13: Magicians use ________ of hand to hide their tricksWHACKAMOLE
Level 13: McDonald’s offering that comes with a toyHAPPYMEAL
Level 13: Phrase; a teaser for a filmSNEAKPEEK
Level 13: Prehistoric Terrible LizardsCARPET
Level 13: Protective eye equipmentANNUAL
Level 13: Putting things in the front yard with a price tagHONEYMOON
Level 13: Phrase; a teaser for a filmSNEAKPEEK
Level 13: Ring this to alert people inside a house to your presenceCANADA
Level 13: What is this person painting on?YARDSALE
Level 13: A musical ensemble with a conductor and many types of instrumentsORCHESTRA
Level 13: Protective eye equipmentGOGGLES
Level 13: What is this post-wedding holiday?GOGGLES
Level 13: What trail mix staple is this?SLEIGHT
Level 13: You’ll find this on a pirate flagHERBIVORES
Level 13: You’ll find this on a pirate flagCROSSBONES
Level 13: Reading materials often found in waiting roomsMAGAZINES
Level 13: What is this peak in the Himalayas?EVEREST
Level 13: Board game where players make words to score pointsSCRABBLE
Level 14: A jungle predator and brand of carBIKINI
Level 14: A room in a home where food is preparedWALLPAPER
Level 14: An old-fashioned way of sending messagesMALARIA
Level 14: Black and white Oriental symbol of balanceMUMMY
Level 14: Cook hired to provide food at an eventBEARINMIND
Level 14: Lincoln gave his Four score and seven years ago speech hereTELEPORT
Level 14: Phrase; be aware of, rememberBEARINMIND
Level 14: Black and white Oriental symbol of balanceYINYANG
Level 14: Phrase; be aware of, rememberBEARINMIND
Level 14: Preserved impression of prehistoric animals; dinosaur remainsEGGNOG
Level 14: _____ Dumpty sat on a wall….HUMPTY
Level 14: An old-fashioned way of sending messagesTELEGRAM
Level 14: Proofreading tool that ensures that your words are correctORANGE
Level 14: Restraints put on prisoners’ wrists and anklesMELTDOWN
Level 14: Sci-fi instant transportation methodWETSUIT
Level 14: Scuba diver apparelDIPLOMAT
Level 14: Restraints put on prisoners’ wrists and anklesSHACKLES
Level 14: Someone who seeks to improve relations between their country andREDLIGHT
Level 14: The next step after you download an appCANDYCANE
Level 14: Two-piece swimwear for womenDOMINOS
Level 14: Elephants’ tusks are made of this materialIVORY
Level 14: The next step after you download an appINSTALL
Level 14: Warrior’s handheld defensive gearPARADISE
Level 14: What body part does this represent?MIRAGE
Level 14: Preserved impression of prehistoric animals; dinosaur remainsFOSSIL
Level 14: What is this deep-fried side dish?FOSSIL
Level 14: Warrior’s handheld defensive gearSHIELD
Level 14: Yellow vehicle that takes students to their teachersALARMCLOCK
Level 14: What is the occupation of the man standing behind the catcher?UMPIRE
Level 14: You’ll find this on a pirate flagEYELID
Level 14: The bony case that covers and protects your brainSKULL
Level 14: To change, and often shorten, a document, manuscript, or piece ofEDIT
Level 15: A color that has the same name as a fruitYOGIBEAR
Level 15: A gem that comes from oysters, mussels, and clamsRESEARCH
Level 15: School fundraiser with pastry productsBAKESALE
Level 15: A kindly TV host who asked Won’t you be my neighbor?DOGHOUSE
Level 15: A place for a canine to rest their headSCHULZ
Level 15: A place of knowledge, but please be quiet!GLASSES
Level 15: A ticklish red Muppet from Sesame StreetRIGHT
Level 15: Charles M. ______, creator of Charlie BrownDYNAMITE
Level 15: Furry floor coveringKRYPTON
Level 15: Headwear used to correct visionEERIE
Level 15: Heavy object that keeps a ship in placeSNEAKPEEK
Level 15: Male professional who takes orders in a restaurantWAITER
Level 15: Phrase; a teaser for a filmMRROGERS
Level 15: Salty solution used for pickling foodCANADA
Level 15: School fundraiser with pastry productsANCHOR
Level 15: The planet that Superman originated fromFEVER
Level 15: What kind of toy is this?WALNUTS
Level 15: The 3D equivalent of a circleSPHERE
Level 15: What stomach-calming medicine is this?ORANGE
Level 15: What do these signs warn you of?HAZARDS
Level 15: E.g. football, baseball, boxingu2026SPORTS
Level 15: What are these called, collectively?CUTLERY
Level 16: A common aquatic pet that supposedly has a short memoryBILLGATES
Level 16: A folder for sent e-mailsDOGHOUSE
Level 16: A professional who can fix up a carHALLOWEEN
Level 16: Children always lose these, but they quickly grow backAMBULANCE
Level 16: Deadly disease spread by mosquitoes in hot areas of the worldSMORES
Level 16: Fireside treat made of graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallowsFINALEXAM
Level 16: Fireside treat made of graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallowsSMORES
Level 16: One of the richest men alive; philanthropist and co-founder of MicrosoftGOLDFISH
Level 16: Online message boards that users can post onWHACKAMOLE
Level 16: Police cyborg originally portrayed by Peter Wellers; the film receivedROBOCOP
Level 16: What brand of soft drink is this?DRPEPPER
Level 16: What Clint Eastwood movie is this?CARPET
Level 16: What kind of playground equipment is this?OUTBOX
Level 16: Immune response to substances like pollen, fur, or a particular foodALLERGY
Level 16: What type of mythical creature is this?CENTAUR
Level 16: Hearing organs which vibrate in response to sound wavesEARDRUMS
Level 17: A 1997 comedy starring Jim Carrey as a lawyer cursed to tell theEARMUFFS
Level 17: A bird commonly seen in cities; also called a doveSUBTITLE
Level 17: A legitimate act done for good reason is thisKITCHEN
Level 17: A medicinal cream applied to the skinHADES
Level 17: The Greek god of the underworldHADES
Level 17: An angle between 90 and 180 degreesDINOSAURS
Level 17: An apple a day keeps this professional awayDOCTOR
Level 17: Red-and-white-striped Christmas treatCANDYCANE
Level 17: Headgear to keep you warm during winterSNEAKPEEK
Level 17: How was this food cooked?JAGUAR
Level 17: Something that can be read the same backwards and forwards; e.g.PALINDROME
Level 17: Fish with uniquely pink-orange flesh, popular as foodSALMON
Level 17: Proctor and Gamble’s odor eliminator that comes in a blue bottleGOGGLES
Level 17: Red-and-white-striped Christmas treatDOORBELL
Level 17: To transfer files from the internet onto your deviceDOWNLOAD
Level 17: Screen text for the hearing impairedOINTMENT
Level 17: Slim, red explosive with a fuseRAISIN
Level 17: An apple a day keeps this professional awayDOCTOR
Level 17: Something that can be read the same backwards and forwards; e.g.CANVAS
Level 17: How was this food cooked?DEEPFRIED
Level 17: Sony’s portable music player that debuted in 1979DEEPFRIED
Level 17: A legitimate act done for good reason is thisJUSTIFIED
Level 17: The Greek god of the underworldYARDSALE
Level 17: What is this vegetable?ARTICHOKE
Level 17: An angle between 90 and 180 degreesOBTUSE
Level 17: To transfer files from the internet onto your deviceOBTUSE
Level 17: Proctor and Gamble’s odor eliminator that comes in a blue bottleFEBREZE
Level 17: What happens here, stays hereFEBREZE
Level 17: “______ Twist”, Charles Dickens’s second novelOLIVER
Level 17: Roses, carnation, orchid, daisy are types of theseFLOWERS
Level 17: Popular social media site allowing short messages of only a few hundredTWITTER
Level 17: What came first, the _______ or the egg?CHICKEN
Level 18: Citizen Kane’s dying wordFOSSIL
Level 18: You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide theseNUMBERS
Level 18: Expression; easy taskCATERER
Level 18: One __ _ ____; uniqueSPELLCHECK
Level 18: Phrase; a group of expertsYINYANG
Level 18: Mythical being that is half-woman, half-fishMERMAID
Level 18: You are the _______ link, goodbye, catch phrase of a 2001 gameBEARINMIND
Level 18: You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide theseROSEBUD
Level 18: You never had a friend like him; Aladdin’s blue companionGETTYSBURG
Level 18: The line that splits the world in half horizontallyEQUATOR
Level 18: “The ____ ____”, Disney movieLIONKING
Level 18: Part of a chair where you can lay your upper limbsARMREST
Level 18: Monopoly piece that can protect your fingerTHIMBLE
Level 18: A “couch _____” is a person who lazes around watching TVPOTATO
Level 19: _______ will get you nowhere; praising someone won’t win any favorsSHACKLES
Level 19: A battle between fighter pilotsHUSHPUPPY
Level 19: A person who takes orders in a restaurantQUIXOTE
Level 19: A popular myth is that eating carrots can improve thisTELEPORT
Level 19: Don _______, an idealist who did battle with windmillsQUIXOTE
Level 19: A prestigious sporting event that has a logo with 5 ringsRAINDANCE
Level 19: A weather ritual that seeks to bring about precipitationINSTALL
Level 19: Don _______, an idealist who did battle with windmillsDIPLOMAT
Level 19: E.g. football, baseball, boxingu2026WINEGLASS
Level 19: What type of cup of this?WINEGLASS
Level 19: Idiomatically, this is the best medicine, but I’d get a second opinion!SHIELD
Level 19: Salty luxury spread made from fish eggsLAUGHTER
Level 19: Something spoken about in hushed tonesSECRET
Level 19: The ____ ____; Disney movieCANVAS
Level 19: A battle between fighter pilotsDOGFIGHT
Level 19: The cure for a poisonDOGFIGHT
Level 19: This cartoon animal is smarter than the average member of his speciesWETSUIT
Level 19: To navigate by sound; dolphins and bats can do thisECHOLOCATE
Level 19: To navigate by sound; dolphins and bats can do thisECHOLOCATE
Level 19: Vine-swinging wildman raised by apesCAVIAR
Level 19: What is this person painting on?EYELID
Level 19: What type of cup of this?BIKINI
Level 19: Which planet is this?MARS
Level 19: ______ Picasso was a highly influential Spanish painter and co-pioneerPABLO
Level 19: A time of great cold and great mammothsICEAGE
Level 19: Furry floor coveringCARPET
Level 20: A 1997 comedy starring Jim Carrey as a lawyer cursed to tell theDOGHOUSE
Level 20: A bird commonly seen in cities; also called a doveLIBRARY
Level 20: A house that has more ghosts than usualHAUNTED
Level 20: A legitimate act done for good reason is thisTEAPOT
Level 20: A mark that gets left from a dirty eraserESCARGOT
Level 20: A medicinal cream applied to the skinELMO
Level 20: French snail dishESCARGOT
Level 20: An illusion that might be seen in the desertTAJMAHAL
Level 20: A place of education and sometimes rockGLASSES
Level 20: An investigator who solves crimesDETECTIVE
Level 20: An ultimate enemy of sleeping inORANGE
Level 20: Expression; maybe said when refusingNODICE
Level 20: Vampires hate this vegetableGARLIC
Level 20: Expression; maybe said when refusingANCHOR
Level 20: Expression; said when refusingn, maybeWRENCH
Level 20: Throwing one of these into a plan might mess things upWRENCH
Level 20: French snail dishCARPET
Level 20: Proctor and Gamble’s odor eliminator that comes in a blue bottleHAYMAKER
Level 20: What type of wild punch is this?HAYMAKER
Level 20: Self-service restaurantKRYPTON
Level 20: Short and stout, with a handle and a spoutSCHULZ
Level 20: Traditional Japanese sword used by samuraiKATANA
Level 20: Self-service restaurantBUFFET
Level 20: Sony’s portable music player that debuted in 1979PEARL
Level 20: Throwing one of these into a plan might mess things upSNEAKPEEK
Level 20: What 60s pop band does this represent?BEEGEES
Level 20: Sony’s portable music player that debuted in 1979WALKMAN
Level 20: To transfer files from the internet onto your deviceWALKMAN
Level 20: Traditional Japanese sword used by samuraiLASVEGAS
Level 20: What happens here, stays hereLASVEGAS
Level 20: What happens here, stays hereMRROGERS
Level 20: A bird commonly seen in cities; also called a dovePIGEON
Level 20: Church services usually occur on this day of the weekSUNDAY
Level 20: What Indian landmark is this?PIGEON
Level 20: A medicinal cream applied to the skinOINTMENT
Level 20: What type of wild punch is this?BRINE
Level 20: The number of states in the United StatesFIFTY
Level 20: Party game where players dance under a progressively lower barLIMBO
Level 20: The capital city of Spain, famous for the Puerta del SolMADRID
Level 21: 1,000 gigabytesOLYMPICS
Level 21: A person who takes orders in a restaurantOUTBOX
Level 21: A prestigious sporting event that has a logo with 5 ringsOLYMPICS
Level 21: A road for airplanes taking off and landingANTIDOTE
Level 21: Bait, flies, and other gear can be found in hereBACTERIA
Level 21: Dried strips of cow meatLIONKING
Level 21: E.g. a nervous breakdownWAITER
Level 21: E.g. football, baseball, boxingu2026MECHANIC
Level 21: According to legend, Egypt was once plagued by swarms of these insectsLOCUSTS
Level 21: Microscopic rods and spheres that can cause illnessSPORTS
Level 21: People might think you’re crazy if you lose theseMARBLES
Level 21: Something spoken about in hushed tonesBABYTEETH
Level 21: The ____ ____; Disney movieGOLDFISH
Level 21: The cure for a poisonTERABYTE
Level 21: They roll this out for celebritiesTARZAN
Level 21: Vine-swinging wildman raised by apesMALARIA
Level 21: To begin againRESTART
Level 21: What do you call someone that plays this?ORGANIST
Level 21: Ryan _______, Canadian actor who starred in “Blade Runner 2049” andGOSLING
Level 21: What is this common present?GIFTCARD
Level 21: The _______ Awards, more popularly known as the OscarsACADEMY
Level 21: Leaves used to roll cigarsTOBACCO
Level 22: A line used to connect wordsFORUMS
Level 22: A painful type of dive that causes a big splashSEESAW
Level 22: A type of romantic dinnerBILLGATES
Level 22: Expression; It’s not in my __________DRPEPPER
Level 22: Expression; It’s not in my __________WHEELHOUSE
Level 22: Extra wages for working under dangerous conditionsUPACREEK
Level 22: Handheld pest control deviceADDRESSBAR
Level 22: Where you don’t want to be without a paddleUPACREEK
Level 22: Means good luck backstageJUSTIFIED
Level 22: Michael Jackson’s zombie adventure, the best selling album of allHOOVERDAM
Level 22: Expression; move without going anywhereGOINCIRCLES
Level 22: Notoriously vicious and toothy fish found in the Amazon riverFLYSWATTER
Level 22: Protects a dining surface from errant food stainsSMORES
Level 22: The receptacle that Oscar the Grouch lives inTRASHCAN
Level 22: Notoriously vicious and toothy fish found in the Amazon riverPIRANHA
Level 22: The receptacle that Oscar the Grouch lives inLIARLIAR
Level 22: The titular character grows up to be a beautiful swanOBTUSE
Level 22: What is this structure located between Nevada and Arizona?HANDTOHAND
Level 22: What type of combat is this?HANDTOHAND
Level 22: Peter Pan’s handicapped enemyCAPTAINHOOK
Level 22: The titular character grows up to be a beautiful swanUGLYDUCKLING
Level 22: What type of combat is this?OINTMENT
Level 22: Where you don’t want to be without a paddleDIRTYHARRY
Level 22: A line used to connect wordsHYPHEN
Level 22: Where you might see www. on an internet browserHYPHEN
Level 22: The Cold War structure that divided the German capital into eastBERLINWALL
Level 22: The entrance Alice took to enter WonderlandRABBITHOLE
Level 22: Everyone wants a clean one of theseBILLOFHEALTH
Level 22: English actor who portrayed Obi-wan Kenobi in the original “StarALECGUINNESS
Level 23: A facial accessory for piratesCAKEWALK
Level 23: A juvenile form of animals such as a caterpillar or tadpoleFEBREZE
Level 23: A mark that gets left from a dirty eraserEARMUFFS
Level 23: A nickname for New York CityDOCTOR
Level 23: What type of bed is this?WATERBED
Level 23: An energy drink that gives you wingsDEEPFRIED
Level 23: Dairy, meat, fruits, vegetables, and grainsCANDYCANE
Level 23: Don’t leave these untied or you might tripDOUBTFIRE
Level 23: Dorothy meets the Wizard of Oz in the _______ CityDAVIDBOWIE
Level 23: Mrs. __________, 1993 comedy starring Robin Williams posing as aDOUBTFIRE
Level 23: Expression; it can spoil the bunchEMERALD
Level 23: Horror writer famous for writing DraculaBRAMSTOKER
Level 23: Sharp utensils used for cuttingKNIVES
Level 23: The side that opposed the Empire in Star WarsREBELS
Level 23: Mrs. __________, 1993 comedy starring Robin Williams posing as aBADAPPLE
Level 23: Personification of nature and our planetHOTROD
Level 23: What type of car is this?HOTROD
Level 23: Sandy timekeeping deviceWALKMAN
Level 23: School event with many baking soda volcanosOFAKIND
Level 23: School event with many baking soda volcanosSCIENCEFAIR
Level 23: Shamu was one of theseSUBTITLE
Level 23: What European country does this flag belong to?FRANCE
Level 23: A mark that gets left from a dirty eraserSMUDGE
Level 23: Tests of this show who you really areSMUDGE
Level 23: An energy drink that gives you wingsREDBULL
Level 23: The English singer of Space Oddity and actor in LabyrinthREDBULL
Level 23: A juvenile form of animals such as a caterpillar or tadpoleLARVA
Level 23: The side that opposed the Empire in Star WarsDOWNLOAD
Level 23: The head of a classroom; educatorTEACHER
Level 23: Three words you can use to find yourself on a shopping mall mapFOODGROUPS
Level 23: What type of bed is this?PALINDROME
Level 23: Horror writer famous for writing DraculaBRAMSTOKER
Level 23: What type of car is this?LASVEGAS
Level 23: Building where items of historical, cultural, or artistic value areMUSEUM
Level 23: The latest trends in dressingFASHION
Level 23: Something that is unlikely to happen is a “____ ____”LONGSHOT
Level 24: 1,000 gigabytesSMOOTHIE
Level 24: 2016 musical starring Ryan Gosling and Emma StoneBEEFJERKY
Level 24: A flying insect that sucks bloodBACTERIA
Level 24: A road for airplanes taking off and landingRUNWAY
Level 24: Bait, flies, and other gear can be found in hereNUMBERS
Level 24: Being confined to one’s home, comes with an ankle accessoryTACKLEBOX
Level 24: Blended fruit drinkBANKROLL
Level 24: Dried strips of cow meatTHINKTANK
Level 24: Expression; exactly what was neededRUNWAY
Level 24: Expression; Financially support an endeavorALCHEMISTS
Level 24: Today will be tomorrow’s _____YESTERDAY
Level 24: 1,000 gigabytesTERABYTE
Level 24: Jack climbed one of these and encountered a giantTERABYTE
Level 24: Microscopic rods and spheres that can cause illnessBACTERIA
Level 24: Party prop filled with helium or airHITSTHESPOT
Level 24: Sought the secrets of turning lead into goldREDCARPET
Level 24: The most important meal of the dayHOUSEARREST
Level 24: ________ eggs are made by vigorously mixing eggs on the pan, givingSCRAMBLED
Level 24: They roll them out for celebritiesWAITER
Level 24: What is this internet identifier? E.g. @outlook.comGENIE
Level 24: These large land birds supposedly bury their head in the sandOSTRICHES
Level 24: Metal footwear for four-legged, hooved animalsHORSESHOES
Level 24: A bowling shot that goes a bit too far left or rightGUTTERBALL
Level 24: LawbreakersCRIMINALS
Level 25: _______ will get you nowhere; praising someone won’t win any favorsRATATOUILLE
Level 25: A common condiment for french friesTRASHCAN
Level 25: A line used to connect wordsENAMEL
Level 25: A manufacturer’s guarantee to service a product under certain termsCAVIAR
Level 25: A surprisingly spacious women’s accessory carried on a strapRAINDANCE
Level 25: Covering for both teeth and potteryOLYMPICS
Level 25: Famous investigator ________ HolmesLAUGHTER
Level 25: How you might feel if you haven’t drank anything for a whileSPORTS
Level 25: At upscale locations, a person who parks your car for youVALET
Level 25: Means good luck backstageKETCHUP
Level 25: Notoriously vicious and toothy fish found in the Amazon riverTHIRSTY
Level 25: The 2007 Pixar movie of a rat who aspires to be a chefEYESIGHT
Level 25: The receptacle that Oscar the Grouch lives inSHERLOCK
Level 25: What common airport item is this?QUIXOTE
Level 25: What type of close-range combat is this?WARRANTY
Level 25: What is this type of grand meal?FEAST
Level 25: Man-made waterway; there’s one in Panama and in SuezCANAL
Level 25: What insects does this animal eat?ANTS
Level 25: A mocking expression showing scorn or disgustSNEER
Level 25: Online message boards that users can post onFORUMS
Level 25: To pay no attention toIGNORE

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