Words More Level 961 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 961 Answers

Words More Level 961 Answers

Words More Level 961 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 961 Answer

“➡Aim or Crest: Toothpaste

➡Battle captives: Pows

➡Bugs that technically are misnamed: Centipedes

➡Clickable webpage word: Link

➡Figure with a scythe: Grimreaper

➡Foundation supports: Donations

➡Illustrate, embody: Exemplify

➡In la-la land: Dreamy

➡Ingredient in an Italian sandwich: Salami

➡It circles the Earth: Tropic

➡Japanese self-defense method: Karate

➡Leisure activity: Recreation

➡Low-fat milk choice: Skim

➡Make a present of: Give

➡Make words understandable: Translate

➡Point to consider: Aspect

➡Slight but unexpected problem: Snag

➡Slogan associated with Vans apparel: Offthewall

➡Soft drink container, … can: Aluminium

➡Some deals from dealerships: Leases

➡Start, as a voyage: Embark

➡Symbol of precision: Button

➡Take out a loan: Borrow

➡Things People Complain Is Too Dry: Item in a purse, often: Lipstick

➡Things People Complain Is Too Dry: Local news segment: Weather

➡Things People Complain Is Too Dry: Organ that may itch: Skin

➡Things People Complain Is Too Dry: Strip in the kitchen: Steak

➡Things People Complain Is Too Dry: Subject of many a tasting: Wine

➡Things People Complain Is Too Dry: Sushi ingredient: Rice

➡Whole lot: Everything

➡Word on a stamp: Paid

➡World’s largest hot desert: Sahara

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

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Words More Level 960 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 960 Answers

Words More Level 960 Answers

Words More Level 960 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 960 Answer

“➡____ Kong (“Rush Hour 2” setting): Hong

➡____ the moon hits your eye …: When

➡An _____ Husband (Oscar Wilde play): Ideal

➡Bring down, as a flag: Lower

➡Can Be Forgotten On Beach: Band at a wedding: Ring

➡Can Be Forgotten On Beach: Digging tool: Shovel

➡Can Be Forgotten On Beach: Kindergartner: Kid

➡Can Be Forgotten On Beach: Relative of a quilt: Blanket

➡Can Be Forgotten On Beach: Summer clothing in the pool: Swimsuit

➡Common movement of eyes: Blink

➡Crown wearers: Kings

➡Don’t make a ____: Fuss

➡Feature of some skirts; fabric fold: Pleat

➡Give body to, as hair: Tease

➡Go _____, let me see what you got!: Ahead

➡Greek menu staple with eggplant: Moussaka

➡Hunches, spontaneous desires: Impulses

➡Look lifeless, as flowers: Droop

➡Make ends meet: Getby

➡Minimum-range tide: Neap

➡Old voting machine part: Lever

➡Prone to impudence: Sassy

➡Rate per hundred, like 68%: Percentage

➡Rights of position: Privileges

➡Some hippie neckwear: Beads

➡Split in two: Halve

➡Times New _____: Roman

➡Turn on a point: Pivot

➡Yankee Doodle _____: Dandy

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

We sincerely appreciate you relying on our website for all your Words More answers and solutions.

Words More Level 959 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 959 Answers

Words More Level 959 Answers

Words More Level 959 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 959 Answer

“➡Burned brightly, as with fire: Blazed

➡Cause for a dental filling: Cavity

➡Crop-raising technique: Rotation

➡Disposed to agree with others: Compliant

➡Either half of a colon: Dot

➡Expressing affirmation: Positive

➡Father’s Day month: June

➡Film dubbing technique: Looping

➡Get mentioned: Comeup

➡Just a …!: Minute

➡Life story: Biography

➡Like military planning: Tactical

➡Like romantic lighting: Dim

➡Make complaining remarks: Grumble

➡Makes annoy: Irritates

➡Not quite right: Irregular

➡One who’s not fully in control in a cockpit: Copilot

➡Paperwork accumulation: Pile

➡Pro’s opposite: Con

➡Recording medium: Videotape

➡Relating to or resembling a small blister or pouch: Vesicular

➡Remove water from: Dehydrate

➡Speech summary: Abstract

➡Stuffed mailers: Envelopes

➡Surname of anonymity: Doe

➡Take a stab at: Attempt

➡To air on TV: Broadcast

➡Welcome center offering, familiarly: Info

➡You Won’t Be Surprised Seeing Them Naked: … de milo: Venus

➡You Won’t Be Surprised Seeing Them Naked: Golden chariot rider: Apollo

➡You Won’t Be Surprised Seeing Them Naked: Love child?: Cupid

➡You Won’t Be Surprised Seeing Them Naked: Michelangelo subject: David

➡You Won’t Be Surprised Seeing Them Naked: Venus counterpart: Aphrodite

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

We sincerely appreciate you relying on our website for all your Words More answers and solutions.

Words More Level 958 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 958 Answers

Words More Level 958 Answers

Words More Level 958 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 958 Answer

“➡…days of Christmas: Twelve

➡______ De Niro: Robert

➡A ______ in time saves nine: Stitch

➡Awards or tributes: Accolades

➡Baby Name for a bat: Pup

➡Baby Name for a bee: Larva

➡Baby Name for a camel: Calf

➡Baby Name for a deer: Fawn

➡Baby Name for a grasshopper: Nymph

➡Baby Name for a monkey: Infant

➡Baby Name for a panda: Cub

➡Baby’s first word, maybe: Mama

➡Bartender no longer is serving you drinks: Cutoff

➡Famous, high-profile: Wellknown

➡For _______ (as an illustration): Example

➡General medical examination: Checkup

➡Goes in for: Enters

➡Group formed by workers: Union

➡happily ever _____: After

➡ID card information: Name

➡Logo for example: Symbol

➡One of the two most populous countries in the world: India

➡Origin of Honda: Japan

➡Relating to the law: Legal

➡Singular’s opposite: Plural

➡Unable to be bent: Stiff

➡What is ‘ called?: Apostrophe

➡Without roughness: Smooth

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

We sincerely appreciate you relying on our website for all your Words More answers and solutions.

Words More Level 957 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 957 Answers

Words More Level 957 Answers

Words More Level 957 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 957 Answer

“➡Clock app function: Alarm

➡Female deer: Hinds

➡Might Be Blown Off On A Windy Day: Beanie or beret: Cap

➡Might Be Blown Off On A Windy Day: Fall collection?: Leaves

➡Might Be Blown Off On A Windy Day: Rain source?: Cloud

➡Overhead compartment’s contents: Bags

➡Reaches a conclusion: Ends

➡Reaches, as great heights: Achieves

➡Risk manager’s concerns: Accidents

➡Signal that danger has passed: Allclear

➡Sits on to keep warm, say: Incubates

➡Smell of freshly baked bread, e.g.: Aroma

➡Sphere of influence: Orbit

➡Store event: Sale

➡Word before “fail” or “novel”: Epic

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

We sincerely appreciate you relying on our website for all your Words More answers and solutions.

Words More Level 956 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 956 Answers

Words More Level 956 Answers

Words More Level 956 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 956 Answer

“➡A famous American author and journalist, known for works such as “The Old Man and the Sea” and “For Whom the Bell Tolls”: Hemingway

➡A feeling of fondness or attachment: Affection

➡A large flat-bottomed boat used for transporting goods: Barge

➡A long piece of cloth or other material, worn around the neck or head: Scarf

➡A period of one thousand years: Millennia

➡A person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place: Scapegoat

➡A place of refuge or safety: Sanctuary

➡A question or request for information or clarification: What

➡Band worn around the wrist, used for decoration or to keep a watch or bracelet in place: Wristband

➡Circle-Shaped Clothes And Ornament: A decorative bracelet worn around the wrist: Bangle

➡Circle-Shaped Clothes And Ornament: A device used for locking a person’s wrists together: Handcuff

➡Circle-Shaped Clothes And Ornament: A fastener for clothing, especially a small disk or knob: Button

➡Circle-Shaped Clothes And Ornament: A head covering worn for protection from the sun or cold, or for fashion: Hat

➡Circle-Shaped Clothes And Ornament: A piece of jewelry worn on the finger: Ring

➡Circle-Shaped Clothes And Ornament: A protective or ornamental band or fold of cloth: Cuff

➡Circle-Shaped Clothes And Ornament: A timepiece worn on the wrist or carried in a pocket: Watch

➡Circle-Shaped Clothes And Ornament: The line or edge at the front of a garment: Neckline

➡Courageous: Brave

➡Firmly in place, not loose or slack: Tight

➡give a precise description: SPECIFY

➡Group of three things, people, or events: Triplet

➡In any other case or situation: Otherwise

➡Large natural underground space: Cave

➡Paid or settled beforehand, upfront: Upfront

➡Peculiar: Odd

➡Person who acts on behalf of another: Agent

➡Pipe or channel for carrying off liquid waste or excess water: Drain

➡Praise, recognition, or approval: Acclaim

➡Settling of accounts, a reckoning or calculation of debts or accounts: Reckoning

➡Strong, durable cotton cloth: Khaki

➡Supply of goods, especially food, that is kept for sale or use: Stock

➡The capital and largest city of Thailand: Bangkok

➡The rate at which data can be transmitted over a network: Bandwidth

➡Theory in physics that describes the behavior of matter and energy on a very small scale: Quantum

➡Thin, flexible shoot or twig from a tree or bush: Twig

➡To flip with a quick movement: Flick

➡To idealize or glorify something: Romanticize

➡To make corrections or changes to text or speech: Emend

➡To mix or agitate a liquid or other substance: Stir

➡To smother: Suffocate

➡Unit of mass in the metric system, equal to one-thousandth of a gram: Milligram

➡Vehicle or aircraft used for transporting people or goods: Shuttle

➡You can shake it: HIP

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

We sincerely appreciate you relying on our website for all your Words More answers and solutions.

Words More Level 955 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 955 Answers

Words More Level 955 Answers

Words More Level 955 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 955 Answer

“➡__’_ up to you: Its

➡Auto’s instrument panel: Dashboard

➡Blue gemstones: Sapphires

➡Bone-building element: Calcium

➡Cleanse spiritually: Baptize

➡Computer circuitry component: Siliconchip

➡Discussion to reach an agreement: Negotiation

➡Easy-peasy task: Cinch

➡English car with a winged logo: Bentley

➡Enhance, as an expense report: Pad

➡Far from flexible: Rigid

➡Hair-stiffening stuff: Gel

➡Hmm, that’s odd!: Huh

➡It might be in a jam: Butterknife

➡Land away from towns: Countryside

➡Managers, overseers: Supervisors

➡Middle Ages pseudoscience: Alchemy

➡Minority group: Adolescents

➡Museum events: Exhibitions

➡Part of the Colorado Plateau: Grandcanyon

➡Previous arrest, on a rap sheet: Prior

➡Takes a breath: Inhales

➡The German name for Germany: Deutschland

➡The making (of pain) less severe: Alleviation

➡Things That Are Usually Free In Our Life: “I can’t ____ myself”: Help

➡Things That Are Usually Free In Our Life: Aquatic expanse: Sea

➡Things That Are Usually Free In Our Life: Beach makeup: Sand

➡Things That Are Usually Free In Our Life: Clinic concern: Health

➡Things That Are Usually Free In Our Life: It doesn’t help much when it’s cold: Comfort

➡Things That Are Usually Free In Our Life: O, in a love letter: Hug

➡Things That Are Usually Free In Our Life: One on a Facebook News Feed: Friend

➡Things That Are Usually Free In Our Life: Source of vitamin D: Sunlight

➡Thumb one’s nose (at): Scoff

➡Vampire vaporizer: Sun

➡Windblown pile of snow: Drift

➡Word before now and then: Every

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

We sincerely appreciate you relying on our website for all your Words More answers and solutions.

Words More Level 954 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 954 Answers

Words More Level 954 Answers

Words More Level 954 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 954 Answer

“➡____ and turn (sleep restlessly): Toss

➡____ bitten, twice shy: Once

➡050 quiz answer: FALSE

➡Cook in the oven: Roast

➡Dangerous sea creature: Shark

➡Follow orders: Obey

➡General belief: Principle

➡Golfer’s goal: Hole

➡Harbor cities: Ports

➡Intelligence pro: Spy

➡Like horror films: Scary

➡Mom’s brother: Uncle

➡Newspapers, collectively: Press

➡Olympic symbol: Torch

➡Pays no attention to: Neglects

➡Principal college lecturer: Professor

➡Remove from memory: Erase

➡Romantic offer: Proposal

➡Take to the skies: Fly

➡This arena event happens at a noisy place: Concert

➡This flight site is a noisy place: Airport

➡This line on a map is a noisy place: Street

➡This night life setting is a noisy place: Club

➡This setting for Cheers is a noisy place: Bar

➡This teacher’s venue is a noisy place: Class

➡Way to go: Fantastic

➡Words from the wise: Proverb

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

We sincerely appreciate you relying on our website for all your Words More answers and solutions.

Words More Level 953 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 953 Answers

Words More Level 953 Answers

Words More Level 953 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 953 Answer

“➡Back-to-zero button: Reset

➡Barbecue site: Pit

➡Diploma paper: Parchment

➡Drop from the roster: Cut

➡Extinguishes, with “out”: Puts

➡Far from oblivious: Aware

➡Foggy condition: Daze

➡Fully comprehend: Grasp

➡Have a craving (for): Yearn

➡It’s A Big Trouble If You Lose It: Chance pile, in Monopoly: Cards

➡It’s A Big Trouble If You Lose It: It may be cradled: Phone

➡It’s A Big Trouble If You Lose It: Item on a ring: Key

➡It’s A Big Trouble If You Lose It: Kids: Children

➡It’s A Big Trouble If You Lose It: Phone need: Charger

➡It’s A Big Trouble If You Lose It: Space to proceed: Way

➡It’s A Big Trouble If You Lose It: Travel document: Passport

➡Letter before beta: Alpha

➡Like 2019, but not 2020: Odd

➡Like a sound that can barely be heard: Faint

➡Middle number of three measurements: Waist

➡Not a creature was stirring time: Eve

➡Not at all wasted: Sober

➡Object of many an appraisal: Antique

➡One may have an AMFM toggle: Radio

➡Our Town and “Othello”: Plays

➡Person in a will: Heir

➡Possessed by that bloke: His

➡Promulgate, as discord: Sow

➡Pulls up stakes: Relocates

➡Reluctant to give details: Coy

➡Room at the top of a Clue board: Hall

➡Sci-fi escape unit: Pod

➡See me after class, for one: Note

➡Summon forth; bring to mind: Evoke

➡They have teeth but don’t bite: Rakes

➡What may come to mind: Idea

➡Word before “mall” or “steak”: Strip

➡Workplace social event: Officeparty

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

We sincerely appreciate you relying on our website for all your Words More answers and solutions.

Words More Level 952 Answers [All Words in Single Page]

Words More Level 952 Answers

Words More Level 952 Answers

Words More Level 952 Answers, Solution and Hints, a family word game created by Joy Vendor and available on the Google PlayStore. Embark on the Words More crossword journey, where trivia and exploration collide! Join Ann’s global adventure, solve picture-based puzzles, and engage in daily challenges. Unearth historical events with Flash Quiz and enrich your knowledge through the Words More blog. Immerse in art and music, all in this free-to-play game. Download now!

Note: Visit PuzzleGameMaster.com To support our hard work when you get stuck at any level. Visit the below link for other levels.

Words More Level 952 Answer

➡___ coat (sailor’s jacket): Pea

➡Barbecue spice mixture: Rub

➡Bubble bath spot: Tub

➡Coin with Lincoln: Penny

➡Dance move: Step

➡Dramatically impressive: Spectacular

➡Edition of a magazine: Issue

➡Emerge from an egg: Hatch

➡Having no exact limits: Indefinite

➡Like a good steak: Tender

➡Make arrangements: Plan

➡Many Nobel Prize winners: Scientists

➡Measure of time or bridge: Span

➡Obstacle to attention: Distraction

➡Puddle contents; Pigs wallow in it: Mud

➡Shared by us: Our

➡Soft metal as soda container: Tin

➡Suffering insomnia: Awake

➡Supermarket bread buy: Loaf

➡Swiss watch city; UN headquarters: Geneva

➡Who Works In The Sky: Airline employee: Attendant

➡Who Works In The Sky: Heavenly messenger: Angel

➡Who Works In The Sky: Rudolph’s boss: Santa

➡Who Works In The Sky: Space traveler: Astronaut

If you are looking for answers to any other level on this page, you can visit the page below to find the correct answers from the table. All the links to answers are available on this page:

Thank you for choosing our platform for your Words More gaming journey. If you require more answers or wish to share feedback, please don’t hesitate to comment, especially if you come across any discrepancies. Our devoted team is dedicated to delivering timely updates to ensure precise and valuable solutions for your Words More experience.

We sincerely appreciate you relying on our website for all your Words More answers and solutions.