Troll Face Quest: Failman and Stupidella Hints *ALL LEVELS In one Page*

Troll Face Quest: Stupidella and Failman Levels (1-40) Solution

Troll Face Quest: Stupidella and Failman All levels  Hints in one single page, Scroll below to find out all the levels.

Troll Face Quest: Stupidella and Failman is here! Are you ready to troll and be trolled like never before? Don’t be a random stranger. Join a group of meme lovers in this new adventure.

Stupidella is a very charming but not so bright princess from an enchanted kingdom. As you can tell, she was never the smartest kid on the block so she needs a brainy human being who can focus and help her solve tricky riddles while avoiding our crazy pranks. Then there’s Failman, a superhero with good intentions who often mess things up for the people (and occasional cats) he tries to rescue. Are you an amazing human being? If so, prove it by helping them stay out of trouble while they explore the Troll Face Quest universe.

Troll face quest failman & Stupidella Hints:

  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 1: Click on deafult bank, Again click on the broken wall then click on Failman and then click on Man.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 2: You have to open the safe by a secret code. You can see a paper in bottom screen, click on that, you can see none of the three code working, try changing numbers you will see 8, 9 & 7 will appear in a different color so this is the code, now click on the wheel to open the safe.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 3: Can you make the girl happy? Click on the girl then click on her thought bubble (balloon) Failman will now help you to make that little girl happy just gove that helium-filled balloon to the cute girl.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 4: Stop Stupidella from blasting gas station, First, click on Cigar 3 times so that cigar completely ends, now click on dustbin kept in right of the screen an gas pump, Now click on the car.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 5: Click on water once, then after car leaves click on the girl standing. then click on failman to see him saving the girl.



  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 7: Click multiple times on the Game Remote controller.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 8: Click on the window to change the scene from night to day.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 9: Click on fire, Now failman will help you. Click on the pipe in the left side of the screen to use it. BOOM!


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 10: watch carefully there are signboards , use U U-Turn signboard to see the changes.
  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 11: Click on left skeleton then right skeleton then click on the middle skeleton. Happy Halloween.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 12: Try clicking on the music elements, when you click on leftmost person level will be solved.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 13: You can see Failman in the background, click on it then click on signboard then click on failman and use tube and turn on the valve to help that thirsty person.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 14: ‘Click Differences’-> you have to click on the differences written on the screen.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 15: Click on the man then click on failman and then click on wires and click on the cell phone that is fully charged.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 16: You have to give 3105 to shopowner can you? You can troll shopkeeper by ‘3’ ’10’ and ‘5’ that will make 3105 and level will be solved.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 17: click on left side wall 2-3 times and see the magic.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 18: Keep Tapping on white space multiple times, stupidella will help you.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 19: Click on failman then click on the box and then use saw to cut the tree and failman will save all of us.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 20: click on motor switch on the back side of the boat, then click on the switch in front of the boat near the driving wheel.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 21: Groom is unable to open the champagne so you have to call Failman, Click on F written on the shirt near hand. then click on failman and then click on bottlecap to enjoy marriage.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 22: Long tap on the girl, and then fire!


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 23: Can you make the little girl happy? click on the girl then click on the pipe kept near stones and then click on failman and now pick the doll from water and give it to that sweet girl.



  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 25: click multiple times on the coming cars to save the duck from dying, you have to click on each vehicle: watch video to get exact steps.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 26: Click on tv screen then click on ella’s foot to pass the level/ghost.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 27: click on keyboard to call failman he will help you.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 28: make all characters ugly by clicking multiple times on them.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 29: Click on couples 4-5 times then clik on failman 2-3 times.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 30: Click on Ella multiple times very fast. then punch the opponent.


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 31: Open the door by clicking on it, then click On ‘F’ of Fashion then click on failman


  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 32: You have to find 10 Face as shown in the figure, 9 faces are shown in the image below for 10th face click on the main character singing:

  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 33: click on the tire of the bus and then click on the bus.
  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 34: click on person outside swimming pool and then click swim multiple time very fast to swim faster then change direction by clicking on the girl and then again click swim very fast to win the race.
  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 35: click on left person then click on the right person.
  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 36: click on doorknob (button once) and then don’t forgot to parachute behind the girl and then click the jump.
  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 37: click on car 2-3 times and see the magic.
  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 38: click on the grass on the left side of Ella and then go inside it.
  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 39: can you see pointy thing behind the trees, click on it and then click on failman.
  • Troll Face Quest Failman and Stupidella Level 40: click on another rocket in right of main rocket and now game finishes, rate this game to 5 stars thanks.

Still doubts, watch all levels in one single video:

if you have any doubts and if you want more hints in any of the levels then comment and if any of the level is not clear to understand or if you want to thank me then use comment box below I will correct as soon as possible.

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