Shapes Level 111 112 113 114 115 Android/iOS Solutions
Shapes Level (111 112 113 114 115), Game is developed by Infinity Games. Detailed walk-through solution and answers to these levels, Game is available for android and iOS devices.
▲ Shapes is a relaxing puzzle game developed by ∞ Infinity Games, Which is available on Google Playstore for android devices and on Apple app Store for iOS devices. It is a very easy to play game with no stress on mind with peaceful and comforting soundtrack, brilliant graphics. It’s really clean and polished, game play and graphics. The controls are simple—tap. It provides challenge. Level difficulty increases gradually. You just have to make shapes by tapping on various parts of the shape. Once all the pieces are connected, a sense of clarity will arise and you will build shapes that appeal to your eyes and mind.
This game is completely free with no in app purchases, so I decided to help you with solutions to all puzzles. But you can always support the developer by buying ad free in game purchases.
- Shapes Level 111:
- Shapes level 112:
- Shapes Level 113:
- Shapes Level 114:
- Shapes Level 115:
If you have any problem regarding levels I have solved, You can comment on this post I will try to help you as soon as possible. Thanks.